The Chosen Season One: Episodes 5 & 6

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hello hello hello we are live i am live you are live we are all live unless of course you're watching this later and you're not live then i'm not lying because right now i'm live but you're not necessarily live so if you are watching this later thank you for watching and for tuning in for checking out episodes five and six of season one that's we're watching tonight episodes five and six of season one for some of you you've seen this before and you're just watching it again because you're pumped for season two which is coming easter sunday i don't know if you knew that for others you've seen this many many times dozens of times and you just can't get enough which is really cool but you also you watching right now might be seeing this for the first time you might have just watched episodes one through four whether on the app or in the other live streams that we've been doing all week and our countdown to season two or you're discovering this for the first time and if you are if you have not seen episodes one through four of season one yet stop watching stop watching this right now and go to the previous live streams that we've done episodes one and two episodes three and four or the best bet which i'll talk about in just a second is to get the chosen app okay that's what you're ultimately going to do because that's ultimately how you're gonna watch season two but first things first how about that trailer uh i talked about this last night because the trailer had come came out yesterday morning but did you know that last night and actually right now it's still trending on youtube i don't know if you know what that means but uh the kids tell me that uh trending is when youtube is actually listing the top however many videos on their entire platform that are trending meaning they're getting a lot of engagement they're getting a lot of excitement they're what people are talking about they're what people are sharing last night we got into the top ten we were at number eight on youtube last night at one point this morning we were still around 11 or 12. we're starting to go down now where i think we're in the 30s now which is completely uh except explainable uh because of course we've been out now for a day and a half no almost two days yeah so at least but at least a day and a half so that's what i'm talking about when i'm saying like it share it comment on it text it to people watch it again watch it all the way through to the end all of those things all of those hints that i give you all of those uh you know talk what i call them action points action items to-do lists uh you know a list of orders if you're a chosen army member um those are all those work and when a video is trending on youtube and someone goes to the youtube home page they will see the chosen listed amongst all these other videos and it gets in front of people who otherwise wouldn't normally see it so we've been getting hundreds of thousands of views across facebook instagram and youtube of people who didn't either watch the show before didn't know much about it it's just coming across their feed so make sure you continue to watch the trailer send it to people and do you know another thing that's been really cool is i've seen a couple of reaction videos that are fantastic people just literally saying all right i'm gonna watch this for the first time and they set up their camera and they've recorded their reaction this is a very common thing uh for lots of different types of trailers and shows and big moments when you do that that also generates more excitement and generates more engagement so keep it up if you've done it if you haven't done it yet if you already started the trailer if you already saw the trailer don't do it because then you'll be faking it you're pretending like you're reacting for the first time so don't do that but one thing you might want to consider just saying maybe record someone else watching episode one of season two on sunday night uh you know i'm not a huge fan of like while you're watching the show itself for the first time you're recording yourself and now you're thinking about the recording instead of the show but there's some things going down in the first well first you know five six minutes of episode one of season two starting right off with the first 10 seconds that's all i'm gonna say i'm just telling you don't be late for the easter sunday night live stream and if you're watching this now in the future um before you know after the week of easter and you're and you're seeing episodes five and six tonight for the first time make sure that you don't miss the beginning of season two when you get there uh it's it's a thing that's all i'm gonna say it's a thing don't miss it trust me and if you want to maybe you know have your phone on and recording one of your friends or set it up nearby you know and capture someone watching it there will be some reactions i'm i can i can promise you so that kind of stuff is really cool it really generates interest and uh it's the kind of things it's kind of thing that i've seen on some of my other favorite shows and honestly one of the there's been a couple shows that i ended up watching because i started seeing reaction videos all over the place of people going oh my gosh what is you know what is happening to some big moment on the show and it it intrigued me so uh that's great keep doing that with whether it's the trailer or an episode of a season two all that stuff is really helpful so your engagement is what keeps us going as i say all the time we don't have a studio or a tv network that's owning us and that's writing big checks all of this excitement is generated by you all of our finances for future episodes and seasons are generated by when you purchase our gifts or when you pay it forward and speaking of gifts gifts because i'm in the giving mood because this week has been each night i give an opportunity for you to get one of our gift items for twenty percent off the chosen gifts dot com you got that colin i don't know if you we talked about that beforehand but uh www.thecho tonight's 20 off and this is only for the live stream so if you're watching this next week uh it's not going to be available still this is just for my thank you to those of you who did decide to show up and notice see this uh little hoodie that i'm wearing and on the back of the hoodie well this is a zip up this isn't really a hoodie on the back of the hoodie this is the teal version of it i actually love the teal version it's beautiful but i wore teal earlier this week and i i try to mix things up a little bit keep my wife excited uh this is the back of it so it's got of course the circle of fish on the back and that's also on the back of the of the black one so uh 20 off all zip ups and also because i'm in such a great mood based on the excitement of the season two trailer the hat the chosen hat do i look cool or do i look like a 45 year old man trying to look cool by wearing a hat i love this hat great style great fit great comfort all of the above and you can have it in your home for just pennies a day 20 off you don't need a discount code nothing i just told our gift person people said hey heads up tonight i am giving 20 off on the hats and the zip ups the chosen gifts dot com 20 off and uh when you purchase those gifts whether it's for you or someone else that's another thing if you already own these things then get take the opportunity to get 20 off of something and give it to somebody hence the chosen sometimes the gifts are for yourself but isn't it better when we give to others i think so you know who said those kinds of things it is better to give into than to receive did jesus say that or is that just another verse is that a proverb or is that did jesus say that i'm making a show about jesus and i honestly don't know if that was a jesus quote or if that's just another bible verse quote so that shows you how crazed my brain is right now and how focused i am on season two because he didn't say in season two so forgive me your fearless leader uh in terms of portraying jesus stories i just don't remember off the top of my head so i'm sure in the comments section right now on facebook welcome if you are watching on facebook if you're watching on youtube welcome to you and if you're watching in the app thank you and welcome to you as well on the app i want to talk to you this is very important i need you to lean in this is this is key whether you're watching tonight or in the future the app is the only way you're going to be able to watch season 2 for at least a while eventually we'll have dvds we don't have dvds now because we haven't even finished all the episodes in fact tonight when i get off of this live stream i'm going to be watching and reviewing episode 1 of season two that is playing this sunday night it's not even fully done yet it's still being what we call q seed which is quality controlled and where we're checking to make sure there's no mistakes that's how fast and hard we're working for you to get this episode to you and i i was in los angeles working on episodes one through three we're working on it we're trying to get it to you as fast as possible so uh all that to say um when we put out episode one on sunday night easter sunday night eight