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[Music] yes [Music] you're so good so cool so cool you're so good so good jesus oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] yes you're so good so good so cool you're so cool so good jesus my oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] with everything that we've got [Music] foreign we give you all the glory jesus we give you glory alone as we own are you we give you glory lord as we own are you cause you are one doubtful you are worthy oh lord you are one of you are worthy oh lord we give you glory [Music] as jesus on lord we give you glory lord [Music] [Music] lord you are wonderful today lord you are worthy jesus oh lord we give you glory lord [Music] as we give you glory jesus glory lord as we own are you you are [Music] [Applause] god and and you jesus we have seen you a wonderful [Applause] lord we've seen you a wonderful job you were ready enough for me restored you were wonderful in our lives jesus master love [Music] jesus will say your [Music] foreign we have seen you are wonderful in everything lol and we've seen you a world you're gone we call you a wonderful father we call you a wonderful father today we call you all the jesus we say you wonderful oh we say you're a wonderful lord we say you're away we have seen you do wonderful things we call oh you are wonderful you are worthy all along tonight oh my god too [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Applause] ever [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] to you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh i [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh oh oh [Music] is just open up your mouth and begin to thank him begin to glorify him we glorify you because you are evil you are i want you to open your mouth and believe that you are receiving of god [Music] in the name of jesus christ we declare paparazza [Music] our prayers [Music] we enthrone your sovereignty that in the name of jesus we partake of the world that is alive cause aziz again to fire in the name of jesus we declare he has we calibrate this atmosphere in the name of jesus and we receive of the living god sansa repertoire in the name of jesus and i am not exiting this blessing the same way that i came but i'd be empowered of god that i'd be empowered of the spirit of god past couldn't die in their second time if there be anything that was dry in my life i receive of the watering of the spirit of god and i declare from today henceforth i'm never the same again in the name of jesus water this word with prayer in the next 60 seconds i receive of the promises of god i receive of the blessing of the father satori predicating empire i receive of the cancer of the world i receive in the name of jesus christ i am one part of prayer the word of god in my life brings forth in its hundredfold in the name of jesus christ i replied i have one prayer item before we go into the world in almost chapter 4 and verses 7 the lord says he withheld rain from some places and he gave rain in some places in this season as we desire to see the doings of god which are so supernatural in our life i want you to pray that you will not be part of the places that god withheld rain because sometimes in life maribor chica tayande pesika we will plant and reap immediately because god is quickening the process in the name of jesus christ another i want to pray that that is your portion even those who are watching us online as you plant in this season may god quicken things that you will have something in your hands in the name of jesus christ to some of us the things we need to hold are not material but sometimes it is kindness sometimes it is love sometimes it is peace and i pray in the name of jesus lift up your hand parochiate cannabis lord we pray that we will be partakers in this season in the name of jesus as you release reign in the name of jesus we partake of the blessings we glorify god he is the one that releases the reign that in the day of harvest we flourish in the name of jesus christ and all lord we glorify your name that you are able to do exceedingly above beyond what we think or ask salsa means we enthrone you the one that has never been defeated the one that is capable the one that is almighty i want to partake of the reigns so that i can be full of productivity in this day and age in the name of jesus i pray to god may you be a part of them that are receiving [Music] thank you jesus god bless you worshipped [Music] you can have your seats i intend to keep time father we thank you for your word i pray that you'll help me articulate it [Music] by your spirit speak in jesus name amen [Music] amen amen we bless the lord for god's servant and my brother pastor ken he began our prayers yesterday and he shared some things that are very powerful he said that we must ask of god who was the god of the harvest that he may send people out so that we will have a harvest praise the name of jesus i want us to read psalms chapter number 72 verses 16 [Music] psalms 72 16 for those who do not know me my name is rashid and i'm born again amen i'm not a muslim jesus is lord in my life it is really humbling to stand here to bring you the word amen and i pray that you receive verses 16 let's read all of us one two three go okay one two three go all over us there will be abundance of grain in the earth on top of the mountains its fruit shall wave like lebanon and those of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth amen amen it is a promise and i am a content believer of the word of god that when god speaks his word he follows and accomplishes it this is the only hindrance of the word of god to work in our lives when sometimes we don't carry the word of god with pure motive praise the lord you can reduce the keyboard on the monitors god bless you and so when we don't carry the word of god with its purity of motive we hinder the word of god from working in our lives praise the lord pastor can give us factors upon which we must receive this harvest amen and one of those things he said is prayer because it is prayer that waters assignment praise the lord it is prayer that empowers us to stand praise the lord that is why we