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hey guys it's Bella and welcome back to at day 3 of mystery week I really hope you guys have been enjoying this week's they're fun and if you have please make sure to give this video thumbs up and let's just go ahead and get into it so today we're gonna be talking about the matter of the VAM bird our family and this case is honestly a roller coaster and it's pretty frustrating as well this one pot in this or I know you guys are just gonna be like this case takes place in South Africa which has an extremely high of violent crime rate with 49 people being murdered every single day and unfortunately on the 27th of January in 2015 this included three members of the Van Breda family Henry van bird art was the only person who was able to testify and the only person who was able to give an eyewitness as to what happened to his family that night Henry was born to Teresa and Martin Van Breda in Pattaya South Africa on the 1st of November in 1994 he had an older brother Rudy who was born two years before him and a younger sister Molly who was born of four years after him and when Henry was in the sixth grade so he was like 11 or 12 his family moved from South Africa to path here in Australia the verad are family it was very very well-off and they had you know multi-million dollar homes they their children all went to the top schools while all of the family was living in Perth Rudy the eldest son moved to Melbourne by himself to study a master's in engineering at the University of Melbourne three years later Henry followed in his brother's footsteps and he also moved to Melbourne to study physics at the same University at around the same time that Henry moved to Melbourne monitor ISA and Molly moved to the sunshine curse from multi-million dollar home in butterin so that they could be closer to their sons but in January of 2014 while Henry and Rudy was still living in Melbourne and attending University monitor ISA and Molly decided to well mantener Theresa decided and Molly obviously was still young so she moved with them decided to move back to South Africa because his father was a businessman and he had most of his businesses back back in South Africa and it was finding it increasingly difficult to operate them from Australia and on top of that they just especially Teresa just wanted to be back in South Africa and with all of her family that sorry they moved back and they moved into a luxury home in the gated is LZ dissolves II it was a Golf Estate in Stellenbosch which was extremely beautiful my dad like the entire area was or is incredible I highly recommend you guys looking it up just as kind of like goals like a dream home and so at this gated community and the dissolve Z I know I'm pronouncing that so wrong um the dissolve the estate was a gated community which was situated on the outskirts of Stellenbosch in South Africa it was one of the safest areas in South Africa and the only way that you could get in was with an access con and as I mentioned it was a gated community so like the gates around it we're super high and they were electric as well sir extremely safe a few months off the mountain and Teresa reared back to South Africa Henry decided to take a gap yeah and in August a few months before his birthday he moved into his parents to stay in December Rudy also returned home he was still attending University but he was on summer break so he returned and family was all together for the summer they were described as a pretty tight-knit family they got along really well so ever the summer they were doing like a lot of outdoorsy activities and just spending quality family time together on Monday the 26th of January they were having a family dinner at her Henry a Raj heart at about 6:00 p.m. while Teresa was in the kitchen cooking molly was in her room at the time and doing some homework it was a Monday night so it was a school night Rudy it was after a run before dinner and Martin was in the living room just having a few wines which Henry then went and joined him for a few Reds before did they all enjoyed a nice dinner together and then once it was done they kind of packed up and cleaned everything up all together Martin then went on his laptop did a little bit of web while Henry and Rudy watch some TV together and Molly went back up to her room to do some homework and meanwhile Teresa was also on the phone to her brother after a little bit of this then Henry I'm Rudy and mutton all decided to watch saw check together they just had a new surround system installed so they were kind of breaking it in and then everybody kind of went to bed Henry I'm Rudy went up to bed because they shared a room which everyone just called the boy's room and it was just like a really normal night they brush their teeth I go ready for bed and hopped into bed got on their laptops for a little while Rudy eventually fell asleep but Henry didn't he was staying up on his laptop and just couldn't sleep eventually in the early hours of the 27th of January he just it was like 1:00 a.m. he decided to put some music in to try and help him get to sleep but just it wasn't walking sorry at around 2:00 to 3:00 a.m. he got up went to the bathroom played some games on his phone which we've all been there what is a good toilet trip without some fun games some youtube obviously it was true there am so the house was dead silent like you could hear a pin drop but then all of a sudden from the bathroom Henry started hearing some very loud noises like some banging outside well not outside outside but like outside the bathroom inside the house so he left the bathroom and just was trying to have a look around was what was happening and he could hear that the noise was sort