The Chosen Livestream: Journey to Feeding the 5,000

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[Music] throw me like us down in the water watch the mud rise up dress [Music] trouble [Music] and you can say your eyes are open you might think your hands are clean till the wind blows up in ways use me till i'm scraping the bottom make my wheel run dry shake them coins i know where you got them kiss me kiss me bye i should have known we'd bring trouble trouble gonna find you here [Music] [Music] and the only thing that happened was this stranger in between [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] travels [Music] alrighty hello hello i'm gonna believe you can hear and see me we are on oh so good to have you it has been a little while i haven't seen you in a little while thanks so much for joining me i'm so glad to have you and tonight is a big night i've got so many things to talk about so many things to share with you we've got new gifts coming that i'm going to talk about i'm going to show you opportunities to get stuff in the gift store i've got this little piece of paper in front of me just fyi because i've got so much to talk about i don't want to forget it info on how to join the feeding of the 5000 scene in season three yes it's coming i will tell you all about it uh updates on everything that's going on season three updates updates on my visit to italy yes last week i met the pope it's true got plenty to to share with you about that i'll keep it quick and then uh we've got a conversation with fan favorite yoshi who plays philip uh i just uh yesterday had a chance to talk to him and we recorded it and i've got a fun conversation that i think you're really going to love to hear just about his process of coming to the show and joining this the show new this season and some of the great scenes that he was able to be part of and then i've got a really cool documentary for you this is a documentary that takes you behind the scenes of the sermon on the mount filming that we did in uh for for the season finale of season two and this will give you a great taste of what it is that might be happening with the feeding of the 5000 because you're going to get to meet other chosen family members who have uh beautiful stories of their own and it's going to give you a chance to kind of get to know some of the people that you are in this with and it's going to let give you a glimpse of the whole journey to the sermon on the mount which of course will uh potentially be your journey to the feeding of the five thousand so we'll talk all about that in the meantime real quick just gotta ask this quick favor of you please click like and in the chat button right now in the chat box if you are on youtube or on facebook just say something say anything type the number one if you want say hello say where you're from this gets the chat box moving it gets people um knowing that the the live stream has happened uh that it started youtube and facebook especially they have these algorithms and once they see that this thing is going fast and that people are really engaged and coming on board and excited they start putting it in front of more people new people people who haven't necessarily seen a live stream before so get in front of more people so just start saying something if you're watching in the app thank you everyone should have the app if you do not have the app you need to get it because because it is the only place to watch season two did you know that so if you're just joining us right now if you're just coming on board you're like i want to watch season two or i watch the first couple episodes on youtube of season two and now i can't find the next ones they are on the app everything is about getting you to the app so it's free it's easy you go to the wherever you get your apps at uh in the app store or on google play and you download it to your phone and it's totally free it happens within a minute and then you're thinking i don't want to watch a show on my phone which is totally fine neither do i that's why we made it so that you can easily connect to your streaming device free and easy it doesn't even require an email address that's how easy this is so get the app watch season two in the app i promise you it's worth it i promise you it's much much much easier than you may think but also while you are here if you're watching on facebook or youtube click the like button click the share button click the notification bell click the subscription button all of those things genuinely do help us and they get this show and our channels in front of more people it really does matter so i know you probably hear it every time you watch a youtube video um but this but with us it's different with us it matters right so just just do that for us please it'll make a difference it just takes you just a quick second so thank you so much for doing that all right so let me tell you this hashtag shut dallas up will not work tonight okay so you know i know that norton a lot of times you're waiting for an episode of the season to play and so you're so ants you just want me to shut up well tonight is about a family chat this is what we normally do with live streams we don't normally have an episode of the show to show you this is just a normal chat i'm going to give you some updates i've got some good stuff for you got some new items for you which i've which i've just mentioned and we'll get into in just a second but uh tonight is about sharing all this stuff with you and yet we still are giving you some great content we've got this documentary coming up we've got the conversation with yoshi but don't type in the chat this time hashtag shut dallas up in fact if colin put that up along the bottom take it down because i'm not shutting up tonight now of course if you do contribute 100 million dollars to finance the rest of the show then i don't know even tonight i wouldn't shut up just because tonight i've got fun things for you i've got things you're going to like i've got things you want so you know i'll shut up in the future but tonight is i've got some things to share so let's get right into it uh as you know i always like to do this and this will be brief but i always like to do this on our live streams because you need to be encouraged as to what you're doing what you're doing matters when you buy the gifts when you pray when you spread the word it is all making a big difference and this show is continuing to grow it's continuing to explode here and around the world and people's lives are being changed and you need to know that you need to be aware that even if sometimes in your inner circle people have gotten tired of you pushing the show on them worst case scenario you should know that your efforts are met are mattering with others what you post on social media which get connects to other people and then they talk about it and any contribution you make which by the way at the end of tonight's live stream i'm going to share with you all of the contributions you can make to the show even if you can't pay it forward or give a gift or bought you to buy a gift for someone but this letter matters this is from a woman named shelly who is she she said a fan from ghana she's in ghana and this this i just thought was awesome she says i don't know how to explain this simply but two weekends ago i was able to talk my husband's cousin into watching one episode of the chosen with me she's always had a bad taste in her mouth for christians and christianity i told her if you like history and good acting and fantastic detail with costumes etc then you will like it well we ended up spending two days binge watching both seasons she cried she laughed she loved it she's a high school teacher and she told me i don't care what faith you are every single kid in school should be required to watch this i am blown away by this show two weeks later i got this so colin is putting up on the screen a picture that she got and it's it's a note from her cousin who's saying look what i got what should i read first matthew think about that um you know anytime you hear someone in the comments section on youtube or facebook or whatever whining about how well the show is going to replace the bible for people or we're really con you know some blogger or some youtuber will get on and say my biggest concern about this show is that people replace scripture with it and it's just silly it's not true we've actually never heard anyone say that no one has ever said oh thanks to the show i don't have to read my bible but we've heard tens of thousands of people minimum that's just a conservative estimate saying things like i'm reading my bible more than ever now i'm going to church more than ever i'm loving god more than ever and we get things like this we get where people are actually being introduced and wanting to dig deeper because of the show that's you you are helping us do that so thank you for that it means a lot and um those kinds of notes just wreck me every time but i just thought that was worse she's saying where should i even start that is just that is so exciting okay so i wanted to know that as we get into what's next okay so gifts or the app you know there is a gift factory in the app and that is where you can buy everything that's also at the website and the app while you're there is also where you pay it forward see in the app is where all of these wonderful things are combined into one and the chosen dot tv is a is a great place for those of you who don't want apps and you can do this at the chosen dot tv you can even watch episodes there totally free at the chosen dot tv so we've got plenty of places for you to go but the chosen gifts dot com is the jingle the app is where you get all this stuff as well and i want to remind you of what is currently there that's very recent so first of all is the pre-sale this is the dvd the season 2 dvd if you have not gotten it yet now is the time to order it it doesn't come out until september but you need to get it now you need to order it now because you get a a discount that's not going to occur when the regular edition comes out we call this the premiere edition with an e because it is the first and it is uh the only of its kind once uh we get to the release date which will be sometime early mid september where uh shipping delays i'm gonna talk about this later but shipping delays and all this stuff because the covet and everything are making everything tough to pin down but it's coming in september and uh it's not only are you going to get a pre-sale only discount but it's also got this sorry open also got this booklet okay and this booklet only exists in this pre-sale and my wife and myself and um one of the new people we brought on a guy by the name of jeremiah which at some point i'll introduce you to uh with the three of us worked very very hard along with the design team at angel and the marketing team at angel who really put together the structure of this thing and gave us a launching point to give you actually some exclusive content this is like devotional content each episode so there's pictures um from each you know pictures from each episode that you're not uh that you know some of which you might see somewhere else but not in this format uh and devotional thoughts and uh behind the scenes insights and stuff on the episodes only happening on this pre-sale so do that now and you may have known um we're going to tell you a lot more about this in the future but you can start getting it now if you want um of course is the chosen kids activity book this is so cool um there's you know a maze you know lost in jerusalem for example um and one of the cool things about this i just randomly opened to this page one of the great things that i love about this as a kids activity book is that it's also educational but not in a boring way um so jewish history uh biblical history history history um even just for a fun thing like this it says for example um jesus stayed behind when the caravan with his family moved out this is from episode five of season one and from the bible mary and joseph came back to jerusalem searching frantically help mary and joseph find jesus so we've got and then this is like a crossword puzzle okay crossword puzzle with um with things like who jesus's mother said he was supposed to be with um uh six across a smart group of people who study eight jesus earthly dad i mean these are things that actually are educational in nature so there's tons of stuff like this scrambled message i'm just i'm just randomly peeking through um you know this is a little so for example scrolls use the letters and numbers to show where each of these pieces belong and the puzzle will get you started and um then it comes together to show a scroll so i mean these are all really cool things that educate um and inspire and all of those fun things that i know you want for your kids so the kids activity book that is in the gift store now gift factory um our binge jesus campaign launched last month we've done binge jesus before we brought it back what i'm wearing right now this is a new color uh we got the hat the ben jesus hat we've got uh this this binge jesus movement is what i'm saying it's a movement and um for us and we talk about this on our youtube channel our facebook page um and in the app with the message behind what binge jesus is all about it's really not just about the show uh it's a cute phrase uh for the show but honestly what i talk about in in the video is that binge jesus is really about a kind of a re reordering of your principle of your priorities um binge jesus is about making sure that what your compulsions and obsessions are are not things that we typically are you know fill our lives with material things um and it's a great replacement for what you're currently obsessed with uh it's it's kind of a call to action it's a it's a command