The Covenant of Marriage - Pst. T Mwangi

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[Music] seats we can have our seats thank you for everyone that has uh showed up and tuned in this world has been heavy in my spirit and i purpose that i'm going to share it um with us we can occupy we don't have a vip or a case preacher so we can occupy all the seats amen i don't want to assume that all of us are married so i'm going to handle this too big very generally i want to talk about the covenant blessings of marriage their covenant there must be a party that you are agreeing with concerning a matter there are two types of covenants there are two types of covenants we have conditional covenants and number two we have non-conditional covenants a conditional covenant is a covenant that comes with demands it's a covenant that comes with demands yes [Music] amen so uh covenants are in two levels there is a binding covenant on that that is um not binding there is a conditional covenant conditional means there their demands there are things one party ought to do and the other party ought to do also and if one party fails to do their part then the demands or there is what we call a breach of the covenant that is a legal term you can say there was a breach of a covenant when you moved to some of the houses you always given a contract that's a covenant and you are told you need to pay your rent by fifth of every month so if you pay the rent on 10th there are consequences and it is considered as a breach because you never honored that mandate and the the landlord also is also mandated just to provide water provide electricity and if that does not happen again the way you talk to him is not in a friendly way because there is a party ought to watch and there is a part you ought to watch then unconditional simply means we are in agreement but there are no conditions there are no demands there are no demands we are in agreement but there are no demands and when we look at god there are covenants in the bible that are conditional deuteronomy 28 carries a condition that if you obey my word i will bless you but we also see one character by the name of abraham who entered into a covenant that was not conditional meaning that god calls abraham into an agreement but abraham is just supposed to be a part of the agreement okay the agreement that god entered with abraham when you look at the scripture when the lord invited abraham for the agreement the culture of the day was that you slaughter an animal and party air passes on this side and patipi passes on this side in fact in kenya they say the reason why we call the kalanjins have i've ever had they're called lumbua it's not a very good name the history of that name was that when the kalings were making peace with the colonialist they slaughtered a dog and the colonialist were supposed to pass this side and the calendars decide so they were asked what did you do they said really change a lumbar so that's where the name came from so when you call them lumbar you're abusing them are we together so that was the couch of the day so the lord made sure that abraham is asleep so that there is nothing abraham did but the lord called abraham into a covenant and we took it up to there are we together so our dealing with god is non-conditional god only needs us to show up for the covenant now covenants are grounds for blessings covenants are grounds for blessings there are many types of prayers that you can pray but when you make prayers on the ground of covenant god cannot invoke that prayer he has to answer because you are putting his character and integrity at question god is not a covenant saying god he is a covenant keeping god so you need to understand the covenant and one of the covenants is the covenant of marriage are we together up to there i was building a foundation so that we come to the covenant of marriage let's look at malachi chapter number two from 13 to 17. malachi 2 13-17 the reason why marriages are under attack one of the reasons is because you can never enjoy the blessing of marriage unless the covenant of marriage is stable and you look at the blessings that are being fought now this is malacca the name malachi simply means malac that's an angel we don't know the order of this scripture so we know it is a malacca it's an angel the writing style of malachi is questions and he poses a question and this have he done again covering the altar of the lord with tears with weeping and with crying out in so much that he regardeth not their offering anymore or received it this is a serious statement coming from god it is a serious statement because he does not regard your tears on the altar meaning that your prayers are in vain hallelujah and this is a serious matter because number one the people remember malachi addresses priests and this for me is a scripture that every man has to be aware of as a priest in the house if your prayers cannot be presented to god you have already opened a door of attack today we are dealing with spiritual matters so it's going to be serious like you you are the priest of the house you can delegate many things but you can never delegate priestly roles are you getting me allow me to go further there is what we call responsibilities and there is what we call roles responsibilities are created by culture it is culture that creates responsibilities but when you read your bible there is nowhere the bible says men ought to be rent it is nowhere show me it is nowhere but culture is what creates responsibility and things that people need to do and things that they should not do and so we are raising men that are responsible good but they have failed in their roles hello we cannot substitute rules but we can substitute responsibilities when we got married my wife used to pay my rent and i was still a man in that house i didn't become a woman and there are days i used to cook and i was not a woman and i tell you my cooking is good that's why i cook really so that they enjoy the good food once in a while and miss my cooking are we together and have not permitted the responsibilities of society to get into my head what needs to be in my head is rules one of the roles of a man you are a priest you can never delegate priestly roles in you to your wife allow me to say this it is error if your wife is more spiritual than you no we are aligning matters it is error i'm not saying you can uh let me tell you what priests do you may not have all the mysteries but initiate the process yeah initiate process yakusama bible initiate your wife can pray longer than you it is their nature but you can initiate prayer are we together so we are not competing on who prays long but we are saying there is a man in the house who carries priestly legislation priestly legislation one day my mom prays for me every day i tell you i think for 20 30 minutes daily one day my dad prayed for me for less than one minute and i think that was