An Evening Of Unnecessary Stations

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also they're officially called railway adventurers my hands together the Jeff Marshall and Biggie pay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have visited all the stations for those of you who have not had this before and what we will be done last year we visited all 2563 and national railway stations across Great Britain at all of them we do need to point out just to clarify that that didn't include heritage railways the London Underground China where Metro classes away or any of the tram networks across the country we do have a really terrible gag I love to do it I just need to do it out of my system so I'm gonna pick up someone said you sir what's your nearest train station [Applause] [Applause] on three all chefs under new star by seven three two one we've been there but tonight we've got a real treat for you yes it's gonna take you through his Illustrated [Applause] no I'm gonna work Riley acutely aware that I love obviously - we start master Channel bet some of you might be math nerd so we hadn't sent a mimeograph just just literally just you home on in there dinner things big one but there's there anybody here let's count them but you know everyone's come here I feel like this could be a more divided than the referendum because people to count them the other one secrecy like the words around so for something like say like that numbers hands up if you like the word round better in countdown [Laughter] yeah can we call you later so the longest stage name who thinks they know what the longest station name is in the country you mean a convoy what one get go gets good drop of her tears go wrong [Applause] [Music] the trouble is is that for the fire for when you go gasp when you talk of not Cecilia's go go go he's me not the longest fascia a genetic man thank point where PG do they know you're on this station name actually has handling that any any guesses and home yes is that the next or actually it is never trouble is another it's another nugget alone or the number tricky Welsh names do you want to have a good oh okay it is this so basically it's an Excel spreadsheet in my line Ritchie's and he's just got like it's got all his codes but it had exactly 2554 roads in it of course with some of the major inflationary so it is really unnecessary facts about words diction things basically for example there are 11 stations which just three letters no two letters station naming IBM you know all right when I took acting implemented by one we found the third fire stations are four letters in any guesses yes if dreamed I thought he'll hope hope hope to my toes Indiana like this with a vampire real Ruby some stones weigh 10 grand William gate and you're it to hope ones in England ones and we're announcing pulsations okay okay this is this is just for me so that Matt will be like alright that's the way it is I did there's this distribution so you can see here these are the three so these are the devastation through three Ness is in this 35 station cook with format today and most popular is is eighth letter that's just over like 550 bit numb is not met with that cold thank you very much normally there's a get no stations have known it was do [Applause] but the end of easing if anyone comes up with you know a plausible station name with 19 us as we will buy you a beer or drink of your choice okay it's going but it's going to be like you know something west or east or Parkway it so the sound like yeah okay right stations that you travel on this one after the other yes captain level characters and they get yeah it's maintained yeah there's some of them when they've got this two chains of seven so one of them there we go you're please that leaves you three colors for mandatory much sorts of road you see how another lesson increases very babies were kind of up see in West now I can't beat seven again but it's the reach seven [Music] you're aware of the type of the honey glaze - thanks oh this is the best motivation which are anagrams of other stations [Applause] okay say we thought we've got this the old exam is an anagram of something sorry buddy breached it like that in whale yes there's been a burial tell me everything while sewing what you got amazing okay we're gonna give you some time we said the star in there who I can't bear to be exact [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the record which stops in progressive aphids come over within the signal Germany for other progressive so your honors you're on a train it stopped each station is stops on at the next station your staff is the next immunity never okay so there has progressed although in sequential a personal that's right it is this okay this time is very very nonchalant colors of the promise Queen Street to taste them back you get that right corner thank you our day at us well into forest at Dublin it's tricky valleys in the [Laughter] largest number of stations you can stop changing [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to get there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah I just want to explain all circles and nobody wants to do this problem but I think comedy club there's some of the some people here that might be like we do max I'm just going to really quickly explain this problem the interest it come up talk to us afterwards what it is is that on the heart of ours line there are indeed 233 stations between phonetically going up to craven arms up here and this line it gets four trains a day they like second they're like there's like four hours in between when we did all the stations what was our role in terms of visiting a station we have really training that stop to every stage we couldn't get an Express but interesting we didn't get out at the station that as long as we act as long as the trains stopped and then carried on some people we got a little bit of a bit of critical feedback getting out in every station that's because it is any reason Tatian I like this book well this will take like a week alone if there's any event altering today that's for two stations all day long you know H stations by a tear and then someone said no no T no no you can of course if you do that trick because taking four stations ahead then get the one coming back and then go back surround the whole I'm not smart enough in Excel to do it I think some of you might be right I keep you the timetable with CSV format mathematically works out what the fastest route is to do more 33 stops in the harbor please put your hand up [Applause] [Applause] I mean if ever another by five minutes that technically counselor you should come out that last case no okay like that that the working and if you can do all their stations in the one day I'll be disappointed if you haven't done that by the end of the evening okay there is going to be a QR code on the screen visible all right if you want to get it and you can work on it thing a mother watching the final acts you can anyway so we will get that to you so you gotta go be very supportive you don't crack it I will do a video with you Jeff you had me with of course there was a road for the headers
Channel: All The Stations
Views: 95,772
Rating: 4.9389315 out of 5
Keywords: festival of the spoken nerd, an evening of unnecessary detail, geoff marshall, londonist, geofftech, vicki pipe, all the stations, national rail
Id: EatokAd2hYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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