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record my global audience i don't know what to do with them not pendant i'm streaming on my page and many of them all over the world but to translate for them later when you differ don't call the two families to among you only the two of you can solve the issues between the two of you i'll give you a few exceptions that come in but as long as it's the two of you who have wronged each other anybody who comes to give you a solution it will be an outside thing that you've never been you never owned it are we together ladies hello don't call up your mom to tell how your husband is misbehaving ladies because you never let your mothers you always with them i'm specific about that if you call your mom to report what i'm doing to you she loses respect for me forever are we together the wisdom what did paul say that was the reason we're supposed to start where in church isn't it we start here ourselves we don't go to court of law okay you as a man if you ever someone you lift your phone and call your mother-in-law to tell her how the daughter is misbehaving you are a narcissist the first sign of a narcissist is they totally disregard your your parents they cross boundaries to report you the other sign is they are two different people when they are in front of people they are very nice love they don't be holding you but in private they are an animal they're telling you when they'll call you made me work so you who thought you think you and nobody wants i mean privately they are a demon publicly they are an angel whenever you have a person with two distinct personalities the word narcissist i mention it because most victims spend years and decades without knowing what they're dealing with if your person has two different people and you know it and the world does not know it narcissists are those people lack empathy completely selfish they have an exaggerated sense of self-importance they derive energy ego boost from tormenting you when you cry they feel energized a belief about marriage to keep you captured for life i have lost people death narcissistic abuse kills it kills because you are forced to endure the abuse and act like everything is normal outside there those are two problems those who die of narcissism in the day from heart attack the day from when you hear young people that even heard the kidney failure 34 year old heart attack a 28 year old who has struck those diseases don't arrive early except in the presence of high levels of stress how we together convinced took away everybody was weakened they were the first ones to go the ones were very weakened by stress of course their people can get heart attack from other causes i'm just saying narcissistic abuse high levels of emotional manipulation this the narcissists call something called cognitive dissonance that's a big word for because they wound you they took you so badly but when you decide to pack and go they apologize so heartily they even call they even gather a reconciliation meeting by pastor and just all the people you respect they apologize but soon after the apology you pay for it again they even taunt you for making them apologize one day if a friend of yours tells you they are being tormented narcissists cannot even have no more sex they must wound you using the sex they do it in a manner that inflicts your pain they will hold it when you want it and they force it when you don't want it if you try to wrap your mind around the narcissist you run mud because they are not normal i'm describing because some of your friends are suffering from it so you can save a life are we together who where did they come from today i can't exhaust them but where do they come from they have a twisted crawl a twisted call they cannot improvise they don't even love their children they possess their children the same way they possess cars they cannot cooperate they counter parent they don't model values they model vices you plant values they are fruit and plant vices they disappear from the children and reappear like a hero with all the toys and all the things of forbidden your children to make you look dull and boring and them hero so they appear like a hero to their children to be praised and you to be diminished my wife reminds me to talk slowly so because she's here i'm careful place yourself guys we need our wives to pace us okay but the one purpose of your partner is to save you from your own chaos brothers brothers alone brothers whether to be hello brothers we know very well without this woman how many others will be hovering over your life like a voucher the moment you get some money girls pop up from nowhere and many of them are very dashing sometimes more dashing than anyway i was going because they don't have character women who don't have character build charisma they are not wife materials so they work on the thighs on the shoe on the ship on the warmth on their gig on their perfume they can slay you they're not working on bringing up a baby or washing your clothes or cooking for you they don't have to worry about family finances is always account of faith those men who tried to remove the real wife and marrying pangua cando they realized she never heard the substance you thought she was wonderful because you're seeing her only on tuesdays stolen stolen meat is sweeter she never had to play the role and carry the weight of your life she was playing a window role the woman was carrying your life did not have time for acting she was dealing with reality brothers allah wave at me again drop that illusion that you could have gotten a better deal it is a mirage women when they are pregnant when they give birth their shape changes so she does not look as dashing who told you you also look as dashing you know we judge women by their shape let us try to dress you as a man and also evaluate you on the same scale please before the judges should be able to be measured on the same scale they're judging others your woman is dealing with life evolve with her she's the best you could get but let me tell you why she's the best you could get she with his stance your shenanigans she can deal with your moods she can tell she knows there are some things she knows about you if you are to tell them to the world you will immediately lose your titles let's just start with the dressing how many things would you have worked out wearing if she was not around have you noticed that women are notorious for showing us things that are just in front of us box so and it's not i'm describing the virtuous woman the virtuous woman has substance and she also knows how to dress and look nice i want to warn women when men are naive they think all women are tidy at least tidier than men their girls are very careless they're women who don't dress even they just dress up when they're going out when you enter her house it looks like a combat she has roommates called cockroaches they are women who are not clean if your woman is clean you're lucky if your woman has the sensitivity to clean the house please cooperate when she tells you not to step with the shoes on the near the door not to monday that to always do this to those small things that she's she's irritated about