the most powerful prayer i've ever had in that house and he called me by my name he said baba nabariki tony now everyone cried huh my mom will begin with abraham gaiu iframe and in the midst of that prayer she will preach the exodus story wherever maruti kumar gopinaya motunyani and then now that is introduction and she has to mention faro and the jail hallelujah and she has not prayed she's beginning now and i tell you i i bless the lord for her prayers but i tell you the truth that day the kind of authority that was in that house because of a man that has taken his place it was so powerful so it's not about how long it's about how effective how effective so if you're a man here become an initiator before people sleep say can we pray and then you can volunteer someone i'm not saying mom prisoners and izako let them do their prayers you know one man said every woman would say economically but i'm just saying as men we ought to be priests are we together because the person going with tears on the altar is a man and god is a god of order and a god of honor and god honors a man that exercises his priesthood roles can't even go further when the bible says wives submit under your husband it is not a language of ability it is a language of rank you can be in an office with a masters but your ceo is a diploma holder but because you are in the finance when you sit you submit that is not a language of being defeated is a language of saying in this house there is order there is one that has a rank so we are not submitting and he says in the lord meaning that if the rank suggests something that is not in accordance to scripture you have no business submitted can i give an example one day we were driving and i gave pastor william the car as he was reversing he hit a wall and the back screen fell now none of us had driving license my wife was working at jubilee insurance she had the ability to go and process claim okay and say as i was driving the accident happened and she knew everyone and the car had comprehensive insurance so we were mandated to be paid but if you have no issuance you i mean dll you can't be paid so we went two pastors very innocent and i said now you know um we've just been in an accident and finally lekito and my wife said siwesi danganyana and we brought the budget of the house on a 27 000 artuna pesa she said by the way i cannot walk in the office and lie was she disobedient no what was i doing i was pushing her to submit but not under the lord so this level of submission does not mean compromise it means the standards of the lord are higher than the rank the lord has placed are we together so the priests are there they are taking their offering let's look at this matter continue yet he said where where wherefore because the lord has been witness between thee and the wife of now let's deal with this matter carefully the reason why you come to church for a church wedding is to fulfill this scripture who is a witness when you enter into an agreement there is one who says i so when you go to a court of law the testimony of the witness is carried as evidence hello now this one for those who are single the day you go and pay whatever you call dowry god was not a witness it is elders they're the ones who sat there and they said we have sad and we have seen and they will give you a solder and tell you are we permitted to take disorders have you given us permission and they will ask you have you given us permission to eat the things of that home and then you will say yes and then they will ask you open the soda and drink and then the other one drinks and then they say now we can receive the things those are men and the moment you get their blessings and live together i tell you you will need those men in your life because anytime you have an issue you will go where you open this order and there are people survived by that system are we together are we together i know they always tell you now people are going than i am and are very important they are very important because the reason why we go to men and carry a few relatives is to honor the parents not to buy someone are we together atawale you are redeemed by the blood of jesus amen so so that now and you need the witness of the elders because there is a blessing of parents and there are two people that need to bless you your parents and your priests they are the only ones who carry your blessings so go and meet the parents but before you meet the parents make sure you are sure this is the one finding your wife is 80 spiritual 20 social keeping your wife is 20 spiritual 80 percent social that is what elijah was saying we don't eat man in our homes you think if you come to my house we always have questions daily no we watch netflix in fact after this i'll go take a shower and stretch my legs and watch a good movie and if my wife mentions anything about church see teema sunday school literally hold on back now i am a husband and a man in my house so don't be deceived because the the other thing that is coming up with us pentecostals you know when your husband or wife tells you the lord said that tells you your opinion is useless and let me be real some of us who married very spiritual women it is hard to negotiate with them they will introduce the lord and the devil sometimes tell them you what do you think leave the lord and the devil out of this matter let's encourage even god said to his ear come let us listen there is a place for reasoning hallelujah always carelessness no it's not the devil no let's not involve the devil where he doesn't belong so our ladies please please please finding her is spiritual keeping him is social hallelujah hallelujah we don't speak in tongues at night with my wife we speak in english church international pastor's residence no that's a house that's a house we pray here very much and then now we become good people in the house and enjoy life like anyone else so so there is another witness that people put in this business you go to a man called the edgy anthony general my friend if you go and sign a document before the attorney general it is a legal document on the land but that marriage may not be legal in heaven that one will give you privileges the day the husband dies or the wife and you will be a stead recognized we do so you can receive the possession but you can be a widow here but you are single in the spirit because god never regarded that as a wedding and people are running they have put elders and the government above god see what god says and the wife of you are wearable because the lord has been has been what witness between thee so god is talking to the man and the wife of thy youth and this is why i keep on telling people even if you settled the wrong way you can come and make him your witness are we together yes simple because these are protocols you just come seek the blessings of a man of god and you cannot seek the blessings of elders and blessings of the government