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hey guys welcome back to another mystery monday case in today's video we're going to be covering another australian case and we're going to be talking about the biggest schoolgirl matters which occurred in biga in new south wales and just a warning before we do get into this one it does involve the sexual assault of a 15 and 16 year old girl and it's really horrendous because the australian justice system really let these girls down so this case is solved and the men responsible just never should have been given the chance to commit these crimes they were both career criminals and were let out on bail just weeks before these crimes were committed there have been law reforms since this case occurred in 1997 but we still have a really long way to go in australia in regards to violence against women one in three women in australia have experienced some form of physical violence since the age of 15 and one in two women have experienced some form of sexual harassment so i just think this case is a really important case to talk about just quickly before we get into it i want to thank today's sponsor caystify for making this video possible and i want to tell you about their recastify crush cases because they are incredible they are made out of 65 recycled and plant-based materials and their re-castified technology actually upcycles end of life phone cases bioplastics and excess plastic to give new life to post-consumer waste which is amazing and you can actually send your old cases back into case defy so when you're looking for something new a new vibe if you want to upgrade your phone case you can send your old cases into case defy even if they're not case-to-five phone cases and they will up-cycle them into new cases so you can find the re-castify cases on their website and if you see the raw speckled bumper edge it's actually crushed up cycled phone cases which is really cool these cases are still approved for drops of up to 9.8 feet they are still wireless charging and magsafe compatible they are 100 non-toxic and non-hazardous and they also have an antimicrobial coating which kills 99 of bacteria and they still are so cute they're still customizable so you can add your initials your name a monogram you can add someone else's initials or name to give it as a gift personally i have four of the regaster by cases which i just love so very much i'm currently using this gradient one which i'm obsessed with the colors on this so if you guys are interested make sure you head to bella to save fifteen percent off the new recastify cases i will leave all of the information in the description down below and speaking of cases let's go ahead and get into today's case so like i said this case took place in bieger in new south wales which is about 430 kilometers or 270 miles from sydney and if you're in australia you may have heard of them before because they are famous for their dairy products i always get their tasty cheese it's amazing but they are a small town so in 2016 they had a population of about 4 000 and in 1997 when this case occurred it was considered a really safe town it was a place that people would go to live and settle down and raise a family because there were none of you know the big city dangers it was a tight-knit community it was a very close community and this case really hit them hard because it was a close community so it seemed like everybody in the town kind of knew the girls in some way they had kids that went to school with them they went to school with them or they knew their family in some capacity i think also because it was considered such a safe place this case just really rocked them because it was so unexpected and it was just such a terrible terrible crime but if there's one thing that i have learnt from doing these videos it's that no place should ever really be considered a safe place so friday the 3rd of october in 1997 was the start of the labor day long weekend so a group of friends decided that they were going to take this extra time to go camping at white rock in kalauru which is right outside of bieger and one of the girls birthdays was also coming up so it's kind of like an early celebration as well so on the trip there was lauren barry and it was her 15th birthday that was coming up she was born on the 11th of october in 1982 to garrett and cheryl and she also had an older brother named nathan who she had a really close relationship with and he was also going to be on the camping trip they were really close family lauren was very much a homebody and she loved being at home with her parents and her brother and her brother said that growing up there really wasn't a lot of kids around the properties they grew up on so they mainly just had each other and they were best friends they obviously fought as siblings do but despite those fights they just had an unconditional love for each other lauren was also in grade nine in biega high school in 1997 and she was described by friends as being quiet and calm she was very low-key but she was very generous and kind and sweet and she was really easy going and a lot of fun to be around her best friend nicole collins was also going to be on the camping trip she was born on the 14th of november in 1980 and she lived in a small village called kalaroo with her parents graham and delma collins she was in grade 11 at the local bigger high school at the time and she was described as very outgoing friendly and vivacious her friends said she was full of life and she had a lot of energy so if you're ever feeling down or you were in a bad mood she would always be able to cheer you up and bring you out of that mood i just come from a school where i was actually bullied so i was very vulnerable and didn't have any friends didn't know anybody and i was just sitting at school you know