The Chapstick Challenge

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hi hi so what is this thank you for coming um well i got a letter and well a package from fred and george ron's brothers you know yeah i know and they asked for my help possibly with somebody else of my choice to test out a new line of products for their shop why would they want you to test the project products can't they just use their actual brothers i don't think this is something you want to do with family according to the instructions that i got also i guess they want my opinion why would they want your opinion well because i'm their only investor i guess wait you invested in their shop yeah i gave them their startup money why no i didn't want the money and they needed it so do you want to be a businessman after school what no i want to be an order after school i thought you knew that but why an honor though why not an order it's like the opposite of what you do no it's not yeah what like fat wizard catching and dark wizard like that's well that's not the only thing that horrors do no yeah they catch like political enemies and stuff like that as well but it's still like do you remember um i was in the inquest tutorial squad yes i do remember that and you were the dumbledore's army yes yes that was like a few months ago i was the government and you were the rebels the criminals yeah that was you were the evil ones you do realize that umbrage still works for the government [Music] anyway should we help them out do you want to help them out or i guess i'm okay what is we supposed to do with this okay we are supposed to um so no don't look that's one of the rules apparently okay it's supposed to be like a game we are supposed to uh not know what we are testing it's supposed to be there's they're calling it double blinded but that's i i think they just mean double blindfolded because double blind that is something else okay um so we're supposed to be blindfolded and then we're supposed to grab one of these i'm not i'm not looking one of these um chapsticks and try and guess what flavor it is and i guess what they want to know is something like which flavors are good i don't know okay so one of us just i'm gonna check sorry yeah one of us puts the chapstick on and then we both have to guess what flavor it is this is why i don't think they want their family to do this for them yeah i understand that but don't you don't like ron and hermione have a thing um not to the point where they i mean not really i it's complicated i guess of course it's always complicated with you somehow we're the less complicated ones maybe at least according to fred and george or maybe they just don't want to imagine their little brother snogging could be that could be that um okay so shall we i guess it might not not be that bad i don't know what's in here so it not might be good they want it to be it's fred and george yeah but they want to be able to sell it in the future i don't think they would add something that's really weird i mean it's not birdie bots is it are you sure yeah sure you don't look sure come on okay um can i just do this because i don't see anything no you can still see in a closed distance i can see colors i guess yes okay yeah okay um it's very convenient that we always have the ties that we use for blindfolding i guess aren't there spells for this there are probably i haven't learned any though okay i can't see i can't see anything good okay um do you want to start or should i where are you do you want to start choosing one i can start choosing one and i put it on yes i think i think so [Music] good start um when you're done with the one that you picked now i think that you should like put it to the side or something so we know that it's not the same thing twice okay and this smells okay do you have a guess already okay not good then okay is it a birdie box okay where are you hi hi [Music] so strange okay um again hang on [Music] i think i have i guess it's very like it's a very strong scent it's so sweet it's very i think it's spicy but sweet right maybe kind of like christmas hmm no i have a another idea okay what do you think it is um you say first um [Music] not eggnog there's no egg um gingerbread maybe gingerbread i get like town fair vibes yeah so i'm gonna go with like caramel popcorn or something caramel okay yeah maybe i don't i don't taste any like it's corn or anything it's because of the sweetness do you still have it yeah i still have it okay can you check what it is on your check it is oh god i can't see you you're not supposed to see it's oatmeal cookie okay yeah i was kind of close yeah gingerbread cookies yeah it's a cookie so i guess you won that round i don't know if this is this a competition i don't know if it's a competition it's just a taste test sort of i say it's a competition okay so i have one point then yes okay uh or well i mean you didn't guess it perfectly no but it's a cookie so you're close okay so my turn your turn where are they that's you it's somewhere here yes okay got one oh no oh no one fell on the floor yes i know hang on i got it with my foot here there we go um put it on the table again okay okay um now i have mine on my lips yeah but i think it's like just eat it then oh wow wow okay okay i i have a guess okay where are you you have to fire you are here i am [Music] yeah i have a guess okay i should finish eating it was very strong flavored yeah okay do you want to guess first yes watermelon yeah it's watermelon yeah it has to be right it has to be okay so um i'm gonna hang on can you check i don't have my glasses on i can't see anyway no it's not what was it it's kiwi tastes very watermelony for me i haven't had many kiwis in my time in your time you're talking like an old man i feel like an old man okay okay okay my turn so no points for either of us it was very tasty though okay i'm just everything is lying sideways okay just feels did where did you put the kiwi uh behind me behind you okay yes yes put it with the other one that'll be a cookie okay okay but that one wasn't bad no that was pretty good it was very strong taste very strong but it really tasted like watermelon yeah it did like watermelon candy yeah yes like the fake fake watermelon yes so kiwi and watermelon is probably the same thing it's just small i mean not quite i mean maybe