and we keep forgetting them please cooperate [Applause] and men i hope none of you after eating you expect your woman to pick the plate for you let us define marriage again a voluntary union between two adults for mutual benefit marriage is a mutual beneficiary partnership not a master and a servant you don't sit on the sofa set with an attitude the way your father is to sit with a newspaper in the leg somewhere and he eats and leaves them there as a man more than mom you partner with your woman through life you don't load it over her she is not your subject she is your partner in destiny this is your course jonah she's your co-traveler she's your co-fighter in the battles of life give her respect be a gentleman serve her food when you get to kitchen ahead of her let me touch on something we are a new generation we have been called what only priesthood yes we respect our culture but this woman is fighting your battles for you you are supposed to help her in this mornings after you eat take your own plate to kitchen and wash it don't leave it there when they are finished eating wash your plate nobody is supposed to clean after you you are not a boss you are a friend you are a friend why are you acting bossy we know you okay can we announce men our vacation today of course there are women who prefer their men not to go to kitchen they are women like that if a woman prefers that obey her but how many are they how many of those women are here sorry none of them is around so [Applause] my sister did you say you prefer him not to step in the kitchen at least that brother has been saved for him the kitchen is cuff you for the rest of us you need to know when mafuta is being finished you need to know when unga is running down you keep shaking the gas cylinder to check off it is you order the water and take it from ground floor bring it up she should not lift to the water to the dispenser when you are here you're the one who has muscles what if she injures her back do the simple things in the house and again i don't want you to send your woman up country live together you're doing live together even when you married she was in garissa and you are in a guru you work towards coming together you don't work towards going apart if they give you a job and it is squaring separation your way is this job worth the separation can you give us both jobs both of us there tell the company i can only take up this job if my wife gets another one around if you assist me the better we can come next week otherwise i must stay with my children and my kids guys our fathers were not married to our women to our mothers they possessed them like something like a pseudo slave that's not your case that's why they never went any far our fathers were in the hands of side side women their destinies collapsed of course there are few achieved and few are friends with the women but the general culture was what the woman was ranked closer with the children isn't it this woman is your colleague in your destiny this woman is your friend let me come to play you must play and be easy like friends don't be uptight that you don't want jokes chemistry jewish people keep asking me how do we bring back the flame how do we bring back the spark what is the secret why what happened now our relationship is so flat oh my god play joke dance tease make it create time for empty time that does not have serious discussions drive around i don't have enough time but i wanted to ask you what makes the two of you feel closer have you noticed what makes you feel closer you need to answer that question if you don't have an answer to this question you're flying blind with your marriage you're flying blind for us we know is when we spend time together in whichever way driving somewhere working ideas come up we talk we shape ideas we come we observe things together we discuss things although sometimes she's not in a talking mood so let's talking let's talk about the non-talking moves of sisters one brother has declared the meeting officially open sometimes sisters keep quiet because you've heard them and they don't explain it to you because they expect you to know that you hurt them you should read their mind you should observe your behavior so when you see that she's not talking you start evaluating all your sins for the last you start conversing tentatively is it is it this or could it be that could it sisters it is childishness to keep me in suspense we cannot build a family if you expect me to read your head [Applause] you can take you can take a few hours offended because when i was talking in family church i said something that offended you you can keep quiet as we drive home but please by the time the night comes can you just text and say when you say this and this it hurt me no i'm just using an example she doesn't give me blackout for a week if as a woman you are giving your man a blackout for a week let me spare the name i was going to call you but you're very childish [Music] you should not go past a day without talking what if other things happen when you're not talking life is passing by you there were ideas you are building on this applaud your dimension and then seen it the sakai you are considering and the guy has called this something you are working now when you have locked me out how do we do that we miss opportunities and you are there having a better party you are doing everything with them with an attitude throwing food at me you sleep and you face the world and i have to sneak in and avoid roughly most of us men we are trying to grow and be patient but please not even the patient have a limit don't test us too far just because we are prayerful for a man to be emotionally open to you it is taking an effort if you if you damage me if you wounded me but because i'm open to you you're forcing me to retract men behave like tattles they come out of the shell emotionally to interact but if you wound them they retract so you kept quiet for two weeks by the time you came back i had gone away one guy was being carried by a pickup you know their home he was given lifted by a pickup then this pickup was driving so fast then at some point they don't know breaks where they went the brakes they stopped working then it is pumping pumping sweat some one pump he was thrown up by the time he came down the thing and gone women if you go too up if you go too high by the time you come down we will have left that's how people stay as roommates and they're no longer emotionally connected don't hurt us because we hurt you even if you can't talk some women if they are angry and they open their mouth god have mercy on you so i i me and my girl because she's the retreating type the women when they get angry they're combative combative combative you can do things you regret them it's better to compose yourself first and if you can't control a no more conversation texts say this is what i did this is what you did and i'm very happy i'm very is that how you take me i feel disrespected women remember to push your boundaries don't allow to be disrespected the same way to men when something this guy used to be served in the cheapest plate the food was always brought in plastic plates and they have good plates but it