by myself and nicole came up to me and said i love your shirt and from that moment on just instantly like that we were friends she loved riding horses and her friend rebecca said that they would spend most weekends riding horses together and her parents actually lived just three kilometers or about two miles away from the campsite and her dad graham actually went down to the campsite on the 3rd of october to set the campsite up and he set them up in a really peaceful area overlooking the ocean so that they could enjoy the long weekend and lauren's early birthday celebrations with the group so also on the trip was rebecca campbell sarah darcy and a few guys and their parents weren't really concerned about them being at the campsite alone because it was considered a very safe area nicole's parents lived just three kilometers away from the campsite they were all very trustworthy and responsible kids and lauren's older brother nathan who was 17 at the time was also going to be on the trip but despite that the girls still promised that they would go and check in with their parents every day they would get meals there they would shower there get new clothes there and their parents were also going to go and check in at the campsite just to make sure that everything was going well so the group spent the first couple of days riding their horses they went swimming down at macarthur they rode down to boulder creek and they did you know go and visit their parents eat with their parents share with their parents get changed with their parents just like they promised they would on the evening of sunday the 5th of october you know they didn't have to go into school on monday so they all stayed up late sitting around the campfire talking and listening to music and nicole had actually been a little upset that night because she and her boyfriend andrew had just recently broken up so you know she was feeling a little down and he was at a party that night in gillajilla which was about eight kilometers from the campsite so nicole decided that she was gonna go for a walk to this party to visit him and i guess you know see if they could work things out and lauren decided that she was gonna go with her for the eight kilometer wall you know they were 14 and 16 years old they didn't have cars they lived in what was considered a very safe place so they pretty much walked everywhere it really was not that out of the ordinary or concerning or anything like that so they left the campsite at around 9pm but unfortunately they would never reach the party the next morning on the 6th of october lauren's brother nathan was the first one at the campsite to wake up and he noticed that neither of the girls had returned since they left for the party the night before so he goes home to his parents and he asked them if they've seen lauren or nicole and they say what do you mean like we thought they were at the campsite with you guys and so immediately lauren's mum cheryl starts calling around to everyone she knows to see if anyone had seen or heard from the girl since the night before and lauren's dad went straight to the campsite to ask the other kids who were on the camping trip if they knew where they were and they said you know they went to a party in gilajilla the night before they probably just went and stayed at nicole's place afterwards but the girls weren't at nicole's house and no one had seen or heard from them so their friends and families immediately went out and started looking for them they rode their horses through all of the nearby trails they drove their cars around all of the roads in town calling out to them but by midday when no one had seen or heard from them lauren and nicole's families called the police and unlike a lot of these cases the bigger police were very onto it there was none of that oh you know they're probably just runaways we'll just have to wait the 48 hours before we start searching they were right onto it you know the girl's parents were adamant that they would not run away they had never done anything like this and they were always in constant contact with their parents so the bigger police started an official search almost immediately that same day while all of the searches were getting underway a local council worker actually found this pink television set on the side of the road near where the girls were camping which you know is obviously pretty unusual to see on the side of the road so he got out of his car he picked it up he loaded it into his truck and he didn't know it at the time but this tv would actually become a vital clue in this case but like i said he didn't know it at the time so he went and dropped it off at a local refuse center someone else found it at this refuse center took it home painted it black and then sold it to a local hotel and it would be a few weeks until this tv set was recognized as the vital clue that it was in this case so like i said an official search got underway right away friends family the state emergency services and local volunteers were all out looking and doing detailed sweeps of the bushland they had mounted police and the dog squad aiding in the search and it was a massive manhunt like it was a massive search effort lauren's brother nathan stuck posters to the windows of his car as he drove around town to all of the spots he thought the girls could have been friends houses hangout spots they would go to around town and in the bush he drove around all of the highways down pretty much every road calling out for the girls and the girls families were out there searching for them tirelessly lauren's father garrett was out there every waking moment because he just felt so helpless like all he could do was go out there and search he couldn't sleep so he was just always out there looking and it honestly just breaks my heart thinking about what these