The Secrets of the Ashlands [Kenshi Lore]

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foreign into my lungs my mask damaged during the last Skirmish with the legion it's it's failing me damn it why did we ever Venture into this cursed place they painted visions of great treasure enough wealth to fill our pockets a thousand times over but now all those dreams have vanished like smoke in the Wind the monstrosities that haunted this god-forsaken land took my companions one by one Joy my dear friend he was the last to fall crushed under the weight of the roaming Giant I do not know how much longer I can hold out my sense of time has been lost hunger nose at my stomach I am lost and disorientated the toxic gas toys with my senses leaving me in the state of confusion there is no solace in staying put as the lingering death lurks in every corner of this forsaken Realm I have to master what strength I have left and press onward holding on to the tiniest silver of hope that flickers in the Darkness only that glimmer keeps me going urging me to continue this desperate fight for survival the ashlands a treacherous and desolate place not suited for a living despite the dangerous numerous individuals there to explore its depths driven by the Allure of recovering lost treasures from a forgotten era the remnants of a fallen empire were witness to the toll of time leaving one's glorious structures now in Ruins amidst this decaying World a once great leader remained Seated on a throne that is gradually succumbing to the Relentless March of time as metal gives way to rust greetings my fellow country players and welcome to the secrets of the ashlands in today's video we are going to delve deep into the Zone itself and we shall uncover the secrets concealed within its desolate landscape explodes ties to a forgotten leader and we shall extract the valuable Knowledge from our discoveries as we travel together I will share both established lore and my theories the ashlands throwed much of what we know in kanji leaving us to Wonder What Lies Beneath the surface together we shall embark on this journey and try to recover its secrets to understand the ashlands delving into the history of the first Empire becomes essential presumably this Empire was composed of humans as the world of kanji is a moon and it's reasonable to assume that the ancient ones were human who settled on this lunar surface equipped with advanced technology they forged their society here as we Traverse the ashlands remnants of the first Empire surround us fragrance of rusted metal once Monumental structures now reduce to Mere ruins the immense scale of these remains shows how gigantic this Empire must have been amidst the barren landscape one can help but look up to the sky and catch a sight of a colossal object resembling a space station or maybe a spaceship the condition of the structure and the ash that covers the land lead me to theorize that the ash might have originated from this object it seems plausible given its position and size that a colossal spaceship met its fiery end bestowing the ashlands with its Ashen presence I do believe that this could have happened of course there is a simpler Theory to consider that the destroyed buildings in the ashlands simply burned down emitting the ash upon the land however this explanation falls short when we observe the destroyed buildings throughout kanji without encountering this phenomenon elsewhere what is your theory of the ash it would be interesting to know your take on it and also if you made it to this part in the video dropping a like on it and subscribing to the channel to help me out a lot [Music] do you remember when we discussed the origins of the forest Empire tracing it back to the era of the humans as the Legends tell these beings known as the ancient ones were responsible for creating the skeletons but that is not all of it they also engineered colossal Behemoth gigantic robots designed solely for war fire once the behemoths had served their purpose the Empire disposed of them in a horrifying manner this act of Cruelty stoked the deep-seated rage within the skeletons leading them to wage a devastating war against the humans nearly pushing them to the brink of Extinction [Music] yet admits this chaos and destruction a twist of fate occurred the soul surviving Behemoth stop emerged as an unexpected savior rescuing the humans from the brink of destruction after the devastating War the aftermath was Haunting for the skeletons many among them burdened by Guild and sorrow resorted to tragic self-annihilation unable to Bear a weight of their actions others were consumed by an overwhelming sense of Shame for the role and this conflict amidst this sea of remorse one remarkable skeleton stood apart a skeleton named catlon driven by an unyielding determination he resolved to pick up the shattered remnants of the once Mighty First Empire and forged a new future birthing what would become known as the Second Empire foreign goal was to create a reformed Society one were peace understanding and cooperation could Thrive among all beings sooner or later he either became mad or just frustrated with them and a lot of his Brethren disagreed with his leadership resulting in cat London frawling them what really happened here and why the Second Empire lies in crumbles we can only guess another great war must have taken place or maybe human sabotages Second Empire and with this they destroyed everything from within when you enter his Tower he has the following dialogue as my judgments come so soon with the humans crazy now we are nothing what was the point of it all and you tried looking after humans they are monsters as they grow in number so does their capacity for Eva and they won't even notice since they do it I was not the monster Cat long claims not to be the monster and if it's true and we take his action into consideration then he just wanted to do good things but the humans destroyed his plans but then again there is some peace of lower we will discover later it claims otherwise [Music] before I talk about the Zone itself let me read you a note that was written by IO the ashlands are officially unsurvivable all previous Expeditions there have resulted in the total loss of the teams it's recommended that the excursions keep to the surrounding areas which should have