The Chosen Global Live Event: Season Two, Episode 2 (and 3?)

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yay episode 2 is here live stream is here you're here at least 45 000 50 000 people are already here on youtube a bunch more on facebook and most of you are in the app which is where you're supposed to be if you're on youtube or facebook now that's great but eventually you're going to need to get to the app maybe even tonight just stay tuned so much to talk to you about later tonight at the end of the episode i've got some really big things for you something special to share with you you're not going to want to miss it in fact i've got our new gift item that is under my hoodie right now so this is my one of my favorite teal hoodies hoodies at all in the world and underneath it is our new item i can't wait to show it to you and it's going to come at the end of the episode those of you who are on my text thread um which is i forget the number what's the number colin 2 239. 214-239-1527-214-239-1527 uh it's too late now to get tonight's discount but uh those who text me at two one four two three nine one five two seven uh it's only in the united states and canada unfortunately but uh they got a little discount for later tonight uh for the uh for the new gear that we're doing so think about that write down that number two one four two three nine one five two seven and two and four two three nine one five two seven write that down text me and then once a week maybe even twice a week i will send you little behind the scenes bits things are not gonna get anywhere else including discounts on merch all right so we're going to make this really fast and here's why because i know some of you made your complaints very public actually about the fact that last week you didn't like me talking so much before the episode you were so eager to get to the episode and i understand that i'm actually not a huge fan of my talking either but here's the thing the chosen is free and whenever you watch a movie you had to pay a move you had to buy a movie ticket right or if you watched it on netflix you had to get a subscription or if you went to a game or a concert you had to buy a ticket if you watch things on television you had to buy your cable subscription you know everything costs money almost pretty much every movie or tv show in the world cost money except for ours ours is totally free so you don't have to deal with commercials commercials which are what pay for most television shows you have to deal with any of that stuff for this show but you do have to deal with me because those live streams believe it or not are a huge part of how we finance our episodes and seasons because when i'm sharing with people especially new people to the show and that's the thing that you've got to remember if you've heard me talk before and you're like i've heard all this before just move on well there's a lot of people who are here for the first time we want to be considerate of them and they need to hear some of this information such as the app and paying it forward and the all our gifts and all that kind of stuff and how to do certain things and how our show works and you'll see a lot of times people will show up in the chat and say what is this who is this i have to explain that to them but here's the thing i would love to not have to talk so much so we're going to do a campaign we're going to start a campaign starting right now that's called shut dallas up in fact you can even make that a hashtag if you want hashtag shut dallas up here's how you shut dallas up 100 million dollars really not that difficult you know 100 million dollars is what we need to finance the next five seasons now as i've always said we're not a non-profit we're not a ministry or charity we are a tv show but because we chose to make this free for everyone around the world we now have to generate income in some ways and how we do that is by you choosing to pay it forward instead of buying it for yourself you get it free but you choose that choose to pay it forward so that others can continue to watch it for free and we plan to make this show free as long as we're alive on this earth as long as the show exists until jesus comes this show will be free but in order to do that people have to pay it forward right in order for us to finance future episodes and seasons people have to pay it forward people have to purchase gifts uh for themselves or others such as this hoodie that i'm wearing at the i'll get into that just one second but that's how you shut me up if you give me a hundred million dollars so that we can produce the next five seasons of the chosen and if you think about it that's actually a small amount of money compared to other big shows like game of thrones spent over a billion dollars on their eight seasons we're only spending 100 million so for the next five seasons so that's not that's actually not that bad sounds like a lot of money but when you're actually trying to do a show that takes place in first century galilee it's pretty expensive and we have to pay our cast and crew and all those fine professionals who work so hard you have to pay them so in exchange for 100 million dollars i will show i will shut up now if you're watching this right now you probably can't write a check for 100 million dollars if you could you wouldn't be watching this you'd just be sleeping in your bed made of gold but if you want to shut me up i am happy to shut up let's just make sure that these live streams are as efficient as they can be and that we're all paying it forward and so you just encourage other people say listen if you want to shut dallas up pay it forward if you want to shut dallas up uh you know get a gift whatever it is and i will happily shut up as soon as we get to 100 million dollars in fact if we get to like if season three gets financed in the next like two weeks which is of course not going to happen but let's just say it did i would i would do a dallas-free livestream i would just start the show and then at the end i would say thank you so much and then i would just be quiet for the next few months so let's do that but here's how you shut me up and i'm going to make this real quick and then we're going to go right into the episode however it's not going to be quite so quick at the end of the episode i mean it will be kind of quick i'll talk fast like this but i've got a few things for you you are not going to want to miss i promise okay so i've got a couple little things to share with you i got a sneak peek of episode three yes a sneak peek of episode three that we're going to play right near the end of the episode or after after episode two is over a little sneak peek of see of episode three that i know you're gonna love and a couple things about the future of the show that are important and of course we'll be launching our new gear which is based on this episode and just last night we showed the episode to those of you and hello if you if you're back from last night those of you who invested in season one of the chosen or if you have paid it forward at that certain perk level so if you look at the pay it forwards if you go to the chosen dot tv slash pay it forward slash pay it forward or you can just look in the app how to pay it forward there are certain perks for certain levels and if you are i think it's like 299 or higher you get the perk of early access you get to watch the episodes before everyone else and those of you who were here last night uh the over the response was so cool it was really overwhelming people loved it uh the storyline which i'll talk about at the end of this episode how it's kind of has a personal connection so it's a really cool experience last night but first things first i want to talk about how you shut me up number one on youtube right now if you are on youtube or on facebook click the like button click the subscription uh bell subscription button or notification bell those things tell other people and tell youtube and tell facebook people wanna people are watching this let's send it to more people and there are lots of people who are like on youtube or facebook right now who will see this on their newsfeed or see this pop up because it's getting so much attention so if you just click that like button click that uh subscription notification bell which lets you know when we've got future episodes coming out or future videos all of our videos all of our tons of extra content that's totally free if you just do that that'd be such a great favor and it also gets it out to more people okay second is pay it forward right so paying it forward you don't have to do it if you don't want to and if you don't have the means to do it don't if you are struggling because of covet or you just don't have the money or you just don't feel like you want to you just want to enjoy the free show do it enjoy the free show i want you to enjoy the free show that's why people pay it forward so that you can enjoy the free show so just go ahead and do that just watch it have no fear it's all good no no subscription fee no email address you just enjoy the show okay but if you feel led if you love this episode and you want to purchase it but you know that it's already free so you just want to purchase it for other people to continue to watch it for free you can pay it forward and that is in the app or you can go to the chosen dot tv slash pay it forward www dot the chosen dot tv slash pay it forward which leads me to the even better um jingle which is the chosen gifts dot com don't go there at this moment but at some point tonight you're going to want to go there especially when we launch our new gear so the chosen gifts dot com that is where you will not only be promoting the show which is only part of the purpose of it but mostly you're going to be starting conversations because all of our gear is not only designed to be really comfortable and something you're going to want to wear and something you're going to want to read so we really put a lot into it each each item that we have our books our bible study devotional book children's book all of that stuff goes towards getting you deeper into the stories and into the gospels so that is one benefit of it but another benefit of it is it starts a conversation people especially the one that we're gonna debut tonight these things start conversations with people they allow you to spread the word about the show and then of course it's also how we keep the lights on how i'm able to do these live streams is because when people purchase these gifs for themselves or others it allows uh us to keep doing this allows us to make more episodes and seasons allows us to keep the lights on and allows us to keep the show free then here's the most important one is the app okay if you do not have the app and there are