The Gruesome Case of John Price

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hey guys someone was such a big head I have a small brain because I forgot to film an interest so this is my intro enjoy the mystery video today we are starting with a notorious Australian female Killa and she was actually the first-ever Australian female to be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole like for the rest of her natural life she will never be getting out of prison and you guys will see why as we get into this video because honestly she has to be like one of the most depraved human beings that ever walked this planet it's crazy and I was Cather night she was born on the 24th of October in 1955 and she was born and tend to filled New South Wales to Barbara and Ken night and she was a non identical twin and a father can dropped out of school when he was 14 he was living in Aberdeen he didn't really know how to read or write when he dropped out of school and he went to work at the Aberdeen abattoir at the abattoir he worked with and his friends with a man named Jack Rowan and Jack Rowan had a wife and he had four children with this wife and this wife was Barbara and Barbara and Ken ended up having affair that's how they got together and this is an Aberdeen and it was a conservative semi rural very small town like that was less than like 1,600 people that live there and even today there's just over 1,800 people that live there so it's very small rumors spread very fast people found out about the affair and they weren't happy so they got a whole bunch of backlash for it because obviously it's a really shitty thing that they did and because of all of the backlash that they got they actually had to move to another place called Maury which is also in New South Wales just to escape all of the like you know rumours shunning that they were kind of experiencing rats lessor in my opinion when they moved Catherine didn't bring any of her four children with her two of them stayed with jack and the other two they kind of just like shipped off to a nan and Sydney and she started a new family kind of just abandoning her old family then in 1955 they were living in tent field which is when they had Catherine and her twin sister and Catherine was actually a little bit younger than her twin sister then in 1959 when Catherine was four years old Jack ended up passing away and his two sons that had been living with him moved in and started living with the knife family now out of the whole family Catherine was particularly close to her twin sister and also her uncle Austinite who unfortunately passed away in 1969 and she was just absolutely devastated he committed suicide and it just broke her and in that same year the family ended up moving back to your Burdine her family was incredibly dysfunctional her father Ken was an alcoholic he was violent and he would sexually assault them a LaBarbera sometimes multiple times a day and Barbra would tell her children in detail about this she would say that you just have to put up with sex and what the man wants and she would tell them she hated sex and that she hated man and she was also a particularly not a nice woman she had an extreme temper of really short fuse and she just used horrible language all the time and unfortunately Catherine growing up as well was sexually assaulted not by her father but by her brothers up until she was age 11 which was confirmed by her family member when in the future she was getting psychic psychiatric tests and she told the psychiatrist about this they were a little bit skeptical of her claims until they were confirmed and I mean you'll you'll understand why as we get further into the case growing up catherine attended Musselburgh high school and she was a bit of a loner she was a bully just like her mum she had a really bad temper you know really short fuse so she really didn't get along with many people at all on the bus to and from school there were boys that would kind of torment her but she always fought back and at one point she actually assaulted one of the boys with a weapon there was another occasion where her teacher actually injured her but in self-defense and it was just crazy because one minute she would be this crazy like angry violent girl and then the next minute she would be like a model student getting really good grades being praised for working hard she just switched and at home even she was the Gauley one of her and her twin sister she would help her mom she would want to clean with her she would want to cook with her she wanted to help her around the house and play with her dolls and then the next minute she could just be this like horrible person it was almost like she was two separate people catherine ended up leaving school when she was 15 years old without really knowing how to read without really knowing how to write and she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps it was her dream to work at the abattoir but when she applied they rejected her so she ended up getting a job at a clothing factory as a cutoff for about 12 months until 1971 when she applied at that plugin and her application was successful this time she started at the abattoir when she was 16 and she started as a general labourer so she would basically just like mop up blood and clean up animal caucuses then eventually oh very quickly actually she was promoted to burning or like being a slicer which was like her dream and she was so excited about it she was good at her job she was efficient she was very good with knives she really took pride in her work and when she was promoted she was also gifted a set of knives which she just kept in tip-top condition she even like had them hung above her bed so that they would always be there so other than that growing up she was a pretty kind nation woman some people described her as having a heart of gold and she loved knitting she loved making her in clothes she loved playing finger but as you've probably gathered from what I mentioned about high school she also had this other side of her that was not so nice when Katharine was 18 years old she met her first husband David Keller and they just fell in love so quickly they had a really fast romance and in 1974 just a few