Pastor T Mwangi - The Power of Music

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[Applause] let's begin with the word of prayer father in the name of jesus we thank you for this privilege and we thank you for this time that we can discuss about matters that affect us on a very personal level let this be a solution and a direction and an answer to somebody in jesus name we pray amen amen so one two okay so we are going to be real and straight to the point uh i'll speak in english blessing like any at the end of the day as my point if you came to sasa let's begin with the basic what does secular music mean what is secular the name secular come from the greek word secularum and i want to tell you today we'll have a part one and then we'll have a part two later sasa so the name secular comes from the word secular nation nomenclature so that name secular room in amanisha without god so any time we talk anything secular to manisha without god and if something does not have god in this life there is no gray area it is either god or the devil are we to get up to there are we to get up to there so that secular means without god and nature does not accommodate vacuum so if it doesn't have god then there is another power and another force that is active and that force of course is the force of the enemy i lost everything that force is the force of the enemy i'll ask the person on the scripture there to give us today we'll do a bible laying down and then we will go back and now understand why this thing is easier genesis chapter number four from verse 21 genesis 4 from verse 21 so genesis genesis 4 21 genesis 4 21 genesis 4 21 come on as a summer summer one two three so maybe we can begin earlier so that we understand what was happening let's begin from genesis um genesis from from verse 16 genesis from verse 16 so that we understand where this thing is coming so let's read so cain went out from the lord's presence and lived in the land of nord east of eden 17 cain lay with his wife and she became pregnant and gave birth to enoch cain was then building a city and he named it after his son enoch 18 to enoch was born iran and iran was the father of was the father of madhushai medusa was the father of lamech lamech married two women one named ada and the other zilla ada gave birth to jabal he was the father of those who lived in tents and raised livestock uh-huh his brother name was jubal he was the father of all who played the harp and flute now i want to show you where the people who pioneered music the people who pioneered music number one were backslidden this story comes after cain has killed abel and the lord announces a judgment of a cane and the cain is kicked out of adele now aden means the presence of god are we together to there so eden is not a physical place but eden meant the presence of god and so when they were kicked out of the presence they decided to begin a life without god so in short hua me means god the first one is animal husbandry uh for food the second one is equal building of cities for housing and so after man was kicked out of eden after cain was kicked out of eden he began a life without god and one of the things that he began was music now why is music so powerful the the influence of lucifer in heaven was because of music uh is it only deep twenty-four ezekiel 28 attached ones in quangalia ezekiel 28 11 to 13. kulikwana ranks billy zelik was the first rang kuala liquor night were the seraphims seraphims and then cherubims gloria [Applause] moreover the word of the lord came to me saying uh-huh son of man take up a lamentation kill him to do something for the king okay one two three son of man take up a lamentation for the king of tyre and said to him that says the lord god you are seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfecting beauty this is the description of the devil whoever divorced is a beautiful creature according to the bible aha 2013 you are a help the garden of god every precious stone was your covering the sardias topaz diamond burial onyx and jasper sapphire turquoise and emerald with gold the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created what does that mean that in the devil kulikwanama timbrals number pipe easy timbres now pipe my pipe nema flute number temples nema drums so okay one wing and a produce thousands of sounds because elohim was music now eleanor how powerful music was in zion and he understands up to now how powerful music was hallelujah so the only tool that can keep man out of the presence of god number one is sound as long as there is another sound other than the sound of god you have man out of the presence so how does man produce a sound that is demonic gravity done to explain allah fool tonight later what are your voice i want to explain something delicious secular now the devil knows there is power in in sound and in music and he knows his influence in heaven was because of the music that he used to produce now what to assume artist only mrt in his soul mr t nine spirit yeah mr t wakati mr t spirit so when you're not born again you have a dead spirit that is why vitus mighty tabernacle so in short wakati owner god may die you are dead without god and so because you are dead it is possible to sell your soul so we see the body of mr t but the soul is not the soul of mr t now let me explain this so that you understand what is a soul sonicwambia wakatunas came to amstel his soul to the devil by the way you could sell soul i quantita because you can't see the soul most of the people who sell their souls signature eliqua spiritual to copper moja so the moment you put a seal on something you have put your spirit on that thing so kusal soul i can't get this dream what's the only change i'm saying and so when he finds a talented and gifted man they can trade you give me your talent i use it for my kingdom okay some of the