still those of you who watch it who do not have the app some of you may say i don't have a smartphone and i'll get to that in just a second but if you have do not have the app you're going to go to i've even got these instructions right here you're going to i like real quick download download the app one you're going to go to google play or app store search for the chosen that should be easy enough press the download button wait for the app to download three rejoice and be glad okay then watching a video on your tv you say i don't wanna watch the show on my phone well number one you're gonna make sure your streaming device roku apple tv fire stick chromecast any of those is on and connected to the internet then you're gonna open the chosen app on your phone and select whichever episode you want to watch you're going to press that send to tv button or the cast icon you know that little icon that has like the square and little lines next to it and that's going to mean the top right corner and you're going to select which device it's going to pop up number four you're gonna press play number five you're gonna marvel at the amazing and free technology isn't that great and then if you're having any trouble any trouble at all when you're doing this number one you're gonna make sure your phone and device are connected to the same wi-fi number two you're gonna close and reopen your app number three you're going to ensure your app is updated the way to do that is to go to the app store and just check and it'll let you know but your app should probably be updated because we usually let you know and you're going to press the send to tv button select can't find your device if that's one of your issues you're going to go through those steps number five you're going to email support the chosen dot tv i want you to do that tonight if you're having any issues support the chosen dot tv or you're going to click the help button up in the app support the chosen dot tv or click that help button up in the app if none of the above works you're gonna throw your phone out the window you're gonna curse the technology god gods but if your phone problem is solved you're gonna do a dance of joy i'm getting a bunch of texts right now and it makes me wonder if like i'm okay no it's all good i was hoping like there's no sound or something like that but all right good just people excited about tonight if your problem is solved you're gonna do a dance of joy okay so i hope that all helps you and uh because you're gonna want the app soon because this is gonna be the only way you're going to be able to watch episodes very soon is in the app if you're going to want to get that if you don't have a smartphone if you just are too scared and you just can't do it and you can't afford it that's all fine it's also online the chosen dot tv yes www the chosen dot tv is how you can also watch the episodes okay and you can just watch them on your computer and if you want to connect to your tv you can do an hdmi cable right final thing all right then we're going to start the episode which is how to watch these episodes emotionally and spiritually last week we had an episode episode one of season two which at the beginning was kind of mysterious not everything made sense right away that was purposeful that's how we actually tell stories sometimes is we kind of reveal things slowly and i was watching the chat because i thought this was such a cool opening and there were a lot of people who were like who is that what is that what's he saying what did he who who's this guy and then throughout the episode they were trying to like guess things they were trying to guess which bible story this was connected to and there were many people who just weren't watching the episode like they would watch a normal television show normally when you watch a television show you just sit and you enjoy it and you know that the filmmakers have are going to give the answers if they don't reveal them right away and you just let it come and you just enjoy it and chatting is great and if you want to chat in the chat box on youtube or in the app or on facebook great if you have questions for us we have an amazing team of people who are trying to answer your questions of course a lot of them are coming fast and furious but that's okay go ahead and answer that ask those questions but if i i really would love for you to make sure that you're not letting that interrupt your experience watching the show because some people were actually typing things and missing really key lines that explained exactly what was going on so chat if you want but if you want to make sure that you understand everything just save your chat for the end of the episode and just lean in and enjoy it and recognize that not every episode is about a specific bible story some of the episodes are just to get you to know the characters this is not just like a verse by verse dramatization of the bible this is a television show about the people of first century galilee whose lives were changed by the greatest man of all time and the greatest god of all time the only god of all time so pay attention lean in watch it like you do any other show and if you don't want to see the chat if you don't want to be distracted there is a hide chat button in uh on youtube or an x that you can x that out if you're on the app same thing you can just turn your phone or horizontal and just get rid of all that chat okay see how fast i did that let's get right into episode two i promise you stick around for the end don't want to miss the ending the ending of the episode is really beautiful too a lot of people's a lot of people last night were just weeping and chatting and all that stuff saying how much they loved it but after the episode i've got something a little a couple little surprises for you you're not going to want to miss here it is episode 2 of season two thank you so much so glad you're here enjoy i need the sea water for the cement lay on these it will take three days you can't stop construction for three days is it because i'm jewish now that i know it's not because of you i've been telling you and anyone i can get to listen i even throw the prim i need that saltwater the cement won't set to full strength sea water's heavy it's hard to move understand plans are hard to draw bedrock hard to reach it's all hard but your incompetence is making it harder for hey i'm just telling it like it is three days nathaniel you're in no position to make demands you're lucky enough to have this why i have to demand what i need leontis do you know how hard i've worked to earn a roman commission as a jew you're a child that skipped the line the men don't respect you for that skipped the line just because i was smart enough to go to school instead of getting mad 20 men show up every day who cares what they think i care they need to shed a vision they need to each do their jobs the day laborer the craftsman the foreman and the architect yes in concert with me who do you think you are i am the foreman here you think that if everyone would just do it your way then it will all turn out i do well people have their own ideas marcus we need help you'll ruin do you hear me it's over [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Applause] oh what do you mean two days away he said to leave enough firewood for the next weary traveler you heard that john what if there isn't enough used up all the dry stuff that's why it's good to have some strong bodies around like the sons of thunder here what you told him don't worry he made himself look just as bad as you did hey who is that maybe it's a scout from well we said maybe he's just walking no one just walks in the bashan no one but us don't come any closer he's jewish you think what do you want for the romans to go away for a pretty wife someday i ate a fat and goose once i love that again are you followers of the rabbi jesus in nazareth don't say anything could be a spy spying for whom for what there are spies but they're not smart enough to dress like this are you simon son of jonah who are you you're new at this i get it once you've followed your rabbi for long enough you won't even blink when a strange man such as myself walks out of the woods with a message he can only give to jesus directly yeah we are pretty new doesn't make us dumb we can't let you see the rabbi without knowing your business i can't say if you want to send me away fine say hello to my friend andrew for me though do you think i don't know bring him in i guess let jesus figure it out something's not sitting right with simon and who has friends feel it hey there he is oh you smell terrible oh what did you expect huh come on what are you doing here you never mentioned a philip when we were there you'll find this shocking but i have a whole life that doesn't revolve around i'm just asking about the scoop he's not cook you know you could be a little less you all the time fair enough you take it to him make nice do you think we've been back five minutes philip philip you'll never know when you get to sleep next ah where will you have clean water take advantage when you got either one thank you sounds like you're in a war out there with creepy with john the baptizer ah no war has rules what did you find nothing suitable of course you didn't find any where did you look to the east one mile that's the ravine anything you'd find there would be wet yes i discovered that but there was wood it was wet that's matthew he checks the ravines for wood probably fishes in the desert too good work matthew thank you who are you well i'm the guy who drives wood now if only you had an arsenal of weapons we could do it in the manner of ezekiel how did ezekiel drive would no it's the prophecy against gog and magog and then those who dwell in the cities of israel will go out and make fires of the weapons and burn them shields and bucklers bows and arrows clubs and spears and they will make fires of them for seven years for they will make their fires of the weapons shall we hey keep the fire going you're strongest and cheapest something wrong friend yes did someone die i'm sorry for your loss was it sudden i think it was a long time coming for him but it felt sudden tell me about him he was an architect that's what he wanted to be his whole life sad he came from nothing worked his way up love the god he wanted to build synagogues eventually i i no that's not very popular one with colonnades that sing parapets that practically pray wanted halls that draw the soul upward to god that's what god made him for or so he thought he sounds like an ambitious guy what did he die of hubris it's me by the way i'm the dead man in the story yeah i got that just wanted to be clear did you learn to drive with before or after you started following jon what's up with you and simon