in many ways and so uh we've launched that again and i just that's one of the things that i love about the shirt and i love about any anytime anyone wears it is that it's a a it gets people's attention i mean of all of the items that we've put out over the last couple years the primary goal of them is in addition to financing future seasons in addition to financing our operations being able to do you know all of our videos the camera and the lights that are that allow you to see me right now are all paid for by gifts but binge jesus is probably along with come and see the most attention-getting conversation starting phrase we've got you know typically when you see someone out in the store and you see their t-shirt you're not going to start a conversation with them even if it's cool but people talk about binge jesus and come and see are two phrases that they say the most cause people to ask like what is that what are you referring to come and see what or what's oh i like jesus what's this been jesus thing about so the really that's that's in the gift store we launched that a few weeks ago it's been jesus is back we've got different colors and whatnot so really check that out but we've got a brand new item um well oh by the way uh this is a brand new item as well where i put it ah speaking of cumin see we added a wristband so previous for a while there's only been four wristbands we've added another one come and see see that so now there's five wristbands and you can buy these wristbands by themselves or whenever you buy three or more gifts they come free you just make sure you include them in the order and then when you get to check out they're free okay so just want to let you know about that this right here the chosen poster collection i had an idea to do this when we first started the show because there was an amazing show that had a poster book like this and i was like i this is amazing i gotta we we gotta do one so this is the chosen poster collection and it is brand new launching right now in the store i mean i'm telling you it doesn't do it justice on camera but like i'm just going to randomly open and i'm confident you're going to love it so look at these pictures um and they they gently you don't have to tear them out they gently come out look at you know mary magdalene we've got that we've got the black and white images they they come out i'm not going to do it now because i don't want to i don't want to take up to take apart this book but oh my goodness these just look extraordinary i mean look at this look at this imagery and they they come out easily like you just kind of pull them out and they you can frame them you can you know give them as gifts i mean look at all this stuff and i mean i just i absolutely love it and so we give you a couple of examples on the back of it i mean this is a just a premium premium item and here's the thing we underpriced it okay so i mean like one of the great scenes of the show from season one so the chosen poster book there are 40 different images 40 posters front and back in this in this book and uh we underpriced it uh so right but but it's too late so the first batch that's currently available is 19.99 okay so we are currently reprinting them because early indications are this is going to sell really well so we're already reprinting them but they're going to be the next batch is going to be 29.99 between shipping and delivery and the process of making this thing and kovid's stuff i mean prices are wrong around the country i mean inflation has gone through the roof because our government seems to like to do that for some reason so um we have we are now experiencing you know obviously there's inflation going on everywhere prices are up on everything we are desperately trying to keep prices down we are trying to like we don't like we i don't i don't want to say something that might not be true but i'm fairly certain that on most shipments we actually lose money on shipping um because i i the reason i know that is because i'm always getting yelled at about it by our financial people um at best we break even on most shipments there are some shipments we literally lose money on uh on the cost of shipping we try to keep shipping costs as low as possible the cost of our shirts and and hoodies and zip ups and hats are all lower than what the what typical brands sell them for especially for the quality that we do but we're really trying to just get this out as much as possible um but there comes a point where it's not even worth doing it because we're not we're not generating enough uh income and profit to to to to justify doing the product um we need to get enough of a profit so we can keep our people paid and keep things going and do future seasons and so um so anyway this is only 19.99 now every time i give prices i end up sounding like a tv pitchman you can have this in your home for just pennies a day um this is this is only 1999 and it's only going to be i sound i i'm almost making myself sick as i'm talking to you right now um i don't so let me just say again what i always say the reason that we are offering these items and these gifts is not because we're just trying to make more money and not because we just want to promote the show okay that is uh you know that the benefit of making money of course for this show is that we're able to do more seasons it's the only way we're able to do more seasons uh through paying it forward and and the gifts and all that kind of stuff and the only way we're to keep up our our people um employed and keep this thing going but um that's really like we're we just desperately want you to be able to engage more with the show and with the bible and um with others and so the dvds and you know the devotional books and the bible study and the this poster book and the kids activity book they're all intended for you to be reminded of these stories and to be uh going deeper into the stories and to have discipleship as a part of your life um so many people watch the show and then want more and we want to give you that um but we every time we do it it needs to be as good as possible it needs to be as high quality as possible it needs to be actually engaging and impactful and that is one of our you know main rules uh it is well it's not one of them it is the main rule so um anyway but but the price is just part of it so i do want to tell you that there is a limited number of these poster books that will be at 1999. now for some of you uh if it's you know if you're so inclined you may want to wait until it's 29.99 because that actually helps us a little bit more um it helps us you know um be able to afford to do more of these and more stuff but it doesn't matter whatever you want to do is fine get the 1999 now uh when we run out the the next time uh we do a batch it will be 29.99 okay and speaking of um the fact that because shipping costs have gone up uh shipping has delayed uh i mean there has been shipments that we you know there's been items that we thought were gonna be ready and we're delayed by months uh because the thing's getting held up in china things getting held up in our own port here in the states it has just been a nightmare for all items across the last you know year and a half and uh prices are going up as you know lumber has gone through the roof which impacts printing paper and all that so things that i mean you know price of goods it's just going up and we're trying to keep it down as much as possible but at some point we have to and that's the same thing with the bible study so the bible study right now 1599 um we're going to have this as long as we can for 15.99 and uh but currently the factory is increasing the price to 17.99 uh so there will be a time not not too distant future when the when the chosen bible study this is the bible study that uh for groups or for individuals that takes you deeper into the show and into the gospels probably more way more into the gospels than it does the show the show is a guide but this is a bible study uh we'll be going to 1799 uh relatively soon not a huge deal but it's it is an increase so get this for 15.99 now while you can uh i don't like talking like price it just feels so weird so um uh binge jesus face masks so we retired face masks in the store because you know kovit was pretty much going away and people all these mass mandates were being lifted and now with people back in school and mass mandates coming back in a lot of places we figured well might as well give people an opportunity to share a good message when people are always looking at their faces so look if you don't wear a mask that's up to you i'm not forced this has nothing to do with this is giving you an option if you do uh for those of us who fly like i do regularly i have to um so anyway uh we are we are i don't have them on me because they're currently being printed um but they will be available tomorrow so tomorrow they were they're arriving in our warehouse the binge jesus face mask so we got the small uh which just kind of goes over your ears then we got these cool ones that are larger that have the two bands that go around the head like before super comfortable and they say bend jesus on them so you can get them for your kids as they go back to school what better message to give when they go back to school than uh telling other fellow kids to binge jesus so all right those are on the gift store uh tonight get them now all right uh let's see do i have anything more to say about that no um right before i tell you about the whole feeding of the 5000 thing we've got i just want to give you some updates on what we're up to so as i'm sitting here now i'm sitting here on the camp site in texas the salvation army camp site where we filmed most of season two where we are currently building all our sets for future seasons um my family and i moved to texas we are now in texas i've been here for a little over a month we are renting a house right now as our current house is being built and uh but i'm sitting talking to you now on one of the little houses here on the salvation army campsite where construction is soon to begin that keeps getting delayed because of so many factors and again construction of my house has gotten delayed so all of that is happening but uh construction for season three is happening soon we still believe we are on track to begin filming in the early spring late summer of 2022 we're aiming for march that's i would say that's likely it's not guaranteed that's likely for when we are going to be start when we are going to start filming season three we're uh working on the writing right now should be done with that relatively soon pray for us as we write and finish up our writing it is so important we just want to get this right we want to we want favor uh wisdom clarity uh you know favor from god that we will be able to keep delivering content that impacts people that lives up to the promise of season one and season two and so we need it it's very exhausting work and we want to get season three going as soon as humanly possible so pray for that pray for the construction pray that there aren't any more delays um and we've also got this fun thing that we are developing now remember the christmas special last year people loved the christmas special that we did last year if you haven't seen it check it out called christmas with the chosen and all these amazing artists we showed the shepherd the the pilot episode that got this whole thing started the christmas pilot episode this year we are coming back we've got some amazing artists and so we will have some announcements about that we are developing that now uh people who are returning for example just right off the top of my head from last year like phil wickham and for king and country uh so we've and we've got some new artists that are coming on that are phenomenal i can't wait to tell you more about it but we've got a big big christmas special got something in my mouth here big i'm sure you you're loving this big christmas special coming that we are working on right now we will be filming that uh so in september bringing in the artists to our set in utah for music videos uh and it's just gonna be fantastic and yes i went to italy i have been to italy now and i i just got back and i was there for two days it was an in and out trip for me jonathan who plays jesus was of course there he was there for about a week longer than i was we were invited by the vatican to come meet the pope words i did not expect to hear in my lifetime or expect to say in my lifetime not only from the career perspective but from a protestant perspective i'm a protestant evangelical so i never expected to meet the pope but this was an extraordinary opportunity to get this show in front of more people the press that we've received from this meeting and from our visit to italy has been extraordinary literally millions of people all over the world are reading about it seeing video about it and that is such a great thing for the show and for our relationships with so many brothers and sisters we have all over the world in other countries i want to address very quickly because some people have asked questions we've gotten the gamut from outright ridiculously ignorant and stupid comments about it to genuine questions and uh the ridiculous stupid ignorant comments we just laugh at um but the uh the genuine questions uh some of you have i think are fair and we want to address those very quickly um first of all as i've said repeatedly this show is not formally aligned or endorsed by or connected with officially any church or denomination okay um that i've said that from day one uh whether it's inside the evangelical tradition of which i am a part uh we're not associated with any church or denomination or whether it's any other faith tradition lds or catholic or jewish or greek orthodox or atheist not you know any non-faith