The Case Of The Gonzales Family

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hey guys it's bella welcome back to my channel i hope you're all having a wonderful day today in today's video we're going to be covering another mystery monday and i'm bringing it to you from my bedroom switching it up a little bit i just feel like the bedroom is so much cozier it feels a lot better to sit down and tell you guys about the case from here and we have the little emotional mystery monday support doggies mia's um back there but you can't see her behind bo's big butt also i didn't realize but last monday the 8th was actually mystery monday's fourth anniversary i've been doing mystery mondays for four years now which is crazy if you've been around for four years then thanks for sticking around and i apologize if the lighting changes a bunch but i'm filming in my room now so i just am using natural lighting and it's a bit of a gloomy day there's a lot of clouds out anyway before we get into today's case i just want to thank today's sponsor audible you guys know by now that i love audible i listen to audiobooks every chance i get while i'm cleaning the house my parents live like 35 minutes away so i love to listen to audiobooks to and from their house and that drive to fill up the time there's something about like having someone read to you that is just so therapeutic and soothing and i just love it i just finished the invisible life of addy larue which i will say is like the slightest bit of a slow start but i really enjoyed it i thought it was really good i would definitely recommend it to you and i'm about to start the woman in the window which my friend has been recommending forever it's a thriller mystery so it's right up my alley if you guys are watching mystery mondays and i'm sure it's right up your alley as well being a mystery but i'm really excited to listen to it and i will keep you updated and let you know how it goes audible is actually giving members even more now with plus catalog which has thousands of audio books podcasts guided meditations workouts sleep tracks audible originals all included with your membership which is amazing and you can also check it all out with a 30-day free trial if you go to bellafiore or you can also text bellafiore to 500 500. if you guys are interested i will leave all of the information in the description down below for you to check out and let's go ahead and talk about this case so today we're going to be talking about the case of the gonzalez family and this case is crazy from start to finish there's so much weirdness in it so i'm really excited to hear your thoughts about the whole situation in the comments down below teodora gonzalez was born in 1954 in baguio which is a city in the philippines that's about 250 kilometers north of the capital city which is manila theodora was the fourth child of the titanic gonzalez family he went by the nickname teddy and he was known to have a super strong work ethic he worked really hard in school and eventually got into law school and passed the bar in 1977 when teddy was around 23 years old he met another student which was 18 year old mary claradatus who went by her middle name loiva loiva was the eldest of six children she was known to be a gentle delicate woman who was pretty soft-spoken and she and teddy hit it off right away and within a few months they were married in 1980 they gave birth to their first child a son named seth gonzalez apparently there was like a really special meaning and story behind seth's name but they wanted to save it for his 21st birthday three years later in 1983 they gave birth to their second child a daughter named claudine gonzalez so like i mentioned teddy was known for having like a really strong work ethic he was always working towards his goals and trying to get ahead in his career he just really wanted to provide his children with a happy and stable life and he didn't want them to have to worry about their financial situation ever like him and loiva had to do when they were growing up after completing his law degree he and loyva ended up working together in real estate and then property development and they also owned a video store and a pharmacy together in 1989 they built and opened a hotel called the queen victoria hotel in baguio it was a four-story 40-bedroom hotel which was also home to the gonzalez family unfortunately the very next year in july of 1990 the hotel collapsed in the luzon earthquake and luckily the family made it out to safety except for seth he was trapped under the rubble teddy was like this massive hero he went in he saved him from under the rubble and everybody was okay after the incident though the family decided to relocate to new south wales right here in australia when they got there immediately teddy got to work he went back to law school so he could practice in australia and then after finishing law school he opened his own law firm called t gonzalez and associates where he worked as an immigration lawyer the law firm ended up being pretty successful and the business was thriving so loiva and teddy went and bought a block of land at number six collin street and north ride which i don't know about now but at the time it was like an upper middle class sort of suburb and it was there that they built a very nice and a very spacious house the gonzalez family was known to be close-knit but teddy and louisville were both devout christians and they were also kind of strict parents they had pretty high expectations of their children but it came from a place of wanting their children to succeed because they didn't want them to struggle like they did in their childhoods they were also pretty generous parents they gave stuff a card they gave steph and clothing an allowance so that they didn't have to work and they could just focus on their studies and their grades they also plan to eventually sell their house so that they could buy both seth and clothing a house of their own which is crazy very generous but if the children didn't live up to their expectations if they didn't do well in school if they got a boyfriend or whatever they would threaten to take things away from them they would punish them pretty harshly threaten to disinherit them threaten to take away their allowance threatened to take away their car that sort of thing seth went to parramatta high school and he didn't do so hot in school he just wasn't really interested he had a real passion for singing and music which is where he put a lot of his attention teddy and loiva didn't love this they wanted him to basically drop the singing all together and wanted him to get into law or medicine which he did when he graduated