hello yes so you go and say to me as a process and you seek those blessings they're very key and the moment god is not a witness guess what happens whatever happens you can call him in your mother tongue he will never show up he's a gentleman he does not interfere in matters he was not invited am i helping people can i tell you the truth some marriages failed not because god wanted them to fail is because he could not even interfere with them he was not involved from day one and he saw them failing some of our scholars will communicate wisdom let the process be followed okay let the process be if god is your witness you can call him and he will come and vindicate that matter hallelujah if god is here is your witness and i think the catholics had some wisdom because they used to have something they used to call quero here yes whereby they say guys come let's marry you i think they had a wisdom on this matter i think pentecostals we throw the mother and the baby and the bucket all of them we don't care because we are radicals and this is what will begin to heal marriages because when god is a witness he will show up marriage is a union of two imperfect people before a perfect god are you getting it it's a union of two imperfect people before uh so there is only one sober person in that union and that's god the two of you have imperfections that cannot work now if you're a man read that the other part everybody read against judgment please do something now god is not saying the wife of your love there is no love here god is saying number one the wife of your youth and the wife of thy covenant the day you got married you entered into a covenant not an agreement it's a it's binding singles bonus if you were the reason why when i've i'm looking for a good word when a lady loses her virginity she sheds blood that blood is supposed to seal a covenant now we have a matter there so right now you could be single in the flesh but there is a covenant you sealed some years back seller so if i have to be a good pastor i don't need to invite a guest preacher to tell you these things i have to tell you straight amen are you getting me so you need to begin by breaking covenants and there are three ways covenants can be made unknowingly number one you can enter into a soulish covenant by sharing very personal things with someone solish that is why an ex can be mentioned and you feel something pomodoro but you broke up physically but there is something solitus that connects you can we go deeper those excesses that we shared very personal things and they know the battles to press even married people we are not safe there is one x that knows you better and they'll even take your photo from our page facebook and say looking good and you say it is jesus and it should tell you stop that nonsense i know you from your old self and you feel defeated hallelujah so so there are connections very deep and i don't know why i don't know why majority of us never married the first loves if you married your first love bless the lord some of us we married after we had given up jackie you married the first love oh you are my role model when i grew up some of us we picked broken wounded guys we began by healing them molding them and then loving them and so that confessed love covenants agreements behind the toilet okay and for sure for sure you have a wife in the house and for sure there is a gap because that matter has to be addressed some of us who are radical to liquor tonight nakamiba we didn't know these are blood covenants natural ganesha and we say forever and then someone made us to be fools friends it is deep and some of these things create arguments are we together they are they are words words are powerful in the realms of the spirit they are words attacked things confessed hearts poured and you feel like there is in an insufficiency and that's why some of us went into marriage almost empty and after two years we had nothing to offer because we were so scattered so we have to get ourselves back and this sometimes the wife of whom has dealt treacherously yet is she that companion and the wife of thy covenant there is something they say 40 is an age where men change and become like young men again and i'll tell you why at 40 people begin to change by the time you arrive at 40 there is a sense of settling you either have a good job the children are in school they're reading and you can manage life and at the moment of settling there is always time and a demon that rises hello and then at at 40 your wife becomes so used to you that even if you perform a wonder she knew you can pack a range rover she will come and look at it and say ah i'll go on a yellow i mean i'm sorry you know it doesn't move her she knows your potential she knows your ability and some wives also at 40 they liars with the children and form an opposition so there is the ruling government and there is opposition everything you say you can sense there it is always opposed can we talk can we talk let me remind all the women in this house men thrive where they are celebrated not tolerated they thrive where they are celebrated not tolerated or compared and that's why some men hate pastors because every time your wife uses the pastor as the s-i unit of how men ought to be so men don't succeed where they are tolerated it is where they are celebrated and when a man finds celebration in another area he will go there unknowingly a lady got born again she was a prostitute and she said most of our clients were married men and they were not coming for sex they were coming for peace and you know prostitutes on his church so she the man will share his dreams and the girl will be way way way way so what can he book a fundamental wow so okay phone and spoil and it's like the one who ought to have uttered these words is quiet women bonus if you aim bonus if you weigh no matter how low if you are in a car na na tua mushi kameha diesel now proud to happen in a manner to suggest there is a next level that is the time to say maybe a daisy gary coopers panda site that is the time to declare my husband you are a champion this is the best car if he ate though deep down you know because it is out of those small achievements that the man will get the momentum of big achievements but the moment he's brought down that guy may fail to function and he might go to look at a place you can imagine a man at 40 packing a pro box in jail hostels that some of these schools a young girl in that school desires to have a car so that man is living his dreams or her dreams and at that time that celebration will make him go there and i'm not saying man he'll go there are we together are we together what do women look for because my dad looked at my mom married for 30 years and above and my dad told me i don't understand your mom i asked my dad for 30 years you'll never understand her i understood that and my dad said yes you know i don't understand her now man let's