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hello guys it's Bella and welcome back to my channel and welcome to mystery week so I am gonna be doing an entire week of mystery mondays sounding today because today is Monday or Sunday for some of you okay before I get a million comment saying but it's Sunday we get it time zones there are things just kidding well actually I'm not it's true but so definitely make sure that you guys hit the post notification button so that you guys get notified when I upload these videos so that you don't miss one and so you don't miss the rest of my videos I am doing this mystery week because not only do I want to but I also want to do it to kind of apologize for how shitty I have been with these videos and just my channel in general lately I'm sure like every youtuber can relate to feeling this way but I have just been sort unmotivated lately so let's just go ahead and get into the first mystery Monday of mystery week I said that way is she happy people always get mad at me when I'm like happy but I'm not like happy to be telling me stories I am just trying to make it not so like dark and scary you know what I mean because they're pretty morbid things that we're talking about so today we're gonna be talking about the matter of Susanna Jovi Suzanne German was born on the 26th of January in 1977 in göttingen Germany to American parents I think that I pronounced that wrong I tried to look up the pronunciation and that's how it said it but I pronounce everything wrong in these videos so she did grow up in Germany and she was a very advanced student very bright in the 5th grade Suzanne started learning Latin and in the seventh grade she started learning French and at this time she was already bilingual and fluent in both English and German she played both the chiller and the piano and she schooled very highly in her double major of chemistry and biology which was not surprising considering her parents worked as a molecular mother molecular biologists and cell biologists her mother had graduated from Yale and in 1995 Suzanne decided to follow in her mother's footsteps and she attended she flew to America intended yell herself as well as doing some volunteer work while she was there so I think that she started this science degree and went for that because it was you know following in her parents footsteps similar to what her parents did but after a little while in this course she decided wasn't really for her and she decided to change her course to a double major and political science and international studies and then towards the end of her course she also decided to pursue a career in diplomatic service and she was also finishing applications to graduate schools and according to her parents Suzanne was not interested in money at all she was more interested in helping people Suzanne was like a super friendly girl she was very kind very well-liked she was always very warm and welcoming and didn't really have any enemies so she was around five five and she was about a hundred and twenty five pounds so check him vetted killers and I believe it's around 55 to 56 killers and despite being a little bit petite she was a very strong and athletic woman she played squash she went jogging skiing and she also did step aerobics and despite being like a physically strong healthy woman she was also very mentally tough and strong as well and that makes this case just so much more confusing so her friends say that that the media pretty much depicted her - not her true self pretty much the opposite of how she was they depicted her as this frail shy girl when in fact she was very opinionated she was never afraid to speak her mind and stick up for what she thought was true and what she believed in and she was also not not shy not frail she was a very fit strong and tough woman so the night that Suzanne was murdered was the fourth of December in 1998 and our timeline of events starts at 4:15 so at 4:15 p.m. Suzanne went and dropped off her girafft for her senior essay which she wrote about Osama bin Laden - her advisor and then after dropping this off she went and attended an event that she had organized for Best Buddies Best Buddies had multiple levels but at the college level they partnered with the school to get volunteers from the school and partnered them with people from halfway homes to get them involved in the community because a lot of these adults in the program didn't they had been abandoned by their family and they were struggling to find friendships and to find jobs so Suzanne organized a pizza party for the local community of best friends and this was held at the Trinity Lutheran Church on 290 Orange Street she obviously because she was running the event and organized the event got there early to help set it up and she also stayed late to help clean everything up as well she was done cleaning at around 8:30 which is when she left with another volunteer who she had offered a lift home and she gave them a lift home Eva in a station wagon or a van that she had borrowed from Yale this conflicting reports on whether it was a station wagon or a van but I didn't really think it's important to the case at 8:45 p.m. Suzanne then dropped the vehicle back to the Yale parking lot which was on the corner of Edward Street and how Street how eastery I'm going to show how to pronounce it and then she began walking the two blocks back to her apartment which was on two five eight park street and she lived on the second floor of this apartment and on the first floor of the apartment building was the police a Yale University police substation