book of daniel campbell daniel yeah israel what is the handsome and people who had wisdom in all matters are you getting me so now what happened at this hour is that when a man when the devil locates a man that is talented and that man does not know that they have a gift that came from the father this man can be used most of the people that have entered into satanic covenants they began in church akina some of our very own kenyan musician akinawali kwangasiyu saudi soul seventy percent welcome by church but babylon ilyua so it is my cry and my prayer that none of you will be robbed out of church hallelujah oh no now i say my dance our deadly wanna dance the next thing on aqua videos [Music] so what happens what's up to me to get beyonce for this example because babustoria beyonce is public beyonce so such a fears the name of the demon [Applause] a demon is a spirit that needs a body to manifest now sometimes anesthesia studio alitoka home beyonce studios instrumental solely kaishia demonica kudya sashafias by the time your song is sourcely people so by the time whatever he was listening to was not music it was demon that's what he so is this making sense is this making sense junajiwa if i don't tell you why you need to avoid i'll not help anybody but when you begin to know why when you begin to know why represents seven years of his rulership it is in public nakasama meme indonesia power and behind every prominent artist there is an aka oh now some of these people some of these people quest what do they do wanna be king him samyang i can't say it so what these people do one or one media stations one are all radio stations one our own award systems so what color entertainment system com kono so wakati omega utashinda awards atacama you are the worst artist and then they create a lifestyle that is not normal your life like in your life in akwa nakuselya vitutatu the pride of the the pride of life last of the eyes and last of the flesh anywhere for lack of a better word yummy potentially ako is so high kumanisha kushikasa attacked me for long that's the prepare fly friday pika tizi satopika concert sunday ponzika monday interview tell your neighbor neighbor fame is a god and people pay highly for it are you kidding me at a cast of fools are key to engineer if this will stick it will make sense are we together that behind every sound there is a spirit amen and behind every sound there is a god being worshipped unless i come down exodus chapter 32 19 oksama exodus exodus and they sounded and moses amit aqua mountain aki descended stop there what were they doing there was a calf and there was what meaning that this was the golden calf that they were worshiping behind every sound and dance there is a god being worshiped it's not just a sound it's either you are bowing to a calf or yahweh now upon your muslims secular gospel to church hallelujah tell your neighbor neighbor behind every dance there is a song and behind every song there is a god being worshiped can we build this matter father daniel 3 verse 1-6 you will never have music without a subject of worship that is the law of music you can never have music without a subject of worship you will never have music without a subject of worship let's read nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold whose height was 60 cubits and his with six cubits he set it up in the plain of dura in the province of are you seeing there was an image now let's see what was the instruction and king nebuchadnezzar sent word to gather the satraps our economic governor the administrators the governor the councillors the treasurers everybody read and what to attack to everybody the magistrates and all the officials of the province to come to the dedication of the image which nebuchadnezzar had set up let's go to three so the sad traps aha national languages now see the command see the command that at the time you hear the sound of horn flute hap liar sultry in symphony with all kind of music what shall you do so there was an image but what gave the instruction music some of us have fallen down to images not knowing the spirit of the antichrist is the spirit of people rejecting god now let's get these matters reggae music where did reggae come from you think it came from jamaica ethiopia yeah man you know where oregon came from watch out to me took for an example after you're turning home is that okay is that ok [Applause] man amen amen amen do your salsa so let's hold on um so where did drake come from um rastafarianism is a religion it's not just song it's a whole religion when you go to jamaica there are different islands that are in jamaica and every island has their own song there is soccer there is reggae um there is raga all these are songs jamaica was a place where when the people began to fight for the black man freedom some of the people that were deported in america and the western areas were taken to jamaica are we together and they were taken there and they got pieces of land there so these were black people but they did they didn't know their nationality but they knew they had their fathers and grandfathers in africa later there was a lot of interaction between ethiopia which in the bible is called kush and the israelites and there is a lady mentioned in the bible the queen of sheba that queen came from ethiopia and she went and visited solomon and she came with spices and there was an assumption that solomon made her pregnant it's not in the bible but they say solomon gave her more than what she asked for and so it is believed out of her when she went back to ethiopia she gave birth to menelik juan and then there was menelik ii and these many leaks were the rulers of ethiopia and out of the meneliks there came highly salasy from the same bloodline according to prophecy the bible says the scepter shall not depart from judah and so david out of the root of