understand this every stage of a woman will need oneness the bible says and two shall become one the problem is that you are not told that woman will change every stage of her life and every level she enters you begin the journey of oneness because she's a stranger marry a girl your baby baby around the day you put a ring on her finger she changes and becomes a wife you have to understand her afresh and look like you're dating her the day she will come with a child in that house those who have children lift up your hands you know what i'm talking about see mambo anybody you had to understand her again in the law of the jungle when the lioness gives birth the violence increases every woman after giving birth there is a warfare that rises you can't touch our territory her husband her child and herself in fact after a lioness has carbs it begins to take charge of the territory in terms of management and hunting and that's where women enter now she looked like she was very submissive and obedient now you must learn her with her violence and after that when she enters motherhood she will mother everyone oh man in that house there is one boy and one girl and one serious mother hallelujah and we have to agree on that level of motherhood and she will advance and become mothers of mothers we have to agree on that level let's continue okay we are there so so we begin to see that god is saying i was a witness between thee and the wife of thy youth against whom has dealt treacherously the tears of a wounded woman is like intercession in heaven especially when she's wounded by a man who is in a covenant with her her tears are like prayers in heaven are we together they are people who began to go down in life when they began to mismanage their homes things went off and let's deal with another scripture that is very key go to the next one this is the advantage of being a pastor everybody read read it well so so you are one so who made one it is god not the elders not there the edgy it is god yet had he the residue of the spirit and wherefore one that he might seek a godly seed the reason why god brought him one is because he wanted children that are holy one of the reasons for marriage is not sex is a holy seed that's where parenting comes if our children don't walk in the ways of the lord we have failed are we together so there was a spirit of oneness god was looking for a godly city therefore take it to your spirit and let none deal treacherously against the wife of this that is the bible let's look what happens the next one these are very common phenomena in our time very common everybody read for the lord the god of israel said that he hated putting away that putting away his divorce what does the one say he hate them or divorce if you are not married marriage is not a career take time take time take time before you marry wrong the problem with marriage it's a covenant whether it was right or wrong it's a covenant you have to stay there we live in a world of people doing what they want but scripture does not lose his power hello hello so me settle right using take your time i got married when i was 32 years old i was a prayer item to my mom every christmas last month you know that conversation of nisi kawai yona when you are in high school and college musica why are you on a scat harper after getting a job heart has cut out the letter so i'm saying this because this is what we call the biological time bomb if i got married at 25 i'm not sure where i will be i was young and silly did i fall in love at 25 oh jesus i was even in a prophetic relationship very prophetic the lady was called anne and i'm tony so we were anthony my god i tell you people who are born again you can spiritualize something that is not of god and i and i will sit down and see the future today the lady i was dating i bless her i did good discipleship and i know she's a blessing to someone else and i'm also a blessing to someone else when i look at where god was taking me the assignment i don't think she had the ability to handle that assignment but she had grace for other assignments she's someone's wife she's not a bad woman because that man enjoys the fellowship are we together when i look at my wife i see and i say lord you knew who i wanted if you are a pastor and you're single let me tell you and help you you have no choice over who to marry god will dictate a wife you are not her you are not an accountant your dealings are different i was told that i argued until the day i came to a place of surrender and god brought her i'm not saying accountants and engineers are not born again but i'm just saying their god can give you grace but pastoral this is heavy because of the assignment so where are we divorced i hate let me tell you for god to use the word hate is such a big one we can't ignore it today divorce is so rampant and people are saying you know it didn't work out because no one told them you are not in promises or mere agreement you are in a binding agreement covenant so the language of it didn't work out is not accepted in eternity very simple wisdom look for a guy that is not born again only a guy that is converted there are many devils who quote the bible number two never come hunting in church church is an icu for people surviving you might take a patient out of oxygen and marry now whatever may talk i hate it to you take your time people assume church is where all the good people are some of us are crying because of the kind of things we've gone through leave us alone we are trying to change amen i'm not saying there are no good brothers and sisters in church but i don't think you'll get perfect ones here they are broken and that's why when you begin to date don't just take coffee go with your notebook as a journalist and collect and gather as much information as you can it's very important are we together are we together one week to our wedding one week my wife sat me down we were in the car one week to your wedding there are stories that don't end you look at your watches 12 and you talk and talk and you don't feel like you want to leave each other so were in the car next to her get and she asked me anthony what are your sexual fantasies where she never said percy it was one week to marriage just in case i'm getting married to a madman in the name of a pastor what am i trying to say ask hard bonus if you a man will surprise a partner or lisa and ask as early as possible so that you don't postponed and that will help you know who you are dealing with it was one of the hardest questions to answer but i told i'm a church boy and i was raised well but i'm happy for her because i know a friend who got married to a pastor a pastor and the man oh they are dating life you know extended heart when you are dating extended to kaheri is extended and they are reminding you there is a day when we'll hug for long so the guy nothing not even holding her nothing and every time this guy used to hang