he doesn't like me he sees me as his enemy why as a tax collector that is everyone's enemy that doesn't shock you i was something else once too once you've met the messiah am is all that matters next time he rides you remind him that the people out there they want to define us by our past our sins with the sleepers but we're different but awake i don't understand well you haven't felt any relief except with him have you your rabbi no don't expect to how did you memorize prophecy in hebrew school like all jewish boys didn't you i started but then i skipped ahead escape the head never heard of anyone skipping ahead what did they do that for i was sent to apprentice under a bookkeeper were you that good with numbers or that bad with torah i was proficient in both no i'm kidding how old would you skip the head eight eight i showed unusual promise i bet you did how come you never circled back to torah i was paraded before the magistrate rome offered me higher wages than the annual income of my father and three of his brothers combined bought my first house when i was 13. why did you need to buy a house my father kicked you out i don't blame him i thought you said he's a man he acted by man's standards everybody in your old life is playing a different game than you now you get it no everyone speaks in rituals i can understand esoteric ideas they're not beyond me of course not you'll probably pick it up faster than the rest of us i'm sorry man i don't mean to sound like an oracle here it's a force of habit spend all your time with a rogue preacher in the wilderness and you get to be a little obtuse they're simple ideas for complicated people i just in your obtuse language here's the circle it represents everything in the world and all the people that have ever been [Music] and that's me that's how i feel well said good for you and yes i've been living literally outside this circle with john the outcast for a couple years so i can relate you're fine matthew stick around you're gonna be all right [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] this was done for you blessed are you blessed are you lord of god king of the universe before this one you might play it although that might like do not hide your face from me in the day of my distress incline your ear to me that's certainly speedy in the day when i go oh this was done for you do not hide your face from me do you see me do you see me okay what's that for it turns a blade into a razor for logs protect your hands thank you nice i i've never done manual labor before he must have worked pretty hard to avoid it but that's behind you now too got to lean into it let someone teach you a thing laugh at someone's jokes and then tell jokes do you know any i mean what jokes so was it difficult to leave it all behind no it should have been i was comfortable i had a dog bold i like it it was a source of amusement for others my house was bought with blood money my parents and i haven't spoken much in years and numbers didn't make the world clear anymore you gave everything away to keep it but it's uncomfortable when nobody likes me if this rabbi jesus of nazareth called you it means you already have everything you need for right now he'll give you the rest in time i just don't know what he sees in me he's a religious teacher and i know very little about religion but i understand jesus doesn't love everything about religion matthew what you think you know it doesn't matter only that jesus chose you that's where your confidence comes from now i know he knows what he's doing just wish i did skipped at a hebrew school at eight i think he'll catch on here's an easy one if somebody asks you to tell a joke tell them you have a vegetable joke but it's corny we'll work on it um [Music] [Music] um [Music] now shalom shalom i'm glad to see you here i'm phillip wait john told you no i remember your face you were standing with andrew the day i was baptized by john ah how was my old cousin i shouldn't call him old or the same age his reputation with rome is down but his spirits are up sounds about right he sends me with a message wants me to tell you something on my behalf that's good because i have something to say to you too it's a very short message only two words mine is also short follow i will so john thinks you're ready yes he spoke with someone shall we john spoke to someone the last time he was in prison someone a pharisee he had been troubled by a miracle he witnessed in the red quarters in capernaum ah yes i know this man you know him yes i might even call him a friend john told me to expect anything to expect nothing but i think he'd be trouble to know that you are friends with a pharisee we'll get over it well then we received the word of what you did in cana that was all john needed to hear he sends his love and you make her offering hardly you will be the most experienced of all my followers john is hardly standard procedure even better if i may be so bold what are your intentions here in bashan just passing through this area philippi cesarea for one night and then we'll continue north into syria syria that's right i heard you were just in samaria and not to syria you and john are really cut from the same cloth if i didn't know any better i'd say you each had a death wish i wouldn't exactly call it a wish but a what i guess what it's nothing i'm still thinking through how to talk about it it's why i was gone for a couple of days a lot on my mind yes you can imagine in syria we go to damascus antioch not to the big cities no to the smaller places i'll wake him later we should get some sleep phillip we've got a long road ahead of us tomorrow i'll turn the fire yes whatever rabbi one last thing yes if there's time i have a friend in caesarea who i haven't seen in quite some time your friend lives in a roman city he's an architect ah if there's time i love the course of course only if this time listen if we don't make time for friends we won't have any good night good night philip good morning did i sleep late the sun is hardly up off my back it gets easier a little you get used to it are you packing i am i pack every morning now i never know if we'll be somewhere for a night or a week that sounds hard i didn't think about how this would really work i think everyone's struggling with that in some way how about you marry wasn't it exciting yesterday when the men began reciting prophecy and a little intimidating yes we need to catch up okay how i can't read i'll teach you how to read them where would we get materials leave it to me i know who to ask i am thankful before you living and enduring for you have mercifully restored my soul within me great is your faithfulness it's more than two days worth ah it's wet no it's dump good morning good morning boys ah that stuff will smoke something terrible if you like it now but by nightfall it did well i didn't do it now then whoa our young smart friend alex no matthew who's thomas ah i'm sorry thomas i'm still learning everyone's names it reminds me of a time with john simon calls him creepy john look that's good i like that so the flock was evading roaming patrols moving up and down the jordan you were on the run one day john start addressing us by name zechariah tobias miguel we all start looking around at each other like who's he talking to and then we realize we don't know each other's names we'd been out there for months and we only knew each other's nicknames or aliases how is john same old john he's proud of you i can tell you that much like a father i think it's nap time wake me if there's work to do boys uh think matthew if you see him john remembers me ah i thought that might be what you were doing hiding no writing are you hiding philip says i don't have to do that anymore ah a new guy i like him already everybody does he's like simon but not like simon what are you writing just taking notes on what i see this i'm used to writing daily now began as a chore but it's become a habit i think prayer is like that at first anyway and the way rabbi taught me now i love it in the short time that i have followed people have quarreled over things jesus said remember things differently and disputed his meaning i think it's best we have a written record to refer back to everything he says and does yes that's not a good idea why we have enemies there are people trying to trap jesus in his words they could twist something he said to defame him have you thought about that they will find it easier to twist something he is reported to have said than if it is confirmed in writing that's not how the world works people can twist words however they want but it's clearly written yeah i bet this clear is the last time i saw you writing in your journal spying on me for the romans and to think i came here to thank you people out there want to define all of us by our pasts but we do things differently because of him for the record it's a bad idea write that down we head out in an hour [Music] he's not wrong just be careful [Music] is my brother slowing it down back here always hey you watch simon and me in a footrace we'll settle this once and for all race yourself to the front rick james is asking for a leaf on that card already i thought we called him big for the reason yeah that's why his shift is the longest come on you're up i'll be up next andrew no no no you don't need to i want to you shouldn't let me tell you something some days i miss manual labor fewer questions less speculation honest sweat back to the adonai you know it's funny i would have thought that the keeper of the shifts would have been matthew's job not yours why is that he thinks in divisions calculation order yeah i've noticed speaking of matthew i wanted to tell you he's writing down everything you do of course he is and that's fine with you it is all right good to know you strike me as someone who acts on instinct feeling yeah but i do think i think all the time that's what i was hoping to talk to you about you were yeah i've been thinking the group is growing every day and with greater numbers come more opinions and perspectives sure we're all unified behind you you're all unified we all agree on you but sometimes you're away and during those times we don't have your authority to defer to well you have my instructions yeah we have a goal or instruction or someplace to go but how we get there how we achieve it sometimes there's a lot of noise so what are you suggesting i'm suggesting we formalize the structure for what for how decisions are made how plans are formed and what is the process for raising objections to those plants when and how they are vocalizing to whom such as how you send james and john ahead to syria to prepare we can schedule that in advance or for instance maybe all contrary ideas are rooted through big james filtered and then brought to me for consideration