of coming from the direction of his bedroom so he look towards this bedroom which is when he saw a shadowy figure standing between his bed and Rudi's bed this person was covered from head to toe and was wearing a mosque that only had like holes for the eyes and the mouth now this figure was attacking Rudy in his sleep so Henry had no idea what to do she just started yelling the help which is when his dad ran in and turned the light on in the boys room and was like trying to stand between me and taka and Rudy because the lights run at this point Henry could make out that this that the attacker was using an axe on Rudy's head and then once a month to go in and break it up he started hitting mun as well in the back with the axe after this point he didn't move marvin stopped moving and Rudy stopped moving and after they stopped moving the attacker hit or axe Martin a few more times sir I'm unsure how this was kind of unclear to me but at some point Henry ended up back in his bedroom and he was like standing in the corner and he said that he was just frozen with fear at this point he it was so scared that he just said he was unable to do anything he was like just completely in shock and didn't think about how he could help his father how he could help his brother and he was literally just standing in the corner of his room just in shock about what was happening another thing that Henry mentioned was that the attack was actually laughing while he was attacking the members of the household all of a sudden his mom must have heard that come so she ran upstairs but she was like out of his line of vision so he couldn't see exactly what was happening so the attacker kind of stayed out of his line of vision for a little while presumably with his mum and Henry again was just frozen in fear he had no idea what to do and he was just standing in the corner of his room after a while after the attacker was I suppose done with Theresa he ended up coming back into Henry's room he said the attacker got closer and closer to him and he was holding the axe he said that he seemed kind of unconcerned about Henry's so he was approaching him relatively slowly and as he got closer he kind of lifted the axe as if to swing it at Henry but Henry saw that this was coming and raised his head to kind of like stop it so he like grabbed his arm and then with his other arm he grabbed the handle of the axe so Henry did manage to wrestle the axe of him and then he kind of pushed the attacker away the attacker like as he was pushed kind of spun around and Henry said that how surprised he was and at how easy it was to get the axe off the sky he said at about this time he noticed Rudy on the bed was making gobbling noises and this was just as the attacker turned around and somehow he had pulled out a knife sorry he slowly came at Henry with the knife and like Henry grabbed they attack his head with the knife and the attacker like grabbed Henry's hand I had the accident and they were kind of like struggling with each other for a little while eventually I guess the attacker gained control and he was slashing at Henry's chest and kind of stabbing at his chest a little bit and he also stopped his left arm then at some point the attacker like twisted his arm to completely get out of any sort of grip he was in with Henry and then he just kind of thrust the knife into Henry's side and it like got stuck in Henry's side like he had to like pull the knife out of him and as the attacker at least him Henry swung that axe down and got him it got the attacker like in his shoulder as a result of him hitting him in the shoulder he hit him in the right shoulder which was his head that had the knife in it the attacker dropped the knife and ran out of the room Henry chased after him as well which is when he saw his mother and his sister on the floor for the first time and just blood everywhere he continued down the hallway still with the ax in his head and he was like chasing the attacker the attacker was running down the stairs and as he was running down the stairs Henry like threw the axe at him but before he could even see if he hit the attacker or not he fell down the stairs he got up he was a little bit disoriented but he ran towards whether Tucker was going and he was like looking out of the doors he said that the side door to his house was open so he looked at there looked around but couldn't see when the attacker went so then at this point he tried to call his girlfriend who I think was back in Australia he then googled the number for like an emergency services before like not calling it and going back upstairs which is when he saw his mum and sister again and he noticed that Molly was like kind of moving her arm and moving her leg a little bit so he noticed that she was still alive and then at this point he passed out and and just that was a lost in hear of it and he passed out for two hours when he woke up he was obviously a little bit disorientated and kind of had to come to a little bit and remember what had happened whether it was like a dream or not he saw his friend lying over at the bottom of the stairs which is when he went to go and get his phone he googled the number for emergency services again then at 7:12 a.m. he went into his kitchen and used the family landline to call this number so the number he called was one one two which is like the South African version of say zero zero zero or nine one one 11 I think 9-1-1 is probably more well known better analogy to use so this Cole is the most frustrating emergency services call I have ever heard in my entire life he was on the phone with this emergency services operator who just seemed to be certain competent and he had to give his address to this emergency services person