The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train

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When this was filmed, the service was operated by Arriva using Mark 3 trains; just last month the franchise moved to Transport for Wales, who will transition to Mark 4s next year. Its official name is Premier Service, if you're looking to book.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RadagastWiz 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2018 đź—«︎ replies
I love it love when you say that for back in Wales and when we made through Wales last year a lot of people said to us all you should get like they could at the Gerald the dining train yet they said it runs between Holly head and Cardiff in the morning card at the Holly head and evenings we always put it on out for the bucket list of train journeys to do we spoke to read the whale from amen sure come along so do you want to go and ride the post train - Holly head and have dinner [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little bit of full disclosure we just basically said can we get an on training they weren't sure I'm getting tickets but we're just going to write it and see what happens Nikki needs food also I have no idea of what type of train is going to be you know how I don't write down hoping good place set all the way all the way the Holyhead it's a proper train with the proper door and proper proper I doesn't move proper slightly sorry don't say that our context people moving another guard will take over and take you up along the North Wales coast towards Holly head with wigging out rear of the Train today you'll find the buffet car they've got hot drinks cold drinks snacks and delicious cooked evening meals since is Friday and we will finish work and there these how alcohol as well by all means make your way along to the window make a purchase alternatively you can upgrade to a business class seat where the meal is included this is the menu I feel like I have to go for main course that has the Welsh rarebit and can't not come to Wales and try some traditional Welsh food is in well so is it's it's bilingual so you've got English and Welsh but don't get me to say in Welsh what's interesting on the front and back is that the in the pictures they've kind of showed the journey that it takes so you put images across your journey starting in Hannie head going through and then not see this just the bay in Cardiff say it's a nice menu and you've got nice ball place mats and the deserve Ian and then double knife and fork generally that's how you know it's posh that is he knows posh the rule is you start from the outside and work in right but you know I learnt that where you learn that Buckingham Palace no watching pretty woman quite quickly quicker than I expected don't start as it turned up now but the thing is I learned from many years ago hours of wedding photographer there's one thing I've learned there's a really bad photos of wedding of those of people eating their food it's almost impossible to make a good video of somebody eating food because nobody really wants to see food being shoveled into someone's mouth so here's a shot of the outside whilst I am a starter [Music] and employs two full-time chefs and six premier hosts the chef's cook everything from scratch nothing is pre prepaid and they make it all on the train and basically Mitchell in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy everything is either Welsh produce or Welsh thing so you have like the mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh team and well-sourced which is what is part of the thing that we're trying to promote on this train chef's burger week on week off and the hostess is all livid Holly hey that work done then they have there's a break room they've got done in Campton for roughly six hours a day and then they work back the reason we do that ways because of the logistics because otherwise you'd have to have someone from Cardiff going up some for the evening shift but then you couldn't get them back to Canada because obviously the journey is a five-hour journey we've got people chomping at the bit to come and work on you [Music] do something really cuddly do not just try a bit of each other's food you wanna do that thing where like what couples do that they swap plates since I was just being told Neville's that nobody means any honest if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah what would you say but where are we by the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not stars are they equivalent there's really good the fish was really nice cooked rating that the sauce was great it was already good I mean I don't have the words that's the right words it was delicious how do all this melodies I know it's not proper dining experience I'm just compelled to get mainly does it get to manually I'm gonna when this goes when this is no longer possible because units I will miss that the handle plan the window it's the best [Music] when we plan this a few weeks ago we spoke to the very nice social media team adit had our evil eyes and then a couple days beforehand they said oh by the way when you get on the train our managing director is going to be on the train so right by fluke because it you're not here deliberately don't someone else this is from joining us and you are the managing director of a revived good evening enjoying the Gerald straight away do you know why it's called the Gerald get off Gerald the violence could you could you time he was a friar he was but something like 12th century okay for me I love it because it's had the essence of a proper train it's a loco it's fantastic like what why do you love it fantastic furs all good from fresh yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the amazing Bailey fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a fantastic job and you beautiful parts of the United Kingdom what else Wales 51 so what we were chatting our dessert arrived so I went for the apple pie which is you said never film people eating and I offer amazing so there's a regular bucket area but the business business area is up eh this reminds me of one of my favorite trains well I've made it this look at my new favorite drink my morning my favorite journeys right now it's the class 90 out of London Liverpool Street at the Norwich where you get a similar thing where there's a buckling in sort of bring you food in first class but it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair like that and down here stand apart but even a standard class is nice my seats table power socket you know talking about ticket it's not meant to get in the Sun is slowly setting [Music] twisted on the train it's a 22-8 sunbathing I've been given tea and coffee and gin yep Cheers I think it's good let's clearly Arriva her looked after us but it's good we're five minutes down Gary what happened to which the late the trains late can I get a delay we paid off of you do you personally hand out cash every minute that we're late son just think I haven't prepped going for this I've no idea he's up for it I think he'll be up for it out of all it is Gareth out of all the services you do it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot burning and burning is this one of your favorite turns shift what do you love that shift tell us why you love the Gerald and it's just different for everything else we use you have to make sure that you wits are about you have to concentrate you've got the first class which brings a different breed of character really yeah yeah the first pass on the one five eighths then you know this the only at Reaver this is the only real service that has a one that's supposed to pass one it should point out your business business I didn't think about that or other Arriva Trains a standard class only yes and suddenly hey it's just the two of us I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets cold I've got I've got wine in G an annotated gene and a T all the drinks made it Tipler business junction you get the name down your guard Oh son didn't spend upload and then we've been here before many a time let's see the train out and we'll there we should sit and ponder our our faults what other I don't know good evening rush we're at thundered no junction in the junction I just want to say really comfortable seats love the fact that it's a proper train and also in good company and also with fine dining the time flew by and we've been on a train for felt like in fact like an hour four and a half hours and it felt like an hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much she felt of the food it was genuinely and it's really difficult because you know so but it was genuinely so good like it was delicious food everything was delicious and I really like that they have tried to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as well it's really nice when you go somewhere different to get like locally sourced F which is really really cool it was just amazing we put it a few tweets about this our friend Martin that some of you may know how to apply it saying how I've always wanted to like come and do this and Martin you should and the point is so should everybody else this is like one of those sort of unique railway experiences of which there's only a few left of in Britain like there like this leaf place rather than I ever want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a nice it's a great experience okay so wait well there we go good and you get that way by going okay [Music] which is probably stopped now
Channel: All The Stations
Views: 104,928
Rating: 4.9411516 out of 5
Keywords: gerald, the gerald, train dining, railway dining, welsh dinnig train, arriva trains wales, cardiff, holyhead, geoff marshall, geofftech, vicki pipe, all the stations
Id: u5pl_uW8U9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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