from high school he went on to study medical science at the university of new south wales which his parents were really happy about they thought it would lead him into med school but he wasn't doing too hot again he just wasn't interested and just wanted to focus on his music he was part of a band called definite vibes and they kind of toured nightclubs and hosted dance parties and they actually made some decent money off it they had some fans seth actually had an entire fan page dedicated to him the fan page was run by a girl named daisy diaz and this is the intro that she had on the webpage it read hi in case you stumbled on here by accident i'm daisy diaz and i wrote this page for my best friend seth remember that he's a sweetie and a true best friend besides being caring trustworthy cute adorable kind understanding intelligent and can sing in a way that makes a girl's heart melt and if you mess with him you mess with me she would post a bunch of photos of him she posted photos of him performing on stage there was a photo of him like lying across the laps of a bunch of models there was a photo of him shirtless like a photo shoot that he did and it was captioned steam steam baby face very sexy she also wrote like a bunch of posts about him and how much she loved to him and how dedicated she was to him and she would dedicate like song lyrics to him and that sort of thing and one of her posts read every time i close my eyes i thank the lord that i got you babe and you got me too some people think there's no such thing as a dream a decent guy well in my eyes you proved them wrong sefi if you ever stop being my friend i would be so incomplete despite all of this despite the money he was making his parents wanted him to focus on his studies instead he ended up dropping medical science after two years and instead enrolled in law at macquarie university following in his father's footsteps he was doing a lot better he was getting good grades and his father actually hired him to work at his law firm as a paralegal and for it assistance as well and they also bought him a green ford festival with the personalized number plate sef g80 because they were so proud of him and how well he was doing claudine was also doing very well at school she was a very outgoing girl she was very talkative always the life of the conversation she loved sports and cooking and she hoped to become a teacher when she was older she ended up dating this 19 year old guy named chris which teddy and lova were not loving they thought it was a bad influence they thought that he would distract her from her study so they ended up sending her off to melbourne to live with an aunt to study there and kind of separate them so she could focus on her studies and while she was over there her and chris actually kept up a long distance relationship until seth got involved he messaged chris this really like threatening email basically said i'm in a gang frick off i mean from everything i've read seth was known to be this like five foot four super innocent looking guy so whatever he said must have been pretty convincing to make chris and his relationship with clothing clothing was pissed right of course so she ended up telling her parents the secret that seth had confided in her his parents were under the impression he was doing really well in his law degree right but turns out he was failing all four of his classes and was falsifying his report so that his parents would think that he was doing well and he kind of boasted about this to claudine like ha ha ha they have no idea so clonine told teddy and loiva to get back at seth and understandably they were pissed he also had a girlfriend who was four years older than him which teddy and loiva didn't approve of they thought she was a massive distraction a bad influence and so they threatened to take his beloved car off him they threatened to disinherit him so steph and his girlfriend broke up and according to his girlfriend leg she didn't think that they were serious at all she ended up moving on straight away going back to her ex but seth was like obsessed with her he thought he was in love with her he thought they would get back together eventually and he even went as far as to buy her an engagement necklace so now we're at the 10th of july in 2001 which is the day of the murders the day was just like any normal day for the gonzalez family which i don't even know why i bother saying anymore because it's always how these things go it's always just a normal day until something horribly tragic happens it was school holidays so claudine was back home visiting her parents and her family and she was studying all day because she actually had to go back to melbourne in two days to go back to school teddy and lova left for work early in the morning in separate cars seth went to university in the morning he then went to his father's law office to help them with some i.t issues they were having and then he had plans later that night to see his friend sam dealio he picked sam up from his house at around 8pm and they went into the city together they had dinner at planet hollywood and then went to the galaxy world arcade and they were done by about 11pm seth dropped sam home and then he went home himself to collins street he got home at around 11 30 to 11 45 pm and upon entering the house he discovered the bodies of his murdered family members he frantically called triple zero at around 11 48 pm to tell them that he had found his parents in their home and that they had been shot so when they shot my parents i see no breathing there on the floor i after calling triple zero he then ran to his next door neighbor john's house and from outside he was just yelling at him banging on the door trying to get him to wake up john was woken up by the commotion and so was another neighbor named shane hanley they both rushed outside and they were met by seth who was sobbing hysterically i said john please help me look what's happened to my family seth pulled him towards the house screaming and crying he tried to take me in i will ask i couldn't talk to you john immediately ran back inside to call the police but shane stayed with seth to try and comfort him and as he was trying to comfort him seth all of a sudden got up and was like oh my god i can give them cpr i know cpr and he ran back into the house shane followed him but after seeing his parents bodies he knew that there was no point even trying cpr 46 year old teddy gonzalez was lying on the floor in the foyer of the house blood was pulled around him and 43 year old loiva could be seen nearby in the living area blood also pulled around her groceries scattered around her as if she had