When to use ND Filters with Landscape Photography

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Oh [Music] Oh nothing else wantedly at this time of day oh it's not Amanda hi Amanda hi Gavin but I've been watching all your videos oh yeah that's nice yeah um I was wondering if I could book you for tomorrow some bears on the west coast footbed is you say well I do know a place where there's a chance me room this this time you got to keep things strictly professional Amanda oh don't you worry I'll take good care of you all right well I'll pick you up at 9 a.m. tomorrow I ok bye Kevin bye I love you know what pays the rent well welcome back to Vancouver Island Amanda yeah I mean I'm glad that you booked me but I was a little bit unsure about this booking for a private session after what happened last time in the tent and everything yeah if I could tear you feel and I just really want to apologize yeah yeah won't happen again no I just really want to learn about photography not no inappropriate behavior and I just want to check you know just double check just to make sure everything's aboveboard you have booked me my own separate room right I have yeah yeah definitely two separate rooms hi look you want to see the receipt no no I'll just you mean you know I'm sure there's two rooms whenever driving on really rough locking roads nothing I love more than to enjoy a nice giant fruit platter I would say cantaloupe what's your favor oh yeah I turn up or punks mushy mustard Oh cos I only got three pieces before sheets gaffed it all down so we've decided to go to you clueless on the west coast of Vancouver Island and on the way there we've stopped off at cathedral grove which right now is absolutely majestic with fall colors so we're just gonna make it a quick stop but hopefully find the nice composition and try and capture it's beautiful forest with fall colors photo TripIt clients that book private sessions can always expect the highest levels of luxury service that's carrying the amanda's camera back and was surprised she hasn't brought a jacket so that's gonna cost you extra you realize that as we headed into the forest it became apparent that Amanda's red ballet shoes and short shots were not well suited to bushwhacking in the forest so like a true gentleman I offered to go and get the shot on her behalf five star review here we come this is a perfect example of roadside forest photography where you just driving past and you spot something now this is carnival your eye through the forest and you have to pull over and stop so here we are in cathedral grove and this stunk really caught my eye you can see how it's kind of battle it well it's kind of side back lit by the Sun it's got this glowing edge and that's what drew me in is that kind of light so I rushed here into the forest and I framed up the shot and then of course the Sun just vanished and I lost that lovely light but I thought well I'll set up the shot anyway it's probably gonna come back and it and it has and I've got this absolutely fantastic glow on these orange and yellow or maple trees in the background it's just a magic scene and then with all of that moss which I think's it's not actually a moss I think it's a lichen the old man's beard that drips down off the branches it's just dripping with beautiful light catching juiciness okay I'll keep on shoot and try and talk you through this shot yes it's a very obvious composition with the stone slap bang in the middle of the frame I tried to push it off to one side but it just it just wasn't as pleasing as just slap bang in the middle very very simple and what I've done is I've done a combination of exposure so after a focused on the edge of the branches on this stump and I've shot an exposure at F 1.8 so that the tree is sharp but the background is a bit soft and blurred out and then I've stopped down to f/8 so that more of the background is in focus but the entire tree the stomp is that the whole thing from front to back is in focus and in Photoshop I can blend the shallow depth of field shop with the f/8 shot so that the whole tree and maybe some of the foreground in front of it is super super sharp but the background will have that soft blur if I want that look I won't know until I get these into Photoshop if that's the look that I'm going for because I do love the background elements so it could be a tricky one to put together but if it works the colorfulness of this image should be rather rather nice [Music] [Music] [Music] it's as if this long tree stone is wearing a golden crown of sunkissed Canadian maple leaves but there were other jewels to be found in the forest that day this trail scene is what caught my eye I really enjoyed the mix of nalli tree roots and those lovely yellow tones if you'd like to download high-quality desktop backgrounds of these images well there's a link to my free newsletter in the description below and once you've signed up you can download and enjoy these images at your convenience on pretty much any device well I got a gorgeous shot there thanks for letting me thanks for letting me take time out from your tuition so you want to move on go to the next location coffee alright and then you fool it well that was a nice little shoot that we weren't expecting a bonus yeah I feel like that might have some tips on me could you maybe check my legs I can do the front side maybe check the back side let's just wait till we get to a public space like Starbucks are you eight yeah well I'm not having to go out here but they're not the most sensible choice of pantaloons for what we do and they really may be yeah well I wasn't looking out now I just I just noticed a now because of what we just went through the forest is right as we headed west I noticed that the Sun was starting to peak out of those clouds and after the recent heavy rains that we'd had I had a feeling that the conditions might be just perfect for one of my favorite types of landscape photography so we made a little detour okay so I'm here