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hey guys it's Bella and welcome back to my channel sorry today I am finally back oh my god it's been so long since I have uploaded a video I'm so mad at myself but I was very happy to be filming again I have just had the most troubles with it first of all I was sick for a whole week I just couldn't do anything I couldn't film at all but then I just have had to serve any kind of troubles I'm actually filming on my vlogging camera right now because my god Perls much of home yesterday but I had set up problems and I had to go to the shows Monique I'm gonna get back I mean camera's not black it was like Oh everything has just been in shambles in my life recently sword went back finally frickin videos I promise getting back into it gonna get my counter fixed but I'll film with my vlogging camera in the meantime but yeah we're doing another mystery of Monday today um and I know it's actually oh no it's not gonna be Monday confession because I'm uploading it tonight so yeah we're doing another mystery Monday today and let's just get into it so today we are gonna be talking about the disappearance of Jennifer Casey and this case is insane because it's like she literally just vanished off of the face of the earth like I'm not gonna give it away and I'm sorry for the probable shitty quality of sound because I have the aircon going a little bit of ekor and I can't use my microphone with this cameras or it's probably just gonna be a little bit if he would just gonna have to deal with it so Jennifer Casey it was this absolutely beautiful woman she was stunning and she was born on the 20th of May in 1981 in New Jersey seven years later her parents do and Joyce decided to move with her and her younger brother Logan to Florida and learn and Jennifer's brother they were super close they were three years apart I think living was three days younger than Jennifer and they were really close always there for each other really supportive of each other and just a really great sibling relationship while they were there Jennifer attended a minion gates a high school which was in Tampa Florida and she then went on to study at the University of Central Florida which was an old Lander and while she was there she was a part of the Alpha Theta Delta Pi sorority I believe and she graduated from this university in 2003 with a degree in finance and straight out of uni so she was a really hard worker everyone around her described her as just this really caring kind intelligent woman who was stupid independency was strong and she was like set on what she wanted to do sir when she finished university she was actually often three jobs by all by the same company they really really wanted to hire her and that was at the Central Florida and investments timeshare company her boss he was named John Bowman said that she was really dedicated to her job always on time if she wasn't on time she'd always text ahead or Cole but she was like her life was kind of like clock but like she went to work at the same time every day Cole to parents at the same time cold Oh boyfriend at the same times every day like she had a real routine that she was into but yet he said that she was very dedicated to her job also said like I said before she was very caring kind person and really everybody liked her she hadn't her enemies that's what everyone seemed to say she just got along with everyone within a year of walking there actually she was promoted and in 2005 she bought her earned Condor condominium at the Mercy Millenia complex in Orlando Florida which was about two hours away from her parents because they lived in Bradington I'm sorry about Ruth pronounced how much pronounce everything wrong in these videos they lived in Bradington brat Denton Florida so that was like a two-hour drive away I looked on Google Maps and without traffic I think it was like an hour and 49 minutes went if she actually bought the Condor it was in kind of an area that was being developed there was a new mall just near the complex hadn't finished being built that was just a lot being developed in that area so there was always a lot of workers around her actual condo complex there were quite a few finished buildings that hadn't been filled that people hadn't bought yet so there were also workers that were living in these condos so that they didn't have to travel for work and that actually made Jennifer feel super uncomfortable most of the time because these workers were staring at her and whistling at her cat calling her which made her feel very very uncomfortable and it made her like really aware of the fact that she lived there alone and thought it was very obvious that she lived there alone but other than that like things were going pretty well for her she had a great relationship with her family job was going well she had a new boyfriend named Robert Allen and they were in a very healthy relationship they went long distance because he lived in Fort Lauderdale which was like a three-hour drive from where she lived but despite the distance so very very happy had a lot of in common he was an English guy and her family just loved him her parents the first time I met him immediately loved him thought that he was like the one had a little brother Logan that was kind of you know a little bit he Robert was older than her so Logan gave him a little bit of but did like him anyway and they ended up getting along just fine and the weekend before Jennifer disappeared actually Robert and her went on a romantic weekend away to a place named sank her I don't know I think that I exit silent I have no idea how to pronounce it I listen to it a million times but I just exactly remember so this was in late January of 2006 on the 19th of January Jennifer drove up to Miami to Robert's place which is where they flew out from and on the weekend that they were gone because they were going until the 22nd Lothian and a few of his friends saying at Jennifer's condo with her permission of course I think it was Logan his friend Travis and