david i will raise a king whose kingdom shall be everlasting so they said from david we have solomon from solomon we have menelik one two all the way to highla salasi so highly salas is the black messiah and they call him the king of kings because among all the territories that were colonized ethiopia was not colonized so any other king that arose in africa was not greater than highly salasi so he's called the king of kings and the lord of lords ayla salasia now as they were fighting for their freedom one day hayley salazi went as a diplomat to negotiate for the freedom of the black people in ethiopia in in jamaica so that they are not colonized but they become an independent nation and they say it had not rained for around three years and when highland salasis stepped down rain came and when he negotiated the people were given their freedom and they said this is the black messiah where he came from that's the promised land and they came up with a concept called restoration before repatriation because we need to go back to ethiopia the promised land there is a land far far away its name is adi sababa so before we go to the promised land we need first of all to be established and then we shall go to the promised land and so anything that came with the white man was babylon system so born them the babylon system them come and give us black white messiah why jesus me now bow down to a baby born in a manger wondering babylon system is a liar a god man and so in short they said the white people brought us a white messiah and they brought us a white jesus but we have our black messiah haile salasi was an orthodox he was a christian and he told them he's not god and there are four things that unite or divide the people number one is politics number two is tribe number three nationality number four religion so a man came a man came and he arose and formed the rastafarian religion and formed the religion around haile salasie and he said all the kings of africa are prophets so according to rastafarianism kenyatta is a prophet and they adopted the writings of david they adopted the proverbs the law and when you enter into real rastafarianism you are either among the tribes and so they have the tribe of levi and they believe majority come from that tribe so out of levi never put her seats upon your dreadlock so they don't shave their dreadlocks neither do they shave their beards and they don't take meat because it's illegal so they gave hayley salasi a name and they called him rastafari ras means chief and tafarai was the name they gave him so every reggae song that begins with ja rastafari he tells you the name jah is a hebrew word that means the ones who rides on the wings of the wind so that is to say our god chief tafarai so by the time you're hearing ja rastafari you have bowed to the image of babylon unknowingly sound will make you bow are we together and so so the whole thing in in jamaica is not just a religion i mean it's not just music it's a religion and there's a lot of divination some of their people even prophesied and things came to pass and one of the things that the whole thing about this reggae music is one thing express the spirit of poverty now you see us because number one they believe and that's why they put their stuff like this in this liberty everything is vanity and so they believe being wealthy once you get money you share with your neighbor because in this liberty everything is and it is not a bad principle sharing is not bad listen to all the major reggae songs they never give solution they speak about your situation you know young people [Applause] them have not eaten for the whole day me said they are angry and if you mess up with them me i tell you they are gonna be angry allah come here schiza message excuse the message [Applause] by their message to tataka to meshiba so their music has no solution it just speaks about the situation do you see anything fish smile about i could not smile about hallelujah very basic things police endureth inna shoot out power okay [Applause] what are and that's why you realize this music makes a lot of sense among the people who live in ghetto because the music doesn't give you solution the music makes you feel comfortable in your situation this is the saddest part morgan heritage they live in europe they don't even live in jamaica they are signed they make money but they got to shoot their videos in jamaica and use men as human props vibes cartel aliqua wifi why bleach your face said i'm an entertainer me not a pastor me not a socialist i'm an entertainer if bleaching me first bring me more money let me bleach me fierce i call lisa don't you care about the people who follow you he said the arm and me said i'm an entertainer may not care about anybody i'm not a moralist i'm an entertainer and then he was asked where are your children he said they go to the finance of schools in london the wife i think the wife was a very senior person academically the children have not bleached they have not at all then my followers are currency bonuses and you know just to get how serious this matter is some young people are taking the vow of gaza and they will take a vow and drink blood facing the image of vibes cartel and they say gaza forever and their tool of initiation was music that they listened to that music so much until they initiated so these people have their homes catered for i i was just looking at the the blogs when zary visited diamond the kids are going to the best of schools my oh now are you seeing where reggae came from are you seeing it now so it's a whole religion and they believe that weed is like sacrament they call it the holy chalice and so they believe when we take weed and they say by the way banging on the umbilical and so they believe that when solomon died graveyard solomon nobody knows the genesis but what happens whatever they do is