is our beginning when should she risk the good plate being broken by chick by children and you can just use your when anyone needs unilever so eventually it was not a big offense at once but eventually he kept asking i keep noticing a button what is this one day he was wise enough to raise it up with her said i don't why do you serve me those kind of plates i could have but again i say this man when i'm tired i just arrived she serves me she was in kitchen she said but i'll also join her there to catch up with the day join a woman in kitchen chat get you know sometimes she wants to get under but it is too high so just get it for her it's those small things sometimes the cooker is acting up just because she has still turned to this one she did not notice this one it will just help her in those small things again i know some of you you have not up you don't let your woman break her back washing clothes and she also has a career if you can afford a washing machine get one in any case women are buying most of their assets but they're buying it in our names they make they make it look like we are the ones who bought when she's working she doesn't mind equipping her house and if she minds she's the wrong type bring her to me for counselling and women how many of you are first daughters you are the first daughter in your mother raise up your hand quickly thank you please don't carry your family they have a family here your mother updates you even when a chicken is sick and you have to mediate between the mother and the father the children and the mother the children the father you're always on fun on issues there gradually win them winning the way you win a child from breastfeeding win your family to let them know you have your own family let them learn how to survive you were the center of things before you got married most fast daughters play that role isn't it you are mothering everyone being a first daughter is very difficult the world does not see that you mother everyone including your mother but now after you get your own family you need to win them away let them give you space so we have said um one of the things you need to know is learn how to be easier to play find things that make you laugh brothers after you leave work don't go spending all the hours with your family or with your boys and more so ask brothers do not tell your mother things before you tell your wife don't disclose to your mother or that close sister you have before you distrust to your wife talk to your wife she is your first friend brothers it is illegal it is wrong to let your people in on your issues more than you letting more than you discuss with your wife in fact i prefer my wife to handle my brothers when there is money to be done with when i realize they want more money i hide behind her cooperate when you realize her people are exploiting you let her protect you protect each other are you getting it just organize it because attack which are in person messages now it shows to do with the money guys everything you earn is a joint effort because we are together now we are living together everything we are earning we are doing it as a team effort are we together atacama county it is family money from today consecrate all your money to be family money all of it the purpose of getting married is to become a team to to dissolve your individualities gradually and become one unit so that you think alike and you know the girls in front of you you know where you are if i had the time i would have done a game we shall do a game i give you a paper to write for me your priority project separately the husband writes the wife right you see whether they write the same things what is your priority now when you get the next money where is it going what are you guys saving for pastor are telling me what they are saving for what they are working on the wife knows you are you together as friends one woman don't let your boys come between you and your wife when you talk with your boys talk boy things there are some things you talk with boys they have nothing to do with their family just to say no in the menu just say chelsea and who that is different the ideas they give you oh thank you sir the ideas they give you about growth when i was buying a car my first car the guy was helping me is very vast to the cars we went with him but i kept updating my wife we have seen this one how do you like it yeah i did not bring a car at home to surprise her this is what we are using i let her know even the amount we are using how much we needed she's do not let your your spouse to be surprised by strangers being told how much do you communicate per day you need to be talking constantly at least three times a day like painkiller one times three at minimum the reason is because something can happen in between the hours life happens rapidly she can be involved in an incident on the road i'm always very careful with my wife's phone the other day she was scratched by my tattoo i'm the only person who can rescue her in the situation she's driving i'm attacking a manga buyer so i have to rush and rescue whatever i was not picking but you also need that close friend who can rescue situations when you are when you're out of reach you also need a friend with as good as family if you have one you have you're lucky but you don't have to force it so that you don't give the job to the wrong person then they exploit it but generally you should be very reachable to your wife you don't switch off your phone when you're a family man even at night you just put vibration because an emergency can erase isn't it oh a job opportunity a friend tells you by morning send the cv to this number isn't it send your cv to this number when i have two phones i always leave the office the work phone away but the personal one i'm with it because sometimes things you know you need to be called to move do this do this this car and all those those kind of things there's a guy who was in the house and when somebody knocked on the door it's the wife going to open it's men who face the world it is the men who got to protect the family it is me want my woman here me here i face the world men we must be both a lion and a lamp a lion out there you roll your hand you you walk with his tails next time pastor give me men alone there's a skill of hunting and looking for jobs i must teach men because one almost regard your woman to be earning more than you you lose something if it happens sometimes she has a better job now it's okay but you're also working very hard to catch up i keep at a promotional sim card say don't be so childish don't be so childish you shouldn't get us because you're insecure we say this is team money she's bringing it for us to progress we needed the money anyway but there are some things men must do to maintain the leadership age one of them is to roar as a lion out there you attempt mighty things one of the things you do is to believe god on a higher scale than her you dare and you pray god with whispers have you noticed when women pray they put a lot of emotions oh god i believe you in the name of jesus women put emotion their prayer so they the language they use is also very unfamiliar for men let us love jesus