like I've time and count how many times literally like 10 15 times he gave his mobile number to her like three times he also got put on hold like twice for five minutes at a time and got put on hold another time for one minute and the entire call went for 25 minutes until finally they dispatched an ambulance what a Steven what did you imagine me oh yeah I mean an ambulance lots of villains yes please what's your name sir Henry Salvador Henry what's the contact number you phoning from my home phone number but um I'm not short on cannabis myself and we're at 12 Cusco sweetie who else is in the house there's no one else to contact number please yeah Oh - 102 one double double zero double a double zero four nine three four nine three and you need the ambulance to go - what number 12 Oscar Street Koshka Oscar gos goe oke what idiot is is in Stellenbosch and it's in De Soto space number 12 Oscar speak yes Alan Bosh yes I'm not picking it up with Alan Bosh I'm picking it up for purchases more mental we're in equipment and in results Winelands it's an estate I'm taking it okay for Salim - what alien stellenbosch are you in um I don't know that's all that we're into sold so on and it's an estate it's a security state are you sure it's 12 Oscar's 3 yes in Stellenbosch yeah can you please just send an ambulance of more than one ambulance the results of Ireland in sewing box oh yeah can you find that piece and you the patient no no my family is someone attacked my family Hey someone has attacked my family in my house okay so you need the police oh and an ambulance please yeah we injured my I think everyone everyone in your house everyone four people yes adult two adults two adults and two three adults and one connector yes what are the injuries head injuries I flipped our auto conscious I don't think so my sister's missing flip that's it testicle on scene me sir sir are they any suspect on scene no next okay stay on the line I'm gonna speak to the police thank you but please send an ambulance as quickly as possible yes are you the only one that's partnership yeah like it was actually crazy so she was saying that she couldn't find the address that he was giving her and that's because he was in a gated community sir apparently he didn't come up on Google Maps so while he was on a hold he was on hold for five minutes and 50 seconds he like looked on his maps and was trying to find the closest address to him which did come up on the mat which was ten Aleman Street so he gave this to her he was like please ten Aleman Street is the closest address I can find on my maps so if you can send emergency services to ten Aleman Street I can meet them there and let in and show them where the house is and she was still saying that she couldn't find this street which I mean if you go to your Google Maps right now you can type in 10 L a month Street it is right there and not only that but right next to ten other monster you can see the golf course which is like the estate that they lived on but at the end of the 25 minutes when eventually emergency services were dispatched to him they sent them to 10 on month Street but she just couldn't find it on her mouse for some reason Hawaii in her database and I'm like Hello like it's just so weird that she was saying she couldn't find it but managed to send like dispatches that there anyway like could she find it could she not find it I don't know it was just a very very frustrating call especially considering like this could be the few seconds between life and death like Molly was literally upstairs every she had blood everywhere she hadn't been attacked with an axe and was just kind of not making any noise just like moving some limbs to show that she was alive so it it's seriously daya and it took 25 minutes to even get someone to lead the first paramedic who was on the scene described it as saying that it wasn't messy it didn't look disturbed but the first floor was chaos and that there was blood everywhere it was me deer McCarney but it has a flute mary sky family Laham combat it's about the [ __ ] he said that it was the worst crime scene he had ever seen in his 39 years as a paramedic and that when he moved Therese is funny it was like a waterfall of blood going down the stairs Molly had suffered a five blows from the extra her head along with a seven jugular and multiple other injuries they rushed her to the hospital immediately and they got her in a stable condition she was obviously under very heavy guarding and was staying in the hospital to try and recover of course and at this stage Henry was staying with I think it was like his uncle or his uncle enology Martin Teresa and Rudy unfortunately were all pronounced dead at the scene of the crime so this meant that the army two surviving witnesses of this were Henry who was 20 at the time and Molly who was 16 years old memorial for Rudy Martin and Teresa took place on the 5th of February in 2015 Molly wasn't able to make it because she still was heavily guarded and was still recovering from her injuries and was still in a rehabilitation but Henry did go to the memorial after the memorial ended that is when kind of the focus switched back to investigating what took place and trying to find the attacker that did this but it would be another year and a half before any arrests were made in the case police and investigators turned to Henry and to Molly to try and piece together what happened on that night Henry said that he could still hear the laughing of the attacker every night in his nightmares Molly on the other hand was still recovering but she was recovering so incredibly well and she was able to walk and she was able to communicate extremely well considering what had happened especially considering that