months after they met they were pretty drunk they got on a motorbike and rode to the local registry office which was like a town over a muscle Brook and they got married and then they went to the local pub to celebrate with some friends they also saw Barbara on the day of their wedding day and she told David like you better watch this one because she will [ __ ] kill you and this was according to David and he also said the barber said something along the lines of stir up in the wrong way and you [ __ ] basically and she wasn't wrong because that very night on their wedding night she ended up like he was he had been drinking quite a lot that day so he was having trouble performing in bed although I did read that they had sex like three times sir either they had sex three times and she wasn't satisfied with that or he was like having trouble getting it up at all but she wasn't satisfied and she ended up strangling him in his sleep despite that third that marriage was off to a pretty good start you know the honey period it was all roses and she would cook him meals and send him lunch with him to work and she knew the little things that would make him happy it wasn't until about a year in and that things really started going downhill they were fighting a lot she was starting to get really violent and she end up falling pregnant and while she was like heavily heavily pregnant she but all of his clothes all of his shoes and also hit him on the back of the head with a frying pan because he got home late from a dot's competition where he actually made it through the finals he was obviously like probably scared for his life at this point because this wasn't like a one-off event like she was violent they were fighting a lot he went to a neighbor's house where they took him to the hospital and he was treated for a fractured skull and he didn't press any charges there but after that daughter Mellisa was born he ended up moving to Queensland with another woman who he had like kind of been having an affair with because I mean the relationship was just cooked he basically decided he didn't want to deal with her violent behavior with her crazy up-and-down mood swings so he left and Katherine was heartbroken because of it and she decided to take it out on her daughter Melissa and she took her down to the train station and placed her on the train tracks and then left and she went into town she's stolen acts and threatened to kill several people with this axe and luckily for Melissa there was a local man at the Train and he saw her he ran down to get her and saved her literally minutes before a train came and she's okay but because of the AppStore and stuff like that the police were called and they ended up taking her to st. elmo's Hospital to have a health assessment done on her but she was released like the very next day she'd just like sign to sell fabric something which I just don't even understand like she threatened to kill people with an axe tried to kill her daughter and then somehow just signed herself out the very next day a few days later on the 3rd of August she went to her co-worker Molly Perry's house she said that Melissa was really sick and she needed help she needed them to drive it to the doctor and Molly was more than happy to help her out she got in the car she brought a brother and a mum with her and as soon as she got in the car like Katherine was not there to get help for her daughter as soon as they started driving she held on butcher's knife up to Molly's face she even slashed her on the cheek and demanded that she actually drive her six hours away to coffs harbour which is where David calots mother Jean limped because she basically wanted to question her about why David left her and then she wanted to kill her and then she wanted to kill herself Molly drove to a service station instead to try and get some help and when they got there Molly like ran out into the service station to get help and Kathryn like took her younger brother and started threatening to kill him police were called and they managed to disarm her with a broomstick and luckily there was like no major injuries besides like the slash on Molly's cheek and one of the officers got like a small cut and that was it which is incredibly lucky and she was once again taken to the hospital for a health assessment so this time she was actually diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder which is basically where you have unstable moods unstable behaviors but at the time it wasn't considered like a real mental illness so she was released just like that I mean possibly like when I was researching this case I just couldn't believe the fact that all of these things she's done and people just keep releasing her like just into the public after threatening a boy after slashing someone's cheek after trying to hold them hostage after all of the things she's done and then just like no more ease off you go into society so by this point while she was still in hospital before she was released David Kellett found out about the whole incident so did his mother Jean and handed up leaving the girl he was in Queensland with and he and his mother Jean came back to Aberdeen and that's who Katherine was released to to David and his mother so that they could support her and look after her she was released into the care just six days after everything had happened and they were basically just instructed to make sure she stays on her medication and then right after she was released from hospital she got into a violent fight with her mother because they went and they saw barbara and barbara basically went up to david give him gave him a little bit of a push maybe a little bit of a slap and just said you know you did this to her you're to blame and then Katherine went up to her mother and like punched her in the face and said you will not ever talk to David like that so Katherine and David ended up moving here to Brisbane they moved to a suburb named Wood Ridge it's not like the nicest of suburbs she got a job at denmoor meat wax in Ipswich which was another abattoir of course it didn't take long for the relationship problems to start up again and she couldn't let the affair go and she would often hit him with pots and pans and