love him you wonder what amazing how am i supposed to translate to that love him now love love okay jesus tried to ask peter if he loves him and he had to repeat if jesus had asked mary magdalene the first question they would have gotten when you lead worship with men jesus never told any disciple come follow me because i love you he simply don't follow me men understand following than loving and all the jesus disciples who are men was jesus unconstitutional was he biased how come 12 out of 12 non-gender balance but he had the twelve who had the titles but he had many disciples of women who did not have titles in fact they were more faithful it is them who don't use the resurrected it was women who noticed it it was women who stayed when he was being crucified men had fled jesus did not give women titles because women don't need titles to follow [Applause] they were not given any role even the one for the betrayer it was a guy still even the betrayer needed a title treasurer [Applause] so let men introduce their titles please don't exercise them it's something for them adam was given a title before he was given a family i'm the manager of the garden of eden and i'm the general overseer over here my name is edwin i am the director and i am the chair development committee it's okay but women how do they introduce themselves press the large chance my name is manklein i'm a man of two and a grandmother of one men never see their grandfather grand you know i got married and weak too my wife is to them they use it as a title of seniority so man i'm saying is a lion because the lion of judah but he's also the lamb of the tribe you know the lamb of the house of david is the lion lamb we represent jesus there are titles about jesus i love so much by the men are you reading the bible alone man you need to go stand through ahead when jesus went to the guys on the mountain he went a stone throw ahead you don't become leader just because you're the husband you to be a man is a verb it's not a noun it's not just that you're a male human being you must man up perform the wrong prove it [Applause] give me a physical bible this is the tool of power of all husbands this every other thing is dispensable the job we are doing most women are very diligent at work they can get more promotions than you but if you can interpret scripture deeper than her she will respect you all her life i was telling you how women pray when you are saying we are praying for money for the project or for money for school fees god you remember us you promised that's how she'll pray but if the guy starts to pray for the same thing god you know the situation [Music] we know you'll do it in jesus name but because i don't put a lot of emotion she thinks it's not effective she thinks i'm not serious i do women men pray like that it's about the death of faith and the fatherly authority it's not the number of words i feel very flattered with my girl always tells me pray for me and she's sincere about it she has a headache please pray for me women borrow a leave ask him to pray for you he will pray straight to the point because guys go straight to the point but that's good enough it's the amount of faith god worked with the father abraham abraham the only guy i like the prayer of daniel is written down in daniel chapter nine so men are we agree that every day you must read the bible look for a way look for program that works for you you can use the daily bread the daily bread they have an app they suggest verses for you every day and one how many you must wake up ahead of your wife unless you're night shift wake up early so that you can go ahead and fight the demons that were about to attack your family job would wake up job would wake up gossip could raise cows for his family saying perhaps they insulted gophers he blasphemed i pray for them the man must go ahead and pronounce things ahead you get your authority by performing study the word wake up go by the way although i want you to perform things together things to do with the god there's a part that is very individual worship praying many of them for us we find it easier because my schedule is i'm a very early person some of you could be earlier that another was this evening if you can't do it early in the morning and you're living in person do it at night it's okay i have a friend of mine who prays midnight but he wakes up at eight me and i sleep at ten i wake up at four every day my alarm is permanently set at four many times i wake ahead of it in fact there's a conference i usually do sunday's morning for some guys in america at 4 30 a.m 4 30 a.m now they have had daylight saving they have they have changed by one hour so i'll be doing it 4 a.m we have taken it back so that it's not too late for them the ali bird catches the worm the early lion hunts the fattest deal we are not about this time man let me repeat this and i hope even if you forget everything else find a program through which you study the word the way pastor was preaching here you can be sure sister claudia respects that above everything the man is grounded in god she feels safe sisters am i right when your man is grounded in god and a survey was done in america where people were asked what they remember about their fathers you can be funny you can you can find this very funny bar they said my father was a governor he was a mayor he had this many tractors but if there's something that hangs on my head to this day at those moments i saw him reading the bible children now the adults they're being asked what they remember most about their fathers the moment they found him this is your magic is a man this is your magic let your wife ask you where the verses are go go for high even if you don't know them lose every other authority but not that one another thing i want you to do is learn to give offering for the sake of your wife women are more emotionally receptive than us so they get easily stressed they are overwhelmed by circumstances faster than us because they're carrying children they're carrying baby they have an emotional psycho which emotional second does a man have the one for feeling nearly one of my ninja two to batter for men it's mainly hunger we don't hunger for the stomach and the other stomach below there i know you are told that the way to a man's heart is through the stomach but by now you know it's somewhere below the stomach so for men for men and one of the things another time or teaches even that bedroom act you can win a lot of respect from your woman if you do it right don't ride it like a bicycle three areas are very sensitive to the egos of men the areas are extremely sensitive that immature men can't take correction in these three areas one they're intelligent so never call your man stupid even when you're hungry never ask him what kind of man are you number two is culture and sophistication we see them anomaly everybody wants to feel like they are cultured and sensitive that is sexuality don't don't fail to tell him how to satisfy you because if you keep quiet over time you get you get frustrated in disconnect men by now you know our ladies enjoy they are just as good as us if you do it right some people ask me how far christians should explore