some good finds [Music] delving into the Ashland reveals a real filled with treasures from the past making it the richest yet most dangerous zone of all the land is entirely shrouded in Ash with pockets of poisonous clouds emitting from the land to safeguard yourself against the danger a fogmus becomes essential if you're made out of flesh and blood amidst this cursed land roams a colossal giant known as the cleanser unit resembling what seems to be a leviathan this enigmatic creature seemingly plays a pivotal role in preventing the entire ashlands from succumbing to the toxic gas it's cleaning the Fallout from the Calamity preserving parts of this land yet this is also just my theory despite its important purpose the cleanser unit has turned hostile and attacks trespasses on site the reason behind its aggression remains elusive perhaps it deems Us in need of cleansing or has fallen into madness over time interestingly the cleanser unit also is a sole reliable source for harvesting valuable IE cores adding a small glimmer of hope amidst this dangerous Realm alongside the cleanser units a daunting horde of iron spiders traverses through the ashlands while some might assume that the skeleton Legion possesses the greatest threat I beg to differ the iron spiders can destroy your squat in mere seconds their synchronized attacks overlap inflicting massive damage upon your team in my book it's best to avoid any encounter with these creatures altogether although the legion is responsible for forging these deadly spiders they themselves inhabit the Ashland in significant numbers their equipment ranges from standard to high grade and their weapons follow the same shamatic be on the Lord for the Allegiant Scouts as they are armed with crossbows [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] s there are notably four intact domes six if you take catlon's Exile into consideration every Dome has one leader on the inside all of them are loyalists to catlon and worked closely together with him what is also interesting to note is they are all using metoo weapons in the first stone the Eliza skeleton named head of agriculture notable these unique characters have some lore attached to their CPU which can be accessed if you take them out his CPU says the following he could never have foreseen the events that happened but he still blamed himself for the for mine and the subsequent downfall of the empire this tells us that if a mine has potentially brought the fall of the Second Empire maybe this was the beginning of the Rebellion with hungry people came the Revolution and the skeletons were blamed for it in Dome number two there is a skeleton with the name of renobot and as his name suggests he was just a bot his CPU says the following renobot just wanted to help but he had no moral processing and so he would help with anything even the most diabolic evil he didn't see anything wrong with his child prisons this clearly states that the Second Empire were impersonating children probably fueling a dispute between the humans and skeletons and what is also interesting that there's a book called the little boy that got dismembered by skeletons it is holy nation propaganda but if you think back to the past this could be the reason why it exists in the first place skeletons kidnapping and imprisoning children is horrifying after all the next Stone on our list is led by the legendary General Young leader of the once Mighty hydraulic Knights which could be classified as the second Empire's main forces once you take him out his CPU reads the following CPU of General young leader of the famous hydraulic Knights they fought on the front lines to protect the Empire from Pirates and cannibals the heroism legendary as time went on the label of pirates became thrown around more and more preciously and they found they were killing more of their own people than the real pirates were [Music] this leads us to theorize that similar to the Empire with their slave tag noble people were labeled as pirates and taken out the already tough situation with a for mine and child prisons and cannibals to the north now also turned into a Slaughter towards their own people seems like the downfall was soon to come let us now look in Dome number four with its leader being General hat 12. the leader of the Second Empire police force one stumped his CPU tells you about his deeds CPU of General hats 12 who was chief of the Empire police he launched a Crackdown on the new cultist but its heavy-handed approach unfueled the blame and confusion further things escalated faster [Music] this cultists that are spoken of here are probably the holy nation and in an act of Despair they had a heavy Crackdown on those people which escalated things even faster to finish this up we shall now look into the last two domes the so-called catalon's Exile here the one's great leader resides in one Dome while on the other his headless roll just wait for you to attack him so they will Aid him in battle to make this fight easier one should consider taking out the thralls first before they Venture into catalon stone [Music] [Music] if we now put all these lower pieces together to me there is now a clearer picture of what happened a famine struck the Second Empire that displeased people and made them unhappy the skeletons unable to handle the situation escalated the dispute further and further until they totally lost control over their empire spiraling into the aftermath that we can now see the so-called ashlands what really happens we can only guess but this is why I love kanji so I would say that we closed this chapter and come to an end I want to say special thanks to paga nacho who lent me his voice to the tech hunter in the beginning he does high quality kenshi videos so Bliss head over to his channel and and show him some love with that being said I want to thank you guys for taking time out of your day to watch my video if you like what you saw maybe considering becoming a subscriber also a special thanks to my channel members now my fellow Kenji players farewell and goodbye and prepare yourself before you venture into the ashlands foreign
Channel: Patostrophia
Views: 8,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi
Id: tkcZMMasvpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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