The Send Kansas City 2022 – Live

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other so i want to ask my friends david bradshaw dave donaldson graham marshall come and join me for a moment here give me a shout if you were in the revival tent in the last five days at any point of course most of you were you're the ones that were here early as well david tell us a little bit what happened in these last five days in that revival tent it's been amazing we had six tents on truman property filled with over 5000 people crying out to god for breakthrough worship prayer coming from all over the world a global tent an israel tent three u.s tents and the big revival tent and man we're honored to throw in with you guys together it was pandemonium unbelievable incredible hunger in that tent every time i stepped in i went doesn't matter what the headlines are today there is hope for america every time i stood in that tent i felt hope for this nation this is david donaldson david it's been such a privilege partnering with city serve and would you just tell us a little bit what happened this week in terms of extreme compassion andy the floodgates of heaven opened up over kansas city this week and hundreds and hundreds of volunteers when all throughout kansas city serving people in need and through city served ascend we were able to provide 1.8 million dollars of home furnishing school supplies we did full home makeovers and the good news that we're just getting started with the sin we have launched city served kansas city so that we can continue to resource churches in their neighborhoods and this general right here is gonna give the stats graham talk to us about i know there's people sharing the gospel all over this amazing city give us a little bit on that we had a young army of 1300 get practically trained in the gospel and hit the streets at 209 locations around kansas city we were able to serve over 7 500 people with the love and compassion of jesus our teams were able to knock on over 50 100 doors and distribute over 5100 bibles we were able to share the gospel personally to 3 40 people and of those 3 400 that heard the gospel i have really good news for you today we have 504 new brothers and sisters in our family come on that's worth celebrating today thank you guys it's been an unbelievable five days leading up to this now real quick everyone say practical i'm gonna give you some practical announcements so no one dies today okay number one is this drink water number one look at the person they say drink water take a minute and drink water number two i want to tell you text your friends right now to watch the live stream it's going all day long they can join us follow the send on instagram for live updates throughout the day if you're posting anything the hashtag is the send kc if you haven't yet friends download the app right now all day long we'll be using the send app it's in both stores and that will be how we'll be doing calls to action guys the send is about a missions movement it's not just about the glory we will experience today we're gonna do something about the glory we experience today and those calls to action will take place on that app download it and we will be following up with you in the weeks to come on all of your commitments today almost done there's a in the back behind the stage is this massive missions booth fair check it out during the day at some point so excited of all the missional partners many back there one of our most amazing voice to the martyrs helping connect us to the persecuted church all behind the stage check those out guys we're going to take communion today you may have those in your in your backs don't take them out don't use them yet you don't have an early communion moment don't sneak that in we're going to do it together as a family just so you know that's coming and this one's really important guys if you leave the stadium there is no re-entry that's a stadium rule that's not our rule and i want to say this you will never regret spending the next 12 hours of your day in this stadium you will never regret it you will never regret contending together for the next 12 hours that god's purposes would be fulfilled friends because of today thousands of children will be brought into permanent homes for foster care and adoption because of today thousands of high schoolers where my high schoolers will be emboldened with the gospel to share like never before friends because of today universities they're going to be rocked with the gospel across america because of today some are going to be spread out across the nation living in the himalayas living in north africa living in the middle east because of today god's presence is going to sweep across this nation and we are going to see a jesus movement and the greatest hour in great commission history that is why we have gathered today are you ready lou come and pray us in [Music] in the right hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back sealed with seven seals and i saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice come on who is worthy who is worthy who is worthy to open the scrolls and breaking sails [Music] and there was no one in heaven or in earth who under the earth was able to open the scroll i began to weep because no one was found worthy to open the scroll one of the elders said weep no more behold the lion of the tribe of jew to the root of david has to overcome and he can open up the scroll [Music] worthy are you staying with me worthy are you for you were slain by your blood you ran some people for god from every tribe language and people and nation and you have made them a kingdom of priest to our god and they shall reign upon the earth lift up your hands there is a lamb at the center of the throne today no man is worthy no ministry is worthy but there is one worthy oh we worship you oh lamb of god who shed your blood for the nations of the earth a lion of judah arise today be exalted among the heavens be exalted in the earth oh we stand today as those who are unworthy but you are worthy oh be exalted [Music] of america [Applause] for the nations of the earth i want you to take hands with one another and i want you to begin to cry to god over america this very day rip open the scrolls begin to pray [Music] take hands with one another [Music] don't look at me look at the lamb right there [Applause] lord today rip the video that covers this nation unroll the destiny of america [Applause] [Applause] be exhausted over the powers [Music] i want you to begin to pray right now unroll my scroll [Music] go ahead pray [Music] [Applause] we release encounters today in individualized [Music] [Applause] and way beyond the boundaries of this stadium of encounter come on pray with me god we prank shock waves of encounter to the lost oh open eyes all across america [Music] america shall be saved still believe the prophecy of reinhardt monkey america shall be saved shouted with me america shall be saved america shall be saved america shall be saved [Applause] america shall be saved oh lamb of gosh [Applause] oh lamb of god give a shout to him for what he's going to [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] day and night night and day let it arise day and night night and days [Music] [Applause] [Music] day and night night and days [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] deserve the glory you are worthy [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you deserve [Music] you deserve the glory thank you jesus you deserve the glory this is your bowl of intercession come and fill it come and fill this stadium like a bowl pour the oil pour the oil pour the oil and you must increase you must increase yours is the kingdom yours is the glory you must we must decrease but you must increase yours is the kingdom yours is the glory you must increase you must [Music] yours is the glory you must increase you must [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord we say we must decrease we must we must lay down our own agendas we must humble ourselves in your sight if we have pride you'll have to resist us we don't want you to resist us we want you to have your way want you to have your way oh just in your own words just tell him just humble yourself before him now just ask him to increase [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh you must increase [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna sing it again together but i just want to take a moment and say thank you jesus that you would honor us with your presence that you would honor us and draw near to kansas city thank you we just let's just say together we honor you for coming we honor you for coming you are our honored guest you are our honored guest let's sing it [Music] together we [Music] you must [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you must increase you must increase we must decrease you must increase we must decrease [Music] [Applause] [Music] you must increase you must increase yours is the kingdom yours is the glory you must increase you must increase yours is the kingdom yours is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] i want you just to take a moment here in the presence of the lord at the beginning of this day here in arrowhead stadium in kansas city just look around and i want you to realize for a moment that you are living in a part of history in the making and that from this place to the nations of the earth a movement will be launched to bring glory and honor to the name of jesus in all tribes and tongues and languages and a mighty harvest of souls that the lamb who was slain might receive the reward of his sufferings come on can somebody just lift up their voice to jesus and give him praise and glory and honor this morning hallelujah [Applause] [Music] you know i think it's extremely significant this city kansas city has been known for the prayer movement it's been known for intercession it's been known for praying for laborers to go out of the into the harvest fields you remember jesus is the one who turned to his disciples and he said the harvest is ripe pray therefore to the lord of the harvest that laborers will be sent but you know what he was setting them up you know why because a few chapters later he looked at those very men who he had told to pray and he said now you go into all the world and preach the gospel and i think it would be so significant i think it would be just like the wisdom of god to take this city that has been known for praying for the laborers to go and that it would be the city from which a mighty harvest and laborers are launched into the harvest fields how many of you can already say here at the beginning of the day lord here am i send me but there's something very important that has to happen first before you consent before you can be sent by the lord you have to come to him this is going to be a day of divine blessings and great breakthroughs callings are going to be given commissions anointings healings many things are going to happen today but before any of that takes place the foundation of every spiritual blessing is salvation through faith in jesus christ can you say amen i woke up this morning with a burning fire in my belly to proclaim the excellencies of the blood of jesus christ i'm an evangelist after all i know for some of you you think daniel why are you talking about the blood it used to be in the old days we would sing songs about the blood we'd sing there is power power wonder working power in the blood of the lamb if you're an unbeliever here this morning you might think well that sounds morbid you might think talking about the blood that sounds gory you might think why do christians revel in the the blood of a sacrificed messiah a crucified messiah if you're a christian here especially if you're from the younger generation maybe you've never heard a sermon on the blood of jesus maybe you've heard never heard someone talk about the blood of jesus it's not politically correct people these days they want things that will scratch the ears and they will tickle the intellect and the intellect in a pleasing way but i'm here this morning to tell you that there is still power in the blood of jesus christ there is power to save to deliver to heal to set free to break every chain you know if you go to the doctor and you say doctor i have a problem i have a i have a headache the doctor will say no problem here is a prescription take these pills it will cure your headache but you see the dilemma is this that when you go to the doctor and he gives you a pill it will solve one problem and cause another one so then you go back to the doctor the next day and you say well doc now my headache's gone but my stomach is hurting he'll say no problem here's another pill for each problem there is a different prescription but when you go to god he doesn't have a different prescription for every problem god only has one prescription god only has one remedy god only has one solution it is the blood of jesus if you say god i need healing the blood of jesus god i need deliverance the blood of jesus god i need salvation the blood of jesus god i need blessing the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus say amen [Applause] i wish i had time to talk to you about how it works maybe say daniel why is the blood of jesus so powerful i could launch into a long theological explanation but the good news is you actually don't need to know the technicalities i came here this morning in a truck even though i don't understand how an internal combustion engine works even though i don't understand it i still reap the benefits of it and this morning you don't need to understand as much as you need to trust this is a matter of faith who so believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life not he that understandeth everything about him but he that believeth in him can you say amen i want to take a couple of minutes here and talk to you about the blood of jesus but before i do that i need to say something very quickly are you listening i believe that there are some of you here this morning whom god has called in an extraordinary way to be used by the lord to lead multitudes into the kingdom of god a couple of years ago the lord spoke to me and said that the decade we're living in now would be a decade of double harvest and the lord showed me that this exponential harvest would come about not through addition but through multiplication and the lord spoke to me and said multiply laborers for the sake of the harvest and so we started training up laborers in what we call our evangelism boot camp and sending them out and we have already seen millions upon millions of people come to christ as a result of the graduates of this boot camp they are trained to go to the nations and to win multitudes to the lord even just this year so far in this year we've already seen over a million people come to christ on six continents around the world and the harvest continues now i'm not talking to everybody here i might just be talking to one person maybe i'm talking to the next billy graham maybe i'm talking to the next reinhard bonkey maybe i'm talking to the next oral roberts maybe it's just one person whom god has called to take an entire nation for the gospel i want to invite you to join us we have a booth that's directly behind the platform here on the main floor right in front of the budweiser touchdown booth i think that's a good place that's where every evangelist belongs you can also go to our website at that's that stands for christ for all nations c-f-a-n we're going to win nations for jesus say amen i wish i had time to talk to you about the cleansing power of the blood of jesus john said pointed to jesus on the shores of the jordan river and introduced the lord like this behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world how many of you know jesus paid the price for your sin and mind by the shedding of his blood i wish i had time to talk to you about the power of the blood of jesus to heal how many of you know the blood of jesus heals us you're gonna see that happening today hundreds even thousands of healings and miracles will take place in this stadium not because of the works or the deeds or the merits of any person on this stage but because jesus shed his blood and by his wounds you are i wish i had time to talk to you about the power that the blood of jesus has to deliver to protect i could tell you stories for hours of encounters that i've had with witch doctors that tried to kill me and they made a discovery that my jesus is more powerful than their witchcraft my jesus is more powerful than their false religion not because i'm such a great person but because i am protected by the blood of jesus but i want to talk to you this this morning just for the couple minutes i have left about one aspect of the blood of jesus in the book of acts chapter 20 it says that god purchased the church with the blood of jesus how many of you know jesus paid a price to purchase your soul and here's what happens in gospel meetings in christian meetings people hear the gospel they hear that jesus can wash their sins away jesus can bless them jesus can protect them jesus can deliver them and they say this all sounds so wonderful i want that in my life and so they bring jesus in and they add him to their cacophony into the chaos into the collection of other idols and gods that they have in their life they don't surrender to him they simply add him and i want you to understand something tonight are you listening to me if jesus is not your lord if he is not your master if he is not your god he is nothing to you you don't get to have a jesus of your making you don't get to invent your own jesus he is the lord of all he must increase can you say amen so because i have such a short amount of time i just want to tell you a story how many of you like stories i tell stories all the time in africa i've preached to 40 some million people in africa i've found that everybody likes stories this story is a parable everybody say a parable and you understand what a parable is don't you it's not a true story it's a story with a moral i want you to listen very carefully are you listening if you're listening let me see your hands this parable is about a wealthy man who had a mansion and in the mansion there were ten rooms five rooms on the top five rooms on the bottom and one day there was a knocking at this man's door he opened the door to see who was there and do you know who it was it was jesus he was shining like the sun and when this man saw jesus he said lord please come into my house i've heard how you bless people i've heard how you help people i've heard how you forgive people lord if you will come into my house i will give you the best room it's a master bedroom on the top floor it has a big panoramic window and it has a big closet and it has a big master bed and lord if you will stay with me today it's yours well jesus is a gentleman he came inside he said thank you very much he went upstairs and that man was very happy but that night there was another knocking at the door a terrible knocking and do you know who it was the man opened the door to see who is there it was the devil and when the man saw the devil he said oh no devil i don't want you in my house and he tried to shut the door but before he could shut the door the devil had put one foot in the door and do you know this is how the devil always operates he always starts with one toe he always starts with one foot and some of you the devil's already got his foot in the door in your life this morning and you think it's okay but he never stops there then he put his knee in the door then he put his elbow in the door then he put his shoulder in the door and soon he had broken into this man's house and all through the night the devil tormented this man with all kinds of filthy temptations pouring them over him and the man fought with all of his might but it was no use because listen no matter how big and strong you are on the outside you are no match for the devil and so the man fought with the devil all night early the next morning as the sun was rising the devil slipped out the back door and disappeared and just about that time jesus came down from upstairs when the man saw jesus he suddenly remembered he said jesus i forgot that you were here he said lord last night the devil broke into my house look at the mess that he caused and then suddenly the man had a thought he said lord you were in my house why didn't you come down and help me jesus said well sir it's true that you gave me one room in your house but there are ten rooms you have nine you've given me one oh yes the man said i see my mistake he said lord here's what i'm going to do for you as of today i'm going to split my house with you 50 50. the five rooms on top for you the five rooms on the bottom for me well jesus is a gentleman he said thank you very much he went upstairs the man was happy and that night another terrible knock at the door and when the man looked outside to see who it was do you know who it was it was the devil and you know what happened the devil broke into that man's house again the scene unfolded once again the devil pouring filthy temptations over him early the next morning as the sun was rising the devil slipped out the back door and disappeared and just about that time jesus came down this time when the man saw jesus he became angry he said lord i've been more than generous to you why have you done nothing to help me jesus said sir please calm down it's true you've given me five rooms but the other five rooms belong to you oh the men said yes you're right lord i'm sorry he said lord we're gonna fix this right now here's what i'm going to do as of this moment i'm gonna give you all the rooms in my house except the one where i sleep nine rooms for you one room for me he said lord there are some things in that room they are personal things they are adult things they are some things i keep under the bed there's some things i hide in the closet there's some things i've got under the floor lord i don't think you would be interested in those things so i'm gonna keep that one room back for myself the other nine rooms you can have jesus is a gentleman he said thank you very much he went upstairs and the man was happy but do you know what happened that night another knock at the door once again the devil broke in pouring filthy temptations on that man through the night early the next morning as the sun was rising the devil slipped out the back door and jesus came down from upstairs this time when the man saw jesus he began to cry he began to weep like some of you weep at the altars in your church every sunday and he said jesus don't you love me don't you see how the devil is tormenting me day after day night after night he said lord why why won't you help me and jesus put his arm around that man he said sir let me help you he said you have given me nine rooms in this house it's true but don't forget that the title deed to this house is in your name you are the owner of this house you are the master of this house and if you are the master of the house you must be the protector of the house jesus said sir let me help you instead of inviting me to live in your house give your house to me and i will invite you to live in my house [Applause] suddenly it was like a veil lifted off of that man's eyes he reached into his pocket he pulled out the keys he handed them to jesus he said lord here take it my house is yours every room every door every blade of grass every piece of furniture every window pane everything belongs to you lord jesus jesus is a gentleman he took the keys he went upstairs and that night do you know what happened a terrible knock and when that man heard the knocking at the door his knees started to knock because he already knew what was about to happen he had been in that place so many times before he knew the devil was going to break in pour temptations over him torment him through the night and his trembling hand was reaching for the door he was just about to let the devil inside when suddenly there was a tapping on his shoulder from behind he turned around and do you know who was standing behind him it was jesus shining like the sun jesus said excuse me sir i am the master of this house i will answer the door please step aside he pushed that man out of the way jesus didn't peak outside to see who was there jesus isn't afraid of any devil he threw the door open he said who's there and do you know who it was do you know it was the devil but when the devil saw jesus he got very confused that's not the person he was expecting he looked at the number on the house the address then he looked at jesus he looked again at the number and then at jesus number jesus number jesus number jesus it didn't make any sense and so the devil backed away from the door very slowly he bowed himself to the ground and he said sir please excuse me i think i've come to the wrong house hallelujah let me tell you my brothers and sisters what's going to happen right now some of you have prayed a prayer many times before you've given jesus four or five rooms you've given jesus five or six rooms some of you have even given him nine rooms but there's still that one room it's time to surrender if you would say daniel this morning right here in kansas city at the beginning of ascend i want to surrender my life to jesus every room in my heart let me see your hands we're going to pray together this is a prayer of salvation and i don't want you to whisper this if you mean it i want you to pray it with all of your heart i want you to pray with all of your might are you ready i said are you ready say dear lord jesus christ i come to you today i need you jesus christ [Music] son of the living god have mercy on me lord jesus i declare with my mouth when i believe in my heart that you are the lord of all i believe that you rose from the dead i believe that you died on the cross and i surrender my life to you right now be my savior be my lord be my god as of today i belong to jesus and jesus belongs to me i believe it i receive it and i confess it in jesus name and everybody said amen come on put your hands together for jesus here this morning listen to me i've only got 10 seconds if you made that decision to follow jesus this morning we want to send you some material to help you take the next step in your walk with him and we want to help connect you with a local church how many of you have the send app already on your phones okay if you don't have it you need to download it and for those of you that have it go to the send out click salvation and say yes i've decided to follow jesus also we have a booklet for all of you that have received christ as your savior at the booth i was telling you about directly behind the stage it's about what to do next the next steps to take with jesus i want all of you not only to make the decision but to follow jesus for the rest of your life and one day we will meet at the throne of god can you say amen come on let's give jesus a mighty shout this morning today is a no turning back moment today let me tell you it's a no turning back moment look at your neighbor and say it's a no turning back moment today you're putting a stake in the ground in your life and saying today i am leaving my own life when you say yes to jesus it's a clean breakup from your old life and it's saying yes to an absolutely new life second corinthians 5 17 it says this means that anyone who belongs to christ has become a new person the old life is gone and a new life has begun i want to submit something to you some of you in this stadium you have been struggling in cycles of compromise in with jesus one day out the next in with jesus one weekend out the next today is a no turning back moment it's a clean breakup and if that's you i want to challenge you for a brief moment most likely you live in that cycle because you are not connected into community you're living a type of lone ranger christianity trying to do it all by yourself you may have prayed a prayer but can i tell you for a moment you need to do this with the family of god you need to do this with the church with the community so we're gonna do one more response i want every person in this room to lift your phone in the air and wave it at me if you're watching the live stream right now go ahead take your phone out wave it at me wave it at me on the live stream you can pull it out right now behind the screen all day we're going to be responding like this there's a qr code that you can scan if you do not have the app but if you have the app i want you to go to the action tab right now just go ahead right now and if you just surrendered your life to jesus i want you to click salvation on the action tab and say i want to follow jesus if you don't have the app you can scan the qr code i want to encourage every person to download the app right now take a moment to do that [Music] we're about to go back into worship if you're responding continue to do that but everyone else who's not responding i want you to lift your hands right now so the moment we just had is the moment we want every person in america to have we want every high school student to have we want every university student to have we want the 3.2 billion unreached people people groups to have i want to take 20 seconds and i want all of us to lift our voice i want us to begin to cry out lord would you save america lord would you save my generation lift your voice right now lift your voice jesus would you save america lift your voice ladder will hear every person praying lift your voice lift your voice let's [Music] worship my nothing but the blood of jesus [Music] [Music] away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one more time is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] no one can legally owe me now except my lord in christ no one can legally own me now except my lord and christ no one can legally hold me now except my lord and christ no one [Music] [Applause] no one can [Music] one legally legally [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] russians [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] makes me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] again i wash my robes in the blood of the lamb because i wanna be like him i wash my robes in the blood of the lamb i'm dead to sin made alive again i'll wash my robes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] no one can legally [Applause] [Music] still [Music] [Applause] [Applause] still [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] precious [Music] oh [Music] yes jesus jesus i get to come out here and share after the blood of jesus his son guys i i love him so much i love him so much put your hand on your heart right now please [Music] look this day is not about a concert this day is not about an event this day is about honoring jesus this day is about honoring him with every part of your being it says to love god with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself [Music] god we say yes not just with our mouth but with our whole life lord help us we love you we worship you we give you glory in jesus name listen i've i've come to a great conclusion we've become really familiar with a god that we hardly know we've become really familiar with a god that we hardly know i am so burning to be able to witness and share my faith with others but i am burning with the one thing of sitting at his feet but in setting at his feet i want to live my life as if his eyes are on me at all times i want to be aware of his presence of his person i want to be aware of his gaze i want to know every day of my life that jesus christ sits in the theater room of my soul and watches everything that goes across my screen listen god is not mocked you can confess everything that you want to confess but if there's secret sin hiding in your life god wants to purge you he wants to cleanse you and he wants you to live a really normal christian life a christian life is a life of sacrifice it's a holy life wholly given to a king that has chosen you you didn't choose him he chose you he chose you before the foundation of the world he came you said yes to him but that yes wasn't just to incorporate that yes was to surrender you know john in the book of revelation shares about jesus but you look at john sharing about jesus and the gospel of john and john was the one i mean if anybody wants to be like john he's the disciple that knew that he was loved by jesus he was the one that was loved by jesus how many of you want to be a disciple that knows they're loved by jesus how many of you want to go down in history as one that was loved by jesus so you've got john this amazing apostle soft john lays his head on the bosom of jesus hanging out with jesus closest to jesus peter james and john the three the inner circle peter the one that got his foot in his mouth but john man he is so soft and lovey-dovey with the king but in the book of revelation john goes and he's on the isle of patmos banished to this island he was boiled and alive and he didn't die so they took him to this island where he's banished and he's there and he's taken up in the spirit and he has this amazing encounter with jesus in the book of revelation and listen to this this is revelation 1 and verse 13 it says in the middle of the lampstands i saw one like the son of man clothed at the robe reaching to his feet girded across his chest with a golden sash his head and his hair were white like wool like snow and his eyes were like a flame of fire and his feet were burnished bronze when it has been made to glow in a furnace and his voice was like the sound of many waters and in his right hand he held seven stars and out of his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword and his face was like the sun shining in his strength and when i saw him when john saw jesus in the book of revelation it's not look a lot of people like when i see jesus i'm gonna when i see jesus i'm just gonna go up and hug him i love that we think that but that's not how it is oh listen jesus came like a lamb but he's coming back like a lion [Applause] you think that you're gonna be all lovey-dovey oh jesus i just love you i'm gonna nestle into you listen to me when john saw jesus it says when i saw him i fell at his feet like a dead man well wait a minute john this is we're talking about jesus the one you hung out with the soft lovey jesus that you hung out with we've become way too familiar with the jesus that we barely know where is holiness in the church today where is purity in the church today i love praying for the sick i mean i love it when they get healed but i love standing right with god i love the righteousness of god i love the blood of jesus that's cleansed my conscience from dead works i'm not here just to have a ministry i'm here to represent the king of glory and ii timothy it says this oh it's powerful anyone who says and names the name of the lord must depart from iniquity why isn't everybody happy about that because we live with a compromised christian life and we're sacrificing truth on an altar of trying to be culturally relevant you're not supposed to look like the world you're not supposed to smell like the world you are supposed to walk with the fragrance of christ you are supposed to smell like jesus you can't smell like jesus unless you're with him and if you have sin in your life a joke in your closet immorality all that junk you can't get close to him because you're condemned you're guilty you're ashamed you don't have to live with shame you don't have to live with fear the devil is terrified that we'd actually surrender our hearts to the king of glory and live a holy life why do you think you have the holy spirit why is it he just called the spirit man liquor stores are called spirits what spirit do you have what spirit do you have [Applause] peter said therefore be holy he didn't say do holy he said be holy the more guys you read in the book of revelation john gets deeper he's reading in this book he's writing this book look at revelation 6 oh it's terrifying do you know and understand that you and i are all going to stand before a judgment seat you guys oh i don't like judgment no don't you judge me no i see people's tattoos only god can judge me you don't want that the reason why people get tattoos only god can judge me because i got hurt by the church well i got hurt by religion i got hurt by the church man we get hurt by so many different things where is the one that cries out and hurts four instead of being hurt by where is humility where is the reality of living in philippians 2 life jesus had equality with god but considered himself of no reputation just because i'm on a stage and have a mic doesn't mean i'm here to defend my reputation i want to lift the name of jesus hi i don't want to sit here and entertain you i want your hearts to be cut with the gospel i want your hearts to be filled with jesus christ it's time to wake up church it's time to wake up it's time for the sleeping giant to arise and shine [Applause] people say why do you always scream i don't know because my heart is burning my bones are burning the word of god is inside of me and it burns and i need to see you burn now so that people don't have to burn for eternity [Music] come on guys will you run the race but before you [Applause] man the church is negotiating she's compromised she's sitting there just listening watching culture well let's not say this because it might offend people the gospel is offensive the cross is offensive it's offensive abortion is murder murder murder murder murder it's not okay for us to be okay with murder guys these are hot topics everybody wants to dance around them because we need more people in our church what are we doing we're building real big places with people that are comfortable sitting in a pew sitting in a chair getting entertained and having their ears tickled this is not about tickling ears this is about cutting and slaying devils on a consistent basis it is sin to go to bed with no blood on your sword guys we've got the word of god it's alive it's sharp it's active we need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind we need to spend time with jesus in a place of no guilt no shame no condemnation but for you to do that you have to say no you have to forsake sin and turn to the king i'm not just talking about praying some prayer and giving your life to jesus through your confession although it's it's it's needed and it's necessary jesus didn't say go into all the world and make confessing christians he said go into all the world and he who is baptized believes and is baptized will be saved he said go into all the world all the world and what are we supposed to do make disciples disciples man we just graduated a class from lifestyle christianity university people that are burning it on fire who went through the crucible have went through the fire and their hearts are burning for the gospel in love where are you at come on where are you at what did you guys sign up for when you signed up for jesus do you know you signed up to die right you signed up to die that you can burn and you can live your life on fire for the king of glory do you have oil in your lamb do you have oil your oil is gained by intimacy relationship spending time with jesus you can't have oil and live in condemnation at the same time we need to cultivate intimacy we need to forsake sin and get that thing out sexual immorality is the number one on all the lists of sin in the bible because it's the number one thing it's the one thing that everybody falls victim to i promise you there's a way to be free there's a way to be free there's a way to be free for pornography it's a way to be free there's a way to be free from social media because social media is oh i wonder if they like me who needs life when you got god's love [Applause] who needs like when you got the love of god man i won't be possessed by how he loves me and he'll never change his mind he's not a thousand years from now gonna say oh you know i really made a mistake with dang todd i forgot that no he didn't forget anything he knows the thoughts and plans that he has for me plans for my welfare he has more thoughts for me more thoughts for you that outnumber the grain of sand in the whole world in every grain representing a good thought for you he has that for everybody it's time that we exit that tragedy of sin-filled living look this compromise thing do you think that when you stand before god do you think that your wife is going to be there to you for for you to vouch do you think she'll be able to vouch he's a good man he's a good man no nobody's going to represent you all of us are going to stand let me read this real quick i threw my i threw my ipad down second corinthians chapter five because this is what we're talking about i'm going to talk about the reality of the judgment seat we're like i don't want to hear this man i want to live in victory you can live in victory but you have to be victorious because sin is crouching at your door don't open it it says therefore always being in chapter five verse six always being of good courage and knowing that while we're at home in the body we are absent from the lord for we walk by faith and not by sight but we are of good courage i say and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the lord therefore we always have this ambition say this is my ambition say this is my ambition whether at home or absent so at home means to be here in this life right here but absent means to be with him it says our ambition whether at home or absent is to be pleasing to him let me ask you this there are so many people out there trying to prove their life by how pleasing they are the only way to please god is to fully believe but to fully believe means to fully surrender and to fully surrender means your life doesn't belong to you anymore it belongs to the king of glory to live a life pleasing there when you stand before him the only way that happens is that you realize that this life is a dressing room for eternity oh listen you're in the dressing room for that one moment when you stand before him and he says well done well done at home or absent we are pleasing to him for we must all say we must all say it we must all i am talking to the body of christ i'm talking to every confessing christian i'm not talking to atheists i'm not talking to muslims i'm not talking to mormons i'm talking to born-again christians that have said jesus my life belongs to you say we must all appear before the judgment seat of christ so that each one can be repaid for the deeds done in the body according to what he has done good or bad then it says therefore knowing the fear of the lord we persuade men so the heart cry of the christian life is to walk in the fear of the lord and to persuade every christian around you there's a day that's coming when every christian every born-again spirit-filled christian i don't care how many miracles you did i'm gonna care how many healings you have i don't care if 50 people were raised from the dead a thousand people were raised from the dead if you regard iniquity and live with that stuff it is not a good day when you stand before the king so what would be really amazing is if you can make a commitment right now to stand before him every day with a clean heart come on with a clean heart with purity in your life and to give your life to a holy call lift your hands only if you want to live this holy holy christian life i'm not talking about legal i'm talking about holy legalism helps nobody relationship and intimacy and seeing who god's created you to be burning with the compassionate fire of heaven knowing that your life represents jesus and everybody around you is watching your life wondering if you're the real deal it's time to not be a fake it's time to step up to the plate be the real deal go after god with your whole heart and say jesus here i am surrendered here i am said me here i am send me so lift your hands father i thank you in the name of jesus for a whole lot of here i am send mes i thank you for the conviction of god upon our life holy spirit say this holy spirit we give you permission raise the bar raise the bar let me be a voice let me turn my back on sin and turn my life unto you i give everything i'm asking you use me fill me send me send me send me send me [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] hallelujah [Music] my weapon [Music] hey friends how's it going welcome to the scent live stream we just want to welcome you our audience watching from all around the world we're here at the stadium god has already been moving so powerfully hey i just want to invite you if you have not already i want you to download the send app that's how we're going to be doing all of our responses and we want you our live audience to be engaging with us responding in your living room where you're at buddy i want to get to we just came off the stage i'm with daniel kolenda we just had an epic salvation response and bro i just want you to give your heart if there's someone in the room they hurt your gospel presentation they're burning they want to give their life to jesus maybe just get us into that moment pray for us and anything that's on your heart well first of all for those of you that might be bummed out that you can't be with us here in the stadium today two things number one you dodged a bullet because it's super hot out here it is odd but number two no matter where you are around the world the holy spirit is the same with you as he is here with us and the power of god to salvation is the same for you as it is for us i felt this morning when i woke up just a burning desire to extol the power of the blood of jesus because the blood of jesus is the power of god unto salvation the blood that was shed upon that cross and so that's what i did this morning was just i wanted to just proclaim the power in that blood and invite people to appropriate that power by faith unto salvation and so you know i told this story at the end it's actually is i got this story from evangel's bonkey it's one of his classic stories and what i love about that story is it shows how