and i told them exploring for christians should be different for non-christians none christians do sex as if it is everything they have they want to feel and they think it is the act for you a mature christian you don't have to do sex on a rooftop to feel it can you imagine people leaving the house to go do sex in the car and the neighbors are seeing a car shake the man of god should have moderation there are some styles that show disrespect they don't show that you treat her quickly you should treat her respectfully everywhere everywhere out inside she should be honored here and at home she should feel treated special what matters for christians is not the posters or the positions it's the emotional connection if you treat your human right even holding hands has a lot of chemistry more chemistry than for those drunkards when they do those queer positions it's not how you look it's not the person of the bodies is the connection of the hearts work on the inner connection and then you shall add the spices you try together we try this try this learn together don't watch pornography to bring sexual feelings pornography is not about sex pornography is about capture domination perversion objectification of women the pornography has nothing to do with passion and love nothing it's an industry that rise on addiction and the domination of women it's about power not passion true love is about passion pornography is about power domination subduing that's why the women are paid in the pornography industry they're the ones being exploited that's why they're being paid they are the ones whose faces are shown it's the one being put down as a man don't go outside are some things a man should never suggest to his woman at one of my father says my virtue is that we have a threesome there's some people that talk like that and i tell them by the fact that he can mention that thing to you he has disrespected this disrespected you to the utter most let's announce that love is not the most important thing in marriage but respect comes first respect comes first nobody can love you if they don't respect you one way to make sure people respect you let's say this we are committed in this union for life we are in this to stay me i'm not here with one leg outside i am my mind is made up one now me we are the ones who need to revise this every day i started by telling you this woman is the best deal you could get as long as she's a virtuous woman i described narcissists briefly in case you realize you are living such a life talk to pastor call out somebody you trust we don't want to bury you would rather hear the reality that you made a mistake in your marriage than having to marry you pastor said he does not bury anyone we don't want you here and your children are being damaged when you stay in an abusive marriage you confuse children you're modeling to them that abuse and love are synonymous disrespect and abandonment and crying and tears go along with marriage but i want you to be real so we have said we are in this marriage to stay but there's something i must put a warning there we told you for better for worse for richer for poorer everything in that vow was talking about the two of you when we are rich when we are poorer when we are when we are hungry when we are full we shall stay together but it did not mean when the person has abandoned you you continue fighting for the marriage alone it meant that when we are together i'm here to stay but if you abandon me i stay here doing one do you understand if your partner lives and start cheating out there even the bible allowed you to save your heart save your health save your emotions pull out also never let people think you can stay through everything through abuse through disrespect through abandonment through abuse never let them think so in fact the secret is to always let keep let them know that you can be happy without them people must fear losing you if they don't fear losing you they will not respect having you are we together i want you to be so useful to your partner but they also know should they go out there they get seduced well now we wanted to go women also suffer temptations but because i'm a man i am more familiar with the temptations of men you find temptations out there but why do you resist other women because you fear losing your woman two of us hey one moment you gotta get over because you know you cannot replace her the way she understands you the way she supports you the way she prays for you women please pray for your man from the time the world was created men have been a target of the devil the first family the first mother lost two sons one killed the other one the daughter's story was so quiet their names are not even mentioned because the enemy had been told that the seat of the woman who bruised you so he knew it's a boy who is being sent to to beat me so he hated boys god changed his strategy because the enemy had started targeting boys boys die more in diarrhea when there is diarrhea they are the y chromosome is very weak they die more in higher numbers you know drugs are targeting men football betting targeting men terrorist men look at the but just the bad places i hear most hospitals they selling for motorcycle accidents dedicated for motorcycle accidents so their limbs broken and they are like this men are hunted so god changed strategy to hide the mission among women that's how you see mary and elizabeth carrying the destiny of the world one carrying the savior the other one the run of the sevilla they are greeting babies are jumping up women started carrying destiny you see another place ellie malek carries his children called marlon and the killian marlon means disease kilion means finished please pay attention to the names you give your children okay so elimelech left bethlehem judah to go down to moab so the father took the two sons and his wife they went down when they went there the children married women from there the movements of fathers affect the associations of the children don't stay in a neighborhood where the children are delinquent because your children will pick that baby as well one reason to move to good neighborhoods is because your children are absorbing the atmosphere they're absorbing the environment so marlon and killian married morbid women like ruth and arpa but all the men died three out of three it was two women who returned now me and ruth one mentoring the other women listen to me you must have a prayer network in your life and a mentorship network at some point we met we almost been defeated at war it is your prayer that saves us women listen to me this time joshua was fighting but moses was the one praying for him when he law at his hands joshua lost when he lifted joshua one please leave hands for us moses was not praying alone he had other guys helping him to stay so you need a network of prayers we men we've got to face the world we have a duty to be a priest for you to pronounce things but as we face the world sometimes on the road i see near accidents i've had many near misses with accidents and i notice the prayers of my woman that keeps me safe all my shows she prays for them she prays for meetings like this she's fasting and praying