with some young men the girl would go and see the guy with young men and the girl was saying what a gentleman the day she got married she discovered the guy was gay so marriage was and this is a pastor marriage was a cover-up it was too late to walk out up to date they are still together and the guy in his pastoral chair one day became a leader of gay and lesbian community in kenya also we are asking can you be a pope when you're a muslim okay some will get the joke tomorrow okay so tell your neighbor neighbor the lord hates divorce for those who are married the wisdom is and this is something we agreed with my wife we will never mention this word no matter how hard heated things are we will never announce divorce but we will choose to it's solve an intention we say this word will never show up some some people are in marriage but it's like you manage to and i tell you that is the worst position to be in because you don't know when a china so make sure that you're in this thing and the mentality of living is very far it's very far it's not a thought in your mind these are the realities that come and i hate a man's covering himself with violence as well as with his garments meaning that when a man divorces his wife he receives a covering of violence what does that word mean there is no peace to that man is it possible for him to remarry yes is it possible to get children yes but one thing he will not walk into permanently is peace these matters are serious people are depressed in marriage because some chose the path of divorce am i talking to anyone am i talking to anyone yes and and i know we have many people some possibly even divorced but i'm saying this with a lot of love hallelujah and i know we may not turn back the hand of time and fix the matter are there areas where the bible discusses about divorce yes when jesus was talking about marriage he says if you defile the marriage bed that is cheating in marriage which is very common in our day at that time a door of divorce is open hello hello and if you ask me if you come with your wife or husband and one of them has cheated on you i will not look at the act i will want to go back and look at the course you cannot just wake up and cheat there must be an underlying issue and if we don't address it we are not sorting anything breaking up is the easiest thing that everyone will do but fixing matters takes maturity and that is the best thing you can do are we together and that's why when there are things that are not handled they escalate and become a mountain we cannot deal with and let me tell all the couples here there is no couple that can sort your issue you might even leave their house and they begin a fight it's a fact hallelujah so don't look at us navitangas in a shine and think we are okay we also have our battles and that's why i always say even a pastor a married pastor is still a man with a wife fat deal with it can i share with them yes sometimes people come in our offices and okay this is what people do sometimes they look for a pastor who does not know them which is a good thing and they say what you're trying to come to do and then they open up and and and they begin to undress one another listen we are men who your pastor know galatia in fact some i'm not saying all the pastors some of the pastors with the best photos on social media if you knew how their marriages are you will not even enter there in fact like i operate from a philosophy off sentence like in fb united tessa trump kiryanga golden couple tell your neighbour leave men alone kill em talk on avitazake are we together i remember one day at home an auntie used to come with a husband every time they will fight they will come and then my mom and father will give them advice and then they will go back then they fight again they will give them advice then they go one day they thought they came my mom and dad told us to talking i come here sort your issues and my dad asked them have you ever seen us in your house and you know what happened they discovered we we have dominated their conversation like atatuliyam so it looked like they are the ones running this marriage some pastors are running our homes a small issue come out to pakistan or vanish amarangi to raise a pastor to lose a pastor watch our pastor pastor to go up and i'm saying to now hallelujah ladies are we together i know we look anointed i know we look like we we are we carry solutions i know we look like the moment we talk here we look like we all these things we implement them no as i go home my wife will begin to watch this video and tell me only scare point number five nuevo lisema have you heard it or you're just saying it are we together because we have to be real amen we have to be real the best way to handle an issue is sit agree to disagree agree to disagree the in-laws are not your solution if you if if i disagree with my wife and we go to my mother my mother will take sides [Applause] and she will be made to look like she's the one in in the wrong if i go to her mother the same thing because blood is thicker than and guess what in laws don't forget the same aunties and that is ten years later story they know for aunties and uncles they don't forget leave them out look for matua couples again don't look for boys [Music] look for people that have a fatherly grace sit down they will advise you and give you the right and some of them will advise you with their own experiences are we together are we together because majority of us i can tell we are five years and below in marriage okay out of experience of discovered children disrupt and we need a session on parenting to put that continuity what not only disruption i wish i can show you a photo although i found my daughter sleeping yesterday like she's crucified her mother has slept like this she has slept like this and that was around one and i need to be in charge by seven okay so the next one will look at parenting i just wanted to look at covenant are you seeing this my prayer is that will not experience any divorce in this church are we together it will not be a word i'm not saying challenges will not come i'll not stand here and lie to you they will come but my prayer is that no man or woman will cover themselves with violence now let's deal with that matter divorce other than that are there cases where divorce can be permitted and it's not in the bible there are places where elders sit down full of the spirit and they can decide and say walk out of this marriage especially in a place of excessive violence because again the fact that you're in a covenant you don't die there okay we can't take you as a dead person because simply you are in in something if a husband or a wife joins a cult or a demonic entity in that area it becomes tricky a man joined freemasonry and he was told to sacrifice his sons the wife could not stay there they had to organize for a disengagement are we together are we together but these normal