traditions our cast and crew and our team run the gamut there are hundreds and hundreds of people who are all contributing to the show not only to the making of it uh to the marketing of it to the distribution of it and then there are thousands of people who are contributing to the distribution of it around the world and we got a chance to talk to a lot of them on this trip and they come from all the walks they run the gamut of every faith tradition you can think of and every non-faith tradition you can think of and atheists i mean i'm telling you everyone is represented and that is an awesome thing and if you're not down with that then you're not down with the show now you may think well why would that be awesome this is a show about jesus well when i say it's an awesome thing it means that we will use and work with anyone who will get this show in front of a billion people period now the problem would be is if it influenced the content if the content was impacted because we were trying to please somebody or we were trying to not offend somebody or because we made some sort of and that's one of the reasons why we don't formally align with anybody is because we don't want anyone uh evangelical catholic lds atheist or otherwise any formal organization to have some sort of official sway over the project so that is remains the case uh the show the content of the show is completely un uh unhindered or unchanged by anybody or any organization or anything this was a meet and greet and an opportunity to just uh chat for a few moments with the pope who uh of course can help get this show and uh into uh millions and millions people all over the world that was a great opportunity and uh the picture you're looking at now yes is with the moment that the pope asked if i was judas that is a true story uh he met jonathan first and then he starts i started to talk and he interrupts and he goes is he jesus and i said yes he goes are you judas he was he had his hand on my arm while he said it he was very affectionate he was teasing i loved it it's my love language uh i don't know how he knew it was my love language but but uh he took a guess and it worked i loved it i thought it was very funny it wasn't because i'm a protestant he wasn't making any kind of ulterior statement it was just affectionate teasing which i love and i caught me off guard because i i know he doesn't speak english so i was i was like prepared this kind of thing i was going to say about how i'm a protestant but how i believe that the show connects with everyone and the show is made for everyone from from all faith traditions who can learn more about jesus which i did end up staying saying anyway um but uh that's what i was prepared to say as clearly as i could and he just took my knees out with the judas comment so it's just awesome i just loved it and then we walked out there were so many people who recognized us and it was amazing to see see this especially in italy to get recognized and we got kind of swarmed by people who wanted selfies who wanted to express their love and passion for the show it was just an extraordinary trip and i got a chance to talk to distribution partners uh in other countries on zoom and in person i mean i'm telling you what's happening with the chosen around the world is incredible and this trip represents it there was zero negative about it the trip was extraordinary um and uh is going to pay off in massive ways for the growth of the show and if by some chance you do happen to have some issue with people of other faiths or people who don't have faith or whatever it is who are working on the show or who are coming in contact with the show or who we are meeting worst case scenario you have a big issue with it you should be thrilled that they're seeing the show you should be thrilled that they are being exposed to the show that you do agree with so uh we don't need to talk much more about it but i just wanted to let you know that it was a great opportunity and i hope you're excited about it as excited about it as as we are because that is the point of the show is to get in front of as many people as possible and the content will speak for itself and ultimately draw them to the bible or the bible sure as heck speaks for itself do you want to join us in season 3 for the feeding the 5000 yes if you did not know which i i think most of you do we are filming the uh feeding the 5000 scene the feeding of the 5000 is not only one of the signature moments in the gospels it is one of the signature moments in the life of the show as you may know this show was launched by i mean it came i guess it came out of one of my biggest failures in my career my biggest failure in my career where my movie tanked at the box office and i was left without a future i didn't know what my future held in this business if i had a future at all in this business and god spoke to me through my wife and through a friend i hadn't even met just someone on facebook about the story of the feeding the five thousand it's just a very personal story and it is uh that whole message of it's not your job to feed the five thousand it's only to provide the loaves and fish that has been a mission statement for our show and one of the ways that it's a mission statement is that i'm so sorry i know this hey man authenticity here i don't know what what was happening but anyway sorry about that um so we're bringing our loaves and fish and you're bringing your loaves and fish and we're together we're gonna watch god feed the five thousand and one of the cool things about the opportunity to be at the feeding the 5000 is you have an opportunity to provide your loaves and fish to get there so what just like the sermon on the mount but with a few things different this time around if you pay it forward at the level of 999.99 or more any more than any that level or any more qualifies you to come to the feeding of the five thousand so as i've said many times i want to be very clear about a few things so we are not a non-profit or or a church or a ministry okay um paying it forward is how you pay for the show if you so choose no one is requiring you to pay for the show if you cannot pay for the show we don't want you to that's why people pay it forward and pay but paying it forward is essentially the means that we say to people if you want to pay for the show this is how you do it and these are the benefits that come from it um you get thank you notes you get the benefit of uh which you can read in the app by the way your thank you notes that people give when they know that you've paid it forward for them to be able to watch it for free um that's what one the biggest thing is you get you you allow us to be able to get give this show for free we want to reach a billion people with this show minimum um one of the executives at angel studios brad will say our first million sorry our first billion we want to reach a billion people with the authentic jesus and the only way we're gonna do that is if it's free and the way it can be free is if you're paying it forward so uh you don't you don't have to do it if you don't want to and if you don't have the means please don't but if you do uh this is how you do it and uh at each level we try to give you um you know as many benefits as we can um just as a thank you for that and every bit counts no one's pay it forward is more valuable or more um meaningful than anyone's out than anyone else's every single one goes towards allowing people to be able to see it for free and goes towards us being able to finance future episodes and seasons but because you know a thousand dollars of paying it forward allows us to do these shows and allows us to put on something like the the feeding of the 5000 we are giving you that opportunity to attend now there is a limit i mean if we made it possible for anyone to come to the feeding of the 5000 we would probably have 20 000 people show up we just can't do that so we do need to maintain some level of of capacity here so uh yes one thousand dollars or higher gets you uh an opportunity to be at well get you qualify to be there for the feeding the five thousand filming okay so i'm gonna answer a couple of the questions that you probably already have you might say all right if i pay it forward five thousand dollars will that get me five pay it forward will that give me five opportunities or five tickets or registrations for the sermon on the mount the answer to that is no okay so now we still would love for you and we still get people who pay it forward at 5000 or above other things happen when you pay it forward at higher levels okay other benefits come but uh this is a if you are paying it forward four thousand dollars or more if you want to pay it forward for ten grand or five grand or i mean we forgotten pay it forwards at 50 grand but if you want to whatever you want that that gets you certain benefits and perks and one of them is to be able to go to the feeding of the 5000 when you register for that or rsvp for that which comes later that does not come right now if you're at if you're in the app right now or if you're writing down right now the chosen dot tv slash piff pay pif or pay it forward whatever one you want to write in it will take you there whether it's in the app or on the website the chosen dot tv pay it forward or in the app whatever it is or if you're just writing it down waiting until this live stream is over to do it that's all fine and good that is not when you are officially rsvping or registering that qualifies you and then we will follow up with you we will answer your questions we will send you updates and then there will come a time when it is officially time to rsvp and register that's when you will have that opportunity okay now when you get there to that opportunity then you will have the option to add more people to your party so let's say you pay it forward for a thousand dollars or five thousand dollars or whatever the number is and that gets you qualified okay well let's say you want your wife and kids to come or you want a friend to come or whatever that is when you register or pay it forward you will have the opportunity to add more to your pay it forward what i believe it is is a hundred dollars more uh hundred dollars more to bring someone else and um and each person is 100 so if you paid if when you go to register you add 300 that gets you three more people okay now you might be thinking this is why are you adding money why are you making it more expensive it's the same thing that i talk about when when we talk about gifts um the event that we did in for the sermon on the mound uh for season two um costs us lots of money okay it's worth it um it's an opportunity to have you there uh it's an opportunity to to convene as a family it makes for a great scene but it is extremely expensive the staff we have to hire the security the coveted protocols we don't know and just to answer that question now i cannot promise you what's going to be the situation in whenever we film this this will be sometime between march and june or july most likely and most likely i would say 95 chance it's going to be filmed here in midlothian i do not know what the covid protocols will be we have rules and regulations and laws there are things that are literally um some many of this we choose whether we're forced to or not some of the things we're forced to do okay um we obviously want everyone to be safe we are in a bubble when we are filming uh regardless of the law regardless of your feelings about it regardless of any controversy about it regardless of all the debates that come it's irrelevant to when we are filming we cannot afford to have anyone sick can't afford to lose anyone for a week it is extraordinarily expensive to lose one person for a day or two of filming so we can't do it so we have to be very very safe and very very protected and so i do not know what the protocols will be early next year where this all will stand so there is a chance that you will have to like last time uh get tested before you come get tested when you arrive uh so you know wear masks uh other than when we're filming so you know know that now uh know that now as you're paying it forward i wanna make sure we're upfront with you from the beginning we cannot promise what the situation will be so if you're hung up about that particular part of it i understand everyone has different feelings about it but it just means there's a chance you wouldn't be able to come if you were not willing to be tested um or masked and whatnot okay so just know that going into it i just want to make sure i don't forget forgetting anything not forgetting anything um yeah i oh i wanted to yes so if i know i know you might be thinking i can't afford to pay it forward that amount and i can't afford to buy gifts for people i get it and i know that sometimes that might be a bummer you might think i want to be part of the feeding the 5000 scene as well as i'm hoping you can understand i assume you understand uh we can't make it available to everybody we wouldn't be able to withstand all the capacity but there are other ways you can contribute to this project and i will let you know about those at the end of the at the end of this live stream some of which you already know but just bear in mind that this costs a lot of money um the we we try to make it an amazing experience for everybody but the protocols the buses the um all of the the props the things that we have to do to get ready for thousands of people to show up on our set and uh you know we also have special guests to because there's usually about six to seven hours where the people who initially arrive aren't doing anything they're just waiting for more people to show up and so we want to make sure that they we give them wonderful performances and content and opportunities and so all of that is just extremely expensive and it's all