for me women you must have a secret private prayer life it's a team to go far the way he's praying for you you must also pray for him are we together the weapon we have that the world does not have is that we understand what does it say in psalm 21 25 that the secret of the lord is with those who fear him god gives you the secrets what pastor preached here today was pure secrets two of us without what he taught today you will never understand that you can be saved but you are still oppressed suppressed that the demon was brought in legally and you are past answered many questions in my mind we have secrets we are getting here they don't have so the couple that is in church that isn't a pastor should do better than couples that are just going to say are we together some of us were there isn't it and if everything was a script was a script script there is no personal emotional connection pastor i liked the singing and i must come one of these days and sing with these guys in singing we pour our emotions as we get closer to god in an individual way let me warn you our singles are we together possessive you the couples this is your home better than all other groups in this church this is your home they are looking your building before you get married you don't plan your future a lot because you're not sure who you will be married to isn't it a lot of things are on hold but after you get married now you are building let me finish with one point there's a lot i could have told you but i wanted you to swallow this go apply them when you meet next time you've done something the family fellowship i'll not embarrass a lot on it but you need the way to eat together so that you can connect eating and praying at one place we need to institute as much as possible eat together as much as possible read the scripture pray there together but if your shadows are alternated one is early another one is late look for what you can do even if it's not every day when opportunity arises each together men please listen in sometimes we forget i admit i forget so she just reminds me i was thinking tomorrow can he remember it's been a while i think it's okay so ladies suggest to us women have a sharper emotional thermometer than men men we are busy with work so sometimes we lose grip of where we are we are looking at how much balance money we have to gain a quarter the women don't care how much money you spend they just wonder the quality time she will not force you to buy things out of your budget sometimes you pay herself she just wanted the quality time i hear language with my wife i've never had in my life that is so long since i went out i feel like i'm suffocating i'm wondering suffocating see there is aim of guriwa but women you get that language isn't it they want to break the monotony let's just drive away she loves nature if it were for me i would simply be indoors studying studying researching talking to guys quoting victory i can do that all year round but she came to ventilate my life and balance it please allow your woman to balance your life i know some men are more adventurous than women so also draw her out maybe she's introverted and she's in those most of the way draw out but let me remind you even an introverted woman is very talkative when she's in a house if somebody is quiet around you is not because they are introverted is because they are uncomfortable around you introverts are only reserved in public in private when they're around the people they're comfortable they're playful they may need more alone time occasionally they withdraw to reorganize the others to recharge but generally when they are comfortable with you they don't look like they're hiding is their secret how many of you are building in your mother's compound leave to your hand i strongly suggest we get our women their own territory away from the mother-in-law unless you are there you are inheriting from a wealthy family like the chris krubis and they give you a current home and they're just next to you there but even if they give you a home like that rent it out and go staturunda go somewhere else i don't want you a chicken cucumber you need to give your woman peace of mind to sleep the way she wants even up country last bonds many last last bond boys are required to build in the compound maintenance isn't it if that is the case and your culture requires you to be around put a fence put the gate to the other side let your woman come and go without being let me talk a s then somebody is keeping a log 10 or 4 out 12 or 2 back in in the company of a person now 8 shots give your woman privacy sometimes you cannot fight with your people it is you to fight for her i have built a house in my mother's compound at home but we don't live there we only visit there so because i knew my mother needed me around i'm the most important son to have so far the one who gives her to nothing but misha so we needed a house but i just built a small one it's not a home it's just a house my real home will be very far kilometers away so you can build a house for the purpose of presence at home but it's not your home it's where to sleep when you go home so that you don't share with the other in-laws there and then don't let your woman to be seen when she's naked they will describe her badly they will say ah could be after arguing for evil hakki shipyard ownership that's why i put us to a small one at home just a small one there so that when we go home i know but you see him talk to diapers somewhere a candle ah mukerlos attacker to make the tea for you know that privacy brings a lot of respect but that's not my home my home will be far away anyway i'm not the last one there's another boy i expect him to be there with the mother but i strongly advise him to do the next with a fence negate the other side give you a woman peace of mind as much as possible i'm together guys let me finish by telling you about mastery same mastery mastery is the highest level of competence in your field of calling the highest level of competence in your field of calling mastery is a level of competence there are other levels students when you studied in the university you are a student after student you become an apprentice or an intern you study under other practitioners in the field level three is called practitioner practitioner is when you are a nurse lawyer accountant what's your job my sister whatever you are you're a practitioner there whatever you're doing now you're an auditor you're a practitioner there practitioners are paid for the services rendered but the problem with being a practitioner is that you are replaceable if the company wants to cut down you'll be cut off mastery means you study your craft so well you investigate mastery takes seven to ten years of constant practice if i can teach you this today and from five some of you the last two three years we've been really practicing your thing doing it so the next five years some of you start mastering your craft your pastor has mastered preaching he is so much need you can sense flow as he talks masters mesmerize everyone when you see a master keyboard player although there are many people playing you see something in him he plays it from somewhere else other