you have to make a decision to surrender your life to jesus everybody wants the power of the blood of jesus to make their life better everybody wants to be free everybody wants to be blessed everybody wants to be healed but jesus didn't come as a good luck charm he came as the king of kings and the lord of lords and that's what he wants to be in your life and so you've already heard the message i don't need to repreach it but what i do want you to encourage you to do if you're sitting there in your house or you're watching this on your phone i want you just to surrender everything to him and you know what what that means because to everybody you know if you heard that story the the guy he kept back one room because there were some things in that room that he didn't want to let go of and the reality is that is often what makes the difference for people between heaven and hell between sin and salvation is that one room some of you are holding on to something even right now that you're so scared to let go of because you don't know what it will mean for your life you don't know what it will mean for your future but that's why this is a walk of faith this is to put your faith in christ doesn't just mean that you believe he existed or you believe what the bible says about it it means that you trust him with your whole life i want you to imagine this this is a picture for you okay there's somebody in the ocean their ship has just been wrecked and they're holding onto a piece of wreckage they're about to go down and and the lifeguard pulls up and throws them a life ring now they have to make a choice am i going to let go of this piece of wreckage that i'm holding on to to take the life preserver or am i going to continue to cling to what i have been clinging to and go down with the ship my friend listen you've got to let go of that old life you've got to let go of the sin you've got to let go of the pride you've got to let go of the religion you've got to surrender that last room to jesus let him take control of your life let him cleanse you let him forgive you let him wash you and let him be your lord so can i pray with you yes let's pray anyone who just made a decision for jesus when daniel was sharing we just want to pray through a salvation prayer yeah let's do this just pray this with me wherever you are say lord jesus i come to you right now as a sinner needing salvation lord jesus i put my trust in you i let go of everything else i take hold of your hand be my savior be my lord be my very best friend as of this day i belong to you lord jesus and you belong to me i believe it i receive it i confess it in jesus name amen amen if you made a decision to jesus you can respond on the send app we're gonna head back to the stadium with jonathan and melissa hell sir we'll be back again can't wait hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just begin to raise your own hallelujah [Applause] let your praise begin to arise [Applause] i didn't come here to hear someone else's hallelujah i came here to raise my hallelujah and touch the heart of my king let's begin to lift our voices [Applause] [Music] just begin to let your [Music] a hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] lift that up [Music] new york [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe in the blood of jesus it washes [Music] [Music] i [Music] no matter where i go [Music] [Music] i [Applause] church believe to sing [Music] no matter where i go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] every generation look at what the lord has done sing into the darkness [Music] to every generation look at what the lord has [Music] oh look at what the lord has done [Applause] [Music] i will rise in confidence i will see your goodness [Music] [Music] is [Music] will see your goodness [Music] [Music] sing it to the daughters singing to the sons to every generation look at what the lord has done sing it to the darkness that the light has come oh sing it to the nations look at what the lord has done you guys good this is wonderful don't you feel the smile of jesus we're going to do a song called sound mind and i just want to say something quickly at the beginning of 2020 when um kovid was was ramping up i felt a very intense wave of anxiety i have a 20 year old chronic illness and and we didn't know anything then and i was sitting with the lord one morning and he said melissa when i was feeling waves of anxiety he said melissa i have not given you a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind and i said yeah yeah lord he goes no no no melissa i have not given you a spirit of fear and i felt like the lord we really i really wanted to do this this morning because we're in a moment where we've never been so assaulted in our minds there is a fatigue of the mind over the last two years that is wreaking havoc we are peaking at anxiety depression panic attacks mental illness suicide and i believe that this morning the lord actually wants to heal our minds and lift off the oppression so that we can sustain this gorgeous day going deeper and deeper and deeper the lord wants to heal our minds amen do it god thank you god dear god do it god [Music] in the chaos you are the peace in my suffering here with me in the darkness you never leave me god of mercy you're walking with me i surrender anxiety all the striving has to cease in this moment you're still the key this is the gift you are giving to me a sound mind for the spirit of fear a sound mind so that i can see clearly a sound my your spirit is here a sound mind a sound mind [Music] there's a table where we meet in the presence of my enemies i will listen i will feast on every word you are speaking to me remember who you are you're my fortress and my god i will stand in authority in jesus name all this darkness we'll see a sound mind for the spirit of fear a sound mind so that i can see clearly a sound [Music] [Applause] a sound mind [Music] is [Music] a sound [Music] use each breath to prophesy [Music] deliver me jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] clearly is [Music] a sound mind a sound mind let's put our hand on our heads a sound mind [Music] you're lifting oppression and depression you're lifting anxiety and panic attacks you're lifting mental illness you're healing our minds guard a so much this is our inheritance [Music] let's declare it this is my inheritance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is my inheritance [Music] [Music] deliver me [Music] to prophesy for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a sound mind [Music] we receive a sound mind [Music] a sound mind a sound mind we receive a sound mind a sound mind a sound mind [Music] the sound [Music] the sound might [Music] a sound mind a sound mind in the night a sound mind in the night in the day in the morning in the evening in the middle of the day a sound mind a sound [Music] a sound mind [Music] [Applause] you surround me with a song of deliverance from my enemies till all my fears are gone i'm no longer a slave to fear oh i am a child of god i'm no longer yes i am [Music] for my mother's womb you have chosen me [Music] i've been born again to your family your blood flows [Music] [Applause] oh i am a child of god [Music] i yeah a child of [Music] [Music] a god [Music] i am surrounded [Music] i am surrounded by songs [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] let us [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] let's say [Applause] [Music] yes i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you father you set us free you set us free [Applause] the joy of the lord is our strength [Applause] [Music] oh i can feel redemption on the wind forgiveness like the tides rolling in [Music] taking up the space where shame has lived receiving all that she dies to give let the wind blow let the tide roll to the earth [Music] sing a new song all the glory to the god of love [Music] [Music] oh i can see a valley of dry bones oh [Music] you breathe the breath of life into our lungs yes you do marching on our knees we march to love [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing yeah new song all the glory to the god of love [Music] [Music] [Music] he's moving on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the glory [Music] revival's in the air catch it if you can [Music] he's better than your dreams and everything you lost loves me yes it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] revivals [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] he's better than your dreams [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] time [Music] i was returning [Music] [Applause] you can do that [Applause] let's take a seat for a moment i'm going to give you a short exhortation let's pray for a moment i want to share a very serious encounter i had with the lord when i was in my early twenties i'm asking the lord to mark the hearts of teenagers and twenty-somethings and the overflow of this encounter i had with the lord i believe it will touch your hearts let's pray for a second father abba we love you abba i ask you by the holy spirit that you would mark our hearts in these next few moments in these next few hours tonight holy spirit we recognize your presence we recognize your presence in this gathering we ask you to do what you do best and what you love the most that you would glorify jesus in the human heart well i've been a pastor over 45 years and i've had two or several very dramatic supernatural encounters in these 45 years and i want to give you just a brief glimpse at two of them i'm gonna give the brief version of two of them because i believe it will mark the hearts of young people and older ones alike i was 23 years old a young pastor i went to bed one night and i had this dream but it ends up it was more than a dream and you'll hear that in a moment it was the first encounter with the lord i've ever had at this level i was kneeling before jesus looking in his eyes i mean jesus was right in front of me i've never had anything like this before or after and again 45 years of being a pastor now listen carefully shh he looked at me and he said something so disturbing it ends good but just go with me for a moment he looked at me and he said you're saved but your life was wasted i couldn't comprehend this when i was 23 years old again a young pastor i was seeking the lord prayer meetings witnessing giving to the poor all these things whatever that we do reading biographies of great missionary lives i couldn't believe these words so i protested and i said you have the wrong person i love you i've been seeking you you know since my teenage years and the holy spirit spoke to me he didn't jesus kept looking at me and the holy spirit spoke he said catch this it's impossible to manipulate the man christ jesus what he is thinking when you meet eye to eye is the most important thing about your life then i said to him i'm looking at him he's looking back he doesn't say anything but that first phrase can i have another chance the holy spirit speaks in this dream and i don't i'm not going to explain that right now he quotes the verse and then in and hebrews 9 verse 27 it's appointed under uh for a person one time to live on the earth and then they stand before the lord and they're evaluated you get one chance i'm weeping with such regret because i took for granted his indescribable goodness towards me and his majesty and power and my t-shirt is wet in this dream encounter with regret i said please please give me a chance another chance he says you have one chance on the earth you know the bible says 70 years 80 years due to strength i wake up out of this dream i'm not in my bed i'm over here kneeling in the same way i am in the dream and my t-shirt's wet with tears i said i don't know what just happened i was very disturbed the lord made it clear to me this is the conversation that i'm wanting to spare you from having when you stand before me in many years that affected my life so dramatically i was committed to the lord i wasn't on fire a young 20 something but i said i am going to live in a new intentionality to obey him with a new abandonment that i've never had before i want you to read the verse i have it here on the screens second corinthians 5 verse 10. i want you to see this i'll take a moment for him to put it up ii corinthians chapter 5 verse 10. well i'll just read it to you paul said it's every one of us must stand before the judgment seat of christ we're talking about believers and the lord in his kindness though no i'm not talking about me he will evaluate the quality of how we committed our life to him beloved i want to tell you something the most important thing about your life right now later and then is what this man is thinking when you first lock eyes the first time what's in his mind about your life it's the only thing that will matter for you that's the truest evaluation does it matter what accolades you have how much applause it doesn't matter how much anything if he looks at us and he esteems the quality of our love i don't mean we even accomplish much i don't know but of our heart the size of our heart response we gave it our all now granted our all is small our all is weak but he wants us to give him our all i begin to pray this is not funny it sounds kind of funny but i prayed i began to pray lord shock me now don't shock me then on that day i don't want to be shocked on that day that was over 40 years ago nearly 45 years ago i have good news for you we don't have to wonder or choose or guess what it is he wants from us on that day it's not a big ministry impact that's good i like big ministry impact it's not winning all the awards i like winning awards that's good the quality of our heart response when jesus went into jerusalem the very week that he died his last public message in jerusalem we have it clear it's in matthew 22. what do you think jesus would say if he had one last declaration to his people i could tell you what it is it's matthew chapter 22 verse 37. this is his last declaration then he goes to the cross a couple days later he said you shall love the lord your god with all of your heart all of your strength all of your might now that was a well-known commandment then he added something very unique that no prophet has ever said he said if you love me i i don't mean that we will attain i don't know how far we will attain i don't know how deep my love is it's not my business to measure it it's my business to give it and to reach for it and when i fail to reach again when i fail to reach again it's not my responsibility to measure it it's my responsibility to reach but jesus said something to that crowd in jerusalem never said before by a prophet he goes the first commandment to love me it is the first and the great commandment in god's mind beloved i have good news for you the thing that will make your life great before god the thing that will cause him on that day to say your life choices were great are found in that verse right there this is what makes a life great some people never have an impact that anybody ever knows about but the size of the reach of their heart to love him nobody does it perfect but they do it consistent they come up short and they reach again and on the last day the lord says your life choices were great matthew 22 this is the great commandment but not only that he says this is the first commandment this is the response god wants from you first above everything else you know this commandment to love god in the body of christ it's in the top ten list of the body of christ of most believers he doesn't want it in the top ten he wants it first he wants the other things he wants them but he wants them second beloved god has all power he has everything he wants with his power and wisdom except for one thing there's one thing god wants he does not have and he will not take it by force that's your voluntary love for him i will not make you love me in a voluntary way i won't do it but that's what i want most we know there's a grace of god to grow in this again our love is weak but i got good news even weak love is still real our love is not only real when it's mature our love is real while it's growing i'm gonna share one more quick experience in the next three four minutes then we're gonna pray was it 1988 in july 1988 so that's a long time ago i guess 30 years ago 32 years ago i'm pastoring here in the kansas city area i'm in my office one morning i opened a wedding invitation and this wedding invitation has a passage of scripture song of solomon chapter 8 verse 6. i didn't know this passage this passage it was about a husband and a wife getting married it says set me as a seal upon your heart a seal of fire a seal of love a seal that is so strong even water can't put it out now we know that water could put out fire every time but there's a supernatural love and fire that's stronger than the water of temptation the water discouragement the water of addiction the water of persecution the water of fear there is a love of fire that's stronger than what water could put out so just to bring you to this i'm reading it i don't know this passage at all it's 32 years ago i'm kneeling i began to suddenly weep that was an odd thing and i said these words i said father the love that you have for your son put it in me i knew that verse from john 17 26 it's my life first my favorite verse it's just came right out of my out of my heart father the love you have for your son put it in me and i'm weeping you know it's like that song of solomon 86 doesn't mean that where did that come from but it's so powerful it's a one-time experience 45 years of pastoring i've never had anything like it i pick up the phone i tell our church receptionist because people would come and visit i go something is happening please don't let anybody come and knock on my door for an hour please something strange is happening i hang the phone out ten minutes later the phone rings i'm so overwrought and overcome i go oh no i picked the phone up there's a man on the other end his name's bob jones he's a prophetic man who's with the lord right now he said mike and i'm a little bit like ah not now he said i just heard the audible voice of the lord i heard song of solomon chapter 8 verse 6. i'm kneeling and i'm reading it i don't say a word he goes the lord told me two things number one you are to focus on this all the days of your life the rest of your ministry and it's the first commandment this is 32 years ago i never thought of focusing on that all the days of my ministry he said but i have something more important to say when the lord spoke to me just a few moments ago he told me he's going to release here it is a power of grace on the coming generation they will walk in the supernatural power of this seal of love he hangs the phone out and have the worship team go ahead come back up he hangs the phone out i did say word i picked the phone up he goes bob no he says mike this is bob the lord spoke audibly song of solomon 8 6 this is your assignment all your life and he's going to release it on a coming generation he hung up there's 30 seconds i didn't say thank you i didn't say wow and i just wept and saw before the lord worshipped him oh you're up here come on up yeah oh you are okay because we're going to pray this over you right now the lord said a song of solomon 86 i will set a seal of fire on the heart of weak and broken people like us this is the first commandment this is what he wants most this is what he's talking to you most about this is what makes your life great when you stand before him and beloved you and i we don't have to stand before him on that day with regret i fear regret more than anything i don't want to stand there before his beautiful face his excellent leadership and say i was half-hearted he gave me everything he gave you everything shock me now do not shock me then i want to give you a love worthy of who you are let's just stand before the lord now go ahead jonathan you just begin to sing over them and i'm going to pray over them i believe god's marking a generation with the first commandment i believe he's going to restore the first commandment to first place before the lord returns i'm going to prophesy that he is going to restore the first commandment to first place the holy spirit is worldwide in the body of christ of a young generation before jesus returns [Music] here i am lord i'm yours [Music] i am yours jesus i am your father [Music] beautiful jesus glorious [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am your beloved all my shame this is my confession this is who i [Music] am a lover of god this is who i am [Music] i am your beloved this is who i am this is what i do i am weak i need your help [Music] but i am your beloved your mercy has cancelled your beloved beloved this seal of fire is something that goes on and on it's not a one-time deal i pray for this seal to be renewed day after day in my life beloved this is who you are some people say you're a musician you're an athlete you're a scholar the second you are a lover of god this is who you are this is what you do i'm a failure i'm addicted i'm broken no those things you've done but you are a lover of god this is your destiny jesus prayed you would love him like the father does beloved we got it on good on good word jesus is praying for this seal upon our heart yes i just want to check check check check check just stay with me we didn't plan this that we would be together like this but i felt the lord speak to me that we would be marked for revival by song of solomon 8 6. out of the brokenness of my own life i found myself praying this prayer if we could put it up day by day send me as a seal over your heart a seal over your arm a love stronger than death the very jealousy of god a flame of fire the very flame of yah can we put that up son of solomon i want this place to lift your hands toward this the lord spoke to me call the world to pray this prayer day by day it will be the prayer that prepares the bride to be without spot or winkle would you lift your vices and begin to pray this together god send me as a seal this is jesus this is jesus talking strong as death its flames are a flame of fire many waters cannot quench love come on praise the prayer this is jesus inviting us send me as a seal on your heart i will visit you i will deliver even you even you even you and your weakness and failure his love are like flashes of fire like his jealousy will hunt you down and stronger than addictions stronger than love come on lay your hand in your heart and say god steal me lord we lose this from this stadium all over the world [Music] i love you god jesus we love you this is who i am this is what i do yes i stumbled yes i failed your fire is stronger than my failure day by day i want you to begin to pray this prayer day by day let's start a long revolution with a very scripture that god gave us that's the very flame of you all would feel a generation come on lift your hands and shout to god we will move [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that could change [Music] is [Music] [Music] father we're asking right now for the power to love jesus with all of our heart with all of our soul with all of our mind and with all of our strength god we ask that you would pour out this grace of wholehearted love upon us today god i ask that you would brand our hearts with that fiery seal and lord we say what is the cost what is the cost if a man would give all the wealth of his house it would be utterly despised you are worth it jesus you are the beautiful one you are the reward of our love and our desire so we ask for the grace to love you with everything we ask for the grace to run into your mercy day after day after day give us the power to love your son in jesus name brothers and sisters i don't want anybody to leave right now we believe something is going to rip the veil over a nation from the very beginning have you noticed of this gathering it's about the blood it's about the blood we are going to take communion today right now and we believe that god is going to lose the great communion revival that will sweep this nation would you take out your cups that you've received would you just take them and just hold them up maybe some of you are going to share can i have you engage with me for the next 15 minutes 19 years ago a dream was given a woman in heaven saw a treasure chest and when she opened it letters came out of the treasure chest and says lou engel now has faith for the great communion revival today 19 years later i have faith that something of the great communion revival is going to break out where the center of it all will not be man's ministry but the lamb that is seated upon the throne and his body and his blood will be the centerpiece over the last years dream after dream after dream has come and i feel we have come to a culmination moment to lose this great word we did 40 days of a communion fast we just took communion prior to the sin and during that time god gave us a dream that the veil was going to be ripped isaiah 25 when we took communion when they broke the bread at the road to emmaus their eyes were open can you believe today that a veil is going to be ripped off of your own heart [Applause] that the blood of jesus will open your eyes to his love and forgiveness i want to declare today there is forgiveness for those who have had abortion there is forgiveness who have been in sexual sin the blood still speaks it speaks of better blood than our failures and your accusations during this 40 days listen to me the lord spoke to my heart so weird i want you to go watch videos of nuclear bombs i watch for hours nuclear bombs so awesome i want to watch it can we put it here oh please get it how are we doing i want to to envision nuclear bombs and the lord spoke to me i didn't do this on for fun i wanted to show you you think that's power you have no idea when i went to the cross and i said it is finished father and lose the bomb into the earth principalities and powers were divested of their authority the blood of the lamb swept away and broke the power of sin forever brothers and sisters brothers and sisters what jesus did on the cross was the ultimate nuclear bomb it was a power that ripped the heavens opens and the lord spoke to me every time you take communion listen to me you reenact the same power you reenact the same power and what you do and you must believe that the blood of jesus removes all sin oh accusation when jesus said father forgive them they know not what they do there's coming a communion revival where we will no longer speak against one another we will not be the brethren accusers we will be the better blood people we watch your speech we're coming to the communion table we're going to do something right now in this moment that i believe is going to send shockwaves across america you've been betrayed you've been wounded but we're going to begin to say the same word that jesus said he said father forgive them they know not what they do and when he did this he didn't need an apology he released a sound that broke principalities and powers from kansas city on behalf of all america i want you to lift your voices and begin to forgive everyone that's hurt you and begin to declare it out loud father forgive them go ahead father forgive them for they know no father come on lose this father forgive them for they know not what they do father forgive them keep going lord break bitterness break the communion of the toxic brew of betrayal and race and unforgiveness lose the communion of jesus lift your hands speak it over america father forgive them father forgive them they don't know what they do [Music] [Applause] i want you to take that communion cup right now [Music] take that communion if i can guess i really felt like the lord wanted me in this moment to give out a warning from first corinthians 11 that a man ought to examine himself before he eats the bread or drinks of the cup because anyone who eats or drinks without recognizing the body of the lord eats and drinks judgment upon himself this is why many of you are weak and sick and a number of you have died we don't have any warning like that in the new testament except about what lou just talked about and he led you into a prayer of recognizing the body of the lord but i just back there was like i better read the scripture to them because you need to understand this could kill you biblically and i don't understand why for so many years in so many of our churches we take this without anyone stepping up and saying be careful of this this is the nuclear bomb there was a warning you don't walk i i just saw this crowd and and i thought what if this whole crowd was about to walk into the holy of holies to touch the ark i would have to run up there and stop you and go please make sure you don't just run in there are you sure because there is a serious warning you would warn someone if if someone touched this with their lips and they had coveted and go careful you might get covered i'm looking at the word of god and going forget that this is the body and blood of jesus christ recognize the body and blood of jesus christ recognize that i am your brother a part of the body of christ and i recognize that lou is my brother a part of the body of christ and that's why he led you in that forgiveness of releasing because what we're about to do is very dangerous but it's also i believe the most awesome thing we could do on the earth fellowship the bible says with the body and blood of jesus the body of christ was broken that you might have access with a clean conscience into the very presence of god have you forgiven your brothers and sisters you have to do it over and over again we're calling you to take communion every day every day walk in this communion of forgiveness and mercy but today this bread is this body was broken for you all over this place let's receive the broken body of jesus christ eat all of it take it together [Music] touch him right now when he went to the heavens now we touch him in his own body and blood reach out and touch his body and his blood receive receive his nourishment receive his his spirit into your being let us take the blood of jesus declare by the blood they overcame the accuser of the brethren we break accusation we lose forgiveness of sins come on brothers and sisters break the accuser come out of agreement with him receive the blood of jesus [Music] [Music] even this very moment we believe that principalities and powers are being bound even in the taking of the communion we receive the body and blood for ourselves but there is a blood brothers and sisters that is shed on behalf of the whole nation it says in the book of exodus when i see the blood i will pass over you today we're going to plead the blood of jesus over the issue of abortion the bloodshed of native americans the bloodshed of the african americans we're going to plead the blood of jesus for 17 years we've been pleading the blood of jesus over abortion and even this very weekend the judges of america may say it is finished they may say it is finished so pray with us seven times a prayer we've been praying for seven years cops come on every voice those watching online let's believe this is a tippy moment the words are going to be on the screen if you don't know the prayer but every voice must declare this together jesus i plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation god and abortion send revival to america jesus i plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation god and abortion sin revival to america jesus i plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation gone into abortion send revivals to america jesus i pledge your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation god and abortion sin revival to america jesus i plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation god and abortion to revival to america jesus i plead your blood over my sins and the strength of my nation god and abortion sin revival to america [Music] give a shout to god can you see the blood apply to the doorposts of our national guilt now brothers and sisters the prayer wasn't just god and abortion it was send revival to america right now we are going to loose in the spirit revivals of the blood mondo god over a hundred years ago there was an outpouring of the holy spirit at azusa street an african-american man by the name of william seymour was one of the lead was a leader of this movement and it has touched literally uh over 800 million people today that have that have encountered the holy spirit but let me tell you something william seymour prophesied that in a hundred years there's coming a greater outpouring of the holy spirit for eclipsing what happened at azusa street listen this year 2022 seymour it is the 100 year anniversary of seymour's death i believe that this year there is a loosing of a great revival greater than associate street so right now lift your hands we loose in the name of jesus a greater of the holy spirit and fire of this generation in the name of jesus 40 years ago billy graham made a declaration over the first nation that they would beat that they were a sleeping giant and when they awaken they would be a superpower that helps lead this nation back to christ that power is the forgiveness of the cross that power is god forgive them for they know not what they did right now let's make this declaration that the sleepy giant of the first nations people are awakened from the eastern times the northern tribes the western times and the southern times the giant is the way jesus you have made us a kingdom of priests who know how to handle the blood and we declare today that we come to a better blood a blood that speaks and it speaks a better word than historic sin it speaks a better word than the indi the blood of the indian removal act it speaks a better word than the blood of slavery and jim crow and it speaks a better word than the blood of 63 million babies we declare now that the blood of jesus is released in america for the forgiveness of sins oh come now let us reason together in jesus name i want to pray specifically that the blood of jesus covers the jewish people too and that we are enjoying this new covenant as gentiles most of us right here but god is raising up a generation in the most anti-semitic era ever a church that will stand for the jewish people unto their ultimate salvation so i want to declare in the name of jesus that your blood was first to the jews and lord that you are going to save them we ask for millions to be saved we ask for a hundred million intercessors in the nations we ask that you will reach them touch them until you come that they may say the shame of the night blessed his king to come in the name of the lord you are the king of the jews and you will save them lord we ask that your blood will cover their sins and that you will save them in this generation in the name of jesus it is finished we declare jesus name [Music] i want us to move together in faith right now that right now at this moment there is a ripping of the veil as we've taken this communion i want us all face outside of the stadium turn around stretch out your hands and begin to declare there's an awakening coming we're gonna declare that the jesus coming every direction every hand lift your voices [Applause] right now the outpouring of the holy spirit something stronger than the rebellion further down to the clear of jesus [Music] over a hundred thousand in the lgbtq lifestyle lord over the laws in the leagues over the high schools of america over the college campuses of america today go lose the veil [Music] just stay where you're at right now i want us to pray right now matthew 9 38 that god [Music] into the harvest field all across this nation just lift your voice right now father we have we beg you girl into the college campuses into the high schools into the reservations and to the streets [Music] [Music] every corner of america america will be saved america will be safe lift your voices brothers and sisters give a shout to god [Music] wow i don't know what else to say wow look at the person next you just say wow take a deep breath give them a high five give someone next to you a hug unreal i just want to honor you guys standing in the sun so hungry for god that we're unwilling to leave i want to honor you guys this field those of you standing in the sun in the stands we will never regret what god is doing this day and how he's marking us i want to say honor is an important part of the kingdom and there's no way we'd be in this stadium there's no way the sand would exist without the movements of prayer behind what's happening i want to honor mike bickle and lou and i want to ask us all to honor these men just stand on the edge right here for a second lou mike come here for a moment just a moment come out just so they can see you lou mike just right there we just want to see you thank you mike thank you thank ihopkc lou engel we love you and we're so grateful so important that we understand that there are thousands of prayers that have led to moments like this and what we're able to step into now you heard about this app and this app response i want to pull out your phone right now it's the second app response of the day and what we're going to respond to is the call of intercession how many you know prayer is not a fad prayer is not a trend prayer is not just for a moment it's not for an age group it's not for a sector of the body of christ that prayer is the great privilege of every single believer who calls on the name of jesus i want to give you an opportunity to respond to join annual prayer initiatives like the 40 day jesus fast every year mike has made a commitment in his heart to raise up a million intercessors who would pray matthew 9 37 and 38 lord send laborers to the nations of the earth if you want to join that million people that are making that commitment to pray for the harvest to pray for laborers to pray for revival then i want you to pull out the app or use the qr code and i want you to go to that specific response intercession just click it and this will allow us to stay in touch with you with future prayer initiatives all that god's going to do in these coming years god is so after his church being a praying church so lord i pray grip us with intercession today grip us lord even as we've just spent time praying for this generation praying all these things lou let us in make us a people of prayer not just in stadiums but in the secret place lord in our homes in our bedrooms make us a people of prayer in our families restore the altar of prayer fathers and mothers leading their families in prayer in jesus name amen amen [Music] is anybody can [Music] hello you want me there we go hey guys i know that andy just said this but we want to say it again just so encouraged by your passion to go after god to sit out in this sun i want to tell you if you've ever been to these events one of our statements is this is we're not here to be entertained we're here to apprehend heaven for this nation and i really believe this we're going to shift into a segment just on the church what god is doing in the church but i want to tell you this even sitting in the sun we're about three hours into the day but i believe that the breakthrough we get here can release something in the nation and this is the principle that we see throughout scripture in the new testament when paul and silas are in prison and they're in chains and stalks in the inner prison and they're just worshiping they're just worshiping and all of the prisoners around them are just passively listening but when god showed up to set them free he didn't just release their chains and he just didn't open the door in front of them the bible says that everyone's chains were loosed and all of the doors opened and this one i believe even sitting in the sun pressing in for the rest of this day i believe that the breakthrough that will happen isn't just going to be for your life but that you can actually get breakthrough for an entire nation that there will be people that are set free because you decided to press into the lord so just keep doing it keep going after god we're three hours in listen let me give you a few announcements it's really important it's really important that you continue to get water there are drinking fountains throughout the place you can buy water put sunscreen on we want you to be safe throughout the day as the sun's on you so make sure you're getting water nobody getting dehydrated andy mentioned the app we're going to be talking about that throughout the day so download the app so you can interact and respond to that and make sure if you're hashtagging things you can hashtag the send kc let people know what's going on as we're uh involved in just kind of throughout the day does that sound good all right let me see here also they mentioned this all of the booths if you're going to take a break for a minute if you're going to get out of the sun and you need to walk around man go visit all of the booths voice of the martyrs is back there which is an incredible organization connecting us to the persecuted church around the world so make sure you get back there and check all of that out we're gonna have a great day hey listen we're gonna shift into right now just talking about the church i believe with all of my heart that god is awakening the church in america and we're going to see the greatest revival the greatest outpouring of the holy spirit we've ever seen and i believe that the vehicle through which god comes is the church and he wants to use your life he wants to awaken you with passion so we're excited just to welcome out would you guys just welcome me one of the voices that i believe god has raised up for our generation to challenge and to equip the church and we're so honored to have him we're just going to walk him out francis champ [Applause] just by a show of hands how many of you would love it if today god spoke to you and actually gave you a specific assignment no matter how hard it is you just go yes send me how many of you would love that that's awesome my message to you is not just yet okay and i'm saying that because this morning during worship the lord was reminding me of the first sin gathering and at the first sin gathering there were not this many people it was just isaiah god and a couple of high angels okay that's where we get this whole theme of send me but before isaiah could say that in isaiah 6 8 here i am send me god goes not yet not yet first there's isaiah 6 verses 1 through 7 where god says first i need to show you who i am and i got to get you to that isaiah 6 5 part first where you say woe is me i am ruined and i'm an unclean man one of the worst things we could do is send you out if you don't have a clear picture of what god is like that will destroy everything and so i believe that we're going to be sent out but not yet first we have to see god first we have to get to that point where there's humility in our lives as i was thinking why didn't god just send isaiah immediately in isaiah 6 i believe the answer is in isaiah 66 verse 2 where god says this is the one to whom i will look he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word if you want god to notice you okay like there is a being in heaven right now sitting on his throne and we would all just raise our hands oh god could you speak to me and give me direction and send me and what god says in isaiah 66 is well here's the one i'm actually going to look at the one who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word that's why i had to run up during you know communion i'm like wait a second wait a second your word says they could die from that i better get up there because this is the word let me just let me just say that and that's why we come to communion trembling going okay i want this i want this but i've got to do this right because your word says many are sick because of it and some have died do you tremble at the word of god do you tremble because if you want god to choose you and see you you need to tremble at his word do you tremble at james chapter 4 verse 6 where it says god opposes the proud if there is ever a verse to tremble at that might be it god opposes so almighty god i try to imagine what would it be like if almighty god who spoke the universe into existence decided to oppose me if there's a verse to tremble at god opposes the proud and i just that's why i'm regularly saying god show me show me is there any pride in my life am i even right now god am i trying to sound good in front of people do i care what they think of me am i concerned about my reputation or anything like that no no no god i don't want any of that in my life why because if there's one thing i don't want it's your opposition i don't want you to be against me i want to say whatever you want me to say i don't care what they think god i'm i want to be with you god opposes proud but gives grace to the humble see anyone who is close to god when you see it in scripture those who are closest to god were those who were most humble those high angels they were covering themselves up in isaiah 6. you know i was looking at some of you guys especially over there it's funny that top strip where you guys are in the shade yeah right there that tiny strip why because you're trying to get any relief from the sun you're just going okay just block me from that thing because that thing is powerful imagine the high angels covering themselves up with two of their wings as they're covering their face with two they're covering their feet because they're going we can't stand in this glory cover me up do you understand this god that we pray to when people were close to god they were not proud so whenever i see pride in my life the the answer to that is not okay let me try to be more humble no let me try to get closer to god because when i'm in the presence of god there's not going to be pride there and so if you look around and you see people that are proud that's a that's a sure sign that they are not close to god not the god of the bible they can sing they can cry they can talk about their quiet time but if they are proud then they're not very close to that throne because