'The Cape Scott Caper' - Landscape Photography Vlog

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we need to figure out somewhere to go so what were you saying before, what were you thinking? Well we talked about Banff, it's beautiful place but I live near there go there every weekend, you've been there a million times as well. Banff is RINSED! What about Squamish? Squamish is awesome we looked at a couple of really unique and amazing places but I think the forest fire smoke is still gonna be too thick there we're not gonna get much. you're right, what about .................Cape Scott? We're goin! so we just got all the food that we need for our trip up to Cape Scott we've got our fuel and we're off I guess we're gonna stop for a bite and how many hours we have a bit of a drive. it's like a 5-hour Drive then a 1 hr hike but before we get going I've just got to go to the Barbers and get a hair cut. you're kidding oh you see there's no way there's no way we're doing! I've got to get me barnet cropped! Your what? it I'm gonna get it sorted but we could be out in the middle of the forest and what if I meet the woman of my dreams you can't have done this yesterday? I could've.. so we're doing that first? yeah barnet cropped then hit the road jack. Wow oh but first I'm a bit Hank Marvin so let's go get some Tim Hortons. Can you speak English man I can't understand. It is bloody English proper, English man, cockney rhyming slang get get your sh*t together. I can't understand what you're saying OK, so we're about to enjoy a great Canadian tradition which is Tim Hortons but I actually like these disgusting sandwiches but the coffee is terrible not very good. Bagel belt please whole-grain something whatever you have one hash brown one of those sausage cheese croissants. you know the where is it I'm trying to find out on your menu do can you hear me now you got cut off I just got cut off by Tim Hortons she can't understand your accent either. I speak proper English unacceptable yeah thank you cheers bye okay let's gag down this garbage you don't like it do you? it's just awful you know after I've drunk it my teeth feel like they've got coating of fur. They feel like suede I reckon the only reason Brent was so whiny about my barber's appointment with Jimmy is cuz he's got no hair. BATTY SLAP! we finally hit the open road which i think is the best feeling in the world I'd rather be road tripping than lining up in airports the weather was perfect and with some good tunes on the miles were just flying by racking up the miles meant it was time to fill up that fuel tank once again. I spend so much time and money at the pump I am seriously considering a Tesla. Brent headed into the star to grab some low grade rocket fuel for us to drink. I don't mind admitting I'm not too posh to drink gas station coffee we scrape the splattered bugs off the windscreen and then topped up the old screen wash as I knew we'd be on a dusty dirt road in just a few hours. And with that done we were back on the road how's your gas station coffee? it tastes like they're testing you to see if you're paying attention. Cackle... it's pretty innit? But it's not as bad as Subway that's true actually and I can't really describe the taste of subway coffee but it's it's special in it's own way. It tastes like dishwater that's been wrung out of a soggy dish soggy brown and then filtered through half of a coffee and then served up tepid it's not even hot tepid there you go we're on the home stretch on this dirt road here we are almost there 15k with and we're there. So when we get to San Josef Bay Car Park, what is your guess as to exactly how many cars will already be there the car park? Well it's Wednesday right yeah it's pretty remote here it is summer time two to four I'll say four oh right I'm saying Ten or more. Ten or more so over ten, you win? Under ten I win? yeah let's do that. Ok so loser has to carry the food bag in okay? OK deal. oh I think you might be carrying that food bag my ole fruit. Evil laughter. oh there's a lot of vehicls here. that's like 25 cars that's more than four I guess yeah yeah sucks to be you. Oh man. ok so Brent lost the bet. he's carrying the food bag. We're at the San Jo Bay trail ahead one hour hike and then we hit the beach. Shall we do it? oh let's get on it. Let's avvit. ooh that looks like the beach to me. soil turns into sand and the ocean fills the view. Look at Brent prancing around like a young Julie Andrews. The West Coast always makes me feel like I just got home after picking a nice spot we didn't waste any time setting up camp with less than two hours to go before sunset that bloody air mattress is the bane of my life it's like sleeping on a two inch waterbed that kicks you off if you sneeze so we're over at the sea stacks at San Josef Bay . This is why we've driven five hours and hiked for an hour and got all of our camping gear ready we're camping just at the other end of the beach ten minutes hike from these beautiful epic world class stacks and there's the Sun setting over there we're getting some gorgeous glow in the clouds what I'm doing with this shot is I'm focusing on that island that you can hopefully see in the background I'm shooting at f/11 and of course it's quite high dynamic range so I'm bracketing quite a lot to make sure that I can blend those exposures and get lots of dynamic range Brents up there shooting a ridiculous panorama as he always does so I have no idea what that's going to turn out like but they're usually pretty sweet and It's gonna be awesome we're gonna look at that lovely pink cloud there I hope that shows up on the GoPro so we're gonna finish shooting sunset and then we're gonna get some food and then come back at night hopefully for a bit of Milky Way action in the background and some light painting of these rocks so it's day two we got some pretty good shots this morning we've pretty much just shot around the clock. We did sunset we did Milky Way and Astro and then this morning we did sunrise so as usual I got my eleven minutes of sleep and I just feel completely terrible and I do have a face like a collapsed lung. Brent on the other hand