been carrying them when she was attacked seth was running to and from his mother and father crying hysterically and calling out to them shane was worried that the killer would still be in the house so he managed to get shane outside and went to his own house to call triple zero again and he stayed on the line with them until he could hear sirens in the street when police and paramedics arrived arm police first went into the building to make sure that it was secure and that the killers were not there anymore upon entering the house they found the bodies of teddy and loiva gonzalez in the ground floor of the home when they made their way upstairs they found the body of 18 year old clodine she was lying in the fetal position in her room with blood pulled around her and a red jumper had been placed over her to hide the brutality of her attack none of the victims had been shot as initially suspected as seth had said on his triple zero call but they had actually been brutally stabbed instead teddy suffered 12 injuries most of them in his upper body his lungs and heart had been penetrated his carotid artery his jugular and his spine had been severed defensive wins were also found on his arms and his hands indicating that he had tried to fight his attacker off loiva had sustained injuries to her face back chest abdomen and groin and she also had defensive wounds on her arms and her hands she also had a six centimeter laceration across her throat which severed her windpipe but due to the lack of active bleeding it was determined that this happened post-mortem clothing's murder was the most brutal she was bludgeoned as well with a heavy object which was believed to be a baseball bat her skull was fractured and there were also dents on the walls and the roof which is what indicated that it was a baseball bat that had been used to create these injuries claudine had also been strangled and stabbed and had five stab wounds to her neck and two to her torso it was determined that she was murdered at around 4 p.m she had study books open on her desk which indicated that she was studying at the time and didn't see it coming louisville left work at around 4 50 p.m with a colleague who she dropped off on her way home and it seems like after she dropped this colleague off she must have got some groceries because she was found with a bag of groceries on the floor around her soon after arriving home she was confronted by the killer who murdered her in the living room of the house teddy left to work at around 6 20 pm and it seems that he actually did try and call home twice on his drive but both calls went unanswered he was killed immediately upon entering the front door inside the house the attacker also left some racist graffiti it was written in blue spray paint on their wall in their living area as officers were looking through the house seth who was the only surviving member of his immediate family was sitting outside he was hunched over he was crying hysterically and requested some rosary beads when he explained to police on the scene the discovery of his parents body he said that he'd seen one or two people fleeing southward from the house and that he tried to chase them but they were too far and he couldn't reach them police asked him you know if there was anybody who would want to hurt his family if there were any incidents he could think of that had happened recently that may explain what had happened to his family and he told them about something that had actually happened just the night before he said that he and his parents were driving home from clothing's 18th birthday dinner and they gone to a road rage incident and the driver of the other car drove past them and yelled out bloody asians at them obviously because of this and the racist graffiti that was found in the house police considered the aspect of a racially motivated crime there were also some indications of a robbery in the house loiva's handbag and teddy's briefcase both had been rummaged through and all of the stuff from inside had been scattered around the cord to the home phone had been cut which is why when teddy was calling home neither of the calls were answered a bunch of the wardrobe doors had been left open indicating that somebody had been looking through them loiva actually also had a bunch of dogs she had like five or six little dogs who always barked whenever somebody came to the house but the killer obviously must have known this and restrained the dogs in a room and they were unharmed from the get-go though police believed that the house had actually just been staged to look like a robbery that there was actually no rubbery involved nothing expensive or a value had been taken from the house louisville's jewelry was all still there teddy had like seven hundred dollars in his wallet that hadn't been touched louisville had like 300 in her wallet that hadn't been touched either the wardrobes that had their doors open also from the inside looked seemingly undisturbed and the blood spatter around teddy and lovers bodies actually indicated that their stuff that had been scattered around them was purposefully placed there after the murders in the kitchen one of the fly screens above the sink had actually been removed slashed and thrown outside but there were no footprints on the kitchen counter which is to be expected if this was the entry point of the house it seems as though whoever the killer was just set this up to further the rubbery break-in angle the fact that the motors took place over a few hours as well between 4 and 7 pm also indicated this wasn't just some rash like break-in rubbery because the killer would have had to lay there and wait for each member of the family to get home in order to kill them there was fresh water on the bathroom tiles which was determined to have been from after the murders took place so whoever the killer was showered rinsed off after the final matter of teddy gonzalez and took their time they weren't in a rush they didn't immediately flee the murder weapons as i had already mentioned were determined to be a baseball bat but also two knives and the knives were actually determined to have been from the gonzalez family's kitchen they had this knife block two of the knives were missing um police went out and i found the exact knife block and one of the two knives that was missing from the knife block at the home was determined to be a perfect match for the matters so this was definitely a weird thing for somebody who came and was so patient and waited for each member of the family to get home they didn't come very prepared like if you planned a hate crime or a home invasion wouldn't you bring your own weapons i mean you'd