when we're close to that throne we are just covering ourselves up and like isaiah in isaiah 6 5 he gets to the point where he realizes he goes woe is me i am ruined i'm a man of unclean lips and my eyes have seen the king he goes i i don't belong in his presence he knows my sin he knows the things that i've said who am i i've got to get to the end of myself this is what happens to moses when he comes in the presence of god this is what happens with his disciple john when when christ comes back in his glorified form it says john just collapsed john saw jesus and he collapses his i fell at his feet as though dead like all the life came out of me and i just dropped before him and that's when god touches him and says okay it's me don't be afraid this is when god says to isaiah it's okay an angel is going to touch your lips with this coal and cleanse you but you have to get to that point where you see god probably the most startling picture of this is the book of job okay i do not hear many people teach the whole story of job anymore job has become in the church one of those stories where oh my girlfriend broke up with me i'm just like job and you guys this story the reason why we don't teach it two reasons i believe one is it is weird and two it is offensive but those are the very reasons why we need to know this story you see it's weird because in job 1 the bible says that job is this righteous man and it describes the person of job and in fact god and then so so that's what's strange about it is in the middle of that in job chapter one you have the strangest story okay this is why we don't like to talk about but i'm going to talk about it because we need to teach the whole counsel of god's word this is possibly some say the oldest book of the bible and i believe god wants the newest generation to understand it because it's been lost because we think it's weird and i'm gonna that's the exact reason why you need to get this in job chapter one listen to this this is weird job one verse six there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan also came among them and the lord said to satan from where have you come and satan answered the lord saying from going to and fro on the earth and walking up and down on it and the lord said to satan have you considered my servant job that there's none like him on the earth a blameless and upright man who fears god and turns away from evil then satan answered the lord and said does job fear god for no reason have you not put a hedge around him and his house and all that he has on every side you've blessed the work of his hands his possessions have increased in the land but stretch out your hand and touch all that he has and he will curse you to your face and the lord said to satan behold all that he has is in your hand only against him do not stretch out your hand so satan went out from the presence of the lord that's weird right it's weird because we're gonna wait wait who are the sons of god and and what does it mean that they present themselves to the lord and it's not a one-off thing because later on he does it again so it's like what what's going on up there is it really like satan does he have axis up there does he actually talk to god and does does he really accuse and say well we'll just take everything away from him and then does god really give permission see this is so weird because you when you read the book of job the next 35 chapters are about four guys that are debating what happened to job right job is sitting there he's lost everything because in the next three chapters satan takes everything away he has all of his all of his sheep all of his camels all of his servants are killed and then a wind blows and blows over his house and all of his children die this is the book of job and that is offensive to us because we go wait a second is he allowed to do that with my family and then he strikes job down with these sores in chapter 2 after job doesn't back off satan says wait let me let me just inflict his body once he's in pain then he'll curse you to your face and god says okay go do it and so you've got these four guys and these are the brilliant guys of the day they would have been the top podcast they this is wisdom right here these are the top four and they're sitting there and they're arguing about why it happened and job's like i don't know why this is happening to me as he's in so much pain lost his whole family loses everything because i don't know why this happened i mean i try to make a covenant with my eyes i don't even look at a girl with lust any time a stranger needs a place to live i give up my house and then his friends are going no you must have done something wrong because god doesn't just do this and job's like no i think he just did it you guys and for 35 chapters they didn't get it and that's offensive to us because we value our opinions and we think we can figure it out and what god is saying to them you have no idea what this is all about you have no the the job and his friends did not see the heavenly narrative and i was thinking about today i was like god i don't want to miss the heavenly narrative i mean you guys are sitting down here you're feeling the heat you're going oh i hope it cools off i hope you know this ban comes up i hope this i hope this and what if it's not about us what if there's something going on in heaven where the accuser is looking at the u.s i'm not saying this is what happened i'm just saying consider there might be a heavenly narrative to what we're doing here and it's not about us just making it through this day but could it be that satan reported to god and god says where have you been he goes to the u.s what a joke the the people call themselves the church look at how much sin they're in look at the compromise look at what they call worship they'll only worship if there's an awesome band there they'll only show up if everything's just right and what if could it be that god says well have you considered kansas city have you considered that for 23 years day and night 24 7 the worship has never stopped for me have you ever considered them and and and wait till may 14th would you look down and could it be that god's saying look at this generation though look at these people they're not going to back off from the word of god they actually believe in a judgment day they're willing to preach that they're actually willing to speak for the voices of the unborn they're not backing off from that have you considered them they're actually sweating in a hundred and whatever 20 degree weather whatever it is down there on the field he made that field white so it would just be even harder so that he could look at satan and go have you considered them they're still worshiping me they're still listening to my word i'm not saying anything i'm just saying could it be that it's not about us and that ephesians 3 is right where he says that now the manifold wisdom of god might be made known through the church that through the church the manifold wisdom of god might be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places that it's not about us it's about somehow these rulers and authorities in the heavenly places see our unity and go whoa that's the wisdom of god but this whole story probably the most offensive part of the book of job is after those 35 chapters when job and his friends are questioning and wondering and talking about who's right and his friends are accusing him job it's probably your fault you should have wore a mask whatever they're having all these brilliant arguments like they know everything maybe the most offensive part is when god finally speaks in chapter 38 and i want you to notice what god says god sits silently for 35 chapters and just waits and goes okay are you for you you know you you top podcasters are you done because i have something to say now and it says in job 38 verse 1 it says then the lord answered job out of the whirlwind picture a tornado and god is about to speak and he says job this is why i had your servants killed no he doesn't say that this is where god says oh i'm sorry job did that hurt you no that's not what he says he says this who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge dress for action like a man i will question you and you make it known to me where were you when i laid the foundations of the earth tell me if you have understanding who determined its measurements surely you know this is god's answer he doesn't give an explanation he just shows job who he is just like isaiah where the first thing he does is he answers him how the whirlwind and he goes wait a second he goes brace yourself he goes i ask the questions and you give the answers where were you when i laid the foundation of the earth he said come on job you guys all four of you give me an answer where were you guys because you're so brilliant you have such good opinions i mean you're tweeting it to everyone and you're speaking with so much assurance of your opinion man i could have really used you when i spoke the world into existence where were you guys this is the answer of almighty god he goes i ask the questions for any of us who think that we can come into the presence of god and say god why did you make me this way why did i go through this this is my body my choice god says no wait a second no nothing is yours i spoke this world into existence the world is the is the lord's and everything in it it's all made by him and he doesn't owe me an explanation i don't go into heaven and go god why did my mom die giving birth to me why did my step-mom die in a car accident when i was eight why did my dad beat the crap out of me as a little boy and then why did he die when i was i don't do that like isaiah i just go i don't belong in his presence and look at what job says after god goes on for a couple of chapters then job says something that we all need to say today in job 42 job answered the lord and said i know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted who is this that hides counsel without knowledge therefore i have uttered what i did not understand things too wonderful for me for which i did not know here and i will speak i will question you you make it known to me i had heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now my eye sees you therefore i despise myself and repent in dust and ashes see job gets it he goes i'd always heard of you i heard sermons about you and and all of that but now that i actually see you he goes i repent and he just falls on his face and he just goes i'm going to repent and dust and ashes look i'm just throwing dirt on my head because i'm so stupid i hate myself why did i even open my mouth and he says i spoke about things i don't understand so i'm just going to shut up and tremble here and god's response to that is he restores job's fortunes and gives him an amazing family it's the same thing that happened to isaiah when he says i'm ruined i'm dead and god says no no i'm actually going to use you do you want to be used by god do you want him to bless your life and his grace and favor be upon you then it starts with you humbling yourself and when god was giving me this message i thought to myself oh god i know how to stir thousands of people into excitement but i can't humble people it has to be just like job where god they've heard about you but you've got to give them a vision of you and this is what we've been praying about is could we have that isaiah moment where i can't make you shut up and tremble i can make you scream the worship team they can get you worshipping and scream but we can't humble you only a vision of god can do that only if he chooses to reveal himself to us today to where you see him clearly and you realize this isn't about you there's a heavenly narrative that's so much bigger and i want to be a part of it so it starts with me learning how to shut up and tremble and then god will look to him who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word father right now as we worship you i have no power in no way can i tell you what to do i am just saying god we want you to humble us so that you can send us otherwise god will start talking to people this is so important we have to see you because if all we see our people then we'll start valuing all of their opinions and we'll start crying for them and we're thinking we're showing compassion to them by listening to them but it's not compassion unless we have a fear of you we have to see you and not just people otherwise we're going to compromise and tell people what they want to hear reveal yourself please lord would you show yourself to us in this stadium today so that we would tremble in your sight and recognize you can do whatever you want with what you've created [Applause] [Music] what an incredible message from francis chan we just came off the stage i'm with i'm i'm with lou engel and as we've been in this area of talking and believing for revival in america lou i would love for you just to share your heart about what god's doing in america anything on your heart and then call our live audience to pray and fast for america so what's what's on your heart i'm so excited from the beginning of this day the blood of jesus has been the main emphasis it was it was 19 15 years ago i had a dream and in the dream i was actually in redding california and in this dream i was saying uh to bill johnson where can you catch fish along the sacramento river he says you can catch fish where the river turns red i ran down to the river turn red and they were hauling in fish i believe the great harvest is linked to the river of the sacrament this is why we're calling people to take communion day by day plead the blood of jesus over america and preach the gospel of the blood we also believe that today at the very beginning of the sin god said the priests and rallies would actually be called ekbalo from that moment on we have been saying it is time to pray matthew 9 38 day by day lord the harvest we beg you hurl for laborers into the harvest field and here am i send me come on can we just pray that we got a few more we got a few more seconds here can we just pray that maybe if you're in your living room right now can you stand up where you're at and let's just pray would you lead us in a prayer praying lord of the harvest send out labors remember lord you commanded us to beg you to hurl forth laborers so now with the sin all around the world we beg you yes lord into the harvest field into the unreached into america into the nations we thank you hurled for laborers yes yes amen amen hey if you want to make that commitment to pray for revival in america you can have it on the app download the app and you can commit to pray for revival if you haven't downloaded the app download the app we're about to jump back into william mcdowell for worship join in we'll be back with more speakers throughout the livestream [Music] break our walls down [Applause] break out heaven come down holy spirit [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Applause] holy spirit [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Music] we want to see [Music] we want to be your kingdom here come on if you want to see it in kansas city and around the world lift up your voice and give him a sound of pride [Music] [Music] someone give them a set of praise i believe that there's a cry in this generation that will be heard there is a cry in this generation that heaven hears can we lift up that sound [Music] hallelujah [Music] there is a crime [Music] we believe that to be true and we declare that in this generation there is a sound [Music] a sound that's released from the depths of our souls [Music] declare it again let's say there is a crime [Music] [Music] [Applause] and i know this could be true because i've heard it in you there is a sound [Music] [Music] [Music] and with this sound with this cry so we crash yes [Music] and show us your glory [Music] [Music] i want you to know that desperation has a sound decoration has a sound and it will not be satisfied until it receives everything it's crying out for on your desk with people when you discern your voice and cry out all over the stadium and around the this is the cry of our generation [Music] until we see [Music] what do we want to see oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we want to see foreign [Music] [Music] i believe there's a greater cry in this generation we won't stop until we see it we won't be like the king who struck the ground once or three times but we'll keep striking until we see everything that god is promised until we see everything he said let me see the arrows let me see the arrows we're about to strike the ground here strike the ground say we won't stop [Music] we're gonna see completed [Music] [Music] come on keep striking our wheels [Music] [Music] [Applause] generation [Music] i think you can stand again [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna keep on praying [Music] come on [Applause] don't stop yet [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't stop praying until you see it [Music] don't stop fasting until you see it come on down here singing so the whole world yes lord we won't stop [Music] i know this is a big place but can you lift your hands to the lord [Music] lift your hands to the lord there is a hunger and a cry in this generation and because we love him so much he's going to respond he's going to respond he's responding right now he's responding on your behalf right now god sees from heaven this gathering and he's responding there's a holy expectation [Music] and it's rising in the room with great anxiety [Music] rising hearts are burning [Music] here comes the glory of the lord comes the glory of the lord [Music] here comes the glory of the lord [Music] here comes the glory of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it's rising [Music] [Music] come on can we declare together here comes the glory of the lord here comes the glory of the lord here comes the glory of the lord [Music] here comes the glory comes the glory of the lord here comes the glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] here comes the glory of the lord [Music] [Music] here comes the glory of the doorway [Music] as the glory of the lord comes would you release worships [Music] [Music] and who is this [Music] is [Music] [Music] who is yeah [Music] [Music] here [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] here comes the glory of the lord here comes the glory of the lord sweeping in the room come on kansas city lift up your hands as we say one last time here comes the glory of the lord [Music] [Applause] everything changes when you come [Music] everything changes when you come there's nothing like your presence and we declare that you are god and we worship you we declare that you are god and there's no other beside you you are what nothing else is because you're holy and there's nothing like your presence [Music] nothing like your presence lord all i want is to be with you it's nothing like your presence lord all i want is to be with you it's nothing like your presence lord all i want is to be with you it's nothing like your presence lord all i want is to be with you [Music] there's nothing like your presence lord all i want is to be with you it's nothing like your presence all i want is to anybody anybody love being with jesus anybody love being with jesus hallelujah [Music] come on say nothing like your presence there's nothing like your presence lord all i want is to worship you there's nothing like your presence lord all i want is to worship you there's nothing like your presence lord all i want is to worship you it's nothing like your presence lord all i want is nothing you like your presence lord is nothing like your all i presence is to worship you is nothing like the presence [Music] do you mind if we love on jesus right here just with our hearts come on [Music] there is no god like our god there is no king like our king that's why we love his presence that's why we love to be with him it's a privilege and an honor to worship him it's a privilege and an honor to lift him up to be known by him to love him i wonder if some people will help us right here as we make a declaration that he is [Music] [Music] we are [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] him [Music] there's no way [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] love you [Applause] we have two minutes and 45 seconds to surrender our life to god one time would you lift your hands all over this place simple song says [Music] everything [Music] i surrender all sinners [Music] [Music] withholding nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] can we say one more please [Music] everything i have came from [Music] and it all belongs to you one more time say say i surrender all say i swear to you everything [Music] take this next 30 seconds with your hands lifted and give them your whole life say i surrender all sins [Music] to you everything [Music] one more time with everything you have i surrender all say [Applause] [Music] everything [Music] withholding nothing make an altar right here i believe you can do it greater this is the last time i surrender say eyes oh [Applause] withholding nothing [Applause] spirit of god i want you to hold that and just take a seat where you are remembering withholding nothing make sure you're drinking water as we're talking but i'm going to dive right into the scripture we've already said up front before i even start the message lord we're withholding nothing and really we've gathered together at this end because hopefully we're coming to a place where we're saying lord we're withholding nothing because the thing that we think that we're withholding is the very thing that actually stopping us from doing the thing that god has called us to do our best on our best day is nothing and yet the enemy would deceive us to think that our gifts our talents our assets our stuff is enough to help god do his job what we need to give god all of us so that god through us can do what he's put us here on the earth to do and until we choose to withhold nothing from him to lay it all down at his feet and say god i am 100 yours everything that i have is yours and it's here for your glory until we do that we're never going to do the job that god has put us on this earth to do our world i believe is waiting for us to truly know what it is to deny ourselves to take up our cross and to follow him wholeheartedly withholding nothing from him and i just want to speak for a few moments about faith you see i think the biggest issue in the world today ultimately is not a political issue it's not an economic issue it's not a sociological issue it's not a moral issue it's not environmental issue i actually think the biggest issue holding us back is a faith issue we have too many unbelieving believers we need some believers who believe that god is who he says he is and that god can and will do what he says that he can do and i'm believing here at the center that we're going to send out a generation of believers who unashamedly believe that jesus christ is king that he will do what he said he will do through us the church on this earth i'm going to read two portions of scripture i want you to track with me drink lots of water i'm both greek and a woman i'm gonna read really fast so it's okay don't freak out you won't go to sleep from luke chapter seven we're going to learn faith then we're going to learn doubt from the people that were supposed to be believing god and i've come here unapologetically because i want to see an infusion of faith into tens of thousands of young people in this nation because sometimes i think the world has more faith than us and i'm wondering if we actually get it back in order whether we would see the signs and wonders and miracles in our generation that we're believing god for in luke chapter 7 it says when he had concluded saying all this to the people who were listening he entered capernaum a centurion servant who was highly valued by him was sick and about to die when the centurion heard about jesus he sent some jewish elders to him requesting him to come and save the life of his servant when they reached jesus they pleaded with him earnestly saying he is worthy for you to grant this because he loves our nation and has built us a synagogue jesus went with them and when he was not far from the house the centurion sent friends to tell him lord don't trouble yourself since i'm not worthy to have you come under my roof that is why i didn't even consider myself worthy to come to you but say the word everyone say say the word but say the word and my servant will be healed for i too am a man placed under authority having soldiers under my command i say to this one go when he goes into another come and he comes and to my servant do this and he does it jesus heard this and was amazed at him and turning to the crowd following him he said i tell you i have not found so great a faith even in israel when those who had been sent returned to the house they found the servant in good health jesus had just finished preaching the sermon on the mount he's coming into his ministry headquarters in capernaum and the jewish elders come to him and they're saying we've got a centurion someone that you would think they really wouldn't like centurions were like a captain and the army and they had about 100 guys under their command and they were placed all the way through the region in villages and towns basically to collect taxes and basically to keep the peace so they weren't really loved and this centurion had a servant which would be more like a slave that word thulas and you know at age 21 we are fighting to abolish slavery everywhere forever and in most countries in the world in 2022 slavery is illegal even though we have more slaves on the earth today than ever before but in these days it wasn't illegal and so normally if you had a slave and the slave was going to die you didn't care they were disposable you would have someone else come in and take their place but obviously this centurion was a compassionate man because he didn't want the servant to die he was obviously a generous man because he built a synagogue now it's not often that someone from another religion or no religion is going to build a house of worship for someone from another religion but i hope that you've got some faith to believe that god will use whoever he wants to use to get to you whatever he wants to get to you to do through you whatever he wants to do on the earth so he was a generous man and obviously he was a very humble man because he knew who jesus was he said i'm not worthy for you to come into my house you just need to say the word and jesus was so astounded he said i have not seen this kind of faith in all of israel and that word astounded they weren't amazed it says jesus marveled at him that word marbled in the greek is stuffed muzzle it's used 43 times in the scriptures but only twice in relation to jesus there are only two times in scripture that jesus marveled now i'm amazed that jesus would ever marvel even once i mean he's the god of the universe he knows from the end from the beginning and everything in between and yet according to this text there is a kind of faith that is available that causes the god of the universe to marble and when god marvels he does miracles because the servant was healed i'm going to show you the one other time in scripture that jesus marveled and it had to do with faith again in the book of mark chapter six verse one to six it says he left there and came to his hometown and his disciples followed him when the sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue and many who heard him were astonished where did this man get these things they said what is this wisdom and what has been given to him and how are these miracles performed by his hands is that this the carpenter the son of mary and the brother of james joseph judas and simon and arnie's sisters here with us so they were offended by him jesus said to them a prophet is not without honor except in his hometown among his relatives and in his household he was not able to do a miracle there except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them now we'd call that a good sunday in church if we laid hands on a few sick people and healed them and yet in this text it says that jesus was not able to do all that he wanted to do in their midst and you can see here it says and he was amazed that words of mother again at their unbelief so the people that knew jesus the most the people that were most familiar with jesus were the people that doubted jesus the most and scripture says in his hometown amongst the people that were most familiar with him he couldn't do everything that he wanted to do and he marveled at their unbelief he marveled at the faith of the roman gentile and he marveled at the unbelief of the people that should have been believing him can i just say i think in our nation jesus after every service every gathering marvels i wonder whether he marvels at our faith or whether he marvels at our unbelief i wonder whether he thinks i could have done so much more in their midst if they believed that i was who i said i was and that i could do what i said i could do but the thing that i've discovered is that often our familiarity with jesus breeds a laziness in our faith and i am wondering in a nation that has a church on every corner that has access to podcasts that has access to music that has access to television or there is not a lack of christian tv there's not a lack of christian churches there is not a lack of christian music there is another a lack of christian bible studies there's a lot of lack of bibles there's just a lack of faith and there is a lack of people that believe that god is who he says he is and that he can do what he says he can do there's a lack of those willing to labor willing to go into the harvest field and be laborers that's why i'm a part of send because i'm not looking for the hundreds of thousands i'm looking for the one in this crowd the one that would remind me when 35 years ago i was in a crowd like this never thought god could do anything with someone like me a background of abuse and brokenness and marginalization a woman and yet i was sitting in a crowd just like any one of you sitting right up the top and i just said god i believe i believe that if you did it before you could do it again i believe that you've left your church on this earth and filled it with your spirit so that we could go forth into all the world and make disciples of all nations and baptize them in the name of the father son and the holy spirit god i believe that you want to do something again in our generation and god took this unnamed unwanted abused adopter greek chick from the back of sydney australia and by his grace in the last three decades i've seen him do amazing things but not what i want to see i'm believing your generation will be a generation with the kind of marvelous faith that causes the god of the universe to marvel that causes god to do something amazing in our generation i'm believing for it you know i wonder if we're so busy in our generation trying to impress each other that we're no longer amazing god oh man if as long as we put that post upright with the right filter the right edit we are more consumed with how many are following us than how many are not following jesus we are so obsessed with how many likes we get on our post we no longer care if we're becoming like jesus and so i wonder if we could just stop trying to impress each other and if we could have the kind of faith that is birthed in the prayer closet that would cause the god of the universe to marvel because when he marvels he does marvelous things the issue is a faith issue it's not a knowledge issue it's not a training issue it's not an education issue it's a faith issue and in our world the kind of faith that i'm not talking about guys it is not cool in our pluralistic rationalistic empirical world where you've got to prove everything and shove it in a test tube or in a mathematical formula the kind of faith i'm talking about is not one that's going to garner a lot of applause from the world the kind of faith that believes in the authority of scripture where people like christine do you really believe that do you really believe in a virgin birth i'm like yes they're like christine it's impossible i'm like i know i've had two kids it wasn't an immaculate conception i'm just letting you know christine do you believe in the bodily resurrection of jesus yes it's impossible i know but i don't need a god that could do the possible i need a god that can do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond anything i could ever ask hope or think i don't need a god created in my image [Applause] i don't need a god limited to my reasoning or my thinking i need a god who is god and i wonder in a world where it's not cool to believe in a christian sexual ethic or it's not cool to believe in the authority of scripture it's not cool to believe in the exclusivity of jesus and then we're wondering why we're not seeing signs and wonders and miracles because a church that doesn't believe these things is not church so i wonder whether you're prepared to look foolish in your generation for your generation it doesn't matter how many tattoos or piercings or how cool your genes are the world is not going to think we're awesome what we have to do is show the love the mercy the grace of god but by not floundering in what we believe god has always used foolish people to do incredible things all throughout scripture and i don't know why in 2022 we would think it would be any difference with our generation as the church trying to adapt to the world is not going to change the world daring to be different daring to live a radically obedient life is what is going to set us apart daring [Music] to not throw out truth in the name of love is crucial in our generation i remember when i was speaking to 500 leaders of the underground church in china and we were in another area of southeast asia but they said christine we invited you over to speak to us because we wanted some leadership amongst the young people we never learned any leadership principles and our young people have gone from the villages to shanghai to beijing to the major cities because of industrialization urbanization obviously and they said christine we never learnt any leadership principles and we're hemorrhaging a generation of young people the only thing we ever learned was how to witness to our prison guard on the way to our execution and i remember standing there weeping i immediately went down on my knees and i went i'm not sure what you think i could teach you all but god did not bring me here to teach you anything i said i want you to lay hands on me and whatever that fire is that would enable you to witness to your prison guard on the way to your execution i want that holy ghost fire for my generation i want to take that fire back to a generation [Applause] but i wonder up the back down the front whether you would be the one that would say here i am lord send me you've got to understand how foolish did noah look when he was building an ark in the desert and everyone's like noah what's an ark and he's like i don't know why are you building it because rain's coming what's rain i haven't got a clue i look at the sand and people like what are you building i don't know why i've got a clue god said we need some of those christians it's not going to make sense it's not instagram worthy it's not tick-tock worthy [Applause] it's just god worthy can you imagine how foolish moses looked he's got the egyptian army behind him he's got a red sea in front of him and everyone's like moses what are we going to do he's like i don't know i've got a stick i wonder if there's a generation of young people that would be willing to say i know i look foolish but i've got a stick i've got the word of god i've got the spirit of god on the inside of me and i believe that my god still parts red seas oh i want that kind of faith i wonder how foolish did sarah look she's like 90 in target in the maternity section sarah what are you doing i'm having a baby i know but your eggs have dried up i know how foolish did esther look speaking truth to power where she could have been killed how foolish did caleb look 85 saying oh i'm not cashing in my 401k moses promised me hebron i'm as young now as i was then give me this mountain that's my inheritance how foolish did david look a slingshot a nine-foot giant all of us every day school college in the workplace in our society how am i going to take down that giant all i've got is a slingshot but we're trying to emulate the weapons of this world and you're like are you kidding me when did we forget as the church that a slingshot is all we needed and the power of almighty god to take down the giants how foolish just think how foolish did peter look stepping out of a boat on the water how foolish did the woman with the issue of blood look as she reached out to touch the hem of his gum and people think we look foolish believing god to heal how foolish did the little boy look five loaves two fish twenty thousand people on the mountainside you might think what have i got to give to god and i'll tell you who else looked foolish certainly to those that hung him on the cross jesus looked foolish naked on a cross that's your god that's your messiah they're saying the same thing to us in our day that's your messiah that is what you're hedging eternity on but can i just remind you from genesis to revelation those that were willing to look like fools for the cause of the king and his kingdom and to advance the gospel guess what happened because they were willing to look foolish noah and his family remember they were saved from the flood and moses did see that red sea pardon sarah did give birth to isaac and esther did stop a jewish genocide and david took out that giant and peter walked on water and the woman with the issue of blood was healed and that little boy's lunch it fed all of those people on the side of the mountain and by the way jesus christ got off that cross he defeated hell he defeated death he holds the keys to hell and death and my bible says the same spirit that raised jesus christ from the dead lives on the inside of you and lives on the inside of me therefore we can do all things through christ jesus who strengthens us in jesus name in jesus name why don't you stand to your feet all over this auditorium or stadium and if you're willing to say god i'm willing to look foolish to my generation for the sake of the gospel lord i want the kind of faith that causes the god of the universe to marvel i want the kind of faith that will that it's going to take to be the center church that we are to take the light of christ into a dark world to be salt in the midst of a flavourless world but it's going to take a foolish faith it's not about how many are going to like your post because you got to dilute a whole lot to get a lot of likes it's not how many know you it's how many will know jesus because of you but it's going to take foolish faith because everything in our world is counter to that kind of faith unbelieving god is going to ruin some of you forever in the best possible way no no this kind of faith causes you to die to yourself to take up your cross and follow jesus but if you want that the kind of faith that causes the god of the universe to marvel the faith of the centurion where jesus would say i haven't seen that kind of faith in all of america i haven't seen that kind of faith in that high school in that college in that workplace in that community i want you to raise your hands to heaven i'm believing for an impartation of faith in jesus name lord it's not by might nor by power but it's by your spirit holy ghost do what only you can do in this moment lord we don't want to be like those people in the book of mark where you could have done so much more in our midst but our unbelief stopped the move of god lord we want to be like the centurion full of humility that says jesus just say the word we're not worthy but you are do in our generation do in our nation what only you can do we won't compromise lord we won't compromise flood this place with muzzle faith marvelous faith in jesus name in jesus name [Applause] god is so good in this place we're about to start worshiping in spanish we come under one heart one spirit one mind one body and we know god is moving but we need to ask you also we know you're excited we know that you don't want to miss a minute of this but we need you to hydrate get some water just say hey excuse me especially you that are under the sun we don't want you to pass out have to go to the doctor you need to get some water get some water actually just take a second and just hydrate right now come on for 30 seconds this is of the lord as well and we want to just declare today there is freedom where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom and he is here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] freedom freedom [Music] there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the blood of the lamb i put the head and last under the crystal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] freedom freedom freedom freedom come on church in the name of jesus there is power in the blood [Applause] [Music] there is [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on lift up your voice and just worship him [Music] [Applause] [Music] glorious [Music] [Applause] [Music] glorious [Music] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] gloria hey [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] princess [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] right now i want to pray for my generation the generation that will stand up the generation that will say i'm not afraid to love jesus i'm not afraid to be in his presence because he has the best plan for me he knows who i am he chose me from the beginning and i pray right now that the same way that jesus resurrected lazarus from the dead the same way he's gonna resurrect our generation the same way that he resurrected him physically he's gonna resurrect us spiritually he's gonna resurrect our faith he's gonna resurrect our fire he's gonna resurrect our ambition to reach the nations this my generation is the generation who will say i'm not afraid to love god my generation will be the one who will bow down and say i'm right here jesus and nobody's gonna take me away from here because resurrect me now and if you're in this room right now when you say jesus jesus i'm here for you jesus would you fill the fire for me i want you to just raise your hands if you say jesus i want you great to create a fire in me i want you to create this fire in me that i will want to be passionate for you jesus would you come revive us jesus would you come revive us we are yours we're your generation our generation does not belong to anxiety to depression to addiction it belongs to you jesus my generation belongs to jesus my generation belongs to you jesus there's nothing that can stop us nothing that can keep us from there jesus in the name of jesus i pray that we can stand up that we can stand up that you would resurrect our generation resurrect our faith for you and resurrect our fire so that we can reach the nations from our generation amen jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] elijah went over to him threw his mantle across his shoulders and then walked away first kings 19 19. let me repeat that elijah went and found elijah plowing the field elijah went over to him threw his mantle across his shoulders and then walked away this is what the holy spirit has placed in my heart for you today activate your mantle for when heaven starts it hell cannot stop it ladies and gentlemen boys and girls permit me to state the obvious the entire world seems to be living la vida loca you turn on abc nbc cbs cnn fox news msnbc and we don't discriminate here univision and you will discover immediately dorothy we're not in kansas anymore but we are in kansas city for that matter i believe that we're living in the day spiritually speaking just like the days of ahab jezebel and bale ahab was a horrible king a mucho malo hombre jezebel quesanola reprenda jezebel was his wife and she was nasty on steroids together they worshiped the false god baal they hated the prophets they persecuted preachers they reject the truth but here it is let not your heart be troubled driven by the spirit of god i'm here to declare the following undeniable and unstoppable truth in our generation and in america ahab will not have the final word jezebel will not have the final word baal will not have the final word we are about to see a generation of modern day elijah and elijah's rise up in the name of jesus [Music] so don't drink the kool-aid the next thing to fill the earth will not be a political movement the next thing to fill the earth will not be a new social construct the new the next thing to fill the earth is going to be crazy will not even be a new pandemic the next thing to fill the earth will be the glory of the risen christ jesus for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover to see abracadabra 2 14. here it is there's a mantle coming your way it's time to fulfill the great commission with the mantle of identity elijah said the following in first kings 18 8 elijah said let the master know let them know let ahab know tell your master elijah is here elijah knew who he was enabling him to use his prophetic mantle to change the world around him ahab the spiritual ahab jezebels and bales will love you to be confused about your identity who are you what defines you are you defined by your past are you defined by your circumstances are you defined by what others say about you here's the great news of the cross christ defines you you are not defined by what surrounds you you're defined by god's spirit inside of you you are not defined by the hell you're going through you're defined by the heaven you're going to you are not defined by your failures you are defined by his forgiveness for all of my facebook twitter and instagram brothers and sisters you are not defined by the likes of