have to be in god submerged in his presence and you see sometimes it is not how much we talk about god that we are submerged unto him sometimes it is the life we live that communicates more than our verbal communication but when people look at us they must see evidences of the christ that we profess praise the lord and in this season god has promised that there will be abundance of grain there will be abundance of seed he has said that there will be enough fruit praise the lord but i will show you later in his wisdom god ordained that there is no fruit that comes to be without it is capability to bring forth its seed because in the all vastness of the plan of god he intended that there will be consistency in reproduction praise the lord that is why you must look at your neighbor and ask them have you preached to someone and brought them to church praise the lord because in the plan of god he intended that when i'm born again i will be able to reach out to someone and bring them to church that is the system of multiplication in the kingdom glory to god that is why every fruit must produce seed otherwise that is why we have gmo praise the lord because people are looking at means by which they can sustain themselves outside the parameters of god glory to god so i'm going to give you some laws of the harvest some few laws of the harvest and then in the evening we are going to come back here and pray after we have thought by ourselves the things that i'm going to say first corinthians chapter number 3 verses 6 the bible says i planted the seed but apollos watered it but god made it to grow praise the lord so the harvest is not a man-made thing the harvest is a supernatural act praise the lord yes you planted yes you wanted it but all along it is god that has been causing the increase and it is very important to know that once we come into the space that god uses us to be plant us to be saw us in people's lives yes you saw something someone held watered the same thing but it has always been god in this journey of life causing the growth so that there is no one point in your life that we will beat our chests and say it is my doing praise the lord so the first law of the harvest it is that it is a supernatural act the lord god who is the one that is the owner of the harvest must be the alpha and the omega of all praise the lord it means that as a person i am subjected to the counsel of god i am limited if i tell you the truth child of god there is nothing significant you can become in life if you ignore god and it comes to a point where we must begin to give all the credit to god glory to god glory to god first corinthians chapter number nine verse seven first corinthians chapter number nine verse seven who serves as a soldier at his own expense whoever goes to war who goes to war at his own expense ask your neighbor for me who plants a vineyard and does not eat of his fruit or please read with me or if you ask any farmer here would you bonus was if your son praise the lord aki fuga cuckoo he partakes of the eggs sometimes even of the chicken praise the name of the lord and this is a law when it comes to harvest a soldier partakes of this point of war not a civilian praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus you will be able to partake of the doing of god that is why jesus said glorify me so that you are glorified and this is a place where you retire to self that is why i say your motives in ministry must be pure the lord must drain you of self that was a good place to see a man but it is not exciting praise the lord the lord must drain yourself so that he was willing to train you because when he's sending you out you must not go for your own course glory to god men who have handled the glory in the things of god are rude people who went for their own purposes they are people who stood and said so long as you are glorified jesus i am okay these are the people who sang jesus take the center stage and when you are done doing whatever you are supposed to do partake of the glory i am satisfied when i see you glorified there is no soldier who comes back home all goes to war at his expense praise the lord it is a law of taking territories i pray over your life in the name of jesus that may the grace of god sponsor you into battle that you will take territories for the glory of god second corinthians chapter 9 verses 10. i pray that you are hearing what the spirit of the lord is saying praise the lord now let's read all of us one two three go uh-huh okay all of us in unison now okay uh-huh uh-huh so for there to be a multiplication of seed there has to be a sowing it is important for every christian to know that it is not everything that is given that is meant to be consumed because we believers have a good appetite that is why our gallers are empty it is a law but when it is given for seed so that when it is given for food it praise the lord this scripture says that you must be able to separate what you are supposed to consume and that which you must sow and then he says and multiply the seed you have sown so none of us here is expected to pray for multiplication who was not sold i know you will not say amen praise the lord praise the lord is the lord and then it is only then that when you have sowed there will be the increase of what because when you sow your seed is multiplied when it is multiplied you will have more seed it means you will be able to sow in better and bigger land the result of sowing in a bigger land is you will have more fruit now there is something that is interesting about this scripture the last portion of this scripture there is what is called of you or what this righteousness is a representation of three things number one goodness number two is kindness number three is love now god is saying there will be evidences of love there will be evidences of kindness there will be evidences of love why because the believer has come to the understanding but it is not everything that i have praise the lord so you will know that this one i will be a blessing to someone else and when they rejoice you are increased in your righteousness or there is a manifestation of this righteousness praise the living god so the law is