Will You Still be In The Spirit Sermon by Apostle T Mwangi

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you [Music] [Music] [Music] Emily he's introduced of the light of intruder you have to know he's not the baby born on the manger Lion of Judah rain salamullah it is a table of warfare in house authority in heaven he has authority on earth and he has authority under the earth hallelujah the theme of my message is in form of a question and my heading is when you steal be in the spirit when you steal be in the spirit I want to acknowledge and appreciate that Christianity is warfare and I want to acknowledge and appreciate that when you got born again that was your first time when you signed a document as a soldier and whether you want to offer or not when you say the yes to Jesus you became a target and warfare becomes part of your life the issue is not in the warfare the issue is in maintaining the ground because the Bible has examples of many people like me and you went through serious warfare but he was still in the spirit and tonight the big question will be not what we are facing but we lose still be in the spirit the Bible talks about job and maybe we can read the script in the book of Job as begin from 1-9 this is a man that was well blessed this is a man that has everything this is a man that was you know he was the main thing in this time he was the richest in his country not only did he have wealth but he was blessed and the Satan knew the time when angels used to go to visit heaven because he is a fallen angel so he understood the calendar and the program of the angelic and the Bible says he ascended into heaven and the Lord asked him a question have you considered my servant job and I started asking myself can the Lord bear such a testimony concerning me it is one thing for men to know that I'm born again it is another thing to have that approval from heaven when someone was dying he said I stand before men and I stand before heaven if I have loved anyone and if I've worked in a way that is not Robby to my faith let's let the man question me and let me heaven question me and there are many of us I don't know whose report is important to you but for me it doesn't matter what men say what counts at the end of the day is what the Lord have to say concerning my life does the Lord say have you considered my servant Miss Patti can the Lord say have you considered my daughter have you considered my son because you are a faithful son I'm not saying it to anyone else but saying it to the devil himself and the devil said unto Him Lord is he not faithful because you have blessed him if he not faithful because you have open the dome is he not faithful because when he cries every time you answer a little got me thinking do I serve the Lord because of what he has done to me or do I serve the Lord because of me do I saw the moon because you take my scooters on open the door or do I saw the Lord because you still open in the always and he aliens wrong and the devil was asked the way I know job has nothing to do with what he has and now look at this scripture so sudden also the model say does job fear God for nothing you see this is a very tricky scripture because sometimes men think we serve God because of what he has done he is God whether nothing has happened he's God whether I'm in my family still God and the Bible says then can now see what happens this one encouraged me see what the devil say to the Lord will totally help you blessed him but you have placed my head around him I want to remind you son of God there is an invisible hairs around you you may never see it but you are well covered and well surrounded and see the dimensions of the head have you not made a head around him around his household I'm around all that he has on every side oh my god meaning that anything connected to you have a divine protection anything that has your name and has your title is troubled because of you and the devil can never let the head is taken away they step I can never get into your inner circle unless the head is taken away also he has to tell the Lord you have to take away the head count of his family out of the surrounding and out of his life because those were they attacked up unleash upon job when the head was uplifted from his homestead suddenly there came all his children in one day every child I'm but the man was still in the spirit because you can take away my house you can take away everything but leave me with my Jesus he was feeling the spirit and the Bible says sir thomas de metagaming job to concede lord have taken away everything now it is painful flesh hopeless mummy attack his body when we attack his life and the law said I have permitted you but you have no power over his life some translations say don't add him solely because the soul is where the revelation confirming me even so if you touch the focus of Revelation the man will not be stable and the Bible says immediately droppers afflicted with boils and when the boys came through it looked like it was over for him and the Bible says the wife came and told it gave them easy way to die you've got a class God and by but job must feel in the spirit you look at the wife and say why are you thinking like a foolish woman I can never come my god even Tobias troubles in my camp even though I lost everything that I had with him again even from afflicted in my body I'll still in the spirit nothing is going to move me out of here the wife Luther job and they thought he was a madman the most the most important thing he is not total Moses recovery through his raise your ground I will spill in the spirit because when the Lord comes to visit he will not come in your commodity he will come to a man dies in the spirit and when the wife was found with