many you are defined by the love of one and to all the religious people in the house get over yourself you're not defined by what you do for god you're defined by what god already did for you [Applause] the cross defines you the empty tomb you're defined by the father the son you're defined by galatians 2 20. my old self has been crucified with christ it is no longer i who lives but christ lives in me jesus defines you if you believe that raise your hands there is an attempt not just individually but collectively by external forces principalities and powers of darkness to even define who we are collectively so who are we collectively are we just another institution in society are we another religious faith narrative competing in the marketplace of ideas are we a feel-good apparatus for the spiritually impaired we must respond with clarity conviction and courage the following we are the light of the world we are a city on a hill we are people of the word we are salt and light we are prophetic and not pathetic we are apostles evangelists pastors prophets and teachers we are children of the cross fruit of the empty tomb and product of the upper room let me tell you what we are not we are not google we are not microsoft we are not ford we are not starbucks and respectfully we are not even the nfl we are the church of jesus christ and the gates of hell shall not will not may not cannot no way no hell prevail against us we are the church you are not where you are you are not how you are you are not what others did to you you are not what you did to yourself you are who god says you are you are what god says you are it's not about where you are in life it's about who you are in christ your identity in christ will bring an end to your captivity in life and when you know who you are in christ you will never be held back by where you are in life ephesians 2 20 we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them it's time to fulfill the great commission with the mantle of the spirit the bible says the power of the lord came on elijah first kings 1846 the spirit of the living god empowered the man with the mantle to change the world around him more than ever it is critical to distinguish between the spirit of god and the other prevailing spirits today simply stated in america and around the world we can't deny the following the spirit of jezebel is alive and well persecuting prosecuting and attempting to silence the children of the cross the spirit of ahab is alive and well robbie love killing joy and destroying peace the spirit of baal is alive and well killing innocent children in the womb and in the streets these spirits are alive we can't deny it ephesians 6 12. but i have amazing news what if i tell you that there is a spirit more powerful than all these spirits combined we have gathered in kansas city today coming out of a global pandemic there is war in ukraine there is inflation like we haven't seen in a generation the world seems to be falling apart but we are here to declare the most powerful spirit on the planet [Music] it's not the spirit of ahab it's not the spirit of jezebel it's not the spirit of baal the most powerful spirit on the planet is still the holy spirit of all mighty if you believe it shall like you have that spirit praise like you have that spirit pray like you have that spirit live like you have that spirit preach like you have that spirit nor by power but by my spirit say of the lord you have received the holy spirit and he lives inside of you first john 2 27. go over that for one second i want to make this clear i come from california [Music] the california used to be called the golden state if you google it it's officially now the cuckoo for cocoa puff state and in california during the global clover pandemic governmental authorities even forbid me from having a church service in my house with my family by executive decree it was illegal for me to worship in my house with my family singing praising worshiping and chanting whatever that means i just want to make this clear there's not an executive order a supreme court decision a legislative initiative a law or a social media campaign that will ever have the power to stop the spirit of god from moving you can't stop the spirit of god from moving you can't stop the spirit of god from moving we are about to see more people saved than ever before in human history because when heaven starts it hell could not stop it [Music] and finally it is the mantle of what heaven starts at hell cannot stop it this prophet elijah had the mantle that he placed on elijah and i love the story but before before he plays that mantle there was a woman that we just referenced jezebel and she tweeted here's jezebel's tweet kings 192 when jezebel found out what happened to her team on top of mount carmel jezebel in essence in today's day of age she tweeted and this is her tweet i swear by my gods first kings 19 2 i swear by my gods in 24 hours that man with the mantle will be dead she prophelied she prophelied elijah unfortunately freaked out he should have known the following who speaks into you is much more important than who speaks about you you see there is a battle there's a battle going on right now and the battle is between your mind and your mantle the battle was between your mind and your mantle the battle was between the thoughts in your head and the calling upon your life the battle was between anxiety and anointing the battle was between your memories and your imagination but how many know the battle has already been won [Applause] first corinthians 15 57 christ is our victory let nothing move you now jezebel said in 24 hours the prophet will be dead here's the story 24 hours passed elijah did not die 48 hours pass elijah did not die what if i tell you a week passed and the man with the mantle did not die what if i tell you a decade passed and the man of the mantle did not die what if i tell you a thousand years pass wait a second and the man with the mantle did not die what if i tell you has been approximately 2 800 years and elijah has yet to die the bible says in second kings chapter 2 verse 11 that elijah and elijah were walking together when a chariot of fire separated off and a whirlwind took him up and he never died [Applause] what does this mean for you not it means this when heaven starts it hell cannot stop it it means this whenever the forces of darkness have declared upon your calling the opposite will take place whatever hell has declared upon this generation the opposite will take place which means this generation will not be lost this generation will not be held captive by deviant ideologies or anti-christ agendas quite the opposite this generation will usher in the greatest awakening in human history for the glory of the risen christ [Music] because when your integrity when your integrity is more important than your influence nothing can stop you when you are driven by anointing rather than ambition nothing can stop you when your hunger for righteousness is greater than your fear of criticism nothing can stop you and when your praise is louder than your pain when your praise is louder than your pain when your praise is louder than your pain nothing can stop you because when heaven starts it hell can not stop it give god your best shout out [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] the greatest place to be at the most beautiful place to be at christopher is to be at the feet of jesus come on can you just give him a praise offering in this place [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] my [Music] and there is power in the name of jesus freedom in the name of jesus christ [Music] you [Applause] [Music] you you are beautiful [Music] [Music] can you just say that you're beautiful jesus so it is [Music] [Music] oh i will stay before your feet and here lord i give my life i give my dreams i give you everything oh everything is yours everything i own my future my past my present is yours [Music] can we just lift up your hands right now and just begin to worship him and just say lord i give you my life i give you my life entrego me vida senor if i have you i have everything i need [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] dancing [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] this is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how great you are hallelujah [Applause] there is jubilee in this place [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i is [Music] [Music] foreign is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] below i couldn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on can i tell you how encouraged i am by all of you guys we got to give a shout out to everybody that's in the sun just worshiping jesus with all their heart so good so good i want to tell you is we're here over 12 hours it's not just information that you're going to get but i really believe that god's going to impart something so even throughout the day as speakers are coming worship's coming i really believe that god wants to not just give you information but he's going to release an impartation to you whether you're in the sun shade whether you just showed up god wants to release an impartation i want to continue to encourage you guys listen i was a youth pastor for over 10 years can i youth pastor everybody in here you got to get water go get water make sure you stay hydrated we want to make sure that we can get all of you all the way to the night can you do that with us yep if you need to get in some shade get some shade and then you can get up there right hey listen we're excited to jump in to the next segment hey can i just ask this real quick have we been we're talking about the church right now and just what god is doing to activate the church if you're a senior pastor here could you just stand up raise your hand first real quick if you're a senior pastor here come on will you just give them a hand real quick we're so grateful for you guys come on i'm gonna invite some friends out they're gonna jump on hello i'd like to speak to them all to the women here for a moment women in the stands women in the boxes women on the field do you know that this segment of this end is called the underrepresented part of the send and i'm speaking to women right now which is so ironic to me did you know that two-thirds of the body of christ is women two-thirds of the workforce of the body of christ is women i don't think you're understanding the gravity of what i'm saying to you right now imagine look around in this stadium right now look at all these seats now imagine if the whole field and the whole lower part of the bowl disappeared and was completely gone that is the representation of women in the body of christ today and you know we're in a war right you know we're in a battle what is the battle over women it's over your voice it's over your voice it's over you as a messenger it's over you as a life-giver if the enemy can silence two-thirds of the evangelistic voices in this generation how will the lost ever be reached now i know that there's a plethora of excuses i could go down right now but really women we have one and it is a plague for us we diminish and we defer someone else is more gifted someone else is more experienced someone else has a greater anointing they have a personality to do that being a vessel for jesus is not a personality we are in an urgent hour and we do not have time women to consider our frailty or our luck when jesus said go when the word came out to go he already took into account your weaknesses if you have a bible if you have a phone women write down judges 5 12 because there was a judge in israel her name was deborah and the verse 12 she writes wake up wake up wake up and sing your song women you have a song to sing every single one of you but why was deborah writing wake up there's three reasons listen through the lens of our culture the nation was under siege by an overpowering army number two there was a crisis in leadership number three the people had lost their courage to fight it's the same today isn't it the same today we're overwhelmed with the crisis we're overwhelmed with the needs there is a shortage of leaders women there's a shortage of women leading out and so many have lost their courage to stand in the truth of the gospel of jesus christ but david prophesied this in the psalms listen to this he said the lord announces the word and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng a mighty throne women deborah didn't get someone else to meet the need she didn't say a prayer she awoke herself she stirred herself and said get up face the problem deborah rallied a nation and conquered the enemy women don't dare don't dare don't dare diminish yourself he loves you he loves you he loves you some of you have let your dreams die some of you have given up on the call some of you haven't reached out for the courage to speak but today that ends today that ends i'm asking you to say to yourself wake up how many nations could be reached how many problems could be solved how many needs could be met if you were activated in love women i'm asking you to say today wake up women you have a voice and it is time for the silence to be broken women will you stand up with me right now i want you to say out loud with me just like deborah did awake awake just the women awake awake lift up and shout to jesus women just stay standing right now we want you to know that there is no need for you to be underrepresented anymore why should we be underrepresented when the spirit of the sovereign lord is upon you and he has anointed you to preach good news and to set captives free i'm telling you today gone will be the days where we speak of female world shakers as if that breed of women has come and gone this is who we are you were born to shake the nations god has anointed us to bring good news and to set captives free to break bonds into loose chains as we were studying the women's movements throughout history you see that so many women's movements were born out of oppression and out of pain but the women's movement that is coming in is here now [Music] will be born of the spirit we need a movement that will be born of the spirit it's our time say it's our time it's our time we are going to the red light districts come with us we are going to the middle east come with us we are going to trek the himalayas come with us we are going to the hurting and the broken come with us we are going to adopt and foster children come with us we are going to shake the nations come with us come with us look at your sister and say come with us you can take a seat if you need to for a moment in ecclesiastes chapter 3 we see the words of the wisest man who has ever lived and he said this about life he said to everything there is a season and there is a time for every purpose under heaven and when we think about the times i often think about the sons of issachar who were mighty men in around king david's era and they understood the times that they lived in and they knew what the nation should do and when we think about the times in which we live and what we've navigated over the past two years we can see that america has been in a time of racial reckoning and we can see that this reckoning has happened in part because there is a people group living among you in america who are the descendants of the historic african diaspora the scattering around the world and this people have been a people of tears a people who have dwelled in a perpetual mourning due to the consequences of the fall of man there is no people group on earth that has not experienced this the pain of the scourge of the human condition as manifested within systems of oppression one of the reasons we've been in mourning is because black men and women younger than me have found a residence in prisons and in graveyards and this is due in large part to the church's failure to articulate a vision that's worth living for instead of a destiny that's worth dying for on the streets of america but i'm here tonight today to present to you a bold and audacious new vision to raise up once again a historic african-american missions movement [Music] [Applause] i want to challenge the church and today challenge you to answer a radical call to purpose beyond the basketball courts and beyond the football fields into the global harvest field up from slavery out from the devastation of the global scattering to a glorious global ingathering out of mourning and into dancing we see in scripture it says blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted and i believe the words of dr king many years ago in his famous speech he said we shall overcome he said one day we will adjourn the councils of despair and bring new light into the dark corridors of pessimism i believe that that one day could in fact be today it is time to dismiss mourning it is time to dismiss despair we cannot lament forever it is time that we come out of our asses and begin to dance with heaven on the mountaintops of the nations we not only shall overcome we have overcome we have overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony but how can they hear the word of our overcoming testimony unless they preach and how can they preach unless they are sent i hear an old song that our ancestors used to sing that said children go where i send thee how shall i send thee i'm here today because we must answer that that question that our ancestors are singing to us from the cloud of witnesses and there's a missional dilemma today it's less than one half of one percent of the foreign missionaries and workers in the nations less than one half of one percent are from the african diaspora but today we are privileged to have two of those rare laborers with us on the stage and we want to receive their testimonies hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus jesus you're the famous one my name is david and i've been serving in four missions to the unreached particularly muslims for the last eight years and i have a i have to fear the lord because when i look at my black brothers and sisters here i'm not calling you to something easy in one country i lived in i was spit on every day drug for two blocks almost kidnapped and in that moment in that moment of of of getting ready to to die in persecution for the sake of jesus i said to myself lord am i ready this is not a call to comfort so many doors has opened up to me because of my history as a black man in oppression imagine us going to nations where people are living under governmental oppression systematic oppression and we show up as a new people of a new race of a new kingdom is saying though it has happened though i've been suffering though i've been in pain i've seen one that's worthy who's preparing a better place for me this is not our home listen to me i'm not i don't want no hype i don't want you to just sign up for something and pay a lot of money for something i want you to to go into the school of holy spirit leading my life that is the only thing that will sustain you i've been to 14 countries in each country i've been to i've suffered not from my testimony of jesus in places of islamic strongholds but because of my black skin this has caused me pain but he's my joy we have a part to play for my wife brothers and sisters look at your brother look at your black brother look at your black sister we are all in this together i remember i remember being in a country and i show up and me and my wife brother we're laughing we're we're related we're loving each other and the arab a muslim comes up to us he says hey you should be a slave he pointed at me and said you should be a slave and he pointed at my white teammate and he said you should be a king how do you all love each other and we were able to preach a gospel we were able to preach a kingdom where the king's blood has been shed not just to reconcile us but to make us related and this is the only hope for the nations more doors open when we're on the field more people open up when our teams are diverse it is time for us to take our place no one can tell your story black boy black girl no one can only you can and i welcome you to give it all give it all for the sake and worthiness of jesus christ he's worthy and i have not yet regretted giving him my everything you won't either and i'll bless you in jesus name [Music] [Applause] jesus is so worthy and this gospel is still living in us this gospel is still alive for us and our community i'm burdened because if you guys know the last two years have been hard and i'm so thankful for my admissions community iris global but the last two years have been hard for many black people and my heart is burdened because if you did not know in the last two years more a significant amount of black people have left the church they've left the very thing that has kept them all these years i'm burdened when i look around my community and they say it's the white man's gospel or they say it's not for our community because it's been used to oppress us doesn't matter what anyone preaches i tell you today that this gospel is still alive and it still has the power to transform our community so don't give hope on the church black community don't give up on the church don't give up on the church return to the altar return to your altar not the altar that has been given by all these agendas but return to the altar of the grace of god may he bind us together with chords of love to the altar i know it's hard and i know we don't always are not always understood but we must return you guys they've left the church look around there should be more of us but they've laughed because they say the church does not have what we need but it does don't give up on this gospel this is our faith right here this is our hope this living hope we have and it was passed to us from generation to generation to generation gen you can see whatever this generation is i'm so sorry do not be the generation that drops what your ancestors paid for with their back do not be the generation that drops this gospel because you didn't feel understood do not waste the tears that our ancestors paid that we could have this we can have it freely don't drop it pick up your race again pick up your cross returned to the altar i came out a nation of islam i came out a nation of islam and this gospel is still alive in me i'm grateful for the saving words of a man named jesus christ i had nowhere to go but he found me don't give up on this gospel come on can we take a moment to stand if you can can we stand for a moment we're gonna pray in just a minute i was just recently in burundi a beautiful nation in east africa and we saw in one week 5 000 people give their lives to jesus [Applause] [Music] black men and women we don't have time to be silent about jesus we don't have time jesus christ has saved us and he has sent us to preach the gospel to a dying world around us but can i ask have you ever stepped out and you felt boxed in by the culture and the expectations around you well i'm here today to say that our god is a god that breaks boxes and he is raising up come on a generation of box breakers who would say i am black and i have seen king jesus i've met him and you can meet him too to say i am a minority and i am burning for jesus to be known in my generation box breakers box breakers and the box breaking starts on your high school campus on your university campus in your sphere of influence that is your field i have had the joy of seeing people give their lives to jesus from southeast asia to east africa from ivy league universities to inner cities the truth is people everywhere are looking for truth they're looking for jesus how will they know how will they know did you know that this next generation is about to be majority minority did you know that there's gen c today and generation alpha is about to be 51 black brown hispanic asian american arab how will they know black men and women other voices are calling your name but i'm here today to say that there is a voice of someone far greater who is shouting your name and it's king jesus and he's saying do you see that the fields are ripe for harvest that means do you see that the people around you are ready to meet jesus what will happen as black men and women rise up and break the boxes of cultural expectations and instead send a shockwave of the name of jesus christ across the nations that say we are minorities black and brown and we have seen the king of glory he's seated on high ruling above every other name and mercy love and justice black voices the king is calling you black men and women the king is calling you pioneers visionaries [Music] the king is calling your name and living for jesus and answering his call listen to me it's so much more than just going to a church service every week and saying my life will declare the name of jesus [Applause] the field assigned to your life is ready today accept your calling jesus right now we pray come on join with me in prayer jesus right now we pray for a mighty wave across black men and women across minorities arabs asians caribbeans hispanics a mighty wave of the call of king jesus the lord of the harvest we ask that every lie would be dismantled and god we ask for a mighty yes today to call on their lives yeah right now if you're a part of the majority culture just put your hand on someone of color a person of color next to you this is your inheritance god wants to raise up a multi-ethnic missions movement where we serve one another and if you are a young black man or a young black woman right now if you feel the lord burning i just want you to raise your hands towards heaven right now you feel a burning and we're going to continue to pray over you father we ask you in the name of jesus father as you did we just servant paul lord we ask you for young black men and women father we ask you for the revealing of the glory and the beauty of your son father we ask you father across the nation lord we ask you that you'd release revelation concerning the glory the majesty the splendor the love of your son father and father we ask you lord lord that you would set prophetic singers and musicians father upon the wall of intercession father to contend for an historic breakthrough father in this nation and the nations of the earth in jesus name father we call forth a generation of laborers from out of the black community and father even as you grip my heart many years ago i pray even in this moment grip the heart of men and women that are burdened for the gospel father we pray for an unquenchable fire to be released upon our hearts and a fascination with jesus christ that does not dwindle as we walk through life we pray for the fire of god to come upon the church in this nation like never before father release an evangelistic anointing upon your ecclesia that will be thrust forth into the fields of harvest for they are ripe and ready to be reaped for the glory of god may jesus receive the reward of his suffering lord the world would say that we need to be woke but lord we say we need an awakening from heaven god oh the world would say critical race here theory but lord we would say that unity in diversity is critical to the kingdom of heaven but i called forth for the african diaspora to answer the call to the nations but i ask that you would remove every chain that would try to hinder in jesus name and i declare right now that the spirit of the sovereign lord is upon you because he has anointed you to preach good news to the poor it's the spirit of the sovereign lord that is upon you it is not about your finances or your lack of finances your network or your lack of network it's about the spirit of the sovereign lord that's upon you right now so we say right now and join with us if you have your hand on someone join me in saying we need you we need you rise up take your place we need you we need what you carry rise up and take your place the time is now okay listen we want to we're going to take a few minutes in praying to this right now and we want to pray in the multi-ethnic revival we believe that god wants to release a multi-ethnic revival that we're to run together so we're going to have some that are representing different ethnicities just to come and pray right now somebody say the name of jesus [Music] come on i said someone say the name of jesus come on right now we're in a moment i know we've been standing that's the anointing on you come on that's the anointing sweating down i want everyone to stand if you're outside getting food come on in and i get the honor of being latino myself to pray for the latinos where you at come on hispanics where are you at gonna read you a bible verse and then we're gonna pray for you it says in matthew it says this it says all of authority all of authority in heaven on earth has been given to me go therefore make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit and teaching them to observe all that i have commanded of you and behold i am with you to the end of the age we're going to pray but i want you to hear this everyone together stand on your feet do you know that latinos are 18 of the of america and by 2045 latinos will be the majority minorities in america here's what i want you to do if you're latino in the room i want you to lift your hands high lift them high lift them on if you see a latino around you i want you to lay your hands on them come on whatever age you are latino hispanic if you're 10 18 20 80. god has a call on your life when i was 17 years old someone said god had a call on my life and it changed everything now is your moment let's pray come on let's pray together lord i pray right now in jesus name lord i pray for every latino and hispanic in the room god i pray for the fire of god god right now i play for the fuego come on fuego but we pray for an anointing god right now lord the permission to be commissioned in jesus name come on lift your voice for 10 more seconds gotta pray that this would be the moment that everything changes this will be the moment that everything changes in jesus name someone lift your voice come on we're going to pray one more time for the latinos here we go it's our time i need you to understand something that being a lead woman an enlightened man is not a weak thing it is your greatest strength in the kingdom of god so if you're hearing my voice right now and you are going to send you to the mission field if you want god to use you for your people put your hands in the air jesus i pray right now that you had commissioned every single male and female that their inheritance our souls your inheritance is souls you are soul winners lovin you are passionate men you are laborers for the harvest jesus send them a place no more compromise no more idols no more religion [Music] jesus i pray right now we bring every idol of their lives revelation of jesus revelation on the cross over their lives right now the name of jesus do it father raise up the generation of latin men and women fierce about the gospel in jesus name on behalf of all slavic americans i want to say america thank you we love america we're so grateful for this nation we're so grateful that it took us as immigrants our grandparents were prisons for the faith our grandparents suffered from communistic anti-god government nations that persecuted imprisoned and killed christians and our parents had a dream that we would come to a place because of americans that came to our nations and we're missionaries we're a product of american missionaries and now we have come back to america and now god is raising up the slavic americans in america to all the different spheres of society and god is doing something unique many cities all over this nation there are 15 nations that represent the slavics 130 different people groups and god is doing something radical it's a it's it's a community that are passionate it's a community that like are crazy about jesus and we are here america and we want you to know we aren't going anywhere this has now become our nation you have now become our people and we're here to see america flip upside down for jesus so father we thank you raising of every slavic american they were born here and immigrated here and we declare this is our time with we are so excited god we thank you for this opportunity in history and we are here and we say yes yes yes in jesus name [Music] i speak to every asian american person right now raise your hand raise your hand i speak to you right now lay hands on your asian american brothers and sisters i speak to you and i say arise arise your voice is needed father i declare a decree right now god the anointing to fall on the asian american community god that will break every yo god we just say that the glory of the lord is upon you that asian america's asian voices are needed go forth you are proclaimers of the gospel evangelists evangelists messengers messengers i break right now every generational curse of shame and condemnation right now i declare god for every shame god there will be a double portion of honor god a double portion of rejoicing over the women god over i speak to the women right now asian women you are not overlooked you are not dismissed you are not rejected you are accepted you are accepted by the love of god i thank you jesus that you're raising us up i thank you god all glory to god [Applause] for jesus shout for joy shout for god come on after this i looked and belonged a great multitude that no one could number from every nation from all tribes and peoples and languages is standing before the throne and before the lamb and crying out with a loud voice salvation belongs to our god hallelujah stretch your hands right now and hold the hand of the person next to you if you pray the spirit let's pray the spirit right now hey love you jesus put on grace all glory of her glory that your fire would fall upon us we pray father god release your fire to the nations to europe to europe to asia to africa to south america a great multitude with fire shouting with our voice salvation belongs to the land part of the call that we have when we say that we're believing god for a harvest that we're believing god for a multi-ethnic revival part of this call is a radical call to discipleship i can tell you as a senior pastor walking with many senior pastors the theme that i hear again and again and again with pastors right now is that there is a desperate need for discipleship to be happening i think that one of the things that happened the last season was that god revealed the lack of depth and maturity in the lives of believers and one of the things happened in this past season it was a great revealing it was a great revealing season where we realized so many of us that we thought were mature lacked depth and maturity but at the same time i believe that not only was it a season of revealing but it was a season of invitation that jesus is is inviting us to a radical life of discipleship that we would embrace discipleship and that we would disciple others that that the holy spirit has been given to you to transform you and sanctify you to look like jesus and so we're going to take a moment this call is not just about the harvest but it's about discipleship as well we're going to have francis come up and just share you guys many of us are here because we're saying here am i send me and that's great but it's not enough because if you study the new testament the new testament is not just about here am i send me it is about here we are send us it is about the local church it is about the church that the gates of hell cannot stand against if you go out by yourself thinking you will change the world you will fail you cannot change the world but god says we can that something about our unity when we come together as one that's the power he promises that hell can't stand again that's what sammy was screaming about it's about the church and so we have to get rid of this individualism that says here am i and start recognizing the body and we have to stop saying i don't need you i'm just going to grab a group of 20 year olds and we are no you have to look at us us grandparents and say i need you [Music] and i'm looking at you that have been sitting in the sun for five hours i go i need you because i can't do that anymore okay we need each other and just a few months ago andy byrd and myself and a couple other christian leaders we got together to pray we started praying because we're saying you know everyone's freaked out that our major cities in the u.s are becoming like post-christian and we're going we're not afraid of that god god created us for this time he knew that was going to happen and it's actually our time to step up and we began to seek the lord together and just in prayer thoughts started coming to our mind where we said what if we drop our individual branding and we just started working together and we just train up the next generation and and we as older leaders were saying what if it's not about us but our whole job now is to work together and be that support for the younger generation and then we send them out after we equip them to the hundred most unchurched cities in the u.s and so we decided let's do this let's work on this together and we just started this thing called the 100 cities initiative where we want to work together with the younger generation believing that the church together was going to be that unstoppable force and so we just want to challenge you encourage you that if you hear my voice right now and you're saying i don't want to change the world but i want to be a part of a team with people that are older and younger and will step up because for too long we put too much pressure on one person like a senior pastor is going to change a city and that's why we even says let's get them together and let's train them together and then let's send out teams to some of these unreached teams where people have apostolic gifts others have prophetic gifts some have teaching gifts some have shepherding gifts some have evangelistic gifts but let's get the young and old together in teams and go to these cities and so if you go in your send app i'm sure it's in there somewhere but uh just join us but here's the thing if we could just just slow down i start yelling once the music gets louder and i don't have to um look it's real easy right now to go yes let's do it together but a year down the road when you get on each other's nerves and the bible says bear with one another it's not so easy it's really easy to say yes i'll go here we are send us it's a lot harder when someone in leadership asks you to submit to something and so i don't this is not a rally hey let's go come on sign up no we've brought a couple of prayer warriors here to pray for this that this really would be born of the spirit that you would see how much we need you in the body of christ because we can change the world you can't i can't but this is what scripture says that unity but satan's going to do everything he can to divide us and so we've asked some of the church leaders to come and just pray over you we want to take a minute we want to pray for all the current youth pastors that are here today if you are currently a youth pastor middle school pastor high school pastor you're in youth ministry right now could you raise your hand we want to see you wherever you are turn around stretch your hands towards them if you are a youth pastor right now we're going to pray over you if you're watching online and you're in youth ministry gather around them stretch your hands towards them god we pray that you would encourage the youth pastors right now god i pray that you would encourage them in the work that they're doing remind them god that the work they're doing in the next generation is worth it god i pray that you would remind them that revival is not coming to the youth but revival is here in the youth and that what they're doing is important god i pray that you would keep them in the trenches for those that feel discouraged for those that feel ready to give up because they haven't seen what they've wanted to see god let this event be what catalyzes them to commit long term to the youth of their church to the call of god on their life for the next generation god i pray we pray for divine wisdom and heaven revelation on how they're to reach gen z that you would download to them with clarity and conviction god how to reach their youth in their local church god we pray that as they leave this event and they go back to their city they would have the fresh word of god for their city for their church for their youth be it five be a 15 be a 50 or 500 god give them the word that you're speaking for their youth group and we pray they'd be filled with boldness god fill them with boldness just pray for boldness and endurance to run the race step before them we pray for endurance to the call of youth ministry to be over them right now and lastly we pray isaiah 40 31 over them as you wait on the lord in your in your lane on the field of youth ministry we pray that god would renew your strength that you would mount up on wings like eagles that you would run and not grow weary we come against weariness we come against discouragement we come against comparison we bind every lie of the enemy that you're not called and equipped to do what you're doing and we say you are you are needed you are called you are equipped you have what you need we bless you we bless your youth ministry we pray we pray over you that god would fill you that he would fill you right now with fresh vision with fresh vision for the next generation thank you father and we thank you god for those that are in the work right now for those that are investing their lives in the next generation you are investing your life in revival and an awakening in america and a generation coming to know the power and love of god we bless you in the mighty name of jesus amen for the last two years for the last two years i've been traveling all across america connecting with youth pastors and youth leaders and i'm here to tell you two things is that there is awakening happening in youth groups all over america the second thing i want to share with you is that i believe that god is calling the next generation of movement leaders into next-gen ministry and youth ministry and i believe even today some of you are getting marked with a vision for revival some of you are getting marked with the vision to reach your generation and i want to pray for you i want to pray for these movement leaders to arise i want to pray for these movement leaders to be marked with the message of the gospel to represent jesus to the next generation with truth and power would you raise your voice and begin to pray for god to call in the next wave of movement leaders with me right now jesus we ask that you would call forth the next wave of movement leaders to represent the gospel to the next generation god we pray for awakening all over youth church youth youth leaders in america today in jesus name my name is randy frazee and i am a senior pastor right here in the great city of kansas city and i have the privilege of praying for senior pastors lead pastors if you would raise your hand all over the place and encourage you to extend a hand to them and as you do before i pray for them this is my lovely wife of 40 years yeah and we have a son that was born without a left hand everything from the elbow down was gone at the age of five when he was in sunday school the sunday school teacher was teaching the the kids about church and she had them do this very familiar exercise if you know what do it with me here's the church here's the steeple open the door and see all the people then she turned around and invited the students to do the same thing not realizing that our son couldn't do it by himself before she could intercede my son's best friend reached over and said here david let me lend you my hand and they did it together here's a church here's a steeple open the door and see all the people that illustration should never again be done by an individual because the church is not me but as francis said the church is us and so today i want to invite you to find a person and do it together with me you take your right hand they take their left hand let's do it together here is the church here's the steeple open the door and see all the people extend a hand to a senior minister a lead minister one that has the call of god in their life to do it heavenly father right now there are those who are saying that there are over 2 500 churches in kansas city but today we say no there is not some say that there are over 400 000 churches in the united states but today we say no there is not some say there are millions of churches around the world but today we say no there is not the truth is there is only one church and that church belongs to jesus christ and to him alone and we lift up our voices and praise to him and father today i get the privilege of praying for senior pastors and lead pastors and those right now father that in this moment you are stirring to become senior pastors lead pastors who all we are is under shepherds for you i pray for them right now in these last few years that have been so challenging they've received so much criticism and so many of them want to quit i pray today lord that your spirit would encourage them not to quit but to stay in the race and i pray that you would give them wisdom and humility as they lead and father right now i also pray for the young people standing before us that right now your spirit is stirring within them to take the mantle of leadership just like you did for me when i was 15 years old may they simply say yes knowing that you have the ability to carry them all the way and we pray this all in the mighty name of jesus and the church the one church of jesus shouted amen amen i want to just take a moment before we go back into worship and that the strength and the power of this gathering won't just be about today it really is whether or not you leave this place and engage the call this is this this is called descend on purpose this is not called the gathering it's called the sin the reality is is that you need to be sent from this place to engage the call of god on your life and your top