people played from the fingers masters play from the soul and they are enough they are not sweating to get it done do you get the point when pastor is preaching secret of julia point you know you can go people for two have i said this one yeah this one is similar like that one but you add the word not you know when some brothers read ezekiel 97 you know what they are going to preach the valley of dry bones in case your situation is a dry bone we declare no that's a salmon you even feel insulted my professors told me if you bring me shoddy work that you have not put energy in you're insulting me by asking me to get out of it something you did not put in they rebuilt me they told me you better not submit any paper if you have not put your thoughts to it what what am i going to engage in the paper is your mind i wanted to engage in your mind your energy your research your thoughtfulness i want to interact with your intellect there our presentation is the same i was happy that singers were singing with a level of mastery half of it the singing you saw today is half of mastery if a person must the two guys who are leading on the path there i could see they love it and they're on their way i have a few things i will teach them later their songs they sang did not which did not have emotion they had a lot of words but empty emotions they were dry pasta young maniac the value of a song is the emotions not the words let it be fair okay praising your name by howard why didn't we change it at once audience they should read the screen once twice washi the secret is give them music that is from their culture it will resonate with their dna they will feel it at once if you notice that all your audience is hundred percent african make sure your music is not ninety percent western let me go back to kapoor mastery means i want you to challenge your wife to find the field she loves and they dominate colonize it masters like jeff kohinge don't talk about joblessness my nakage knows nothing about coffee lost jobs oprah winfrey knows nothing about recession and lockdown when you master in your craft leone messi christian orlando you are you work on your own terms you are paid what you want and you work on the days you feel like you get control over the direction of your career the best person to make you a master is your partner because they are your aspiring partner even if they are not in your field they call out what they see i want to invite you to make sure your partner masters their field come after job they don't feel it they struggle every day help them to move to where they belong my girl is liked by children universally even warrior children they like they notice her even she tries to hide past because she has a baby face like them i keep telling her if she goes to kindergarten i think she looks her energy is very comfortable for them so she's doing master's in counseling psychology and i told her when you finish even now she's doing an internship around teenagers and children i told her if i were you i would look for something to do with children you know she she works with children they change behavior like this even without her trying to ask them to change they change to impress her i'm trying to call out she she helps me monitor my presentations she tells me which stations are good for me i married her in 2019 and the world knew about me 2020 is it only a coincidence i had started practicing my craft in 2011 for sure mastery takes ten years nine if you do it very concentrating you can get there in eight nine ten years only three guys in history did it in seven years and i don't think i also used to think i was a genius like them so i gave myself seven years unfortunately i was proved wrong but [Laughter] i want you to look for field you love let me tell you the few benefits i've told you the benefit of you master your thing paul said started to show yourself approved paul said forgetting what lies behind i stretch forward to lay hold of that which for which christ got me god wants you to know your thing in and out he said the harvest is ready he's the workers who are few the workers god has are half baked to rightly divide the word of truth to discern the dynamics of your field next time i'll tell you that all careers serve god it's about how you structure it you can be an accountant who is representing god there a medic who is representing excellence of god there you can be a lawyer who makes people respect christians you feel you can serve god there of course they accept manufacturing things like bombay like a roche those things if you're manufacturing things that you get money but destroy their lives you don't even see god there i want you to do a thing that you can sell to your family and your friends that is always the test would you market this thing to your friends and your own family if you can't why are you selling it to other families jesus said do to others what you want done to you all right this world is wide enough you don't have to say me me mira too i can only tell me you listen we must be the difference bring us all right so mastery will help you have freedom to work where you want today stations take me on my terms when i was young i was taking anything they draw at me when you are growing when you are when you decide today to climb to mastery then we start practicing you take any invitation you are given any any any to to try to try but when you become established establish that no mean you you settle no when you pick momentum you arrive at the level where you can affect you know your rich mastery when your work resonates with the large republic you understand when songs resonate the summons reason the book the auditing work the lawyer ring people connect with it the public always likes excellence they don't have the name mastery but i'm telling you because you master the skill so that watching lionel messi play is entertaining watching kipchoge run it's entertaining masters are entertaining when they're performing i want you to stop being mediocre pick a field that you love and you can master it in and out are we together if you master it you start earning well to pay for a better lifestyle for your family pastor said if you're only 150 000 you are not rich you're just mediocre if you're earning a thousand and 500 usd and you think you're very wealthy it's because your mindset is very small i told my wife one of the things that i want us to marry but your job your job description is to help me become a billionaire that's my aim and pastor mentioned it here i'm not trying to earn few hundred thousands i'm crafting my thing so they can earn millions i want you to craft your skill so that you can earn lump sums that's how we can build a build tower you can build many churches are in my body structures because they don't they have not mastered anything to have the money or they don't have the heart in the house of god i invite you challenge each other the first conversation i want you to have today what do you really love is that job you're doing you really the brother was doing the games here he loves his work where is he he really loves his thing my brother you this is your thing keep it up you can see it's in him isn't it