worth it it's all part of the show but that's one of the reasons why even when you add someone to come along we are we it does cost us money so we have to charge just a little bit more for you for that for that privilege okay um but i i just i do love the irony that to get to the some uh to the feeding the five thousand you are providing your loaves and fish and together we'll watch god feed the five thousand it's gonna be an awesome opportunity um we are going to we are currently looking for and we are putting together ideas for those of you who can't afford to do so that there will be opportunities such as you know some sort of lottery again don't get hung up on the term lottery if you're if you think that that's some gambling thing but we will we will be looking for opportunities to give away we've done it in the past and there are also opportunities in the chosen auction group if you just go on facebook there's this great some of our most fervent fans and supporters have started this auction group where they auction off items and they raise money for people to have the opportunity to go to the sermon on the mount so sorry the feeding of the five thousand so i really want you to uh to check that out if you have if they have an opportunity but we will also uh be looking for opportunities to for scholarships there are always some people who just say look i want to pay it forward for someone to be able to come uh so just stay you know stay tuned in for for opportunities for that we do want to give uh this isn't just for the people who can pay it forward at that amount i wanted to read this to you real quickly before i bring on the conversation with yoshi because this speaks to again why it is you pay it forward why it is that we are telling you about these opportunities every time i talk to you um you know we don't have a big studio writing a check we don't have a tv network writing a big check for the rest of these seasons we have to do this with you and so we got this note and i want you to know here about it because it's just so cool jason says hello to the creators of the chosen series my wife and i wanted to share a story with you about how your series is having a positive effect our youngest son was brought up in a christian home but chose to go down a dark path in his early teens despite the best of attempts to correct his behavior he is now in his early 20s and finally got arrested and has been in jail about two months interestingly he has returned to the faith of his youth and is even working with the in-house pastor and leading fellow inmates to christ he called tonight and started telling us we might like this program that has been shared in the prison the program is called the chosen oh i started smiling so big she was actually wearing one of the i was one way but now i'm completely different shirts we asked him several questions mentioning scenes from the series yes he knew them evidently the inmates are able to watch your series while in jail and it is having an impact our son said the program is being allowed there when the new guys are coming in the chosen is showing them who jesus is and they are responding we have been financially supporting the chosen now for a couple months because we wanted to partner with making a difference in others lives through this amazing show we had no idea it would be our own son who would be impacted thank you so very much for making this investment you truly are making an eternal difference oh that's you too that's why we give you these opportunities to participate with us and um it's one of the great things about this model pay it forward model and the gifts model and all that stuff is the bad news is i have to come to you on these live streams and tell you about all these opportunities which always makes me feel weird but the good news is it gives you an opportunity to participate with us in what's happening and the lives that are being impacted all over the world and even within the united states in uh places like prison people are being impacted so thank you for that so uh my conversation with yoshi uh just had this conversation with him it's terrific and uh he is such a great addition to the show and i want you to hear more of what he has to say he's got some great stories about he's got an incredible story about how he got cast in this show and what god was doing and who god sent him uh potential spam so is what i'm getting from my phone um a pretty bizarre encounter with someone who uh kind of started steering him towards god right around the time that uh we were reaching out for him to potentially be in the show so quite quite quite some uh an amazing story an amazing guy let's hear from yoshi right now all right yoshi welcome this is like your kind of a formal welcome into the chosen family your character's been introduced i've talked about you a bunch on live streams you've kind of had your own interactions with fans but this is the first time we've had you actually on a live stream with the opportunity to talk to the viewer your arrival in the chosen was really cool in two ways number one uh your arrival in an episode was like you got kind of this wild west music accompanying it it was clear that your character was cool like immediately you're kind of jousting with simon who's our hero of the story so that was cool and then i think just your arrival into the chosen world was pretty cool because instantly fans were in the chat saying like i love this guy this guy's great um like it's been kind of a i think one of the better arrivals that you can ask for yeah i mean it was all in the writing really i just i lucked out and i got to play a character that um is as cool as philip is and uh you know i got some of my first lines in the show or uh i don't know if it was you tyler or ryan who has the credit for writing the fat goose line and i hope to have a wife someday line but i could think of worse ways to um enter the the uh fraternity than than those three lines right there so yeah i'm very blessed to uh have that very cool intro yeah and so what about the whole like the just the the fan base um i i i always tell actors who are joining i'm like you're gonna get like 98 of it is going to be awesome two percent of it's going to be a little crazy but uh the the chosen fans are extremely like welcoming and loyal and passionate and supportive and encouraging and all of that stuff have you experienced that um has it been kind of cool or surreal what are what are your thoughts on just kind of experiencing the the reaction from the fans the response has been absolutely overwhelming and the the chosen fans have been so kind and filling my dms um and it's a bit it's hard to keep up with so i actually i i have to say to everyone out there i'm not reading most of them because it's just so much um but i i really appreciate it and i've definitely read a few here and there and um i'm just so happy to be along on this ride with everybody and thank you to the people i have spoken to and people i haven't um thank you to you as well so when i uh when we were casting for season two and looking for philip and nathaniel and some of these other roles um you know i've told this story before but you were cast as philip uh in our minds you know probably 20 seconds into your audition uh there was just something that you just exuded that fit what we were looking for and my wife amanda who is the co-casting uh mind of of the project along with our casting directors and myself uh you know her instincts are impeccable and she was immediately all over the yoshi train as uh phillip and so i remember when we you and i started talking you were telling me that you were having your own kind of personal experience with the the show spiritually um you know the connection to the character uh you don't have to obviously shared you know personal details but can you talk a little bit about the the experience of getting cast and how i feel like i remember correctly you were starting to have a relationship with the show or some impact from it and with a family member um even before you you got cast what was can you kind of talk us through that a little bit so it's pretty wild um how everything just sort of synced up at the time that it did but my aunt isabelle um apparently tried to get me involved in the show at season one she had reached out to me and asked me to audition for season one and at the time my head was my head space just wasn't um oriented around the idea that a christian show could be something worth pursuing and my agent you know i hadn't heard about the show at the time so i think i just sort of uh you know wrote it off to my crazy aunt trying to get me involved in some you know low budget thing that maybe she had a friend who was involved with i didn't really pay it any mind um uh uh you know when season two came around my agent um found the audition and and got me on it and um yeah it was interesting timing because when season one was going on i hadn't really my headspace wasn't at all oriented around the bible i had never read it i grew up catholic but never connected with the material as a child and quickly kind of fell out of it but it just so happened that around the time that the audition came through for season two i had been studying the bible uh pretty rigorously i had found the jordan peterson lectures on genesis and that kind of kick-started my interest because he sort of took a psychological approach to the material and i started to started to understand the parables of the bible very briefly but by the time the audition came around i was so engrossed in it um and i had some pretty wild experiences that were sort of telling me that this was all meant to be i was on a hike one time um in los angeles a hike called the wisdom tree and i was in a pretty bad place at the time i was very confused i was going through a breakup and was looking for answers and i was on this hike and i was reading a book i can't remember what book i was reading but i was just sitting there on my own just minding my own business and i started to hear some commotion um to my left and it was lots of girls voices kind of like in excitement and screaming and then the the voices sort of went away and then i was kind of on my own again and out of nowhere i heard a voice go hey what are you reading and i look over to my left and it was justin bieber um standing there and looking at me and inquiring about the book i was reading so i i said oh i started answering him i was telling him what i was reading we started having a dialogue kind of from far away and i was like yeah i can't really hear you why don't you come join me so the short version of the story is that um justin bieber came and sat with me and um he was also in a dark place at the time too so we kind of started connecting on that and he ended up stopping me like mid-sentence at some point and just saying hey man i hope you don't take this the wrong way but i feel in my heart of hearts right now that i'm supposed to introduce you to church and the the short version of the story is that justin bieber brought me to his church church home with pastor judah and just sort of introduced me to what they were doing over there and that was my introduction to the new testament was basically every wednesday going over there and hearing pastor judah um just talk about the stories the parables of the new testament so i had jordan peterson in one year teaching me the old testament and then i had churchill teaching me the new testament and then i started reading the stories on my own and then that's when the audition came so everything was just very synced up when the uh when the opportunity came and my head was already in it and i very much connected to the material of nathaniel initially who i initially auditioned for um uh but obviously as we know now philip was the the one i was meant to play so yeah it's it's been a wild ride and i'm extremely blessed uh to be telling this story with you guys yeah um what about the character of philip you know now that you're in it and um you know philip has become as i mentioned a fan favorite uh we have these series of what we call philip quips i mean in the in in your first episode there are probably about five like just truth bombs that your your your character got to drop jonathan and i were just in italy i think you might have known that but we visited the remains that supposedly the remains of philip and little james are in this church in italy they were transported from uh some other country i'm blanking on it now but um so we had a chance to just see the the remains and i i don't personally have any kind of connection to graves or to to remains um because i believe philip is alive you know um but it was a very meaningful moment for us because we thought of you and jordan and we thought about the fact that i remember thinking like yoshi needs to to be here at some point um because this was a real person like this was a man who had a huge impact on the world uh forever and in his uh you know missionary journeys and all of that so it's kind of a two-part question is your connection to the character that we've written which you know some of which is from the bible a lot of which is is not but also just the actual human being of philip have you had those moments of of connection and of of research and making this uh bringing to life someone that you know was actually alive as far as the research went into you know preparing for the role there there's not too much historical reference to uh look at when it comes to the disciples most of them at least but i was lucky enough to have david amito's john the baptist storyline to refer to considering that philip came from that brotherhood that order um so that's kind of what i relied on in the preparation for the role was i looked at um john the baptist's brotherhood um as far as i can tell there's three