whatever else she could get her hands on and she ended up having an affair to like get back at him and David actually ended up walking in on them but despite this they still tried to make the marriage work they felt pregnant with their second daughter Natasha who was born on the 6th of March in 1990 finally in 1984 the relationship ended for good and she went to go move in with her parents in Aberdeen before finding a place for her no two children and muscle Brook but then in 1985 she ended up suffering a pretty bad back injury so she couldn't walk anymore she went on a disability pension and she also it was provided a Housing Commission from the government which she and her two daughters went to live in the next year in 1986 at the Aberdeen ball club she met 38 year old David Saunders and they got into a relationship and just like with David Kellen it started off all races she knew exactly how to make them happy how to make them keep coming back she would always have a hot meal for the and just knew the little things that they like just a few months after they started dating and David Saunders ended up moving in with Kathryn and a two children he had an apartment in scarring which despite moving in with her he still kept the apartment but again it wasn't long until the relationship problems started up and she started to share her dark side decided to get violent and started to accuse him of cheating which apparently is like a effect of borderline personality disorder you can get very paranoid that your partner's a cheating on New Year and it definitely didn't help that her previous partner David Kellen actually did cheated on her which just made her very paranoid she would accuse him of cheating she would then kick him out all the time and then she would beg him to come back and live with her again and apologize and do the small things that he liked and cook him nice hot meals and like lure them back in in May of 1987 David Saunders owned a dog a small two month old dingo puppy and she went out into the back and she split it sorry for absolutely no reason as to teach him a lesson if he did she you know what she was capable of and you know they always say killing innocent animals I mean all animals are innocent but killing animals is like the first sign that you're gonna be like a serial killer or a psychopath she claimed that he beat her she claimed that he kicked her in the stomach when she told him that she was pregnant all of which Saunders denies eventually she ended up taking an overdose of pills and had to be rushed to the hospital and they just had a very tumultuous relationship because she was just as violent as ever and then in June of 1988 they ended up having their first order Catherine's third daughter Sarah after the birth of their daughter Sarah Saunders ended up putting a deposit on a house so that they could all live as a family have a family home and Catherine then ended up paying like the rest of the house off because she got her workers commission from a back injury a $15,000 so basically the house ended up like being hurt us because she paid the whole thing off and apparently the way she decorated the house was not very inviting to stay the leaf she would decorate it with animal skulls with animal carcasses with pitchforks and machetes skins that sort of thing the relationship just kept going downhill despite the daughter despite the fact that they had a house together and she they got into several fights several arguments she was violent and she actually ended up getting restraining order against Saunders even though he claims that he should have been the one getting restraining order against her now soon after this they got into a major fight where she hit him in the face with an iron and then stabbed him in a chest with scissors luckily for him the injuries weren't bad enough that he felt they need to go to hospital he didn't press any charges but who did end the relationship for a short time before he came back they fought some more had some more violent fights and she ended up cutting up all of his clothes and he finally ended up ending the relationship the good and Seidner by the way David Kellen her first husband all this time had been sending birthday cards Christmas presents and letters and stuff like that to his two daughters Melissa and Natasha and Catherine would tell them that he wasn't sending them anything and she would throw them out before the girls could even see them Catherine was the type of woman who did not like to be alone she jumped from relationship to relationship she always liked to have some sort of company sir soon after her and Saunders relationship ended she met a man named John Chillingworth and they had actually met 20 years earlier when she was 16 years old at the abattoir they worked together and he ended up moving away and you know getting married having children nothing happened but he got divorced and moved back to Aberdeen and he was out at the pub one night which is when he met Katherine and because he'd been living away for so long he really hadn't heard all of the rumors about her and her past relationships because like I mentioned Aberdeen small town and you know the conservative and Loomis went around so people didn't or what Katherine was like and what her previous relationships was like and you know people told him what she was like but he didn't want to believe them he thought that she was his soul mate and they were meant to be together and yeah he really just didn't listen to all of these stories and rumors and stuff that people were telling him about Katherine and as with all of her relationships it started off amazing in 1990 she ended up falling pregnant and after falling pregnant is when the relationship inevitably started to go downhill they began arguing and she actually went to cheated on him with her previous boyfriend David Saunders and was just so excited to go on like rub it in John's face they also had problems in terms of Melissa Catherine's eldest daughter she did not want to borrow chilling where she didn't like him the feeling's mutual he didn't like her either and he actually ended up admitting to hitting her one time which he said he regretted immensely but I mean that does not make it okay