it has an ancient greek origin whereby the greeks when they took wine and they were high they will say they are attaining as a level of godship that's why paul wrote and said be drunk with the holy ghost so for them when they smoke and they get high they assume they are accessing a spiritual realm you'll have voyage that's a spiritual dimension but what they will never tell you what they will never tell you is that the brain of a man has two functions you have excited state normal state and depressive state are we together so without using any chemical you operate on a normal state the moment you smoke weed you enter excited state so you are altering your brain and the moment you you are used to that excited state and you miss weed you enter depressive state so there are two possibilities one day unnezer achilles excited state nasa manga alibuta bangla number two there are two things that kill the brain cells one is glue ikaku alive sinner difference now i say what glue now definitely number one our god bless and the problem with brain cells you can never replace them they don't rebuild they don't rebuild so they die and that's why now you find they affect your normal operation memory relapse or kumbuki vitu and all that and so but when these men take weed they take it as sacrament it takes them to a spiritual level and a spiritual height are you getting me are you getting me now let's analyze this thing so you are there you've gone to a concert and some of our foolish gospel reggae musicians don't even know what they sing and then now they have their true colors which represent nature and all those things and so it is a whole religion by the time you talk of jesus they believe that is babylon system now the bible says the spirit of the antichrist is with us in thessalonians now who is the antichrist it is not a man it is a spirit that opposes christ 666 i tell you equal upon assisi a part of me even thinks 666 is not necessarily a number it may not necessarily be a number that will be put on a forehead 666 is the number of man so when you have 666 it is when man lives in complete humanism now the reason why he caught up with forehead needs you the first thing kutaku and a lot of human intellectualism that man now wants to live without god not to nazar your age yeah 666 before mu foreign can we continue are you learning something is it helpful now the whole thing about raga raga rage because you got the keys to my door so baby come over [Laughter] [Music] all the songs that are being done right now they have one theme sex in jamaica they have an event they call pasa pasa and pasa pasa is an event whereby it's a whole it's it's where the madness of twerking came from and it is an event of alcohol it's like an open sexual orgy and now i believe when christ said as it was in the days of sodom so shall it be before the return of the son of man they say in the day of sodom it was so bad that men used to have beds in the streets but in our day it is almost getting there um and i want to believe as the bible says as it was in the days of lord sociality so the whole concept was my phone you can receive that number tell them i'm preaching it it looks like we are back in those days and can i tell you something when sexual immorality is on the rise the judgment of god is near there are things that god does not stand one of them is sexual immorality so nowadays all the dancehall songs they are last songs narcissis by the way so so in in nutshell that is what i may call the origin of of reggae music now does it make sense does it make sense because we are not here to say don't just listen to secular we are also here to give you facts as to why do i have five minutes to deal with hip-hop or two minutes to deal with rock and roll okay let me ask this should we have a part two of this because here's the semicolon to size is that okay because i told pastor jim yakuna young on behalf of martini can we do it next sunday to another next sunday yeah okay so let me deal with hip-hop because i was a hip-hopper you my favorite artist that aim was to park shakur naam mili kuala mezcasa tupac naomi narok if number one hip-hop hip-hop illinois change bila kunil is a swallow militant foreign and i'll tell you hip-hop changed me without my knowledge hallelujah i remember because now you're fascinated with foreign [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah hip-hop so what was the origin of hip-hop the origin of hip-hop he properly took a quack tonight to a rhythm and poetry that is why eloquently to wrap music are we together eloquently rap rap music so caribou fellaini at home sword and my boy me too no me versus so so hip-hop illiteracy to rhythm and poetry somebody said rhythm and poetry now rhythm and poetry wakatima blacks you know they were slaves they needed a way of communication and one of the ways was through poetry was okay so pointless when they gather and they and they use rhythm and poetry nobody will arrest them because it was entertainment and so they used rhythm and poetry for awareness and they used to empower one another and they will pass very radical political statements through rhythm and poetry and then slowly they began to do a research and and of course most of the earliest rap music was almost conscious music they will create awareness empower people talk about social injustices and all that and then later wakanda pigma research about the origin of the black man and historically this is history the first university in the world is in southern sudan not in america the first university they went and began to study the pyramids there is one pyramid that is considered to be very old and these pyramids are considered to be wonders of the world are we together and historically the original inhabitants of egypt were black people and so they said black men are gods and that is why the white men took