also have to hope that when you got there there was nobody there because you need time to look around for what weapons you're going to take from their house in order to murder them it just seems like a bit of a gamble besides the kitchen window which seemed to be staged to look like a point of entry there was actually no signs of a break-in meaning police were looking for somebody who knew the family or had access to the house bloody shoe prints were also found throughout the house but they didn't belong to anybody who had entered the scene not neighbors not paramedics officers chef victims nobody the shoe prints were identified as a uk size 7 and they were the human brand running laceless shoes police went and questioned the neighbors but nobody had heard anything suspicious no screams no yelling no arguments nothing out of the ordinary but it also was like quite a windy thundery raining loud night which probably didn't help police dogs were also brought to the scene but they didn't manage to pick up on ascent so the next day on the 11th of july seth was brought into the police station to give an official written statement he said he went to uni in the morning he then went to his dad's law office to help out with some i.t stuff he left it around 4pm because he had plans to meet his friend sam at five but then his friend sam ended up postponing until around 8pm so he went home from his dad's law office he tried to call his mom he tried to call her home phone both calls went unanswered he got home at around 6 00 pm and he thought that nobody was home there were no lights on it was really quiet no movement and it was also raining so he was just sitting in his car waiting for the rain to subside before he would go inside eventually he decided not to go inside at all his friend had just gotten a new house in kingsford which is like 30 minutes away so he decided to go and visit this friend but the weird thing about this was that he didn't have this friend's number he didn't have this friend's address so he just was like apparently driving around aimlessly looking for the house until eventually it got to like 8pm and he was like oh i've got to go pick my friend up so he went and picked sam up at 8 15 pm and as i already mentioned earlier in the video they got dinner at planet hollywood went to an arcade after seth then went home got home at around 11 45 pm which is when he discovered his parents bodies by the 13th of july the media had picked up on the case and it was just going crazy seth held a press conference he offered a 100 000 reward for any information that could lead to the killer's whereabouts the best way i could possibly describe my father is that he was my hero and role model he believed that there is no limit to what he could do for his family friends i admired him in every way possible and my greatest aim in life was to one day become at least half the man that he was my mother was the heart of my family she was hard of her friends and anyone who knew her we have always confronted each other as best of friends and she made it seem that nothing was impossible my sister was was the life in the family she was an expert in smiling and made us all believe that life should be taken lightly she had always told me that i was more talented than her and that she looked up to me i had always replied to that with a smile i never got the chance to tell her that i looked up to her it is difficult to explain the love and ties in my family but if you were to picture the four corners of the world in my world we were the four the three corners of my world are now gone my family friends and myself would like to ask anyone out there to please help us now because the case was blowing up in the media there was a bunch of speculation a bunch of rumors about who could have done something like this there were rumors about teddy's legal business saying that he might have been a little corrupt and involved in some shady stuff people were speculating that he had ties to a local criminal gang and that they had murdered the three of them to send a message there were obviously also rumors about this being a hate crime after pictures circulated of the racist graffiti in the living room people basically thought that they were like this upper middle class family that they must have been doing something shady in order for somebody to get some sort of revenge it came out that in the late 1990s teddy had come under the radar of the department of immigration for allegedly helping filipino immigrants lie on their documents seeking refuge in australia and he was actually charged with four counts of falsifying documents he did go to trial but he was cleared of all charges he also apparently upset a few people by keeping the money that they had paid him despite the fact that their visa applications had been denied in 2001 a colleague overheard him in his office on a really heated phone call he ended up yelling out [ __ ] you before slamming the phone down which was super out of character for him he ended up telling this colleague that he was in the middle of trying to sell a property to an investor in the philippines and that it just wasn't going right and this person ended up threatening to kill his entire family which is a little crazy but teddy didn't seem to be too fazed by the threat i guess the investor was in the philippines so it just seemed like it was an empty threat so on the same day as the press conference in the media frenzy so the 13th of july seth actually also went to his dad's accountant trying to get all of his inheritance their estate in australia was worth 1.5 million dollars and then back in the philippines they also had an estate worth 1.3 million dollars so it was a lot of inheritance and seth was the sole beneficiary of it all now that both his parents and his sister had been murdered he couldn't access the inheritance at the time i'm under the impression inheritance take a few weeks to come through anyway um i don't know what the deal is with inheritance if the people whose inheritance it is have been murdered might take a little bit longer but either way he didn't get the inheritance the funeral for teddy lover and clothing was held on the 20th of july at the holy spirit catholic church in northride and there was about 300 people there colleagues clients of the office friends family school friends and law enforcement who were still investigating seth got up to give his eulogy and spoke about how he would never know the backstory of his name because his father wouldn't be around to tell him on his 21st birthday he said i will never find out the meaning of my name because it was taken away along with my father that part