o'clock eastern do you have that in your calendar yet put that in your calendar eight o'clock eastern if you don't know what time that is in your time zone there's this really cool thing called google that you can look up eight o'clock eastern time episode one of season two of the chosen don't be late trust me do not be late hashtag it's time you're gonna be on time but uh sunday night you will be able to watch it on facebook youtube and the app but eventually this season we will not be doing youtube and facebook live streams anymore uh i know that sounds harsh but you've got to start getting used to different this is the only way we're going to be sustainable long term is if people are coming to our app and watching it on our app so far we've been extremely generous by putting it on other platforms uh youtube but also streaming other streaming platforms and even uh cable networks and whatnot uh and and i'm telling you that's not getting us much money at all it's for the purpose of getting more people to watch season ones is that they want to watch season two and they need to watch it in our app that's how we're building this business that's how we're building this i shouldn't even call it a business but that's how we're going to be sustainable long term so this is what you need to do and it's much better in the app i mean watching it on youtube is is much lower quality i love youtube thank you youtube for hosting us tonight but you need to watch it on the app so some of you are just like i'm scared i'm some of you might be saying i don't even have a smartphone so i don't know what i'm going to do fear not it's going to be on the website as well the chosen dot tv i have a jingle for that too it's magically the same as the other jingle www dot the chosen dot tv you're going to go to the chosen dot tv you can watch it on your laptop and of course you can connect your laptop to your tv if you want if you want to watch it on the big screen so it will be on the chosen dot tv however you got to start embracing the now embracing the future the app the beauty of the app is you don't have to watch it on your phone it will connect to your streaming device roku apple tv fire stick chromecast if you don't have one of those get it it's not that expensive okay and if you don't know how to work those talk to your friends talk to your grandson he will be happy to help you but here's the thing here's what i really want you to understand the app does connect to those streaming devices free and easy completely free you don't have to sign up for anything you don't have to give your email address you don't have to pay a dime it is totally free and it is easy but if you struggle with it at all that's what the help button is for okay in the app there is a help button uh it's very easy to find it says help with a question mark on it you're going to click on that you're going to say help me please i don't know how to do this i'm not sure exactly what i'm doing i'm i'm new to do casting to my tv i'm new to casting to my streaming device i get it i struggle with it sometimes in the past myself and i've embraced it i promise you we've worked very very hard angel studios our distribution partner have worked extraordinarily hard the engineering department has worked very hard to make this as easy as possible and sometimes we still have kinkster workout we're doing something new here and so babe please be patient with us and you don't need to go to social media to say i can't figure this out help me you can go to our wonderful help department so whether it's clicking the help button or emailing support at the chosen dot tv support at please don't flood them tonight unless you have an emergency or unless you really can't figure something out because uh they are obviously they obviously work long hours and the show right now is exploding and everyone's got interest for season two and we don't want to overwhelm them unless we really need to but if you need to that is what we are here for they want to help you they want you to figure out the app but i promise you it's not bad it's not really not bad it's awesome so get the app you download the chosen you go to wherever you get your apps google play or the app store you look us up we've got a perfect name for our app it's called the chosen isn't that a cool name it's what a coincidence because that's the name of the show you then download the app it takes you less than 30 seconds you then pull up the watch page you know which has all the episodes up in the upper right there's like a cast button you know or it'll say watch on tv or whatever it says we we will make it easy for you but there's a little button sometimes in the upper right that's got the symbol that you've you've probably seen before if you've ever been on youtube on your phone or whatever it gives you that opportunity to connect to your tv so whether it says watch on tv or whether it has an app icon or a casting icon whatever it is that will allow you to connect to your device it will ask you what device do you want to connect to and it will recognize the devices in your home if you were on the same wi-fi isn't that amazing i think so you could even do this at someone else's house you could go to their house and go got a roku they go why yes i do why do you ask are you planning to use my roku and you say yes i am and then you pull out your phone and you get on their wi-fi and you can connect to their roku no subscription needed totally free i think that's pretty cool embrace it love it if you have questions ask them in the app they will help you i promise you everyone is here for you okay we are here to make you happy all right i do not want to let's see i think there's anything else i want to say before we start nothing got your 20 off go to get to get the zip up get the hat tonight only 20 off the hat and the zip up this is the teal zip up thank you for joining us on this live stream i'm so excited season two is coming this is easter sunday i will be back after this episode to have a few more share to share a few more things with you and then we'll show episode six but here comes episode five of season one this is a really really cool episode this is the first episode of the second half of the season we did episodes one through four took a break came back did episodes five through eight and episode 5 is a pretty iconic episode it's about the first public miracle of jesus and we introduce you to some new characters some of whom become very important for the rest of the show and i hope you can pick up on some of that you'll love some of our our famous bible heroes showing up in this episode but things are starting to pick up in this season and uh we're starting to see tensions rise we're starting to see things happen but this is a really wonderful episode and this is one of the episodes that i love because you see jesus is fun and humor more than anything else more than any other episode in the season so have fun with that here is episode five of season one of the chosen i will be back with you at the end of the episode to talk to you about a few more things and introduce episode six thank you so much let's watch [Music] [Music] is please have you seen why are you alone my son he's only 12. he's our kids all over it's jerusalem we come here no we came for the passover feast we thought he was in the caravan this was three days ago jesus jesus he ready everywhere day and night we were so scared i told him he's okay why is everyone so upset mary he was injured you were supposed to be riding in the caravan with uncle biter i was supposed to be with my father why weren't you i was [Music] it was incredible me you should have seen him he was teaching when i found him the rabbis described the scholars they could not believe their ears they barely let us be didn't you know i must be in my father's house if not now when just help us get through all of this with you please maybe we should get going before they make a formal inquiry jesus please don't do that again huh yes may i read we'll see come now we've got a long journey what are you going to do for your mother for this transgression huh i'm going to make him rub your feet [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] i came here to help all the way from nazareth you must have been riding in the dark when your best friend is the mother of the groom you'll be early for the feast too come on give me a room or something okay okay miracles yes john signs and wonders from you are you adding those to my list of infractions only a fantasy you would have labeled moses a lunatic for talking to a shrub do you consider yourself to be like moses tell me about your ministry do you remember when caesar traveled through judea yes he sent all these mens to clear logs and debris for the coming king make straight away for the king they'd shout prepare the way the roads in jerusalem do not have the same problem but i remember the visit i had to move romans aren't kind to the homeless lost all my possessions many in jerusalem were frightened as well oh they were lucky to have you to comfort them for a price of course should we be clearing the road for you john is that the point of this story i don't like your frog the cost of the vestments alone could feed three children in nazareth for a month do you hail from nazareth um in jericho in bethlehem