fights of toothbrush to the pest those ones you can come and begin to say that there is a divorce what is the remedy for relationships and marriage the number one thing that will heal your marriage instantly is communication many marriages don't fall because people don't love one another many marriages collapse because people don't talk that's the key reason women want to be updated in detail men speak like news headlines my wife always asked me cha chili i like i want to come to conga now nikataka donna may come and then she's like ili kwaji she wants to be told apple 917 again counter yo man iliku and that's why put a man and a woman from the same environment event and then take them put two men at the corner to share the same event and put two women at the corner after five minutes men will be done after 20 minutes how many remember your parents yeah some of us to look out for fresh watch [Music] jesus another episode because women love details and it is in their nature men we speak like headlines because once an event is passed we are thinking the next event so unless you get the story out of us through questions we may we we can live like a corporate entity so we need to understand that is what keeps it number two spend your time with your partner as much as possible it kills these concepts of other women and other men can i share something there yes can i share something we are having a real talk some of us work in offices and it's like the devil knew your desk mate is a very handsome man full of life and somehow you are very comfortable sharing your issues or it's a very beautiful woman and you get very comfortable sharing issues with her or him no sooner or later something will happen not because you don't know not because you want because something began to form that's why angelia and umani be professional here the workplace relationships i saw akamim going around of how women package food for office boyfriends juice and then you come home we can't talk because you had all the conversation around this person and now we are just watching news and watching each other everyone is on their phone i eat we now look like we are roommates because all the conversations are outside we must hang out with our people so that we speak with them and cultivate the culture of talking oftenly are we together that's the secret by the way just hanging out some of the place you hang out is in the kitchen though sometimes men will run away from the kitchen do you even know cause you could yeah no this matter of divorce is a heavy matter in our time and maybe if you're listening to me and this matter happened may the lord give you peace are we together now let's look at genesis 28 we finish have you learned something is it helpful so for the singles this is serious business when i was prayed for when i was kneeling down to get married i felt something come upon me my greatest fear was how do i live with another adult in my house i felt like there would be interference of space i was used to my own life then me i love movies with the full blast any king gennady on a moving attack theater allah penang movies have eaten afghanistan and then now god blesses me with a wife here now watching if it was an inland royalty has not got a soundtrack but we try to manage everyone has their day to watch their movies amen and it's a good you know it's a good thing so i i was so afraid there are many fears going on in my head that day before i walked down the aisle i woke up at four i was looking myself in the mirror and saying boss someone gave me a very pathetic example of marriage you know marriage is like you have dstv and you have a remote and then you choose one channel forever oh unto you if you choose got to network and that's a very wrong idea so i was there asking myself are you ready and i discovered there is a grace that comes when you settle you can't explain it when you are single but there is a grace that just comes on that day i felt grace and i felt i'm ready when i was prayed for i felt something come in me and i knew i'm ready after one week in marriage i was asking myself what is this thing that looked like a mountain it was simple because one i didn't go with any expectation don't go with expectations i didn't go i knew i'm not marrying a chef so i was not waiting for buffet i knew i'm marrying a human being who also gets tired so i knew will help one another and i didn't go with any expectations and up to date i have no expectations and it has worked some of you expectations they go for the floor i'm looking for a man who can cook and utterly is full of chefs there are many there is what was my pond offering now boiled offering hallelujah anyway genesis 1 28 there is a blessing in marriage and we are going to make this prayer genesis 1 28. everybody read hold it there so what did god do does it say him or her it says them meaning that these blessings are upon them this is where our warfare is that men may not walk in the blessings of them nothing else the devil does not fight marriage for anything it's because of this reality them when there is a healthy marriage the following things will be automatic and god said unto them you see this word is repeated what is the first thing be fruitful this has nothing to do with children no this fruitfulness is increase in every matter that you do i don't know about you but there is a change of lifestyle when people get married and it's not increase of resources it is this level have you ever realized when people get married they add weight yes yes and have you ever realized no one eats like a bachelor [Music] of five bob my eye no one eats like a bachelor why do they add weight it is the serenity of the peace of mind somehow you have someone to share your issues with and because of that fruitfulness is part of the peace you receive i got the vision of the church three months after marriage after preaching for 14 years doing high school missions after getting married in october we stayed november october november in fact in december boom city of destiny the blessing came all my life in the three years i've been married i have never had all the money i've handled i have never worn the clothes of i'm wearing jesus there is a fruitfulness that come are you getting me it was locked up in and behold there was a great contention for my marriage a great one i think i had before i got married i dated like five girls i until i gave up until i gave up because there's something the devil was fighting number two multiply by the easy from the obedience roosevelt to our many stories of our total see what auto it is the where you are in life multiplication is part of what you need to do businesses enterprise multiplication there is a chris can i tell you why some of these things happen when a couple prays they are standing on covenant when a single man prays they are standing on promise okay it looks we have more single men here no nanikaze amen listen