he's not trying to figure it out it's in him he brings joy when you do a thing that is the day you will see a guitar player who has mastered you'll be glued to the screen just watching one of the preachers i was studying because general said i simply catch myself in fire and the world comes to watch me burn find what you love and let it kill you that is to say die doing it forget everything else do that thing pastor to reach a point where he can i told him he's the african teenager to preach the way he's preaching here he had to forget everything and risk everything to pursue preaching true of us he said if this fails me i'm done get a thing that you can say if this fails i'm done most of you keep plan b thinking plan b is a a it's a contingency plan just in case this i have a side hustles can become distractions the people preach cydia but any venture that brings money requires your presence except investments the investments are when you have real estate or shares those are investments but say so selling maya is somewhere by the candle you have to keep monitoring it checking it supervise it divides you i want you to forget all plan b burn the bridges somebody give me your career what your career my brother yes you your trainer i want you to forget everything and put your energy at it forget plan b the pigs you wanted to keep by the side this for a number of two three four years study everything about training do it with a heart as if it is the matter of life and death scale up the skills so that you can be paid the way you want me i'm not paid the way other counselors are paid i don't charge the way the life coaches charge i charge according to the value i offer and if you can't afford it excuse me there are many shops check the next show those who bought rings gold rings you must have come across the name nagging partnering nagging partners the golden dealers they were in this they don't negotiate they just give you the charge written their prices if you buy they also have a universal discount like five percent for purchases above that ten thousand you know they sell on their terms because they have colonized the field that's what i want you to do but if you go to silly they want to take they don't guess they negotiate too much because they have to make a cell make a name i told my wife i want to be a global teacher a global speaker and i realize you don't aim at the world you aim at the individual you understand individual issues so well that even a person in the caribbean connects with it right now i get feedback from all over people i don't even know i'm just getting used to being recognized i'm just trying to live my former life people shocked me by calling me my name just trying to organize a market just having a good somebody the cashier calls me like okay you know don't worry about fame don't worry about being known for concentrate on your thing sifan is a mongoon let him decide about glory it's not your work concentrate on your work concentrate on it until you leave this half forget who knows you doesn't i want you to get obsessed about your career about your calling you must have an obsessive quality about your thing to wake up but in the middle of the night to study about it pastor has not told me this but if i were to ask claudia she will tell me many times the guy sneaks out of bedroom to go write ideas that are in the head before they disappear true of us when you love your thing ideas come on you when you don't even know and i don't want to wake up my wife so i tiptoe to go write to them when you're a singer the songs a rhythm crosses your head if you don't write it it will disappear when you're a trainer you see a game an idea of a game you just saw children playing that can be something okay okay then you have to write it quickly before it before it got carried away you get it my brother trainers get ideas fragments when you love your vin you see suggestions about it everywhere the guys who are sounding genius even as i talk they can see a mistake i'm making if i just they could tell me if you lower this this it will become they're so good with the sound when you're a keyboard player you hear keyboard being played off key very far away and you're very distracted and annoyed i can tell musicians here because the moment you touch a donkey they react they have a very sharp musical here that's the field a chef will notice small details to be enthralled we have been told there's a very good chef here and my my encouragement for them is to train others i'm trying to train other life coaches and speakers i don't want to leave the scene today people keep regretting where are the zulus in our day somebody should have just told us even if we don't obey let us just hear and i prayed god from today for the next hundred years until he comes kenya shall never lack a speaker to tell people the right things that's my prayer don't shine alone don't be the only fish in the pond one farmer was having superior crop year after year he was harvesting very good things but he was asked he kept donating the good seeds to the neighbors they they could not understand it they were your competitors why are you giving them good seeds he said you see pollination happens across our farms if they have weak crop the weak seed will also affect my output so i want all of us to have a superior crop make sure there's another guy performing as well as you so that at least the appointments you can take you can ask them you can exchange notes if you are the only guy with a car in the village if it goes down holy jump start you yes i keep telling my people that the the envy eewee it just eats you up in the end build other people you do not lose your light by lighting another person's candle the room just becomes brighter the world is very big and your uniqueness cannot be replaced even if today there was another a thousand speakers in kenya i would still be cutting my niche because they can't compete with being me it's only me with me so nobody can beat me and bring me my taste my chemistry my style the way i talk my energy is irreplaceable stop this petty competition help others come up they will never replace you so i finish by asking you to build each other help them find the career where they belong men don't tell a woman to become a stay-home wife you can stay home when children require your attention when they are delicate but after that move on find your career also so that as i talk about work you also talk about work we are thinking on the same level if you stay home and i'm dealing with leadership and solving problems my thinking is being stretched and stretched you are at home just watching soap opera and social media will grow apart make sure you grow in the same direction face the same challenges face life together counter issues together discuss together expand together grow in the same direction god bless you so much [Applause]
Channel: Life Church Limuru
Views: 76,205
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Keywords: #LifeChurchLimuru
Id: 9GF39Vx7Moo
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Length: 72min 15sec (4335 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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