she had five axe blows to her head and was able to communicate and walk she was eventually released from hospital but unfortunately she was suffering from something called retrograde amnesia and she could not remember anything from the night of the attacks so this left Henry as the only surviving witness who was able to testify as to what happened that night was the only person capable of helping investigators look into what happened to find me to help them find the attacker which is why everything that I have said so far has been from Henry's perspective because he was the only witness sir of course it is the only sequence of events that can be described because he was the only one there to see it but at around the same time that the van Murdoch met has happened there was a gang who was called the balaclava game so the balaclava gang as I'm sure you guessed from the name all wore balaclavas and they had committed over 60 burglaries and they are in Leesburg Afrikaans and I think they weren't only like linked to about ten of these crimes like officially linked to the crime so they've been linked to 60 but officially linked to ten does that make sense so police were kind of looking into this gang for these matters because you know obviously somebody had come into the house and Henry described that he was covered head-to-toe it was wearing a mosque which could have been a balaclava mask but this did not fit their mo at all there was absolutely no sign of forced entry at the Van Breda house there were no valuables stolen which mind you this is a multi-million dollar estate in a very expensive well-off part of South Africa and no valuables were stolen when there would have been quite a lot of valuables in the house there were no bloody footprints and or bloody fingerprints nothing in the crime scene to insinuate that another and had been in that or broken into the house so not only is it crazy that someone would come into black burglarize the house and not take anything but what is also crazy is that they wouldn't bring their own weapons because as it turns out the knife and the axe were both from the household and that the knife itself is actually from like a set of knives that the family had at home and not only is it weird that they wouldn't bring their own weapons because you know sometimes I can understand that maybe they didn't want to hurt anyone and then something happened and they had to defend themselves and found the first thing that they could which in this scenario doesn't make sense but also what would be weird about that is is for them to leave their weapons behind whether it's their weapon or not it's extremely strange in my opinion for anyone to leave a weapon that they have used which would have had their fingerprints on it unless they wore gloves but you know what I mean like it's just weird for them to have left their weapons at the house so police were under the assumption that this had nothing to do with any sort of burglary this was just a cold-blooded murder eventually which I'm sure that you guys have guessed it at this point the investigation started to focus on Henry of amber doll in June of 2016 the state actually prepared itself to bring charges against Henry the state wand Henry's lawyer of this and his lawyers suggested that he turned himself in so that was quite a lot of evidence stacking up against Henry at this point first of all one of the neighbors had said that she had heard raised voices yelling at each other from the household at around 10:00 p.m. that was also the whole knife and axe situation the fact that it came from the household and was left at the household very extremely strange for someone not to bring their own weapon and then kill everyone in the house except Henry he was also wearing pajama shorts and some white socks and these had blood all over and DNA testing proved that the blood that was all over them was from the other family members who are now deceased so 18 months after the attacks on June 14th of 2016 Henry of amber dot turned himself in to police Henry it was charged with three counts of murder one count of attempted murder one count for obstruction of justice and one count of rearranging or tampering with a crime scene so the regional communications manager for the National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa went on to explain some key evidence that they had against Henry so they first of all said that he provided police with false information they also said that it was clear they had experts determine that the injuries that were on him were self-inflicted injuries and most of them were actually just superficial injuries they also established and their own timeline from Henry's phone records because obviously if he is a suspect his own words cannot be deemed reliable sir at around 424 a.m. Henry called his girlfriend back in Australia then at 7:12 a.m. he started googling around looking for some emergency contact details for emergency services and what was weird about this is that on the refrigerator of their kitchen which he would have walked past multiple times especially like the landline I'm pretty sure but she called emergency services from was in the kitchen but on the refrigerator had a list of emergency services numbers but for some reason he googled it and I don't know it's just like a weird thing but I will talk about that a little bit later then at around 7:15 and he called the emergency services as soon as he got off the phone with emergency services in called his girlfriend again and another thing to revisit now is the emergency services call I don't know if you guys listen to his voice on this call but he did not sound concerned at all he just sounds like almost like he just couldn't