simple it is not everything that is given to you that you are supposed to consume [Music] praise the lord the other law when it comes to harvest season is that expense will increase praise the lord i will show you from scripture matthew chapter 20 verses 1 shout you are amen if you are learning something matthew chapter 20 verses 1 the bible says for the kingdom of heaven is like a land owner who went out early in the morning to hire men to walk in his vineyard praise the lord there is nobody who hires people by goodwill unless you are bringing them in as volunteers praise the lord but if you purpose today for those of us who run businesses here if you go out to hire people it means that you have a budget for the same so in this season there will be an increase in expense because god wants people in his vineyard to work now let me put it in kingdom language probably some of us are still googling praise the lord the thing that the scripture means here is this god will deploy men [Music] because he has already supplied when you deal with god you must begin to deal with god from a place of a finished work because he said at the cross it is finished so the provisions that are needed are already provided for the only thing we need to come into is understanding who is needed where and place them there in the name of jesus and i want to declare over your life that you will be sensitive enough that you will be positioned in the place where you will partake of the privilege of serving god in your generation glory to god and this is the interesting thing let's go to john chapter 4 verses 34. john chapter 4 verses 34 it's a very interesting story and jesus is giving his disciples uh something here that i want us to see he says jesus said to them what did he say to them all right my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work just stay there he has a responsibility a responsibility that is way above his stomach and personal ambitions praise god because anyone who's going to be a partaker of this season must carry the agenda of god with all seriousness that he deserves verse 35 and you will not claim your portion because you are involved no you will claim your blessing because you are involved and you finished the work there are many who can start few few he says do you not say there are four months and then comes harvest behold i say to you lift up your eyes and look at the fields they are already white for harvest praise the lord praise the lord jesus is asking his disciples to see properly because when he says lift your eyes it means they were looking but they were not seeing so he is insisting that you must be accurate in your discernment that is insisting that you must be sensitive to know and see and then if you read other versions of the scripture these fields that jesus is talking about did not belong to the israelites no they did not belong to the disciples they belong to the samaritans praise the lord praise the lord and so the disciples were not seeing a harvest they were seeing field that they did not own but according to jesus praise the lord it was time to harvest glory to god as much as it wasn't time for harvest there are times in life because of the supernatural acts of god he will decide that i am going to eliminate the process in between planting and harvesting as you plant you sow in the name of jesus christ i declare over your life but which took time may god quicken it today in the name of jesus christ and you partake of the harvest because god is quickening things praise the lord and will and so he says lift up your eyes and look at the fields find me message bible there is something there that i need you to see as you look around right now not tomorrow praise the lord right now as you look around couldn't you say that in about four months there will be no this one is for those who are still doubting praise the lord we will come back here give me almost four seven it was still three months before harvest but god decided but there is a city i will withhold the rain there is another one i will give the rain yes i am the one who stopped the rains three months short off i'd make it rain on one village but not matthew says that he is called the one that owns the harvest he is the owner of the harvest and in this scripture he shows you but if it is it is up to him to direct where things happen in fact daniel chapter 2 verses 21 says he is the one that changes seasons praise god he is the one that thrones and the thrones kings praise the lord but now i have come to believe and that is my portion today i do not know about you but when god is changing seasons i'll be available to move in the wave of god when he's changing things when he's when he's putting up kings i will be available to be the one that will not be demoted but i will be sensitive in my spirit for 60 seconds just pray unto god open your mouth right now and leave my saturday break up till idea as god changes seasons may you be part of the number that will be uplifted in this season as he shifts and changes seasons may you be one of the people that will receive the reign of god le parosa he and in us name of jesus christ who shall have brought satan even when it seemed like it wasn't your time we serve a god who time bows to in the name of jesus christ may god see your faithfulness that you will be able to go to his presence and say lord remember how i have served you in jesus name because there was a prophet in scripture whose life was about to end and he stood in the presence of god and he told god before you decide that i am no longer gonna leave remember how i have served you and god looked at his record of service and he added the man 15 more years praise the lord i pray that that is your portion go back to the other scripture thank you jesus so god is going to deploy you soldiers are not employed they are deployed you don't seek where you go you respond because you have been called and you go with the knowledge of he that has called me is with me praise the lord praise the lord genesis chapter 26 even as we begin to finish genesis chapter number 26 verses 13. nkjv please isaac planted crops in that land and the same year ripped a hundred fold because the lord