then there was also another friend named Matt who actually happen to be one of Jennifers ex-boyfriends so it was a little bit uncomfortable but so like I said they came back on the 22nd they both flew back into Miami or where Jennifer spent key night at Roberts place before she left the next day at 6 a.m. and she had worked that morning at about 9:00 I believe because she went straight there she didn't stop at her condo or anything she just went straight to work which was a three hour drive away from his apartment in Miami she worked all day Monday and on every out she had a quick chat with her boss which is actually the last time anyone is known to have seen Jennifer ever so she drives home and then at about 6:15 p.m. she called her parents because she would call her parents pretty much every day just to let them know that she got home safe had a good day ask them how their day was they very very close relationship so like I said she would call her parents every day at a certain time and that was just kind of expected so while Logan still lived at home at the time and he asked if he could speak to Jennifer and they did and he basically just told her hey Travis left his spoon at your condo can you ship it and she said yeah I'll overnight it tomorrow not a problem and then that conversation ended I ended up speaking with her best friend after that I think her name was Lauren McCarthy and Lauren and Huma had been best friends since the second grade there was SuperDuper clothes when they were younger they would go on vacations together like if one family would go on a vacation say Lauren's family then Jennifer would come the vice versa and they were like like that and Lauren she spoke about the conversation that they had she said that Jennifer was just kind of feeling a little bit down that night like she just go back from vacation with her boyfriend so she was a little bit bummed out and she was also really feeling the distance in their relationship and was just not feeling good about that and then at 9:56 p.m. on the dot she spoke to Robert so they would call every single night every single morning when she spoke to Rob they had a bit of a disagreement it wasn't anything huge and I actually don't even know what it's about I couldn't find that information online he didn't seem to mention it but from what I could gather from the conversation that she had with Lauren I was probably just about her being bummed out about you know the distance in their relationship or something but that conversation with Rome was actually the last time anybody is ever known to have heard from her the last time anybody called her because shortly after not exactly sure when nobody can say for sure when but her phone was powered down and also the phone the Travis's phone was also powered down at some point between the that phone call and the next morning so the next morning on the 24th of January nobody could locate her Jennifer's life like I said was pretty much like clockwork she had a really set routine and in that routine she would Cole rub it every single morning Robert actually described it as she was like his alarm clock so she would call him every single morning on her way to work just to say hey have a good day and you know chat a little bit she would leave for work at about 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. every single day so she would always call rub it on her way to work but today she didn't so he ended up calling her I think it was about 8:00 a.m. and it went straight to voicemail which is how they know that I think the phones were powered down and they couldn't locate them either and he didn't think too much of it he called again which also went straight to voicemail but she I think she had like an important meeting that morning or something so he wasn't really too worried just thought that she was caught up and that she would call him back when she was done but she never did she never called him she never text him back and the front was never powered on ever again she also never showed up at work so her boss John began getting concerned about an hour after she was meant to show up obviously he was a little bit frustrated before that but he began worrying because that was so out of the ordinary for Jennifer she was always always always on time and if she wasn't she would always call ahead to let them know hey I'm gonna be late or hey I'm not gonna be able to make it in and she would do that on a normal day let alone a day where she had an important meeting so this was extremely out of the on out of the ordinary for her and then I think it was about half an hour later is when he began getting really concerned and called her parent he called her dad and then as soon as they got off the phone and the dad and the mother Joyce called her which also went straight to voicemail which is when Joyce started really freaking out she called Logan and she was in a very emotional state saying she wasn't answering her phone she wasn't at work and was just basically freaking out Logan called Lauren who said that she hadn't heard from her either I think the parents called Robert and he said the same thing you know I tried calling her this morning went straight to voicemail so they're all pretty concerned this was very out of the ordinary for Jennifer and Logan and the parents in separate cars drove down to a two hour drive down to her condo to check on her so Logan was the first to arrive he got there at about noon first thing he did was got to the Condor a knock on the door with no answer and up banging on the door pretty hard and again got her answer and that was a workers then just outside the exit sir say her condo is here he there's a stair entrance closest to her condo entrance and right outside of those stairs was a working man that makes sense so he goes out there and he bangs on there then saying hey can I talk to you please let me in or please you know roll down your window they wouldn't answer him so he started yelling at them through the van and was like have you seen this girl