his best friends came and aspera telling him no one had ever gone through what you have gone through it must be the Lord is breaking you sometimes we go through battles and people thing the Lord is punishing us I want to tell you that my god can never use punishment to get the attention is the loving father is the loving problem he can never tell you he can never make you go through pain so that he can discipline you when he died on the cross he died for everything only little discomforting dependence on the men what they are telling him no job you better repent but in his heart he means he has not done anything he knew he can not committed any offense you know it is easy when you're going through something and we know this because of what you have done we can tell you on earth mr. King for an apology but when we all have seen that this is God and the Lord is punishing you then who are we going to pray to but the man was still in the spirit it will not lose his status because of what friends were saying I want to remind you some of us are going through battles sometimes you look at your friends they seem like they maybe you went to the same university even got a higher grade but you are the intercessors they are party animals every Friday they not learn they roll out with movement and you keep on asking the Lord my lord I have something with my life something with my giving sorry with everything but this risk and people keep on prospering I want to tell you you're not alone one day David Moser eluded a wicked prospering and the law holding the world of the wicked is a puppy mill but the blessing of the Lord had no sort of never lose no spiritual ground because people seemed ready gone ahead of you famous speak of the Bible things of everything what so gooood remember love the Lord just tell the Lord show me the good in my camera show me the good in my storm Sean is a good in my mess because I know she's wrong yes and mm and the man was killed in the spiracle and when the Lord came to address him he told him talk brace yourselves like a man - a debauch I imagine God has allowed the devil to deal with the man he has lost everything and Lord knows but he tells job press yourself like a month because where were you when I was laying the foundations of the earth who is this God he does not apologize to him he tells him brace yourself like a man and that was the answer that job received after his affliction but let me tell you before his restoration the Lord will not have told him to brace himself as a man if he was not in the spirit because he can never speak to canal opee he only looks for men that are standing in the spirit and the Bible says there was double for his trouble ah say the word never diverted everything away from me but one thing I know he cannot get away my Jesus he cannot get me out from a spiritual condition the Bible talks about Daniel he is a governor a man elevated to a place of serving and then men assemble and they say what can we do to this man they say the best thing we can do is introduce a law that no one should pray but Daniel lifestyle is a product of Prayer because they only way to stay spiritual is by connecting with heaven and the only frequency to heaven is through prayer and so they have to disconnect him from his spiritual lifestyle and he looks at them and he said let us make it a law they knew the man who defied the law and the Bible sees when the law was made on that very day he opened the window first Jerusalem and he lived a crime he was still in the spirit even though it was little prepared in the Babylonian lands and they came unto him and said you have defiled the river imagine being taken into the den of lions where the essence of the Babylonians that the ones who came up with arenas and fields and so anyone that disobeyed the king that there will be a match whereby people assembled in an arena and the Lions are released to eat them so these Lions no one used to feed them because they used to wait for the day the king will summon people so that they can be fed so they were hungry and then behold the fresh meat is coming down but behold the man does not raise a complaint is still in the spirit asada Baja is still in the spirit even in the midst of lions he knows if God will visit me it will need me in the spirit and he's there because of prayers he was not there because he stole anything he was not fair because of anything else he was there because of connecting with heaven and the Bible says the Lions became his pillows because when you carry the lion of the tribe of Judah then the Lions of the jungle have no power over your life when you carry the Lion of the tribe of Judah no lion can eat you and in that place the king could not sleep he was troubled and the same man that took me inside had to take him outside right when you are in the spirit and Bubba can never consume you he wants you to get out of the spirit and when you are out of the spirit then he have a field day I don't want to go to shadrach meshach and abednego everyone bow down they say it concerning this matter King draw a line there is no worship they are also governor we rather lose our political post but not lose our names in the entire book of life and they said Lord we are not willing to bow down the king of them add more fire they are adding the fire they are adding more towers because when their situation is more real you better get more spiritual because the only way to avoid what roots will is when in fifty clears and enter into a spiritual dimension and the more the other the fire the mother strength of the enemy came true but the more they stood still and say we have reached a place even if the law does not set up out we will not resume of spirituality we have reached a place even if he does