care less about what was going on he didn't seem frustrated by the fact that it was taking so long for emergency services to get here maybe he knew that Molly was moving and he was like okay so longer they take the better for me because maybe you know she won't be able to give me up but I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself but yeah it's just something to know it just the way that he spoke in that call he just there was no sense of urgency no sense of fear or shock or and I know that everyone deals with different things in their own way but to me it was just no no sadness that there would not be in a normal person if their family members had all just been killed by an ax-wielding murderer apparently the operator on the other end of the call was so unhelpful I suppose because she actually thought that she was being pranked and for somebody who works in emergency services for a living to hear someone's voice like that and things of that being pranked I feel like that says a lot about the lack of urgency and just shocked in his voice the operator actually claimed that Henry beagle during the call Henry claims that he was saying please but the operator thought that she heard him giggles so that's another reason that she thought that it was a prank call and when he loved is what makes it even weirder it was right after he said that he parents or his family members were all bleeding from the head I'll play the kit clip now so that you guys can hear it leave a comment down below let me know what you guys think do you think he's laughing or do you think that he is just saying please yes I'm confident yes and leaving from the head please unconsciousness yes and leaving from the head thank you so on April 24th 2017 Henry fàbregas trial begin and Henry pleaded not guilty to all charges as I mentioned he was being charged with three counts of murder one count of attempted murder and one count of obstructing justice and another count of episode on/off the last count I've read a few sources that say he was also charged with tampering with evidence but some sources don't say that sorry at Henry's plea hearing his lawyer read an 18 page explanation of his not guilty plea this was the first time that the public was hearing Henry's side of events police had obviously already heard when they interviewed him and the thing about this plea explanation and his initial statements to police is that they different which is a telltale telltale sign of a lot there in his initial statement to police he didn't mention a the race of the attacker whereas in his plea explanation he said that they were black possibly playing on the whole balaclava gang thing and trying to maybe implicate them because as well in his initial statement he had said that he only recalled one attacker whereas in his plea explanation he said that he heard angry voices who was speaking in Afrikaans which as I mentioned the balaclava gang sprague Afrikaans another difference is that in his initial statement he gave it as a of events whereas in his plea explanation he didn't in his plea explanation he also explains that while he was on the phone to emergency services and while he was waiting for emergency services to come he was smoking cigarettes which a lot of people found extremely weird I'm sure you guys do as well because his sister is like clinging to life his family's just been murdered and instead of going up to check on them no I don't see what whatsoever he is just sitting in his kitchen smoking cigarettes and I don't know about you but if there was any chance that my sister was still alive my brother in this case I would absolutely be trying to do everything that I can I would be up there saying you know hello can you hear me trying to make sure they were alive or checking on my family whatever there is no way I would be sitting in my kitchen just having a cigarette like nothing's happening so after the plea hearing obviously the state started to lay out their case against Henry Bamberger and the first step of this was to prove that nobody was able to get into the house or not even that nobody was able to get in the house just nobody got into the house period first of all they talked about the axe and the knife they had the families made up on the stand and she confirmed that the knife and the axe were both from the household they also talked about the fact that no one's able to get into the estate without an access card unless they climbed over as I mentioned at the side of the video a very very high electric fence not only would they have to get over this extremely high electric fence that they would have to do so without being spotted by Patrol security patrol and 360 degree cameras the disorder estate security manager also testified to the fact that nobody breached any security the night of the matter forensic experts also testified that there were no foreign are unknown of footprints DNA fingerprints what you have it in the house so the prosecution proved pretty much beyond a reasonable doubt that there was no break-in and tire there was no unknown attacker who entered the house but of course in a trial you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was Henry because Henry was the person on trial so it doesn't matter that nobody else came into the house that's fine but you have to prove that Henry was the person to do it beyond a reasonable doubt to put him away for the crime I'm sure you guys already know this but sorry the first thing they did to do this was take Henry statement and completely twist it around and put just so many holes in it that he was just filling up with water and the ship was sinking so first of all as I mentioned the neighbor said that she heard some voices that were