at around 8:50 p.m. on her walk home she passed a group of girls who she knew from Yale and was friends with and they offered for her to come to the movies with them but she said that she couldn't that she was really tired and had a lot of study to do at around 9:02 p.m. she must have been home in her apartment because she logged into her email to send an email to her friend which was in German and she basically said that she was gonna lend them some books and she was gonna leave them in the lobby of her apartment building she gave her friend access coab said that she had to go and pick them up from someone that she had lent them to along with a cd-rom and the weird thing about this was she referred to the person she had to pick them up from as someone there are conflicting reports as to whether she referred to the most as someone or as a friend but most of the reports I read said that she referred to this person as someone which is weird because you don't normally lend your things to people that you don't know that's just someone not a friend but you know they could have been multiple reasons why she referred to them that way but she never mentioned who they were and still to this day nobody knows who that person that she had to get their books from is so at 9:10 p.m. she logged out of her email and I will also mention that it's impossible for us to know if she contacted anyone else through the telephone she didn't email anyone she didn't email this mystery person she had to go and pick the books up from and we can't find out if she called anyone before after or at any point or because at this point in time all phone calls on Yale's system were not traceable so then at this point in time Suzanne realized that she forgot to jump off the keys from the car that she borrowed earlier that evening the lake station wagon or van that I mentioned and so she decided to go and walk back to drop off those keys and she was wearing the same clothes at this point on the way back to drop off the keys that she'd been wearing earlier to the pizza party which were some low-cut boots some jeans and some a marine jumper and on her way to go and return the keys she walked past a classmate Peter Stein who she stopped to have a little chat with which is how we know she was going to return the keys and whatever else Peter also mentioned that after she jumped off the keys she had no other plans that night that she was just tired ready to go to bed she was so excited to sleep and that she did have a few assignments to get done as well Peter also mentioned that when he saw her she wasn't wearing a backpack and she was also holding some paper in her right hand and if my eyes are super red they hurt so bad from these lights right now every time my eyes are red no video people are like are you high have you been crying I am fine anyway so she apparently according to Peter she was walking normally she didn't look friend excited scared whatever and was walking just at a normal pace and they spoke between two and three minutes between 9:00 9:22 and then they both went on their way and she went and dropped the keys off and she dropped them off at about 9:25 p.m. the next signing of Suzanne was between 9:25 and 9:30 and she was heading north on College Street which means that she likely was not returning back to her apartment or was at least going somewhere on the way to her apartment because this wasn't the way to her apartment you could get to her palm in that way but it was a very like roundabout way to get there and if she was just on the way back to her apartment well that just doesn't make sense because there was a much easier way to get there like the way that she had gone the first time when she dropped the car off and just walked straight back to her apartment a female student who had just left the Yale versus Princeton hockey game who was going to an off-campus party said that she passed Suzanne on College Road this girl said that she didn't notice anything was off at the time she said that she did notice there was a dark-skinned Hispanic or african-american with a hoodie on heading north on College Road she also saw that Suzanne was also heading north on College Street and that then a few paces behind her so Suzanne was a few paces behind this male in the hoodie and then a few paces behind Susanna was a white male who was wearing glasses this was the last confirmed sighting of Suzanne as sometime in the next 30 minutes she was murdered at 9:55 p.m. two passers-by contacted 911 to report a woman bleeding out on the corner of Edge Hill Road and east Rock Road and this was about 1.8 miles from the last confirmed sighting of Suzanne according to 911 this call was placed by a couple but the actual audio for this call has been involved in the Freedom of Information Act requests this act is a law that basically allows for the full and partial disclosure of previously unreleased information or documents that are controlled by the United States government but at this particular time the audio is unavailable but there is some information from some people who have heard it and they said that there was the voice of a third person the background of the coal the couple which place the coal doe said that the person in the background was a man who was calling out from a car asking for directions so police arrived women a few minutes and 958 p.m. and when they got there they found that Suzanne had been stabbed 17 times in the back the neck and the head and that her throat had been slit they also found later in examination that she actually had part of the knife about four to five