not have we are ready to die I was looking at the lives of these individuals and was asking myself what is it that they understood but things never made sense in the New Testament we come through Stephen and the Bible says that deacons there was there was a crisis in charge he was not even an apostille he was just an ordinary deacon but when you start reading from six going to seven the Bible says and Stephen was full of the Holy Ghost and full of wisdom I cannot be in the spirit if I'm not full of the Holy Ghost and the Bible says he was selected among the Deacons the names of the D confirmation because the writer has to put focus on Stephen undiluted Heaney operated with miracles the operated with power and so they looked at his teachings he was teaching about Jehovah was teaching about Christ and they raised the kings of the tennis team and he was taken to the high priest and the Bible says when he appeared into the high priest very in Luke 7 he started opening the Bible he took them back to the days of Abraham he put them through what I call systematic theology he started picking them about Jesus he went through the syllabus of systematic theology he shifted from systematic theology he came to prophesy and say loss as saith not the Lord is gonna raise the profit that is greater than me when he left with prophecy he took them to Christ Balaji instead of declaring Jesus to them and he said these same monks that you kill these Jesus and the Bible says they've got payoffs in their heart and they took him out of the city but he was still in the spirit when they put him out there they picked up stones the man was still in the spirit he was looking on to the heavens when men are stoning him and the Bible says they continued but he looked on to the heavens and he went down on his knees and he looked a little Jesus when you're in the spirit you never see the people spawning him you see him you see him from the Bible things for the first time Jesus give a man a standing ovation he told him I'm proud of you you have spirit in the spirit and he was better I can tell somebody it is not easy Mustain the spirit of he looked on to heaven on seder I see him standing I see him standing they glorified Messiah and in loop antenna and he counted the demos of Jesus and told him master forgive them they not know how they are doing on his knees he told Jesus and I say the best times is when everything is falling apart and everyone looks like he's fighting me because that's a good opportunity to see you see you may not understand that veggies of she saw was not the Jesus Peter saw that Jesus speed him soul was not even the Jesus that Matthew saw because they saw the resurrected Messiah but they never saw the enthroned one you see when when he died he counted hell he conquered the earth when he ascended after 40 days he conquered the Prince of Ed let me tell you some of the disciples had a bad image of Jesus because their last picture was the one that was hanging on the cross a victim Jesus but he is another picture of Jesus that will encourage you to go through your storm and still stay in the spirit and this is where my message begins take me to the book of Revelation chapter 1 this is a book we avoid we start from verse 1 because we are here amen and do a little bit of Bible exposition and then after that you will never complain in the house of the Lord but they put as a job seek to kübra so small but why are people complaining because there's something they've not seen on how this revelation is past 1 it is the revelation of who it is not the revelation of John it is the revelation of now who gave that revelation it is the father who gave it to Jesus who gave it to his angel and this angel took it to John now take it to John that is John that's very important to understand so it is because you see the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him capital hit him so it is the Lord who gives Jesus the revelation and Jesus handed it over to an angel who handed it over to John amen Christopher John let's go to this book of Revelation the reason why it is a very hard book to read it is because the notes who are dictated from heaven it is not an inspired book it is advocated book the reason why many people cannot understand this book even with their theology it is because only Jesus can reveal it to you because he's the one who wrote it through the hand of John I agreed it is a revelation of him given to his servant are we to get up to there that's why we will see the river if this book is blessed because we are reading the literature of Christ not whoever understands is read okay let's continue to 3 this night you are blessed because you are reading and really there was of this prophecy many churches don't preach this book I'll tell you why some of you Adam elder Kosuke cause you field is a book of dragons this is the best book in the Bible all the books are good but this is a good climax the Lord knew where to put the climax the last book or the last chapter of every book must have a climax let me just break it down so this letter because this is a book but it was a letter it has a people that is being written to and who are the people the seven churches in Asia now these were physical touches that were in Asia it's called Asia Minor and this was a place where the Lord did he looked at the seven churches and every church had a rebuke and had an encouragement and the seven churches represent the churches of today you see there is nothing new in the world the several judges were going through is what we are going through that is one the second thing the seven touches I used also to show the touch history remember this is a book of prophecy so he saw things in the churches and he could tell the judge is going to