families were going through i remember him just being helpless in this sort of rage but sort of uncontrollable pain going through him and that's what makes me upset now because i get what he was feeling at the time well you don't know me my name's garrett barry i'm rather one of the girls [Music] on that first day of starches a local resident actually found some clothing on a dirt road near where the girls were camping and they handed them in to police it was a girl's shirt and a chequered flannel shirt and the police were able to determine pretty quickly that these clothes belong to lauren barry so they returned the clothes to her parents and her parents put them away not realizing at the time because you know by this point the girls were just missing they had only been reported missing a couple of hours ago so they didn't realize at the time that these clothes actually contained some pretty vital evidence by wednesday the 8th of october detective shane box who was one of the lead detectives on the case did some checks and he realized that neither of the girls had touched their bank accounts they hadn't you know come to get any personal items they hadn't taken any personal items or any items at all for that matter with them so it just kind of confirmed that they definitely were not runaways so he contacted some senior detectives in wollongong in nowra in bateman's bay and a couple of other places and they came down to help investigate the case and they started a task force the media also got a hold of this case pretty quickly and the parents made a very emotional plea for any information regarding the girls whereabouts and i honestly got goosebumps watching these please because you can just feel their emotion and it's honestly just devastating they're enduring almost unbelievable suffering two sets of parents tortured by the disappearance of their teenage daughters the pain i'm going through and not knowing where she is is unbelievable having fun and she just said see you tomorrow how about still going pain that can't be described i don't think a total loss emptiness you can't get warm you're just cold all the time because it's just a pain that is totally undescribable until you've been through it you have no idea what it's like they also held a vigil in the town park where thousands came to pray for the girls safe return and this vigil pretty much shut the whole town down because like i said it was a small community thousands wanted to pay their respects and it all hit them very hard this case was pretty much all people in viega were talking about everyone seemed to have some sort of connection to the girls whether they had children that went to school with them they went to school with them they knew their siblings or they knew their families and when detectives would go to the family's houses to talk to them there would always be people who were leaving after dropping off food or just going there to offer them support the parents publicly did result in an influx of calls from the public with information there was one local mother who said that at 9 50 pm on sunday the 5th of october that she was driving along the highway to a place called tarthra when she came across a car that was stopped on the highway and it was kind of preventing her from being able to pass safely so she had to stop behind this car and she could see pretty clearly what was going on in the light of her headlights she said that she saw two young girls and a man talking near this car and she was able to give police a pretty detailed description of the man and also of the car and eventually they kind of like moved the car off the side of the road so that this woman could pass safely and continue on her journey to tathra another witness also came forward to say that they had seen a pink television set that had been abandoned on the side of the road which at the time you know may have seemed like a pretty pointless piece of evidence because what does the pink tv set have to do with the disappearance of two girls but it's the same tv that i mentioned earlier which will become a pretty vital piece of evidence later on so we will circle back to that a bit later a few days later detectives by this point had searched everywhere they had searched high and low for the girls and they hadn't found any more evidence to indicate where the girls were so they had to make the decision to scale back the search and all the detectives who would come from you know wollongong or bateman's bay had to be sent back to their stations and just four detectives were left to investigate the case and over the next month or so there wasn't really a lot of activity on the case there wasn't really any new leads or any new information until about a month after the disappearance when an informant from yaz which is about 300 kilometers or about 180 miles from bieger said that they had heard about the disappearances of nicole and lauren in the media and they came forward to police and said look you should look into these guys leslie camilleri and lindsey beckett apparently in the informant had overheard these guys saying i bet they try and blame this [ __ ] on us and they kind of go on about it a lot which is kind of fishy for them to be saying this sort of thing out of the blue when no one has pointed the finger at them no one has accused them nothing and they're just randomly 300 kilometers away from where it happened going i bet they try and blame this [ __ ] on us these guys had also actually been in vega recently so the yaz police call up the biega police and tell them about these guys and the bigger police look into them and they are not good news they are career criminals and they definitely fit the criteria so let me tell you a little bit about these men so lindsay beckett is 23 years old at the time he was born on the 27th of march in 1974 in