call is to love jesus and then to disciple people to pour your life out for others so we really want to call you and challenge you to engage in this so what the sin wants to do is come alongside you and call you to discipleship but also help you if you feel called to evangelize and disciple the communities that you're in if you feel called to evangelize and disciple the people that are in your world that you're around every day we want to help you with that there's three ways that you can engage with that if you've got if you've got your phone out if you've got the app you can get on your app there'll be a qr code on the side as well but there's something called bless every home is one alpha is another and then planting church homes is the third and there are three ways that we want to come alongside you and help equip you and strengthen and encourage you they'll be follow up on this listen i i want everybody to stop just real quick there's a lot of stuff coming at you today but the importance is is that you engage what you feel the lord calling you to and there is a call to radical discipleship to give our lives to this to evangelize and disciple and so you're going to see a qr code get on the app you can scan the qr code or get on the app and sign up for one of these communities bless every home alpha planting home churches you will get followed up with and they want to come alongside and equip and walk with you and run with you on this are you with me don't leave here not engaging don't leave here not signing up for this stuff sound good all right we're gonna go back in some worship [Applause] what a powerful last few segments we've had um and even now as you're responding and taking action you know if you haven't downloaded that app download that app that's how we're doing all of our call to actions today through all the different things we're calling you to different mission fields but i have yasmin here hello hello with circuit riders and she's been doing some incredible things we just got out talking about underrepresented communities in the missions world and i really would love for you to bring us into what you've been doing through black voices some of the different things you've been doing share a testimonial yes bring us in we'd love to hear absolutely no this is so significant you know in the whole missions movement out of america you know how much is black less than one percent of missionaries out of america but you know a fun fact is that historically the first missionary to leave the shores of america to preach the gospel in another nation was actually a freed slave named george miles you should look it up but so what we're seeing is that god is calling forth young black men and women to say whether it's foreign missions or missions to my neighborhood missions to my sphere of influence my life is about declaring jesus's name and we're seeing a harvest of people meeting jesus on hbcus on college campuses and the amazing thing is it's once they understand man it's this isn't about critical race theory it's about saying man i've seen king jesus and he created me who i am as i am for a reason and i'm going to step into a fullness of declaring the gospel so yeah we've been seeing hundreds gathering all across america and cities with this black voices and come on it's just an honor to be here all together come on come on 20 more seconds i want you just to pray yes for someone watching who feels so relatable to this i want you to pray for them right now yeah jesus we ask right now for a fire from god that would break off any excuse any hesitation to use their voice for the gospel black man black woman black boy black girl he is yes come on guys we're going to jump back in with dunamis download the app if you haven't downloaded it yet we're going to jump back in with dunamis come on [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] for the kingdom come the kingdom of god oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i will sing with you [Music] is [Music] i'll go [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we want to see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] using [Music] come with your [Music] kingdom joy [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] sure we want to see [Applause] [Music] see that today jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i hate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] is [Applause] [Music] foreign hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you thank you well again we're gonna take a moment [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] okay father we thank you we thank you that we have access to your presence and again we ask by the holy spirit to ignite a new fire a greater fire in our heart for your word i'm going to ask you all to go ahead and have a seat for just a few moments we're going to take a couple minutes each one of us then we're going to go right back into worship i want to share just a few moments i'm going to share just a few moments my journey as a young man in college in the word of god i'm gonna have everybody just just for a moment there you go i appreciate that when i was in college i loved jesus i loved meetings i love to go to meetings and i love ministry trips but when i got alone and read the word it was boring and confusing and i was in trouble in my heart because i said lord i love you and i love ministry i love witnessing but when it's just you and me alone it's something's not right now the problem is i was at the university of missouri and i was teaching a weekly bible study so i had to study the bible to get a message and i didn't really know the bible and i would spend hours two three hours a day two three four days a week reading the bible to find a message but i said lord my heart is getting more dull and i'm reading the bible longer hours this does not make sense to me and i felt spiritually bored when i opened the bible though i love to go to meetings and do ministry trips and i was reading looking for a sermon and i stumbled into like a lightning strike i don't want to exaggerate it but it was like a bolt of lightning hit my head that's a little exaggerated but it changed my life i want to share the passage with you john chapter five i'm gonna have to put him up there john chapter 5 verse 39 and 40. now catch this stay with this jesus told the leaders of israel he said you're searching the scriptures that's what i was doing i was studying two or three four hours a day two or three days four days a week but i was growing more spiritually bored he said you search the scriptures because you think in them you have eternal life here it is verse 40. watch but you're unwilling to come and talk to me in the scriptures so you'd have life it was like the light went on i didn't talk to the to the living word when i read the written word and i begin this journey many years ago in college where i would begin to read the word not just define material to talk about but as conversation material with a real person and i began to take the promises of the word instead of just underlining them i would say something like thank you lord show me more the simple little phrases that would read commandments exhortations to obey instead of just underlining i would say yes jesus help me more little paragraph i mean little sentences the shock of my life i begin to enjoy the word because i was coming to a person talking to him and i was finding life in the word i thought it would never happen one more passage mary of bethany most of us know this one luke chapter 10 mary of bethany she sat at jesus feet to listen to his word to engage in conversation with him i believe this is a model for this generation and our sister complained we know the story in luke 10 and jesus said don't criticize your younger sister mary's talking to the older sister martha now look at this it says for the one thing is needed and your little sister she has chosen the good part i thought that was so exaggerated for jesus to say only one thing is needed what he was saying you begin on this trajectory and many other issues will fall into line and mary chose this good part and jesus put a stamp on the necessity of sitting before him in conversation he called it the good part many years later 40 years later whatever i found the shock of my life i love reading the bible and i thought i never would that was a miracle to me so i offer you that little testimony amen and i am uh stay up here mike actually hold my bible for me um i'm honored to be here with mike and christine because the bible says that the church is actually the pillar that holds up the truth this is our job is we stand on this word and that's why i love being with you too because we love this book okay it's not the thoughts that come through our heads it is what god says about himself and here's what's happened though is here's a word of god and there was a time when the world at least in america we weren't far from the word of god and so we i'll just use this little guy as the church and the world we were kind of all here this is what our nation was founded on and so you would see it even in the old shows you know when they when they first showed like a bedroom it would they would even have separate beds for the husband and wife because they're like we're not going to show a husband and wife in one bed even that it's like so they were in separate beds even though it's not real life but they just wanted to be pure but then what started happening christine if you go here you'll represent the world you just look more worldly than mike um then but what happens is the world starts going well we're going to push it a little further we're not going to watch those we're going to we're going to put a man and a woman in the same bed in the bedroom and the christians like no i trust in the word of god i'm not going to be like you but then the world goes okay now you stay here the world goes okay well we're going to show the husband and wife cuddling bed and then so the the christian goes well i'm not going to watch that but i'll just be right here because i'm not like the world but then the world goes further and they go you know we're gonna show a little nudity you know we're gonna show them you know just in skimpy outfits and the christian goes well i'm not gonna do that but i'll watch them you know just kind of roll around in bed a little bit and then you stay there you're the word of god you're not supposed to move okay but then you can see what's happening the world keeps going further and further while now there's full-on sex scenes and yet the christian goes well i'm not going to watch that a little bit of nudity isn't so bad i'm not like the world and the world goes further and it just gets more and more immoral and then we're like well they're married and in bed and so it's okay to watch the but you see what happens the bible says you were dead in your trespasses following the course of this world following the prince of the power of the air the spirit that's now in the you know working the sons of disobedience we're way over here and the word of god is back there you see what the enemy is doing we just keep making ourselves feel good because we're one step better than the world but god has not called us to do that and we are believing in a generation that says that doesn't say well i need to be close to the world so i can relate to them but we're looking for a generation that goes i don't care what you think about me i'm going to stand on the word of god this is the truth and i'm going to stand here no matter how ridiculous i look to the world because i'm not going to follow the course of the world because blessed is a man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the path of sinners or sit in the seat of scoffers going yeah those those christians he goes but but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law he meditates day and night and he'll be like a tree planted in streams of water that's who we are calling you to be we will look ridiculous to the world but that's exactly what god has called us to be because of his word amen wow wait a second next time we do this we'll make him be the globe guy okay we'll shift rolls okay that's awesome that was so powerful you know when i was um two weeks before my 33rd birthday i got a letter well my brother called me to say that he got a letter from the australian government to say that he had been adopted and we were taken in shock because we had no idea and he said i'm going to go and confront mum my dad had died when we were 19. and so george was going to go to my mom's house to ask her about why um you know why this big family secret he was 35 years old i was two weeks out from my 33rd birthday and this was a big family secret obviously he just gets a letter that says he's been adopted he goes to my mom's house and we're greek and greeks are very volatile they act first and think later so i'm thinking this whole thing could blow up so i go i'm going to go to my mum's house and see what's going to happen i walked in at the moment my brother was giving my mom this piece of paper from the government and my mother took this piece of paper and her whole face changed and she said george i'm so sorry all of the adoption laws in australia there were closed adoptions 35 years ago we never thought you would find out and before your father died we promised him i promised him that i would never tell him and so i tore up all of the paperwork i threw it away and that was it i never thought you would find out so you could imagine in this moment my brother finds out he's adopted after 35 years my brother starts crying my mother's crying the dog's crying you know snot's flying it's all happening and i go into the kitchen because i think what am i going to do i'm a greek girl i'm going to make some baklava i'm going to make some food we're going to solve everything so i go to the kitchen my mother comes in after me and she says to me christina since we're telling the truth today do you want to know the whole truth two weeks out from my 33rd birthday i don't even know why i did this i turned around i said to my mother i've been adopted too and my mom just started bawling her eyes out and she said yes and guys that day every fact that i thought to be true about my life changed what my heritage was what my name was what all of the facts about my life changed and to this day at this end i don't know the facts surrounding my conception i don't know if i was the result of a one-night stand i don't know if i was the result of an adulterous affair i don't know if i was the result of a rape but although i do not know the facts i've discovered something on the planet that's a lot more powerful than the fact that it's called the truth of the word of god and ephesians 2 verse 10 does not say that i am the workmanship of a rape or an adulterous affair it says that we are his workmanship and that we've been recreated in christ jesus for good works that god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them about a year later i got my birth certificate and my social worker report and my birth certificate when it came in it said child's name unnamed number 2508 of 1966. my social worker report said that my biological mother did not want to have me and wanted to get the whole thing over and done with as quickly as possible i was holding two pieces of paper my social worker report and my birth certificate they were the facts the facts said unnamed number 2508 of 1966 the fact said unwanted from the social work department of the royal hospital for women where i was born i was holding two piece of papers the facts and i felt the holy spirit say christine open the word to isaiah 49 verse 1 and in isaiah 49 verse 1 it said from the womb of your mother i have named your name i want you to hear this in one hand i had the facts unnamed 2508 of 1966 in the other hand i had the truth that said from the womb of my mother he's named his name and the holy spirit said christine in this moment it's going to take you as much faith to believe the facts as the truth both are black and white ink on paper but where you put your faith will determine your destiny and john 8 32 says if you abide in the word then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free well in that moment i had a choice am i going to believe the black and white ink on paper facts or am i going to believe the black and white ink on paper truth because i had spent my years in the truth of the word of god i knew that i was going to make god's word bigger than that other word and if you build your life in this generation on just the facts of this world you will not step up and into the purpose god has for you but if we believe this black and white ink on paper the truth of the word of god if we build our life on this truth and declare the truth over the facts if you abide in my word then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free my brother spiraled because he didn't build it on the truth we both got exactly the same news but because i had built my life on the truth of the word of god and i believe what god said about me not what those documents said about me by god's grace i'm standing here today i want to inspire a generation to not build your life on the facts of your circumstances the facts of everything around you but build your life on the truth of the word of god so that you will walk in freedom in jesus name in jesus name all right we're back why you stand with me real quick we're going to pray that we can't hear this kind of uh exhortation around the word and not at least pray it for a moment and uh man if you're in the shade you're pumped right now if you're in the shade can you guys give it up for these guys on the field this is these are the and these guys in the stands here they're in the heat and in the sun this might be some of the hungriest people in america here today willing to just persevere in the heat put your hands on the shoulders of people on both sides of you we're going to pray and we're going to ask for a grace for hunger for the word right now that we would be a biblically minded generation we would fall in love with the word of god so would you lift your own voices right now pray for people on both sides of you just ask for hunger for the word of god pray for zeal for his word more than you've ever had in your life a longing to get up in the morning and get in the word pray for fresh revelation of the authority of the word that we would joyfully line our lives up to the word holy spirit we're asking for i'm asking for particularly for gen z would you help gen z fall in love with the bible today god i'm asking knit our hearts to the bible would i pray knit us to the authority of the scripture help us to fall in love with it lord i pray we would meet you in your word pray right now last thing just the grace to practically commit to reading the word pray for commitment pray for commitment in each other that we couldn't hear this and not do something about it now we're going to go back into worship in a moment here but as we've done throughout the day and we'll continue to especially in the second half of the day we can't hear these things without responding if you're in here and you really have never had a devotional life in the word but you want to go deeper then we are here to help you if you would pull out your phone again this is another opportunity to activate to respond we have bible reading plans that we prepared along the lines of the great commission the messaging of the sand activation if you need help getting into the word you're longing to go deeper but not sure where to start then just click that in the app or the qr code click the bible scriptures do you want to go deeper to go after god like never before in his word guys nothing better than finding jesus in his word amen nick friends can you believe it we're over halfway through the day today can i hear a shout to jesus i'm just going to give you a couple reminders really quick number one look at your neighbor and say you need to drink some water number two if you leave the stadium you cannot get back in and you're not going to want to miss tonight number three back here behind the stage we have a take action area everyone say take action area with a bunch of missional booths back there ministries that you can get connected to one in particular is voice of the martyrs they're raising up an army of intercessors and those who are willing to serve the persecuted church around the world if you're posting on social media make sure you use the hashtag to send kc and if you haven't downloaded the app go ahead and download the app but i need your attention very quickly just stop your conversation wherever you are because we're about to go into a new part of the day and the place that we're going is at the very heart of this end i want to hear everybody say action come on one more time action see at the heart of descend is action so there's a difference between wanting to go to the gym committing to go to the gym having a heart to go to the gym and then actually going to the gym we've had enough services where we've committed to something we've had enough moments where we say what our heart for is but today is about action lauren cunningham famously said go means a change of location that means if you leave today and you go back to your life and it doesn't look any different there's no mission field there's nobody you're reaching you go back to how life was you were never sent you came to this end but you did not go do do not take action see over the next bit of time you're going to be invited to take a step of yes to committing to a mission field now there's a gravity to these commitments i want you to consider them i want you to put them before the lord and as the lord begins to move in your heart i want you to make those commitments he's not going to tell you everything he's just going to say take your first step everybody say i'm going to take my first step so i want to watch this quick video about our mission fields and we're gonna go back into worship the send exists to activate every believer to live a missional lifestyle by adopting and reaching real mission fields at home and abroad as this end we have five core mission fields our first two fields are focused on reaching the next generation where they are on university and high school campuses right now there are 19.4 million university students in america yet only about 37 of campuses have an active gospel expression of those who do less than 5 percent of the student body is engaged in a christian group on campus and high schools are in the same boat with over 16.8 million high school students yet only 20 of high schools have a gospel expression this must change that's why we're believing for a salvation movement and an expression of the gospel on every campus in america you can engage by saying yes to a gospel expression on your campus not a student give a season of your life to traveling america as an evangelist and reaching students through circuit riders or one voice student missions globally there are 3.1 billion people who've never heard the gospel even once but as the church we have three thousand times the financial resources and nine thousand times the manpower to change them we're believing for a wave of new missionaries who are ready to give their life to preaching the gospel in every nation and finishing the great commission the best way to become a foreign missionary is to join an organization for a season of training and sending join frontiers pioneers the antioch movement or join youth with a mission for a discipleship training school get trained and go but what if god isn't calling you to campuses or to the nations then you're called to reach your community did you know if every person who attended church in america led just one person to jesus this year one-sixth of america would be saved we're believing for a paradigm shift of intentionality in reaching those around us with the gospel this will lead to a salvation movement in every city and a rapid church growth across america you can reach your city by praying caring for and sharing the gospel with your neighbor inviting people to the alpha course or by turning your dinner table into a place where people can meet jesus finally as this end we have chosen to join jesus in caring for vulnerable children this is the call of the body of christ and everyone can take part you can adopt if one family from every church in america adopted one child from the foster care system we would have no more orphans in america you can also support families at risk of losing their children to the foster care system due to lack of basic necessities you can meet the real needs of families in your community through care portal finally we're inviting you to join us and fueling family reunification across the world by giving to our partner one million home our dream is that we could end the global orphan crisis in one generation the question isn't whether you're called to be a missionary it's a decision of where you'll be a missionary all believers have been commissioned by jesus to live a missional life big impact always starts with small steps so take your first step by downloading the send app or by going to the and saying yes to a mission field [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we lift up our hands in the sanctuary [Music] [Music] are we lifting our hands in a sanctuary and we bless you lord anybody come to bless jesus yeah we bless you lord we declare [Music] [Applause] [Music] we declare joy in the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] and we bless you lord [Music] we bless you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's do it here we go come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bless the lord bless the lord [Music] bless the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] lift up [Applause] bless the lord [Applause] bless the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on put your hands together again again [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] do it again [Music] raise him on the guitar come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we lift up our hands [Music] bless the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] catch me up in your story all my life for your glory catch me up in your story all my life for your glory catch me up in your story all my life for your glory catch me up in your story if you want to be part of the story of god in the earth [Music] don't catch me [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we worship you jesus we surrender our lives too we surrender everything everything everything it doesn't matter the cause surrendered [Music] [Music] take your place foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we see jesus no other name like jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] victoriously [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the only one god [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes you are jesus [Music] jesus raise the name of jesus in this place jesus [Music] jesus christ [Music] because he is [Music] say [Music] if [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] we love you with all of our hearts we love you we love you we love you i'm going to ask you to take a seat for just a moment it's not going to be long but might be a little more comfortable for just a minute how many of you believe every single child should have a permanent home how many of you believe there should be no orphans in america in 2019 we went after this in our orlando send that every child would have a permanent family a permanent home and we launched a message out of that gathering that this generation that perhaps many would say is one of comes from one of the most broken family generations in history so many having grown up without a mom or a dad or one or the other so many have grown up and divorced families so many have grown up in families that were hard and difficult and we began to declare that out of this generation and the ashes of that brokenness would come the most adoptive generation in history how many do you believe in here today that gen z could prove the enemy wrong and be the most adoptive generation in history and redeem the very thing that the enemy tried to use to destroy our lives we would flip on its head and be those that are known for restoring families for taking in children for engaging in the foster care system for being willing to adopt well we believe that and some of our favorite testimonies over the last number of years out of brazil out of orlando have been those that have text us or instagramed us or however they told us and shared with us that from orlando we decided to engage in foster care and then a photo these are two children that we adopted out of the foster care system because their families were permanently terminated they needed a family we became that family and friends we have dozens and dozens and dozens of that testimony and i believe here today we could take that to an entirely new level we could go further than we've ever gone before today right now in america there are 400 000 kids in the foster care system 300 000 of them are working to be reunified with their families but do you know that the foster care system is the number one place for human trafficking in america now that the foster care system is the feeder basin for our prisons for drug addiction for alcoholism for homeless shelters we need christian families to turn the tide in america every child deserves a family and 300 000 of those kids need a family that would temporarily care for them love for them as they work towards reunifying with their family but a hundred thousand of those children right now the state is their parent how many of you know that a government should never be anyone's parent but we have left them that way and those hundred thousand they have no hope of reunification their only hope is adoption many of them are older many might have special needs they may not be the ones that everybody's lining up to adopt but how many know every child deserves a family at the core of this very movement is the concept of adoptive love where we can look at a brokenness that we didn't cause and yet take responsibility for it you might look on and go i'm not the reason that there's a hundred thousand kids that need adopted yes but you can be the reason that one of them gets adopted you might go i'm not the reason that there's a fatherless generation i'm not part of the cause of the brokenness of our day yes but you can become the cause of the wholeness of our day and the restoration of a generation so possible right now there are as many as 30 families lining up for every healthy newborn in adoption and yet a hundred thousand could be adopted tomorrow out of the foster care system how many do you think we could change that today how many of you are from the state of kansas or missouri if you're from kansas or missouri shout in here in your state there are 20 000 kids in the foster care system in these two states right now today 3 000 of them are waiting for adoption they will never be reunified with their families 3 000 kids in kansas and missouri waiting for adoption and friends we could move towards this today don't you think it would be the heart of god that there would [Music] it's be it was a confirmation don't you think it would be the heart of god that there be no orphans in america now we mean what we say these are all send families that are part of the very core of what makes this happen and these are all families that have adopted some of the highlights of my life have been adopting two of my children out of foster care all these families have had the privilege of engaging in adoption i want to ask jenny gillespie to come and share with us a little bit of their testimonies the glespie family in this area thank you andy um thank you everyone and i just want to turn up the volume on what god wants to say right now the children are waiting they are waiting and we can respond so let me tell you a little bit about the invitation that god gave me and maybe he's inviting you too and maybe you need to take action right now today my husband johnny over here and i uh we stepped into adoption we first adopted our oldest son david and it was this invitation from god that i couldn't ignore i just couldn't ignore it it just kept coming to mind that i could do something that there was a need and i could do something and i'm so ordinary i like i drive a minivan i do housework all day i'm i'm so ordinary but god showed me i could do something something and we can all do something so my willing heart met up with god his invitation and my husband and i said yes to adopting our son david we have several biological kids and then we said yes to fostering and again it was this invitation it wasn't like i was required it was just god saying there's a need you can do something and my husband stood with me he he called himself my armor bearer and he said i will go into the battle with you um because it is really intense but we can all do something and i'm here standing before you saying the children are waiting i can see their faces i know that they would love to come home to a safe and loving family that will care for them and give a wholehearted yes not just the initial yes but the yes to see them through it takes a little bit of crazy and a little bit of stubborn and that's exactly who me and my husband are we're a little bit of the good kind of crazy and a little bit of a good kind of stubborn and we will see it through and i want to invite you it is god speaking you is he prompting you can you not ignore it anymore maybe you're looking at your your own life and you're like i don't know can i can i even do this and i'm reminded of philippians 2 13. you can do it for it is god who works in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure okay so you have god in you so i want to encourage you please respond to his invitation if he's prompting you and ordinary people just like me just like johnny we all can say yes to what god's inviting us into so good now not everyone will be called into literal adoption not everyone will be called to become a foster parent but everyone can do something and we're going to talk about some of those other things that we can do in a moment but i'm thinking even a lot about you in the stadium that are single raise your hand if you're single right now and raise a little higher if you'd like to get married someday okay there it is just find a raised hand and let's go and i am praying today that many of you that are even single would be so moved by this message so moved by this reality a hundred thousand kids waiting for families for 300 000 that need temporary families in their journey to reunification that even while you're single that god would plant a seed in your heart to go i may not be married yet but when i do get married it's gonna be one of the early conversations in our dating process are are you willing to adopt because i'm not sure this should go further if you're not are you willing to engage among the broken children our nation cause if you're not i'm not sure that this conversation or this date should go on i think that's how serious god is when jesus declares i will not leave you as orphans over us how much more is he saying that over the literal orphan and i think many of you families if you're married in here if you're married would you raise your hand if you're married in here lots of married's in here praying that those of you that are married in here would know that you have an incredible privilege to hear the word of the lord on whether you're to engage in foster care and adoption you have a family how many of you are empty nesters in here you know that means that means you got a little bit of an empty home but there's a whole bunch of kids that need that home and they need your love and you might wonder what can i really do for the kingdom there is so much you can do for the kingdom so i'm going to ask in a moment here jenny to come back i'm going to ask you to pray and as jenny prays i'm going to ask you to pray for the word of the lord to come to us in the stadium for his heart for his compassion if you feel like the lord is asking you that this is either part of your immediate future or this is part of your longer term future i'm just going to ask you to stand as jenny prays if you want to say yes to the lord in this area foster care and adoption as she prays just stand your feet or many of you are already standing god i love you so much thank you for every person in here thank you for every heart that is being compelled and prompted by your spirit i pray that they would see it through i pray that they would fully step into what you've asked of them i pray that they would respond with a wholehearted yes god i ask that you would empower them by your spirit just like philippians 2 13 work in us it's you it's you god and i ask that everyone here feeling it on their heart to step into adoption and fostering would take action today god and help them lord because it's a high calling and it's special and it's hard so please help each of us god amen father i pray too just agreeing with that just a moment pray lord that you would give us the grace right now just to move forward with what you have put in our hearts i'm asking that this would be the most adoptive generation in the history of our nation god again we would flip the tables on the attempt to the enemy we would flip the tables on broken families and lord that this would be a stadium that is willing to take responsibility for the brokenness of our nation so god would you plant a seed in our hearts that could never be uprooted would you plant a seed of love and compassion that could never be uprooted now i want you to look around at all those standing right now friends this could change america alone look at all those standing in this stadium this alone could change the nation now some of you know that you are literally right now you need to take your first step in fact like your wife is there she's squeezing your hand and you're like oh my lord we're really going to do this and i'm going to ask if you know you are meant to take immediate action i want you to pull out your phone and i want you to click on the adoption response because we have worked with the state of kansas the state of missouri and they are literally ready to on-ramp hundreds and thousands of new families to foster and adopt in kansas missouri and beyond some are calling the san kansas city the greatest mobilization towards foster care and adoption in the history of the states these two states let's make history today so if you know that you're ready for that next step pull out your phone click the adoption response on the app and we'll immediately follow up with you to take those real steps god i pray for courage to take those steps today courage god courage over every person pondering it pulling out their phone looking at that app i pray for courage and lord every seed that's planted that's for five years from now don't let the enemy steal an ounce of it in jesus name amen amen now there are many other ways to get engaged in this issue of foster care and adoption we're going to hear one of them here in just a moment i want to invite adrian lewis to come and share with us they stand good hello everybody are you hot yes you look hot so it is a huge blessing for me to see all these families who have been up here to see the way that god makes family sometimes he makes the most beautiful families doesn't he and i got to say that this is super personal for me it's personal because about 10 years ago god called my family on the same path he gave us the opportunity the blessing to change our family dynamics by becoming a foster family and we did that when i say we did that i mean we did that can i get personal for a minute it's okay come on mama come on her name is cynthia [Applause] ten years ago the lord invited us on a journey and that journey changed our lives and it wasn't possible without you thank you for saying yes to the lord yeah and i want to tell you yeah i want to tell you that this woman is an awesome mom we had three children and now we have six because god made our family bigger through adoption and i want you to know jacob jalen and isaac lewis that we love you thank you for being our sons god has used you to change our lives so i get the sense that not all of you are in position in this moment to become foster or adoptive parents and that's okay but if i was to ask you who in here wants to see that every single child is cared for who wants to see that happen you want to see that happen i want to see that happen so let me tell you a story about makaisha makaisha was 17 years old about to age out of foster care not only she's aging out by herself she was pregnant some of you all in this room right now the stadium you are about her age i want you to imagine for a moment becoming an adult by yourself becoming a parent by yourself nobody walking alongside you no support network that was making's life and i wish i had better news for you about many of the kids in foster care but here's a sad reality did you know that 50 of the homeless spent time in foster care and 65 of young ladies who are sex trafficked spend time in foster care and 75 of those incarcerated spent time in foster care do you see the problem do you see how these things are all related if you care about homelessness or trafficking are they incarcerated you care about foster care let me give you an example we got a single mom a single mom who just left an abusive relationship and she is all by herself she is doing the best that she can to keep her kids from going into the system and you know what she needs she needs her apartment furnished so they can have like a normal life you got a grandma who's got two grandkids who just showed up she wasn't expecting it she needs all kinds of things but do you know what she needs she needs two beds for those grandbabies now i bet you if i said if you had an extra bed would you give it to grandma what would you say heck yes is what you say you give it to grandma because you want to see those kids with her and what about a dad if there are any single dads in the house man what about a dad who is working his tail off he is trying to keep his kids and his car breaks down and if his car don't work he can't get to work and if he can't get to work he can't provide for his kids if you knew that there was a way you could help that dad get his car working would you help him here's the deal most of the kids who go into foster care are not there because of abuse they are there because of neglect related to poverty poverty family we can do better than this we can come up with a better solution to help children and families who are in poverty than removing children from their families and causing more trauma is this correct does that just make sense so i hear from people all the time man adrian if i just knew of these families like if i knew there was a grandma in my neighborhood i would help if i just knew about that single mom i would help december 2013. god gave us a vision he gave us a vision to use technology to connect kids and families in crisis in real time with you the church the body of christ those who are called to care that's what he gave us a vision for and that vision turned into a thing an app technology called care portal care portal helps caseworkers who are trusted enter requests into the platform into the app and they go from there to a local network of churches and businesses and people who care real time you heard of uber you know that concept how about we use that for the kingdom how about we use technology for in a good way to help kids and families in a moment of crisis to change their trajectory so makaisha's caseworker she puts a request in the system for a crib because you know what a crib represents he represents security he represents that she's a good mom so she's providing for her children she needs this crib this crib gets put into the care portal and the denbo family from people's church they get that request and they're like we got a crib from acacia let's hook makesha up so they get macasia this crib and then you know what the lord did he moved on their hearts to go above and beyond that crib he moved on them to bring makaisha to church with them to throw makaisha a baby shower to help her get through her driver's ed simple things but you know what that made them that made them like family to makaisha this is what it looks like they became like family and do you not know what god did macacia radically found jesus along that path radically found jesus you know why because people from the church loved on her that's why and now makaisha is standing side by side with her husband and her child and they are in full-time ministry serving kids just like her just like her this is what she's doing you know why because makaisha is on mission that's what makaisha is and the denbo family is still in her life it is more than a crib folks it is the opportunity to make meaningful connections that lead to life transformation for everybody that's involved and this is happening across our country every day as i speak so far over 130 000 children have been served through local churches connected by care portal that's crazy and we are just getting started and i want to invite you into this army i get the sense that you like to be part of an army like jesus kind of army i want to invite you into this army this army that is bringing about a care revival is bringing about a revival just like jesus brought about because you know the early church didn't sit on their hands they didn't sit in the pews you know what they did james 1 27 is what they did pure and unfouled religion is to care for widows and orphans in their distress and make no mistake about it the widow in our context is a single mom and the orphan in our context is the fatherless child so if you are a pastor of any kind youth pastor if you are a small group leader if you are a missions pastor let me see where you are raise your hand for