evolve like this and in the church history what these studies are going through also my trust will go through so it is like a simile he's using a model of a church to tell us what we will go through and some of the challenges that the church will go through and so the audience of the letter are the seven churches now who is writing grace to you and peace from him who is wrong and who is to come a free for the kind of revelation he is was the one that they knew and we used to come that is eschatology the one that is prophesied to come for the church and from the seven spirits who are before his throne where are the seven spirits these are the seven spirits of God it's in the Book of Isaiah Isaiah 11 you can go look at it the spirit of counsel the spirit of mind these are the seven spirits the manifestation of the spirit takapa mojo APIs isabella cambio genetically she came just is laying an introduction and let me tell you we can take time to build on every title there the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead because he's the only one who resurrected he raised others but he is the one who resurrected himself through the spirit of Resurrection philosophy when also he's considered to be the fast from the dead and ruler over the kings of the earth because he conquered to him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood now eat only the blood of bulls to access him now we have access to him we'll some way to more indication how you are a king and the roles of a king and the roles of a priest and how you need to function in the two offices and this one will liberate your players players you will know where to commune and when to declare because the priests commune with God Kings declare so you leave the - you need a Levitical anointing and you need a kingly anointing when you enter the throne room you are going to the throne room is priestly you are staying in the throne room is kingly because the king of King cannot hang out with anyone who's not a king but the King of Kings cannot be approached with anyone who's not a priest so he has to give you the twofold emotions so that when you enter to him you have his nature in totality Silla so that you can come tomorrow the header on the left behold tell anybody is coming now most of us don't want to hear Jesus is coming back and I don't know why you're afraid the culture dictates that you go look for a woman once you get the woman you be thrown her or you engage her I'll tell her now because I want to marry you let me go and make space in my father's house and I'm the COO jeredy upon you maneuver the father already knows this man has a girlfriend and has a fiancée and the wife is excited because he knows that the man is going to prepare a place and the man will come for her one day and take her to her place because that was the culture and so the sweetness of this of the truth of it was you never told her when you are coming so what she needed to do was always stay ready and stay with the promise and most of the Jews men used to come at night no that is my husband and how many know Jesus did I'm going to make a place for you the role of the wife was to keep I felt pure not to go out with any other mom meaning that you can prostitute because you're already engaged and the man is making a place for you now the charge was engaged in Calgary because it paid the price through the blood of Yeshua but what is the touch booming is the charge waiting for the coming of the husband or is that just prosecuting even with the doctrine itself because the message to a faithful woman this was good means that my husband is about to come but when we preach about the second coming of Jesus is terrifying news why the bride is not reading why he's prostituting and that was the message so it was not a scary news to hear that your husband is about to come that is what you are waiting for that is what the whole of your life you lived getting lady that's why the Bible talks about the seven values remember the issue was not with virginity the issue was how prepared were they for the returning of the groom they were all virgins and this represents are two types of judges because we have judges but I'm not ready for the coming of the Messiah they have limited the oil these are oil for some minute but how many know the night hour is when you need a lot of oil then night hour is when we need more the power of the Holy Ghost who teaches of reminds us who parties of who prepares the body for the coming of Jesus but when we need the Holy Ghost most what are they teaching us she will be blessed you will drive a car you will own a mansion it's not bad but what are we telling the judge no one is being prepared for heaven we are preparing men for us and that's why they don't want heaven why do people crying varios because most of you always think Madrid economy nobility to natasha baba why no one told you how better that other places and the charters bill silent consolidate amo destiny praise the Lord is coming back every eye will see him it is good news to the same it is good news to those who are on Akane it is good news to know you have any fallow inheritance whether the life we spend on earth is around 2% 98% will be spending eternity this was the understanding of the men who stayed in the spirit should I complain for 2% life or should I look at the bigger picture than 98% or strongly if you wanna spoil me I know where I am growing problems from I can see him standing to receive me I'm entering my 98% where I will enter into a place of joy is no one know nothing Paul say to be with you is even an option he would have chosen to be laughter he and the spirit what it meant up in heaven and I'm not blaming you I know the Lord has given me this chance to train you what does