new zealand and he was said to have a pretty low iq to put it politely according to some his father was a rapist who raped his mother when she was 15 years old and his mother later got remarried to a man who drank pretty heavily and would beat and abuse both her and her children one day his stepfather actually stabbed him in the hand because he couldn't find his keys and the family car was stolen another time and so beckett's stepfather decided to take his anger out on him and beat him with an electrical cord and kicked him into unconsciousness by age 14 beckett was a heavy smoker and he began smoking weed to try and block out the pain of his family life when he was 16 he left school and moved to australia to get away from his stepfather and he first moved in with his uncle but he ended up moving around the new south wales coast and was occasionally caught for damaging property or assault by 1992 he had began dating a woman and they had four children together but they had a pretty tumultuous relationship they fought often and beckett often beat her but in 1995 they moved to yaz together where beckett met leslie camilleri and they became pretty good friends and would often steal cars together so leslie camilleri was 28 years old by this point and since the age of 12 he had managed to rack up 146 criminal convictions which is insane they had over 200 criminal convictions between the two of them and this is what i mean when i say that the australian justice system really let these girls down because with over 200 criminal convictions these men never should have been out on bail they never should have had the chance to commit these crimes so camilleri was born on the 31st of may in 1969 into a family of six children and he didn't meet his biological father until he was 13. in a 1993 psychiatric report it was said that he had a deprived childhood and a pattern of theft and vandalism which they believed was his reaction to social ostracism and this ostracism led to frustration and because he had poor impulse control this frustration led to explosive outbursts of destructive behavior so he spent most of his childhood in juvenile detention when he was 10 he managed to escape juvie and between ages 10 and 12 he lived as a street kid and eventually when he was 12 he was taken to the children's court by the police where he was ordered to return to juvie and he remained there until he was 15. in 1986 he tried to illegally leave new south wales to start a new life in queensland but it wasn't long before he was arrested again in queensland in 1989 he was charged with a ton of offenses which included 15 motor vehicle threats eight break and enters and 92 counts of stealing and he was sentenced to just three years in prison and then when he was released he met a woman and moved in with her and her nine-year-old daughter and they moved to jazz together and three weeks prior to the disappearance of nicole and lauren he actually faced court on six counts of indecent assault of his de facto partner's 11 year old daughter two days after his trial began for this it was aborted on a legal technicality and he was free to go both camilleri and beckett also escaped retribution for the abduction and rape of a 19 year old named rosemarie which they have been involved in in september of 1997 so just weeks before lauren and nicole's disappearance they had abducted rosemarie in canberra and they held her captive for over 12 hours driving her to multiple locations raping her repeatedly and they were actually planning on killing her by dropping her off a bridge but before that happened she actually managed to escape so they stopped at a rest stop on the highway and she said can i use the bathroom she was only wearing a t-shirt and shoes and they thought you know she would be too scared to try anything but she used this opportunity to run for her life and she hid until she eventually lost them and she ran to a nearby farmhouse where the police were called but she actually decided not to make a statement against them because camilleri and beckett showed up to this farmhouse they gave their own statements and basically said the whole thing was consensual and it was in exchange for drugs so they managed to escape retribution and they were free to go and then weeks later nicole and lauren went missing so on the 25th of october in 1997 the bigger police get a call from the canberra police because they had actually found a car that had been stolen by lindsay beckett and when they searched the car they found maps of the bieger area they found lindsay beckett's belongings and they also found some bloodied clothes in the boot so the bigger police head up to canberra so that they can check out these bloodied clothes and they can interview beckett and on the way they're kind of just reading through some of the case files on lauren and nicole's disappearance and they're reading through the evidence and witness statements and one of the detectives comes across the statement about the pink television set and he kind of just thinks hmm that makes sense that if you know this television set was in the back of the car it was quite big so there wouldn't have been any room for the two girls so they might have just gotten it out put it on the side of the road to make room for the two girls to get in the back seat of the car but it was you know pretty far-fetched it was just kind of a thought that he had he didn't really think much of it at the time and then they get there and they're interviewing beckett and the whole time he's you know he's arrogant he's obnoxious he's uninterested for the whole interview and then towards the end of the interview this detective just kind of makes a little comment he says hey have you ever had a pink television set in the back of your car and as soon as he made that you know just little off far-fetched comment