whatsoever and Katherine she was the type of woman that if you did something wrong to her she had to get you back ten times less so she smashed his false teeth and he of course got mad so then she smashed his second pair of false teeth in 1991 Katherine gave birth to their son Erik and right after he was born they got into a huge physical fight Chillingworth was charged with assault and Katherine got a restraining order taken out against him they also separated but like as with all of her relationships over on and off extremely toxic relationships so they got back together although even though they got back together she didn't end up nothing the charges on him so they like went to court together for the assault charges he was put on a good behavior bond and got a fine and then they went home from court together throughout the relationship John it was a pretty heavy drinker it caused a lot of problems in their relationship but good for him he actually quit he ended up helping out at the Salvation Army he helped out with drug and alcohol counseling which ended up landing him a job in Queensland in 1993 where he would go to work just for two weeks but while he was there he decided that he loved Queensland so much that he wanted to move that permanently and his original plan was to have Catherine and the kids come over and live in Queensland with him so they went and visited him there they got in a huge huge physical fire relationship ended for good and actually you know four months before that Catherine had been having an affair with another man so she was more than happy for the relationship to hand and she could just bounce onto her next relationship and the man that she'd been having an affair with for quite some time at this point was John Price and he was born on the 4th of April in 1955 and was the eldest of six children he left school when he was 14 so he as well could barely read or write but he was an extremely hard worker very dedicated man he worked with heavy machinery with earth-moving equipment and trucking and mining and he really put everything like into his work like he was very good at what he did and he made sure to put all of his effort towards it he was married to a woman named Colleen they had three children together one son two daughters but his life definitely was not without struggle there was an incident where his brother and his dad were in a huge physical fight like massive his dad pulled out a gun and as he was loading in his brother pulled out a gun as well fired a warning shot and unfortunately killed their mother and the death was ruled accidental his brother was charged with manslaughter and of course like the whole thing just devastated John as you could imagine and so he ended up finding a job elsewhere and moving to Aberdeen in 1981 John was described it's just like a top bloke like he was easygoing he was Caffrey he was laid-back and well liked by everybody that he knew and he was the kind of guy that just had a heart of gold he would do anything for anybody without expecting anything in return in 1988 after 15 years of marriage he and Colleen split but it was just like a really respectable mutual split to the point where she needed some money she needs like $500 in order to fix her bridge and with that question he just like bought her a new fridge and there was another time when she was going away on vacation she didn't ask for any money nothing he just heard that she was going away from vacation and slipped $500 into her bank account just so she would have some extra spending money and didn't expect anything in return didn't even tell her that he had transferred the money like he was just seemed like a really like genuine person he liked to unwind after work with a couple of beers with his mates and there were two pubs in Aberdeen there was Aberdeen Hotel which was known as the top pub which was where he liked to go with his friends and it was called the top pub because it was on top of a hill and there was another part which was called the bottom part because it was on the bottom of the hill one night he was at at the top pub getting a few drinks which is where he met Katherine and they hit it off right away and as with the common theme with all of her relationships started off roses cooked in meals near the things he likes like she was very good at like luring a man in and despite that toxic relationships always knowing like how to get them to come back off to their fights and stuff like that and still having very long lasting relationships with men despite the fact that she was so violent and toxic and he knew about Katherine and I past relationships just like everybody and he knew but he was optimistic because everything was going so well that he was different and things would be different with their relationship and it took about a year for things to start going downhill and the violence to come out and the fighting to stop the fights just got worse catherine started to get paranoid that he was cheating just like she did with her past relationships because of her borderline personality disorder and also you know her first relationship with david where he actually did have an affair eventually catherine moved into John's house and he there was a lot of relationship problems based off the fact that he wouldn't marry her the house was in his children's name and the reason he didn't want to marry her is because he wanted to make sure that she was not entitled to the house whatsoever he wanted it to go solely to his children and she argued we're basically de facto partners I'm entitled to a share of the house should anything happen to you and it just caused like a whole bunch of problems and it didn't help that at his house he still had a bunch of photos of Colleen and the kids up and he would often accidentally refer to her by his ex-wife Colleen's name so to hurt still kind of felt like it was Colleen's house cuz that was belongings of house and stuff like that there and the fight started to escalate and violence and the relationship started to deteriorate she started she threatened him saying that she would kill him which he and everybody else just kind of shrugged off as meaningless threats in 1988 they had a fight about the fact that he