somehow manages to get hours of sleep and he's as fresh as a daisy. look at him doing his bloody morning routine workout while I can barely function. so my plan today is to just sun bathe like a beached whale and kill time until sunset and we'll do it all over again oooh that is strong. Strong yeah kind of like your fragrance right now. ha, it's been a couple days out here. So got his morning workout and I've had a very strenuous sunbathing session we've got to kill a bit of time before sunset so do you fancy going to the edge of the beach see what's around that corner? yeah yesterday the tide was too high and it's super low at the moment keen to see what's around the corner let's do it let's get over there let's go explore after arguing over who got first dibs on this tree swing I just let Brent have it while I went to plant some forest fertilizer. Gavin's off having a dump somewhere he didn't bring the bear spray with him so if we hear a growl and a scream we know he got caught with his pants down but in the meantime somebody left this awesome swing here on this remote beach how good is this it's important to remember that your photography trips should be fun don't forget to take some time out and be a big kid every now and then but this? Oh this is just sickening, that that's quite enough of that we we've run out a drinking water so one of us had to run back to the car to get the emergency supply and one of us have to stay here and look after all the gear. I think you can guess which one is going back to the car right now. he was not too impressed about going back to that car I figured it would take a good hour before he'd be back so it's kind of scary how fast he was Oh Brent you back with the water ha ha good man yeah now you can do the dishes. yeah, alright I guess yeah. after the day's shenanigans it was definitely time to head back to those sea stacks and figure out our compositions for the next sunset I like to study a shooting location by walking around and checking every possible angle so that I'm prepared so day two and it's the second sunset at this same spot on San Joseph Bay shooting these sea stacks so with this shot what I've done is a focus on that tree line that you can see in the distance I've got my aperture of f11 and I'm auto exposure bracketing because these clouds are moving really really fast usually I prefer to bracket manually cuz I just like to have control over every single exposure that I have and I don't want 10,000 images piling up on my memory cards and hard drives but when the clouds are moving that fast you really don't have that time to manually adjust in between each exposure so auto exposure bracketing it is and it's just a case of waiting for the the light to kick off right now we've got some gorgeous clouds coming in they're coming really fast the Sun setting over there in the West so we're now just sitting here waiting for this this color to just light up the entire sky with these stacks in the foreground bish bosh bash jobs a a good'un okay so we've finished our second sunset shoe on our second night at San Josef Bay in cape scott and i think we've got some pretty good shots. think so I think so yeah we never know til you get back to the lab but we're pretty happy with what we've got absolutely knackered Oh time for bed man time for a glass of wine and then hit the hay yeah vino and then back into our very fragrant tent good night no I did manage to snag just one more Milky Way image but before I knew it, it was time to get up and shoot and shoot sun rise. Memory Full.... that's a good problem to have. Now I'd noticed that somebody had lit a beach fire just on the other side of those sea stacks there and this was the moment that had been waiting patiently for the campfire smoke really helped to isolate the sea stacks so that they stood out against what would otherwise be a complicated background and really loved the way the Morning Sun just lit everything from the side all in all this was the perfect way to finish a perfect trip goodbye San Joe Bay. I've said it before and I'll say again the journey here was just as good as the final destination you know sometimes photography really is the best excuse to get out and enjoy nature and if you can be bothered to rough it for a couple of nights the good memories will last forever long after you've forgotten about the ants in your pants or even that bear that stared at you the whole time you were planting bush nuggets. it's also the best way to make you thankful for the creature comforts and luxuries that you enjoy like being able to get back into a comfortable vehicle after two days of roughing it on the beach. back at the car awesome. You got the car keys? Thought you had the car keys? hahahah, I got the car keys! just after that we picked up a couple of hitchhikers on the way home and that was an interesting conversation which I'll show you in a second now if you enjoy this video please like and subscribe help me get this channel off the ground and if you like my work and you want to see more head over to Fototripper.com OK. back to the video. so we picked up a couple of hitchhikers on the way back down to Nanaimo and I can tell you right now that the fragrance in here Is off the charts. you boys were tree planting yeah for a couple months or something yeah like two months I'm not blaming you guys, we are we are part of the stench yeah it's just communal this is like a cocktail of man stench when I said 'medium' that was entirely sugar coated. We smell terrible. before we pick them up we actually roll down the window and Gavin ask them how much do they stink. How bad do you smell? I was lying. the roles had been reversed and I'd been sat there, I would have said wonderful I'm delicious Apple pie
Channel: fototripper
Views: 38,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milky way, astrophotography, landscape photography, vlog, fototripper, night photography, tutorials, funny, comedy, adventure, travel, leisure, west coast, vancouver island, san josef bay, cape scott
Id: wjxrRGm4XgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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