Behind The Scenes At Corrour - Documentary

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it was in August 2017 during the last week of all the stations that we first visited Corral on Rannoch Moor it's on the West Heinen line in Scotland served by train from Glasgow as well as a daily service by the Caledonian sleeper that runs between London and Fort William situated on the Kirara State sixty-five thousand acres of stunning land the station is well known for being one of Britain's remoter stations with no public roads serving it just the railway it's also the highest mainline station and has been used as a filming location on several occasions visitors come from all over the world with the hills being perfect for hiking and mountain biking or just to relax in its beauty with a nearby Loch as well and at the station there is corral station house a cafe and restaurant that welcomes visitors to enjoy the area and when we came here in 2017 we discovered that you can stay in the old signal box on the platform that had been converted into bedrooms it's the perfect place for guests to stay the night in this superb setting we've been back to corral a few times since and in the late summer of 2019 we were invited back again to stay over once more but this time work with the staff and go behind the scenes of Corral station house good morning we're speaking quietly because there's people sleeping below us right where are we Jeff we're at Cheers care our ninth t-shirt where they've invited us back for a behind-the-scenes look to see like what it's like to have actually work here and how do you get your deliveries here and is there a secret access road which Terry's and you know we love this place and they were like this come out hanging out for a couple days yeah and you're gonna be working yeah I'm a bit nervous sexually because what if I get someone's coffee order wrong or put the money through the till wrong or I don't know um so yes I feel a little bit like I'm on work experience if you are like the work experience ago so it's I don't want to be remember Thursday it's Corral again but from sort of a behind-the-scenes viewpoint yeah to the behind the scenes to the coffee wish to eat that [Music] the staff who work at Corral station house live on site and are up every morning to open for breakfast Joe coming guys so what's my first task for the day what yeah you can turn on the coffee [Laughter] it's just the one but the one back then the trains are key to your day are they not yes so this 8 first train coming in it's either gonna be really busy or quite quiet and that will make a break like the trains are key yeah there will be lots of shots of trains today and 8:30 it's time to open up for the day Jonah takes us for a quick tour of what you don't normally get to see at the station house so show now I don't either seem like this but out here can you take us through the kitchen and Beyond in 20 seconds go there's the kitchen [Music] bedrooms up here everyone here bathroom laundry match laundry room you got your own little secret lounge so you've got it all are in our area yeah so we've got me kitchen then offices through here but more importantly but the giant usually Netflix this is your chill time so if you're working from like 8:00 in the morning to 8:00 in the evening you do 12-hour days right in the writing to a tenant evening so you do 14-hour day where's when do you actually get a chance to have some downtime so I'll come through I'll just sit and watch watch Netflix play but you do 14-hour days yeah that's quite long every day yeah the season at Corral is from mid March to early November and on colder days there's nothing better and to warm yourself up by the log fire and with the fire lit there's work to be done skiing the toilets now that you have Falls are doing there's no active pay that was attended I one of my jobs once was cleaning toilets where was that at wimbledon tennis angel but how many people work at chorale station house there's five of us that work here full-time of the station so they're served the three front of house girls myself who manages it and dave in the kitchen the kitchen also produces delicious home-cooked cakes ready for those who are popping in for a drink and a snack [Music] if you're training one to two people the first train is in but that's the one going south from Mallik I think to general girl got off and no no customers as of yet is the big woman that when the sleeper arrives the dogs here [Music] [Music] the next train of the morning arrives it's our favorite way to arrive at Corral on the Caledonian sleeper which has come up from London overnight the sleeper has arrived a little late about fifty minutes late and with it has broads new customer how many people do people normally bring the sleepers never really one of our biggest ones through the 1120 unsatisfactory got off that train so it's pretty big but then we all go up the hill and they'll all come back down about four o'clock and I'll catch the 620 back to Glasgow so it's manic between four and six good morning good what we learned I've learned how to make a latte in americano I've learnt how to take couples of orders