Kenshi: Ally with (almost) anyone

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huh intro yeah this is the intro welcome back guys or welcome if it's your first time viewing today i'm showing you guys how to ally with almost every faction in the game basically all all the faction needs is a human component if it has a human attached to the faction which most factions have most most the hell my goodness most factions have um you'll be able to do this it's not difficult at all all you need is some money and a decent stated character we've got uh sham here i trained uh i trained this one up using my methods this was all legitimate legitimately done in game i did not get the money legitimately but you could get this kind of money this early if you tried hard enough i just didn't want to keep keep trying to farm money i got to about 30 000 using big things eggs and i was like okay i'm gonna have to venture all over the world i can't be bothered i'm just gonna give myself some money so that's what i did um now what you're going to need like i say is a human component to the faction uh i've i've found some fancy grass pirates here and i'm probably gonna lose this fight probably but we're gonna see if we can knock somebody out here and then i can show you guys how to do this so again just make sure that the faction you're wanting to ally with here has a human component this can be done with pretty much any faction i'm pretty sure i seen somebody on reddit do this to fogmen so even if the faction isn't listed whoops isn't listed in the faction window here you should be able to do it regardless uh for example here's the grass pirates listed here i'm at negative 100 of them you are by default negative 100 we might actually win this negative 100 with the grass pirates now i'm gonna knock somebody out here i'm probably gonna knock all of them out actually this is going really well um and then i'm gonna show you what you need you also need to make sure that you are not at war with the uc where are they united cities or the traders guild these two basically uh i think you can do this with the holy nation so if you are at war you're not necessarily completely done for with this trick but i'm not sure i'm not entirely sure if you can do this with the holy nation uh so i'll need to check that and then maybe i'll leave it in the comments or something like that we're doing incredibly well here my goodness okay now we're not doing so well anymore the one check is uh completely wrecking us oh reinforcements have come in from a completely different faction i guess we'll beat these guys up too i could just leave i might just leave i'm just gonna leave all right so we've got our willing victim here we're going to use the one that's knocked out the most and i'll explain why in just a second 31 28 negative 36 okay so we're gonna use this one over here i'm sure they'll chase us down uh and then we're gonna head on over to eye socket here now uh the ones of you that do know how this works probably already know what i'm going to do and we're using the artric again here i have a video on this already that's just to escape these guys so they don't knock me out i'm i can't be bothered to uh to extend this video any longer than it already is going to be i want to make quick uh informational videos when i do uh guides and tutorials and tips and tricks i don't want to keep you guys waiting forever so i'm just going to run away i'm going to let the guards deal with these guys i'm gonna patch myself up real quickly oh my that dude just gotta hit 414. that poor dude is done for man i'm pretty sure they took his arm out i don't know where he got hit for 114 it was this guy wasn't it no maybe it was that guy oh no it was this dude oh yeah he just got shot in the arm i guess i think so hard 14 yeah that would have been the arm that he got shot in and then i think he got shot in the chest my goodness that dude is very dead we're going to patch ourselves up and then what you want to do is you want to head on over you can just uh take this dude's stuff that way he isn't so resistant to us beating the pulp out of him later uh that doesn't really do anything for him but we'll take it off anyways okay you can keep those those don't protect him uh so we're gonna take our dude over here to one of the totally voluntary labor shops um and we're gonna speak to the person running the totally voluntary labor shop and we're gonna give this guy away uh you can make a little bit of money from this as well 400 counts it's totally worth it it's not worth it but we're going to give him away he's going to take him upstairs slowly does it now and got to be careful can't drop your totally voluntary labor force uh and then he's gonna shackle him up give him all his rags all his stuff you know now he's got new new things new clothes fancy new digs and then we're gonna speak to this guy and what we want to do is buy some totally voluntary labor uh labor people here and this is the one we just gave him right so usually like i say uh the grass pirates will be at war with you here and so if we purchase him here and he's expensive the the higher the skills are of the person the more expensive that person is going to be so be aware of that if if you're trying to do this with cat lawn well yeah you're paying you're paying the price for it you're gonna have to have a little bit of cash on you just a little bit so we're gonna buy him here and now that we've bought him he's technically well he's technically ours so i'm gonna pick him up wonderful you're ours thank you friend and then because you bought him you gain a small relations boost this happens with anyone you buy out of the totally voluntary labor shops everyone now because he's still knocked unconscious and in a recovery coma we don't have to sell him again we can just drop him here this dude will be like oh three things he'll lock him up and we can buy him again and the same thing will happen every time so that's a plus four boost locked up again purchase again another plus 4 boost locked up again purchase again plus 4 boost locked up again purchase again plus 4 boost you understand uh once you've done this and you're in a high enough uh state where you're happy with the faction you can legit completely ally them there's no limit to it they will actually be your allies not all factions are good allies you know like you ally the sheck and they send reinforcements to your outpost when you're attacked well you know the grass pirates aren't gonna send reinforcements to your outpost at least i've never seen them do it um i ha i allied myself with the southern hive and they never once sent reinforcements but at least you have them as allies so you can float around in their map for uh i'm going to enter spoiler territory here so this is the end of the video basically for those of you who don't want to get spoiler just click off the video here that's all you need to know that's the entire tip trick with this one it's pretty cheesy um but it it works as is intended by the creator of kenji so it's not like an exploit or anything don't worry it's totally fine to do uh plus it's a single player game anyways who cares um but for those of you who don't care about spoilers here's the next part if for example you wanted to set up over here in the gut we're going to just paddle on over while i'm talking about it if for example you want it to set up here over in gun where all the beak things live well there is a singular person attached attached to the gutters faction not speak things for those of you that aren't too well aware there's a single man you can capture him you can do this trick with him and you can ally the gutters aka beak things if you do that and set up a base in the middle of here good luck to any kind of army that's gonna try and capture you and i'm gonna show you exactly where he is just for those of you that don't know where he is so once again if you don't want more spoilers please just click off the video i don't want to spoil the game for you the game is about discovery it's about building your story i want you to find these things for yourself it's a fantastic game has made it's made better by not knowing anything about it but we're gonna go visit him when you zoom in something's gonna pop up called strange camp you can just wander on over okay my character doesn't want her on over now there it is and there's a single person who just wants to be left alone attached this is him his name is no face you can see there his tag is gutters that's his fud faction tag is gutters and guess who else's faction tag is gutters these guys right here so if you want to ally the big things there you go this is your man you just capture him now be warned this dude has a crossbow an army of beak things and pretty decent stats his equipment isn't the best but he's got pretty decent stats you can see here he's not an easy takedown so if you're gonna try and capture him be prepared to either bring a skeleton that you know can't really die to beat things or be prepared to bring a small army to capture him that's the video for you guys thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed there's a lot of factions you can ally you can allies spiders etc etc i hope you enjoy this trick i hope it becomes useful to you and maybe you guys can do some cool play throughs uh let me know if you guys do any of them like uh allied to the spider spider world takeover or ally to the cannibals cannibal world takeover you know that that'd be really cool alright guys until next time stay wonderful see ya
Channel: Shamanomaly
Views: 15,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FnvzCbgXb5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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