them arrested them and tried to make them fools so the whole thing now shifted from rhythm and poetry to an empowerment of black people and it had a background of some form of spiritualism and anyone in africa we are we all believe in what we call spiritualism the fact that some people are not born again they still have a spiritual connection are we together the whole thing of course mount kenya could sacrifice that's spiritualism and africa is known for spiritualism the whole thing about voodooism which is in the caribbean electro adopted from benin nigeria so africa has a lot of spiritualism so now they began not to empower black people and because of now wakati stories are colonization relations of power freedom early in the 60s 70s early 80s lifestyle and eco against the system so again is the system tonight against the system now so anyone when you're equal against the system and your white people are gonna set up wakanda quito against her now accounts i could glorify vituanaphanyakwa street through gangster music sonas kamsena say mom you know i got a thousand on my watch i held my gun pushed the trigger killed him and i saw the die in cold blood your name ziki so vice the negativity kansa queen oliver wakanza villainy fashionable in fact they say econ the musician had to think that he was in jail for his music to be accepted in the gangster world yokotaka jail conaton album so even some people had to fake jail and so they begin to exalt crime they the music shifted from conscious he conceptually women and riches and now hip-hop squeezy in aqua game exhaust the god of mammon by bona sema you cannot worship god and worship mammon so the whole philosophy of hip-hop today is about materialism i got a thousand on my chain hey i got a thousand on my watch look at my dreams look at my rims hey nico tessa bonaci fiore bonaci fema and so when we begin to look at how hip-hop has changed culture number one it made it look like teens pregnancy is obvious they exhaust sex exalt drugs exalt all these things and the materialism the world of materialism now let's just assume you're a young person living in kenya and you you are consuming reggae and hip-hop what kind of a young man are we raising number one the things you value in life are contrary to scripture remember our first scripture the man who founded music jabal was out of eden it was a system to live with without god and so hip-hop has now evolved and it is about drugs cartels ladies violence and the god mammon that's why they splash their dollars they show you the expensive lifestyle because the main idea is intoxicate you with the things of this world to a point you'll never see the things of heaven and we are raising a generation that is so materialistic oxygen power bonus fever and one of the things personally hip-hop eleni partial attitude rui because music will change without your permission and that's why you can't tell me passive music beats kizan give to zingine by the time you listen to that music it will change you by the time you discover you are not the one who knows make a place natura uteno could have fashionably changed but there the people who dictate fashion the musicians see they said to talk at november to buggy squeezy the tighter the trouser the better [Laughter] [Applause] vibrate and i tell you the truth 10 years later you will look at what is fashionable today and you will see how powerful music is but if you ask me the bigger picture is that right now most of the musicians that are doing secular they are not hiding who they are serving the devil did away with all those guys who are trying to hide behind nowadays they will show you their their signs they are not hiding they will tell you they will do tubbs written do what they will the philosophy of the illuminati they are not hiding but the world is so much deceived that we don't care whether they are from that world or not we don't care and the people that are losing in this battle is not our parents it is the young people they are the ones getting bound in alcohol at a very young age getting bound in sexual immorality getting bound in masturbation getting bound in all these things and when you ask me i feel like the devil has unleashed his final and best weapon upon this generation a you can release a gengaton the expressionist generation manager needs generation in a torah sound and i say mahwah say up on your tuco now even though to come messed up oh [Music] [Laughter] okay and some of these things the synaptic foundation so many kangalia gengatong in reality nicaragua generation tonight's on a perversion to honor sexuality but guess what sound in accommodating village statistics isn't crazy every year madem half a million wow chuja ball every year half a million niko malaysia before leo isha tuta poteza 1 400 innocent children now abortion because it is one thousand four hundred per day my boyfriend if between 12 years to 24. after 24 years life it acquired with ivy so the reason why i read here depression [Music] and so by the time one africa 25 years your life once a quarter come now your time come on between it foreign my let's stand on our feet foreign few amen [Music] [Music] [Music] but i want to tell you that god knows you better i just want you to pray for that brother pray for that sister because in this life you need someone to stand with you in this life you need someone to believe in you died you again get on a tutor died you are secular i do not die you have drugs we will not die because of these things is
Channel: Life Church Limuru
Views: 85,569
Rating: 4.9118185 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor T, Mr T, Music, Secular Music, T Mwangi, Pastor T Mwangi
Id: uhcYUxVstC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 14sec (5234 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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