inches of the knife stuck in her head she was lying on her stomach and she was fully clothed and she was found still wearing her watch and her earrings she also had a dollar bill found in her pocket and in later investigations found that her wallet was still in her room which ruled out the possibility of a robbery Suzanne was taken straight to Yale New Haven Hospital where she was pronounced dead at 10:26 p.m. it was also approximated that her death had occurred about 15 minutes before police arrived so at about 9:40 3 p.m. she had been spotted about two miles which is around three point-two kilometers away from where she was found dead walking at around 9:25 and 9:30 so police speculate that she had to have been driven or she was in a vehicle at some point to get her from where she was last seen walking to where she was found dead because otherwise she just wouldn't have made the distance whether she got in this vehicle unknowingly or whether she got in the vehicle willingly is obviously still unknown nearby residents reported hearing a loud argument at around the time of the murder and some said that they saw a light brown or a tan van parked directly next to where her body was found just before the murder one witness said that he saw a man in his 20s or 30s who had an athletic build well-groomed hair dark pants and a loose-fitting green jacket running from the scene like his life depended on it so the first step for police was to find this guy in the green jacket and also to find the purse that she had loaned her books to and had to pick them up from so they began their investigations immediately and studied canvassing the neighborhood they obviously examined the comb of the scene but the actions of the police in this case as with most of the cases that we talked about in this series have fallen under a lot of scrutiny the police in this case were terrible and I was so frustrated reading this case and I'm sure you guys are gonna be as well they have been accused of mishandling evidence contaminating evidence and also withholding evidence that is pertinent to the case so anyway moving on to you know what the police actually did do in their investigations and they did collect a few pieces of evidence from the crime scene the first was a bottle of fresca this bottle was found in a bush nearby and when they examined it and tested it it had Suzanne's fingerprints on it as well as the palm print of an unidentified person during the medical examination DNA was found under Suzanne's fingertips and like I mentioned earlier they also found that the knife that had been used to stab her four to five inches of that had broken off inside her skull which is so incredibly gruesome those four to five inches were non-serrated carbon steel and according to the examiner only one of these 17 stabs were fatal information on the exact make and model of the knife have never been released in fact information on whether there was even in test you find out the make and model of the knife has never been released and I am so sorry about this fly that is in this video I have opened the door about seven times for it and every time I open the door it stops flying and I'm just over it and I didn't see it flying in front of the camera and I'm over it unfortunately a lot of the information that I'm telling you guys now was not released to the public until quite a while after Susan's murder and the more research I did I just could not see any reason why they would need to keep this information private I feel like they really hindered the case because they stopped people from knowing things and therefore they stopped people from being able to any information that they might have known in mr. Monday's I'm sure you guys have noticed that correlation as well that it's always like you know missing people unsolved murders shitty police work that was actually one theory regarding this case about how this could have been a police officer and that's why they did such a shitty job and why they weren't releasing information you know if there's one thing I've learned from mystery mondays it's that it is crazy how often these cases are butchered by the police the information regarding the fest fresca bottle and the prints on it went released until April first in 2001 which was nearly three years after the murder which is unfortunate because after that information was released it was found that there was only one store in the vicinity that sold fresca this was crosses market and this was located on York Street which was right near Elm Street which was only one block from Suzanne's apartment and cruisers did have surveillance footage and was open at the time off the matter however the New Haven police never claimed to have visited this market and never requested the surveillance footage from this market which is a huge lead loss if you ask me despite public outcry no employees and no customers from krauser's were ever interviewed and New Haven Police have not extracted and tested the touch DNA from the fresca bottle and touch DNA unlike normal DNA only needs a very small sample and can be gathered from skin cells left behind on an object anyway moving on because that's all the information we have on that because you know so there are also no witness statements that link Suzanne to getting into or being in a vehicle based on the time and distance traveled there it is assumed that she was in a vehicle and driven to the location that she was murdered and again as mentioned previously it is the one witness said that there was a brown or tan van parked right right next to the where her body was found