me if you have a leadership role in your congregation let me see your hands okay so this first message is for you i want you to imagine take out your app your send app take out your send app go to the children's section there's a button there called church i want you to imagine you hit that button and you go back home and you rally 10 or 50 or 100 people to do exactly what you just heard me say to help kids not go into the foster care system to love your neighbor to care for the widow and the orphan you go to the send app you go to the children's spot and you click on church somebody from our team will reach out to you we will reach out to you and we will help you catch a vision for how you make this idea a reality in your community i would love it if hundreds of churches whether you're here in person or you're listening online if hundreds of churches said in my neighborhood we care for widows and orphans where we live that's what we do that's what this church is about and if you're an individual you don't lead your congregation at all which is most of you is there room at the table for you is there something you can do yes of course i'm glad you asked you go to the same place the same app go to the send app children there's a button that's called individual you can join the army as an individual and see these needs and help that grandma help that mom help that dad because makaisha's are all over the place there might even be some in the stadium stadium with us right now so i want to leave you with this a care revival is coming you get the choice to be part of it we get to do this so that there would be care for every child [Applause] [Music] [Music] participate in this and this is super important we got the privilege of launching this movement called one million home in orlando and from the launch of that movement in orlando in 2019 thousands of kids living in the global orphan crisis mostly in africa with some of our key partners have been reunified with family members thousands who are living in orphanages are now living with family members because of the launch of one million home in orlando francis was with us observed everything that was happening and went to africa to see firsthand what was happening through one million home so watch this video real quick that shares a little bit about that so i was at the send in orlando and i heard about one million homes one of the most revolutionary initiatives we're going to launch and here i am in kenya checking it out and not only was it as exciting as it was presented there but now that i see it firsthand it's beyond that we'll see a million kids go home i thank god that in such a short period of time i've been able to be a part of something so special and huge okay in a moment tonight it's getting night i said that in faith did you hear that tonight do you feel that you feel that in faith right now i felt it when i said it i felt it tonight here we go tonight because we're heading into the evening in jesus name we are going to take an offering and this time our goal is to times 10 what has happened through one million home in the last several years since orlando this is mike gallagher the founder of one million home he's going to share with us briefly about how this really works how this really happens so mike share with us thank you andy yeah and isaiah's in isaiah 1 god calls all of his people to defend the cause of the orphan and we believe the greatest cause for these kids is getting them home to permanent loving families but as christians we've been spending billions of dollars a year building orphanages filling orphanages and visiting orphanages but all the kids in them are being left as orphans and worse outside of most orphanages 12 times as many kids are being left as orphans on the streets jesus in john 14 committed to all of us i will not leave you as orphans and we're calling the new generation to his standard for these kids getting them home now is the cause that we're defending around the world and we're experiencing glorious victories since we were launched with andy at the send we're proving that most kids in orphanages and on the streets have parents or loved ones or relatives that we can get them home to they can be found and vetted and strengthened with our help this is radically better for the children's life this is radically more cost effective and we're raising up warriors who don't rest until they find safe loving permanent families right in those communities for every kid in their care it's happening in many nations not only is it more cost effective and better for the children as god speaks in malachi 4 we believe this causes these promises revival as more hearts of the parents turn to children and more hearts of the children turn to the parents we've witnessed lives changed by this organization's changed by this cities changed by this because when we help orphanages stop housing the same children year after year every child they get home makes room for more after them to get home kids wants languishing and institutional care or getting abused on the streets or rounded up by the police they're all getting safely permanently home everything changes when we commit to these children i will not leave you as orphans the sen took an offering in 2019 and it produced massive impact in one nation since that time our elite team has helped over 5 000 children get home thousands more we'll get home after them we're building up teams like this in more nations and we've already trained frontline implementers in 30 nations descend kansas city has the groundwork laid for this global battle i just got to say this because we're all cheering for that cloud and part let's go that's a cloud the size of a man's fist that we could believe for millions of kids to be brought home into permanent families god wants us to hear what's being said right now so we got a little cloud cover so listen hear this in your hearts today now the san kansas city has this groundwork laid to change lives for multitudes of children and to change the way we do orphan care globally everyone can be part of this as andy said with your giving with your voice so we're calling for givers one-time givers of every kind every 250 dollars we raise today can literally help one more child get home from an orphanage or the streets and we're calling for defenders five thousand recurring givers just to commit twenty five dollars a month because this would fully fund our scale in implementing teams that are working and ramping up to help tens of thousands of kids get home in the coming years i've never seen such stunning impact for giving completely transforming a child's life and advancing a transformational new era of care for vulnerable children no child belongs in an orphanage or the streets ever they belong in family and we refuse to settle for anything less for any longer for any child the kingdom of god belongs to such as these so everyone whose heart burns with the father heart of god [Music] join us with your giving with your voice declare what jesus declared to us i will not leave you as orphans together we'll get these children home as sons and daughters we'll get them home where they belong we're about to take an offering lindy's going to lead a song that she wrote and lindy and her husband chase have adopted as well so this song comes from deep deep within her heart i want to imagine something for just a moment you felt quite a bit of relief when that cloud covered you from the sun can you imagine the relief of being brought into a permanent family can you imagine the relief of no longer being an orphan can you imagine the relief of someone taking you into their home for the rest of your life this is what one million home is about it's about bringing millions into homes and many of them it's just about reunifying them with families that they have guys we can do this together and i just want to say a lot of you guys are young in here 1920 if you're a teenager just give a little shout how many teenagers this is the time to let your heart get knit to the orphan crisis globally i want to encourage you no matter what your age is in here i want to encourage you give let's get behind this could be the best 25 a month you have ever given to anything would be to know that you have contributed to children being put in permanent families friends is there something greater we could possibly give to so we're going to put this information up on the screens you're going to see it the qr code please scan this qr code i'm just asking right now scan this qr code you might give a one-time gif 250 dollars will bring a child home you might become a reoccurring giver you will never regret it you will never regret it and you are directly agreeing with jesus's adoptive heart the declaration i will not leave you as orphans friends could we make that statement over thousands and thousands of kids today through our action so i want to encourage you right now scan that qr code follow the instructions follow the prompting of your heart right now whatever the holy spirit's saying to you go for it we're going to worship we're going to sing this song as you give let's go for it we've seen we've heard we cannot [Music] in church it's time to ride [Music] cause there are no orphans in heaven and let it be so on earth and there are no children forgotten and let it be so on earth [Music] we cannot pretend they're all right the abused the oppressed lord this is why you gave your life oh yes and church it's time to arise [Music] and let it be so let it be so on earth i want you to pray this with me today we're gonna sing we're trading our comfort zones for open hearts and open homes we're leaving complacency to give freely to meet the need we are praying this song today and father we sing this to you this is our declaration to king jesus [Music] and let it be so on earth receiving complacency [Music] to me the need to give freely and let it be [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] we prayed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in heaven [Music] cause we are your [Music] let [Music] and there are no orphans in heaven so let it be so on earth there are no children forgotten let it be [Music] of these [Music] on earth [Music] praying this to be a holy moment just asking for all of us in here a holy moment we can change the trajectory of so many lives i pray even we've had a chance to give but would you touch us with generosity today there's some watching on the live stream or here that could easily give a hundred thousand dollars to bring kids home forever some that could give ten thousand so many that could do 25 a month lord i'm just asking for a holy moment a sacred moment realizing the eternal implications of what we do today and the decisions we make and lord i'm praying right now too that you would truly move in our hearts in a way we would never forget when it gets hard those that are called to foster and adopt and the journey gets difficult lord we'd remember right now in fact we'd remember the cloud you sent to confirm your message lord when it gets difficult that we would remember the seed you planted i'm asking for that level of faith that level of tenacity to be released in this stadium to obey your word god fill us with courage fill us with courage we can hand a different reality to the next generation in jesus name amen amen i was told that while we were sharing about foster care and adoption the very first one that the qr code was the wrong one so we're going to stick that up right now for those of you that aren't using the app and you know that you are wanting to respond to the message of foster care or adoption and take that first step it's up on the screen right now just wanted to make sure i followed up on that because it was the wrong qr code before so if you need a moment to scan that just do it right now we're about to watch launch into another worship walk are you guys so excited that it's getting evening i'm so excited all right i think we've got one more quick video and then we're gonna launch into worship [Music] [Music] this isn't just a religion this is a relationship oh my god this isn't just a jesus company once a week i can actually live it every single day [Music] [Applause] where's all my high schoolers and university students at i was just told that we just reached 200 000 people watching the live stream today [Music] total views can you believe it the world is watching in on this moment and i want to talk about something that concerns all of us and it's the next generation generation z is everybody from the ages of 9 to 25 there's 69 million of you in america you are the largest generation in history you are the most ethnically diverse generation in american history you are the most success-oriented generation in history you're the most connected generation in history but there's something alarming though this generation is also the most irreligious generation in history nine percent of generation z is what is called an engaged christian meaning they've gone to church in the last six months believe the bible's the word of god have made a personal commitment to follow jesus and believe that jesus actually died and rose from the grave and give more of their time than just attending a service four percent have a biblical worldview that means that only four percent of the generation even understand the basic doctrines and beliefs of christianity i don't know if you're like me when my phone gets to nine percent i start looking for a charge do i go crazy can i borrow your charger can i borrow your charger and at four percent i don't ask anymore i just straight up steal your charger but my question is this how can we have more urgency to keep our phone on than we do for the next generation how can we have more urgency to stay connected to this fake digital world than we do with real people who need the message of jesus there's two audiences in this place today and both of us need to get involved number one is the older generation 30 and above i'm 30. i'm including myself in this we have to move into a radical mindset shift we need to change our paradigm generation z is not just going to walk into our buildings we need to go to them there are thousands of universities and high schools that have no gospel presence on the campus yet they're surrounded by dozens and sometimes hundreds of churches with an hour drive how can this be church we need to get out of the church and where the generation is number two we need to become radically empowering empowerment's a fun word until you realize what it means it means to relinquish power it means to stand behind someone and to use your power and give it to them and until you've had that feeling i think i'm losing some control you haven't truly empowered gen z where are you in this room this stadium our generations are alike my generation millennials everyone had a negative report you look on the news a negative report you look at time magazine a negative report you talk to some older people a negative report but i want you to know that god has a different report over your generation [Applause] i want to tell you the dissatisfaction you have for the ordinary that sense that you just don't want to live normal is from god that thing in you that just has to say it like it is who's unapologetic to say what you think that is from god your desire to be original your desire to use your creativity is from god in fact i believe that you will be the most influential generation history has ever known but the question is how will you use it for yourself for fame for clout for finances or will you give your younger years to jesus i've been all around the world the world is watching in today because shenzi is not just hungry in america for jesus they're hungry all around the world they're hungry in africa they're hungry in south america they're hungry in asia they're hungry in africa they're hungry in europe [Music] if you're a college or a high school student or colleges raise your hand right now [Music] we're going to go into worship both hands both hands both hands we're about to go into worship and as we do the holy spirit is going to become upon you before we even preach the message he's going to begin to anoint you as a proclaimer of the gospel holy spirit come let's [Music] just look at worship just take a moment sit your eyes on him sit your heart on him [Music] and i'll cast my mind [Music] his head's his feet my savior on that cursed tree [Music] and his body bound and drenched in tears and they laid him down in joseph the entrance in [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we didn't have our mics turned on so what i was saying we're getting out we're good now that last session was so powerful talking about foster current adoption i got johnny gillespie here and i've watched his family up close and personal in their foster care and adoption journey and i just want johnny you to share someone who's watching live right why they should engage in foster care adoption whether it's mastering or supporting a foster family yeah i mean i would just say to any of the dads out there you know you're probably a lot like me like i was like this is cool it's kind of like jenny's thing i'm not really sure i'm into it but when the call came to take in children i could see that god gave her the gift of faith and i didn't necessarily have the faith but i could see jenny you have the faith and that's what she's referring to i was like jenny i see it i'm with you yeah like wherever you're going i'm in come on and we've needed the spirit of god but he's come upon us to take in children we have six kids you might have seen him on the stage one of them was calling all over me three are adopted and three are biological and god has made us a family yeah and we have seen god's heart like never before through this story i'm so grateful that my wife called me into it come on what i would love for you is someone watching right now yeah who's their heart is burning as you're sharing when your wife was sharing and he was sharing i just want you to pray for that person whose heart is burning and they're asking the question how do i do this yeah god would just confirm it right now where they're watching yes father i want to ask you lord for every family every couple every individual that is watching right now god would you fill them with your spirit god would you fill them with the spirit of adoption that you put in your son when he went to the cross and died for our sins when he left heaven and came to earth god fill everyone watching in jesus name today and i want to ask you for children to come home yes because of today god in jesus name yes you can jump in respond on the app if you want to you want to respond to this misfield you can respond in the app we're going to jump back into worship with lindy and the circuit riders [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in that blazing sun hey it will pierce [Music] [Applause] [Music] on jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] he's worthy so [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we praise the king of glory we praise the king of glory [Applause] [Music] yes we praise the king of glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus you're the reason why we're here of heaven and earth [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] king of glory [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that he is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we cry [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] foreign let us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey you are holy [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] we sing straight to you oh [Music] we sing it straight to you keep jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] king of the lord [Music] are you lord god [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] just begin to overflow onto the feet of jesus this is not about a band this is not about a big moment this is about a people that have come together today to worship the king of kings and touch his heart and be touched with the great commission flowing from the throne of god the great commission is flowing from the throne of god your worship [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy and are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] and are you [Music] [Applause] come on give a shout to jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] and the wages of my sin was dead and you knew i couldn't pay the debt so you paid it with your final breath oh [Music] you took the wrath that i deserved and your holy blood broke every curse your mercy had the final word [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on the king of glory we say we love [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and cry crew [Music] [Music] christ in christ [Music] come on there's a reason why the gospel is called good news and jesus we say we love [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all the glory now to jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all the glory now to jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] we love you jesus [Music] come on can you lift up a shout to the risen king jesus christ we serve a king who has crushed death for gen z do you believe that well my name is jacob coyne and i'm here representing a mental health movement called stay here where we believe that gen z will be suicide free and we believe that gen z will be saved in jesus name but if we're going to see that happen we need all hands on deck gen z is in the middle of a mental health crisis anxiety depression suicide rates drug abuse and self-harm are at all time highs let me put it to you this way every 40 seconds say that number with me 40. every 40 seconds someone takes their own life that means by the time i'm done speaking to you today on the stage over six people will have died by suicide by the time the sand is over tonight over 1 000 people will have taken their own lives around the globe and these aren't just nameless faceless statistics these are your friends at school these are 12 year olds 14 year olds 17 year olds these are asb presidents these are athletes and these are artists does this break your heart to see this happen to your generation does it hurt when you see this it should because this is not the way things are made to be our god is a god of life and god is destined gen z to live do you believe that how do i know this i know this because the bible says god desires that none would perish none means zero god wants this generation to know the love of jesus christ gen z is destined to know the heart of the father i'm asking you in this crowd to bring the love of jesus to your high school because your generation is depending on you because if not you then who and if not now then when who else will bring jesus to your high school who else will pray for your friends will you do it we must we are the last line of defense for gen z but do you have hope for this generation i know that though the enemy has come to steal kill and destroy jesus christ is shouting loud and clear i have come to bring life and life to the fullest i believe even now in this moment we are going to begin to see self-hatred anxiety self-harm and suicide lived off this generation [Applause] though suicide may be the second leading cause of death around the globe here's the good news suicide is the most preventable cause of death so what's keeping us from preventing it what's keeping us from ending this epidemic well in the past it's been inaction it's been our silence and it's been prayerlessness but i want to ask you to join me in saying this ends now we will pray we will take action we will go with the gospel of jesus that saves broken and hurting souls jesus is with us in this battle that we will win i want to end with a story to encourage you that it's so easy to save a soul it's so easy to save someone from suicide and depression you see the shirt i'm wearing it says gen z will be suicide free i have a friend named jocelyn who wore one of these to a stadium she wore it to a seattle mariners baseball game and little did she know that there was someone else there who was planning on killing herself that night after the game she literally bought a ticket to the mariners game in hopes to find a sign to live and somehow by the providence of god in the midst of thousands of people jocelyn and this 19 year old cross paths she read jocelyn's shirt she's stunned she walks up to jocelyn and she says what is this shirt all about what does it mean jocelyn tells this 19 year old hurting and broken soul about the gospel of jesus christ and after one conversation this 19 year old young woman says jocelyn i was going to kill myself tonight but this was my sign to live and that's who you are you are a sign to live for gen z you carry the resurrection life of jesus in your veins so here's what i want to do like i said earlier every 40 seconds someone takes their own life so will you pray with me right now for 40 seconds that we would shift the tide in gen z and that gen z would be suicide free and saved even in this room if you're struggling with anxiety and depression if you have scars on your arms or on your legs jesus will heal you right now in this moment my god is the deliverer so lift up your hands to heaven and pray with me right now for gen z to be saved and suicide free let's go let's give them 40. father in jesus name we just declare that the spirit of death and self-hatred is broken right now and i command every scar to dissolve anxiety go depression go jesus gen c will live you will live gently and not die you will tell in the works of the lord and we say yes jesus we will go to the hardest and darkest in jesus name and everyone said now let's shout this together say gen z we'll be suicide free in jesus name amen i want to invite up my friend brian barcelona and he's going to talk to us about how we can reach high schools for jesus let's welcome brian as he comes up [Applause] it was february 23rd of 2019 at the first send i was standing over here and i heard the lord say this he said today i will put campuses and high schools on the missions map now that has become a reality thousands of kids getting saved across campuses in america and the nations students rising up in the hour of crisis preaching the gospel to their friends you know they say this that a person with faith can lead a room but i wonder what a stadium with faith could do to a nation i wonder if today every narrative you've ever thought of high schools was changed and the faith rose up in this place to believe something could actually happen see we are in the wildest year and the wildest hour where salvations must be brought to hallways gymnasiums classrooms how many of you agree no how many of you agree i don't know if you know this but we are now in the 60th anniversary of a court case called ingle versus vitel if you don't know what this is 60 years ago they began to remove prayer and bible from public schools in america and although they removed prayer and bible from public schools in america they made a grave mistake because the one thing they could not remove is you gen z they cannot remove you you have the ability to carry the gospel like never before it was years ago i was in los angeles with my team and we were praying what high school should we go to so we googled worst schools in l.a you don't know which school to go to just find the worst one we look at the worst schools in l.a and the school pops up we say we'll go to that one so we end up driving to this school i have no connections with anybody i walk into the the admin room and there's a security guard there named bubba he's sitting there and he goes what up man i said hey bubba um do you have any like bible clubs on the campus do you have any faith-based clubs he goes no we haven't had anything in about 12 years i said okay thanks i go i'll be back next week so i come back the following week and bubba's there i said hey bubba did anything happen in the last week he goes nothing happened i come the next week i said hey bubba did anything happen in the last two weeks he goes nothing's happened but why don't you go to the admin office and see if they'll help you so i go to the admin office and i find the vice principal and i said hey do you have any faith-based clubs on campus of any sort he goes no we haven't had anything in 12 years i said was there anything i can do to serve you he said you can repaint my office i said i'll be back in a week we came back a week later we repainted this principal's office he is so moved he calls me into his office and he goes hey come here sit down now i don't care how old you get when you got to go to the principal's office it is still terrifying so i go and i sit in his office and he says like this what can i do for you i go i'm trying to start a bible club he goes i know a lady i go what's her name he goes her name is miss on but we call her crazy on she goes here's her room number he writes it down and he slides it over like we're doing some kind of deal you know so i grab this room number i walk out into the school and i go to this classroom and i knock on the door this tiny korean woman opens the door how many know it's about to get good [Music] she goes may i help you i said listen i know i sound crazy but god told me to come to this school something was going to happen she goes young man stop talking give me your hands right now public high school south central teacher she goes give me your hands right now she goes father in the name of jesus i thank you that you've sent this man she begins to pray listen hold on hold on she stops praying and she goes do you understand that i have been praying for 12 years that god would send someone what if today you are the very answer to decades of prayer and revival that must take place in high schools here in america what if we start a jesus club in this campus our first meeting moves into the auditorium 180 students give their lives to jesus in this campus is south central this is one of many stories we could share i want to bring out for a moment a couple legends in their generation a couple young gen seers two guys here named asher and jimmy and as they're coming out i want to invite you to watch this video all right vlog we're on our way to go down camping we're hiking we're hiking down to the beach you see that was my voice a week ago for 17 years of my life my voice has been almost gone it sounded like that for 17 years i've been to the doctor so many times and every single time they say the exact same thing they say there's nothing wrong with your vocal cords we don't know what's happened um they told me at 15 if my voice did not change it would stay like that forever i was in a worship night during commissioned city summer camp and i was literally just sitting there soaking in worship and i got a word from the lord that i might have gotten healed that night and then the second worship set came on and i started singing and all of a sudden my voice completely changed and got completely healed and i was in shock i got up on stage and i shared i said guys i think i got healed and the entire room erupted in joy because everyone knew what my voice sounded like everyone knew that that was a healing testimony everyone knew what it was and the only explanation to what happened is a miracle working god there is no denying that what happened to me was a miracle and i just felt this burden over my high school that says i need to go i need to go and just getting so many visions so many words about my high school that i need to go i need to preach i need to go wow praise god praise god what an honor to be here for 17 years doctors told me that there was no hope for my voice for 17 years the enemy tried to keep me silent he tried to quiet my voice but look at me now look at me now i'm standing here as living proof that god is a healer that god is moving in power in our generation that god is moving in power in gen z but more than healing more than just a miracle i believe my voice is a prophetic sign that the voice of an entire generation is being restored today the enemy he's tried to keep us silent for too long he's tried to keep gen z afraid for too long but today today i believe is the day that gen z will be louder and stronger than ever before guys we're in a historic moment right now we really are where jesus is moving in signs and wonders in our generation he's moving in high schools and it's not the time to stay silent it's not the time to shy away and fear the world's not quiet the enemy is not silent oh the church cannot be silent either the church cannot be quiet we can't we can't so to every high schooler here 15 year old 17 year old like me you have a voice your voice matters we need your voice there's a message that god wants you to release in your high schools and so if there's anything i want people to take from my healing is that you have a voice that we need you we need you there are people walking in high school that have never heard the good news of jesus christ before jesus is longing to save but how will they know unless we raise our voice so where the enemy tried to silence me for 17 years where the enemy tried to silence gen z i believe that today today can you agree with me that today gen z will not be quiet we will not be quiet the voice of our generation is being restored wow guys and i have chills and tears from that guys i couldn't agree more with what jimmy is saying now is not the time to be complacent now is not the time to grow silent in our voices it's time to arise with boldness i remember three years ago i was in a stadium much like today i was 14 years old in orlando florida and god gripped my heart for high schools and he gripped my heart for gen z and that's what i believe he's doing right now all across the stadium guys we are in a dire hour there is hope but we are in a dire hour an entire generation is asking the question is there a hope for humanity is there a savior for me and we don't know the answer it's inside of us it can only it can only be jesus gen z we can't let the headlines define who we are any longer we can't let statistics show who we are as gen z those only show where god is going to break through a quick testimony i'm in my junior year at the end of my junior year in a private christian school and god convicted and broke my heart for the lost he broke my heart for the hardest and the darkest fast forward to my senior year i left that private christian school i left that comfort that i had stayed in for three years and i went to a public school and i had the honor and privilege of starting a jesus club with my friends and guys i'm telling you we saw so many high schoolers come through hungry for jesus and hungry for the gospel it was incredible and guys we had no idea what we were doing i didn't know what i was doing i was just filled we were just filled with jesus like you guys we just had a yes in our hearts because that's all god needs you don't need a stage you don't need a microphone you don't need a platform all god needs is your unshakeable yes that's all he needs and it's amazing what he can do with that and this is just one of the many stories that god is writing the narrative that is being written in the midst of chaos in the midst of confusion and in brokenness god is writing a new narrative the term too hard too dark that doesn't exist in god's vocabulary there is no heart too hard there is no school too lost jesus declares the harvest is ripe and our eyes cools he declares the harvest is ripe in our middle schools guys what if we looked back on today in arrowhead stadium may 14th marked and changed never the same where we didn't look at our high schools it's just a place where we learn but as a mission field where we could see god break out signs wonders miracles a salvation movement sweeping across gen z it's time to arise in boldness and to give our lives radically to jesus you know when you were younger and you would play a video game and your little cousin wanted to come and you didn't want him to ruin the game you would unplug the controller and you would give them an empty controller too long has a church done that to the younger generation now you didn't hear me too long have we said oh yeah act like you're playing it's time we plug it in and we let them play if you are sitting will you stand to your feet because i don't believe that this calling to reach young people should be optional stand to your feet all over the stadium if you got breath in your lungs there is a call of god on your life to reach this next generation you are not too old do you understand that if you're a young person this is your hour what if this stadium didn't just have one or two what if there were thousands upon thousands that said we will say yes [Applause] man here's what we're going to do if you feel called of god in this stadium to say i want to reach a high school i want to reach a junior high even if you feel like you're a little bit older don't disqualify yourself you have no idea we can train you here's what i want you to do grab your phone and hold it up for me right now come on all over this stadium grab it and hold it up hold it up you're not going to have to throw it up here don't worry just hold it up hold it up hold it up nice and high all over the stadium if you feel like i want to reach a young person i want to reach a high school i want to do a jesus club come on i'm going to wait get your phone up nice and high we're going to pray together and then we're going to do a very practical thing okay let's pray pray this to me say jesus now come on say jesus we say yes to answering the call to seeing youth in america and the nations saved we say yes gen z belongs to jesus chansey belongs to jesus feel that faith here's what we're gonna do we're gonna let that faith now flow into your thumbs and you're gonna go to the send app right now come on don't move don't move from this place go to the send out very simple here's what you're gonna do you're gonna click on that send app you following me you're going to go to where it says high schools you're going to click high schools slide down and go to get trained there's also going to be a qr code i heard the lord say this to me before i came up he said this is a moment where inspiration becomes mobilization it is not enough for you just to be inspired it is not enough for you to walk away and say that was inspirational what jimmy shared and what asher shared lou engel says this it's one thing when you receive a word from the lord it's another thing when you become the word you receive i pray that today you would become the very answer come on fill out that form sign up to be trained and we will train you to start a club we will train you to reach young people before we're done here i want to call out one of my good friends years ago i was talking with the circuit riders and we were talking about this eight year window in america being vital this eight year window in america being high schools and universities and as i have burned for high schools in in america i have a buddy that has burned for universities believing that universities could experience the greatest moves of god now in this day will you guys do me a favor and welcome up nick brent i want to ask you a question right now i wonder how many of you when you hear all of this you're like nick with everything in my heart i want to do this but do you ever have that moment where you feel stuck in life you got all these dreams and passion and all these things that you want to do it's all in your journal it's in your mind you talk about it with your friends but you feel stuck because your dream is here and the reality is here and your passion and your reality do not match you don't know how to get from here to here how many have experienced this moment before i was in this exact moment i had just left as a freshman in college my in-person college and i decided to school online because i felt this calling to be an evangelist to universities and i was in my garage because i had stepped out to join circuit riders it was the early days and we were trying to reach university students for jesus but i was failing miserably with my friends have you ever tried to do something powerful and you failed miserably and i was in my garage and i was complaining to my dad but really i was complaining to god and i said to him i've given jesus everything i thought i said yes i prayed all the prayers what is happening why am i not seeing any impact and my dad looked at me in the eye and he said nick the lord is with you what is on your heart what do you want to do and it was so weird it was like time froze and i realized i knew exactly what i was supposed to do see two months earlier the lord had put on my heart the university of southern california and he said to do a music festival to reach the lost but there's a problem i'm a scared evangelist the biggest gathering ever did it was a 20 personal bible study and it was pretty bad see i realized in that moment that everything that god was telling me to do was on the other side of my fear every single one of you right now i'm telling you the dream that you have on your life it's on the other side of your fear now i don't i don't think our generation has a willingness problem for example if i just said right now you know hey if you could end human trafficking in these three three quick steps we'd all do it i think we have a how problem we just don't know how always to have the impact but in that moment i realized as i thought a little bit more deeply that i did know the how see the how hasn't changed for 2000 years it just i was looking for an easier how i was looking for an easier way out and the how is boldly proclaiming the gospel not just in action but with your mouth with your mouth so we went to the university of southern california in a series of miracles took place 600 to a thousand students showed up we don't even know the number we didn't know how to count when we preached the gospel 150 students gave their life to jesus and the testimony went crazy all these universities aren't inviting us to come come to my university wants to revive he wants to see people get saved and we're like i don't think you understand we're nobody we're in our early 20s we're broke we have no money but we'll come we'll share our testimony and we'll do evangelism together what started in that moment birthed a movement called carry the love and now today we've done over 1500 gospel events all across america europe and now africa we've gathered over a hundred thousand university students and we've seen more than ten thousand people give their life to christ but here's the crazy part here's the crazy part no one's a professional everyone who preaches in their 20s it's the students owning their campus it's all grassroots there's barely any organization it's god moving on university campuses before i told you about the need but now i want to tell you about the hope i'm going to invite some of my friends up but i want you to see what god is doing on university campuses right now her fantastic [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] now [Applause] [Applause] yo what is up y'all my name is carlton and i'm a circuit rider and i came here with a very specific message i'm here to tell you that the university students of america are hungry for jesus i'm here to tell you that this generation is hungry for jesus and and i know that sometimes we might hear a different narrative but i want to prove it to you with a testimony me and my team we were on a university campus and we felt like god wanted to cause a holy disturbance and so i walk right in the middle of the student center and as i get in the student center i see hundreds of students everywhere and as i see them i feel the lord tell me you got to preach the gospel but then when he tells you that you know fear starts to creep up nervousness starts to creep up but i believe the gospel over fear and so i start to preach the gospel and i get to the end of the gospel and i ask them and say who wants to turn from a life of sin and bondage to a life of freedom in christ and by the time i let these words come out of my mouth i tell you they were so hungry they were running down from every floor to come meet jesus they were so hungry that even the administrators that heard the gospel we're throwing up their hands to get saved this is the gospel this is the jesus we serve but as i say this testimony i say it humbly because you might see me on the stage right now but i remember three years ago when i was watching the sin or line and as i was watching the sin or line i remember tear streaming down my face as i was crying out to god would you deliver me from pornography god would you deliver me and as i was crying out to god to deliver me i remember saying god i'm gonna ask a crazy prayer god if you still use broken people god if you still use people who are perfect god if you still use people who need a savior would you use me and as i said that crazy prayer not knowing where that would lead i ended up being able to walk with god seeing the craziest things and i'm here to tell you that god is not looking for the most qualified generation god is looking for the most hungry generation and i'm getting excited as i look at the crowd because i really believe this is the most hungry generation this planet has ever seen [Applause] for most of my life i lived without hope looking for purpose until one day i found myself sitting on my bathroom floor with a door locked and a razor blade to my wrist wanting to end my life but something unexplainable happened a voice spoke to me in that bathroom that voice said hope don't do it i love you and i made you for a purpose that day i met jesus and everything changed fast forward and i'm in college and i had a set plan for my life but who knows that god loves to change our plans see i had a plan to get my degree and to pursue a career in music but god began to burn on my heart for my generation for my college campus and he asked me to lay it all down and instead to give my life to preach the gospel i began to wrestle