jaffa well you have a new home now whatever your mission was i hope you completed it but you're here to ask about miracles but first i wanted to tell you of a miracle that i've seen but cannot comprehend and then to make accusations this is pointless clearly you are not a frothing madman but every bit as unreasonable you imprison me and accuse me of being ill-tempered i am not your captor do you not understand this is a roman cell i came here to speak to the warden on your behalf on my behalf why are you really here old man the official reason you are a jewish citizen if you have broken jewish law it sets a dangerous precedent to allow rome to adjudicate and the real reason the truth i am far from home i am looking in places i would never go because i am searching for an explanation for something i i cannot unsee no one else knows you're here tell me from the beginning eden we need to talk so i hear what have you heard nothing that makes sense last night you told me the truth let's continue with that so i worked for hours last night and i couldn't even catch one fish the entire night and then andrew and the boys showed up thank you for that by the way and none of us could catch one fish the entire night it was horrible and this morning we finally gave up and we went to shore but there was this teacher on shore and andrew knew who he was but i'll talk about that later she told me to cast one more time which made no sense but i did it anyway because of the way he looked at me and then so many fish showed up they were pouring into the boat so many kept coming that zebedee ended up filling both of our boats enough to pay off the whole debt i uh what i know why don't you seem happy well this is hard to explain more than what you just did no it's like the story of elijah and elisha yes alicia was playing with 12 yoke of oxen when elijah the prophet just walked up and threw his clock over him by a calling to follow him and without delay lisa slaughtered the oxen burned the plow and left everything behind yes the teacher andrew told me but i didn't believe him at first he's the messiah i know it sounds impossible but i i saw it with my own eyes he made boat fulls of fish appear out of nowhere and the words he spoke the one john told ander was the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world it was him and then and then he called me to follow him and andrew james and john to go where he goes and and to learn from him and he said that i wouldn't be a fisherman anymore but that i would catch people instead i don't even know what that means but i'm sure what i saw he's the one we've been waiting for all our lives and i want to quit fishing and leave the sea behind to go i know i know i know it makes no sense and i knew it would make you upset all i can tell you is that this is that oh why would i be upset come here come here [Music] come here you couldn't make this up of course he chose you i don't know why he did i try to tell him i'm a sinful man everyone is sinful i don't know what this means i don't know yet how i'm going to provide i don't care about that why are you crying because someone finally sees you what i've always seen [Music] you're more than a fisherman you know what i will travel sometimes i don't want you to feel abandoned you have to go with him how could i feel abandoned i feel saved and even it's not gonna be easy [Music] when have we ever had anything easy it's not our people's way so are you going to help me i actually could watch you do that all day wash your feet ah we leave for canada today what's in canada a wedding what does the wedding have to do with the liberation of israel i'm about to find out come on don't you think our wedding was a kind of liberation from your fear that i would be bald oh my father's nearly blind remember how cold it was wow remember andrew's thoughts remember the rabbi lost his place no what he made everyone stand up and please be seated twice in a row you don't remember what i will remember for the rest of my life is lifting your veil i'd fight tigers for that memory you'd fight tigers well unless it was as cold as our wedding day right before the sun came up and you got tangled i do remember [Applause] the landmates will be there before or after we arrived after they don't have a good place to keep it so i didn't want it there too early but are they going to show up with plenty of time for you to roast it your way yes wait there's only three jars yes that's what they asked for rhema i am very concerned we won't be able to get all three all the way to cana intact i told you we needed four from your vineyard to be safe i told you the wedding family can't afford it i would have paid you out of my own pocket thomas that would almost erase your whole margin why would you do that i i i mean we're a team right well i think everything will arrive perfectly intact especially with how carefully you drive i just want to be certain that everything [Music] it's going to be fine there's two more in the back i'll get them [Music] i'm glad you got some hired help there's much to do it's hiroza she's a neighbor we couldn't afford anyone extra so she volunteered on her only day off and here i was thinking how lucky you were to have me my son just married his love and i am surrounded by friends couldn't be luckier what is she like oh sara is lovely and respectful and just wonderful her parents hela and abner are not so convinced about her about the rafi and me as in-laws the father especially but he's very successful and influential so maybe it will be good for the kid's future you don't have to gravel to any one diner you'll come around i should go find rafi i do appreciate it you heard me tell eden how great flowers i heard your words but i also watched your movements i don't know what to do with it don't go on long trips i hold it like this if i had a stick i could sling it over to my shoulder we'll see what the others do what if they didn't pack lunch will we look stupid what if it comes off as ungrateful i don't know maybe it would look like we never traveled with a messiah before and we don't know what we're doing a bit nervous come on don't be nervous if you're nervous i'll come on too strong don't tell me you're not i said i was you said if i'm nervous i know what i said i don't want to let him down i don't want to do it wrong come on we'll probably both do it wrong it's like fishing remember when dad taught us that didn't teach us anything we just sat there and watched and then it was our turn and we made our own mistakes can you believe this well you guys are great hey have you been here long oh yeah perfect day for a wedding huh master simon andrew mary james john thaddeus but where is uh oh oh reigning figs figs for the journey ah now we won't even need to stop for lunch thank you james yes master ah two james's how will we solve this dilemma well what if i go by big james is that acceptable to you young james yes i think that's fair master the sense of justice too huh and it's settled now to the road my friends the bride and groom await huh i think i think it might be a little roomier on this perfect no yeah no it's perfect and sturdy let me speak with the carpenter i know their language it will be okay will you help me decorate it dinah please let me do this for you mary i love you but rafi and i got what we paid for i'm embarrassed how few timbers we could offer and there's no reason to settle who's settling it will be perfect there are many other things to do today mary you said for yourself always the bright side someone has to be will you start on gathering more flowers of course shalom hila dina i'm delighted to share this special day is abner here i'd love to tell rafi we have time for a special prayer together abner sent me on the head he'll come with friends before the ceremony he asked me to select his table well we have arrangements for everyone seating already abner likes things his way i'm here to see that they are even at our children's wedding feast dina abner is set in his ways it's not personal well it should be on certain important occasions i have been able to prevail on him i hope this is important enough tina sarah is unwavering in her love for your family we love sarah and all of you very much sara knows you too the hope is crooked i know that look i'm sorry yes sign i was thinking if this wedding is worth a journey for you who has so much to do perhaps it is also worth the journey to many wealthy jews you believe important and powerful hebrews will be there possibly a very keen son the most important and powerful person i know will be there my mother isn't your mother from nazareth you should announce this after the guests right right there'll be no romans seems like the perfect place to gather more followers get this whole thing moving it's not my special day simon it's the special day of the couple asher and sarah they are blessed to have you at their wedding do they know what the remarkable thing is well considering that i was the clumsy teenager who cracked my head open at asher's when he was a child i don't think he finds me remarkable did you think much of your childhood friends no he didn't have any that's not true i stand corrected he had me compulsory service i don't remember kids exactly lining up around the block mary did you think that having brothers would be like this i