of me will always be incomplete and then after the eulogy he ended up singing a solo acapella version of one sweet day by mariah carey and boys to men and sorry i never told you all i wanted to say now it's that was some mixed feelings about this some people felt really sorry for him and then most people i think thought it was just like really bizarre because it is was so police aren't really getting anywhere with the case they're not getting any leads the theories that they've played with aren't really making any sense you know the racially motivated crime the robbery neither makes sense so they start looking into those closest to the family and they look into seth he was acting really strange in the days following the murders so police were definitely a little suss on him and there were definitely some holes in his alibi there were times he couldn't be accounted for times that couldn't be corroborated in his alibi there was cct footage of him with sam at planet hollywood at the arcade from you know 8 till 11 p.m his friend sam said that while they were out he wasn't really eating that much apparently he was still recovering from the small bout of food poisoning that he and his mum both got his mom had it way more severe she actually had to be hospitalized overnight because of it seth also continuously asked sam all throughout the night if he could borrow his phone to call his family's home phone because it was engaged apparently he called like every 15 minutes and it was engaged the entire time so that was a count of four but the time during the actual murders from four to seven pm he couldn't be accounted for seth said that before he met up with sam that he drove around aimlessly looking for a house that he didn't know the address of for a friend that he didn't have the phone number of not only is that weird but there's no one to corroborate it and in fact there was actually people to corroborate the opposite like i mentioned earlier seth had a pretty distinctive green car with a personalized number play one of teddy's clients was interviewed and he said he stopped by the house around 4 10 to 4 30 p.m which is around the time clothing was murdered he said he was there just dropping some documents into the gonzalez's letterbox but while he was there he noticed the green ford festival was there lloyd's sister so seth's aunt emily luna also visited the house at around 6 p.m she was on her way home after picking up her son and she just decided to pay her sister a little bit of a visit when she got to the house it looked like nobody was home there was no lights on it was pretty quiet there was no movement seth's green ford festival was there parked out front of the house which kind of lines up with what he said he said he was home at around that time but he said that it was raining and that he didn't get out of the car and he left shortly after but when emily was there there was nobody in his car and it wasn't raining which she distinctively remembers because she knew that she didn't have to get an umbrella out for her and her son to walk up to the house emily went up to the front door she rang the doorbell nobody answered and over the next five minutes she intermittently rang the doorbell and got no answer there was a window next to the front door and when emily peeked inside she saw that there was like somebody there wearing a jacket and a baseball cap but her son reassured her mum that's nobody it's not a real person it's just that coat rack so she decided you know he's right it's probably just a coat rack she decided to go around the side of the house to knock on the door around the side of the house and to that way but as she started walking around the side of the house she just got a really uneasy feeling decided not to go any further grabbed her son got in the car and they left there was also a bunch of other really sketchy coincidences regarding seth as well when paramedics and police first arrived on the scene on the 10th of july the day of the murders seth had called the police neighbors had called the police seth was crying hysterically however his face was completely dry there was not a single tear shed by seth like despite putting on the works of full theatrics he couldn't produce a single tier when police were searching the house that day and seth was outside with another officer he actually said to the officer that he felt really uncomfortable because they were searching the house which meant they were going to search his room and he had purchased a porn video which he had in his drawers and he was just feeling really embarrassed about it the police officer that he told this to felt really uncomfortable about this because he was like why do you care if they find a pawn video when your entire family is in there murdered he also told police that after he discovered his parents bodies that he went in and tried to give them cpr but he only had the smallest amount of blood on him he had like a little bit on his jeans like a few spots on his jeans a few spots on his boots and a little spot on the sleeve of his jumper but given how much blood was found at the scene of the crime and around his parents bodies there's no way he could have gone in there and given them cpr and not gotten blood all over himself like it didn't it just didn't add up he tried to explain this away in the dumbest way he said oh it's raining today i went outside the rain washed the rest of the blood off me and then i cleaned my hands on the wet grass which literally doesn't make any sense he also had some blue coloured staining on the sleeve of his jumper which a later analysis showed that it was blue paint much like the blue paint that was used to graffiti the racial slurs on the wall of the house in his bedroom wardrobe they also found a shoe box for uk size 7 human brand running laceless shoes the box was empty and the shoes were nowhere to be found and seth tried to explain this away saying like oh those aren't my shoes my dad actually bought them for my cousin in the philippines which again doesn't make any sense because if you were gonna send them to someone in the philippines wouldn't you send them with the box like why would you keep the box and just like take the shoes out and send the shoes it doesn't even make any sense his friend sam said that seth kept a baseball bat in the boot of his car in case he ever needed to defend himself and if you remember the murder weapons were two knives from the kitchen and a baseball bat none of which have ever been recovered and the baseball bat was missing from seth's car so at this point police would definitely stars on seth but they don't have any like solid evidence against him so they