Land's End to John O'Groats by Bus and Train

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hello hey we're in Lands End it's Thursday the 20 30 2019 tomorrow we're going to be in Jonah great we're doing Lands End to John O'Groats by public transport bus train train train train train buses three buses for trains yep at around twenty four hours Lands End to John O'Groats vein by public transport is Lee to the plains [Applause] [Music] and also roaches here hi nice to see you before we get on that an incredible man called Tony and his guide dog Dana I know that cuz it's on his t-shirt Tony hello in 20 hours you're also doing amazing I'm going lands independents Penzance up to London Houston up to Inverness on the overnight sleeper train at 1041 inverness to thurso one last bus to three I think is you're getting a slightly different route to us but we might see you so John O'Groats if you want to donate we've got just giving it calm Tony stashed Burton for that's it yep dude you're mazing I'm gonna put some cash in your boxes [Music] and it has begun it's got a stopwatch running just for I had to put a little bit of drama to it to like officially have an official Proctor as the bus has moved away I've started it and when the bus arrives and comes to a halt a Twix tomorrow what I say now we're stuck you could put the hat I'm not sure about that we're stuck in a tiny narrow Cornish yeah narrow road we got the 13 so the 12:40 bus and we were going to get in the 13 14 but we just figured that it was a too tight connection getting the train at Penzance and Moe just said the muscle go down a narrow roads there'll be cars blocking and the bus will be late and I think is actly what's happening right now so we've left ourselves a lot of time to pad so yo that's a thumbnail right there this traffic is exactly why we left ourselves plenty of time by getting the earlier bus so now I need we got cars in front they've got cars piling up and the massive tractor behind us I think we're on the move drama getting about so early on we contemplate getting the earlier 2 o'clock train with 6 minutes to go 4 minutes to get there 90 seconds fair I mentioned in the traffic instead of that High Street and Tony behind us who's doing the challenge with his guide dog has to be on the 2 o'clock because he's got assistant hooked and he needs to make his connection and Paddington you go behind chef Tony we'll get you there it's come on touch pony I don't anymore we want to get him on this train I think we're just gonna see if he can help him maybe switch his ticket and come come with us yeah pick up the sleeper crew instead remember standing here like two years ago in May 2017 welcome to the beginning I was stood on that side the wrong side what became the wrong side and also if you play it back I quit with you go welcome and only you say or the station I know I don't say so never on the right side pretend it's May 2017 well traveling to all 2563 stations welcome to all the stations quick update Tony's rebooked he's going to Paddington he'll get attacked you to Houston you should make the sleeper but we may see you in the morning some of you on the approach Inverness so we see you I should be I should be in the cabin that's adjacent to the sable [Music] we're on a train I was going to get drawn that for they're not Vicki I've got pens and everything but the trains quite busy so when we get on to our next rain at Plymouth that do man [Music] [Music] I'm gonna do some math action so first of all I have to draw my very geographically accurate depiction of England Wales and Scotland so first of all plus a train the Train another train sleeper train finally the most bus [Music] she's gone twenty past seven we made it to Bristol Temple Meads back from five it's not out until 1932 we got about five minutes here you getting off - we've got two minutes we're at significant on the Bergen new Street programming level Vicky has been drawing more maps I've been making use of the Pens we've been playing station pictionary stationary stationary to call it a and in a fit of whimsy I said we should work out what our average speed has been so we've got the first section which was behind bus was on average 8 miles an hour which felt right second leg from Penzance premise 2 hours 6 minutes 77 miles that's 36 miles per hour cross-country which were currently on we think we're going to be in on time so that's three hours 53 minutes 224 miles 58 miles per hour but the fastest section is going to be coming next after Tamworth towards crew I feel a little bit like I'm doing the weather we're going to see faster periods up here in the North around we may be being a bit unfair on the on the poor old a1 bus because we've said 11 miles but of course the bus Wiggles a bit he goes down to kono and back up it it's not that necessarily the director says say was 1516 miles so it might push it up to about 10 past better to be honest hey Tamra here we are just gonna do the onions we've got about 20 minutes until we get onto a virgin train to go up to crew [Music] okay everybody I heard the last part of your message beautiful man and then that's Jamie and then you've brought you gave us a clue on Twitter that cell I did yeah you typed into drums on now and we couldn't work out what the drummer myself I use Vic first drumsticks now these sticks have been used but they've been used on the same stages Paul McCarthy front door Vicki Pike what I should release a brand of truth I think you should run by doing some air drumming [Applause] and also in all the station 217 a man called Michael randomly turned up to me but Jamie's brought more he's got a like a whole bag of snacks JP was praying I didn't know what you're like so why did well it's nice thank you a busy train there I like of chocolate we've been eating tea cakes watch it just wanted to point out what did you say much it's just gone course to tear it is 945 of the 20th of January of January people June June seventy six months out and look at the daylight outside [Music] [Music] 20 past 10:00 there's still light in the sky time to take a breather could do without bed now Streep is at 2350 we think this is it coming in early we think it's arrived like 20 minutes early okay maybe you're right yes I'm going to go to sleep me too okay goodnight [Music] on it horny turn it here morning gayness here okay okay so the smoke alarm went off in our birth at 4:30 this morning for some unknown reason so we've been up since 4:30 well you and legislate I've enough it's now quarter to eight we're on time you might even get to Inverness a couple of minutes early Tony made the sleeper at Houston he's on board it's all good you'd better get you was gonna get the sliding down window oh yes all right gonna miss it when they're gone made it to Inverness made it to Inverness good morning Scotland just popped up see so pizza that's subpoena handy stalking us farewell sleeper let's go get the bus the x98 the PIRs oh we're just saying this side is better than this side of the bus you have I've been awake since for him so can I have a nap and you take that see the page has steps up to the brothers [Music] with their motor work situation and we're worried there might be a humongous queue but we're doing all right yeah we just had one red light and we got through and it changed to green and so with a bit of luck it's not going to affect us we're off the bus a Twix is 1218 we've got 17 minutes one of us it's not as hot as the last one so that's good it's the last leg onwards to German roots we're nearly there nearly there home straight 24 hours and just shy of 40 minutes at the moment 38 minutes so we're doing will do a sub 25 hour time definitely that's right take that yeah yeah stop watch there's 24 hours in 40 minutes the lens and hat is going on look you've got to buy a John O'Groats now yes I shall it's pretty much it all right let's just leave the camera rolling I guess here we go okay we're still going okay here we go so when he when he opens the doors so when he opens the doors at the bus stop as soon as I hear the air pressure now that's one day 41 minutes 41 seconds only one minute some more 41 seconds 42 or 41 minutes 41 and selfie where it is to the gift shop [Music] [Music] we are at the corresponding signpost it's windy it's very windy thank you very much thank you : thank you Roger version so here's a closure we made it to the roads in 24 hours 41 minutes and 41 seconds by from Scotland [Music] [Music] 15:45 but to probably the last one are you filming this yeah this is last one that's open everything just from everything said you've got so much footage it's going to be like a 30 minute video it's ridiculous so Tony's here trains here what gain is here I'm all about the dog [Music] Thank You Internet
Channel: All The Stations
Views: 284,908
Rating: 4.9347234 out of 5
Keywords: lands end, john ogroats, longest day, penzance, plymouth, tamworth, crewe, caledonian sleeper, stagecoach scotland, thurso, wick, guide dogs charity, geoff and vicki, geofftech, geoff marshall, all the stations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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