and care up it's good is let's remember I mean mainly I'm using the camera but in the spirit of also doing something I think I should go and do something is mini to clean really I think it's time so will you film me cleaning the toilet sure so what was the worst they did you know I can't I can't now you're gonna count that's a really bad yes was it how bad I can't say I'm convinced that so bad you can't say right I mean I want to make the wisecracker bell it's so clean you could eat your dinner with it but I wouldn't actually I don't know if of it I'll eat my breakfast off of it if if we'd had breakfast we haven't had breakfast you know I saw a yearly in a cheeky bacon roll I've been working hard that was my reward I've been out taking pictures of trains so you can you you deserve breakfast I know I have a Baker house now I've done some work [Music] like a stable rubbish disposed off I wash my hands before ordering myself some breakfast I've decided the quickest way to get breakfast is to order it myself so hello Jeff hello what would you like I'd like a bacon roll please okay and I put like 1 times bacon as Jonah cooks the bacon we catch up with Katy who might chat to about the fact that they probably do get asked many times about living in such remote location I realize now that people must ask the same questions every telling ya we don't so you get the whole like like wait where do you live where do you make what do you do so I know what you do in the winter what people do you do genuine - you don't work here no we did like a say our last days ok and then I usually season winter okay and then you're back here back bro end of March yeah you coming back next year it's at some point in the career station house in October is it like a pan over you coming back next year conversation yeah I think I think I'll come back okay we probably looks we'd have a lot of fun okay the other good thing about Crouch that you get stroke random pupils dogs I got a new friend it's a hard life you know always put dogs and cats in videos so because then people people thumb up right people are literally tapping like a cute dog thumb up 11:21 two minutes early I know it's got Ralph tomorrow it's the first train non sleeper train of the day up from Glasgow I think it's deposited two people two people two new potential customers [Music] all right we're coming outside we're going over to so you got the stationhouse here then over here showing us coming with a few coming to you to basically you can stay in the super box at the Airbnb there are three rooms we've stayed in today tails possible bed but what don't want to go we chat to the two people whom we saw arrive on the train earlier on the platforms of corral this is Carol this is Robert Robert it was your first time ever here today what made you come to corral immersed in don't kill our honor for a day at least six bit no no Viet selected a no so first of all stops st here and we'll do one hour but it's been fun coming you've had your cup of tea coffee and then you get in the train back again get your team back again a bit walking how have you enjoyed your one hour at corral has been fantastic there was a loveless please her wobbly support yeah will you give us away there's the train leaves that level [Music] yeah yes that's the 12:30 train just the fourth train of the day at Kerala heading for Glasgow for us though time for a quick cuppa [Music] we're done I wanted to clean up a copy this isn't for you it's to show that but it's not just coffee and cake the chef also serves up comprehensive news what are the more interesting places I've ever worked it's a it can go from absolutely nothing to city center heaving in about ten minutes so you don't get that anywhere else it's a it's good what would you say do you think is like most ordered meal or snack or beverage believe most ordered it's definitely gonna be the venison stew err venison burger I think both are pretty equal um with fish and chips in that close second because you gotta sell fish and chips but definitely the burger and this juice okay I think the fact that it's the venison is all from the estate is what people go for so oh my god I've got the oh I'm here table for one please it smells incredible not at all in grab we then made the fun discovery that this was the first time that Suzy had stayed overnight here despite stopping at this station possibly more times than anyone else for the journey of a nighttime come to corral somebody that actually knows this station exceedingly well I mean people will say jetan thinking you've been to corral I've met someone who I think is probably Apple people there's been to corral more than anybody because Suzy lady whom Vicky just serve the burger - I didn't realize you work for scott reil yes I do conductor yes the line through here so you're based in Malick yeah based in Malley formerly not originally I'm from the Channel Islands how long you been working for Scott Brown 18 years what 18 in the fine yeah but only eight years on this line I did ten years based at the station in my league so you can be stopped here go and do some quick math million one hundred two hundred oh my god more three