just thinking out loud simon i love how you are trying to make things better for the whole group you could stand to be a little nicer sometimes but you're a leader you always have been and always will be i cherish that in you and i will need it i will need it in time every one of these people i have called for a reason each of them brings something unique and important to the whole i want every voice heard and non-silenced everyone can learn from each other yes but some people are troubled with tiny things and they slow us down i won't ask who you mean by that but i will say if someone is thinking about things you feel slow everyone down maybe you need to slow down one day simon there will need to be more structure and i see you playing a big part in it out of all humility rabbi why not now why not more structured today because i am still of course you're still here are you saying one day won't be it's a conversation for another time but we will talk about it i think so soon ah there's that word soon it's the most imprecise thing in the world what is soon a few hours a few days years a hundred years a thousand years ask my father in heaven how long a thousand years is then talk to me about soon where you going to leave andrew the cart but it's not your time but i tried to tell my mother at cana how much good did it do something wrong nothing wrong uh you wanted to ask a favor of course can i borrow a tablet did simon put you up to this no i'm going to teach remember how to read we want to study torah that's what i want to do well they don't allow women in the batsmetrash how can i get to the scrolls i could copy them for you you know they're really long maybe we could ask philip what is the most important part i'm pretty sure it's all important we don't even know where to start well that's still why philip he's kind to me fabulous too i'm sorry they're the exception matthew i'll talk to phillip everything good up here yes we're going to study torah who you and mary and matthew matthew doesn't know anything about torah how do you know as matthew knows that's the point and you don't read i wasn't sent to hebrew school like you so that's exactly what i learned from that it's not like we're trying to be teachers or anything we just want to learn more have you taken your shifts with the cardio anything you need to know you can always ask me be happy to answer any questions you know that right of course good my turn with the cars a passage to memorize anything that would get me started to make up for lost time no matthew he didn't lose any time he just got rearranged gaining it all back now but in the meantime i i want to understand the same things you do and everyone else ah it doesn't happen overnight look there it is family that does not take annie to my former rabbi why well john criticizes them for things like killing their own sons and marrying their own nieces things like this i suppose he should welcome to the empire of course you should know more about this than any of us no offense i'm going to go up ahead passage to memorize i'll work on this nathaniel hey nathaniel it's me phillip latanya [Music] daniel daniel [Music] hey oh are you sick what's going on yeah why are you in bed what happened my friend are you okay sure hi we need to get you some water i am truly sorry my friend no one was killed it could have been worse i could be in prison i'm still proud of you i've lived through you at times you know that through me yes i'm living through you man i mean it what part going to classes endlessly dealing with bureaucrats day in and day out i skip that part i mean the part about building something with your own hands i had the calling i don't regret it but while you were in the city being validated by top professionals i was in the wilderness it's a lot of yelling i don't deny occasionally being jealous that you had actual physical evidence to show for your efforts you don't know what your impact was or will be i have a good idea what it'll be the cold day and gehenna before they hire another jew i thought i knew where god was putting me too so what are you doing here i thought you were out making enemies all over the place i'm about to make a whole lot more enemies all over the place john sent me to someone new oh you sure know how to pick him he's not just anyone that's what you said about the baptizer and i was right but this is more this is who the baptizer has been preparing us for nathaniel he's the one the one the one who moses foretold and the prophet said would come no what the one jesus of nazareth son of joseph that's it [Laughter] can anything good come out from that come and see oh little dump on a craggy hilltop serious no paved roads no public buildings they barely have a synagogue you can't you really can hey i'm just telling it like it is why can't i do that because you're mean the families illiterate day laborers and peasants by the way sleep under the same roof as their livestock listen to me honestly philip saying the one is a nazarene practically just come and see i what you gonna be late for work wow that's dark so dark your whole life you've wanted to serve god [Music] to meet the son of god the king of israel i promise you will not regret it and if you do i'll refund your misery but i know you you don't mess around you will want to join him he's like no rabbi who ever has been or will be i've never seen you talk like this [Music] i'm still hung up on the nazareth come and see rabbi well this is a good night you know who stands beside you there this is my friend nathaniel yes the truth teller i'm sorry man is often deceitful and israel began with jacob a bit of a deceiver yes yes but one of the great things about you is you are a true israelite and whom there is no deceit what did you say about me what is this how do you know me i have known you long before philip called you to come and see don't look at him look at me [Music] when you were in your lowest moment and you were alone i did not turn my face from you i saw you under the victory rubber there it is you are the son of god the king of israel i knew it well that didn't take long he doesn't mess around because i said to you i saw you under the victory you believe you are going to see many greater things than that like jacob you are going to see heaven open and the angels of god ascending and descending upon the son of man that's me by the way yeah and i got that good i know you like to be clear sorry to interrupt but john just arrived with a message from syria he came back yeah he said people are already gathering to meet you many with afflictions to be healed your fam is spreading the good kind you should request but we should leave early thank you boys so you wanted to help build something that would cause prayer and songs something to bring souls closer to god yes can you start tomorrow [Music] well i hope that blessed you uh that last scene still gets to me and something i want to share with you and i promise you stay with me for a few more minutes you are not going to want to miss a couple of things that i have to share with you okay just trust me trust me okay um nathaniel who was beautifully played by uh austin and philip who is played by yoshi two of our new characters who i think are immediately becoming fan favorites especially philip who of course taking matthew under his wing but think about this so nathaniel is actually um loosely based on me at least in my back story we know that um my my co-writer ryan actually he was one who had this idea i was in that place i was in that place just a few years ago when i was desperate and i had my dreams had crashed i didn't have a building crash like nathaniel did but i everything i had built everything that i was doing in my career my hollywood career had just crashed and when my movie failed at the box office and in two hours i went from a director with a very bright future to a director with no future and one of the things that i was saying to god was i did this for you i was making these movies for you are you actually seeing me and god showed up in such a powerful way and it's a long story but it ultimately led to the chosen and that line at the end from jesus when he says to nathanael you know do you want to build do you want to bring people to god do you want to cause people to pray and sing can you start tomorrow and it's going to look a lot different than what nathaniel was doing nathaniel was building buildings but now he's going to be doing this in a different way he's going to be doing it spiritually in his following of god as i was in that spot and i remember when we were shooting that scene under the tree when nathanael is crying and begging god and i pulled austin aside and i told him this is actually based on my story and i shared with him my personal story and it really made him emotional of course and made me emotional and and i think in many ways it under allowed him to understand the scene even more and hopefully for you as an audience you're able to see that these people who live 2000 years ago are our story that their experiences are our experiences their struggles and their pain are is also ours but the answer is also ours and to illustrate that i want to show you something that came in just last night because we showed this episode last night to our investors and to those who have paid it forward at 300 dollars or more and there's a woman who's been a fan of the show for a while a big supporter of the show uh has as in our is on our fan club and everything just very always been eager and last night she posted this video a very brief video that i want to play for you and she shared her thoughts on this episode and i want you to see this so check this out i'm not even going to try to not cry while talking about this i just finished watching um episode 2 of season 2 of the chosen i got to be part of the early access showing tonight and it premieres tomorrow guys the main character in this episode i just watched my life over the past year play out on screen and the words that jesus says at the end of the episode i felt like they were spoken right to me the prayer that this character prayed without giving spoilers away i've been praying like that all year specifically a couple days ago just wondering lord why aren't you answering me he just did new favorite episode come and see um so that was elinzia i hope we're pronouncing her name right elinzia eliza really cool name but she had her the heart to share that with people and it just really meant a lot to me last night but that is what this show is about that is what come and see is about and that's why we're launching this come and see initiative is if you go right now to the chosen gifts dot com www dot gifts or it's in the app as well you can go to the store maybe not do it right now because i don't want