New Haven police however did not release any information regarding this man until the 27th of March in 2001 faculty at Yale have stated that the New Haven police were asking questions about the van so that is absolutely no reason why they couldn't have released the information the reason that they took so long to release the information is unknown a local newspaper also reported that the New Haven police impounded a brown van as part of the investigation but of course this has never been confirmed so as I mentioned before there was DNA found underneath Suzanne's fingernails but this information was not released to the public until the 27th of October in 2001 and the reason it was released is because at this time New Haven police made a request that any friends acquaintances you know faculty members come forward and allow them to test their DNA and I will mention that none of the times that they release this information super late did they ever explain why they were why they were releasing the information and why they didn't release it sooner Suzanne's parents actually wrote several letters to the governor of Connecticut complaining about the lack of work that had been done in relation to DNA and they did get a letter back which explained that there was 12,000 untested samples of DNA that were backlogged finally in November 2009 nearly eleven years after the murder the DNA was tested and a match had been found but unfortunately this DNA was connected or linked to a forensic technician in the Connecticut Crime Lab because it had been contaminated accidentally contaminated do you see what I mean about how incredibly frustrating this case is sir there was a task force called the German task force which had been assembled in 2008 the German task force came forward and revealed that sometime close to the murder witness had come forward to police and said that she had seen a white male running past her and into the church or into Church property that means into the church but interests first property according to the witness New Haven police showed her a photo of Yale professor James Van de Velde who was Suzanne's thesis advisor they are sir if it was the same man and when she said no they brought her into his office to see him in person she again said that it wasn't the same person and then the police never contacted her again the task force set this witness up with a sketch artist and they drew up a composite of the man that she saw the suspect which I will put a murder of on the screen right now and they put this up around the scene of the matter but the German task force their thoughts were elsewhere they were specifically interested in trying to find the person that Suzanne had lent her books to they theorized that the reason Suzanne referred to this person as someone in her emails was because she didn't know them well although it could also be because she didn't want her friend to know who it was for some reason which I honestly think is more likely I personally don't often lend things to people that I don't know and I feel like most people don't lend things to people that they don't know I feel like someone who doesn't know you isn't gonna ask to borrow your stuff anyway but this person never came forward to return the books never came forward with their name or anything so obviously as I said before we don't know who this is I'm sorry that this information is so all over the place that this case is pretty all over put all over the place and that is because of how botched the investigation was it's hard to judge the investigations because we don't know what's going on behind the scenes I'm not a police officer sir I guess in that respect I also can't judge it because I don't know why they make the decisions that they make but also from bystanders point of view it is really hard to respect some of the decisions they make and how to understand why they make some of the decisions that they make the contamination of the DNA it was really bad most of the things that happen in this case were bad but the way that they handled the single and only suspect that they had was also especially bad everything about not only this just like they had but the way they treated the suspect they had they kind of zoned in on him and didn't focus on anything or anyone else they just wanted this guy to be guilty for no reason there was no evidence at all that this guy had anything to do with it it was Professor James Vanderbilt who we mentioned earlier when they tried to show that witness the photo she said it wasn't him so they showed him to her in person she said it wasn't him and then they never contacted that witness again so as per usual in these cases the people that are closest to the victim are obviously looked at first and Suzanne did have a boyfriend at the time of the murder but he was on a four hour train ride from New York City at the time so he was obviously cleared anyway back to James just four days after the murder his name was leaked to the media as the prime suspect they didn't say his name directly in the press but they did say that it was Suzanne's political science instructor and advisor which was James Van de Velde and as a result his spring classes at Yale were canceled the New Haven police questioned friends instructors and people on campus but for some unknown reason they theorized that she was having an affair with her professor James Mandeville that other theory was that he was interested and she wasn't but Suzanne's friends and boyfriend all say that that was totally untrue so I have no idea why police theorized this or where the theory