blessed him the man began to prosper and continued prospering read so that this one can sink in your spirit because there is a place where god can prosper people until they're very prosperous praise the lord so let's read all of us one two three go [Music] i want you to prophesy to yourself that man put your name there uh-huh praise the lord praise the lord verse 14 verse 12 go back to verse 12 then isaac sword you know it is very exciting when you tell people they are going to prosper praise the lord but then there is a condition then isaac did one so the same way you put your name under the prosperity line put your name here one two three go [Music] so the lord blessed him because he did what he saw the opposite of that scripture is very true that some of us some of us have nothing to show because we have never so we have received a formula by which god is going to bless us we will do what we will do what yes we will sow in the land and because of that reason god is going to bless us matthew chapter number 13 verses 7 there is a seed that fell among thorns which grew up and choked because as men we have a responsibility to tend of the things we saw sometimes it is the desire of god but we will be able to maintain that which we have planted praise the name of jesus because some of us have a calling but we never water the calling some of us have a business but you don't remember the last time you even came with a thanksgiving offering to church and say i bless god because he has done what he has blessed me and that is how we talk that which was supposed to grow and the lord is limited to bless because we never watered it it is a law when it comes to harvest that you find time and seem the need of maintaining that which you planted can i tell you how you maintain it some of us our problem is relationships when i say relationship i'm not saying romantic relationships praise god some of us we can't even maintain a pastoral relationship or a musical relationship that friendship is so hard do you know the people who change friends every three months praise the name of jesus because our time comes in life where it is not money you need but it is people you need [Music] in fact when god wants to increase your scope he will increase the scope of your relationships [Music] because some of those things you are trusting god for in this season they are with people [Music] and because some of us took on an attitude you have no relationship with anyone that is how you choked the plant that you're supposed to take care of that is supposed to produce fruit may god help us praise the lord that we will understand what it means to tend and to keep something the other law of harvest is you need patience mark chapter 4 verses 26 to 27 this is what the kingdom of god is like a man who scattered seed on the ground night and day whether he sleeps or gets up the seed sprouts and grows though he does not know how praise the lord it is a principle in the kingdom the man that souls one way or another because it is a principle in the kingdom the lord god of heaven will cause growth and he will be blessed in the name of jesus i want to declare over your life because you have understood that there is a place of sowing as you sow may god bless your harvest there is a depending on the ground the bible says there is one that fell on good soil but i kept on asking god why is it that isaac in genesis chapter number 26 verses 12 he planted and reaped hundredfold it does not talk about that came to a place of 34 64 why is it important that god gave him something to do with the hundredfold and the bible says in matthew chapter number 13 verses 8 or in luke he says that there is a man that planted and the seed fell on good soil but there was a disparity in terms of harvest and this is what i have come to know today do not rely on your competence i'll say this slow there is a great challenge when it comes to testimonies and growth and the only thing that you can attach to your growth is your competence the bible says in acts chapter 9 verses 31 because the church walked in the fear of the lord in the comfort of the spirit of god the church of god multiplied and this is what i want to say to you there is a place in this life where your competence is nothing to god there is a place in this life where your knowledge will be a limitation and in this space you can only produce 30-fold and in that space you can only produce 60-fold but there is a man who knows i have a knowledge that i can apply to produce 30 fold but i do not want to be among the people that lived in their potential halfway in the name of jesus i surrender my knowledge and competence to the spirit of god and that is how men begin to walk in supernatural results remind us a quarterly prayer i want to declare over your life may be supernatural of god take over your competences may be supernatural of god empower your knowledge even in the wisdom of men may you be empowered by his spirit [Music] because when men grow incompetence their dependency on god goes down as we keep pursuing god and we are getting knowledge now we want to be like god but there is a secret that god will bless with a hundred fold only that which is totally submerged in him praise the name of jesus the bible says when isaac planted the same year he ripped a hundredfold why the only reason as to why he ripped hundredfold it is because god of heaven was involved and he blessed the work of his hands i want to get into a space where i do not depend on myself if he says move i will move if he says stop i will stop i do not care what people will say even in this season in the name of jesus christ we pray by the ordinances of the spirit of god that we will be quickened when we need to move and when he says stop we will be faithful to stop because i need god more than i need anything else it is important that you allow yourself to be i don't know how to put it but god will empower a man that allows himself to lose self there is nothing that god does for your own sake he does everything that he does for the sake of his name and i want to get into that space where everything i do may jesus be glorified i want to get into that space after all i've done whatever