beckett's entire demeanor changed he got really rigid and the detective said he just knew that he had hit a sore spot and becca didn't really say much about the tv but he did admit that at some point he had had a pink tv set in the back of his car but he couldn't remember what happened to it can you recall the television burning in the back seat at all at that time can you recall getting rid of those can you recall getting rid of the television at any time during that trip so after that interview detectives decide to go and talk to the informant in yaz the one who originally called up and said hey you should check out these guys and while they're talking to this informant they actually find out that beckett had actually stolen the pink tv set from this informant so this was pretty huge for the investigation because it put beckett and camilleri at the scene of the crime because obviously the pink tv was found really close to the girl's campsite now by this point leslie camilleri had also been arrested on the 28th of october in 1997 for unrelated matters and he was being held in goldburn in new south wales so detectives from the biega police decided to go and question him as well and as soon as they bring up this pink television set he immediately refuses to answer any more questions so the bigger detectives and the interview and apparently when camilleri went back to his cell after that interview he was really distressed and he was crying and like banging his head against the wall so after this interview they go back to beckett and they interview him again and they tell him look we actually have some evidence to link you to the disappearances of these two biggest school girls lauren barry and nicole collins and the detectives have some like a4 photos of the girls on the interview table and beckett picks them up and he turns them over and immediately says i need to go for a smoke break so he goes out for a smoke break and he just bursts out into tears and tells the guards they've got us and the guards bring him back into the interview room and he tells the detectives give me a map and i'll show you where they are and the detectives gave him a map and he pointed to a place called fiddler's green creek in victoria and said they're here and he then gave the detectives a full detailed confession about the abduction rape and murder of lauren barry and nicole collins so let me tell you what beckett claimed happened he said that on the 5th of october that he and camilleri were driving around the bieger area in this old banged up ford telstra which they had actually stolen from the informant they had also stolen his pink television set and his checkbook which they had in the back seat of the car and as they were driving around biga they were drinking alcohol and they were injecting each other with amphetamines so they were off their faces and they decided to go from biga to tathra and on the drive there they came across lauren and nicole at around 10 p.m on the road from biga to tathra and they pulled up next to them and asked them hey you know do you guys want to come with us to the beach have a few drinks with us and apparently the girl said yes and got into the car willingly now the girls families are adamant that the girls would not have gotten into a car with a stranger willingly especially considering this car was old it was banged up and it was so banged up that you actually couldn't open the back seat doors from the inside of the car and not to mention like you know they wouldn't get in the car with strangers but especially strangers who had been drinking and injecting each other with amphetamines and would have looked absolutely off their faces the girl's friends also said that they had actually spoken about this before they had spoken about the fact that they would never hitchhike and they would never get in the car with a stranger detective shane box also said that he believed that the men had coerced them to get in the car or they had you know been displaying some mannerisms which had actually scared the girls into getting into the car other friends said that they believed that beckett must have been lying because he thought it would sound less harsh that the girls had gotten him willingly but there was another detective who said that beckett was very forthcoming with all of the other gruesome details of the rape and murder of the two girls so he just doesn't see why he would lie about the girls getting him willingly when he told the truth about so many other gruesome and devastating details so back to the confession beckett claimed that because the pink tv set was in the back seat of the car and it was taking up quite a lot of room because it was pretty large that they had put it on the side of the road so that the two girls could get in because it didn't fit in the boot it didn't fit anywhere else in the car so they just left it there and drove off they drove the five kilometers to tarther beach where they hung out for a little while they talked they had some drinks and then eventually the girls decided that they wanted to go back to the campsite so the guys were like no worries we'll take you back there and they drove back to white rock on this kind of old dirt road it was very rocky it was a four wheel drive road and they were just driving a two-wheel drive so there was a lot of rocks that were coming up and hitting the car making a lot of noise damaging the car and apparently camilleri got really pissed off and he actually got out a knife he stopped the car he turned to the girls and he said shut up don't say another word he then turned to beckett and he told beckett to get his knife out as well so they both had knives at this point and they drove off they did not take the girls to the campsite and unfortunately the girls couldn't escape because like i said the back seat doors