came from but everyone said that this was the complete opposite Suzanne's friends said that she was actually having problems with him because she felt like he just brushed her off and he didn't dedicate enough time to her or her essay Susan had visited her parents in California for Thanksgiving and her parents mentioned that while she was there she actually indicated that she was having problems with him specifically she actually said that she resented the lack of mentoring she got from him but for some reason the police rolled with James Van de Velde as the prime suspect the sahjhan with the New Haven police at the time that they were investigating this actually admitted in an interview that they had no evidence at all to tie him to this and that there was actually nothing to tie him to the case at all the police question been about four days after the murder and at this time he said that it was just a brief chat and they had not indicated to him at all that he was a suspect in any way the very next night though police had him back in again they questioned him for four hours very aggressively and started accusing him off the matter man availed chose not to call a lawyer he offered them the keys to his apartment his car he also offered to do a polygraph and offered to give up blood samples or give a blood test according to Van de Velde lawyer who he hired after this incident they searched his car but never searched his apartment they also didn't admit a polygraph test or blood tests and because of all of this because he was a suspect he has time at Yale had ended and he was asked to leave but in December of 2000 because of his insistence and also his colleagues assistance Yale actually hide their own private investigator to look into the matter they hired a man named Andrew I'm not even going to say his last name because I know that I will butcher it and he was previously the chief investigator with the state district attorney's office in New York by the way Josiah did I say New York they also hired a Patrick Harnett and he was a former commanding officer for the New Haven Police Major Crime Squad so it was at the insistence of these two private investigators that the New Haven police finally allowed the DNA or finally tested the DNA under Suzanne's fingerprints as well as the palm print on the fresco bottle neither of which matched James at Vandevelde and despite this and despite a lack of evidence to support their theory that james Bevel had anything to do with this they still continue to look into him and focus on him mine and he was their only suspect in December of 2000 van de Velde was employed by the Navy and the New Haven police went as far as to contact them and urge them to change them they actually traveled all the way to Washington DC to meet with them to basically ask them to reconsider budget the Navy chose not to sever ties with Vandevelde unfortunately so after this happen Van de Velde started a strong letter-writing campaign and he was urging the Connecticut State cold-case team to take over this case which they refused to do I actually feel sorry bad for this guy because it's just like the police are trying to destroy his life for no reason like I wonder if someone just didn't like him like one of the officers just didn't like him I was just trying to convince everyone there was him I don't know but I just feel so bad for him I cannot put my finger on why they focused on this guy so hard and like tried to destroy his life in December of 2006 eight years after the murder and six years after the letters the Connecticut State cold-case department finally took over the case but for some reason the case was never added to their website and there was never any reward offered for information regarding the murder there was also never any information on arrests regarding the case Vandevelde was obviously angry about this so he started writing more letters about how angry he was about the lack of action they took on this case so then on the 29th of November in 2007 the assistant state's attorney James Clark admitted that in June of that year the case had been returned to the New Haven Police and they also said that there was for retired detectives looking into the case on December 7th in 2001 Van de Velde actually sued the New Haven Police for civil rights violations Yale was added as a defendant on April 15th in 2003 the US District Court Judge Robert Shatan II dismissed the federal claims with prejudice and the state law claims without prejudice on the 15th of March in 2004 in May of 2006 Van de Velde asked the judge to reconsider On June 11th in 2007 the claims were reinstated on the 3rd of June in 2013 Yale and the New Haven police agreed on a monitor resettlement the state's attorney and the time admitted for the first time that James Van de Velde was no longer a suspect but at this point in time I feel like it didn't really matter the damage had been done he had to go through years of scrutiny and just so many years of dealing with this contacting different people being fired from his job having the police trying to get him fired from his new job and it damaged his career irreparable almost so although the amount of money that Yale had to pay Van de Velde is undisclosed it is public record that the New Haven Police had to pay him damages of two hundred thousand dollars and that is that sir now let's just get into theories because there are of course a few other theories regarding this case now the first theory of this is completely ridiculous I'm sure you guys are gonna find it ridiculous it's well but at the very start of this video