because kiwi is more like it's more tart so when maybe that doesn't translate in the chopstick so then it just tastes like watermelon okay i had some trouble opening this one okay do you need help okay okay okay you didn't okay uh ready yeah okay that's very subtle yeah i don't i don't taste anything i have two very conflicting guesses like the for my first instinct was one thing and then after that reaction like it was something completely different i think this it might be a soda you think yeah or bubblegum could be yeah i don't know i i felt like i got a fizz at first i don't know did you get more did you take more now i take more you can't have them you have to share that's cheating um but i don't know i think it's so subtle i think it might be bubblegum but gum should be very easy to replicate like a strong flavor so maybe it doesn't taste anything it's just regular hang on lip balm no it's root beer i haven't had root beer no it's an american muggle soda that's cheating no it's not check check if it's roasted yes it is i knew it it was a hard root bear i mean it's they're testing out a muggle line of products at first they should they would probably like maybe they will make like butterbeer versions or something yeah okay so okay um but it was very subtle i don't think that's extremely subtle yeah it's not that wasn't a good one okay um here we go okay i'm not getting anything yet okay okay i'm ready you're ready what is that i think i know everything is just so sweet i think i know what this one is though i have no idea but i'm going to chance it on cotton candy cotton candy maybe i thought vanilla oh yeah it could be you want to check i can check yes where is it there it is it's cotton candy oh okay so two points for me now and you have one point there is no prestige in this we don't have to make it a game you know it's more fun that way okay no it's one of these i wonder what it's hard to get up you won't help no to get it up stop no one else here [Music] okay okay are you ready yeah [Music] what i think i have an idea what is that it's like peppery it's like it has a sting but there's no flavor [Music] what do you think you know what this is i have no idea so i have no idea then you go first me i don't know what it is i didn't know what it was last time but i yes you did you got it right yes but i didn't know i was right can i have some more i don't know what this is [Music] okay you have very soft lips i have a lot of lip balm on them now i'm gonna go with pepper actually okay yeah i'm gonna go with earl grey tea what it doesn't taste like tea at all let's see it is earl grey lip farm bomb what i don't i don't get it tastes like earl grey it tastes like pepper it's very subtle but it has that bitterness that many earl grey teas does i don't drink another tea then i guess i guess you just drink root beer obviously oh okay say i i have two points and you have to yes we're even i don't i would have been very disappointed okay if if i got that one wrong i would have been so disappointed in myself it could be anything okay wow okay wow this is a strong one uh-huh i do close it it feels like the round ones are stronger than the i'm ready where are you there you are it has more of like a strong smell it smells a lot yeah so what could that be [Music] could that could be a fruit um like orange or something [Music] maybe it feels like orange aren't that it's it's not that difficult to get orange yeah it shouldn't be this subtle if it was orange yeah um maybe papaya i don't know maybe i don't know a lot of tropical tropical fruit just like tropical like generic tropical i guess because i get like papaya and mango also i was going to say grape grape yeah okay so you have grape and i have like generic tropical mix yeah you have to take it i'm right i can't read on this without my glasses on what is that what bob banana oh it's a banana it's a bow bap banana i don't know what pop-up is i have no idea okay neither of us cut it right anyway yes it's weird yeah it it looks very fancy it looks fancy you know something you would care about you had some gold foil oh do you want to keep it no i mean it's not bad that was that one was good it just didn't taste that much okay okay your turn to choose my turn i have chosen one is this this right here why i can't get it open when in doubt use teeth is that your life motto now it is please don't always use teeth what is that are you done yeah i'm done okay sorry there can't be root beer again can it no it's also very subtle if they haven't picked too good it kind of reminds me of the the one that i thought was gingerbread the oatmeal cookie but this is way more subtle it's so subtle it barely has anything barely has any flavor or smell i'm gonna guess gingerbread again then i guess i need more okay oh god it's is it strong when you like when you have it in front of your nose because can i smell your lips [Music] i guess yeah i think gingerbread would be a good not it's not quite that though but it's like the closest thing that it's like it feels like something that you like eat in front of an open fire i guess that's what i'm it's my okay so you go with gingerbread i will go with hot cocoa just because of that comment okay and take a look it is oh hot cocoa what it did not no all taste or smell like oh god no why did you guess it then because you said open fire and what do you have in front of another fire hot cocoa there are several things you can eat or drink in front of but nothing is as good as hot cocoa that's kind of in front of an open fire so how many points do you have now three and i still have two right i think yeah okay how many do i have okay that was my glasses okay all right how many more are there okay uh i'm putting it on now hmm okay ready oh that's bad you don't like that no no it's very like synthetic um i have a guess it's like children's makeup what how often do you eat children's makeup or smell it why do children need makeup well children shouldn't have makeup hansey used to have it when we were younger and it smelled like this that's weird why would you need makeup when you're a kid i don't know fun i think i think this is uh the watermelon i think so yeah i'm gonna go with tutti fruity tutti fruity yeah okay like you're saying that you don't have a lot of experience with muggle flavors but to do