The Last LNER InterCity 125 HST

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hello hello are you wearing blue and yellow again I'm wearing my t-shirt purpose it's certainly the 21st of December 2019 where the heck are we we're at Peterborough don't under steady on we've been here a whole ten minutes we've not had an argument yet to the final elleny our ages change is it a one to five intercity high-speed train Jeff yes it is [Applause] [Music] it's on the board let's go around again into city one two five since it takes an hour and a half to get into Kings Cross but it's only like 45 50 minutes I'd like to think that people who've been on them for days I've been like camping on there as well or it's like a four day marathon for them [Music] well I'm excited because it's it looks amazing it's a great ride as first but we have written all of these in these colors I was a kid when they prioritize I used to chase trainers here they should go on the lift in Norwich and as it continued you don't look old enough because like changing from the modern space-age railway to the sort of you know gas lit railway back to Norwich so it's lovely to see this last train it is as if on cue a brand-new shiny resume Aries is leaving next for comparison purposes figuring J okay how'd you know that okay someone told me so we've arrived on board and I have immediately bumped into a man selling merch enjoyed this day hello Dave thank you from the ones who Viper our aim is to get one of these high-speed trains reserved for the future two people to enjoy so - they go out of service we've recently been donated to stalkers by possible the leasing company so hoping that they're going to be making their way to us fairly soon when they go off lease and then our aim is to keep them on keep them running ideally keep the main line registered so we can get them going up and down $125 it's a proper slam dog training oh this is the last time I slam it slam go on an HST so good you don't get that madness I just want to bag really what do I have to do to get a bag I just want everything they've just got a smorgasbord that's the first time I'd use that word before of stuff I'll do a badge cookie and here this cookies yeah get the cookie and the cookies the cookies no Michelle are they HST cookies they mistook instead of Santa hats they should have had blue and yellow intercity colored hats I'm not saying you missed a trick enemy are but but you did it's bill tulip Leticia now even on tantalise this morning this is day four yeah it's done four legs start up in Scotland on Wednesday yeah it's been working I didn't come in on all four days have you unfortunately I didn't have time to do a four-day notably why I fired it in spirit on Twitter me too and when they were on the western knees the first two weeks they came on too and they've just been doing the same job day in day out for 40 years yeah running up and down the main line [Music] we wanted to take it home the managing director of Ellen er who's magically taken Vicky behind the counter apparently this is David we've been really special I've not been on the train for four days but last two days I have and it's been everywhere would you like really to see just there's so many people coming out to watch the train leave the various stations where we've been through has been a nice leisurely journey we've stopped along the way for a few minutes get some pictures yeah it's just been a great celebration of this iconic train do three Oh so we ridden of course the buffet and there are certainly times mornings when I get on the train at newer heading to Kings Cross and end up working in here serving tea and coffee to customers that's always a great read memory spend at ship working as a chef in the kitchen of an HST one day cooking but yes which there was a really special day [Music] and he just called us crazy for doing the stations Gideon you've come to Chicago USA yeah to travel on this treasure have you just come for today you've been here the last four days I thank you for last two days so I keep dumps Edinboro yesterday and has it so surreal and it's literally been a live stream come true so I've had just the most wonderful time range constraint what made you want to do this well when was young boy the internet was you know neither it was a thing back then and it was just up and coming and I remember I was doing research on trains and I was like four and my mother who saw that was interested in trains and she actually downloaded demo over train simulator that had to HST in it and from then I was hooked on British trains so I know it's very weird as because I like trains America too it's very weird for someone from America like do these trains but uh for me I've just gone full bore into all British Rail and for me it's just been a big cornerstone of my life really I've just bought some sweets look at that thanks very much you're welcome I've been wandering around like mad and you have this very tiny yeah this is this is T gauges so it's the smallest and a commercially made gauge among rose and I thought it'd be cool to bring the world's smallest features to you money the mostly just ease it does work but it works on a nice still flat surface so these mark trees were a little too pumped I have to get a bit of hand of God in there wouldn't it be great if in the real world you know your train got stuck this giant hand of God came down and just gently gently nudged you along yes I [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] from platform 8 which is whatever they are always using Kings cause there's lots of people there including nice by Sir Kenneth Granger just coming down the front for the shot at the rear that you have the front as I'm assuming is about the point [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that's it so gwr that was a lot no more interesting any are no more a chesties they're all one by one they're all with this citizen pancreas on the Midland mainline when they go you will be in an HHS chief we vote apart from Realtors obviously coming up thoughts you took a lot of Instagram photos a lot of people came out to see ya which just goes to show how our love those trains are it was it was insanely busy with so many give it that's it I'm so tired I'm so tired i greedy and non HST is leaving company thanks YouTube subscribe dog station follow Vicky explores all the pointing and stuff Browdy [Music] all right oh hey look up Artesia on blue you ain't learned yet on purpose it's Saturday 21st is a little again
Channel: All The Stations
Views: 134,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lner, hst, high speed train, intercity 125, 125, hst 125, last hst, peterborough, king's cross, trainspotting, railways, british railways, vicki pipe, geoff marshall, vicki explores
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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