major mystic sects in the jewish tradition there's the pharisees the uh the sadducees i believe you pronounce it and then there was the essenes which is a group that's not really talked about as much but um a lot of scholars put john the baptist with the essenes and so i sort of focused on these scenes and i looked at their tradition i looked at what that brotherhood was like and you know they were sort of a practical implementation of john 3 6 which you guys cover with that beautiful scene between jesus and nicodemus focusing on the distinction between the flesh and the spirit and so they sort of focused on the like initiation of the brothers into the purification of the spirit um sort of fleshing out the temptations and the passions they would cultivate their own fields they would you know manufacture their own clothing they would rise before the sun they wouldn't speak to each other except mostly just prayers of gratitude they would they would uh take you know cold plunges every morning um and and uh study nature and so i sort of looked at that process that you know by all likelihood if philip is one of john's students he was undergoing throughout many many years of his life and i kind of created a backstory for philip that he came from like a troubled past and then had to go through these initiations for many years before he was prepared to go out and follow jesus so by the time i get to jesus unlike maybe a lot of his other followers i've sort of you know by that time i've subjected my psyche to a whole lot of um pain so that i can be prepared so unlike the other disciples when you know throughout season two lots of the ideas that you guys are exploring was you know complaining like all the disciples complaining and and getting used to this new lifestyle of having to follow jesus and just how tumultuous that is to be on the road with him i kind of had that contrast to work with where i get to look around and say like oh these guys just haven't been through it yet these guys and gals but i kind of have so that gave me a lot to work with um as far as how phillip um is just a little more prepared than the others you you and i i i certainly wouldn't call this conflict but you and i oftentimes had back and forth about your approach to the i would call it the the language of the show um especially early on i was often saying to you um you know i want to see more of yoshi i want to see yeah bring out the yoshi yeah i cast you for a reason and i feel like you kind of had this i don't know if formal is the right word but you were treating it with a little bit more formality and and maybe some reverence and i was like we i want to see the your personality and and and the humanity of this character um talk about that real quick just about yeah some of the back and forth you and i had on the set the first couple of days all the things that everything that every the fans love about my performance dallas was completely instrumental in bringing me to to those places no you actually were because i went into the whole process of the show with a lot of ideas as i was a bit confused as to who philip was initially you really helped me flesh that out by sort of dropping the ideas of maybe i had of philip being like a teacher or something like this and and you helped me realize that um like you said like you and amanda brought me on because of just who i am that journey itself for me was um such a growing um experience because i think i i grew and learned as an actor just playing philip because you guys helped me realize that when i just got to show up and drop all my preconceived notions and just let the spirit move through me and just do whatever it is that is going to happen um and and not to think so much and just to be and yeah that was an ongoing theme over and over again you would say yeah but you know let's just bring yoshi out and then that would always help me just kind of drop my guard and um and just be present with the fellow actors and listen and and react genuinely yeah that's and that's i think you would agree the one of the things that makes that easy is our is the cast i mean the the other cast members um are all just great scene partners and so i know it makes it easier um we'll we'll wrap up here in just a minute but uh i'd love to hear your favorite scene to do uh from season two like what was your favorite scene to be in just the process of it and then i'd love to hear just your favorite scene to watch of season two um i know the fans love actually hearing some of the cast members favorite moments from the from the season so i'd love to hear first of all again what your favorite scene to do was and then when you watch season two what was something that really impacted you hands down my favorite scene was the one shot that was the most fun i've ever had as a performer as an actor um i i i learned that day that i really like when the pressure is high when the pressure is on when everybody has to come together as a collective machine a well-oiled machine and everybody has to really have their a-game going i like when the pressure's high like that i think it brings the best out of everybody and i like that we had to depend on each other um and just plow through any sort of mistakes that might have been happening during the process um yeah and you remember um some people have seen the behind the scenes video of that but i had a really like you were the one that i when i started talking to i broke down after we finally got it because it was so hard to get that shot it took us so many times and there was so much pressure because again we didn't have a good take until the our last possible take and i know there were two reasons why i haven't chosen fashion for that to happen yeah exactly but there were two reasons why i just started crying when i talked to you was one um there was a moment halfway through that shot where if people watch closely uh i don't want to be telling tales out of school but that where you were they were halfway through a line talking about like big james says yeah i bumped into this guy and he reopened my wound and you start talking about like yeah that's the same guy that i talk and there's a moment when i think the bike goes into the ditch and and and you lose the line for a second and there's this and you did such a great job of like staying in it because i saw it because i know the scene so well and i know that i know you and i know the lines so i know that you were like where'd the line go and i'm like oh please and you just stayed in it and you recovered it it was and it was great no one would ever know the difference and so i was so proud about that well i'm so thankful i was so thankful that you stayed present because it could have been so easy to to lose it so i'm thankful to you personally just for that moment but then also there are several moments in that scene where philip is kind of the transition point yeah so it just i just love scenarios like that where everybody really has to come together and and just do their best um and uh your other question favorite um favorite scenery or whatever to watch when you when you got to see it season two without giving it too much thought the one that's coming to mind is actually from the same episode uh later on in the episode i just love um when all the disciples are sitting around the campfire and just woe is me focusing on themselves and just kind of battling it out i think some of the best acting from the season happened in that scene between shahar noah liz and uh parth and john and paris and the brothers of brothers yeah all of them like every mother mary everyone i think is at their a game in that and i think the show's at its best when like everyone's just kind of like sitting and facing each other and like going going at it with each other and i think that they did some of their best work uh of the series in that scene and then of course to cap it off when jonathan walks in and everybody sort of gets to see the contrast of where they're at compared to where he's at what his focus is on he doesn't you know he doesn't try to correct them he just walks past them and shows an example of what it is that they're supposed to be focusing on and he's just like the little wave that jonathan gives and like the little mannerisms in his face right there are so powerful they gave me the chills i could tear it up and then mother mary washing his feet and then everybody just has to sit in that and just like roast in that like you know perfection of jesus and they have to kind of you know bow their heads and really say okay you know i need to recollect myself and really find what i'm supposed to be focusing on because somewhere along along the way i've lost that and i think that's a really turning turning moment for lots of disciples right there where they sort of are able to gather themselves and realize that they have to come together and be together and love one another yeah well yoshi thank you so much uh for being here with us and you you fit into the cast so seamlessly and it's been a pleasure just for me personally as i've gotten to know you better uh i just love working with you and i can't wait to do it for another five seasons and and uh who knows maybe there's gonna be more after that but in the meantime uh thank you for your gift to the show to the people watching and uh to me so it means a lot how much passion and effort you put into it so i love you brother i appreciate that and i did all that and i'm honored to be a part of the orchestra that you're conducting and to um be on this journey with all the fans as well i'm just blown away by by this experience and i thank you for allowing me to be a part of it great all right i will see you soon isn't he cool such a great addition to the show and i really love the opportunity for you to get to know the people behind the show and the people in front of the show the people on camera to get to know their hearts get to know their stories and you're about to hear some great stories here of people who are partnering with you to bring this show to us uh to to the world with our big documentary that i'm looking forward to debuting for you let me do a quick recap of what we talked about so far tonight again the big new gift item is this poster book the chosen poster collection 40 removable posters uh just extraordinary extraordinary imagery it's so beautiful i wish you could well you can if you want have it in person but some of these images are just so so cool um and they remove uh easily look the dog so many people love the dog right um they remove easily so you have to rip them out or anything like that they're make they're just beautiful and the poster book again there's there's only a small number a relatively small number of these that are that are going to be 19.99 eventually the price will have to go up um we have no choice and kids activity book chosen kids activity book uh just came out recently we got the new wristband that's been added to the collection uh of uh chosen wristbands we got the benz jesus stuff these are all things that are either brand new tonight or new over the past couple weeks and then of course the binge jesus masks i can't i don't have one to put on right now you can see it in the store uh but as you're sending your kids to school those of those of whom have to be masked uh if you ever are traveling or whatever if you have to go through the unfortunate experience of wearing a mask you might as well have something good to say to people and so uh check that out in the chosen gifts dot com i'll do this one more time maybe two twice i might do it at the end of the night i don't know i'll see how i feel or better yet do it in the app the gift factory that's in the app because that's the same place where you hopefully are watching this live stream right now but if you're watching on youtube hello and welcome and if you're watching on facebook same thing but in the app is where you can also pay it forward and qualify to be in the feeding of the 5000 season 3 uh scene that we will be filming i'm not going to tell you which episode but i will tell you it's going to be a big scene and uh we're writing it now and it's like it's overwhelming and so there's gonna be a lot of people there and hopefully you're gonna be one of them so pay it forward uh one thousand dollars or higher gets you qualified for the feeding of the five thousand and all of your questions will be answered okay so when you when you pay it forward a thousand above it qualifies you you will get an email it will have frequently asked questions please don't bombard the help button with questions about it i promise you your questions will be answered we will get you updates and info on all of that um documentary so one of the things we want to do in between seasons is still giving give you content give you content that's impactful you know obviously we don't have episodes to give you but we do want to keep giving you content beyond just me sharing with you gifts and opportunities and all that stuff i like these family chats they're good we could stop right now and we would have had a nice live stream like we've had in the past but i want to give you this opportunity we we put together a documentary and one of the cool things about this is i actually like i was able to let my partners in the chosen and in angel studios and in this company called magic uh which has done some great work for us in the past they all came together and to put together this documentary about the sermon on the mount the filming of the sermon on the mount and it's called the journey to the sermon on the mount and one of the reasons it's called that is because there are five people is that number correct forgive me if i'm if the number's wrong but again i we're authentic here so if i'm wrong i'm wrong but we there's people who we chose who have just amazing stories of what