always wanted brothers as a little girl so when you have 12 then tell me how you like it 12. you'll see ah we're getting close now cana is just over the next rise well we had a wedding it just wasn't like everyone else's why not you know why i would have gone i know ah if joseph were here he would be so proud of you and rafi so happy for you you don't think i'm overdoing it i would have said so it's just that hela's canopy for their son's feast had exquisite and extravagant it doesn't even matter seranasha would love it have you heard from your special guest he's coming he may bring several others is that okay jesus can bring everybody he wants i haven't seen him in ages how is he he's good he's he's always good i'm ecstatic for you i imagine he's a fine craftsman when he's not working he has a calling i seldom know where it will take him he's bringing students i bet he's handsome but he is [Laughter] dinah dinah they're here moment of truth i made rafi spend everything we had left for good wine so wish me luck you must be thomas i am rafi this is my wife dinah many blessings to you on this joyous day and may i present the finest most beautiful vintner in all of galilee rayma bhatt khapni of the khufani vineyards on the plains of sharon it is an honor to meet you at last you will give my regards to the old scandal upon your return rhema is the daughter of my old friend kaf the wine is here on time a good start to a joyous day of course thomas is never late my father sends his warmest regards with this pressed in the time augustus died cut with sea water honey from mount hermon black pepper and pine from tyre divine i certainly won't refuse that blessed are you lord our god king of the universe who brings forth the fruit of the vine oh my thank you have an on archer's day abner angela will be pleased maybe i'm so jealous abner and gila i am now in debt because of wine for abner and gila gosh how much is that of the special vintage there's two i'm 40 and one of a lesser of course we intend to serve the best wine first when the guests are fresh later when everyone is stuffed and senses dulled we'll serve the remaining jar do you understand yes son it's the oldest trick in the book we are in good hands and i assume the head count is still the same 40 or so at the time during the week is it i'm asking i'm sure it's right perfect where would you like us to set up this way the master of the banquet will walk you through it knock knock can we come in these people have been helping me multiple demons i saw it myself they jeered at me from inside her mouth nothing could be done for her short of a miracle and she won't say who restored them he did not reveal his name to her what what it has begun what has if he's healing in secret now the public signs cannot before public signs what you know him you can say that what's his name who has ascended into heaven and come back i asked his name who has gathered the wind in his fist don't quote solomon to me you wild mongrel has wrapped up the waters in a garment finish no you answer me first sure of israel finish the oracle of agur son of jake who has established all the ends of the earth what is his name and what is the name of his son you are careless with torah god does not have a son except israel israel is his only son all of us suit yourself you know they'll put a man to death for blasphemy like that who will you it'd be a terrible precedent for rome to i should adjudicate have come here all your life you've been asleep make straight the way for the king he is here to awaken the earth but some will not want to awaken they're in love with the dark i wonder which one you'll be now if this man is anything like you believe or if he exists at all you should leave this region your presence alone puts him in danger if you think he needs my help you've heard nothing when the song is over bring out the olives and the cheeses set them on the long table in between the loss of bread and the cucumbers [Music] [Applause] okay okay hi am i going mad or has four type in the magic number all along the head count why are we over they always do this i brought food in a funnel the last count was 80. you made a mistake maybe buy a few even if i'm off by five the wine i did advocate for a fourth but three is still enough for sixty [Music] and the boys blessed are you lord our god king of the universe who brings forth the fruit of the vine [Music] lighten your pores like this three quarters full if they ask you for more tell them you'll be right back but guess what you won't be understand well the guests seem to be happy so far the servants do not how are we doing nothing to worry about you are one of the finest banquet masters we have ever seen keep up the good work hmm i have an idea thank you so much [Music] [Applause] well [Music] this is the best party i've been to in a long while what not nothing much thing you honor us adler we are blessed to have two children so in love ah i'm happy too i'll be honest i was not always happy about this you may not have known that yes we know you were born in nazareth your people are travelers and your trade prophet hasn't brought you much success and well asher seems like a nice young man he has not yes abner we get it yeah i don't mean to insult my family have been powerful traders in this region for years i believe success has made my generation arrogant i lost my train of thought i thought you said this was crooked looks fine to me and this wine is delicious i must know the vineyard purification water there's still some left in these dilute the wine people will notice whispers will spread if they did i feel like this family would die of shame what about us we'd be ruined it's not a great option i agree so help me think we could serve the guest extra date cakes over salt the food make them thirst for water i don't know this is humiliating let's keep looking [Music] uh [Music] they have no idea who sits before them to be a child again yes i think we are the lucky ones they have to go home with their parents tonight we get to stay with him and his mother where will that be who knows with him i have learned to stop worrying about those things i haven't it's cold in this region you think he would let you freeze my brother has many wars i keep reminding him of when our abba taught us how to fish we just sat there and watched until we became fishermen we will watch him and watch and watch and watch whatever i think i'm going to get more wine get two i don't even know why i'm here it's usually the students that choose the rabbi not the other way around and i'm not even a student neither was i that just introduced me to him how did you meet on a uh construction job in beseda he hasn't exactly been picking the best and brightest students but he works well until recently he's not a professional rabbi yeah but i thought he has no home and no job no permanent home he's a stone mason like you craftsman he thought as well he asked me to follow him he said he was building a kingdom a fortress stronger than stone i believed what were you building in the cedar uh a public community an aqueduct no of a something uh humbler what then man it's it's not proper to say in front of a woman i have seen and heard things that would turn your blood to ice a la dream wait ice yes our master building a privy a job is a job i was cutting stone for the retaining wall he was building a ramp of cedar planks so the crippled and the elderly could get to it without climbing the steep steps but why didn't he heal them so they could mount the steps themselves he's always saying his time has not yet come calling your name the catch of the fish why was it a stand for miracles then and not others because those were private he hasn't shown his signs to to others publicly what's keeping him from making his ministry public the wind blows to the south or to the east and you cannot say why [Music] a latrine yeah we better not spread that around he doesn't hide where he's from oh don't tell andrew [Music] yeah he'll be surprised and now friends the dance of medium thomas talk to me just watch out for the frogs this time oh sons of jonah we were just looking for you dancing to the song of miriam and we thought you wouldn't want to miss it of course let's the three of us show them how it's done huh i don't think that's such a good idea why andrew has four left feet four why four when he tries to dance he looks like a donkey walking on hot coast oh andrew do you deny it i've never seen a donkey walking on hot coals actually that would be a terrible thing to behold my son ah andrew you see even my old mother will join us in the song of miriam they've run out of wine but it's only the first day yes and it's all gone not a drop left why are you telling me this we can't let the celebration end like this and ash's family humiliated boys uh go join the others i'll be right [Music] there mother my time has not yet come [Music] if not now when [Music] please [Music] do whatever he tells you fill these jars with water i'm not sure you heard her clearly but we've run out of wine not water these are similar in size to your amphorae the prudent marks yes equally filled all the way to the brim you're a very responsible person aren't you we are in a crisis and i was like to understand you have a solution do you know why jars for purification rights are made of stone