yelling and were angry at around 10:00 p.m. or between 10:00 p.m. and midnight and Henry tried to explain this a way of saying that it was just them listening to Star Trek on their new sound suits surround sound system but this couldn't be true because he said that they had already finished watching this by 10:00 p.m. which meant that it couldn't possibly be the star track not to mention the neighbor was like I'm not stupid I know the difference between a movie and between yelling voices which I completely agree if I heard my neighbor listening to a movie I would know it's a movie but if I had them yelling at each other that would sound completely different they also focused a little bit on a blood flutter basically to prove that what Henry was saying wasn't true and didn't match up with the blood splatter analysis so the blood splatter from his pajama pants and his socks did not match what he was saying so he was saying that he was in this corner the whole time and that he didn't even see his mother being murdered but he kind of knew that it was happening but based on the blood splatter on his clothes he had to be in close proximity to Teresa Rudi and Martin when it was happening based on his clothes I was also testified that the blood splatter was inconsistent with Henry's story that he threw the axe at the attacker and they also found some of Rudys blood in the bathroom which is also inconsistent with Henry's story because apparently he never went back into the bathroom and nobody went into the bathroom so how would the blood have gotten into the bathroom another thing that they focused on were the injuries that Henry sustained during the attack and first of all they had an expert on the stand who said that these were all self-inflicted superficial wounds he had four superficial cuts on his rib on his chest for parallel superficial cuts on his left forearm he also had three shallow stab wounds all of which as I said were determined to be self-inflicted in addition to this that was also evidence at the scene that it was clear that some bloody items or objects had tried to be washed in the shower so basically forensic first Henry story none of it seemed to match up in October of 2017 milli six months after the child began the defense started calling witnesses and on the 31st of October against his defense teams best advice Henry Van Breda decided to take the stand on the stand he repeated the outline of his plea explanation and sometimes he quoted it word for word and this was like six months after the entire trial started so he had time to memorize this sir it was just looking very scripted and very ungenerous and a lot of people also mention that he was very just like cold-blooded like he just didn't care there was no emotion in his eyes Oh in his voice just like when he was on the phone to emergency services though it's just no emotion he didn't sound like someone who was talking about the murder of his family members prosecutor Susan Galloway took full took his explanation his testimony and all it was and literally put a hole in every single little pot of his explanation Henry claimed that any inconsistencies but his plea explanation his testimony and what he told police at first was because the police were the ones who transcribed his first statement forgetting that he actually signed it and said you know everything in this statement is true and I declare it and you know all of that jazz she questions him about the fact that he didn't call for nearly three hours after the attacks took place she also questioned him about the fact that he was googling for emergency services numbers when they were literally on the kitchen and he was like saying oh you know yeah I could have used the ones in the kitchen but I want to Google it to make sure that you know I was gonna help my family out as fast as possible and that he could get quicker help by googling the numbers himself which is so contradictory in and of itself because then he stayed on the phone with the one-one-two operator for twenty five minutes with no sense of urgency whatsoever in his voice most of what she said poking holes in his story we've already talked about in this video so I'm not gonna get into that too much because I don't want to like keep repeating myself cuz that's boring most of what Galloway said in pointing poking all these holes in his story we've already talked about in the video so I'm not going to get into her prosecution too much but basically the more questions Henry answered the more people started to dislike him and the less plausible his story seemed the 29th of November 2017 the defense closed his case by that point testimony in Henry's trial had lasted for 63 days and in February of 2018 the closing arguments were made and the prosecution was adamant that Henry was the only person who could have committed this crime these crimes and the defense basically said that all of the evidence the state had had was circumstantial in 2017 on the 7th of July Henry member dot was handed three life sentences for the murders of Teresa Rudy and Martin bam ba-da he was also handed a 15-year sentence for the attempted murder of Mollie membra da and one year for the obstruction of justice so that brings us to the end of today's video as always I hope you guys enjoyed and I would love for you to comment down below let me know your thoughts on the case and also let me know any cases you would like me to cover in the future and hopefully I will see you in my next one bye guys
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 3,107,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery monday
Id: Ev36Eo_azrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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