hundred more you see more have you ever seen the stag on the platform in all that time yes but not very often actually okay I've seen it yeah yeah but I've got to say this is my favorite that's why I came and stayed last night I love it our gym you get to show your pass and ride for free right now they know my mug [Laughter] see later [Music] just like that the train is gone I think whilst that was going on I was counting seven people got off to the seven eight one over there eight people that we're now gonna serve with coffee and cake and Jeff was having his own mid-morning tea break when schöner announced that there was a secret basement that we'd never seen before Jonas has come to collect me because I was having a bit of a relaxing time there is I believe a basement downstairs going for him I had no idea there was a basement it seems a little bit later on for the basement to [Music] rosbridge am bubbly but today's delivery system whether oh I can see so this is the days where do you get your vegetables from it's a company in Inverness and they drop off at the road end which is 17 miles away so basically this is your storage area games room king inflatable unicorn it's looking a bit sad are you conscious it feels like an epic should call this secrets of the corral station house oh yeah everyone's always so surprised when they come down yeah huge my fifth time here I didn't know this was here no the whole time you never told us back outside the winds picked up and the weather has turned as the cloud and rain has come in as attention turns to dinner time [Music] getting ready for the evening rush it's quite therapeutic actually please cutlery don't mix the spoons of the station house restaurant is going to get busy for dinner this evening which is why it's possible to reserve a table to make sure you get to see it's busy my car man your face you find it first okay b-but Joe you're you happy I love why cuz it's exciting and it's busy there's lots to do [Music] [Applause] it's the end of the day and you clean the coffee machine minute long another long chilled another long day how do you feel tired but do whatever again tomorrow okay for the next five weeks and then we're off is it time to look up chance how was your day long let's do this finished now it's quite busy earlier yeah it's pretty good tasty lots of what some happy customers [Music] [Applause] it's the next morning and is the day to make the weekly drive along the estates private road [Music] now Corral famously doesn't have any public roads leading to it but it does have private road and sure enough walk so how often where we going or do we do this and how long is the drive so this is the weekly run we do every Wednesday morning every way okay so it's picking up a beer post laundry beer run okay and we go down this private track 60 miles to the main road so you can do it back half an hour at the eastern end of lock Afyon is the corral estate buildings recycling so got their recycling we're picking up things from the freezer in the larger and then we're gonna refuel Bogdan the handyman he'll come into the recycling once a week and take into Fort William yes and we come to the eastern end of Lake Ossian so basically corrosion and the session houses at the western end of others should walk up to News Hospital than they cost him and then you've driven along the road around the edge of the lake to the eastern end you get to where the sort of estate isn't the Krause that it's managed as a couple of buildings here you can see there's like quad bikes there's some holiday cottages here and then a lot of the admin so things are picked up and delivered from here so they're in there at the moment where there's a large freezer [Music] you this does beat like they're driving down the m25 in the morning the circus out here this South Circular a 205 or this when they're approaching the point where civilization you come out onto the road is there a sign there's a we sign not not for Crower itself but for the building companies at this point what we on the ae8 something now it's taken 45 minute drive on the private track to the public road all right the shed for the deliveries [Music] this is the shed this is where the laundry goes so this is like a pickup point drop stuff off pick stuff up [Music] when I weigh back we've picked up we've delivered off posts we've picked up laundry with picked up beer done admin what else did we do go by the lodge and a cup of stewed like you do back to the station house the stew is delicious if you come to the station rice you should have this June [Music] Corral is a special place and a beautiful get-away-from-it-all in stunning surroundings and you must of course go there by train deliveries and pickups done it was time for us to go but not before we said goodbye to the team [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: All The Stations
Views: 162,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corrour, choose corrour, trainspotting, corrour estate, rannoch, geoff marshall, vicki pipe, all the stations
Id: peSH6lzYAes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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