god did in their lives and it fits into the actual sermon on the mount when jesus gave the sermon on the mount people were coming and probably didn't know each other's stories they didn't know the hurts that some people were facing and the victories that some people had experienced and the opportunities that they had to experience the same thing and so we put this documentary together um to show you who you are doing this with and of course in the process of this of getting to know these people you're also going to get to see some behind the scenes of the sermon on the mount and how it was all put together it was really an unbelievable uh situation we did in the middle of pandemic it got us national attention um it was just quite an operation and yeah as always we like to make things personal so you're gonna see this through the eyes of a few people who were there and had stories of their own so check out this documentary and uh it's really gonna bless you and when it's over i will come back and i wanna give you a few of the ways that you can contribute to the chosen i've done i've mentioned some of these before just ways that you can contribute to the chosen if you're not able to pay it forward at the level that gets you to the feeding of the 5000 if you're not able to get some of these gifts if you're from out of the country and you can't pay for the shipping that it requires to get some of these gifts out of the country there are still ways that you can be part of this um and and i want to share that just i want to wrap up the night with that but in the meantime watch this documentary it's a it's it's not a it's not an hour and a half long type of documentary but it's a it's about half that and it's uh just got some amazing content so check it out i know it'll bless you i had first gotten a glimpse of the chosen watching the first episode seeing mary's story i was just like that part when she's fighting her demons and she's being tormented in her sleep even now i get goosebumps i understood because that was me if you could go back a couple of years and film me i'd have been looking exactly like her on the floor hair all over the place tormented the chosen series the chosen chosen i was captivated through the whole series such a beautiful depiction of jesus the chosen is the first multi-season series about the life of christ seen through the eyes of the apostles that made history last year by becoming the largest crowd-funded media project of all time the chosen is kind of like you're having a scholar at your fingertips it kept popping up on my facebook and i was like oh this looks like pretty cool it's like a different take the chosen changed my life and my faith i don't know what's gonna happen this season but it's like i believe in the project so much when we said we're the first ever multi-season show about the life of christ while we were still in season one we might i might have jumped through our head a little bit we're now going into season two it's in every country in the world it's millions of people let's see where god takes it the stuff that we're getting is exceeding my expectation this show continues to be better than i am the chosen is the highest crowdfunded media project of all time and continues to be funded by the public this is the field of where we're doing the sermon on the mountain we are a show that's made by the people and so we offered the privilege to participate in this scene sermon on the mount the sermon on the mountain involves 2 000 extras this is a remarkable even divine undertaking having the people on set that are making this show possible parallels what happened 2000 years ago because these were people that wanted to hear the message of jesus they came from upwards of 200 miles away on foot and in that crowd there was a noni there was a catherine a samari a micah there was an anna there were people in that crowd that were like you and me [Music] matthew look mary finished the notices they're leaving to spread the word season one was all about assembling the team and now we're seeing the effects of word spreading i mean jesus is for all intents and purposes becoming a celebrity the end of matthew 4 before the sermon on the mount talks about how far away people are coming from to see him they're talking about jerusalem judea across the jordan the decapolis that's what's bound to happen when you start something that's open to all truly all people zealots even tax collectors people who have been through tough times people both hesitant and skeptical as well as bold and confident people hungry to learn as well as those learned and knowledgeable people with crushed dreams and people whose dreams have come true people from all over coming to witness this this radical preacher from nazareth give what what in in my opinion is the greatest sermon ever given [Music] [Music] you get to be an extra with me [Applause] we are headed to the airport say hi to the cameraman we finally left i'm here at the airport we are heading to the airport san fran puerto rico jesus texas oh hold on we're sliding we're sliding we're sweating we got that four-wheel drive baby well you guys wanted real authentic and um vulnerable so here you go um we have been waiting for our grandbaby to um arrive went into labor tonight um my step son well actually my bonus son i hate the word step son but my bonus son um him and his fiance went to the hospital today um emergency c-section but we lost the baby nine months hi this is the greatest thing ever i came from florida in my rv and my best friend molina is here from maryland so we're just praising god this is such a joyous event and i'm so excited good morning good morning how you doing i'm good we're gonna ask you to follow that vehicle right there okay when you get down there stay in your vehicle we'll come get you when it's time all right the weather doesn't bother me i remember one time we had to qualify with our weapons um so for non-military types that's when we had to go to the qualification range with our m16s and it was nothing but pure ice after a snowstorm pure ice and the only heat we had was a fire barrel that is it so this is nothing you guys are going to come this way and go get security checks and get a sport um i encourage anybody if you're dealing with suicide stop and breathe it's okay to say hey i need help but i'm a soldier i don't ask for help i'm the one who solves problems i'm the one person everybody goes to if there's a problem you know i'm the problem solver so what happens when the problem solver has a problem [Music] i'm kind of i'm kind of worried stop here this way i'm kind of worried because you know i don't want to suffer today from the cold weather but i don't know which one you take both put this one on now i'm going to take this one i love you all right come on yeah all right i pointed the chosen out to her because uh it's like a different take get out the grass come on get on the grass and i knew that she would like it the manager at the hotel like is that a horror movie like no not a horror movie chosen about jesus christ i love the chosen that's why i'm here obviously i was learning these principles in the bible and i was watching the show and it made the bible so alive hey it's dallas now that that part is over the cove and the logistics and all that kind of stuff you are well on your way towards the rest of the day which should be much better now i'm sitting here on set right now recording this a few days in advance i mean i'm looking at the weather app right now and it's telling me that it's probably going to rain today it's probably going to you know it even says potential thunderstorms so if it's already raining i'm really sorry it's going to rain later today i'm really sorry um to protect you but ultimately this might be just kind of a rainy day and i don't know this is god's project so i'm kind of submitting it to him i'm kathryn menning i'm 22 years old i think the main thing that i tell everybody when i talk to him about the chosen is the chosen has literally changed my life and my faith at age 19 even though i had experience with god and i knew he was real in his presence and everything i was out of church i grew up going to church i mean there was never a time in my life i was never in church i was born in ukraine but both of my parents are vietnamese so we were raised buddhists i love bible projects bible movies bible miniseries all that stuff anything i could get my hands on about the gospels and jesus like i love it i was like okay this has been popping up constantly like i'll see ads for it and i've some people were talking about it i was like okay i got to figure out what this is all about so i sat down and watched one episode and literally that i had to watch another one after that and another one after that and just the way that they make not only jesus but the disciples real and relatable and like show the struggles show them being human and show the struggles that that i struggle with it's just like wow they were human they were like me it's well very striking if your right eye causes you to sin gouge it out wouldn't that lead to an entire population of people walking around with only one eye oh in this one if anyone were to sue you and take your tunic let him have your cloak as well i know a lot of lawyers would really struggle with that one i'm not here to be sentimental and soothing i'm here to start a revolution i'm talking about a radical shift did you think i was just going to come here and say hey everyone just uh keep doing what you've been doing for the last thousand years since it's been going so great certainly gets your attention doesn't it [Applause] all these steps especially when you're getting overcovered oh my gosh that was a hard january it was new year's and that's the sickest i've ever been in my life i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy this job is hard it is not for the faint of heart all right there you go anybody else need your lockers open are you guys good i was working at a university i was the director of career services and i've been doing it for about five six years and my mother-in-law i didn't know it was in this adult program here then she kept telling me like you need to be here you need to work here i went to her graduation clearsay i heard the lord tell me this is where you're supposed to be this is your assignment i wasn't trying to work there in the first place i was cool working higher ed going to vegas for conferences you know making the big bucks oh yeah our students don't even have the basics no running water food internet access or computers yeah good and i literally drove through cincinnati dropping off packets for the kids and picking them up all right gotta make sure hey miss owens mind if i come in hi to put me at a high school where i got to break up fights are you serious god was like this is where you need to be that's why everybody loves who you are you're the best dean ever in 25 years of teaching i've not been blessed with a leader like you oh thank you you're gonna make me cry i know it's all right though i don't know because you're strong and you're a warrior [Laughter] when i was younger i was told i couldn't have kids so i wanted to be a mixture of foxy brown and macgyver with a little bit of clear huxtable thrown in okay i figured that was like the perfect person and i kind of found that in the military [Music] but i ended up pregnant with malachi i had him and then september 11th i remember sitting in you know at work watching 911 hit and i just knew my good i was gonna have to leave my side the boss is going fast i moved to the stage i was by myself um my english i thought that i knew english it wasn't that great i'm taking classes and and i don't understand nothing you know it was a rough moment i had an opportunity to come to the united states as an exchange student i came here i started working and i got lost in that striving for success [Music] i was four five years old and my dad took me to circus he took a different woman that was my mom and it was the worst experience of my life because this is not my mom what are you doing with this one not my mom marriage to me was it was it was a mess and so i never had a relationship last morning three months i know it was a self-destruct button but i knew at three months okay it's done moving on then irma and i met online back before online thing was even a thing we just talked and that's all we had we talked and we got to know each other it was just unreal it's like wow this woman's amazing and she's different things kept progressing and i proposed to her but eventually i mean we were in our 10th year of marriage things are like a partnership instead of more of a marriage and i was getting attention from from another woman you see everybody got their costume songs and everything [Music] back in 2011 i was diagnosed with pcos which stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome one of the parts of pcos is that you are either infertile or you're going to struggle with infertility and weight gain was another one of those side effects i remember standing in the shower just sobbing sobbing why god why me i want i want to be normal i will look at other people who are healthy and have no problems and i wanted to be like them i love kids and when i discovered that that might not be a possibility [Music] it was it was heartbreaking i want to be able to hold a baby in my arms and see that they're mine and to love them like my parents have loved me and to raise them to teach them about jesus to tell them the story is about a god who loves us no matter what i had malachi on veterans day and when he was 18 months old we got our orders to deploy deployment it's not like how you think it's it's in the movies okay we were leaving the airport on buses driving to this base and we were taking pictures and we went to pull