asked him to come down to the station and do a full reenactment of the night of july 10th when he described finding the bodies of his family members he didn't seem distressed he was very calm he didn't seem to be upset at all retelling and reliving that moment he reiterated the night to police he told them again how he saw two people fleeing from the scene and tried to chase them so police decided to reenact this see if it was possible if he was telling the truth um they went to the house and they were able to determine that by the time seth exited the house through the garage the two people who he was trying to chase wouldn't have even been in sight so it seemed like just another lie they asked him about the baseball bat that his friend sam said he kept in his boot and he said oh um i don't have that anymore and i don't know what happened to it they then interviewed his family and friends to get a better idea of who seth was and what he was like and through these interviews they found out that he is literally just like a pathological liar he had told friends and family and acquaintances all of these like crazy stories that just weren't true he said he was an expert in taekwondo and he ran his own security company that he was a world champion kickboxer a pt a lawyer that he owned property and he had to travel to new york for all these like crazy meetings and to negotiate business deals he said he was the manager of a boy band that he was a music producer that he had his own record deal that he was a modeling agent or owned his own modeling agency he actually told everyone at one point that he had cancer and then later told them that he had beaten cancer that he was in remission it also turned out that his fan page run by daisy diaz um i'll give you a minute for this one i'm sure you can guess who it was actually run by if you said seth you were correct a family friend actually once accused him of stealing money from her wallet and when his parents confronted them he didn't even deny it just said that he was an opportunist and teddy and louisville honestly weren't surprised when they found out either because they had suspicions that he had been stealing from their wallets as well even though they gave both him and claudine an allowance police also learned that at the time of the murder he had a very tumultuous relationship with his parents despite the fact that they were seen to be a very close-knit family which i spoke about earlier you know they were threatening to take his car away threatening to disinherit him but it actually gets worse would you believe it after the murder of his parents and sister he was actually awarded fifteen thousand dollars from the government as part of a victims of crime compensation payment the fifteen thousand dollars was actually meant to help pay for his family's funerals to help pay for his living expenses considering his family weren't around anymore um but since his parents had been murdered he had started driving his mom's car and decided to spend the fifteen thousand dollars to pimp it out a little bit meanwhile seth was actually trying to paint himself as the victim a little bit more compulsive lying you know he tried to tell police that a hit had been taken out on his family from one of their business rivals in the philippines he said that he believed they spared one of the family members to serve as a scapegoat and that he was in fear of his life that they would come back for him as well he was kind of just running with that call that his father had gotten previously that was overheard by a colleague when his father said that somebody in the philippines had threatened to murder him and his family despite the fact that the only evidence of that call is the colleague's word that teddy had said that that's what happened on the call police were leaving no stone unturned so they were checking out every lead they checked this one out too but there were no business rivals who had enough to gain from murdering the family in august of 2001 seth went to police and handed them an anonymous email that he had received the email was written in a mixture of english and tagalog and it basically said they paid for three there was supposed to be three you're just lucky you weren't there so seth was convinced that his life was still in danger and he got his friends to start acting as his bodyguards police actually later seized seth's computer and found drafts for this email on his computer which indicated that he had sent it to himself would you believe it in september of 2001 seth told his family members that he had been diagnosed with a brain tumor he contacted his aunt annie from the philippines and she was the one who ran all of teddy's investment properties over in the philippines and he basically asked her for a hundred and ninety thousand dollars to help with his surgery for his brain tumor to save his life she was like okay that's us she didn't pay it and instead she went and told the police the next month so we're in october now he sold his parents cars his cars his mother's jewelry for 88 dollars he then put a five thousand dollar deposit down on 175 thousand dollar lexus which he told them he would pay the rest off once he got his inheritance but eventually he had to cancel the lexus because he didn't have the money obviously instead he went and bought a more affordable car and he got a personalized number plate again that read tlcs which is the initials for all of his immediate family members teddy louisville clothing and seth he also moved into a new apartment in chatswood all of the furniture was from his parents old house and his rent and build were paid for by his family members because he told them that the police told him to relocate because he was in danger which again wasn't true by january of 2002 seth was made aware that investigators didn't buy his original alibi and seth didn't know this but they had actually also bugged his phone so they were listening to all of his calls and recording all of his calls they also had an undercover officer trying to befriend him steph was at a coffee shop when a stranger complimented him on his clothes and they struck up a conversation they were talking the stranger who was actually an undercover officer was like i'm in a gang and seth was like oh rad i'm in a gang too called the white dragons which again was a light sort of real gang but this officer told seth that he had a friend in prison who was on his deathbed who would be willing to confess to the murders for him it seemed at first like seth was considering this because he drew a floor plan of his family's home and he pinpointed and marked where each of his family members were murdered