you to miss what i'm about to share with you in the app if you're watching in the app but just write that down and uh we have these shirts come and see in these hoodies and long sleeve shirts and all that because this is our initiative this is our mission statement for the next few years our goal is to reach a billion people with the authentic jesus with this show we want a billion people to see this and that's sounds crazy but it's actually in line with how this whole show is gone this whole show has been a little crazy but this initiative and we're not we're not making it subtle come and see this is going to cause people to ask questions what do you mean by that of course it's got the chosen on the back i'm going to turn around and show you it says the chosen on the back but this is about starting conversations but this is a this is a kind of a mission statement for you because there are so many people whose experience matches phillips and nathanael's with this show think about it philip goes to nathaniel and he says you've got to see the messiah you've got to come meet this guy and what is and that's what you've been doing so many of you been saying you got to watch the chosen you got to come see this show and what do people say oftentimes i got i got a message from an old friend today who said my uh my mother has been telling me about the show for so long and i just she normally likes christian stuff and i don't but i finally watched it it's incredible what do people say like nathan nathaniel said can anything good come out of nazareth and that's probably what you hear sometimes can anything good come out of christian media can anything good come out of a jesus show for some people i'm not even a believer in jesus why would i watch this or i don't like christian entertainment and then what do you say just come just watch it just come and see and you sit some people have physically set people down and say you've got to watch this and then they become fans of the show and uh here's another quick uh comment that you know that we got from someone a friend recommended this movie to me it's a show of course but i was skeptical only because i've seen so many jesus flicks with so much disappointment well this was a wonderful surprise it was the spark my spirit needed beautifully produced acted written the cinematography is outstanding the cast is wonderful i thanked my friend this morning for the gift of this show another my 19 year old watched the chosen season one with me and told me this made her feel urgency to stop and talk to god because she stopped being close with him long ago she just called me and said she turned off her music while she was driving and just spoke to god while she was alone driving my heart is swollen with joy talking about her kids another woman shared i was blown away by the episode one of season two this is what she watched last week all the scriptural references you put in throughout i've been trying to get my mom to watch it for over a year she was not showing much much interest in wanting to watch it however yesterday she decided to be begin season one i got a message from her today saying she watched all the way up to season two episode one that's the and see initiative that's the only way we're gonna get to a billion people and the only way we're gonna get to a billion people is if we keep the show free because obviously there's most of a billion people especially around the world are not going to be able to afford a show like this so please continue to spread the word about it please continue you know get a shirt like this and that's kind of the cool thing about this shirt about the hoodie is that not only is it a mission statement and it's a it's it's a conversation starter but by just simply getting it you're doing your part by getting it you're allowing us to finance more future episodes and seasons okay so i got a little surprise for you i want to give you a sneak peek of episode three okay so uh check this out this is less than a minute and then i've got something to share with you afterwards but this is a sneak peek of episode three and uh you'll get a little taste of it so here it comes there have been over 60 people already with 50 waiting in line currently not including lepers and others who are still in line i mean it's great what he's doing obviously but i wish it would have happened tomorrow what is happening what are we a part of no amount of learning can bring you closer to god or make you more or less precious to him i'm ready for this day to be over why hasn't he healed you so how did you feel when that happened when what happened his birth do you even know what it's like to be jewish you put me in a desperate position where i did things i would never have done otherwise so come and see but here's i got a little bit of bad news or maybe not perfect news it's actually good news i think and then i've got some good news so here's the the not as awesome news for some of you tonight is the last night you will be able to watch an episode on youtube or facebook and some of you are saying no no no no youtube's the only way i can watch it no you can go to the chosen dot tv or better yet you go to the app the app is working great some of you might have experienced we had a few a handful of complaints tonight that they were experiencing black screen but that was actually quite a minority we had over 100 000 people watching in the app and it worked great including for myself okay so that's the lesser great news tonight is the very last night you're going to be able to watch an episode of the chosen on youtube or facebook here's the good news remember when i told you that as soon as we had episodes done we would show them to you as soon as they were ready i would bring them out that i'm not going to follow a set schedule so how about we just show you episode three right now how about tonight as our last night together on youtube and facebook i could stick to my promise episode three was finished around the same time as episode two maybe one day later and so let's just go right into episode three how about that it's one of my favorite episodes we've ever done there's some amazing things in this episode and i can't wait for you to see them so i'm going to stop talking shut dallas up and we're just gonna go right into episode three and at the end of the episode i'll have a couple more important things for you to share but thank you for being here you being here tonight live you choosing to make an appointment with us tonight you get rewarded you get to see it before everyone else i know normally investors get to see it before everyone else i'm sure they're gonna be okay we asked a few of the investors are you okay if we just show episode three right away to tuesday night right after episode two and they were of course happy to do so so here we go episode three let's get right into [Music] it oh [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh uh but where would be a good place to start for you yes for me the law of moses the prophecies of isaiah the wisdom for you i think psalms of david good start i'm ready for example so the choir master has some of them if i ascend to heaven you are there if i make my bed in the depths you are there and just that just a few more minutes thank you for your patience guys thank you but i'm not planning on ascending to heaven or making my bed deep in the depths you asked for a passage yes but one that could help you understand how you and everyone else knows more that's what i know and what you must come to believe if you want to make any meaningful study of torah i don't understand excuse me yes can you tell me what happened to jesus he healed me till do you have what happened yes and how long say it back to me if i ascend to heaven you are there if i make my bed deep in the depths you are there there's nowhere you can go no height you can climb to in your intellectual mind no depths you can reach in your soul where god is not with you do you get it i think so no amount of learning can bring you closer to god or make you more or less precious to him he's always right here right now with you before you but i don't feel it the feeling doesn't always come first sometimes you have to believe first believing a thing does not make it true that is wisdom but these are not just any words they are david's in scripture but how do you know whether david was only talking about himself and not everyone else he did say if i ascend not if people send it almost sounds like you don't want it to be true excuse me can you please tell me what happened to jesus are you with him yes yes we are his students are you okay i'm fine so with the passage of david i'm just trying to understand the trying is the thing meditate on it for a few days and come back to me you're always writing things down try writing it down several times something about writing it down that goes a long way that's what i say too matthew i think we've only just begun to know all you can do that is little james you're up that's the line it's getting longer i'll come back out soon and help you i won't take my full break what is nathaniel it's my turn to replace him said he's staying through doesn't want to stop his shift philip take my place see if you could make some headway he's scary good did you see what he did there have been over 60 people already with 50 waiting in line currently not including lepers and others who are still in line you save over 50 in the line right now yes how long is this going to last well it depends on each encounter you have never mind i get it matthew yes did you get some ideas from yes from the songs of david the passage to study before we learn more if i ascend to heaven you are there if i make my bed deep in the depths you are there what is that from the firewood from before yes and then when i push back the man that was rushing the line i cut it more on his back hand me that rag the same man you speak of bumped into me on his way out after jesus healed his wife i believe he's one of the men who arrived here last night almost a four hour walk this morning and we didn't even have a moment to settle in i mean it's great what he's doing obviously but i wish it would have happened tomorrow what is happening what are we apart of is it wrong to say i have no idea no it makes me feel better i think that i haven't had time to think about it all this time my parents i just know hate it other than that i figured thomas and i would get our answers from the rest of you the world is already spreading so fast i didn't think about that have you thought about the fame from all of this i wouldn't mind being famous i'm not surprised it's not as fun as you might think i cannot remember that time i did not think about the messiah at least once a week my whole life i prayed and prayed