please let me know if you have any information and they just totally ignored him and they wouldn't roll down the window or anything like that and then shortly after I think I might've been like 15 minutes after his parents got there who had a spare key and let them all into the apartment so first thing they notice when they got there was that her car wasn't in her normal parking spot which was like as close as can be to their stairwell to get up to her condo that was gone she was also not in the apartment but the apartment showed signs of the fact that she had been there this morning and that nothing out of the ordinary had happened there was no signs of forced entry no windows nothing suspicious at all it looks like she had gotten ready that morning there was two skirts and a shirt I think on the bed which made outfits and she had some clothes from the previous day that she wore to work over her chair in her bedroom it was also wet as if she had a shower search she had like a shower bath and the bath was kind of still a bit where the walls were a bit wet the shampoo and conditioner were a bit wet there was also a wet towel which was on the washing machine to be washed the bed looked like it had been slept in that night it hadn't been made up her briefcase her phone Travis's phone all of her important things were all missing so it looked like she had just gotten ready for work like any normal day that the house was literally so normal so immediately the family began looking for her because if she got ready for work and never went to work they were very very worried about that and that was extremely out of the ordinary for her so they began handing out flyers canvassing the area they were kind of going around and knocking on doors and asking about her and her sorority sisters were actually very very involved in the such as well they were printing out flyers and also searching for her canvassing the area knocking on doors because I think the police were kind of useless which seems to be like an ongoing problem in all of these unsolved mysteries is the police doing like a really shitty job so they actually called the police that often and told them in at first the police were just like she had five of the boyfriend you know she's gonna come back she is an adult she's able to leave nothing we can do about it I think you guys are overreacting and then they use some excuse like she's probably just off mailing the phone which made absolutely no sense to anyone so nobody believed them and the family told them like hey that's just not what happened and then the police will like okay well you know they realize that because of her really strong connections to all of these people that hadn't heard from her that maybe something a bit more suspicious was going on and that she was actually in a bit of danger eventually the police got involved in the such as well once the family convinced them that this was definitely not just a runaway case and they got helicopters involved they had divers involved because there was quite a few bodies of water around the area which were all actually filled with alligators so that is we'll get to that they had sniffer dogs they had heat Sunita police on foot and police on horse looking for her just this massive search which turned up absolutely nothing her parents then ended up calling at the news stations because they thought they needed more than just help from the police at this point they needed to get word out they needed people to hear about it so that if anyone knew anything or if anyone had seen anything and they would call call in and that actually happened to be a very good thing because the police ended up getting a lead just after it like two days after she went missing the police got a lead from a complex called Huntington on the green and that was one point two miles away from her it was in kind of a dodgy area and they said that her car was there so the police went down and lo and behold the car had been parked at the complex in the copic right near the Pooh they thought this was going to be a huge break that it was going to show them DNA or maybe she was in the trunk or something but the cop ended up being actually pretty useless they said it looked like it had been wiped down because all they found was a fingerprint and like the tiniest little fiber DNA and the briefcase her purse both phones all over fools was not in the car although it didn't look like it was a robbery there was no signs of forced entry or anything and there was a she had like a few valuables in the car there's like a DVD a brand-new DVD player in the backseat which hadn't been taken which led them to believe this was not a robbery at all and that was not the motive for whatever had happened to her while they were there they also noticed that there was actually a few security cameras are pointing towards the car park and the video shows everything on camera it shows somebody pulling in to the car park then they fix up their park and go back into the car parking spot and then they stay in the car for 32 seconds before they get out and just casually walk away and never look back they walk around the outside of the fencing of the pool area which and the surveillance footage catches on camera this is the most frustrating part of the case I'm going to show you guys the surveillance footage and you're gonna see why this surveillance footage is so bad not only is it stupid grainy but it's one of those cameras that gets like one piece of footage every few seconds one frame every few seconds and it just so happens that every single frame of that they catch of this person they're behind the the pool gate which is so frustrating because it's like there's two poles three poles three thicker poles in the frame so it's like your gate and then the poles you know what I'm talking about and every single frame their face is behind the thick ups hole it is the most frustrating thing in the world you can't tell if their men can tell they're a woman you can't tell what they're wearing you can't tell