when police compared seth's handwriting from this drawing to the racist graffiti found in the house it was actually a pretty close match seth actually also provided time of death for each family member in this drawing which is something that nobody knew except for the killer and police because they specifically hadn't released this information because they knew it was something only the killer would know so anyway seth decided not to go ahead with this gangsters like offer of his friend on the deathbed admitting to the murders and decided to just plead innocence and continued with this story that it was a business rival who had murdered his family then on the 10th of january in 2002 seth called a friend still having no idea that his calls were being recorded he told his friend that his original alibi was a lie but that he had a new alibi that police couldn't possibly dispute so after this police confronted him about his alibi and seth was like yeah look my first alibi was a lie i actually was at a brothel that night he said he didn't tell them originally because he was embarrassed he didn't want to bring shame to his family because they still thought that he was a virgin so according to seth what actually happened that night was he left his father's law office at around 4pm went home dropped his car home went to a local petrol station from the petrol station he got a taxi to a brothel in chatswood because he didn't want anyone to recognize his car near a brothel he actually claimed that the sex worker refused his payment would not at all let him pay because the sex was just too good he says he then went to chatswood train station got a taxi from there to home got in his car and then went and picked up his friend sam now because police had bugged his phone they saw that he was trying to contact a bunch of sex workers and a bunch of brothels in the north shore area and he had also been contacting this taxi driver so police went and contacted this taxi driver themselves and he was like yup i did drop him off at a brothel in chatswood on the 10th of july and then police told him like you know we're questioning you in relation to a triple homicide right and immediately the taxi driver was like wow okay he told me it was just in relation to a misdemeanor or i never would have gone ahead with this he contacted me on the 12th of january in 2002 so five months after the murder and he offered 50 in order for me to say that on the 10th of july in 2001 i dropped him off at a brothel in chatswood and the only reason he had agreed to do it is because seth had told him it wasn't in relation to anything serious it was just in relation to like a misdemeanor by april police actually got in contact with the sex worker that he claimed to have slept with as well and turns out she wasn't even working on the 10th of july so his alibi was a lie but we already knew that on the 30th of may in 2002 seth contacted police he said there was a break-in at his apartment that he had been staying in in chatswood he also told them about two threatening emails he had received one of which said make it easy on yourself confess now your father deserved to die don't talk to any reporters there was no evidence to suggest there had been a break in as seth claim there was and they also traced the two emails back to an internet cafe but there was no cctv footage there so they couldn't determine who would send them but i'm willing to bet it was probably seph if i had to take a gamble so after this steph started offering to talk to journalists but he was like charging them out the ass saying that he needed the money because his safety was in danger he then realized it looked a little bit shady to be trying to charge reporters at the ask to have an interview with him about his murdered family members so he then agreed to do a free interview with cara lawrence from the daily telegraph in this interview he said that his apartment had been broken into and he believed that his family's killers were responsible then at 8 30 p.m and that night the same night at the interview seth was found lying in a gutter in chatswood with a plastic bag next to him he was taken to the hospital and he told doctors that he was really disoriented like he didn't even know his own name or where he was what was going on after police arrived at the hospital to question him about it he said that somebody had pulled him into their car while he was walking down the street put a plastic bag over his head and then hit him in the head with a piece of wood they then told him to withdraw the reward money and to stop talking to reporters and if he didn't do as they asked that there would be consequences especially for his grandma doctors however couldn't find any injuries there was no evidence to suggest that he had been hit in the head with anything let alone a piece of wood no reason why he should be disoriented either now this really worried the police because not only did they suspect that he had murdered all three of his immediate family members but now he's apparently lying about this thing that happened to him and his grandmother has been threatened so they're worried for her safety they were worried that he would put her in harm's way just to deflect any suspicion from himself so on the 13th of june in 2002 police executed a search warrant of seth's apartment and charged him with three counts of murder seth plead not guilty but bail was refused he tried to get access to his parents estate in order to fund his defense which was denied the trial started in april of 2004 and it came out at trial that this murder had actually been months in the making that he had been planning this for some time and originally planned to kill his family by poisoning them now during an earlier search of the gonzalez family home they found seth's computer and had seized it and had looked through it since and they found a bunch of shady stuff in his search history in the months leading up to the murders they found that he had been searching for poisons that could easily be disguised in food he made a purchase of two types of seeds from a us distributor which were delivered in early july and one of these seeds was a castor oil seed which is actually poisonous once ingested seff would you have guessed it denied ever making these searches he said that teddy must have been searching for them to make sure he didn't plan anything poisonous in the garden however police actually found a vial of clear liquid taped underneath his desk in the family home when they tested the liquid they found that it was actually derived from one of the seeds that he ordered and was deadly if consumed as i mentioned earlier in the days