that he would come during this time and i just hope that i would at least get to see him but to be close to him like this and nobody like me i what's not fun about that you call today fun maybe not fun but good with this fame comes enemies you will be hated too i'm used to that well you were protected and your enemies weren't powerful speaking of enemies if someone had told you growing up that you would be a student of the messiah you you would be close to him and you will help him in his mission what would you have thought i would have said sorry i'm a girl ask my brother that's fair enough but really thomas what would you thought i would have thought i don't have military training that's still a problem actually exactly when i was a child i used to think how amazing it would be to see messiah kill all the romans on my street and i wanted to help him i trained every day with a wooden sword yes and i have this scar that proves he was pretty good i used to imagine that the romans would break into our home and i would be hiding under the bed with a knife and just when they came to get me messiah would rescue me at the last moment he didn't think we'd be spending our time healing well watching him heal and they'll never stop the people come the more they hear about it and we're just going to be doing this the next five years and we'll never get to the fighting part eager to bring out that wooden sword of yours are you do you honestly not know what i'm talking about i guess i haven't had any expectations probably why it's a little easier for me i can remember as a little girl hearing about how someone would save us someday but i don't remember much about it why is it you expect a warrior zechariah for i will gather all the nations against jerusalem to battle and the city will be captured then the lord will go forth and fight against those nations as when he fights on a day of battle on that day his feet will stand on the mount of olives which is in front of jerusalem on the east yes yes yes the mount of olives will be split in two from east to west and half of it will move in all this craziness but we don't even know when this is going to be if it's even in this lifetime it is what i also do not understand isn't the messiah supposed to come at a time when all is holy that's at least what you've been telling me what is that problem even a prophetic poem from the rabbis not so long ago and there should be no unrighteousness in them on his day for they shall all be holy and their king shall be the lord messiah this is why the pharisees do not think he is the one mary you have to help clean up the red quarter first i don't think he's waiting for us to be homey and i think he's here because we can't be holy without him whoa that's good the baptizer will want to use that ah hey james i need you to help with crowd control people are bickering and getting physical and uh i can't help much in that department yeah are you serious yes i'm gonna have to use my sword on them before the romans so let's see how are we doing well how do i could be sad well are you serious i'm more soft than i was yes yes you are i thought you said you were good at this i thought i was i can't get out of this now so what was everyone talking about ah not much just prophecy outgrowing fame messiah healing disease instead of overthrowing the romans small topics like that well i'm not sorry i missed it i'm ready for the state to be over what about out there anything happen in your short shift no it's same as all day one thing that is annoying me though is these people they are believing in him and praising him and don't get me wrong that's great but it's because he's healing them the samaritans yeah that's pretty much what he said that's all they needed i know i just don't know how many of them would believe in him if he wasn't healing them so i have to ask i think i can guess i i have two questions forgive me but i speak plainly what is your melody forgive me i i don't mean to offend it's fine it's um a formal paralysis it's it's caused problems since birth it's almost time for evening meal are you hungry so then why i mean why hasn't he healed you how do you watch all these healings today does it bother you fair questions um i'm still trying to figure out how i feel about all of this i mean i suppose one big thing is that i haven't asked why not i don't know if i had your uh struggle and i was watching what was happening today i demand it i don't know if i should it just doesn't feel right you know and i suppose i've just been grateful that he caught me to follow him in spite of it but it's never come up not even once i'm just afraid that if i mention it to him it will he can change his mind about me or something i'm pretty sure he knows your situation it's not like if you pointed out he'd be surprised that's true we thought you were coming tomorrow yeah well some friends were uh able to come with me earlier so they dropped me off today and they're seeing some family in the area you'll be with us for a little while yes through the feast and then we'll see oh steve shalom what are you doing here with your son now is john all right i haven't spoken to him in a while john is fine but he said the time was now so here i am trying to make myself useful mary this is matthew he wasn't with us at the wedding ah shalom matthew welcome oh look let's find clothing thank you what do you do i don't i i he's a new student uh jesus called him ah lovely well i'm sure you're someone special so was today a very long day i saw a lot of people simon told me to come back here do we know when jesus will be finished we walked here from philippi this morning and he hasn't stopped since then he has always been a worker he gets that from his father both of them i suppose speaking of work i see the food you look exhausted i'm here to help we'll have it already very very soon [Music] [Music] andrew i need a mental break do one of your meaningless question games they're not meaningless they're interesting and i've got one i've been thinking about lately what would you do for unlimited money or what would you give up to have all the money you could ever want for the rest of your life meaning would i do something painful yes or crazy would you run through the marketplace with no clothes on screaming of course not it'd be killed by a soldier plus it would be a modest could be a sin fine something that wasn't a sin would you give up your left hand if you would be rich the rest of your life maybe not a full hand but a couple of fingers sure what about love would you give up ever getting married i don't know simon is it worth it absolutely but you'll never be so lucky to find someone like eden so take the money i've never had much money my whole life and i've been happy i don't expect we'll have much money for as long as we're following him but you have had some money before yes are you happier now or then ask matthew john what that was a bad question you brought up money matthew's had it we have not i feel better now i don't know if that means happy it's not polite to talk about personal money just a question i think about it sometimes man i feel guilty for what thinking about things i shouldn't for wanting things i shouldn't care so much about sometimes i feel like i'm living someone else's life like i look at myself from the outside doesn't always feel like me feels like someone who's trying to live up to the heroes of our history like i have to do something great but i know i'm not great note even more now being with him i understand i feel like i need to not make any more mistakes how do you think i felt you must feel that every day no not anymore he always reassured me and god always made me feel like i shouldn't be burdened so how did you feel when that happened when what happened his birth even before that how did you know when did you know who he was i don't know we're all tired do you really want to hear all that yes yes well nothing about it was easy i can tell you that it wasn't in my hometown my mother wasn't there we had no midwife don't know if i'm ready to give all the details maybe some other time but i do remember this when joseph handed him to me it was like nothing i expected it was like everything i'd heard about having a baby but i thought this would be completely different what do you mean i had to clean him off he was covered in i will be polite he needed to be cleaned and he was cold and he was crying and he needed my help my help my teenager from nazareth it actually made me think for just one moment is this really the son of god and joseph later told me he briefly thought the same thing but we knew he was i don't know what i expected but he was crying and he needed me and i wondered how long that would last he doesn't need me anymore not since we taught him how to walk and eat he hasn't needed me for a long time i suppose and after joseph passed he rest in peace he grew up even quicker and i wish i could say that made me happy of course as a jew i'm excited to see everything he does for our people and i'm proud of him [Music] but as a mom it makes me a little sad sometimes so it's good to be with all of you for a bit i can find ways to help i'll take it simon when you were just with him did it seem it would go for very long it's tough to turn the line was dying down but he won't send anyone away anyway so we'll see i'll go check on them can i take your plate yes thank you he doesn't know he lost his father i lost mine several years ago i'll have to ask him about that is anyone else lost the parent i'm sorry was it recent no no it was when i was a little girl it's painful sorry thank you it was i didn't fully understand it right away but eventually it made me really angry and i left when i was young left home trust everything everything i uh i try to stop acting like a jew i try to stop being myself and then later as some of the people from our town including some of you knew about uh worse things happened most of it is a blur but i forgot so much of everything i learned as a little girl but now you can catch up you all are so far ahead and you're so good at all of this we're not as good as you think most of us but you were the one with your nose in the writing still are a little not as good as others oh come on you can recite half of torah if you had to maybe maybe yeah maybe still going i couldn't do any more but they said they've got it i really want to be a good student i don't think any of us went to bed midrash or did much study after school it's what's so surprising about all this thomas did you no i was in the family business the day after i graduated 13 years old and i was preparing and serving food at weddings i was not a student at all believe me yeah i wasn't even good at praying until recently i would get bored with it you know the same thing over