wouldn't marry her and like I said she likes to get everybody back tenfold way worse than anything they had ever done to her so she started taking videos of things around the house that she claimed that he had stolen from his work and it was things like expired first aid kits which were already in the trash at his work which he had taken from the trash expired bug spray stuff like that and they got into a big fight she sent it off to his boss and even invited his boss through the house to show it to them in person which she did and he got fired after 17 years working at this job working his way up to a hundred K year salary he got fun just like that because of some expired first-aid kits and expired bug spray that Kathryn had sent to them of course he ended up ending the relationship he kicked her out she murmured to her own place and word spread like wildfire around aberdeen as with everything everybody knew you know about all of the things that had happened it was a small town and eventually six months later John got lonely and he got back with her and this caused a lot of drama Mike's his friends and his co-workers he actually lost some friends because of it because they just could not believe what was happening this woman who had got him fired from a job he had been at the 17 years and was violent and threatened him and all this sort of thing and he was getting back with her and it also caused a lot of drama with his son Jonathan from his first marriage because he already hated Kathryn before he got him fired but I mean afterwards like oh I cannot imagine if my parents were ever in that situation I just would be so furious this time around in the relationship he refused to let Catherine moved in and the fights got worse and more violent she was staying with him like a few nights a week and it was bad like the relationship was bad and she also started some drama with John's youngest daughter she lived with her mother Colleen but she would come and stay with Kathryn and John quite often and she would tell her horrible things like John wasn't really her dad and just all sorts of horrible things and by this point John's eldest children have moved dad they had families and same with Catherine's eldest daughters Natasha and Melissa they have moved out a Natasha had a family of her but her two youngest children still lived with her John and ended up confronting Kathryn about the way that he'd been treating his daughter and she was doing dishes at the time he decided to confront her so she grabbed a knife lunged at him and stabbed him in the top left chest and luckily for him like he didn't press any charges it wasn't bad enough that he had to go to hospital and get treatment but it did leave a permanent scar and then towards the end of 1999 Catherine offered her nephew five hundred dollars to steal John's twenty thousand dollar uninsured ute and then that wasn't enough for her she also asked her nephew to throw a battery acid on John's face which her neck year thankfully did not agree to do she told her older brother that she was going to kill John and that she was gonna get away with it because she was going to act like she was mad like crazy and John wanted to leave the relationship but he was scared he was scared that she would target his children she was scared of what he would do if she tried to leave because he didn't see like a civil way to get out of the relationship he didn't see any way that he could you know leave and talked her down from just going off during the afternoon of the 27th of February in the 2000 they got into another big fight and she ended up coming at him with a knife he ran next door to the neighbor's house to call the police he had scratches all over him from the fight but Catherine also had some bruises on her as well and he told the police that he wanted her out he did not want her in the house like he wanted her removed and they said that unfortunately there was nothing they could do and that he needed to go and get a court order the next morning at 2:30 a.m. he woke up to Katherine standing over him or like sitting over him on the bed with her arms behind her back and so he reasonably was scared that she had a knife he was scared for his life had jumped out of bed turns out she didn't have a knife but of course he was still terrified he was super distressed about the whole thing he went to whack the next day he told his co-workers what had happened and they were all terrified of him as well they could tell how distressed he was and how scared he was to go home his boss actually offered for him to come and stay with him but he said that he couldn't because he was scared that if he didn't grow back or if he left that she would go after his children so he decided to go home that night and try and have a civil discussion and civil conversation with her now they both agreed they couldn't continue on the way they were but catherine refused to leave the house and while they were there at home the police showed up to serve john with a restraining all the order that Catherine had taken out against him which was crazy and honestly it was just a piece of paper at that point because you know they both stayed in the house together that night the next day on the 29th of February Catherine work harp she cooked John breakfast she cooked him lunch to take to work something she always did like as I said she knew how to lure these men in she would cook for them she would clean for them she would you know do all of these things and know the little things to lure them back in so he went to work and on his lunch bake with permission from his boss he went to the courthouse so that he could get a restraining order against Catherine but again as I said it's just words at this point it's just words on a piece of paper doesn't really mean anything after explaining to the chamber magistrate everything that happened he did grant him a restraining order but it just it didn't mean anything meanwhile while John was at work Catherine was acting really unusual she went to her sister's house first pick up a camcorder she'd left there a couple months earlier and she then went to her daughter Ana Tasha's house and she was filming herself like playing with that children like selfie