anything that has been so much speculation about this some people think that it's somebody wearing a construction workers uniform some people think that it's someone wearing a security guards uniform some people think they have a ponytail some people think they're wearing a hat nobody can tell if it's a man or a woman it's more why they believe that some man which I am leaning towards as well but it is sort of odd they have NASA enhance the footage which turned out nothing they had the FBI look at the enhanced footage to see if they could see anything they couldn't tell anything except for the fact that this person was between five four three and five foot five so many people were photo this guy as the old disco has the luckiest person of interest ever because they truly are like if they had been caught a centimeter the other way their face most likely would have been in the frame but each time that Shirin that face is hidden so as soon as they saw this they got sniffer dogs in to sniff from the car and the dogs took them straight from where the car was and took them the 1.2 mile distance back to her condos at the mosaic condos and the dogs took them to the stairwell which was closest to her condominium entrance and stopped at the very bottom of the set so they didn't take the dogs didn't take them up the stairs to her condo it was just down the bottom and also they got a lot of scent at where her car park was which i think is obvious I also thought that I would mention that the sniffer dogs that they use was named burn which is so yeah unfortunately the sniffer dog didn't help at all finding the car didn't help at all the surveillance didn't help at all and the weirdest thing is it's like she just literally vanished in thin air and another thing about this is whatever they did with Jennifer's body whatever they do with Jennifer whether she's alive or they were disposing of the body they had to have done it very quickly because this is valence what it shows that an hour after John her boss called her parents that is when the car pulled into the complex if that makes sense so say for example 11 o'clock is when he called the parents that footage was that like 12 sir an hour later there was a very very short time frame in which this whatever happened to her had to have been committed and nobody could think of anyone who had done this no one specific it was kind of like everyone it was a suspect but nobody in particular was a suspect you know what I mean like it could have been a whole bunch of people could've been the work is the construction workers it could've been a co-worker could have been someone at the gym it could have been some random person but no one in particular obviously Robin and the family were looked at first as they always are in these situations the family or the people closest to the person who has gone missing I always looked at first Robert was questioned first he was the first suspect that was looked into but he was never actually considered a suspect he had a very strong alibi he was in Fort Lauderdale which was three hours away him and Jennifer were very very close had a very healthy relationship and he was just questioned and that was pretty much it his phone records and everything showed that there was just no way that he was the guy and that he was telling the truth in his testimony Logan and his friends were also investigated because they were staying at her condo while she was away they were pretty much all clear and they kind of turned in on Matt because he was the ex-boyfriend and there was a lot of talk that he was still in love with her and wanted to get back with her and the night before she disappeared on the 23rd of January he was actually at the Blue Martini which is a bar which was just across from her condominiums and he was extremely intoxicated but he had like an alibi or I don't know Heymann agree to do a polygraph test which never ended up happening but for some reason he was completely cleared and they said that it definitely wasn't so I don't know another theory and this happens to be the one that I very strongly believe is that this has something to do with being workers as I mentioned before she was extremely uncomfortable about them they were constantly kept calling her staring at her whistling at her and she also had a few things in her condos that had to be fixed like paint and stuff like that so they actually had to come into her condo she never gave them a key I don't believe there was a bit of a miscommunication there because some of the workers didn't speak English very well so there was a little bit of miscommunication there but from what I heard she would come home on her lunch breaks to let them in and make sure that they were doing what they said they were doing and that they weren't slacking every single time they were in her apartment she would always be on the phone to Robert or her dad or somebody because she was that uncomfortable she was a very cautious person as well they said that she watched a lot of Law & Order SVU and that has a tanner but she was very very cautious and every time she was on the phone to somebody while the workers were in there she was always very irritated so that they were working very slowly and that they were looking at her and she was just frustrated by the whole situation which Robert when he was on the phone was a cage a lot they can hear you and her dad said that he could hear them and that some of the workers couldn't speak English very well another thing at which as I mentioned is that some of the work has actually lived pretty much next door to her they lived in the condo complex because that way they didn't have to travel and a lot of them were unoccupied so while they worked they live and because the workers were there every single day it is possible that they noticed a pattern of when she would leave and when she would get back and when she would come home on her work right it's very very possible that somebody knew that especially the people that live that would have heard her leaving her