back the cart and our security detail was like close that they're sniping they would watch for the buses they would come down that road and if they saw it was american soldiers on there they would shoot at the buses we were stationed literally on the border of iraq and kuwait and then one night i was in my tent um and my tent was uh you know big huge tent and male and females were in the tents so we didn't have separate females we'd have separate males we were all just squished in one unit into two tents and my cot was by the back door and one night um i was assaulted in my tent um and that's where the ptsd comes in um a lot of it i blacked out on eventually through lots of therapy i've been in therapy since then some stuff has come back and and it's hard with my husband like he'll tell you i'll wake up screaming in the middle of night with nightmares um he can't wake me up just like wake me up because i'll wake up fighting you know um and it's hard because uh one night i was in the barracks and somebody accidentally hit my tent and i sat straight up and started screaming and it's so embarrassing because you're a soldier and then you know not just a soldier i'm a sergeant so i'm having nightmares all kinds of stuff it's starting to rain so now i gotta uh weatherproof myself real quick and i have anxiety and i don't do wrong with crowds we go to the movies i'm in the top seat very back with my back against the wall so i'm not vulnerable so i'm literally thinking about serving them out grounding techniques breathing techniques okay god how i'm gonna do this and i ask why you keep coming down to look at the camp [Music] they've all gone haven't they they have hey tuesday jesus of nazareth right pathway yeah tuesday [Music] okay yeah in the park um this is the park where they're gonna be filming [Music] um i don't think they have toys but i know there's stuff to do around we all knew we were crazy to try to pull this off we knew that this was a a ridiculous idea 3 000 people coming to texas have to be tested they have to get a swab shoved up their nose that's a lot of people so we started bringing them in at like 5 a.m and then they come in waves it was a shoot day unlike anything that i've ever experienced in my career ever and this happened right at the beginning of an historic cold spell in dallas-fort worth area and it was miserable that day yeah so it was like insane so a couple vehicles almost took us out i don't know so by the time i get to the airport i'm all like oh i made it edge a little bit yeah so how is your guys you know rivals it now we got maybe four really i would have killed for four yeah i think something happened because it's supposed to be more but we didn't get that man we have a protective bubble around zionsville yeah you said that all to me yeah we want this to go well you know there there is a weight that is on our shoulders in doing this show because we want to deliver the authentic jesus to an audience worldwide and this day is set in stone because people have booked their travel i mean somari coming from puerto rico we can't all of a sudden just well we'll do it next week keep your hotel a little bit longer people came from canada people came from you know minnesota new york california i mean all over i think some people even came from brazil we can't push this off a week we can't push it off a day it has to happen right then and there have we been advertising something that might not happen what if no one shows up what if everyone shows up yeah my adrenaline is like i can't i probably need to calm down you know what's gonna happen is just [Music] bring it in oh good to see you welcome welcome welcome we've got some comedians we've got some musical acts we even have the star of today's show the heat lamps ladies and gentlemen give it up for the heat lamps [Music] just had a lot of toe warmers there used to keep warm i did go out last night and buy some thermal underwear which i'm glad i did [Music] you don't want it it's really cold like this is stuffing my purple we've got coffee and hot chocolate down here [Music] we're gonna put the mask let's put the mask well why that way okay [Music] until later [Music] what is this that's true [Music] i move to the stain i feel alone you know like and you don't have your family you don't have your friends the culture is so different and you get into one thing to another and yeah i i did drink um my thing more than drinking a smoking week it kind of relaxed me but it lead me also to other stuff you know the the they kind of like take you you stumble and and and then you don't realize that you like at the bottom and then you wake up one day you're like wow you know all of this has taken from me from from who i am [Music] in just two months i tripled the income that i used to make i was able to quit all my jobs all three of them i was selling weight loss products on facebook and i was adding people so that i can expand my business and i added my now husband by accident on facebook so i decided to just purchase a weight loss product i didn't need it but i decided to just go ahead and try some way somehow you know within a couple months i was just promoted very quickly and the ceo had asked me to come to the annual conference and be interviewed in front of about 5-600 people and i thought like okay i'm on stage you know and there's hundreds of people and there's lights and cameras and it should feel good but for some reason it doesn't i would be happy for a moment and then always search for the next thing like i was never fully satisfied i felt such a big hole in my heart and this is where my true soul-searching started i started following hinduism and reiki healing and crystals and i would carry those things around this rock will bring me luck or love or whatever and i was questioning the meaning of life and why we're here and what's the purpose i saw her posting up a lot of new age things on facebook and i felt so strongly like a like a strong conviction that there was something wrong so i reached out to her and asked if if she wanted to pray and wanted to know um jesus and she reluctantly said yes and so i prayed for her i just got down on my knees and i prayed to god that that he saved her that he let her know who he really is i was doing the mission trips so i was traveling to haiti and basically i was never home i was going to get a master's before i was 40 and i was going to climb the corporate ladder and i was lead the latinos and make a difference and i was going to haiti and saving kids what evidence in her life is there that we were married there wasn't she did her thing i did my thing we make sure the kids are taken care of and i was getting attention so i said okay i can do that i can keep this hidden i can keep this my kids i mean i knew they were being fed and that micah was taking care of them but irene my oldest she's like yeah i remember we didn't see you for weeks i've got a text that i didn't know came in and she got it and said oh and that was it if it was just physical i think it would have been not as bad but the emotional part that's what hurt him most it's like oh my gosh i'm my dad i am my dad had first gotten a glimpse of the chosen watching the first episode seeing mary's story even now i get goosebumps her ptsd was from her salt from the romans if you could go back a couple of years and film me i'd have been looking exactly like her on the floor hair all over the place tormented anyway i was assaulted and the military at the time we didn't talk about that stuff i just shoved it down what they don't tell you is when you shove stuff down it comes out one way or another um so i shoved it down went about my daily life came home found out malachi was autistic depression hits and i start drinking just to survive marriage blew up me and my ex-husband got a divorce i had already set up plenty of life insurance for my son i knew my family would be taken care of and i try to overdose on my sleep medication the one thing about suicide it's scarier to live [Music] and i had taken like five sleeping pills and i was on my way to finishing off the bottle and at this point my cousin called me she said the lord told me to call you right now you better not and she hightailed it over and she stopped me more than anything you want the pain to stop you want the pain to stop you want the fear to stop but you don't know how to do it mary mary of magdala and the scene where jesus came in and he just held her when i finally got back to church my pastor at the time held me like that i didn't even know this guy i wasn't even a member he looked at me he said god said you just need some love and he just held me like that and it was just like that in that scene and i just broke down and that was the first time i had stepped foot in the church in years um i was here with xavier he just left you know like we're not used to this cold weather and he's free so he's like everywhere you know and i was trying to like keep it together but i really couldn't and i called my husband i was like any way that you can pick him up and see if i can just stay and finish today and he's like yeah for like 10 or so years i was there out and i was um in the states so at the end i was like i need to go back and even if it's not now like i just knew it was my mom i felt that i wasn't worthy you know and i in the presence of god was in the church and and i knew it but i feel i couldn't get close to it and that's when he started working with me i learned that god is love that he's not a god that is like washing me just to see when i'm gonna mess up you know so so i relearn just love god talks to her in a different way than most people that i know that are christians she's very very devoted and every morning she prays i mean she'll cry about what she's praying about when i was kind of confused and lost my dear husband he heard from god to send me a bible a king james bible and i do not understand it i grabbed the bible i went into my closet and i said you know guy jesus god and i said i know who you are i don't know if this is real you know but if you're real i kind of need help and i don't know something just hit me so hard and that bible was covered with salty tears [Applause] [Applause] my choice has not worked out and something else has come along at the last minute and made it significantly better when i start to think about the future one of the voices that would be in my head was there's not going to be a guy who's going to love you and there's not going to be a guy who's going to want to marry you or date you because when you tell him that you possibly can't have kids he's not going to want to be with you and i see my friends who are younger and older than me get married get engaged have kids start families and sometimes i like is there something wrong with me that i that i'm not getting that it's hard not to compare myself because i want those things that causes me to freak out and try to figure out how to manage my future instead of allowing god to manage it and worry about it and me just taking it one day at a time we're going to do this shot we're all as a group you're going to follow me up over that hill i'm going to spread you guys out in a big long line my parents got divorced so i never wanted to be divorced and so when he put divorce on the table that's what woke me up and the chosen pair is just so deep and dead if you can't catch fist his whole future is going to be gone you've been different and the faith isn't gonna get me more fish i grew up going to church but it wasn't until going through the affair where i realized yeah you're doing church you're not following christ you have not pursued the lord lately not like the man that i met that is why you are stuck and you feel desperate and now you're off to try to fix it yourself again i don't say that i chose christ because i know he chose me but i finally stopped running away from me put that down for a catch all right i realized for the first time if it's gonna save my marriage i'm gonna do whatever it takes to save my marriage if it means doing things i don't wanna do it's okay because doing what i wanna do led me to the mess in the first place why do you learn from me follow me october 2nd 2011 walked into trailers point christian church for the first time and it wasn't it didn't go easily i mean i went kicking and screaming him and i came face to face with jesus christ for the first time it was [Music] life-changing it changed the trajectory of my life you're still gonna have struggles you're still gonna have problems you're gonna have issues but it's okay god told me one time it's like going to your grandma's house she don't care if it's been a day a week a month two years i'm here for you just enjoy my presence literally my repentance was jesus i'm so sorry i didn't believe in you guide my path it's been cool to hear that still small voice saying you are loved you are cared for i love you i've created you you have help you've got backup i'm not alone even the walk through up here going through the weeds and all that stuff i'm like but isn't that our walk as believers it's not going to be easy why do we expect today to be any different yeah come on in and we'll send you in right now okay just squeeze in that's how you it's hard for me to believe in something that i can't see but i i definitely am starting to feel things more as i get older to change that happen with her that's amazing i don't understand it myself [Applause] but here is what i can tell you i was one way and now i am completely different and the thing that happened in between was him matthew matthew bye-bye i've got it the opening yes what is it a map what directions where people should look to find me ready blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted [Music] blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of god blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [Music] [Applause] [Music] great here we go and action you have heard that it was said you shall not murder and everyone who murders will be liable to judgment [Applause] i would just love to sit there and hear the sermon of the mount preached several times blessed are the poor in spirit [Music] for theirs is the kingdom of heaven how did it feel to have jonathan come out and start giving lies i'm like don't look at the camera don't look at the camera you cannot look at the camera because you're so drawn to that that's good so cool season two sermon on the mount it's so important i could be part of that god are they who warm god this whole experience has just been surreal from the tragedy with our family we had this week and now being here in the support of my family and it just really shows you how much god loves you that through tragedy and everything else that happens he still gives you that that little glimpse like it's gonna be all right it's gonna be okay it's mind-blowing god has just taken care of every little thing for us it is cold but we're from minnesota we've dealt with horse i'm catherine nice to meet you and i know we're not going to be able to to talk to the actors or to dallas which is fine hello thank you guys for thank you thank you very much so cold hi there hi hi yes so where are you coming from cincinnati snowstorm 10 inches so this is nothing nothing and i'm a retired army so this is good trainer weather thank you for your service thank you thank you for how much you've supported the show and how passionate you've been for the show really means a lot this is surreal i'm so glad you're here thank you all right hold on about to have a freak out moment real quick [Laughter] this right here this is ministry we are literally bringing christ to everybody thank you guys the journey has been marvelously amazing with signs and wonders and what god has done the forgiveness of the other person it took about two and a half years we had the the counseling and i've seen micah grow so much i will never stop giving praise to jesus that he never gave up on me god's plan isn't our plan but he is faithful and he loves me no matter what even my mentor she and her husband struggled with infertility and god led them to adopt and i would love to adopt because i think adoption is such a beautiful picture of what god has done for us how he takes us and through jesus he adopts us and claims us as his when you're working hanging out and you were doing all this stuff you thought that was life you know and you thought that was the most awesome thing and you realize when you have this this is what god created to be and it's awesome and it makes you feel complete and it's just happy it's not great all the time but it's beautiful your devotion to our family and to god that he gets to see that i get to see that you do every day it's a big deal so okay i still go through therapy i still take my medication when i need it hey what's going on i have issues okay but god is the god of issues he will take your issues and he will use your issues or would you miss dunning talk about rashad he having attitude oh he had an attitude oh well he'll be okay oh so that's funny that he had an attitude yeah so now at church i'm teaching adult sunday school now i meant to be ordained as a minister and it's like who me all because i said yes oh my tall child so believe it or not he used to be non-verbal and now look at him i'm just saying yes putting on my seat belt i don't know what he has in store for me but i'm along for the ride [Music] i just love that we are in many ways building a family it's a huge family it's millions of people around the world but ultimately just like the show we're trying to make things personal and intimate and that's what that documentary is about so i hope that this not only connected you to those people those specific people who um have their own stories but to the notion that you are part of something bigger and that their stories are your stories just like uh the disciples and just like the people from the show in the first century and from the bible so i hope that that blessed you um i want to read this letter as we wrap up here before i give you just the the notes about how you can be more involved in the show we got this a letter from a person named clinton who talks about i i won't read you this part but he talked about how he was originally volunteering and leading some teams for translation to get this in front of more people um and he said nevertheless i was shown that my loaves and fishes his contributions to the translation efforts were just good for that summer so for personal marital and financial healing and health reasons i turned over the leadership of the volunteer translation team after completing translation work on episodes five through eight of season one i stepped down since focusing on improving financially my ambassadorship has been back to being a simple fan so this is again someone who's not contributing financially to the show which is totally fine for some reason it was by episode 7 that i was now touched on a heart level deeper than just a binging fan the lead-in to teach us how to pray this is episode seven of season two spoke to me it awakened my own realization how i had been like the disciples and revived all of what i learned about effective praying and thus my desire to pray that way again a couple of episodes starting started speaking to me personally the reveal of judas in episode 8 and his likable portrayal showed i could have been him too i also realized how known stories of other disciples like peters and paul's can illustrate what could have happened if judas just returned and not killed himself this helped take my attention away from a doomed mentality i also guess with mary magdalene's arc from episodes five to six being one of those could have illustrations that led me to also see she was me as i had my own relapse early this year too like judas it was a suicide attempt but in the form of an elijah drama walk out on my family this is this explains the summer ear healing course we are in my let's see i'm sorry my bring back 24 hours my bring back so his bring back 24 hours later differed from hers and that it played out similar to elijah's story so you can read that in the in the old testament but i saw that i received the same forgiveness and assurance and as mary had to endure her treatment from others from the group as a consequence but displayed firm faith from the gift forgiveness she received i realize that's what i have had also as i've also faced the frequent honest feedback from the deep hurt my brief abandonment still caused the consequences don't go away but forgiveness comes and that assurance encouraged me to keep that up the post loaves and bread period has also helped me understand from episode 8 when jesus said to matthew i don't want passive followers and if i may add this is him talking who are just binging jesus i'm learning an alignment with the concluding parable of the sermon on the mount he not only who binges but also basks to obey my words and who is like one who builds his house on the rock which stands against rains floods and winds you can see that in the sermon on the mount in the gospels and yes at the beginning of season three my conclusion binge then bask and obey jesus i just wanted you to know about that how there's so many different ways to contribute to the project and how this is compelling people and can compel you to go even deeper and to dig even deeper um and that's that's just meaningful that's just so it's just so important that you know that it's not just paying it forward it's not just giving the gifts uh we we give this gift we give we give this list occasionally on ways to contribute and help the show and uh sometimes it gets updated and combined and so uh you know we we list this number one is paying it forward of course which we've talked about paying it forward a thousand above now gets you to the feeding of the five thousand in season three you can buy the gifts the chosen gifts dot com and the app not gonna sit i'm not gonna sing the jingle again but i will show you the poster book that you can get at following and liking and sharing our videos and our posts on instagram tiktok facebook youtube um twitter all of these things matter they really do they do get in front of more people we have so many people who say that they came across the show because of seeing it on sh on facebook seeing it come across their feed and when you're watching the stock when you're watching this live stream it is getting in front of more people just by you watching it but clicking that subscription bell button clicking the notification bell all of that makes a difference going to the app store or google play and giving a review giving a five star review there show makes that makes the app get higher on the list we are right now in the top 50 entertainment apps in the world and they will keep it there as long as you're downloading the app but also as reading it and reviewing it it just takes a moment and it really does make a difference and so if you're not able to pay it forward and do those other things this is a way you can genuinely make a difference and contribute more to the show another thing that you can do is following and liking and sharing and commenting on others channels so there are several youtube channels that have grown because of their analysis of the chosen their insights into the chosen so i'm not going to give list all of them now because i would probably leave some out accidentally but if you just look up the chosen on youtube or the chosen reaction or the chosen deep dive or whatever you will find some fantastic channels that are that that i've even gotten a lot out of that i've learned from that i've even appeared on occasionally because i've thought they were so great so check those out and and comment on them and tell them that you appreciate what they're doing and you tell them that you appreciate the analysis and uh because that encourages them to keep doing it and so look that up and then when when i whenever i or one of the cast or one of our producers does a interview on a podcast we'll usually post those news interviews um blog articles anytime anyone writes about the chosen or posts about the chosen comment like it let them know you love it that will tell that will encourage them to keep doing it and that will cause other people to want to do it as well so that makes a huge difference it really does it is a big gift to the show and a big but it's not a gift that doesn't come back it makes sure that the show continues to grow and expand and get in front of more people i'm joining on on facebook you go to the fan club you just look up the chosen fan club or the chosen auction group there's also a group called the chosen activation group look up these groups on on facebook just look up the shows and you'll find different groups that are growing that um being part of that allows you to see more content we come sometimes stop by and there are fans there who are engaging about the show and then you see a lot of people come in and ask questions so you'll see a newcomer come into the fan club or the activation group or whatever and they'll say um i have a question or i'm just starting reading the bible can you help me and there you can contribute to helping people who are just discovering the show and you can engage even more deeply into the uh with the show so that's a huge thing that you can do um and then in the app if you go to the share if you click on the share button in the app so go to the app look for that share button click it and it will give you these tools like the trailer and scenes from that you can post natively or organically to your social media you can download it you can text it to somebody but these are ways to give it directly to people so sharing it through the app is a huge factor as well and then of course last but certainly not least if anything most is prey um we covet your prayers so deeply um i need them now as we as as i write my co-writers and i need them desperately my family as we have just moved and are in a small rental house while we're waiting for a house to be built um the travel all of the the impact the show is having around the world our cast and crew as they wait for season three to get going um there's so many things that you can pray for for the show and pray for the audience pray for the people to be impacted everything matters everything counts and uh this is a movement and um you know my t-shirt says binge jesus because it's about much more than just the show and you can contribute in so many more ways than just getting gifts or paying it forward so i hope that you participate with us in that thank you so much it's not your job to feed the 5 000 it's only to provide the loaves and fish god bless you and i will see you soon [Music] throw me like this down in the water watch the mud rise up dress me like a lamp for the slaughter for me in your cup you shouldn't know me bring trouble and trouble gonna find you here [Music] in between and you can say your eyes are open you might think your hands are clean until the wind blows in turkic use me till i'm scraping the bottom make my will run dry shake them coins i know where you got them kiss me kiss me bye i should have known we'd bring trouble trouble [Music] [Music] and the only thing that happened [Music] never seen yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you is [Applause] [Applause] troubles oh [Music] travels [Music] you
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 371,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking
Id: egY7KkTFQ2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 36sec (8076 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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