what you heard me because the stone is pure less likely to stain or break that can't be made unclean yes fill these jars with water all the way to the brim why you hurt him start drawing water quickly tell anyone you find to stop what they're doing and help from the directions you have provided i see no logical solution to the problem it's going to be like that sometimes thomas what did you say i do not rebuke you it is good to ask questions to seek understanding there is no time for this i know of a man like you in capernaum always counting always measuring that's my job that people will think i have not done well tonight join me and i will show you a new way to count and measure a different way of seeing time go with you where i don't understand keep watching abner i do hope you're enjoying yourself where are the servers i don't know but i'll go find them right away it is far past time for another round of wine the last one was nearly an hour ago yes well surely there is more common diner i'm very sorry please do not worry this will be taken care of next round of wine right away thank you for reminding us it's all on the contrary was your father a stonemason as well smith i think it broke his heart but i apprenticed under a stone cutter when i was nine every man must leave his father masonry seems like hard or work it isn't harder it's just more uh final if the smith wants to change the horseshoe or the plowshare or the pothook here's only to put the iron back into the fire and reshape it to fit this designs their food everyone please step outside [Music] just for a moment thomas hi once you make that first cut into the stone it can't be undone [Music] it sets emotionally a series of choices what used to be a shapeless block of limestone or granite begins its long journey of transformation and it will never be the same i'm ready father [Music] [Music] [Music] go draw some out and serve it to the master of the banquet i promise stop the music stop the music everyone listen i have something i would like to say i would like to address the bridegroom and the bright families at every wedding i've ever over seen they serve the best wine first and then when the people have drunk freely much later in the feast they serve the poorer wine the cheap stuff because by then who is going to notice am i right but you you have chosen now to serve the best wine i have ever tasted let us thank them for this unnecessary but honorable gesture be as pure and as fruitful as this wine blessed are you lord our god king of the universe who brings forth the fruit of divine to usher and sarah [Applause] is something wrong yes i was [Music] fish wine all be next any suggestions anything and everything let's do this i'll go with you to the ends of the earth i hope so sorry but i seem to remember there was a problem something about andrew's feet and use fear but first we must evaluate no no no no i can't i think we have to no no no no i can't [Music] so you help him some things even i cannot do that should be it for the night [Applause] who is he i can't pretend i didn't see a miracle he gave us even more than we need he invited me to join him he wants us to meet him in samaria in 12 days i don't know what you think so don't maybe for once in your life don't think [Music] all right that was episode five that is such a joyous episode i'll never forget that scene of filming everyone dancing which includes my favorite jesus joke that i've ever written which is uh simon saying to jesus can you help andrew's dancing and jesus says some things even i cannot do um so if you notice right now uh we are at 9 700 people watching uh this has gone up several uh several thousand people just in the last few moments or not a few moments but it lasts a few minutes and uh so let's get to 10 000. keep make sure that you hit the like button make sure you hit the subscribe button the notification bell if you're on youtube this is this will get it in front of more people and if you are new if you just came to this live stream now and you're thinking what is this or which episode is this i encourage you to maybe watch me for a couple more minutes so that you can see like i'll explain to you what this is and then stop watching i don't want you to watch episode six which we're about to show you before you've seen other episodes so you're going to want to go back to episode one of the chosen which you can find you just look up the chosen episode one uh or the chosen live streams where we showed episode one and two earlier this week but uh we're let's let's get up to that 10 000 mark again when that happens youtube starts letting other people know and it's the same thing on facebook i'm not looking at the facebook numbers right now but like our facebook page follow it share it with people click that share button and send it to a friend right now just text him and say hey i'm watching this i'm live streaming this you should check it out so lots of fun one thing i want to let you know of is the chat box in youtube is going crazy right now this is pretty common and i am in the chat answering some questions and so i will tell you things like little insider pieces of information so for example when you were listening to that wedding scene just now and listening to them dancing and singing and you hear in the background that was me and as well as the composers we got into the booth and kind of recorded some of that we did some of those voices in the background and so in the chat i will occasionally just share some of those behind the scenes bits of information on on the episode and so you can join me there and ask me some questions just tag me in the chat dallas jenkins and i'll try to answer some questions and i might just end up heading over to the app and answering some questions there there's chat going on in the app as well and that might encourage you hopefully to get the app the chosen app i want you to get the chosen app if you are new and watching this right now and you're you're you just came across this feed and you're thinking what is the chosen go to wherever you get your apps app store google play download the chosen uh to your phone it takes less than a minute and you can watch it and cast it directly to 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give this show away how is it that season one was totally free how is it that when you join us on sunday night to watch episode one of season two easter sunday eight o'clock eastern write that down easter sunday eight o'clock eastern on our facebook youtube channels and the app we're gonna be launching season two episode one and it's free and it's gonna be free the whole year all of our seasons are gonna be free when you get the app how is that possible well we don't charge you anything to watch it and if you are unable to afford to watch it i want you to enjoy it for free i do not want you to do what i'm about to share as that you have the opportunity to do which is paying it forward this is what allows us to keep uh giving the show for free because it pays for all of the streams as well as pays for future episodes and seasons that's what paying it forward does paying it forward does lots of things it covers marketing costs it covers operating costs it covers uh gosh all of the the 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uh the weed this is just the way that we allow you to pay for the show and allow you to not pay for the show if you don't want to so paying it forward is just something that i want you to be aware of in case it's on your heart to keep the show going and uh allow it allow others to watch it for free but if you can't do that please do not i do not want you to i want you to just enjoy the free show that's why we allow the pay it forward option and that's why we also offer things like the hoodie and the hat and all of these wonderful things that you can get at anyway i don't want to give you too much more information let's go right into episode six episode six is i would say probably the third most famous episode in the show because of the scene near the end of the episode near the end of episode six it's one of the most complex but beautiful and artistically satisfying scenes that we've had in the show and it's a huge moment from the bible and uh huge moment for the characters in the show this is when lives start to really change this is when you see matthew the tax collector totally not know what to do with himself you see nicodemus not know what to do with himself it really starts to impact all of the major players in this storyline so episode six uh truly tremendous uh impact is happening on with with jesus's life and ministry and this is what episode six is all about so i will join we'll come back to you after episode six to share a couple final thoughts before we get ready for tomorrow so i want you to make sure you're here tomorrow night it's good friday go to your church of course and have your good friday service if you are so inclined and then tomorrow night same time 8 30 eastern we will be back for episodes seven and eight the season finale of season one as we gear up towards the season premiere of season two so uh anyway i'll be in the chat in youtube if you want to join us there ask me some questions i might later join in the app and answer some questions there while you're watching there's a comment section thank