I mentioned that she handed in her assignment which was on or some bin Laden so some people think that al-qaeda did this this theory is so ridiculous to me that I'm not even gonna get into it because I doubt al-qaeda is trying to go after 21 year old girl who made a college report on him some people went as far as to say she was the first 9/11 victim which is incredibly ridiculous in my opinion next theory is about a possible suspect on December 8th in 2012 some locals gave the german task force some evidence to suggest that there was a spot a suspect that could have had something to do with Suzanne's murder but the task force denied to pursue this lead this is actually one of the biggest theories in regards to who murdered Suzanne and on most sites the suspects name is hidden behind a pseudonym called Billy which I am actually going to continue to use because he did commit suicide so just out of respect I'm gonna use the pseudonym of Billy because he was never a suspect and it obviously is not confirmed that he did this and all of the evidence to suggest that he had anything to do this is circumstantial sir Billy allegedly according to some former acquaintances had some issues when it came to women he had really bad anger issues and he would scream really loudly at women who rejected him he also behaved extremely ugly around women at his workplace one woman in particular actually called the police on Billy and the police spoke to him and said that he needed to control himself because it was inappropriate the way that he was acting a friend later actually reported that Billy was obsessive over the Susan case and that the Susan case was actually the reason that he had trouble maintaining a relationship with any women I think it is important to note as well that it is reported that he had some mental issues but it has never been confirmed whether this has been diagnosed or if people just assumed based on the way that he had been acting on at the night of the murder Billy reportedly said to his roommate and they will never catch me when Billy died a student contacted his family and reportedly they knew that he was calling about Billy's ties to Susan's murder they also said that they were wiping the hard drives to his computer and there's also as I mentioned a lot of circumstantial evidence which actually linked Billy to this matter so first of all they both spoke German and her email to her friend was in German second he attended Yale at the same time of Suzanne's murder he earned a green jacket which matched the description of the witness who saw a man in a loose-fitting green jacket sprinting from the scene of the crime and apparently before his suicide he contacted a lawyer to see whether he could transfer his assets to his knees stating apparently they're out to get me some people also say that Billy it looks similar to the composite sketches that the witness had drawn the joven task force got that witness to draw but in 2012 Billy also did email a friend's saying he had nothing to do with the murder I also did read something about a class that he was in where he had to use knives and one of these knives could have been used in order to kill her but I also read that the specific thing that he did with these knives it's very unlikely that was there was a knife big enough to match it to the one that was lodged in Suzanne's scarf so that's all for that theory another theory is that this had to do with an officer I mentioned this before this is because of the botched job that the police did the absolute horrible job that they did not releasing evidence contaminating evidence that was probably an accident but you never know and this theory also comes around because of the fact that Suzanne as I mentioned lived on the second floor of her apartment and on the first floor was the police department or some subdivision of the police department so I think it's likely to assume that she may have had conversations with some of these police officers at some point passing them or you know whatever we're about whatever maybe one of the cops disliked her or maybe one of them liked her and she did not share those feelings because she did have a boyfriend honestly I don't believe this theory because I think that a botched pull I mean listen the police jump was botched but I think it's more likely they would have rather than not release the information they would have released tainted information or something to steer suck them away from the police to kind of point towards us up you know what they did point to Vandevelde really hard so maybe they were pointing to Vandevelde really hard because they were trying to point away from themselves didn't even think about that anyway the theory goes they did a really shitty job to try and cover it up maybe they tried to pin Vandevelde so that they wouldn't nobody would look into the police because if they have a suspect if they've arrested someone that nobody's looking elsewhere they think the case is sold so the next theory is that this was just a turtle stranger that murdered Susan and it was a random murder it's possible that somebody attempted to abduct or assault her and that she fought back and so that is why they killed her maybe they lashed out when she fought back as I said when she was last seen there was a man in front of her and a man behind her she didn't appear to be distressed at all in this sighting but 20 minutes later she was found dead as the theory goes it's possible that she was either forced into the vehicle or coaxed into the vehicle I honestly don't think that she would have gotten into the vehicle