leading up to the murders louisville experienced some really bad abdominal pains a really bad fever she was feeling really unwell and she had to be taken to the hospital at the hospital she told them it must have been from some undercooked food that she'd eaten seth backed her up said that he was feeling a little bit unwell as well so at the hospital they were like okay well you must have food poisoning um they kept her in overnight and discharged her the next day little did they know it was actually from seth trying to poison his mother when seth was arrested they took his fingerprints mug shot all of that sort of thing that they do when they arrest somebody usually but when they entered his fingerprints into the database they actually got a match they didn't even know they were looking for his fingerprints were found on a letter that was sent to a food manufacturer in early july of 2001. the letter basically said the manufacturers products have been contaminated with deadly poison that they're now on supermarket shelves and this is what you get for treating your employees badly australian federal police and australian quarantine inspection and services also received similar letters basically saying they were from concerned employees from this manufacturer and that they had received a tip-off that some of the food had been poisoned all three letters plus an online search history on seth's computer for the addresses for all three places that received the letters was found on seth's computer police believe that they were part of his initial plan to poison his family and this was just him trying to offset any blame and trying to redirect any suspicion away from himself and so he was also charged with threatening product contamination so what really happened the day of the murders is seth went to uni in the morning he then went to his father's law office and he finished at his father's law office at around 4 10 or 4 30 p.m and headed home when he got home he grabbed the baseball bat from the back of his car and two knives from the family kitchen he then went up to his sister's room and attacked her using the baseball bat and one of the knives and her murder was extremely brutal it's believed seth murdered her so that he would be the sole beneficiary of the will but that her murder was so brutal because he was pissed off at her for telling their parents about the fact that he was falsifying his report cards he then covered his sister's body with a red jumper to hide the brutality of the attack and laid and wait for his parents to get home one by one when louisville got home at around 6 pm he attacked her and stabbed her when she entered the living space of the home he then laid and wait in the foyer for his father to get home and during this waiting period is when his auntie emily luna visited the house and the figured that she saw that her son convinced her was just the coat rack was actually seth and he was wearing a coat and a baseball hat teddy gonzalez got home at around 7pm and was murdered immediately upon entering the home after the murders seth had a shower and he then staged the scene to look like a racially motivated break-in robbery crime he graffitied the walls and got some of the blue spray paint on his jumper which as i mentioned police confirmed previously that it was in fact blue spray paint on his jumper well police actually went back did a further analysis of that and were able to determine that it was an exact match to the paint that was used to graffiti the house after staging the scene he then left in his car with the baseball bat the knives the clothes he was wearing the shoes he was wearing and the spray paint cans and he went and disposed of all of those and they have never been recovered and he then went and met up with his friend sam as if he didn't just murder his entire family it's believed he murdered his family in order to gain his inheritance and also because he was mad at them because they threatened to take away his car to disinherit him because they wanted him to break up with his girlfriend and stop focusing on music and instead focus on his grades on the 20th of may in 2004 seth was found guilty of three counts of matter the lesser charge of food contamination was dropped because he was found guilty of these three counts of matter he literally gasped in shock when the verdict was read out he really did not expect to be going to jail for these murders did not expect to be convicted i wonder if he just didn't realize how bad he wasn't lying or how obvious it was they actually did have a psychiatrist come in to talk to him to determine if there was anything wrong with him if he was fit to stand trial if he knew what he did was wrong and he didn't have any mental illnesses and was deemed fit to stand trial on the 18th of september just one day after seth's 24th birthday he was sentenced to three concurrent life sentences without the possibility of parole i think justice has been done but it would have been easier to accept if it were a different person it's just so hard to accept because of this verdict the lesser charge of food contamination was dropped he's currently held in goldberg prison and still to this day claims that he's innocent the gonzalez family home was sold in november of 2005 for 720 000 to buyers who knew what had happened and in 2017 the owners of the former gonzalez house actually spoke about life in the house and said they had a really good feeling about the property from the moment that they walked in and after spending so many happy years in the house they actually told women's day let me read this this is my home i get really annoyed when people ask about what happened here because it happened before us i know the gonzales were a good family and would have liked to know we have taken over their home and have been very happy here and that is all of the information that i have on this case as always i would love to discuss your thoughts on this case in the comments down below because it is honestly just so crazy to me like all of the lies that seth thought that he could get away with all of these crazy lies that he'd been telling his friends and his family i would love to hear your thoughts and talk about your thoughts in the comments below thanks so much for watching guys i hope you have a wonderful day and hopefully i will see you in my next video bye guys
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 1,802,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery monday
Id: wg3ecpzflOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 46sec (2866 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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