you so much here's episode six enjoy [Music] you're a lion she was crazy just because i run a charity does not mean i have to buy rocks from every old lady charity just like everything roman it's part business we long proceed cease from criminals to the poor and others you're passing through i do not recall seeing you before i come from tiered the mallet is carved of maple from said on the chisels are bronze hmm my my why would anyone want to part with these i'm on my way to the dead sea shalom pilgrim lucky me i do not often see items of such quality if only they were not brought in by some stranger passing through they wouldn't stolen if that's what you're saying i can justify 20 denarii you're joking that's a fraction of what they're worth ladies and sticks leopard you couldn't just die you had to take us all to hell you won't move forbidding within 4 cubits i didn't mean you any arm my tools were all i had left [Music] hmm [Music] me [Applause] [Music] water never knew those little skiffs could hold so many fish they can't the weight of the catch and the sailors caused the boat to sink they had to jump they ended up filling two boats should we put this inside the booth they'll be here any minute these two have your sword should i have a weapon this can't be the first time you've been saddled with a couple of months worth two years and seven weeks two years and seven weeks simon and andrew were each granted one year gratis that totals one year and seven weeks plus another year less marital credit for simon okay plus penalties that's that's that's good we're sitting ducks here just you know try to try to look natural i am natural i look exactly how i feel try to act like a normal person under normal circumstances again i said normal guys yes marcus thought it was a joke you could say it was comical when the men left from the boats left from their boats they were thinking from the weight i told you it was made up you can't catch this many fish that far captain may we continue this conversation on the road oh guys don't tell me you're nervous about guarding a couple months taxes i've just returned from questioning the man known as john the baptizer while in roman custody at length of between though his appearance is unconventional and his teaching's ignorant i've concluded he presents no material threat to herod or to the public peace order the man has a following we've heard this much from brother shmuel's testimony is that not a matter of concern i believe these followers are simply investigating as one would allow noise and on inspection they will find that his words bear as much substance he seeks attention they do not gather on the jordan to be immersed as we understand ritual cleansing they stand in line because others are standing in line they only legitimized him by ordering his detention very effort to keep him silent gives him a pedestal but nicodemus we issued no such order oh i was shown sworn statements from the arresting soldiers saying a pharisee had ordered his detention perhaps they were mistaken it was me i turned him in brother he who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both like an abomination to the lord quoting the proverbs of solomon is not an explanation i will not turn a blind eye to his sins even when all others do what sin he called us a brood of vipers it uses coarse language to attract attention you know how vipers are born they hatch inside their mothers the law of moses says you shall not hate your brother in your hearts were he a member of our congregation or our faction we would admonish him but he's not he's a rogue who answers to no one brother shmuel your rash actions have inflated the importance of a trivial outlier and drawn undue attention to our sect by rome and i'm astonished that any student of the great and learned nicodemus would have the temerity to bypass his approval i'll talk to him a bit you will defer to your teacher on all matters of polity and practice do i make myself clear yes your honor this council is adjourned no i thought i was prepared for life on the road snakes hunger floods tori doesn't mention the blisters huh but you never read the book on constant low-level lakes sermon and dust in your nose so what'd you do before you met him i um i was on my way to join the 288 the jerusalem temple choir right okay i was caesar's favorite graduate soul thirsts for you my flesh longs for you in a dry and weary land [Music] where there is no water [Music] wow i stand corrected thank you it's clear why jesus asked you to join him i don't know if anything's clear you know maybe i'll sing maybe not he's the only one who knows who i'll become more than anything he's a teacher and we're his students looks good boys simon my mother is leaving i'm escorting her back to nazareth i'll catch up with the others at our camp in capernaum i understand all right uh make sure everyone arrives safely i want you to go on ahead uh ahead of the others you have some business to turn to at home teacher i can protect the others in time you will the others don't have families you do look at me i'm leaving all this fun to escort my email yes rabbit remarkable for the first time in a year quarterly collections will have exceeded pilots projections and if the fishermen are no longer fishing on chabad i have an olive matthew you earned it thank you dominus simon the cheat simon the fraud simon the guy who delivered when it mattered most i wonder if there's a way to make him do it again it wasn't simon what if i told him it wasn't enough he obviously performs well under pressure and i do have a knack for creating steaks simon wasn't responsible for this domino i don't care who he can scripts into his schemes forgive me dominus if my report was unclear there was a man you're a fine reporter matthew but you're also a bit of a rube i read your report it's clear simon and his accomplice tricked you but there were other accomplice says fine to what the end who can say maybe simon wanted the other fishman off his back you said yourself word of his disloyalty is bread or maybe to spook anyone who'd fish on shabbat he has a wily one the fishermen have taken notice it couldn't have worked out better don't tell me you're spooked i'm neither sophisticated nor subtle dominus but i am observant i detected no subterfuge i recorded everything i witnessed however impossible it seemed did well matthew fortunately you have me to interpret for you forget me preeta it's urgent no kidding king herod's envoy approaches spotted wave outside esret riding north captain sylvius gamalius son of senator gamalius will be arriving in one hour yes dominus prepare my guard for inspection how long would you have stood there things turned out very well with simon and i'm grateful gaius i've reviewed your service records you're germanic my people were powerful warriors even if they did surrender i believe they sensibly join the winning team dominus sensibly my only allegiance is to rome i've trained to fight for her since i was a boy and now you will lead i hereby promote you to the rank of primi thank you for this honor peter don't slobber and matthew you're so wonderfully odd keemly intelligent but it's your reactions to the world i love like right now now you're not a stain on a cartwheel is a mystery we will have many moons to unravel my new friends i saw no roost or deception at the seashore dominus cause you have no guile give me your first reaction to this scenario you will shortly be visited by a childhood rival whose father gave him everything while yours gave you nothing and yet you've risen to a higher rank you want to make it clear you won that it's your meeting even if he arrived unannounced i would show him my plans for infrastructure conquest is not simply conquering nations but imposing a way of life unbelievable so simple you're dismissed you peter hello hello shalom it's a beautiful day for picking flowers well if you like the iris lupine and anemone i sell them in the market is that egyptian yes i grew up there my father was from ethiopia shapiro you were speaking egyptian i lived there when i was a boy why were you there we had to leave bethlehem when i was two years old because of heritage lived in berlin during the massacre of the innocents i did i know the story herod had every child in the area under the age of two killed yes it was very sad not to spoil this beautiful day or anything huh come on it's a leopard stay back cover your mouth don't breathe his head don't come any closer it's okay john it's okay this disease please please [Music] please don't turn the word from me i won't lord if you are willing you can make me clean i'll leave you until i submit to you my sister she was a servant that the wedding she told me what you can do i know you can heal me if you're willing i am willing [Music] men [Music] [Music] huh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] do not say anything to anyone you don't seek your own honor please just tell me this one thing but what do i tell people show yourself to the priest let them inspect you and see that you are cleansed make the proper offering in the temple as moses commanded and go on your way was an extra tunic just one of you just one of you that's enough green is definitely your color not too shabby uh [Music] ah i forgot you no longer have anyone on raising duty