with god over my future because i never saw myself as an evangelist i never saw myself as someone who could preach in fact i remember once seeing someone preach and i thought to myself i will never do that but when god calls you you can't ignore it i wonder what god is asking of you i believe that today god is asking you to accept your call maybe it's not what you wanted maybe it's not what you thought maybe it scares you it will cost everything but let me tell you it is so worth it see what god first asked me and now i'm a missionary at college campuses and the very thing that jesus set me free from i get to see others set free from there was a girl on a college campus that came to our event she planned on ending her life she had no written she came to see people one last time but she encountered jesus she heard that she had a purpose for the first time and by the end of the night she declared i want to live that never would have happened if i had not accepted the call what is god asking of you in in order to do what god is calling you to do in this place you need to have a few ingredients in your flavor of christianity here's one for you quote from brian brent history hinges on the courage and severe sacrifice of the christian as paul said to timothy you have to be unashamed in high school i was thoroughly unashamed of the gospel according to the world what is the gospel according to the world live for yourself what feels good do it what you think say it as the satanic bible so famously says do what thou wilt do what you want sadly you're much more likely to hear that gospel in the universities of america than you are the gospel of jesus christ why is that why is it that when i became a christian i got timid scared afraid and ashamed when a week prior i was thoroughly bold and thoroughly passionate about my worldliness let me submit this to you if your reputation is more valuable to you than the reputation of jesus christ then fear will always be your master when fear stays intact it's because your reputation is still intact and the essence of the gospel is this lose your life lose your reputation and follow him second corinthians 5 15 and he died for all that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for whom who for their sake died and was raised if you left this place and there was a building on fire and there were people in the building unaware of the fire you would not give a rip about your reputation you would scream and shout get out there's a fire friends we have a gospel that delivers from fire and brings people to god but we are too silent too often i was an uber driver once to subsidize my income as a missionary and this moment was a moment of great cowardice for me but it turned into my greatest moment of surrender i picked up a group of people and they immediately started talking about all the sex and all the drugs and all the things that they were doing and they were making fun of one girl in particular who was really promiscuous she paused and she said well at least i believe in jesus and my blood began to boil because there's this type of gospel that's preached in america that says that you can live like the devil but name the name of jesus no and so i sermon prepped in my mind and i was about to fire away as they got out of the car the words wouldn't come out they stuck to my tongue i got scared i turned off the uber app as if they as if they when they left drove back down the pacific coast highway at one am banging my hands on the steering wheel saying derek why is it that you're so prone to being a coward why is it that you like to be liked so much why is it that you care about your reputation so much there in that moment i said to jesus my name and the word coward will not be spoken in the same breath when i stand before you on that day friends history rise on your bravery the choice is yours will you fear or will you fight will others go to war while we sit on the sidelines will we be selfish and withhold the honor demanded of us will we give like ananias and sapphira who bring it pretending to give all gave only part shall we refuse to emulate elijah who is a human being just like you or will we go on to accomplish those double words of jesus christ go into all the world and preach the gospel so will you respond for a moment this is the unashamed generation i'm telling you we are going to win universities to christ we are going to win whole high schools to christ you are the evangelist you are the voice i need everybody on their feet and every hand in the air we're about to pray right now stand up stand up every hand in the air we're about to pray for the next generation and on the count of three i want to hear the loudest roar of intercession that this generation would be saved every high school every university are you ready one two three pray pray break break pray break great pray pray pray lift your voice lift your voice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep praying keep praying keep praying louder lord only hear your voice i want to hear your voice jesus we need you jesus we need you jesus high schools need you jesus [Music] [Music] i am not ashamed of the gospel alive in me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] set me free [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i am not ashamed [Music] [Applause] set me [Music] and free are not ashamed of the powers that set us free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] set us free [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the power is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] it doesn't matter what anyone thinks [Applause] [Music] i'm not ashamed of [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] couldn't hold you down [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift [Music] give all the glory now to jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] couldn't steal [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] jesus [Music] christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] this is a love song to jesus this [Music] paul is i've decided to know nothing among you but jesus christ and him crucified i did not come with eloquent speech or wisdom for the demonstration of the spirit [Music] but because we are in love with jesus we are in love with jesus we are in love with jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] it's the power [Music] explode in worship again but here we are this is it this is the moment of decision every university student in this room i challenge you to own your university for the gospel you are no longer just a student you are a missionary on assignment to your university i want you to pull out your phone right now wherever you are just right now quickly quickly right now pull out your phone wherever you are pull out your phone i want to see it front to the back pull out your phone if you're a university student you're ready to own your university for the gospel i want you to commit right now i want to reach universities right now you go to there's qr codes on the side screen you can make a decision on the app if you're not in college with your college age i want to challenge you too some of you like our circuit riders need to give a season to traveling america and preaching the gospels to preaching the gospel on university and high school campuses if you are not a university student but you're saying i'm willing to reach a university pull out your phone respond right now go ahead all around [Music] i'm going to give another moment this is so important guys thousands of college students are going to be impacted by this decision right here scan the qr code make a decision in the app right now if you sign up the circuit riders we're joining you on your campus 20 more seconds here we go i'm going to give it 20 more seconds sign up in the app right now commit yourself i want to be an evangelist to university campuses i'm ready send me lord are we ready to worship [Applause] we're going to sing we're going to sing a prophetic song right now over a generation it's called another wave [Music] and as we sing this it's not just a song it's a prayer for an entire generation if you don't know the words the words will be on the screen but i need everybody hands in the air right now all the voice you got left we're going to shout this over a generation are you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the earth the earth [Music] [Music] can you feel [Music] can you feel the ears [Music] i've heard my people cry [Music] [Music] fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've never seen before jesus [Music] we're gonna sing out tsunamis of revival are you ready here we go [Music] like we've never seen before [Music] [Applause] crashing a movement of the spirit like we've never seen before [Music] get ready get ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before [Music] here we go [Applause] is [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus [Applause] jesus [Applause] that's this this is this is one book in the bible as he knows you is the one who died on the cross to save him so many of these people have not yet heard the gospel it's just so hard to get out here it's so hard to reach these months with the love of christ compels us to go we'll go anywhere to bring the good news jesus [Music] it's because of places like what you just saw in that video that we decided to do the sand i never imagined myself being a part of stadium gatherings i thought i'd live in those mountains reaching the least reached people on the earth that are still waiting for the gospel i want to share a few moments with you in fact you could take your seat if you want to you don't have to but if it's more comfortable rest your legs for a minute so we are gonna jump back into worship but i will never forget many many times that i've been in those exact mountain mountains you just saw in that video and it's my happy place it's where i most love to be there's nothing like sharing the gospel with people that have never before heard the name of jesus before there's no greater thrill i don't think there's anything more exciting than being the first representation of jesus to someone i want to tell you a little bit of story do you guys like stories can i start with that and let me get everyone's attention because i think you're going to want to hear god's heart for the nations tonight but i'll never forget it was probably seven eight years ago on one of many trips to those mountains i was with my dad who was in his late 60s i was with my son who just shared a little bit earlier he's the one that looks just like me i hope to grow up and be like him someday and we flew to a super remote airport in the middle of nowhere in nepal and uh it was so sketchy even the airport the little plane we flew in all of it was just awesome landed in this tiny airport we began to trek into these remote mountains and i thought maybe this can be four or five hours or something like that i knew i had my young son and my dad with me i thought this can't be too crazy but we had planned four or five days of trekking into these remote areas to take bibles and the jesus film and the gospel to people that had never heard before and as we started hiking was a number of hours went by and our legs are kind of burning and we've got backpacks full of bibles and thought man we're almost to the top and we got there and it was one of these awful things called a false summit or a false peak get to the top and you're like dang that's the real top got to another topper like shoot this is another top by the time we finally got to the top of this mountain pass the sun was setting and it's a sight i'll never forget the rest of my life we look down on the village that we had flown all that way for that we had trekked all that time for that we'd spent all this time preparing for and i looked down at that little village in this valley as we finally came over the mountain pass and that village had six homes in it we had no idea how big it was our whole time trekking we had no idea what was really gonna be like and it was six homes and i remember looking down at that little village and i hope that some of you have the privilege of feeling what i felt in that moment i looked down and thought oh my gosh they are so worth it they're so worth it they're so worth the time they're so worth the energy they're so worth everything that we have done to be here in this moment to take the gospel to those who have never heard before and we went down into that village we showed the jesus film that night and it was so powerful me to for me to watch someone seeing the story of jesus that's literally never heard his name before and they're watching him heal the sick they're watching him set people free of demonic bondage they're walking watching then that man who brought all that freedom go to the cross and they're stunned as they're watching this story going why would we why would they have killed a man that was so good and then they watched the resurrection and seeing it through their eyes made the gospel real all over again that night we stayed in their homes and there was a man whose home i stayed in one of the six i'll never forget his face because his whole face smiled have you ever seen someone who's like wasn't just their mouth like everything smiled their eyes smiled their forehead smiled somehow their ears joined the smile it was one giant smile man this guy looked happy we gave him an audio bible in his language for the first time and is probably ever in his family line he heard the words of life and the words of truth fast forward to just some stories we knew that would be impactful and just watch as his face lit up with that giant smile we went on from there shared the gospel with him had an amazing time prayed for him and went on with our trek and we went to a number of different villages and saw god do amazing miracles saw such a receptivity to the good news of jesus it's about a year later that my friend came to me and said hey they sent a photography team to capture the stories because after we went on that trip we sent dozens and dozens of young people into those mountains to take the take bibles share the gospel and we they wanted to record all the stories what had really happened how many really had come to the lord how much receptivity and hunger was there they came back from that and they put the stories in their publication and my friend a year after we'd been there came and he threw the magazine down on my desk and he said you're never going to believe this and i looked down at the picture on the front of the magazine and it was the man whose face smiled and i thought unbelievable i know that man and i opened the magazine and began to read about it after we had left he had decided there was one true god and it was the jesus that he had heard about on that audio bible he had given his life to the lord hiked to the nearest village where we had left a stockpile of bibles and the cover magazine the cover of the magazine was this man with a huge basket of bibles on his head because now he's hiking all over the region sharing the love of jesus because he had encountered truth probably for the first time in his generational line tonight when we go to bed after this and you're going to sleep good after this tonight some of you need like aloe vera like pounds and pounds of aloe vera just rub it everywhere aloe vera bath after this but tonight when we go to bed amazed at what god's done today gra grateful for what god's done today set free by what god's done today 3.2 billion people tonight will go to bed largely never one time having heard the name of jesus 3.2 billion when we started the sand and even before that we had a word that there were 200 000 new missionaries that god was going to launch into the global mission field and one of the major impetuses to this entire thing and all that we've worked for over these three years leading to kansas city was that word burning in our hearts that perhaps this might be the most missional generation in human history perhaps there's a generation like david platt says where it will become intolerable to us that there are 3.2 billion people still waiting for the gospel we have more translations of the bible than we know what to do with and still today over 2 000 languages on the earth don't have a single page of the scriptures but friends we can change that we can change that in this generation today one percent of all christian giving goes to the great commission to reach the 3.2 billion today in america 0.1 of the american church is a missionary in another nation point one percent do you know in fact there are 420 000 missionaries in the whole world and i just want you to get this in your mind for a second there are six times as many people working in walmart than there are reaching the 3.2 billion people around the world how many think we should change that all the statistics are showing through studies done by barna and others that gen z might be the most missionally minded generation that has ever lived that over 50 of gen z when asked would you consider giving your life to another nation would you consider living as a missionary learning another language living in another nation to reach them with the gospel do you know that 53 of gen z believers said yeah i would consider that as a future vocation has there ever been a more missional generation could this be the generation that erases the very term unreached from the earth could it could this be the generation i think the father is dreaming about this day and in fact in the next by the year you know 20 32 20 33 like not too far in the future we're talking 10 to 11 years i want you to think about this get this in your heart for a moment all the bible translation organizations working together that we believe that in the next 11 years the last language on earth will have the scriptures for the first time in human history do you realize you're the first ones to wake up in the morning and read matthew chapter 24 which says this gospel the kingdom will be preached to all ethnos all language groups and then the end shall come what happens when you wake up in the morning read the bible and go oh my gosh that's us how many generations have been able to read the bible and find themselves written into the story can you think about this for one moment 2 000 years the gospel has been spreading across the earth there will be a year let's say 10 years from now let's call it 2033. there will be a month let's call it may there will be a day let's call it may 14th just for fun there will be an hour let's call it 7 p.m or whatever it is right now and there will be a minute let's call it 701 where the last language on earth worships jesus for the first time in human history [Applause] a year a month a day and a minute where jesus and the father look down and go oh my goodness every tribe tongue and nation is worshiping what we will see in heaven someday is now on earth and the last language on earth will hear the good news of jesus and have the chance to respond friends this is 10 years from now this is 10 to 11 years from right now there's never been a more exciting hour to be alive than right now i want to give you an anchor passage before we pray and my prayer is that god would mark thousands for the nations tonight those watching on the live stream from orlando from brazil we hear regular testimonies of people now living in the middle east living in central asia and living in the himalayas because in a moment like this they held their shoes in the air and said god send me i'll go anywhere in the world for the sake of the gospel but i want to read you this passage because to me it is the it is the heart piece because how many know hype isn't going to get anybody to another nation right how many know hype isn't going to keep anyone in another nation to learn another language how many know that the unreached are unreached because they're hard to reach there's a reason that 2 000 years later there are still so many unreached people groups and still 3.2 billion people waiting for the gospel they're difficult to reach and hype is not going to lead to the breakthrough the breakthrough is because we've anchored ourselves in the heart of god in the word of god and a generation has said god here am i send me anywhere and the answer is yes the answer is yes before you even ask me whatever nation it is the answer is yes tell me whenever you want to tell me but the answer is yes i want to read you this passage romans chapter 15. paul says when he's talking about his calling to reach the gentiles he says it has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where christ was not known and he goes on to say this is what hindered me from coming to visit you in rome and you think about that moment just for a moment think about that sentence he goes it's been my ambition to preach the gospel where christ was not known therefore i couldn't come and see you he's writing to rome the church in rome he goes therefore i was hindered from coming to see you ask yourself the question what hindered paul from visiting the church in rome ambition that those that have never heard the gospel would hear it in other word paul goes rome you've got great conferences you've got great worship teams you've got great churches you've got lots of translations of the bible he goes but turkey's never heard syria's never hurt lebanon's never hurt and i'm sorry as much as i want to see you i can't because i've been filled with an ambition to preach christ where he has not been heard i believe god wants to release that ambition tonight that we would have ambition for what jesus has ambition for and jesus has ambition to seek and save the lost jesus has ambition that every tribe tongue and nation would worship before the throne jesus has ambition that the great commission will become the center of the conversation of global christianity matthew 28 to make disciples of all nations mark chapter 16 to preach the gospel to all creation and acts chapter one do it from jerusalem to the rest of the earth friends you don't need to ask yourself what you're called to you already know i love keith green he preached before he would be before he passed away legend and he preached so hardcore he would go you don't need a word to go to the nations you need a word to not go to the nations he goes you don't need a word to go you've got plenty of them all throughout the scripture you need a word to stay so i want to say to you tonight maybe you don't need a word to go maybe you need a word to not go tonight and the green light of the great commission is already pointing us towards the 3.2 billion people across the earth that are still waiting for the good news of jesus then friends how many more nights do they need to go to bed with no hope or could we be the generation that literally is able to take the gospel to the last remaining people groups to every tribe to every village to every mountaintop i want to pray and you can stand with me now [Music] here's how i want to pray i love thinking about real moments in the scripture paul who said this he said i have ambition that christ would be preached where he was not known there was a moment in his life friends hear me on this please just hear me real quick let me get your attention there was a moment in paul's life he gets knocked off his horse he's blinded he's brought into the kingdom he has the revelation that jesus is the messiah but there was a moment and i don't know when and maybe we'll see it in the replays of heaven but there was a moment where paul moved beyond it'll be great to reach a few jews in my hometown i'm jewish it'll be great to reach a few people in my hometown there was a moment where paul was marked beyond what was right in front of him there was a moment where paul was marked beyond his own nation and i don't know what the moment was but all of a sudden in a moment there was a moment where paul was marked with ambition and his heart was flooded with god's heart for syria for lebanon for turkey for greece so that he could say by the end of his life that i have fully proclaimed the gospel all the way from jerusalem to a lyricum i have fully proclaimed the gospel of christ and i want to pray tonight that as paul had a moment where ambition filled him that there would be thousands of moments tonight thousands of moments on the live stream where we would be get filled we would get filled with the very ambition that's in the heart of jesus and because of this the unreached would be reached because of this there'd be no village that hasn't heard because of this ambition there'd be no urban center that doesn't have christ being witnessed there'd be no place on the earth that we just forget about and consider too hard to reach that because of tonight we would have ambition for every language on earth to have the scriptures and we would do whatever it takes to see that happen that we would get filled with that and i i want to apologize but i just want to say i don't want to apologize for what god's about to do to some of you because my friend jeremy one of my heroes in that video just an awesome and normal everyday guy he didn't have handwriting in the sky he just said i got grips i had an ambition for a region of the world and then i found something called so i bought a ticket still lives there still reaching the unreached seen thousands come to jesus translating the bible into languages that have never heard before and i told you about my dad on that trek that we went to he got so gripped for that region that he lives there too and in fact he flew from those mountains that you saw to be with us here right now in the stadium gripped with the nations you're not too old and you're not too young tonight god wants to give us ambition for what he has ambition for and i'm going to pray sassy you put your hands out in front of you right now we just want to have a moment with the lord because again hype won't accomplish the great commission holy spirit come and sweep through this stadium right now holy spirit come and sweep through this stadium right now i ask right now that you would give pictures that you would release pictures of nations right now i'm asking god pictures of mountains and vows pictures of cities faces i pray that some in this room would see faces right now and years down the road maybe three years from now in another nation they see the face that they saw tonight lord i'm asking right now you would put nations on people's hearts i pray that you would speak regions right now central asia north africa lord i pray the middle east lord speak let your voice just come through this stronger than any human voice stronger than my voice stronger than we can shout right now lord your voice your voice would break into our hearts and minds i ask for the joy of the missional life to hit this stadium right now the joy of a life laid down the joy of that surrender god anywhere i'll go anywhere and i'll do anything for the sake of the good news touching the nations of the earth lord release it release it whisper nations whisper names whisper regions lord i pray you'd hand out callings right now father i ask right now you'd fill us with your heart give us compassion give us your tears for the nations lord you we over the places that have still never heard god give us your passion give us your zeal tonight many of you are being marked right now just say yes to him whatever he's asking you just say yes right now let his voice speak to you thank you god i'm asking right now release ambition across the stadium ambition for the 3.2 billion ambition for the least reached ambition for the forgotten ambition for the places we don't even know where they exist right now on a map but you're going to show us you're going to speak them what ambition fill us with godly ambition not to just live in the comforts of christians all around us but to be willing to leave that for the sake of the one who is still waiting for the good news of the gospel fill us with ambition thank you jesus [Music] my heart is burning these last two segments i feel like a literal fire inside of my heart of how god wants to commission a generation commission them both into their high schools into their universities and commission them into the nations of the earth and so we want to pray for you right now we're going to jump into worship here in a moment but we wanted to take this time to pray for you at home you gen zer you 16 year old you 17 year old i want to pray right now that god would grip your heart for your high school would grip your heart for your university campus so i pray right now in jesus name god i pray for the one watching this god i pray that their heart would begin to burn with fire in jesus name god their heart would begin to burn for the lost on their high school campus in jesus name i want to introduce my friend eddie nunes and he's with dunamis movement and he has an incredible story of how god launched him into the nations after the send brazil and bro i just want you to share that story and i want you to pray for someone whose heart is burning for the 3.2 billion people that don't know jesus yes even as andy was sharing i i just remember of how the lord launched us to portugal after descent in brazil wow so two years ago we were marked by the fire of the holy spirit in brazil and we are now in portugal for 10 months now planting a church and seeing salvations signs wonders families being restored universities being touched by by the love of jesus so we just want to pray this right now over you for clarity to where to go for connections i really believe that the lord is opening doors connections and also resources so jesus we pray right now in your name that you would release confirmation clarity boldness for this generation to go with fire with courage with the gospel of jesus christ we pray that you would send them out with the power of the holy spirit to release revival and transformation into cities and society in the name of jesus we bless you if you're online right now and your heart is burning like we've been doing all day and you're burning for high schools you're burning for university campuses you're burning for the nations you can respond on the app we want to connect you we want to get you to the nations we want to get you equipped to reach your high school we're gonna jump back into lindy and the team leading worship and i just want you to receive what god has for you let's jump back into worship amen [Music] you're worth it all [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they will prophesy [Music] by [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can see it in africa in asia in the middle east jesus oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every nation in [Applause] [Music] every every nations [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and you are worth it [Music] [Music] we will hear this song glory to the righteous world [Applause] and from the ends of the earth we will hear sing glory to the righteous one glory to the righteous one let's prophesy the bible tonight from the ends of the earth [Music] glory to the rock this is the promises [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] out of [Music] we will hear this [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will hear this [Applause] [Music] we can hear it coming out of israel we can hear it coming out of america we can hear it coming out of hopkins still we can hear it we can hear the song it's glory to the righteous one i want you to sing this scripture with me tonight this is worship but this is prophecy and if you're here tonight i want you to prophesy with faith tonight that from the ends of the earth we will hear this song in the middle of the night we will hear this song glory to the righteous one [Music] we will hear this [Music] we see their faces [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will hear this [Music] glory to the righteous glory [Music] glory jesus [Music] every nation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every nation [Music] every nation [Music] [Applause] every nation [Music] that jesus is [Music] burning with your love with fire in our eyes we will go and we will go till the whole world knows that she at [Music] [Applause] [Music] with fire [Music] knows that jesus is [Music] [Applause] one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me use me for your glory [Applause] [Music] here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] send me [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will hear this [Music] straight to jesus [Music] [Music] glory to [Music] [Music] it's every language it's everyone i want you to begin to prophesy nations tonight i want you to lift your voice all across this stadium i want you to begin to prophesy over nations in asia over nations in the middle east over australia over new zealand oh in the name of jesus i want you to lift your voice cause your prayers you know how power jesus we thank you that your word says from the ends of the earth we will hear this song [Music] yes jesus yes we pray for the islands jesus from the ends of the earth one more time and from the ends of the earth we will hear this song [Music] with everything you have in from the ends of the earth we will hear this song [Music] glory to the righteous glory to the righteous [Music] [Music] lift it up every voice every voice of every mission field [Music] a little bit louder i want to hear you jesus [Music] every nation [Music] of every mission field the nations is the reason that we started this end we talk about universities and i love university we talk about high schools i love high schools i do universities but i'm telling you the reason that we started this end is because we believe that the greatest wave of young and old missionaries ever to be released in the earth from every nation to every nation is in this time and in this era i can't tell you how many people tell me as i travel around america god told me when i was a kid i was called to be a missionary god told me a nation when i was in high school god told me when i was in school i was supposed to go to school so i could become a missionary somewhere else this is a it's a holy moment this is a holy moment because people that have never heard the gospel there is no church to go to there is zero access you will be that access you see i believe that missions foreign missions is perhaps the greatest expression of the love of jesus because jesus came from heaven and he made a people that were not his people us his people and he walked among us and he pursued us until he wanted some of you are called to leave this nation and to make a people that are not yours your own people to learn their language to pursue them with the love of jesus and because of that yes that nation that people group those families those individuals those young people will be changed forever right now with a simple show of hands if you feel called to nations i just want you to raise your hand right now keep your hand in the air our prayer that was from today and the thousands of you watching online and all the follow-up from this next week that we would see 5 000 commitments to go to the nations and that isn't just one day i'm talking about in this season that you would say i'm gonna give a season of my life some of you don't just need to go for it's not a two-week mission trip i'm talking about giving at least six months but many of you need to give two three four five years so every person with your hand raised i want you to pull out your phone right now we're not delaying in obedience to jesus these are his people this is his gospel this is his great commission and right now i want you to go to the send app and in nations i want you to commit if you don't have the send app i want you to go to one of the qr codes on the side screen or go to www send and click the nations let me be clear you need to get trained and you need to get sent i don't want you just to get on a plane and go somewhere by yourself you need to become an effective missionary i did my why wamp dts seven years ago [Applause] many of you need to sign up for a y-web dts why yum kona why would north america go somewhere there's all over the world there's other organization pioneers frontiers antioch so many others but right now in this moment i'm serious if you raise your hand before the lord do not leave this place in disobedience i want you to commit it right now if you just respond in the app i want you to raise your hand very boldly right now you respond on a form there are more hands that went up before i need you to respond right now i'm not leaving you alone we need to see 5 000 missionaries right now get on the app go to the qr code get on the website lift your hands jesus right now pour out the conviction of the love of jesus a love so strong that it would drive us to every nation on the earth to finish the task of world evangelization to finish the task of the great commission holy spirit grip every young man every young woman every older man every older woman lord we pray in this moment that we would never leave the same we consecrate our yes to you right now say this with me say here i am send me [Applause] every nation i will go [Music] anywhere jesus i say yes to the [Music] i'll nations anything god just put me where you want me put me where you want me come on sing it i'll go anywhere i'll do anything just put me where you want me just put me where you want and i'll go anywhere i'll [Music] [Applause] just put me where you want me i'll go anywhere i'll [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] his name is [Applause] [Music] jesus only jesus [Music] [Applause] o [Music] jesus only jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just put me [Applause] [Music] i'll follow oh anywhere anywhere anywhere anywhere come on let's sing that together that we would follow him and [Music] and i'll go sing it straight to him me oh amen amen we've only got two hours left i don't know if that's gone fast for you or slow for you but we're to press in for healing in a moment physical supernatural healing we've still got an amazing time of commissioning and impartation coming tonight still going to go after that moment where we do get to lift our shoes and declare we'll go anywhere set us anywhere but before we jump into that i thought maybe you'd want to hear about where the next sand in the u.s is going to be we feel like the war on inaction is just getting started there's a lot more work to do see this nation encounter the glory of jesus to see a jesus movement and to see a massive activation of the everyday believer in the body of christ so we're gonna watch this video and uh you'll see where we're headed next [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] amen i walked through that jesus movement i was i was in tennessee for a little over 60 years yes i'm 92 and still going and the jesus movement the jesus movement was really quite remarkable we baptized people in the rivers the bathtubs swimming pools and the evangelism took place not in the church buildings but the weekend assemblies were the celebration of what had been going on in the week it was a great it was absolutely we didn't realize what we were walking through but i still i totally agree with everything that's been said all week that the grandest revival in world history is ahead of us and let me give you a biblical undergirding for what all these people have been saying when jesus gave the parable the wheat and weeds he said the the master said don't rip up the weeds you might rip up the wheat let both grow together till the harvest that's a key word jesus described said later that the wheat or the righteous the weeds of the wicked in other words he was saying we're headed toward this is the bad news the most wicked generation in history because wickedness has to ripen in fact let me let me tell you that just for a minute in fact both daniel and john talk about a time when the saints are going to be severely persecuted in fact matthew 24 21 jesus said there'll be a time of distress like never before and not not ever and never to be equaled again but that's the bad news listen jesus said that in revelation 14 describes it the grandest right we are headed toward the most righteous the most powerful the godliest the most miracle working the most getting rid of her junk time in world history because righteousness is ripening that's what jesus said and i'm a part of it and i'm still hungry for more and by the way read romans 11 the salvation of israel has something to do with that's a key to world revival so come on to nashville let's keep the momentum going if you didn't know this young man is 92 years old and i'm we're representing many ethnicities uh generations denominations to welcome you to nashville one year from yesterday nashville is not just gonna be known as music city usa it's gonna be known as worship city usa people are not gonna come just to be famous there's a saying in nashville it's the city of broken dreams but i believe it's going to be a city exalting the fame of jesus where dreams and destinies are released so come there's a movement of unity there's a movement of evangelism there's a move of god in high schools but there's a time with the catalyst anointing of the sin to release revival in nashville there's nine states around the state of tennessee it's the third coast in the u.s and it's time so please come you know i was confused when i left wyoming because my passion is to see the nations reached like tonight and i said why nashville and the lord said i'm going to make nashville a great antioch on the earth to be a city that would send people all over the earth so please come and join us we have a slide i want you to right now you can pre-register right now so if you can get out your phones again come on who's willing who's going to be the first one who's going to be the first 10 first hundred to register for next year's send right now could you do it do you have your qr code right now raise your hand if you're looking at your phones if you guys are registering come on so jesus we ask right now that you would stir hearts across the stadium across the nation across the nations for a divine moment in nashville it is time to see the great commission fulfilled in every sphere in every people every color tribe and tongue in this beautiful nation of ours and in the nations to the ends of the earth we thank you in advance for next year's sin in nashville in jesus name let's give a shout come on lord [Applause] thank you don well we're gonna do something that i'm really appreciating tonight and that is we're gonna take an offering okay okay i need to get my oh there you go my microphone in here okay good i didn't have it on go ahead and have a seat for a second we'll be right back up in a minute for worship so you can stand and sit just give you a second to get a seat okay let's go ahead and start just bring your conversations just for a moment to a close thank you andy and the sin team most of you know they're missionaries and i went to them and i asked them i've been in ministry lots of years and i've done a lot of conferences and i've been asked to take an offering a bunch of times over the last 40 years and i almost always say no i don't want to take an offering but i went to andy this time and said can i take the offering and this is really rare because i don't like that but i really believe in what they're doing he goes sure if you want to i go i really want to i want to tell the story quickly of what you're doing and how we can participate in this and be a part of it as you know the send has made up a lot of why wham and other other ministries as well but they raise their own support and they have no revenue streams well okay they sell some t-shirts but that's the only revenue stream they have which is basically nothing and so when andy first told me about orlando a couple years ago and then kansas city i said andy how are you gonna pay for this and he said well the lord and i've had large conferences over the last 20 years down at the our convention center and there are a million 1.2 million and ihop we're a missionary organization we have no money extra as well so i know the pressure he's under and every year for about 20 years we would have that million dollars plus or whatever and it was always like uh and the lord always met our needs i used to tell people five tell 12 but sometimes five after 12 to be honest but that's a lot of extra pressure so i said andy why are you doing this i mean he came to kansas city with the team it's the whole team not just him of course you know what they did this week this ministry awakened the dawn with david bradshaw and the send with andy and the whole team they visited 5 000 almost 5 000 homes in kansas city and preach the gospel to them now i'm thinking that being a kansas city guy this is an incredible gift to our city they visited 6 000 homes i'm not talking about the witness i'm talking about another 6 000 and gave food or goods to them because they were in poverty they spent over 1.5 million to the poor of our city i said eddie this is remarkable then they mobilized 800 churches 800 churches in the kansas city area leaned into this and said we're going to be a part of it the 5 000 people in in the flood the la you know monday to friday we just finished last night or in this now i realized with the heat we probably a lot of folks watched on web street it was pretty hot today but we have 800 churches now think about this i've been a pastor here for 40 years i'm on my 40th year what that's not my point my point i appreciate that my point is this group comes into not my city our city witnesses to 5 000 homes gives food to 6 000 other homes mobilizes 800 pastors touches the foster the whole foster children opportunity but real pressure on the lives of people i said why are you doing this he says well because we get to see people's lives changed now this auditor i mean this arena cost 2.7 million and again i've read a bunch of them they're 1.2 1.4 that's pretty good 2.7 million that might sound like extreme if you don't know about venues but that's pretty