videos of her and the children saying I love all of my children and I hope I see you again she then when I visited a solicitor showed them all of the scratches and bruises she had and she then went to go and see some friends some old friends showed them all the scratches and bruises and told them that it was from her and John's fight two nights ago and said that she was gonna get him back she wasn't gonna let him get away with that and then she went to a doctor to have all of her injuries recorded setting up a bit of an alibi I suppose which we will get into that night John went out to the top pub meanwhile Catherine took Natasha her daughter and Natasha's children and also her children all out for dinner at the local Chinese restaurant saying she wanted it to be special and while she was there she also asked Natasha if she could take her two children for the night even though they didn't have anything they didn't have food any like you know spare clothes or anything for school the next day pyjamas whatever like nothing but Natasha did agree anyway and John got home at around 9:30 p.m. and then Catherine got there at about 11 p.m. and he was asleep when she got there she had a key she let herself in she woke him up and they ended up having sex the next morning John didn't show up for work and his co-workers were immediately concerned because not only was he a super reliable guy he never missed a day of work he was never late to work and he would always especially call in if he was going to be late for any reason but on top of that you know everything that had been going on with Catherine was definitely cause for concern I mean things that had happened just two days ago and he was telling them how he was scared to go home and the boss was offering to him to come home with him like it was very unusual that he wasn't there for birth reasons so they tried calling him a bunch of times and he wasn't answering and just kept ringing through so his coworker decided to call the police to see if there had been maybe any car accidents that could possibly explain why he wasn't there but that hadn't been any so his boss sent one of his co-workers to his house to see what was going on and in the meantime there was also one of his neighbors who woke up and John's car was normally always gone before his neighbours so as never came back so John to you there and he was concerned immediately I mean everybody in the town knew about Catherine so seeing the car that he was he's he'd never basically seen it that before because it was always gone sir coworker got there he and the neighbor went over to knock on the door to see if they would answer and that's when they noticed some blood on the front door and immediately called the police at around 8:10 a.m. on the 1st of March and then a 2000 officer furlong and officer Matthews showed up at John prices house on 84 st. Andrew Street in Aberdeen they first knocked on the door and noticed some blood on the handle which is when they decided to go around the side of the house which is where they saw like a cut of meat on the ground and they went round to the back and decided to break into the house because they sold a blood on the front door nobody was answering and so they forcibly made their way into the house now as soon as they entered the house they first noticed what looked like well they couldn't really make it out at first they thought it was maybe some sort of curtain or whatever but turns out it was a human felt that had been hung up in the hallway with a meat hook that Catherine had installed earlier and the head was not attached to the human Pelt it was a super ominous scene because they got there there was a human pole there was so much blood it was a gruesome gruesome gruesome scene and yet this house still like smelt good it had like this nice warm a rumor about it it smelt really nice so anyway they searched the house they ended up hearing what they thought was snoring in one of the bedrooms so they entered which is where they found Catherine Kermit Hirst like she was they tried to wake her up she was extremely groggy they tried to ask her some questions and then they ended up picking her up and carrying her out into the back lawn calling the police and trying to question her but like they just couldn't make any sense of her because she will they suspected she had taken like a bunch of pills so they called the ambulance not the police and how her taken to hospital so they had a handcuff the ambulance came took her to the hospital where she was kept in the psych ward and crime scene investigators showed up to the house so evidence showed that the struggle would have lasted for several minutes she first started while he was what seemed like asleep on the bed she got on top of him and started stabbing his chest and he got up and started running away and she was chasing him and he was like stabbing him in the back and he was just like bleeding profusely at this point there's blood all through the house you can see the trail that he made but he did make it to the front door and he opened the front door which is how those blood on the front door handles I was blood all over him and he made it just outside of the front door which is when he collapsed and she dragged him back inside and stabbed him some more she stabbed him 37 times but it's estimated that she could have stopped him more times than that because like his neck was almost completely gone when they found him because she had stopped him so many times like she was in a complete frenzy and investigators even said like you only need to stab someone once in the right place to kill him but she stabbed him over 37 times he had burns everywhere all of his vital organs his stomach his lungs his kidneys his liver like just everywhere she then skinned him and then laid the skin out like on the carpet you could see from the outline and the blood and she then decapitated him took his head off and also cut off his gluteus maximus and cooked it she cooked it in two steaks she cooked five meals she put one outside which was the piece of meat that they saw on the way in the police officer saw and some people I've read some things that it was for a dog but I didn't read anything else about them having a