he fear so he's coming back and this is good news and so anytime the Jewish bride will come back they will sound a trumpet when he will come back there will be a trumpet that will be sound the trumpet to announce that Jesus the husband is coming for the wife and the whole world will hear because it's not a secret and after the trumpet what they used to do is now there will be a bash and then they will wait for seven days and now have the main festival of the wedding what a theory so that was the order and that's why when we will be raptured we will have to wait kiddo go so that now the great festival can take place let me not go into those dismal non-elderly away no no Nana's a tout a Calliope lyoko caca but it is good to know these things women now let's go to eight revelation 1:8 now I want you to see he's just trying to emphasize he changes not we can preach a lot about who is who was and who is to come because we live in the 21st century we think the same way God manifested in the days of Abraham then we have to put him in a box of human rights we must put him in a box of Technology and understanding and studying adolescence and put him in a box that he will understand we are young people we are struggling he is the same yesterday today and forever when you study the god of the days of Moses when you study the god of the days of Elijah he keeps on emphasizing who was who is and who is to come my later does not change we cannot just related him with a good side but he was a good God he provided manna he was also a consuming fire who is who was and who is to come so we must preach with a lot of balance the two nato's of this God so that we don't just rely on grace and mercy and fail to understand is also judging father we have some church I discovered when you take away the message of eternity from the church you are raising a hopeless people they need motivation to come to church on Sunday because when they don't have revelation when they are struck by a small issue they blame God because they don't know what God has in store for them the Bible says nor I have seen let me tell you that Scripture has nothing to do with material blessing no I have seen not as it enter the ears of men or what the Lord has in store in store for them that love the father relationship it is love that makes them have something in store for them it has nothing to do that God is about to surprise you with a miracle or hee hee it means nothing new under the face of the earth in fact God is not moved when men are driving his mood when men discover they have an eternal destiny that's why soul-winning is no longer an obligation in our generation why we are looking for mega churches to make statement and unsold men how much we have and how many people we can attract rural God roots of destructive is frustrated single I have blessed the cat with 100 million but all they are doing is branding and doing all these nonsense years and it solves the Bible season to smash them from the fire you see we have to understand the curriculum of Mel does not much in heaven one day we stand in heaven some of us even your Bishop doesn't model name some of us no one knows you when you're a good student you keep on winning souls you keep on pitch in the world no one even gives you a title Reverend but let me tell you nothing heaven there will be a surprise many will come as mega touches and the Lord will tell them depart from me I never mean you and some of you will probably think all cycles you went to a high school and one sold you pics to a discman in the autism the love Luther closing this is why I died this is why men are armed because when the devil wanted to turn it over I raised men fill them with the Holy Ghost so that they can preach teacher make disciples of all nations so that when I count back I will count for the toughest we were not born again to lay the structures and these monuments we were born again to raise men ready for heaven this is the hard truth you see God will not even ask me what I used to drive he has no problem with what I'm driving don't get me wrong because the Bible says on that day every intention not action intention profit if we are going for high school ministry to be seen that we are active one day the Lord spoke to me and told me don't update anything on Facebook and you're doing it for the likes what are you doing it for me you see intention is why are you doing it why am i preaching of dusty am i preaching to show people I have revelation or do I have the heart of God that I can raise the body for Jesus and even if only three out of guttering will make it reality then I'll have done my part I will not go to heaven empty-handed I'll tell you not behold a generation I could knock this one out of the fire and that's a very delicate place because we can do mega things but with bad intentions and when I started looking at it I told the Lord circumcise my heart let it not be about me let it not be about we let it be about you at the end of the day so we have to understand God is the same man we cannot be put in a twenty first generation box to believe that God may change sighs God and Allah what will go out no married men here change is still the consuming fire destroy somebody's marriage one day you'll climb your bedroom when someone destroys you us he has no change flip around so a seed and one day you leave the silk in your sewing nothing else in the pout is God and we must remain a generation even though he may look like a silent he's still sitting on the throne of grace and nothing one day that time will and he will ship to the throne of judgment that will be a sad day for Humanity I have to tell you this truth let me just touch it the Bible talks about the poor man Lazarus I mean the poor man and the rich man