starting up a car what times and all of that kind of stuff and would have known when she was going to her car or when to attack basically another thing is so the police did end up interviewing these workers but the thing is a lot of these workers were actually undocumented and illegal sir it was extremely hard if not impossible well it was impossible to track whether they had interviewed all of these workers who all of the workers were because as soon as police started investigating and questioning them a lot of them just disappear so there's absolutely no way to tell if police had interviewed all of them police have no way of knowing if they interviewed all of them police have no way of even knowing who all of the workers were so unfortunately nothing came of interviewing at these workers i 100% believe that one of the workers had something to do with it actually one of them it was later found like a few years later found that one of them had actually been arrested one of the workers that worked on that condo complex and was in jail for something else so yeah super suspicious I think that maybe they knew when she was leaving and they got her in the stairwell or they were waiting inside her car or something and kidnapped her that way maybe threw her in one of the rivers and the reason that a body has never been found is because of the alligators that they say were prominent in the bodies of water near her I don't know exactly what scenario would have happened but I definitely think that this had something to do with the workers the last theory that I want to talk about is that this was someone from her workplace there was three thousand four thousand people that lived at her not lived but worked at her workplace wasn't a small place and like I said she just get along with everyone that there was enemies but there were people that wanted to date her thought she was very beautiful wanted to take her out that was one guy in particular who often asked her and had a crush on her since the first week that she started working there but just was not getting the hint that she didn't want to date anyone from work so she had this thing I guess that she just didn't want to date anyone from work and I think that's hardly fair and totally justified and yet this guy was just not getting the hint the police did interview them they interviewed them very very shortly there was 12 people in particular that they interviewed but nothing came of these interviews and John her boss said that he really thinks that the interviews were not that not enough was done by the police and that they didn't really look into it enough at the workplace but they collected one computer hard drive and found nothing suspicious on it there was nothing suspicious in the work at all apparently until a few years later in 2010 so four years later it turns out that one of her co-workers at CFI actually filed a restraining order against one of the supervisors and this supervisor was the same guy that would not take them from Jennifer that she did not want to date anyone who was and the actual documents regarding this whole situation actually suggest that he might have had something to do with Jennifer's disappearance so the guy that filed the restraining order and file these documents said that he didn't want tab into him what happened what he thinks happened to Jennifer or he thought that what happened to Jennifer might happen to him which is why he filed the restraining order the police didn't really look into this at all though they kind of brushed it off the workplace was very involved there and you know put signs up everywhere and actually often a 1 million dollar reward for Jennifer if she was brought home safely and the very last theory that I want to mention actually is that maybe she was a victim of human trafficking at the time of her disappearance Florida actually had one of the highest rates of human trafficking so while I don't think it's likely I do think that it is a possibility maybe the work I was in the human trafficking trade and kidnapped her and got her into that I'm not sure Joe and Joyce also never gave up they put stickers on their car they put fliers out they also has a really smart idea of putting all of her information and a photo of her on a deck of cards and distributing them throughout jails and they pretty much did everything that you could think of in 2009 they actually got to leave from a convicted killer who was in jail his name was David Russ and he was inside a Florida jail for murder and said that he had some information about Jennifer so drew actually went down himself and asked to speak to this guy and he said within the first five minutes but it was so plainly obvious that this guy had no idea anything about Jennifer or anything about her situation and yeah it's pretty much all of the information that I have for you guys today that's all of the theories that I have I would love for you to comment down below any theories that I didn't mention any information that I might have missed because it is a pretty big and confusing case and I would love to hear your thoughts and your opinions if you do have any information I will put all of the contact information down below so you know who to contact if you have seen or heard anything it's very important to keep these cases alive because they close this case I believe there was a petition to have this as a cold case so the police could continue looking into it so I really hope you guys enjoyed this one if you do please make sure to give it a thumbs up if you want to see more mystery mondays if you enjoyed this also make sure to comment down below let me know what you think of the case and let me know any cases you would like me to cover next week and hopefully I will see you in my next one bye
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 1,425,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery monday, jennifer kesse
Id: dBxku2_t60o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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