you couldn't open them from the inside of the car the men held the girls captive for the next 12 hours and during this 12 hours they drove the car south over the victorian border and the whole time they were drinking they were injecting each other with amphetamines and they made multiple stops on their drive to rape the girls multiple times they said horrendous things to these girls they held their knives to them and told them not to use their teeth when performing oral and it is just horrible to think about what these girls had to endure for the last 12 hours of their lives beckett described how they were just kind of driving aimlessly and at some point they swapped who was driving so beckett started driving instead of camilleri and camilleri had a bit of a nap while they crossed over into victoria and apparently when he woke up and realized they were in victoria he was pissed and he turned to beckett and he said that he wanted to rape the one with the brown hair so they went into some quiet bushland they stopped the car and camilleri got out with lauren while beckett drove off with nicole and then when they met up again apparently camilleri said to beckett we can't go back now we have to kill them so as dawn breaks they are still driving further south into victoria along the princess highway and after they drive about 60 kilometers into victoria they decide we need to turn around so they do a u-turn they drive about 40 kilometers north towards new south wales until about 7 am when they stopped at fiddler's green creek they then took the girls out of the car and walked them about 250 metres down to the creek and they forced the girls to strip and to get into the water to wash themselves and remove any evidence of the rapes and sexual assaults and after they wash themselves they force them to get out and they force them to dress themselves again and they then hog tied lauren and left her face down on the ground and they tied nicole up to a nearby tree they also gagged both of them with a fabric from their jeans so that they couldn't yell camilleri then tells beckett that he has to kill the girls or he's going to kill him so beckett goes and grabs lauren and he takes her down to the water and holds her head underwater and i'll read you a quote of his confession and what he said happened next he said i held her head under the water she was struggling and she knocked me into the water and one of my knees went into the water and that pissed me off a little bit and i opened my knife and i stabbed lauren in the left side of the neck after a couple of seconds after i stabbed her she stopped moving after i stabbed lauren i ran up the bank to where i tied nicole up she must have heard what i had done to lauren because when i got to her she said you're going to kill me aren't you and i said shut up i walked around to her left side and i cut her throat two or three times after this she just started thrashing around on the ground she was trying to scream but nothing was coming out i kicked her and put my foot on her to keep her still and this didn't work so i stabbed her in the throat i aimed and stabbed at the hard thing in her neck which was her windpipe i pushed the knife all the way in but she wouldn't keep still so i worked out where her heart would be and i stabbed her on the left side of her chest she didn't stop moving so i stabbed her in the front of the chest i was aiming for her heart i needed two hands to get through her chest cavity she kept moving so i kicked her in the head a couple of times she still kept moving but she was slowing down i waited until she stopped moving which didn't take long their deaths were just horrific in every way nicole had to watch lauren get murdered knowing that she was then going to be murdered and then she was stabbed multiple times and you know they both had to endure 12 hours of torture it was just awful beckett said after murdering the two girls he removed their ropes and walked back to the car where camilleri was waiting and he said that when he got back to the car camilleri was just off his face and he said to him did you see the demons and then they drove off beckett said that over the next few days they burnt the clothes that they had been wearing they burnt the clothes they had taken from the girls they went and threw their knives in lake barely griffin and one of those knives was actually later recovered they also then went and scrubbed the car to remove any evidence of what had happened any evidence of the girls and they also returned to the campsite where they had left the pink television set to try and you know remove that evidence as well but by the time they got there it was already gone and then after that they returned to yaz so after beckett's confession the biega police went to go and question camilleri again and they told him about the confession and he denied everything he tried to paint beckett as the sole murderer he said and i quote we picked up the girls and we went to the beach i had a shot behind the shed while the girls were drinking i was trying to od we drove around with them i was asleep most of the time beckett told me he dropped them off at home i remember waking up and seeing the girls and then later i asked beckett where we were and he said victoria on the main road somewhere and i went off my head i told him to go home get the [ __ ] out of here then i saw him walking out of the bush he had blood all over him told me he'd cut his finger so he basically tried to claim that for the entire 12-hour ordeal that he was asleep and becca just did everything without his knowledge so after this beckett was driven to fiddler's green creek where he led detectives to where the girls bodies were and detective shane box was there when the girl's bodies were discovered and afterward he drove back to bieger to tell the families that the