dog and some people said they didn't know why the piece of meat was there and then she also had two meals on the kitchen table where she had set the model nicely the piece of meat some veggies and then she had some names next to them and she had the names of his two youngest daughters sorry his son and his youngest daughter and she had their names written on little pieces of paper next to their meals during their investigation they also found that she had withdrawn one thousand dollars from John's account but nobody knows why she withdrew this money on the 7th of March in 2000 she was charged with murder in the psychiatric ward and a special bedside sitting where she was being held so she claimed that she had amnesia she couldn't remember anything that happened but she did admit that she was responsible for his murder but it became clear that she was trying to mount a battered wife syndrome defense which is what I meant earlier when talking about how she was trying to set up an alibi by getting the video camera going to listen about her doctor her friends and showing them all the scratches and getting them recorded and stuff like that she claimed that she committed the crime after years and years of severe domestic abuse but after investigations took place it became clear that she was the violent one in the relationship she was examined by multiple psychiatrists all of whom came to the same conclusion that she had borderline personality disorder which is a mental illness that makes it hard for a person to feel comfortable in themselves it causes problems controlling emotions and impulses and causes problems relating to other people but it wasn't considered a psychiatric illness so they found her violence was just a part of her nature and her claims that shouldn't remember anything were dismissed initially Catherine pled not guilty to the charges and her trial started on the 15th of October in 2001 the judge assigned to the case was Justice Barry O'Keefe and he said that in all his years as both a judge and a barrister he had never seen a case quite as horrific as this one so just before the child began she decided to change her non guilty plea to guilty and just as I really was pretty concerned about this he was concerned that if he did sentence her under her guilty plea that she would then go to the court of criminal appeals and appeal saying that when she entered the guilty plea she was actually insane and not in her right mind so he got some court-appointed psychiatrists to go and examine her again who all came to the same conclusion once again that she had borderline personality disorder and it was just violence was a part of her nature and yeah they basically came to the conclusion that she wasn't insane she was just a horrible horrible woman so a sentencing hearing was then held and justice O'Keefe actually like allowed the jury to leave if they wanted while the evidence was being presented because it was so incredibly gruesome that if if they didn't feel comfortable he was perfectly okay with them being dismissed not to have to see the evidence and while the evidence was being presented she would not look at it like when photos and videos were up on the screen she would not look she just looks straight ahead at nothing completely deadpan no remorse just no emotion whatsoever when there were you know witnesses up on Stan recounting evidence and talking about her and what she was like she would not look at them she would just look straight ahead deadpan no emotion and when she wanted a recess she would then stop screaming and crying and having fits and rocking back and forth like manipulating the court in order to get adjournments when she wanted adjournments like she really knew how to work people and what would work and her favor and what she needed to do to get things which is why justice O'Keefe was you know concern that she would pretend to be insane and get her sentencing thrown out so justice O'Keefe found that her suicide attempt was not genuine he also dismissed her claims of that'd wife syndrome he believed she was an extreme danger to society and he on the 8th of November in 2001 sentenced her to prison for the rest of her natural life without the possibility of parole and in doing so made her the first ever Australian woman to be sentenced to such a long you know jail for the rest of her natural life like she will be in jail until the day that she dies in June of 2006 she tried to appeal it saying that the punishment was too severe for just killing somebody but she was denied she is currently being held in silver water women's Correctional Centre in western Sydney where she's known as the Nana she's not allowed a cell mate in the case that she does kill again she's not allowed any knives she acts it like kind of like a queen bee and she paints she knits and she acts like a mediator amongst other prisoners which is kind of why she's known as the Nana like they say she's very docile and she's like this cute old grandma type lady here helps prisoners sort out their issues with each other a typical day in her prison lasts after 7:00 a.m. every day she wakes up to go to work and she makes headphones from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and every day she is in a factory making headphones apparently she's really good at her job she's very diligent and she is on like the top top salary of all the people who are making headphones but she always always always has multiple guards like four guards watching her all times and yeah that is everything about that case lemme know your thoughts it is absolutely insane and personally I agree with the sentencing she got like that is not normal the way that she treated like it's clear that she just cannot be reformed as a human being and the way in which she killed him is just so incredibly brutal for just absolutely no reason so I would love to hear your thoughts and hopefully I will see you guys in my next year bye guys
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 1,403,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w3oSxYcaMXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 42sec (2802 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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