single people you can only survive with the promises of the lord whatever a single man prays for five minutes or five hours a couple can pray for two minutes until to show up why they are covenanting god honors the covenant those are prayers of agreement that's why it's good to pray as a couple why you are standing on covenant multiplication replenish is bringing into productivity that which was not productive you enter in an area it becomes profitable sub 2 and then have dominion these four things will give you dominion fruitfulness multiplication replenishing and subduing when these four things happen dominion is automatic dominion is not something separate it is something that comes as a byproduct of a person that is fruitful a person that is multiplying a person that is subduing and replenishing that man walks in dominion and he walks in dominion in three areas the heavens the earth and the sea and these are the three spiritual territories oh jesus that is parenting now hallelujah are we together here are we together here what are the things the blessings number one number one number one number two number two number three number four we are going to repeat because this is what we are going to pray for marriages will drive and there will be results amen marriages will thrive and there will be results number one number one number two number three number four subdue these are the covenant blessings of marriage dominion is a byproduct of these elements when you become fruitful in a territory when you begin to multiply and subdue you that means you are already affecting land that was not useful ideally dominion is automatic to dominate hallelujah so don't get married for love understand the covenant that comes with it have you ever seen people who looked useless and when they got married things began to work there is no useless man or useless woman some of them they are doors and look at marriage and that is why some people marriage was fought okay and even now because this was the mandate of god creating man is dominion pastor do you mean that even singular cannot have dominion you can have it you can have it but the intensity of this dominion in a couple is different it's different i want us to make a prayer today we were dealing with spiritual matters amen amen the next session we will look at how do men love like christ and how do women submit and the marriage and the image of christ thank you allow me to give you this assignment as you go home go and interrogate your family for the couples interrogate your families interrogate where you come from and pick a battle and purpose that as a couple you are undoing that thing hello let me give a good example maybe you come from a home where divorce is rampant or a home where marriages don't work people are left as single mothers at a very early age and you have seen that pattern in the spirit study it with your husband both families and pick a matter and say this is the reason for our marriage not just getting children pick a spiritual matter and say as long as we are married we are beginning another pattern in the realm of the spirit that is how we will begin to heal matters at home god does not see you as a couple god sees you as a team that can initiate another process in the spirit are we together are we together let your marriage has an assignment other than falling in love look at the matter we have one with my wife and say as long as we are alive this matter will be reversed because we are alive these are the things that give marriage spiritual reason of existence and it gives god a reason to stand without marriage if you came up with your wife stand up and just hold a hand if you're single we'll make a prayer for you because we must model how to pray with our wives is that okay is that okay yes yes my wife come don't make me single today are we ready to pray are we ready to pray allow me to say this prophetically and with a lot of authority because of this understanding you will begin to see levels of blessing that you are not aware of are you getting me because of this understanding there is a level of blessing that will begin to come upon marriages because of this understanding are we together even the singles you can stand don't worry we'll make this prayer together i'll make this prayer together i want us to pray with our wives it's a rare thing but it's a culture we have to create a man i want you to ask your wife what are you believing god for listen to her just ask her what are you believing god for share share share sm the priest in the house i want you to ask her what are you believing god for amen and also the wives ask the man what are you believing god for have you found a prayer item we are doing practicals today you will believe on that matter and you will see god show up and this will be a sure result that whatever you agree on the platform of covenant the lord who lost his robe hallelujah for the single stand up what are you believing god for ask your neighbor now we are praying for one another amen hallelujah ask them what are you believing god for i just want us to pray for people is that okay is that okay for the couples you are standing on covenant and because god is a covenant keeping god it shall come to pass so have you agreed my wife has many things i didn't know we live in the same house so we are together i just want us to make a prayer for the next five minutes is that okay i just want you to open your mouth and begin to agree concerning that matter just begin to agree agree with your wife take time take place as a priest i know some men don't pray for long but it is what is in your heart the intensity the intention that is in your heart that is what god answers to oh yes we are praying today on covenant we are standing on the promises of the lord we are standing on the covenant of marriage this was initiated and sealed from above the lord was our witness and he still our witness up to now he is the founder of marriages he's the one that planted us in the families that we are in begin now to raise the matter as of an intercessor begin to declare it in agreement we are standing on that platform of covenant standing on that platform of agreement we know the law the bible says we shall agree on a matter and it shall be established marriage is a covenant marriage is a covenant we shall not break the hedge our tears will not fill the altar without receiving an address from eternity as men as we come on the altar all our tears will receive a response from the realm of the spirit we shall treat the wives of our youth with boldness with love we shall walk with them we shall love them we shall care for them we shall be concerned let the holy ghost teach us now how to be husbands let the holy ghost teach us now how to be wise submissive supportive caring people that carry the abundance of home may the holy ghost teach us how to be a family under god let our brothers let our tears let our