good i was impressed well they paid the bills the bills have been paid so i'm not coming and asking you to sow into this to be a part it happened it's a miracle but what happens next month as they go to norway that's a million dollars what is it yay for norway or yay for the million which one because if you go yay for the million i'm gonna ask you to support it then okay so hang on after norway they're going to argentina in october that's another million now remember if you do that yeah you got to give money to that so be careful no i'm having fun of course next year this same weekend they're going to nashville that's three million so in one year they have five million dollars they've got to come up with and their only revenue stream is t-shirts but they got a rich father okay but let's give a big way for the next thing and they got a real generous spiritual family yeah there you go i love this i said andy well i have i know andy well i've known him for years i have such confidence in andy's leadership and the sin they are godly men and women they live frugal they give all to the gospel i mean the exhortation he gave about the nations about a half hour ago i'm not looking for a big yeah applause but that was one of the most powerful exhortations i've heard in walking with the lord for 50 years i it was only like 14 minutes and i went that was one of the clearest compelling statements about reaching the unreached and i said that's my guy i want to get behind this guy i'm going to be a part of this and and we want to sew i mean we are it's not just something we want to we mean it in terms of our ministry at ihop i want to share a verse with you just for a moment i want you to put it on the screen here it's kind of an unusual verse if you've got your bibles here you want to look at it it's third john third john that's right before the book of revelation ah good third john verse six okay every i would everyone just to bring every conversation to a hold for just a minute i'm going to be done in just a moment because this is a keem kingdom moment it really is not because i'm talking but because of the theme i'm presenting it's about these other sins because they're going to mobilize the same kind of numbers in these other cities thousands are going to get saved multitudes of churches unified a lot of people getting their needs met a lot of people sent to the to the nations as missionaries because the send is taking this economic risk to go to that city and i go this is fantastic they have so much to do they don't need to take a five million dollar risk for other cities but that's they don't think that way they go yes we do because we love jesus because we love the lost we love the kingdom now here it is third john 6 it's a strange passage not very familiar it's talking about giving financially now i i believe in giving money and the lord returns it in a multiplication in my you know 50 years of walking with the lord i've given money and the lord has returned it like the exact number with a zero and many times on on an exact date where i looked up and i said lord you watched me do that and i call it power encounters with finances when you give and the money is returned back multiply 10 in a particular time a particular amount it makes you stop look up and say you're looking at me so i love the teaching that says give to receive i believe it's biblical but it's not the only motivation give to receive by the way i've given a number of times i didn't see anything so it's not always a miracle just to be straight but i've had a number of them really dramatic ones and though i believe in these power encounters in finances by giving the lord returns wow you know me that's not what i'm talking about right now though i do believe in that john the apostle is writing and he says this if you send them forward he's talking about these apostolic teams that were coming into their midst he goes send them forward he's talking about economically and we're talking about sending the team out of kansas city sending the team sending the send out of kansas city is what i'm talking about if you send them from your city here it is watch in a manner worthy of god what a sentence i want the send to leave kansas city in a manner worthy our generosity i mean worthy of the lord because they're going to take that money and go to norway and argentina and they're going to nashville and i believe that i know the a bunch of folks in nashville they're going to do the same thing they're going to out give anything that was given to nashville i could just tell you i know many of those leaders down there here's what john said look at if you do that you do well you do what we beloved we do well if we send this company a believer a team of missionaries we send them on their way in a way worthy of god meaning in a way where god smiles and says to us that's my family loving my family who needs the money to love my family the lord goes that's what i like i'm a father you do well that's worthy of me if we are generous to them so they could be generous to the other ones he goes you do well here's what here it is verse seven here's why and i'm going to say this about andy and francis and the whole team here i mean i don't want to name all the names because they went forth for the name of jesus they are not in kansas city to build their brand they came here they're going to norway argentina nashville and whoever wherever else they're going for the sake of the name they're going for the fame of the name of a man that's worthy who's at the right hand of the father now the reason i don't take offerings i've been to 100 conferences or probably way more than that in the 40 50 years and again i get asked to take it off and i go no i don't want to i like you guys but no i don't want to but i came to andy i already said it i'm just repeating myself i want to take this one because i know with confidence you went forth for the sake of the name not your name now look at the next one they take nothing and if you read the whole passage these apostolic teams took nothing from the lord from the local unbelievers they gave it freely to them they came and talked to 5 000 homes in our city and they gave to 6 000 families in our city and wanted nothing from us they take nothing for themselves now here's the part i love all this if we do this we become fellow workers for the truth another translation says we're actually in god's sight partnering with them as they go to norway and argentina when we give finance we are fellow workers i mean we stay we're in kansas city they're in norway the lord says i look down and you are fellow companions with them in norway in my sight so i want to give money and when i stand before the lord on the last day i think we're going to be surprised there's going to be people in norway touched and the lord's gonna let it all connect and the lord's gonna say to some of you you helped it you were as much of a partner as they are in going so i'm gonna read the whole thing real quick and andy you come up and give the details of how they do this where'd that guy go that indy guy i love this guy so much it hurts it feels good it hurts thank you mike let me read it if you send them forward we're going to send the sin forward all right let's send the sand but we're going to do it in a manner worthy of god so god sees our generation of his family to you so you can have generosity to that family and then they touch that family that's worthy of our father let's go why because i could say this with the truth the sin team goes forth for the name of jesus you're not building nobody is you're taking nothing i know how they live they live like missionaries they live like eye hoppers anyway i know how you live we've been friends for years i want to be a partner in god's sight for what they do in norway and argentina and tennessee and i know tennis probably those other places too but tennessee's gonna do this too that don finno and those guys they're gonna outdo kansas city mark my word amen thank you mike we're going to put the qr codes in the website up real quick right now just real practically to take this offering mike is so generous in the way that he shared and uh we absolutely need your partnership in heading forward so can we put that information up you can either donate through the app you can donate through the qr code or you can go to the send or and i'm just going to give you a minute to do that right now and uh let's take care of nashville let's take care of oslo how many believing for a move of god in europe let's take care of our argentina buenos aires we're so excited about the future and this war on inaction across the continents so i'm just going to give you a minute to go ahead and and uh and to give lord i pray for just a spirit of generosity i thank you for the generosity that's already led to this thousands who have been a part of this financial journey thousands who have come to be a part of this day with a generous spirit lord and we just ask again that your spirit of generosity would fill the body of christ god that we can move together into unity to activate the everyday believer where we can move together to see a massive wave of missions to the nations of the earth word foster care adoption all of it we just ask right now to speak to each one of us as to what we can do how to give again if you haven't had a chance you can do the qr code the app or awesome thank you guys so much [Music] this is good hello hey that was actually prophetic because i was praying and i'm going god i feel like something's still missing today and the phrase came to my mind from scripture waiting upon the lord it's been a lot of information thrown at you a lot of worship but we just felt like before we get into this time of healing can we have a time of silence i'm not even saying to pray anything specific to god i'm just saying could we have two minutes where god looks down on the stadium and sees every mouth shut and every knee bowed in silence before him so let's just bow before our king and say nothing and just acknowledge that there's a throne in heaven let's keep our mouths quiet and just acknowledge who he is that he would see an entire stadium quiet and bowing before his throne [Music] [Music] [Music] with your presence holy spirit fill this place with your glory king jesus just lift your hands to the king and begin to give him praise just pour out your affection on the king only he is worthy only he is holy [Applause] worthy is the lamb who is slain [Music] worthy is the lamb who is slain who is bruised for our iniquity who is bruised for our sickness worthy just lift your voice it doesn't matter what it sounds like it doesn't matter if it's off-key just lift your voice to the king right now and do not stop [Applause] do not stop kansas city do not stop do not stop please i beg you i bet you pour out something that is costly on the feet of jesus right now [Music] you are worthy god just let your voice rise up his incense to the throne right now [Applause] right now [Music] and ask the holy spirit holy spirit here i am take my life take everything isaiah 53 4 5 surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows yet we considered him stricken by god smitten by him and affected but he was pierced for your transgressions he was crushed for your iniquities the punishment that that brought us peace was upon him and by his stripes by his wounds we are healed the prophet isaiah spoke this out [Music] and then in matthew he quotes from the same passage speaking of jesus it's not a coincidence that his evening here he said this when evening came many many who were demon-possessed were brought to him [Music] and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick this was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet isaiah he took up our infirmities and carried our diseases matthew chapter 8 verse 16. this is the word of god let it let it build faith in you right now for what he is about to do in this place when evening had come they brought to him many who were demon-possessed and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick in luke chapter 4 verse 40 says this now when the sun was setting all those who had anyone sick with various diseases brought them to him and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them tonight tonight jesus who is the same yesterday today and forever is moving in the stadium he's moving amongst the crowds [Music] and he is healing every kind of sickness and disease as we look as we've laid ourselves down at his feet tonight his hand his holy spirit is about to fall on many of you and just like he did just like what was prophesied in isaiah and just like throughout the new testament the king of kings and the lord of lord walked amongst us and touched us and broke the bondage of sickness and disease tonight he's going to do the same are you hungry john 7 37 says this on the last and greatest day of the feast jesus stood up and said in a loud voice if there's anyone if there is anyone who is thirsty are you thirsty tonight come on stay with me are you thirsty tonight if anyone is thirsty let them come and drink and drink of him and drink him by that he meant the spirit of god he met the holy spirit and he says this if you're thirsty then streams of living water river rivers of living water will flow from within you is there anybody thirsty here tonight not just for another encounter not just for another cry from their hearts but for rivers of living water is there anyone thirsty like the woman with the issue of blood who ran at cost of her life and grabbed the hem of his garment in the crowds just like you in the crowds she ran up and grabbed the hem of his garment only you can touch me and tonight we have friends up here we're gonna pray but any sickness and disease in this place has to bow to the name of jesus it has to bow to the name of jesus so if that is you it doesn't matter what it is i want you to put one hand on whatever part is sick right now and i want you to lift the other one to the sky and if you are not struggling with a sickness or a disease with permission reach out and grab a hold of that person ask them can i pray for you because this is not about god's man of power for the hour this is about the body of christ stepping into the thing that jesus has given us and it prophesied we're going to pray right now and the holy spirit is going to come he's already here he's already healing many of you and we're going to pray right now i want you to put your hand on that body part right now and i want you to ask the person and we're going to pray and as the holy spirit begins to heal you i want you to begin to wave with both hands in joy and excitement i want you to begin to wave as the power of god begins to fall on you tonight come on is there anybody thirsty in this place father in the name of jesus we give you all the praise all the praise all the honor all the glory be into your name king jesus and holy spirit we break sickness and disease right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we break sickness and disease we break sickness and disease every unclean spirit be broken now in the name of jesus break off every bit of depression sickness and disease be broken now in the name of jesus jesus come and do it again tonight lord like the woman with the issue of blood we grab a hold of your garment we grab a hold of your garment and we draw on you lord we pull on you come touch me touch us again with your grace and with your love and by your blood king jesus come come come now father let your fire fall right now in the name of jesus across this stadium let your fire fall let your fire fall let your fire fall right now in the name of jesus let your fire fall right now sickness is being broken right sickness is being broken right now deaf ears open deaf ears open blind eyes see the lame begin to walk in the name of jesus come holy spirit in the name of jesus if you're here and you and you've had some kind of background in cutting and slicing and putting cuts in your arm if you have a background in drug addiction and you've got track marks on your arm or track marks anywhere for that matter cuts can be anywhere self mutilation reality of what you did to your body because of a life of sin if that sin is in your if that stain is in your body because of a lifestyle of sin and you've repented from that lifestyle then why if god is never going to judge you for that how can that thing inside of you keep judging you [Music] jesus paid a price for us to be forgiven but he paid a price for us to be healed they lowered the man down through the roof and mark two they busted into the house to lower this paralytic down through the roof and jesus looks at the man and he says take heart son your sins are forgiven they didn't bring him to get forgiven they brought him to be healed but jesus said which is more important to say pick up your mat and walk or that your sins are forgiven he said so that you should know that jesus has authority to forgive pick up your matin wall and he showed the correlation between healing and forgiveness the reality of this thing is if you've got that stain in your body if you've got track marks if you've got guns if you've got an std if you've got sexually transmitted diseases if you've got issues in your blood because of a life of sin and god forgave you he wants to remove the stain because the stain doesn't have the authority to judge you any longer [Applause] so if you've got those cutting scars on your arm i want you right now i want you to look down i want you to put your hand on those cut marks right now do it right now put your hand on the track marks put your hand on the cut marks if you've got a problem with your liver because you you were drinking and cirrhosis has hit you if you were a smoker and your lungs are damaged and you're completely forgiven of that that stain will be removed right now jesus has forgiven you therefore he'll heal you too come on i want you to say this with me right now in jesus name no no everybody in jesus name stain be removed track marks disappear hepatitis c be healed lung disease be healed cirrhosis be healed blessed be made whole in jesus name look down right now at those track marks look down and see if your scars have disappeared right now i want you to wave your hands in the air right now if your cuts have disappeared if your track marks come on right there where else come on [Music] come on that's redemption that's redemption whoa come on if your scars are disappeared if your track marks are disappeared if you felt a heat go through your body right now when we played for blood i want you to let both hands over your head right now come on let me see let me see let me see come on jesus come on jesus that's not who you are anymore god forgave you god forgave you jesus christ heals you [Music] i really felt in my heart that we we're also dealing with deafness right now i i heard him praying in the back will was praying we were talking about deaf ears if you've got a deaf ear lift your hand if you've got one of your ears that's deaf lift your hand and wave it at me right now [Music] okay i want the person next okay put your hand on your deaf ear come on i want everybody be around them and put their hand on their ear right now jesus is going to open deaf ears right now why because he can because he and he alone paid the price for you to be healed listen this is really easy on the count of three i want us all to yell pop because it's not the pop it's the name of jesus are you with me on the count of three we're gonna all yell pop and def ears are popping open ready one [Music] two [Music] three pop [Music] if your ear just open i want to hear you scream [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] come on if your ear open let me see your arms right here where else come on over here where else come on deaf ears right there another one come on give jesus praise he's the healer jesus is the healer [Applause] come on who else's ear opened up right now an ear open let me see you let me see what's happening [Music] [Applause] up there yes that's our king that's our jesus that's our jesus [Music] come on back there in the back i believe someone's ear is opening in the back corner i want to see who it is in the name of jesus deaf ear open right now [Music] if your ear in the back just opened i want to see your hands come on where is it [Music] yes get excited this is jesus i am not a healer jesus christ is the healer come on be excited about this come on give him glory give him glory give jesus christ all the glory [Music] someone's getting out of a wheelchair somebody's getting out of a wheelchair right now father in the name of jesus we agree for paralytics to walk right now in jesus name get up get up in the name of jesus right now get up in the name of jesus right now stand to your feet and walk in jesus name in jesus come on [Music] jesus come on if you have a problem with a rotator cuff shoot your arm in the air right now shoot it up shoot it up shoot it up in jesus name shoot it up ready one two three up if it's healed give a scream [Music] come on that's your jesus that's your jesus [Music] come on say this right now in the name of jesus everybody pray with me in the name of jesus every cell oh another one right here come on every cell from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet be healed in jesus name i want everybody in this place that was dealing with something to try to do something that you couldn't do with your limb your wrist your knees your back come on another one [Music] this is what we should do let's celebrate the [Music] king god is not done he's not done tonight i want to talk to you if your situation is too difficult for a physician i want to talk to you if you have been waiting a long time for god to touch your life three years ago i was wheeled through a wheelchair in the orlando airport on the way to the send i sat stage right for the 10 hours of that day crumpled in a ball had neurological lyme disease for 38 years there was a promise that the lord was going to touch me and i would be healed i couldn't walk straight i couldn't remember my thoughts i had so many mystery things going on i had flu-like symptoms all the time and my brain was in constant pain i had seizures all the time healing had taken place in the stadium people had lifted their phones hundreds of people waved that they were healed but i remained in a ball on the side of the stage as one of the leaders was walking off of the stage that night a friend grabbed him because my husband was so persistent that you need to receive prayer from someone else no one touched me only a simple statement was said to me lyme's disease is not too difficult for god and there is no situation there is no disease there is no state of mind there is no injury there is no debilitation that is too difficult for him tonight i want to pray right now lord you are so holy you are seated high and lifted up no man can bring healing only you it would be ridiculous for us to think so we don't have the power to save another person let alone heal someone but you are sovereign and all-powerful and we pray right now jesus [Music] we ask for every mind that has been plagued with mental illness with anxiety with headaches every brain injury everything in the mind that is incurable and we cannot find it on a scan i pray that you would touch it now and be healed in jesus name i want to pray for every autoimmune disease [Music] for those of you that have been on medication for a long time you're just looking for relief relief comes from the king and i just pray right now jesus that you would release healing over every autoimmune disease over multiple sclerosis over arthritis every way that the body is attacking itself every gut disease healed right now in jesus name every way that the immune system is flaring we just speak healing over it now in jesus name [Music] you see somebody with an injury your injury has debilitated you it's changed your life it's in your hip it's in your leg i don't know how the injury happened but right now the lord is going to put back together he's going to do a creative miracle in your life right now and we say be healed right now in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] you're foreign we love you you're worthy we thank you thank you lord for brains being healed right now thank you jesus that you rewire brains thank you jesus that you connect us to yourself that we would have the mind of christ i thank you jesus that confusion is leaving confusion is leaving confusion is leaving all manner of memory problems are being healed by the blood of the lamb it's easy for you jesus you're so worthy jesus i thank you for new hearts i thank you for new hearts that would beat in rhythm with your heartbeat o god that hearts that are full of darkness that hearts full of bitterness hearts full of anger hearts full of fear are being healed by the blood of the lamb you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy christ jesus you are the only one felt worthy i thank you god for thorns being taken out of hearts it's swords being taken out of backs i thank you jesus for healing identities where people who have been broken who have been broken who have felt orphaned and abused and not heard and not seen are being healed by the blood of the lamb identities are being healed we have the mind of christ we no longer blind no longer death i self i self lord give us i self compassion give us compassion holy lamb of god we worship you and we thank you for who you are and for what you're doing right now holy lamb yes holy lamb yes god yes god yes god just across this place before we close i was 17 i was suicidal depressed and in a moment by his grace the holy spirit came on me and broke in a moment by his grace every voice that did not belong to him so father in the name of jesus over every voice that that does not belong to you i break it now in the name of jesus and by the blood of jesus we break every voice that does not belong to you every bit of depression and anxiety and suicide be broken no in the name of jesus hey now now come off a generation in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now every voice that is not of you every voice that says i cannot i should not i will not is being broken now in jesus name in jesus name now as we close i want you to check your body out right now do something you couldn't do see if god came and touched you and healed you tonight and and across this place if the lord healed you of anything tonight today it doesn't matter if you have been healed today by jesus i want you to lift both hands up in the air and begin to wave them and do not stop waving them and as you wave giving praise to the king lift your voice with a shout look at this look at this all across this arena do not stop waving if god healed you tonight wave both hands and do not stop as we lift our voices to the king in praise come on do not stop do not stop lift your voice to the king come on come on give him a shout of praise we give you all the praise all the honor all the glory be into your name king [Applause] who jesus in god all the miracles i've seek too good to not believe you're the one to work in god and you heal because you love all the miracles [Music] to not believe you're the ones you're the ones who work in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after everything [Music] [Music] don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it i've seen real life resurrection i've seen mental health don't you tell me he can do it don't you tell me [Applause] [Music] he can't do it don't you tell me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't you tell me [Music] don't you tell me [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] don't you tell me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like the world don't you tell me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't you tell me [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Music] you love to hear me [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the creation suddenly articulated [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] lifting up jesus together [Applause] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes this is what we're made to do give it praise to jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] christmas [Applause] [Music] you can have it all you can have it all jesus [Music] i'll stand strong and worship you and if it puts me in the fire i'll preach [Music] transformation and i'll be crucified is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all in for jesus [Music] i is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and when you return [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh magnifier [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] more than just the song jesus i mean my whole life laid down my whole life laid down no matter what it cost no matter what it cost [Music] you're asking us to give it all and it costs a lot but oh my joy that way it's on the other side oh what hope it waits on the other side of our oh what a pun delight the weights on the other side oh it's my joy to give it all to jesus it's my joy to give it all to jesus [Music] no matter what the world thinks no matter if i get thrown in the fire [Music] tonight we just lift your hands all across this place if you're saying no matter what it looks like whatever it costs jesus i'm all in i want all of you i want christ to become greater in me i want to become less i want christ to become greater in me christ be magnified in my life when people see me let them see jesus and holy jesus if you're all in let's sit our hands together let's sing this bridge one more time i won't bow i know i don't bow to idols i'll stand strong and worship you and if it puts me in the fire rejoice too cause i'll i won't be for my fears i'll hold fast to what is true and if the cross breaks transformation then i'll be crucified [Music] when you rise [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] christ be magnified [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] give me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is he [Music] heaven's mercy [Music] is [Music] [Music] mercy [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] jesus your name is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] with all creations [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the only one you're the only one [Music] you're the only one you're the only one worthy of my words worthy of my adoration i want to be a friend to you jesus to know you you're the only one worthy [Music] you were of it all [Music] just tell him tonight but from you all [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you were [Music] from [Music] [Music] it's poured out come on [Music] [Applause] let it be sweet fragrances [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you deserve you deserve you deserve the glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus you destroyed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] i love your presents i love you jesus you're the best thing that's ever happened to me oh how i love you jesus [Music] you're the best thing that's ever happened [Music] you're beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] let's marvel at his goodness tonight beautiful beautiful [Music] beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] beautiful [Music] beautiful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] beautiful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the praises you're [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you were [Music] come on just the voices one more time tonight [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] we love you jesus we love you jesus just tell him how much you love him just i know we've been saying it all day long we love you we love you we love you just gonna have a short time here of just commissioning prayer and some different areas different elements of commissioning different things that different leaders are going to pray it's going to relate to a lot of you in the room i won't ask lindy first just to pray over us it's the thing that god's placed on her heart tonight yes if you're a singer musician or worship leader i just want you to lift your hands in this place tonight father i ask you and mark every musician singer and worship leader and commission them by your holy spirit tonight we ask for songs for the harvest songs from heaven songs to usher in the king of kings and the lord of lords i ask you and phil singers musicians and worship leaders god with a fire tonight as you send them out the fire of holiness the fire of purity who will ascend the hill of the lord he who has clean hands and a pure heart holy spirit i ask you would commission every singer worship leader and musician in jesus name [Music] just lift your hands i pray the grace of fasting and prayer on a generation to lay hold of the highest treasures of god reach up loose this grace objection loose this grace of fasting and prayer for this generation i pray to release the spirit of prophecy release the spirit of prophecy the last days language of the holy spirit i want you to believe for an impartation of dreams and visions lord i loose it on this generation the spirit of prophecy and dreams and visions in jesus name [Music] jesus you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy and we release tonight in impartation and i see i see again this impression that i had where god was calling two by two by two by two by two the whole earth was surrounded by the holy pure saints of god and their hearts were beating in the rhythm of god's heart every heart was beating in the rhythm of god's heart in the rhythm of jesus heart and i heard the lord tell me to tell them tell them and i'm telling you this is an impartation tonight to release control to release control to release the reins jesus holds the reins to all the chariots to all the horses and we the saints of god will go low and we will go low and we will go slow and we will go loving him and there will be mercy in our hearts and a sword of justice and mercy in our hands and right now for this impartation it's a place of holiness it's a place of holiness where jesus alone holds every rain to every chariot and it's the earth has pockets and pockets growing darker and darker and darker i saw people sliding into the darkness and at the same time the glory was covering the earth like the waters cover the sea [Music] so if you want to be brave enough brave enough to go low enough to say only you jesus i release the reigns to you if you say yes to that in holy fear take this sword in your hands take this sword in your hands it's only by the holy spirit that you can take the sword justice and mercy there's judgments and mercy [Music] and i heard and saw the lord and now commission them with the now now now lord put your fire on him lord put your fire on the lord put your holy holy holy holy fire on him lord and all i know to do right now in this commissioning as i hand this to someone else is to all i know to do right now is to call you to this one place low go low it's time to go low go low go low he is only one found worthy go low go low now go low find a low spot find a low spot this is a commissioning to a place of low to a place of slow where jesus alone where jesus alone is lifted up oil and wine from your spirit thank you heidi earlier today i gave a short testimony how i read a wedding card that's 1988 and it said song of solomon 8 6. but the lord set a seal of fire on the human heart supernatural love for god and suddenly i began to cry out spontaneously i love you god released the love for jesus and at that time a prophetic man bob jones called me on the phone i told you this story and he said god's speaking to you right now from song of solomon 8 6. i was reading it on my knees he said two things he's calling you to this for the rest of your life and he's going to release this anointing on the larger body of christ here's my point tonight i'm going to pray for people that are called as their primary message not their only message to call people to the first commandment that's your primary message in your ministry if that's you song of solomon 8 6 it's the message of the beauty of jesus with a love sick heart you'll have other messages but the lord told me in 1988 all of your days this will be your first message by the grace of god he's helped me in that and i want to pray an impartation if that's you i want you to stand up or just do what you want to do you don't stand up do what you want to do just respond to the lord i'm going to pray father i'm asking that supernatural grace that you spoke about in 88 song of solomon h6 the seal of fire on them imparted through them to others on them lord a supernatural anointing of grace to love jesus more in them and through them a supernatural increase to impart it to others to impart it to others through many different ways songs sermons podcasts one-on-one discipleship whatever father i ask you for a revelation of the beauty of jesus in them and through them in them and through them in a greater measure i ask that you would mark people tonight they would settle it this is the primary mandate of their ministry they we want to join together and say yes and serve others in the body of christ as we do that we call forth the million intercessors that are going to stand behind the 200 000 missionaries going forth that's our short term and then the hundred million intercessors for israel that's long term over decades so god release the grace of god release the grace of god the beauty of jesus the first commandment it takes god to love god we ask for that increase in jesus name isaiah saw the lord in isaiah chapter 6 high and lifted up the train of his robe filled the temple with glory the whole earth was filled the angels cried holy holy holy we have beheld the beauty of the lord today we have worshipped him we have cried holy is the lord and then isaiah said woe is me for i'm undone i'm a man of unclean lips and i dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips and my eyes have seen the lord so an angel came with coals from the altar and touched his lips and purified him i believe our hearts have been purified today in the presence of the lord but then there was one more step to that encounter isaiah heard the lord ask this question whom shall i send and who will go for us and before isaiah had even heard what it was that god wanted him to do he volunteered and said here am i lord send me i believe the lord spoke to me even just standing here on the platform now and said i'm about to release a commission and a call some of you right now where you're standing your life is about to be changed because the lord is going to speak to you he's going to put a nation in your heart he's going to put a continent in your heart he's going to put a people group in your heart he's going to put a message in your heart and he is going to send you out from this place so father i thank you that right here tonight in harrowhead stadium i thank you that you release laborers into your harvest field i thank you lord that right now you give them callings that you give them commissions that you give them mandates lord i pray for a fire to burn in their bones lord that will drive them and compel them for the rest of their lives to run with that baton of the gospel lord from from nation to nation from continent to continent lord i thank you that this message of the gospel will be preached in every nation of the earth lord thank you for raising up apostles thank you for raising up profits thank you for raising up evangelists thank you for raising our pastors thank you for raising up teachers thank you for raising up world changers here tonight in jesus name and lord i thank you that you will keep them by your power that the end will be greater than the beginning in the mighty name of jesus come on if you feel the lord has just put a commission into your heart let me see your hands here tonight [Music] lord thank you seal it in jesus name [Music] didn't want to didn't want to finish didn't didn't want to finish tonight without um giving honor to one of the people that is so significant to this whole journey who couldn't be with us his name was brian brent and he fought long and hard and prayed many prayers for the breakthroughs that we're stepping into now and in november brian passed away he had many words and many promises and many prayers that were prayed about this gathering right here that we're at right now brian profoundly and deeply believed in the next generation and empowerment movement wanted nick his son to pray an impartation of what brian had carried for so many thousands of lives were marked by this man i want to ask nick his son just to pray that impartation over us if you're part of the next generation i just want you to close your eyes and live both hands in the air i want you to put all your attention on jesus right now holy spirit increase in this place right now holy spirit increase in this place right now in the name of jesus lord release mantles lord mantles of evangelism everything that's been prayed tonight lord mantles of creativity lord mantles of movement leaders lord mantles of catalysts and breaker anointings holy spirit lord we pray right now that in this place you would mark hearts with a burning lord that you would mark hearts lord with the burning lord that you would raise up movement leaders for the next generation that you'd raised up movement leaders for high schools that you raised up movement leaders for universities that you'd raise up leaders lord to go to the nations of the earth holy spirit come now rest upon them [Music] i ask for the impartation of the gift of faith to rest upon every single person in this place in the name of jesus increase upon their life fill them with your spirit [Music] i'm going to hand this back to andy but i want to shout this on the count of three feel me holy spirit are you ready one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when we first got this send word back in 2011 we didn't really know how to apply it we just knew it was this massive sending movement and we would do these gatherings sometimes of two or three hundred people and at the end of our meetings as a response an altar call we would have people come and lay their shoes in the front of the room as a sign god i'll go anywhere for the sake of the gospel from my neighbors to my university to my high school to the nations of the earth when we got to azusa now at 2016 one of the large last call gatherings people were going to die if they started throwing their shoes from the top of that stadium so instead of being able to make a shoe pile or a shoe altar we decided let's just have people take their shoes off as a sign and hold it over their heads as a declaration to a generation a declaration to the world that there is a generation rising up who will go anywhere for the sake of the gospel and i want to invite you right now to join us in this moment for the last year leading up to kansas city i had this reoccurring image in my mind again and again and it was this image of all these young people and they were high schoolers they were like my son asher where is asher i want you to stand next to me actually and i saw this picture of all these high scores again and again when i would pray and then i would see these like headlines and these headlines were this they were saying something like what just happened and then the article was like high schoolers are sharing the gospel everywhere on planes and airports in their hallways of their schools in the hardest neighborhoods in their towns and i just kept re this reoccurring pictures i would pray about kansas city that it truly was going to turn a page into a jesus movement in this nation because of the activation the yes in our hearts the yes in our spirits to say god our lives are yours we're yours we'll go anywhere we'll do anything for the sake of the gospel to live is christ to die is gain to live is christ to die is gain to live is christ to die is gain to live is christ to die is gay one more time to live is christ to die is gain and i'm gonna ask us on three we have shout all day you've lost your voices i'm gonna ask you to lose it one more time and we are gonna lift a shout we're gonna lift a shout for the millions that are going to hear the gospel because of the obedience of those in this stadium and on this live stream we're going to live to shout that we are shattering the silence over those that are waiting for the good news of hope and we're going to declare that the gospel is on the way that love is on the way and that a generation is declaring with their hearts and their lives to live is christ to die is gain so on three are you ready one two three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's receive the blessing from father god as we're commissioned as we go lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious [Music] come on it's the blessing from our father from his word [Music] [Applause] be gracious [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and keep you make [Music] [Music] again peace [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] today [Music] let's be sweet [Music] [Music] and your family and your children and their children and their children [Music] [Music] and your children [Music] is [Music] [Music] he's for [Applause] is [Music] thank you right [Music] [Applause] the children [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] come on [Applause] oh amen all right guys let's go live it that's it this is the end of the san kansas city thank you for coming we love you kansas city we love you let's go live everything that god has put in our hearts today we will never be the same again love you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: THE SEND
Views: 302,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3ycqRqzFTTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 709min 55sec (42595 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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