huh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] hello james john yes emo listen to him please and stay by his side we will we will it's a pleasure to meet you too salome i'm jesus of nazareth of course you are and hello against everybody it's an honorable imam ima what are my manners please come in are you certain that there will be others joining us i insist everyone please oh hey hey where's simon he's taking care of some things at home andrew is getting him now good i thought maybe he got cold feet or i'd have to go drag him out of the hammer are you kidding he's the teacher's pet you would hardly recognize him now [Music] my meditation please as i rejoice in you my lord praise you lord praise you know praise you lord forevermore the wine oh he introduced us to all of his friends it it really was unlike anything we danced he danced he danced yes she's asleep breathing is neighbor but steady okay good that was some soulful singing my man [Laughter] all right most of the zebras to the group and is cooking don't tell you that i said that what taxman simon andrew i guess no one tells you the good news we sweat our debts with quintus isn't that great so go back to your cage and stop following us it's not you i'm here about the man what man the man at the shore who made the fish appear man on the shore you saw no man on the shore do you hear me yes i did i was there i saw and i bet the first thing you did was tell roma don't believe me you really are a traitor best for you to forget it go home matthew they don't believe what i saw but i do i need to know am i deceived what good is our answer if you don't even listen to yourself welcome rabbi greetings everything is prepared teacher the scrolls of isaiah and malachi would you like us to get you any water teacher or no thank you um actually i'd like to do the readings a little later would you mind giving me a little time to myself of course teacher shamio would you join me please oh your herbs are beautiful rosemary dill mint coriander and search for sabadis indigestion thank you for sharing that dear wife so your father was a fisherman carpenter is he back in nazareth no he's uh in heaven what was your father's lineage josiah father of jaconia at the time of the exile but before the exile what's right i i like genealogy since it's what we talk about i would imagine from the tribe of [Music] judah yes and why would you guess the tribe of judah well are you having a party i've heard voices please come in rabbi these are our neighbors oh we've heard about you have you the parable of the net i have a question about that liz our master is tired he's had a long day of walking it's all right sorry you said angels would come and separate the evil from the righteous how soon do you think that they would come rabbi my friends and i recently returned from a wedding the father of the bride was a man of great wealth abner as the night got longer near the end of the feast what do you think the servants were doing back home waiting if they're good at their jobs waiting where in the rooms in the kitchen at the gate ah at the gate doing what just standing there in the dark holding lamps but why why wouldn't they just relax because they don't know when he's coming back suppose they figured the master was delayed and coming so they took a nap on his bed go drunk on his wine and let their lamps burn down that's easy they would be fired and then kicked out called the name and told that if they ever show their face around here again my friends shalom shalom we were just passing by and heard a familiar voice we heard about the wedding can you do that to the world by my house you know them yes mary introduced them to me oh it's the ground hmm why not you were saying teacher ah yes thank you james the servants so it will be at the end of all things neither the angels in heaven nor the son of man nor the day or the hour but only the father so you must always be ready with your lamps trimmed and burning brightly that's right it's getting too crowded don't worry about it you know em and hubba love the company i'm not worried about them try to make sure the path out of your back garden is clear what do you think is going to happen anything could happen all these people word spreading long people stop by simon you don't have to be his bodyguard i think he can handle anything yeah well he called me and if we're not fighting the romans yet i want to do something until that time comes i want you to catch men i don't know what that means exactly and if he needed you to know what that meant he would have told you so just just be you okay and hey thank you james maybe you already know the angels in heaven my eyes are tired would you mind reading to me from the scroll of the prophet isaiah comfort comfort my people says our little further down few lines a voice cries in the wilderness prepare the way of adonai make straight in the desert our highway for our god and who does that sound like the heretic john and what heresy do you find in those words being that isaiah said the heresy is that john has appropriated isaiah's words by taking a spiritual description of god in heaven and applying it to john's physical successor on earth successor john said after me comes he who is mightier than i the strap of whose sandals i am not worthy to stoop down and untie and god has no body he cannot wear sandals god cannot take human form to say so is blasphemy and where does it say that god cannot take human form in the scroll of deuteronomy you saw no face the day adam i spoke to you at just because they saw no form doesn't mean god cannot take one next to this you cannot see my face for no man shall see me and live this person will have to walk around with his face covered so you would place limits on the almighty none that are not written in law and if god did something that you felt contradicted the torah would you tell him to get back in that box that you have carved for him or would you question your interpretation of the torah when i was a student i knew all your sayings i read every word you wrote your teachings were so sturdy so reasoned and pure we are still students mewell all of us our understanding will never be complete it frightens me that i can no longer predict your rulings and fear alone ensures we remain ignorant asleep in the safety of rigid tradition take the sadducees they take the first five books the law of moses has inspired scripture the rest they disregard to them god stops speaking when moses died now think of all they have missed the psalms of david the stories of ruth and boaz esther and mordechai i don't want to live in some bleak past where god cannot do anything new do you is that your concern god gave us his law we must uphold we can do both let's look to the ancient roads where the good way is and walk in it as jeremiah said and still keep our eyes open to the startling and the unexpected can we agree on that yes you and i we can lead the others in this i beg your pardon teacher of teachers what's happened a crowd has gathered in the east side to see a man preaching a pharisee no a common person it's not john someone normal he has commanded the attention of the entire area we will investigate so you think that because pilate killed them they must have been worse sinners than others i know pilate wasn't doing it for that reason but god must have been punishing them for something oh no god does not see some as worse than others all must repent or perish you know the tower in solon which fell and killed the eighteen yes of course do you think that they were worse than those who lived in jerusalem no all must repent or perish i'm out of pistachio's walnuts bread and water can you please go next door next table for some bread to feed this crowd deborah's at the door they're already being fed what about prayer what about the chula i am i don't like to pray out loud because i feel embarrassed around the leaders who know how to do it so much better ah big words don't matter a lot of that's for sure anyway don't worry about doing it in public it's better to go into your room shut the door and pray to your father who sees you in secret the same is true for giving to the needy do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing look at my right hand do something in my left hand not no i mean give generously without thinking about it do not do it for sure to impress others don't even congratulate yourself in private given humility [Applause] what was your last customer matthew hello i'm sorry what how long has it been since you've had a customer i don't have customers what was your last citizen one hour perhaps two is there a jewish holiday that i don't know about there are many you don't know about gaius snap out of it marcus matthew close the booth and go home it's not time yet there is a situation lock up and get out of here what situation would require we abandoned our post a mob in these slums i'm coming with you excuse me i'm coming with you i said a mob of people matthew i do not have time to protect you how do you think i survived the other 16 hours of the day i i have no idea which brings up a good point all of you listening here you're pretty decent people yes pretty righteous kind of not bad let me tell you a story there were two men that went up into the temple excuse us please the best yes this is jesus of nazareth he's listening