and over and i learned to love it as i got older i wasn't great at any of it when i was a student i wasn't either i didn't like all the rules i never struggled with it i do what i'm told yes i'm the same i have always been a rule follower i always love the history the story so i always love the rules too simon i had my moments [Laughter] one time when my parents were asleep i had meat with cheese just to see what i was missing have you ever done that i'd feel too guilty you feel guilty about everything right after you were born you said sorry to ima for causing her pain well get the guilt i was sick for days i haven't violated a single food rule since i tried pork once oh well we were traveling and we were in a gentile marketplace and i just grabbed a piece really oh it was marvelous one time on the boats we were approaching a shabbat sunset and abba and john had finished their tasks and i still had to put my fish in the barrels because i had so many no it's because you were going too slow because you're too careful no it was because i had so many okay so you have to put them away obviously before the sun sets or they'll rot the next day and you can't clean them during shabbat so i started yelling to the others hey come on help me no they just laughed at me and walked home and i had to work so hard and so fast i ended up spilling some of the fish back in the water but i finished just in time and i was breathing so hard i vomited on the shore i had to wait two whole days to clean it up oh sorry i've grown to love being jewish and i've grown to love following the law but it can be exhausting following the law or being jewish both it always has been even before the occupation yes but aren't we used to it by now hasn't it made us stronger i don't get it if i'm honest i don't know why god has allowed the occupation i'd love to ask him more about that why this has been allowed for so long it's hard to feel like the chosen people i've been there but it's all worth it now yes the wait is over what about you what do you mean has it been difficult for you all this time the occupation following jewish law my life has not been easy oh it hasn't what was more painful for you escaping roman persecution by working for them or escaping your guilt with all the money and now you're catching up on torah and wanting to follow the law why not all of the sudden why not all the other times you had the chance simon no no john i want to know mary had horrible trauma she didn't choose all that happened to her what's your excuse what do you want me to say i don't know what you want from me an apology what simon's not wrong it could be more delicate about it but you did choose to work for them and you made my life even harder than it already was and you haven't apologized none no no don't say it i don't want you to apologize it doesn't matter what would hear him say sorry dude i won't forgive it anyway what keeps putting you in authority who are you to forgive or not to forgive what you're on his side no of course not but you've had your problems too what about apologizing for what you almost did to us with their own didn't go through with it i was trying to save my family's life and i love you john but that's not something you have to worry about when zeb and salome are looking out for you but you put me in a desperate position where i did things i would never have done otherwise and i've repented for them and john and james i am sorry but i didn't go through with it what is your excuse i was a successful businessman and yet i was always behind he wasn't your tax collector quit defending him i want an answer hey you're new do you even know what it's like to be jewish to suffer for centuries and centuries because of it but to still commit to it to protect our heritage even though it never stops being painful because the one comfort we have is to know that we're doing it together that we're all suffering together but if we just wait a little longer if we hold tight just a little more we'll have rescue because we're chosen all of us and you betrayed that and you spit on it i can't forgive it i'll never forgive it all right you said what you needed to say sit down simon you sit down first good night oh amen thank you [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] you can blot on your hands one more there we go i'm a mess good what would i do without your email i'll get some sleep okay i'm so tired [Music] may god of my ancestors that i lie down in peace and that i arise in peace well um i love that moment gets me every time tonight really represents everything that the chosen is about in so many ways that i want to share with you right now um you know this we've settled along to get used to different that this show is all about that jesus said that in episode seven of season one and we believe that that was true of jesus's ministry we believe that that's true of the show itself everything about this show is different we're the number one highest crowdfunded media project of all time we're the first ever multi-season show about the life of jesus the content itself is different how we're showing the jesus from different perspectives and including these backstories and cultural content and the way that you watch the show is different and what our partners at angel studios did by creating this app that is free and is instantly available to everyone around the world with no restrictions no subscription required people can just for free get this app and watch this show that's different and we might just be the first show in history to put an episode out immediately after the previous one and not tell anyone i'm sure there's been marathons before but not where we just surprised you with an episode so i hope that you appreciate that in fact i got this text from a friend named blake in michigan who's been on the shelf since long before it was cool and he said my wife is in labor with our son right now waiting to go to the hospital and we're watching thank you most important tv show in my lifetime hope she holds on through episode three so blake i hope that you and your uh your family are holding on and that you were able to watch the whole episode and see to the end um you know i hope you picked up on a few things in that episode you know that like for example i one of the things that i i really loved when when this idea came was that mary was talking about how she hasn't felt useful in a while she hasn't felt like she is needed by jesus anymore and that's a very mom thing to feel and uh and then at the end of course she had an opportunity to be needed and for maybe the first time in a while and needed in an important way because he was had been doing such an important work one thing i want to also make sure that is understood is uh because i saw a few people in the chat saying hey simon leave matthew alone simon's not wrong and andrew says that andrew says those words simon's not wrong he might not be delicate about it at times but you haven't apologized matthew did a lot of very wrong things to the disciples and to the jewish people and he's forgiven for that by jesus and jesus called him but matthew has some work to do as well to bring restitution about some of this stuff and so yes simon is harsh and simon is temperamental simon is passionate but simon's also talking to someone who betrayed his people and their faith in many ways so how that all plays out over the next few episodes and over the next couple seasons is going to be really interesting so i hope you pay attention here's another thing that was really unique about this episode that i hope you noticed the first 15 minutes first 15 minutes were all one shot and how that happened is really again what the chosen is all about um if you think about and by the way i'm gonna in just a minute here i'm gonna tell you about the next episode which is not coming tonight don't get your hopes up episode 4 is not ready yet it's not done yet so don't get your hopes up but i will tell you about when it is gonna be ready and uh and then more about our come and see uh program but um when we decided to film the first 15 minutes of this episode in just one shot we just thought it would be a really interesting way to show real time and to show um the the activity and i think there's something special about one shot not cutting and not slowing it down that just really makes it feel alive and we just thought it would be a really interesting artistic thing to do and we knew it would be very difficult um you know i've never seen that i mean most most one-shots and movies that go for a long time go for a few minutes a 15-minute warner is what we call it is very very rare if i i mean i don't even know how many times it's happened it's been extraordinarily where we said look we're a different show let's go for it it's going to be difficult all the actors have to memorize all their lines perfectly there's no mess-ups allowed because then you'd have to start over you know so all the actors worked really hard to prepare and we went to shoot the scene that day what we wanted to do is we wanted to start early in the day and rehearse it a bunch of times and then we knew that the first couple takes wouldn't work so we wanted to do a bunch of rehearsals first and then we just wanted to give ourselves time so we gave ourselves the whole day to do this shot now typically in one day of filming you're going to do about six to seven pages of filming tops and even that's pretty aggressive this is 15 pages okay but we knew if we all did it at once in just one shot we might have a chance to do that but doing it in one shot is very difficult so we're going to do it a few times to kind of give us the opportunity to not have to to not to not lose it basically so we did the first one shortly after lunchtime and it didn't work a few mistakes camera uh you know went to the wrong person at the wrong time an actor might have stumbled on the line but we were we knew that was just essentially rehearsal so then we did the next one in a couple hours and there was a couple mess up so we just started over and then we did it again but this time the sun was lowering and the shadows were so strong that we were seeing the camera and the camera guy and the crew on the shadows on the actors and so we just stopped halfway through we said this take is unusable because we had a camera guy walking around and he had a couple guys with him who were making sure the focus was okay excuse me and recording the sounds that there's a guy walking around him with a microphone and we got a guy holding up a thing to make sure that the lighting like is bounced off the sun all that stuff to just make sure that we're getting all this and so then we realized we had to wait we had to wait until the sun was almost down so there would be no shadows and here's what