willingly because well in this theory I don't believe she would have gotten into the vehicle willingly because I mean why would she she didn't know anyone that was there and the whole thing was very sudden she was fine she was just walking one minute and then the next minute she showed up dead sorry this is the last theory and this theory is that the person that she mentioned in the email is the person who murdered her the person that she had to go and pick her books up from that she had loaned them to the email sent at 9:02 p.m. and it was written in German as I said and it actually wasn't translated to English for quite some time after the murder took place I think it was like six months or something it took to get this translated between six months to a year in this email as I mentioned she said to her friend that she was gonna let her borrow some books gave her friend the access code but said that she first had to go and pick the books up from someone that she had lent them to earlier in this email she refers to the person she had to go and pick the books up from as someone although some people think she referred to them as friend but I think it's more commonly believed that she referred to them as someone I know it's a small difference whether she referred to them as someone or a friend but I think this does well in the theories I've read it makes a big difference people theorize that her calling them or referring to them as someone means that she didn't know them or led people to believe that she didn't know this person that she had left the books to but as I have mentioned multiple times in this video you don't normally lend things to people that you don't know and she must have known them well enough to have a way to get in contact with them to pick the books up from her whether that was via the telephone which we can't trace or a mess of some kind but as I said she didn't send any other emails that night and we also don't know if she made a call to this person because calls weren't a like were untraceable at that time honestly even if she did refer to them as someone I don't think that necessarily means that she doesn't know them she might not have wanted her friend to know who they were for whatever reason maybe their friend knows who they were maybe she was you know the person that she was picking the books up from was you know maybe she was seeing them behind her boyfriend's back and she didn't anyone to know who it was or you know they could have been a whole multiple different reasons maybe her friend didn't like this person so she just want didn't want to mention who it was maybe it was just there was no rhyme or reason to her saying someone you know she doesn't have to say I'm going to pick them up from a friend she's just saying oh I've gotta go pick my books up from someone that is definitely something I would say just offhanded I've got to go pick my books up from someone rather than I've got to go put my pick my books up from a friend I think the only reason people are really looking into it is because obviously she is dead now so what we do know as I mentioned is on the way home she was walking north on College Road which is not the way back to her apartment but you can get back to her apartment that way but it's a very long winded way so some people theorize I put I also believe this as well maybe the reason that she was taking that long way was because she decided to stop and pick up those books from this person on the way back to her apartment maybe she wanted to go for a walk but this seems unlikely to me because she told everyone she was tired and that she had assignments to do so I do think that maybe the reason she was taking this long way was to go and pick up her books and maybe she was abducted on the way or maybe the person who she offered the books to offered to drive her saw her on the way to their apartment and often to drive her and this person is the person who murdered her maybe this person is like a secret lover of hers or something she was cheating on her boyfriend the person was jealous I don't hurt I can't think of like who it could be why this person would want to murder her because we don't know who it is but I would love to hear your theories on who you think this person could be in her life why they might have wanted to murder her what theories you have that I didn't mention or what information I missed if I did miss any I absolutely love talking to you guys in the comments about your theories because honestly you guys come up with the most plausible theories that makes so much sense and I just love to read them it's like you guys are detectives I swear also another theory that I just thought of about this person she was picking the books up from maybe she wasn't like going to their apartment to book them up pick these books up maybe she was meeting them on the street outside a shop or something and they drove there she walks they offered to give her a ride home but they weren't actually giving her a ride home they got her in the car and then took her to murder her I feel like that makes the most sense to me and is probably the most likely theory but anyway let me know what you guys think I really hope you enjoyed this video make sure you turn my post notifications on so you don't miss my next one which will be tomorrow and and hopefully I'll see you guys in my next one bye
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 2,075,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qVu4x_sfpPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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