standing by himself goes inside to the temple and he prays this prayer can you hear okay yes he's amazing huh i thank you that i am not like others excuse me extortion excuse me please where are you going please we need to see jesus there's no room with that he's paralyzed from the waist down he can't stand there is definitely no room then simon he deserves to hear jesus as much as anyone else hello again i'm so glad i found you my friends why do you need to get closer i saw what their master did i know what i saw we're trying to keep that under wraps i talk to them what's going on here this is a peaceful gathering that is what the maccabees said they're blocking the road i'll move them they just they haven't been told where to stand yet finally i don't fear god because this widow keeps bothering me i will see that she gets justice so that she does not wear me out i'm sorry there's too many people but you know here can't you get us any closer i don't want to interrupt the teacher by causing a scene what if you were me wouldn't you want your friends to make a scene it was you once what about the roof on the earth wait i just wanted to hear the teacher teach a beard it's okay come up how did you get up there we climbed the letter it's easy i see okay okay what the man speaking is called jesus we know him if this is how much more will he clothe all of you do you know who you are talking to did you hear his disrespect remember the red quarter we're out of our element here we have to find out who is teaching look at this crowd all the more reason to be cautious rabbi it's her she is truly restored i haven't heard your report not seeing her for myself she's a different person a city on a hill cannot be hit and if it were nighttime zebedee wouldn't light his lamp and put it under a basket and put it on the stand where he could light us all jesus i saw what you did to the leopard on the road this morning my friend has been paralyzed since childhood he has no hope but you please do for him what you did for the leper that's a rope put it back you are willing rabbi i know you can do this [Music] jesus jesus this is what you wanted get out your tablet at least harry is he in danger i don't know no i don't think so he's got room in there yeah can you believe we're really here for this yes [Music] you but whose authority do you teach answer me if you are willing rabbi you know you can't i'm talking to you by whom do you teach certainly not the authority of any rabbi from nazareth where did you study your faith is beautiful son take heart your sins are forgiven who is this who speaks blasphemies who can forgive sins but god alone right but i ask you which is easier to say your sins are forgiven or rise up and walk it's easy to say anything no but to show you and so that you may know that the son of man has the authority on earth to forgive sins i say to you my son rise pick up your bed and go home easy does it [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] yes thank you now go on [Music] yes oh my god what's that to the public please [Applause] this way [Music] a paralytic walk past me on his two feet you asked me before if i knew his name now everyone knows his name and i fear for his safety i mean no trouble to him notice how your friends tried to have him arrested they're jealous they're afraid but i'm not i promise mary please i need to talk to him i follow him not the other way around he doesn't tell anyone his plans will you ask him for a meeting in secret under cover of night at a place of his choosing i don't care if it's a ravine or a cave or even a two but i just need to speak to him please mary i will try are you lost [Music] yes [Music] ah [Music] episode six i hope you enjoyed it that scene between well it's between so many people jesus and the paralytic and tamar and matthew and the children the returning from episode three and nicodemus and shmuel and barnaby and shula and all of these people so impacted by what's happening that scene took five days to shoot that scene alone took five days to shoot that music cue that plays from our beautiful composers dan and matt uh was uh almost 10 minutes long quite a quite a big monster of a scene and i hope i hope it impacted you well thank you uh for tonight it really means a lot um i hope you're gonna join us tomorrow night same time 8 30 eastern uh for episodes seven and eight of season one and i want to remind you 20 off this is just a thank you for you you've got just a few more hours to get 20 off on this chosen hat and the zip up hoodies the black one and then the uh the the teal one that i is down on my floor but right now but you can get the zip up hoodie it's got the cool chosen logo on the back twenty percent off and uh always bear in mind that these live streams that we're doing are an opportunity for you to see the show with others we have a chosen family that's growing around the world and i can tell you this right now when you want to watch season 2 episode one you're gonna wanna watch it with everybody else on sunday night eight o'clock eastern eight o'clock eastern sunday night put it in your calendar it's gonna be on our facebook page our youtube channel and the app i just hopped over to the app now and was making a few comments in the comments section of the live stream the app is ultimately where you're going to end up if you want to watch all of season 2 so you might as well embrace it now you might as well get used to different now and get the app and remember the chosen app is free and it connects to your streaming device so don't be scared don't think you have to uh don't think that you have to watch a show on your phone uh it we have made it easy for you it's free and easy for you to connect to your streaming device if you don't have one go get one this is now's the time eventually the only way you're gonna be able to watch television is gonna be on a roku or apple tv or fire stick or chromecast so you might as well embrace it now um we are a family here and it's uh you know i want to read something to you um that explains why we do this okay we're gonna close with this this is why we do this this is why you pay it forward this is why you purchase gifts at i should have mentioned that the website where you can get the hat and the hoodie for 20 off is sing it with me and those of you who actually sang with me extra bonus points for you but we got these two notes just yesterday and the reason i want to read them is because they obviously come from such different perspectives so we got this note yesterday that said i've been a christian most of my life 65 years young i just want you to know the chosen has helped me to love jesus more thank you which is a really cool note but what makes it so moving to me is that we got another note shortly thereafter that said this from someone else i can't begin to describe the impact the chosen has made on my family and me my seven-year-old just came to me and said can i watch the chosen easter's coming and i want to watch jesus instead of cartoons a seven-year-old and a 65 year old you're doing that you do that when you like and subscribe the youtube channel when you like and follow the facebook page and when you follow us on instagram and when you download the app and when you forward the trailer and share it with people that's one way to do that because that allows our show to get in front of more people and it gets it in front of people like our 65 year old gentleman and the mom whose seven-year-old loves the show when you go to and you get those uh those gifts it's not for us it's not about making more money obviously that's an important part of life you know obviously we need to provide for our families but that's not why we're doing this the reason that we do this is for those reactions that kind of impact from people of all ages who are getting to know an authentic jesus so when you buy the gifts at that goes towards us being able to do this us being able to keep our company going us being able to finance future episodes and seasons more than anything else when you pay it forward the number one means to allow people to watch this for free the number one means to allow us to finance and produce future episodes and seasons paying it forward you can do that through the app which i really want you to download the chosen app if you haven't done that yet or go to the chosen dot tv slash pay it forward www dot the chosen dot tv slash pay it forward and that is how we're able to do this it's because of you and that's why i read those notes i want you never to forget why we're doing this and whether you're a believer or not you don't have to be a believer to enjoy this show you don't have to be a believer to want to know more about this amazing man jesus who changed the world this show is for everyone and thank you for helping us get there i will see you tomorrow night 8 30 eastern right back here on facebook youtube and our app and remember it is not your job to feed the 5 000 it is only to provide the loaves and fish goodnight you
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 1,657,689
Rating: 4.967442 out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking
Id: tDhpGbKPJSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 53sec (8213 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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