Lazarus they entered into two places these are true Lazarus was the rich man of the poor man we are not all the name of the rich man because his destiny never counted so his name was not important I rather enjoy heaven with our name poor mr. T then enter hell without a name all I have is all I had because my name is my identity and the Bible says they were taken to two different places one was in Abraham's bosom why Abram because Abraham is the father faith so children of faith in those days they enter the place called she'll say she oh and she all was not heaven she all was a place set aside before Jesus but it was not a place of torture it was a place of comfort because bosom is comfort and so the father favors Abraham and anyone who died in faith went to see all and many people fear to go to Sheol David included because they say there is no worship of view there is no praise of view because they fear to be disconnected from God but they were in a place of comfort in Abraham's bosom now there's a guy entered into Abby's say a B so we have sure and we have abyss now the name of beasts means darkness and territory of demons not help abyss and the Bible says there was a membrane separating them meaning that the warning of these will see the one in Sheol and the one in she all could see the one in abyss secondly they communicated because the Richmond say to Lazarus another receipt to the Richmond and or Sabra and now I have to introduce something different you see you are a spirit a soul and the body now when you die your soul and spirit leave the body and the body goes please the original nature soil humors now if I am a spirit am eternal because my original nature was Adama but I have a soul that works with me meaning that you cannot separate the soul from the spirit and you can never separate the spirit from the soul but your spirit is eternal and your soul is eternal your soul is the one that tells your spirit about the reality of where you are your spirit cannot know it in hell if you will need their soul to tell the spirit you inhale and so you are burning because the soul will communicate to the spirit now you're feeling pain it is the same soul that will communicate to the spirit you are in heaven and now you can enjoy the glory of Yahweh and that's why we win souls buddy because we love soul will confirm where you are and when we lose your soul it will also tell you where you are because it will bring the reality so this must be returned souls that were in Abraham's bosom and the rich man never complained of where you are you know when Perry started praying for Souls I said when people go to hell they will not complain because it will be perfect judgment the man was crying for the men on earth who never knew how that place was and he say tell them to go and tell them and he said they have Moses and miss patty if they don't listen to them they cannot even buy your story because where you are only spirit and soul can feel it the flesh cannot understand it because the flesh is created for us but the Spirit is created for eternity now this guy a piece is not hell it is a stall become a place waddle funghi while walking Modoc when the hell organized owners to a Latino done was to don't want an eternity of end of the day him not compared to a potentially guapa to me Akaka machination compromise plasma with you a one-day niandra Gianluca later Quan Ouma now caught up with him dangle at the intention people like an aqua Rojo what to maybe be amiable make Osaka forgive who love kiriona to you cumbia forgive you know Fanny a favor coordinate a maze of a plasma with pocket because that's not my nature sour let me step on your big toe I have big shoes but I'm helping you because when you preach these messages people don't give offering now I will do it for offering I'll do it for eternity hallelujah now what is a piece a piece is a place where demons dwell you have to separate between demons and angels because we had fallen angels and we have demons fallen angels walk on a power Yakub change form run osteology Dogra walking hombre que baka T Doogie those are fallen angels and they are rare but demons are spirit from hell and B must look for bodies to manifest on earth and enter into abyss you will not go to hell but you will enter into a place where there is no masih there is no grace there is no love and you will enter into the termination of demons if on have demons take your body they will torment you they will make you sing bend over in a club and you're 40 years old they will make you drink and sleep in a tunnel and they will have no value because they torment you if they can't remain on earth in a body how much more in their place of residence and that is why when people die and they're welcomed by angels they torment them because they don't know now they don't know grace but when Jesus died the Bible says he came to set the captives free who are the captives it is the souls that when she'll when he died he took everybody in Sheol and resurrected with them and took them to paradise if you die in Christ today you will be in paradise with him waiting for us celebrating with the angels and like all peoples right dance with the Angels now now how did I get there I am done from the Omega the beginning of the ends is the Lord who is and who was and who is to come the understood now what is hell hell comes from the word Gehenna gana was a place outside Jerusalem it was a physical place gamma L quango place TACA TACA Jerusalem Delacroix's Dana - pas de Paz nacho Mapo Mayo motel Queen upon forever so Licata Jesus Allah Kuja they only fire anger to me ah cambia motto amal mi cama y el buana miyajima nicole Peloquin Dora dam site na pollo Takata go to pose anaerobic una moto for Eva nos ma dam site Tommy Mottola