cries let them be addressed today oh god we come as couples we come as people standing on the covenant of blessing of marriage we declare now fruitfulness shall be our portion we declare now increase shall be our portion we declare now multiplication shall be our portion we shall subdue we shall replenish we shall take charge of grounds that need to be taken charge dominion is our portion lord kapala sataya le piriya kataya masopalira we agree as a couple we agree as a couple we agree now concerning our marriage concerning our children concerning our jobs concerning our career concerning our welfare we agree now i cover my wife i cover her i cover her parondale i shield her from the arrows of the evil one i surround her with the fire of the holocaust i declare her desires shall come to pass establish her establisher fighter battles give us the grace to be a mother inside give us the energy give us the capacity to work in this journey parandezata por rotolia canta this marriage has a purpose we stand on god to our vaticans to our fathers to our fat partners we stand our father to our first systems palira estalia [Music] thank you holy ghost establish as our father fight every battle released upon us oh god shield us our father surround us with that fire oh je over god oh jehovah god the patterns of our family will never have expression in our marriage lord knit our hearts with bones and gods that cannot be broken fight every battle that is connected to us will never be our portion hide us oh god in the wings hide us hold you over in our wings protect us bless us we are fruitful we are multiplying we are subduing we have dominion oh god all the blessings of the covenant are upon us our father in the name of jesus our home is blessed our children are blessed our chapala our ministry our business our enterprises are blessed whatever we do as a couple is blessed whatever we have pioneered is blessed this ministry is blessed la perez said open the doors that are connected to our destiny in the mighty name of jesus receive the blessings the covenant blessings of marriage receive them now work in them work in them let those connected to your marriage let them be open let the blessing of this covenant let relocate you now whatever the devil has been fighting has no power our marriages will stand our marriages will stand shut up [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] the next meeting we are going to have is a meeting of single mothers hallelujah we are going to have we call them the rupees they have a place in this church amen and it is not a mistake to be a single mother and they are not tools of sex because that's how many people want to view them and they are not wicked amen some of us who are not very good when we are growing up if your every sexual encounter came with pregnancy i don't know how many children you'll be having now am i speaking truthfully amen and so we are going to have that meeting and bless them and walk with them and believe god that they will also be established in zion hallelujah hallelujah they will also be established in zion we are here because of the mercies of god our marriages are working because of the mercies of god it's not that we have done anything special you are married to that person who loves the lord because of the mercies of god some people entered into stuff they didn't understand and they realized it's better to stay alone in peace than to die in depression hallelujah so we are going to have that meeting is that okay and it is going to be amazing they will have their sunday where they will lead the service and we have an afternoon to pray and talk with them and walk with them is that okay is that okay yes we are at church and we love everybody and we are here to walk with everybody all the singles lift up your hands let me speak a blessing father i announce now these are your sons and daughters some desire marriage some it is their prayer even now that you will settle them and establish them lord any man or woman that is not ordained for them let them not locate them whoever is not of you let them not locate them i declare that gate of marriage will carry songs of victory begin to connect them in the spirit begin to network them and even as they desire this office let the grace of god and the grace of marriage be released upon them lord i thank you because of the marriages that are here and i declare many more are coming and there will be mentors and fathers that are going to work with us if there be any battle any chaos any conflict any man or woman that rises as an adversary today we cut off that connection we cut off spirits of people that rise to wreck marriages and break marriages we announce now they have no power they have no authority every mistress and every man now we declare their authority is paralyzed we surround our homes with the blood and we declare lord our homes will thrive our children will grow and will be established in these blessings the atmosphere of the city will not consume us appetites of second wives will not be our portion we shall be faithful oh god teach us to love our wives teach us our father even anyone that sacrificed on the altars of their fathers that are polygamous in nature we undo those rituals and we silence those altars and we announce now those altars have no power covenants and vows soul ties that have never been broken let them be cut off today in the mighty name of jesus we shall love our men from our hearts we shall love our women from our hearts oh shaba kataya any claim in the spirit we break it some people get married and people say you have gone but you will never go those are claims those are claims people that felt like they possessed you those are claims and sometimes you have dreams sleeping with them in dreams we share that all now we cut it off now we declare you have you been espoused to your husband and to your wife you are one body and this expression cannot survive in your heaven in the name of jesus any attack has no power it has no power it has no power it has no power patterns of your families cannot work against you your marriages will stand even them that desire your marriages will stand may you be a history maker and may you have the best family ever in the name of jesus in the name of jesus and the church say and the church say amen may god bless you i believe we have a cup of tea let's let us next network as couples a man singles less network hallelujah you never know you never no so let us network otherwise i want to say thank you i want to say thank you to elijah and the group or you want to come and give vote of dance as you pray for tea thank you you
Channel: Life Church Limuru
Views: 18,976
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Id: 74VmyKILt0s
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Length: 95min 18sec (5718 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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