i've done i'll say like paul who wrote the 13 epistles in the new testament i am the least worthy to be called a servant because he understood that without god there is nothing that i can become remember this whoever so sparingly will rip sparingly and whatever and whoever saws generously will also reap generously in this season you don't sow from your harvest praise god in this season you sow towards your harvest because you can be the one who will determine the kind of harvest that will be in your hands okay someone is not following according to your faith may you receive amen i've believed on your behalf praise the lord praise the lord but according to the measure of your faith may you receive you know one time i say to someone yes this is not my salary but i'm going to give a tithe of this by the grace of god there will be an increment no there will be i've seen it i'm trying to encourage you praise god as you saw god himself will cause a harvest that will equal your sowing praise the lord lastly john chapter number 12 verses 24 john chapter number 12 verses 24. oh god john chapter number 12 verses 24 let's read all of us one two three go i say to you unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains alone but if i want to tie this scripture with another scripture genesis 1 12 genesis 1 12. and the earth brought forth grass hub that yields seed according to it and the tree that yields fruit whose seed is in itself according to it and god saw it was god so it was good why why because it produced fruit-produced seed after it is on kind you cannot yield a different seed other than that which you are if you are to harvest anything you must plant it is a law of harvest and according to that which you planted will you reap according to its kind the interesting thing about when we talk seasons of harvest is that we are so excited you know when you talk about harvest it comes into a space where it is the prayers i've been making it is the labors that i have been following and right now god is answering to the things but there are protocols if you plant wickedness you reap wickedness god is not a man to lie but because we have come to the council of the spirit and we have understood even right now as you leave this service may you plant goodness and repeat in abundance may you plant kindness and may you rip it in abundance for those who are planting resources and releasing resources to other people's life may other men be disturbed until they water your life in the name of jesus christ [Music] it is because trees bear fruit and fruit produced seed and this is the continual plan of god praise the lord i want us to stand up we have three minutes praise god because i want us to ask god to help us to see that which we must plant even before we come for prayers in the evening at five praise god because we are going to pray that everything that we touch and sow in this season it is going to be multiplied unto us and it is because god saw it was good the bible says that he sustained the harvest glory to god because god is not going to sustain anything that is not after his own kind in the name of jesus open up your mouth for one minute and tell god i desire to walk in your counsel i desire but i will be blessed because i have been found in a place where i am doing what is right in the name of jesus christ zambala so secretary brady for those ones that have sowed in kindness may you reap in abundance in the name of jesus christ for those ones that have sowed in sacrifice let peas are catholic and there in the name of jesus christ may you sow in abundance for those that have sword in tears may you reap enjoy in the name of jesus christ and we want to declare in the name of jesus christ you have the sensitivity in your spirit let piece of cattle appear underneath when the spirit of god says you need to sow you will be quickened to do the same i want to declare in the name of jesus christ may you plant in this season and rape in this season because you have been blessed of god because you have had god and you have been blessed by god may you reap in a hundredfold in the name of jesus christ in the next 60 seconds up in the one that comes to destroy shall compare yes okay because you have received the knowing of the lord you have received the knowledge of the spirit you have received the counsel of the spirit go into your new season in the name of jesus be empowered by the grace of the living god persecuted we will ask god the owner of the harvest [Applause] with the spirit of god said it ever got a god secondary entire beyond every secret move by the ordinations of the spirit surrounded by [Music] me every step that you take be ordered of god the bible says he sends an angel ahead of us that he will keep us along the way that he will bring us to the place that he has already prepared for us it is not our harvest we are just custodians we are stewards and the only thing that we can present when we stand in the presence that god i have been faithful with that which you gave me i pray in the name of jesus may god increase your anointing in all spheres in the name of jesus christ may that which you tax be blessed by god let's meet at 5 pm so that we can pray but you have something that you will ponder about before you come back praise the lord the giving details are there for those who are following online for those who are here the offering baskets are here amen if you feel you want to worship god it is not a feeling actually it is important to come in the presence of god with an offering amen amen it is not a demand it is a knowledge that comes to life amen it is a revelation if that is the case the offering baskets are here and also the giving details are on your screens may god bless you and bless you abundantly may the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us now and forevermore amen oh oh [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] yes [Music]
Channel: Life Church Limuru
Views: 269
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Ax6T9pmlcT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 28sec (4528 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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