a damn sight even Doku takua bigger father now the devil is not the chairman of hell many people to Nam Bianco who Tajik wa useless Dubois con Akuma Haku sheikah Anika Gaza let me tell you there is no math NL because we were made to believe the devil is not burning in hell is they are moving tormenting people that is not the Bible there ever is a victim in hell you know I was I was watching the documentary of a guy called El Chapo one of the biggest drug dealers and he was taken to jail when he entered the jail he was a victim in jail he lined up like any other person he ate their food there was no special treatment he was treated as a man who fails the speed and when the devil goes to hell he is not a champion he will burn like anyone else burning the problem is hell was created for him not you now if you disobey God and disobey the cross then what will happen then the Lord has no option but tell you to go to the one that you followed because it's either you follow Jesus to paradise or follow the devil to his destiny because everyone has a destiny Jesus has a destiny otama and also the devil has a destiny which is eternal so which one do you choose today and the problem no one can make this decision for you we can preach we can annoys we can baptize but unless it is a conviction in your heart where you said today I follow Jesus no one can make it for you and it will be the same kids like the rich man when you enter there because these are Russia's judge he will open books and books now the problem is on that day that thing called grace will not be there he will sit like a judge and every action and intention will be judged that's why if none very few can make it to heaven out of God's Russia's judgment how many women have you looked at lustfully toughest in and there is no grace to pad on it because you're not under the covering of grace girl means you can survive when the books are open and everything led is because when you enter eternity time does not count meaning that memory is not limited to 1994 when he says you you lasted well in Roland classics nothing appears in classics because the in eternity with only to go back to files McCloskey reappears there because in eternity 10 does not count and you can remember in your conscience yes I messed up and then when the books are closed you have to kneel and say Jesus is Lord and then tickets destiny this is the gospel truth and this is what the world is missing that's why we talk you to do a job economy among gusu karma nip and a nanny job job Amanda column windy you nella to threaten me because we don't have any dunno understand me when they fire you you come to the house of God and tell him master even poor umpires on arm I know I have a destiny and I have a center this 2% cannot mess me up now see where she was writing from at all these understanding Nobu tonight I draw on both of your brother and companion in world in rhesus in blessings in myself in Hoonah in tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus oh my god these are very tough word to teach our generation today now you can go through tough times but still consider yourself blessed but your house can be locked because we went for missions and in Atlanta still say I am blessed the Lord can entrust me with elation the more can trust me biased and impatient and silla kingdom ambassador was in the island is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus let me tell you something but most part most he was there because of a sudden Emperor a Roman Emperor a liquid a media go to a place of daily malakoma command people to worship Him and some people believe is the image was in a temple and all you needed to do in those days uniqua Miliband's logically Akkad o el Oh Bonnie na hoona Motaba V na kaneki media Emperor so accentuate our eunuch Yuja una total Bonnie una lucha qui m'as una and le are only Rilakkuma Nyssa you pledge allegiance to the god but the Christians of those days they used to look at the innocence and bit annoyed and say I worship only one God and it was for the same reason when it was time to rush it but God I mean John refused and he was taken into the valley of Patmos and that is why he saying I am here for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus meaning the Patmos in the place you can be proud of wata naquadria mentor preacher Patmos part mo le KOA please welcome Apella comma political rebels now yoanna commas desi sentence a iot John Attanasio valid Raju Atrato walk and om Adagio haniwa Patmos Ateneo wanna say manga Akana the most poisonous scorpions not the most poisonous snakes now upon your chili liqueur you are taking a chromium Yolandi now this man i'm a kappa worship the image of the king i'm the Nestene a metallic rachanna like ENIAC you opportunist but Wakata washable I can watch Ellen and Mykonos Emma Nico why jealous yeah ammonia moon mcwhopper was the popular dasa babaji a among group we must believe people start up a warrior spirit ah there are many things that bring of a spirit down but how I play you are spirit will be broken by road to break squad apartment let's assume the next Jane clue Konami Fukasaku survived equal place your life any companies here death but still in death and cannot count it all joy checking number 10 Shh estate ASEAN say where was he when I was it in which they judge how I please not even in my Patmos mode I can be in the spirit even in my Patmos where I am prone to die I cannot lose my ground I'll still be in the spirit no matter what I'm going through as long as I know has been holding the word of proof and all skin holding the testimony of Jesus what a long journey to patrol but here villain I really look like I'm in my apartment for the testimony and a lot of the Lord what the money children not only