really is pretty muggle what was it granger has gotten me a lot of stuff because she wants me to excel in muggle studies okay so what was it uh it is not watermelon not str not not turtle fruity it is strawberry that was very synthetic it's so synthetic it's bad that's so bad didn't like that one i do cleanse my lips a little bit because it's just like this yeah it's like a lay it's layers after layers okay okay my turn yes this one i don't know it's one of these okay i know what this is okay i don't like it okay let me help you yeah that's on three yeah one two three coffee that was it is so much coffee yeah coffee bean i didn't mind that i don't like coffee i can keep them yeah do that i'm not gonna kiss you your turn i might not keep that one actually oh okay um okay [Music] oh oh wow oh okay i still have so much coffee on my lips do you want something else yeah come here yeah you smell like coffee like a lot [Music] you have some kind of citrus on your face that has got to be orange it has to be orange yeah it has it must be okay yeah where is it this has to be orange it is no it's not what is it it's mango it's the association with between like the tropical fruits yes you you expect like tropical fruit to taste a certain way yeah that means now that also reminded me of like a fizzy drink yeah a little bit yeah okay now that i know it's mango it kind of tastes like synthetic mango yeah but it's very synthetic and the same thing with it could have been papaya too anything any fruit okay okay one time pick a new one and pick a new one oh you okay yeah okay that's a weird sounds over there yes [Music] okay okay [Music] why are there so many of them that taste and smell like gingerbread i think i know what this is okay yeah i'm pretty certain it's very spicy yes so it's gingerbread this time i don't know you go with gingerbread i guess no we can't i mean i don't know if they sent us a gingerbread it sounds like i'm like waiting for them to have sent us a gingerbread flavor flavored one but okay yeah what do you think it was chai chai as in chai tea i haven't had chai tea you haven't you have to i'm gonna get you some good chime yeah chai spice isn't that like is it the same as gingerbread then because it really tastes like gingerbread i mean it's basically the same spice in that case i think i should get a point too because like if if it was a fluid then i would know it wasn't gingerbread right but you never know with you it's that one no hang on i find some more one two at least three there's three more okay okay i have no idea what point we are at i think you have four or five i don't i don't actually care i don't care anymore it's just fun okay this is fun to you yes you know you don't need to have a competition to have an excuse to make out with me of course i do okay whatever slytherin okay you know yes i know okay do you want more okay so do you know um i definitely know yeah i i think i know yeah do you want do you want a countdown again uh yes okay one two three vanilla vanilla fudge but vanilla definitely okay it tastes like vanilla fudge do you think that's it's that specific though do you want to check and i don't think so it hasn't balanced where are you here it has hasn't been very specific at least not these ones i mean the root beer one was pretty specific and the earl grey tea it's vanilla it's vanilla okay it's vanilla yes i think that points to both well you guessed vanilla fudge i guess vanilla okay whatever okay your turn oh wow okay wow come here i know what that is i don't know what this is i don't you don't i think i do okay do you want to guess on three again i think maybe that's how we should have done this if we were gonna have it okay um okay yeah one two three oh i think it's definitely watermelon oh yeah it could be okay it's probably okay check let's check yeah it's watermelon okay i have no idea how many points were at so i don't know i don't i think you're still in the lead because i think so too chai spice okay uh hang on is this the last one yeah it was right yeah this is the last one okay should remove the watermelon first [Music] okay [Music] yeah you're done i'm ready it's a competition okay um it's bad you don't like that oh no i don't i would have said mango again but this one actually has some other like subtle stuff what is that [Music] i think this is just fruit this is fruity just fruit fruit cocktail yeah sort of i would say pineapple pineapple yes yeah definitely some pineapple in there but i also think there's orange so i think this this might be tropical fruit tropical fruit tropical fruit or something okay let's see tropical punch i think that's tropical yeah fine is that even then i have no idea probably no i won you okay you won sure i won because i guessed the teeth okay and i guess the fruits yes and that's easy you take this off now all right i'm just so [Music] so comfortable in darkness yeah it's very bright now it's so bright so um i guess we'll send a reply on which ones we actually like to fred and george which one we actually guessed because i'm guessing they want the tastes to be actually like noticeable yes and if you won i mean you won yes what would you like is your price i want your snitch sorry what i don't what you want to catch it instead of me or what yeah so you want me to forfeit a game to you maybe i mean i barely play anymore we can okay just a show okay not an actual no that would be horrible um and i don't play in those so you want me to let you win just the two of us playing no i was thinking just a friendly game between slytherins and gryffindors and [Music] i catch this okay well sure you have to make it believable so i have to be like i have to pretend to almost catch it yes and then i catch it and stuff then okay sure whatever it's good if you fall off your broom as well oh that's gonna be extra though if you want me to fall off my broom as well what are you gonna give me for that don't you love me [Music] you're so dumb [Music] you
Channel: TheMischiefManagers
Views: 243,880
Rating: 4.9686413 out of 5
Keywords: cosplay, harry potter, harry potter cosplay, drarry, drarry cosplay, harry potter chapstick, the chapstick challenge, harry potter gay, chapstick challenge gay
Id: y3bmgVPKFd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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