girl's bodies had been discovered and as he did he actually broke down in tears because he had become really close with the families over the course of the investigation he also had two daughters of his own so this case just hit him really hard and i can imagine it just must have taken such a huge toll on everybody who was involved so because the murders actually took place in victoria the new south wales police handed all of the evidence over to the victorian police and beckett and camilleri were extradited to victoria for the matters lindsey beckett pled guilty to the murders of lauren barry and nicole collins and on the 20th of august in 1998 he was sentenced to two life sentences with a non-parole period of 35 years which at the time was actually the longest non-parole period ever handed down in victoria still not long enough in my opinion and he will actually be eligible for parole when he is 59 in 2033 so that's really scary to think about the fact that he could potentially be released is terrifying because you let these guys out once and look what happened leslie camilleri's trial began on the 15th of february in 1999 and lasted 10 weeks until the 10th of april in 1999 over 100 witnesses were called to the stand and beckett was of course their star witness and he testified in detail about all of the gruesome and horrendous things that they did to these girls and the families were at this trial and they actually previously had not heard any of these horrible details so they were sitting there getting all sorts of pictures in their heads of what happened to their daughters and their sister nineteen-year-old rosa marie also testified about her own abduction and rape at the hands of beckett and camilleri the prosecution also presented evidence that camilleri's dna was actually an exact match to semen that was found on lauren barry's clothes and those clothes if you remember are the clothes that police gave back to lauren's family not realizing that there was very vital evidence on them and crazily enough despite all of this evidence camilleri still denied having any involvement in the rape and murder of lauren and nicole when the trial ended the jury deliberated for 48 hours before coming back with a guilty verdict and camilleri actually yawned multiple times when this verdict was read out like he was just so uninterested couldn't care less that he had just been found guilty of the rapes and murders of 14 and 16 year old girls the girls families on the other hand had a very different reaction as soon as the verdict was read they jumped up and started yelling in joy because for them it was like a light in a bad situation they had gone through almost two years of investigations and trials and now finally someone was being held responsible and it just felt like it gave them a little bit of closure we heard he was guilty um i can remember my parents and nicole's parents viewing for like screaming yes and feeling for joy that he which is hard to to get some joy but from all the stress and pressure we put through it was uh you know positive in in a bad situation [Music] they were the best words i'd heard in this long long trial now maybe our girls can rest in peace and we'd really like to thank the jury they got it right leslie camilleri was sentenced to two life sentences without the possibility of parole and at sentencing justice vincent said i consider that my duty is clear you were to be sentenced to imprisonment for life on each count without the possibility of parole through your actions you have forfeited your right to walk among us again two years later camilleri did try to appeal his sentence but his appeal was denied and he was refused permission to appeal at the high court and then many years later while he was in jail he actually ended up confessing out of the blue to the 1992 matter of 13 year old prue bird so in 1986 the russell street police headquarters in melbourne were actually bombed and peru was the granddaughter of the police informant who identified the gang responsible for that bombing the gang threatened peru's grandmother and her boyfriend and basically told her you know if you go to the police we're going to kill peru but her grandmother and her boyfriend went to the police anyway and then years later prue was killed camilleri told police that he dumped prue's body at a tip in frankston but he couldn't remember exactly where and her remains have never been found and for this confession camilleri was sentenced to a further 28 years in prison so there is no doubt that he will die in prison the detectives on this case received really high praise for their work in tracking down lone and nicole's killers and prosecuting them like people in beaker would literally go into the police station just to thank them for their work on this case and the girls families also praised them really highly for doing everything they could to comfort them while at the same time doing their job and doing everything they could to find the girl's killers but i just wish it had never come to that like these men had over 200 criminal convictions between the two of them they had been violent to women multiple times previously so they just never should have been out on bail they never should have had the ability to commit these crimes it's just horrendous but that's all from me today guys that's everything for this case i would love to talk about your thoughts and opinions in the comments down below i think this is a really important case to talk about but i hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day and hopefully i will see you in my next video bye guys
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 1,406,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n6vfrYv9ZbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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