Boxing day

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[ intro music ] Ron: Draco. Draco: Ronald. R: Ugh... Only my mum calls me Ronald. D: Ron. D: This is never gonna be not awkward, is it? R: *sigh* I don't know. R: I've come to terms with a lot of things this past year R: that I previously would have thought were kind of awkward R: so... who knows? D: I can't come to terms with why I had to walk all the way from the village. D: I could have just flooed to your house. R: Actually, you couldn't. R: We have all sorts of wards up at the moment, so there's no floo connection. D: No floo connection? Why? R: Well, because of Harry! R: Or, well... because of You-Know-Who trying to, you know, get to Harry. D: Yeah, I guess... D: I suppose I don't mind walking. R: Come on then. D: Uh, does Harry know I'm coming? R: Of course not. We promised, didn't we? R: Come on. R: It might not be Malfoy Manor but... it's home. D: It's, um... D: ...different. D: Lovely...! R: *sigh* R: Come on! I'll introduce you to the family. R: So, this is my dad, Arthur. I know you've met before. R: And this is my mum, Molly. R: Over here is my oldest brother Bill and - well - you know Fleur. R: And this is... Fred? R: No. George, I mean. R: That's Fred. R: And this is Charlie. R: He actually graduated just before we started. D: Aren't you missing a brother? R: Listen, Malfoy! How about you don't insult my family R: when you're a guest in the house! D: No no no, I mean the- D: The one that was the prefect and then the head boy. R: You have to be more specific than that. D: The... D: The stuck-up one... R: That would be Percy, and he... R: He's not here this Christmas. R: Best not to mention it to Mum. R: Come on. Let's go see Harry. He's in Ginny's room. Ginny: Are you sure you don't want me to bring you another cream tart, Harry? Harry: What? After what you did to me last Christmas? H: No thanks! *door opening* R: Look who the cat dragged in! H: *struggling to speak* G: Happy Christmas, Harry! G: Come on, Ron. Let's go keep Mum and Phlegm apart. R: Fleur's not that bad, Ginny. Give her a chance. *door closing* D: Were you surprised? H: Yeah! H: Completely! H: I... never would have figured Ron could... hide anything, H: especially not this, from me. H: Then again, if he had help from Ginny... H: Hmm... D: Yeah, she's... sneaky, that Weaslette. D: She would have been a fine Slytherin. H: A Weasley in Slytherin! H: Imagine the scandal! D: So... D: You told them, did you? H: Told who? H: About what? D: That "I'm a dumb Gryffindor" tactic D: isn't going to work on me anymore. D: I know you too well to fall for that face you make. H: What face? H: I really don't know what you're talking about. D: *sigh* D: About us! D: You know how much I'm risking, just being with you. D: I mean- D: For every person that actually knows about us, D: the more at risk everything is. H: I know- I know that very well Draco, H: which is why I haven't told anyone anything. H: You're the one who just showed up here. D: I was invited, because Ron's mother knows. H: Well, I didn't tell her. D: Then Ron, or maybe his sister. H: They would not do that! They also know what's at stake for you. D: *sigh* Like they would care... H: *sigh* H: *deep breath* H: Look... H: If you're just here to fight, H: we can do that just as well after we're back from break. H: But if you really think that Ron and Hermione don't care about what happens to you, still... H: then I'm not sure we need to continue this conversation at all. D: That's not- D: I'm just- H: Scared? H: I know. H: So am I. H: It's okay. D: How can it be okay? D: My dad's in prison and my mum is living under the same roof as- H: Draco- Draco, I know. H: I know. H: Which is why... I've respected your wishes not to tell anyone. H: Mrs Weasley must have figured it out on her own. H: She's a mum, after all. H: Mums have a... H: ...sixth sense? H: ...I've heard. D: Mum Magic. H: Huh? D: That's what my mother calls it. H: *laughing* D: What? H: *laughing* H: Nothing. Nothing. H: There are many kinds of magic that we don't completely understand, so... H: I suppose Mum Ma- H: Mum Magic? H: Mum Magic... might be one of them. D: You've been spending way too much time with Dumbledore lately. D: You're starting to sound like him. D: Alright. D: Don't ask about Harry's private lessons with the headmaster. D: I know. H: And... H: I will not suggest rescuing your- D: Kidnapping. H: Relocating your mum to a safer place. D: Don't you see? D: It all fits together. D: I... D: I can't talk my mother into "relocating" D: unless I... tell her about us, and- D: I can't tell her about us without making her a target. H: I know. H: But I can't help if people figure it out on their own. D: We'll just have to be more careful, then. H: Yep. H: I'm not really that good at Obliviate, so... D: Right. D: I have been meaning to ask you one more thing. H: Yeah? D: What are those things on your feet? H: What? These? H: They are my Christmas present from Dobby. D: Dobby? H: Mm-hm. H: Are you jealous? D: Of my former House-Elf? H: Mm-hm. D: Not even a little. H: Mm-hm? D: *sigh* D: As long as I'm the only one who gets to do this. *door opening* G: Stop snogging, you two. Mum's calling us down for dinner. R: Merlin, Ginny! Could you have any less tact? G: What? I was right, wasn't I? G: It's not tactless if it's true. R: *struggling to speak* G: Well, I told you they wouldn't need a mistletoe to get going. R: Ginny!! [ gentle Christmas music ] H: Did you put a card down? [ gentle Christmas music ] [ gentle Christmas music ] H: Come on! [ gentle Christmas music ] [ gentle Christmas music ] G: It was the only one I had. [ gentle Christmas music ] H: Oh, sure it was...! [ gentle Christmas music ] [ gentle Christmas music ] D: Come on! [ gentle Christmas music ] [ gentle Christmas music ] R: Uno! [ gentle Christmas music ] All: *laughing* [ gentle Christmas music ] [ gentle Christmas music ]
Channel: TheMischiefManagers
Views: 425,988
Rating: 4.9821281 out of 5
Keywords: cosplay, harry potter, harry potter cosplay, drarry, drarry cosplay, harry potter skit, harry potter cosplay skit, harry potter cosplay sketch, drarry skit, drarry cosplay skit
Id: ICU7fYm7qJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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