we knew we would only have one take we knew that that was now putting in us a position that we had no room for air we couldn't do it again because once the sun goes down tonight we're done with so we knew we had a 15 to 20 minute window to get this one shot so we just had to wait for a few hours and i remember going out into the field by myself and just praying and just saying okay god this is your project and you have done this to us so many times you have taken us to the edge of the red sea as my wife calls it my wife use refers to these as red sea moments where you get to the edge of the red sea and there's literally nothing else you can do the philistines are coming and you have no options you're done the only option is if god parts the red sea and does this miracle and that's happened to us over and over and over again and i said god i hope this is one of those times and if this is just to remind me to be desperate for you i'm reminded and please just give us favor if you can and just help everyone to be smart and to make good decisions and to remember their lines and and for everything to go smoothly and then it was out of my hands there's nothing i could do i'd already done all the work that i could i had literally nothing to do but just watch and watch with my producer chris and we almost held hands just like please please please through the whole take so as the sun's going down we do one take and early on one of the actors messes up a line in a profound way so we had to start over happens again second time now we have literally only 15 minutes for the shot and we're all just nervous i'm upset you know because i'm like oh my gosh you know this is it we have to do this we calmed each other down we got through it we said let's go and then we did what you saw that was all one take and i remember at the end of it the sun literally went down and you can see throughout the whole scene the sun is going down that's what makes it seem so beautiful is it's like the sun is going down in the middle of the shot and i remember it finally finished in our camera guy who was carrying around 60 pounds for 15 minutes just holding him literally collapsed sweat pouring off his face we all gave him a round of applause and i said i think we got it and i went up to one of the actors to say thank you for doing such a great job and i just burst into tears um because i was so exhausted from the stress of it but being reminded once again that god was looking out for us and here's the thing that was the perfect shot if it would have happened in the middle of the day it wouldn't have looked nearly as good in fact our cinematographer had said i want us to get a shot in the afternoon so that we know we have it but the best shot will be at night when the sun's going down in the evening because that's when it's going to look the best and that's when it actually tells the story of transitioning into night time and it was perfect and as usual god gave us no other options so that's how this that's how this show works and i hope that that that's not just a gimmick that only works if it translates to you and that if you experience the beauty of the scene and of the of what the disciples are talking about and what they're experiencing and how they're all wrestling with this and that's what the season is about is what are the disciples gonna do now that they're following jesus what does that look like uh and it's hard and it's confusing and it's different from what they expected they're getting used to different and they're still working through some of the things some of the pain of their past like simon and matthew and mary magdalene and james and john and there's still tensions bubbling to the surface but as they're bickering as they're fighting what do they get reminded of jesus comes out and what's he exhausted from why is he sweating why does he have blood on him because he's been healing people all day matthew 4 24 that's the title of the episode jesus went into syria and was just healing groups of people who were coming to see him and what do the disciples think well obviously they know this is what this is all about and we just we're blowing it and that's okay because they have a lot to learn is stewie so i hope this last uh this episode blessed you episode four is going to be a little while um there's a lot of visual effects in it there's a lot of audio things that have to happen um the music is done but there's a lot of work that needs to be done and we're working on episodes four tonight when i get off this live stream i'm gonna be working on episodes five and six i promised you that i would get them to you as soon as they're ready which is why you got episode three tonight but that also means that they're not gonna be episodes that are ready sooner than they can we just finished filming a month ago so even the fact that you've seen three episodes already is a miracle so now we're gonna have to wait probably about three or four weeks um i'm going out to los angeles in a few weeks where we'll finish up episodes four five and six and they won't come out all at once because then they still have to be finalized but that's what our plan is so you have now three weeks to tell people to come and see this is a movement okay we are going to get to a billion people you need to go to and you can get all this come and see gear for those of you who are outside the united states i promise you we are working on this and in fact we're going to end up doing shirts that say come and see in your language we're working on that now it's we all of this is new to us we're creating new technology we're creating new ways of doing things and so it's going to take some time and so bear with us we are getting these episodes translated as fast as humanly possible um in fact episodes one and two are already translated with subtitles in several languages uh in the app uh you some devices you're not able to cast to with those but if you go to the chosen dot tv uh you can watch on the chosen dot tv but uh and you can watch on some of the devices with the subtitles or just your phone so we're working on that this is new technology so bear with us please be patient we want to get this in every language that we can but uh you have now three weeks to tell people to come and see and what are you going to tell them about the app because episode 4 is only going to be available in the app it's not going to be a live stream on youtube it's not going to be a live stream on facebook we will probably do a 15 minute live stream just to kind of do a pre-live stream special um where we'll probably have some guests and we'll talk about the show and then we'll go over to the app and that's where you will watch the show okay episodes two and three right by the way right now have been installed in the app they are there you don't have to watch the live stream you can watch them without me talking because i know you want to shut dallas up and i know that's going to be a hashtag hashtag shut dallas up because you don't want me to talk so much but as soon as we get these seasons produced and funded uh you know 100 million dollars to shut dallas up so 100 million dollars does two things ones it helps us reach a billion people around the world two it shuts me up so i will shut up soon but either way you can watch episodes two and three right now in the app without hearing me and you can rewind and fast forward and all that other fun stuff uh if you want but episode four is only going to be in the app we are building our own platform and much like netflix doesn't have their movies and shows on other platforms um and uh you know most most platforms you know they're trying to build their own platform and that's how they're going to sustain a business long term that's what we have to do as well and uh we've the difference between us and all these other platforms is that we're completely free uh completely free no subscription no email address added asked for or anything it's all up to you you can watch it totally free if you want so i hope that that's okay but you have three weeks now to get used to the app to ask for help if you open the app and you're not sure how to work it click the help button they will help you email support the chosen dot tv support the chosen dot tv and they will help you everyone is eager to make this as easy of an experience for you as possible i promise but you're going to have to make those adjustments so figure it out go to the fan club to ask other people online ask support they will help you but episode 4 is only going to be on the app and it's on you to spread the word all right so keep that up keep telling people to come and see keep still this conversation started we're going to reach a billion people because you're going to be like philip what did philip do in episode two he went and found nathaniel and he told nathaniel you've got to see this guy and when nathaniel said what are you talking about what good can come from nazareth and you're going to hear people say what do you mean what can good can come from christian media this show isn't going to be any good and you just say come and see just watch it's free you don't have to do anything just free so if you hate it you can stop watching but just give it an episode or two you know it always takes an episode or two for people to kind of get used to a new show and learn who the characters are but then it's worth it so we're partnering with you on this thank you for bringing this to light thank you for making this possible thank you for bringing me closer to god because of your sacrifice and your servant heart it means so much to me that we're partnered and tonight was all about that giving you the surprise episode three you know having this relationship with you we can we can do fun things like that i'm sorry for those who left early who didn't get to see episode three tonight with you but this is how we do it episode three itself was a miracle and that one shot and the things that we're saying in these episodes and the things we're saying to each other this is all part of a huge movement and god has something to say to the world and my job is to make sure that it gets said and that i get out of the way and that's where your cup where you come in so remember it's not your job to feed the five thousand it's only to provide the loaves and fish and you did that tonight and you're continuing to do that i'm bringing my loaves and fish and together we'll watch god feed the five thousand thank you and good night you
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 5,072,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking
Id: cyisq4ILK4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 20sec (7820 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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