welcome a group of odd lesson disqualify me but let me tell me the testimony being the spirit Donna Cooper pitcher Joe all the disciples welcomed me died 12 of them Paula Lacroix beheaded people equal crucified upside down he was the only surviving disciple marijuana Jew eyes escape that is also the way to anti tality Duque understand the 98% me big a calico 2% I wish yoga pollutants 2% ok 90% makini away the compromise to % g a 98% the by Buena Semak you are poor in the spirit God becomes a completely what was God revealing I am the Alpha and the Omega the first and the last and what you see right in a book and send it to the seven churches within Asia to Ephesus to same area to paga most to that dealer to Sardis Philadelphia and Laodicea watch Aniyah chiapoe but this is the most important thing when you are in the spirit you can be taken to spiritual dimension to see the future of your spirit luckily God and we pick John in the spirit he OG not in the day of the Lord high militia Sunday the day of the Lord in Istria judgment cumin ISA alum - aquarium yep at most a company Kaka level yaki an equal raptured God a combination be glory animal a ahead alcohol ISA heaven please Anna Paquin de Paul Ileana to be a polar liquid Atta baby Daniel Ileana akamalik glory now a time-limited Jesus in his glorious level anathema usually Kwan annual Hawaii a Lacroix me band was a white Alec wanna me goose a brass quando Moya kaku kaku motto casued alchemist acquiesce seven spirits nirvana can be akhada seven candlesticks a unique way me Juliana the last image medieval alchemy ona Iroquois T walk across a curvy things like any Jesus ocotilla teen a communist in his glorified form a human spirit to apartment a combination as destiny of the charge that you are part of the charge no commonness of in the divorce I come about in a world leaders were destroyed in a New Jerusalem if I can bounce novel a total worship forever in eternal glory but the time Jane Irina open dead highway make sense Alec one of the bigger picture you are my honor Matua coulombs - Ayana God Olympic through eternity in the 22 pages of Revelation a combination destiny a dev or destiny echad history at such a limb fast forward memory none less judge in the Quanah thoughts sight anity everyday to qualify to devotee ahead Jo malaria huaca de tráfico to keep Raya was say when you're Mexico Saudi Arabia to amend aqua Vangelis he's on dope Rihanna Bolivia got it on jakku make siapa Buddha really graduates in a job okay teachers even before now he can only job to Manila preserve evangelize back to Panda to grow y cual get jobs ecco tropica supriya eat em me quadruples piranha Cullinan illallah k important me kingdoms I see master wanna serve McConaughey's permission s Dracula bilham wanna send ahead kappa Tony Konami code Robles Latin even Soul Stealer tragically Pedro a Calipari Mitaka in really keep my disciples Radha in relief wanna watch equal-area persecutions addounia Kasich you shot in fact Paul Alec wanna say mommy pig Wasilla 40 lashes merit at Le Yukon Okanagan Mendoza Q farm owners of homegrown revenue same a brooder Appa Elsa Bob Michael Lomonaco preach Somalia pool African India India victory Asuna Columbia where was God because he where was God you know canonical Prettyman where was God he was still on his trunks even when Paul was being beheaded and it feels to lose my spiritual stop do you still be in the spirit no matter the shaking no matter the circumstance so we are never came to motivate you I came to spy you I came to tell you some of the complaints you're making to heaven heaven is looking at Jerusalem and looking at matters in Saudi Arabia looking at the people being persecuted mission of is going to Gary sandwich eeeh people that are not to be killed and have anything this is where I can put my focus a job is not what I created you for that is just a way to raise a tithe so that we can preach the gospel but there you employed and opening the tithe not to preach about a 90% of survive before come here hey God allegorically given to preach Messalina Columbia University ministry yo Safa we are to tie the knot on a job as a preacher my support Kingdom that's why I'm opposed Osama I'm otaku dynamo Edo each dog open across TV since Etobicoke Awad Noah prayer raucous mama easy to marry list it to heaven in SM suppose of ammo motivational books laughs another condemned to seven keys of big success key number one be determined say determine key number two be self-motivated there is a lot of self gospel there's a lot of me ISM in the church there's nothing to do with the kingdom it is about if God is gonna do this for me if God is gonna do this for me if I saw a seed is gonna do this for me let me tell you more mount of seed come move heaven sorry we lied to you [Music] but you don't give 10,000 and get 100,000 this is not a pyramid scheme that is wrong business you give for the kingdom and you give to God and you can give 10,000 I'm ganna wife how much is a wife sometimes all you give is not what you get I know we've preached a lot of motivational messages let us preach the truth this one will cut your heart it will pierce your spirit but this one will give you eternal life and it's not about to be motivated it's not bad tell us about the essence of this gospel this is not a motivational book this is an activation book you hear and feel like preaching in a Matar when you go back home because you can't afford to see another soul go to hell at your watch you blessed just lift up your hand and say Lord Jesus when you come for the church [Music] you you [Music]
Channel: Truth Mentorship
Views: 33,164
Rating: 4.8793969 out of 5
Id: nm4jG6jQhZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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