little Qualicum Falls it's one of my favorite waterfalls on Vancouver Island and this is actually the best I've ever seen it in terms of the condition the water flow is perfect look at these light rays so when the water is this heavy you get all this spray and then when you get a clear day like this it's the bright bright sunlight blasting down and hitting that spray of course you get epic light rays so this is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate what a circular polarizer will do what a neutral density filter will do so a port on the camera now a circular polarizer that also has a neutral density filter built into it and it's an all-in-one so I can polarize to get rid of glare and to cut through a bit of that haze it's caused by the light rays but can also slow down that shutter speed because it's so bright right now that I can't quite reach the ideal should the speed of round about a quarter of a second so by putting on an ND filter which is basically sunglasses for the lens that forces me to use a much longer shutter speed and I'm finding that around about one and a half to two seconds is the shutter speed that the camera is recommending for this kind of light now I'll take that shot and I do like those longer exposures but then in order to get that faster exfoliant so that there's a bit more emotion in the water then I'll actually have to open up the aperture and shoot faster shutter speeds but without that ND filter it just wouldn't be possible to get all of the different shutter speeds that I want to capture this image so it's really really tricky when you're shooting in these kinds of conditions because of this spray well of course my filter hisses constantly get in there washed with this this spring but all you can really do with that is to get a lens cloth now I guess you could rig up some kind of blower system that's constantly blowing air in front of the lens so that the water particles can never be never get a chance to settle but I can't they ass with that when a simple lens cloth will do and you know it comes in waves sometimes it's not too bad and I've got clear shot all the times there's a bit of wind and it completely covers the camera but it's really not that difficult to deal with for the final image I combined a five second exposure at f/8 for maximum sharpness with a quarter second exposure at F 2.8 for the ideal motion blur in the water [Music] there are times with landscape photography when you become so transfixed with what's in front of you that you forget to hit that shutter button it almost feels wrong to try and capture that sublime moment but then if I didn't well I guess you wouldn't be watching this video right now so on that note if you enjoy my work you'd be doing me a huge favor by subscribing to my channel and giving this video a massive thumbs up so after two successful shoots that day it was time to get checked into the hotel after a long day of driving and shooting I was very much looking forward to some relaxation and if I'm completely honest a little bit of me time yeah all checked in excellent can I get my room key mix up oh yeah there's only one room only one room but you told me that you booked two rooms online oh good yeah I thought he did Oh one room ok well I got some sleeping in my cabin what it's the do bedrooms in it - bedroom yeah we'll be ok are you absolutely sure it's got to a bedroom yeah all right well I guess we can make that work eh we can make well I hope you realize I'm not gonna carry camera back the whole time Oh garlic try getting heavy oh no no no this this looks suspiciously like a one-bedroom apartment with two beds oh there's a bedroom upstairs all right which one do you want all right well you have that and I'll get comfy down here then all right is this comfy some of the hate-filled trolls that comment on my videos we're getting a little bit worried about my absence are you doing oh just just reading my complaint emails please yeah I'll be things like him you didn't have a straight horizon line in that image seven videos ago or your foreground was slightly out of focus oh why was the top right corner ever so slightly noisy but you know I don't know what I would do if I couldn't rely on these people to take time out of their busy days to email me directly and let me know how I failed I think you're wonderful oh thank you I was just kind of wondering um maybe you can help me with my photoshop skills oh yeah yeah you got some images what street work on just really ought to go in there stick that in there let's get things up that's a lot bloody hell is this its picture of us we're so happy that day that day didn't happen that's the you just Photoshop we're so happy that day okay let's do let's just love it Oh kind of a look look at it well clearly you didn't watch my digital blending basics video tutorial you should you should check that out and you should check that out these are rubbish cut lines the blending is all off but we're gonna have to fix this all right well we'll drag this over it will tidy up this line we'll get it looking at least partially realistic because this is not even remotely believable we're getting there it's almost just like I remember that oh oh you know you don't remember the day because it didn't happen this is from the imagination right there look at it beautiful I need to go in charge 25 stoney batteries right now clearly you have not watched my digital blending basics video tutorial you should check that out you should check that out the cut lines are just terrible the blend marks are atrocious I did watch it yeah tells me I'm its outer blade stroke is that no person to person [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: fototripper
Views: 74,518
Rating: 4.9477525 out of 5
Keywords: landscape, photography, nd filters, cpl, circular polarizer, waterfall, forest, fall colours, fototripper, stalker
Id: E07SvLrNWfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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