The Triple Peak Fiasco - Landscape Photography Success

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so we're gonna we're gonna test the structural integrity of a Tim Horton's turkey bacon Club yeah baking club y'all ready let's do it I was on sandwich this is Jason hare our backcountry guide the funny thing is he's also my chiropractor just a pretty crafty way of getting rippity business in it I think I might piss myself the world to triple peak is pretty rough so Jason's Jeep came in very handy Kaden had no idea where we were going and all I'd told him was that the hike would be pretty intense and that say he was sold so we're at the trailhead for triple peak and Jason managed to get us here without losing any teeth but I felt like I was gonna lose a few there my last of all of my sandwich so we're gonna hit the trailhead and head on up that mountain the trail to triple peak involves quite a lot of up and the first half a kilometer is this cruel yet easy downhill section before a slippery logged River crossing and then after that it's just one long battle with gravity you know there's nothing quite like hiking up a mountain with a triathlete and a teenager to make you fully realize just how out of ship and clapped-out you really are basically all the way from the bottom to the very top it's just an endless stream of cascading waterfall so we'll stop and get some shots of those but what do you think about an hour to the top from here might be do I do enjoy a bit of rock and rock climbing though so the next section was quite fun but having to heft my considerable carriage of these tight ravines was a bit taxing you've no doubt heard of the old cliche it's not about the destination it's about the journey well the trail to triple peak really illustrates that point because if all I'd come here for was to see this waterfall it would have already been worth the journey [Music] so we're back what do you say halfway up Triple P maybe about 2/3 2/3 away but it's difficult to get a fast pace because you've got all of these spectacular waterfalls on the way up we just want to keep stopping but we're almost there keep trucking and then it's sandwich time peeps no thanks Lloyd I'll be a bit yellow snow as well by the time we get up after a quick break and a few photo ops we got back on the trail Jason had told us to expect to see some little ice caves and we weren't disappointed due to a lack of common sense I felt compelled to climb into this hole and get underneath several tonnes of melting ice just so that all of my 17 youtube followers could see what it looked like enjoy [Music] [Music] just after we clear that last section of rope we were starting to get some lovely dappled light on the hills in the background and these wispy slivers of cloud rolling in with a perfect backdrop to capturing a good hero shot and that's how I pea kid him to be my cameraman and make him look cool [Music] and finally we made it to the last stretch this melting snow slope with these little splotches of pink which are caused by the algae that forms on the ice sometimes known as watermelon ice all of our hard work was about to be rewarded with our first glimpses of triple peak in all its glory and I think you can tell we're rather pleased [Music] [Music] [Laughter] just as soon as we reach the lake the weather took a turn for the worst the clouds of doom were rolling in so we had to scramble and get in place to try and capture some shots before it became a complete whiteout so what I'm doing here with this job whenever take pictures like this where it's a mountain where it's a mountain and a lake I've got this reflection and that's what I want I want a lovely reflection and what I'll take is a shot where the polarizer isn't really doing anything so that I've got a full reflection and then once I've taken that shot I've got that in the bag I'll then take another shot where I turn the polarizer so that it's cutting through the reflection ensures the details and colors underneath the water and I'll take that shot so that when I process it in Photoshop I've got the best of both worlds I can have as much reflection as I want or I can cut through it and blend that layer and have as much of the detail and color because I really love this blue color and that's what I want to show on the on the finished picture so right now we just wait for some nice light to happen I'm focusing on the snowpack in the distance there so that it's got a clean contrasting edge with the dark rocks it's nice and easy to focus on that I'm shooting a f/8 and the reason why I'm getting away with f/8 is because this lens the zeiss batis 18 millimeter it's very very good at keeping everything in focus from front to back but really there's not that much in my immediate foreground there's no there's no rocks that have any detail so that I might not need to focus stuff but there is this cool little leaf under the water there so maybe what I'll do after I've got these shots is I'll just book a stack that and I'll just I'll put my polarizer back so it's reflecting and I'll just punch in on that leaf there and I'll focus on the leaf get a shaft leaf and that's easy to blend in manually in Photoshop but it's just a leaf you know it's not that important really I can get away with just one shot ff8 maybe f11 I'll get everything in sharp focus so in this case I don't really need to focus stack that badly it's not essential that's when we found ourselves inside a cloud the temperature plummeted along with our hopes of capturing a good clear shot of triple peak it was looking more and more like we'd have to come back for a second try some all the time and I really didn't want this to be one of those landscape photography fail videos well we came we saw we shivered it's bloody freezing we got some decent shots but it wasn't quite the epic light that we were hoping for but all in all a total success I think so yeah what do you think yeah are we coming again oh yeah so how we gonna get off this mountain on your butt on my ass Oh slidin down so they took me down but it took us nearly two hours to get up ten minutes to get down out of jobs it doesn't let's do it Jason gracefully glides down beautiful and then I just collapse like a drunken shambles what's the disc it's hardened and Kanan does the full ball crusher all the way I can't believe you could walk after that marvelous what we're gonna do with that right so we're back here at triple peak it's been two months we're gettin our Redemption finally but last time we came me we couldn't even see that the triple peak so now we can see it we've got some gorgeous alpenglow and there's some clouds just thinking about showing up I reckon we're gonna have to wait until the sun's actually gone down and then the harsh alpenglow turns into like a softer color and then the clouds will light up because that's happened so many times where I've given up I've started to walk home and then it kicks off and the sky lights up and you got to run back with your camera bag on and you're all sweaty and angry miserable experience so just be patient and hang around if we get that shot that we're then going to stick around for a couple of hours we camp in here for the night anyway so the Milky Way should pop up over the peaks there and give us a gorgeous reflection of the Milky Way so again fingers crossed but I think we're gonna get a way better shot than we did last time and I really hope you like this shot because I am being eaten alive by these bastard mosquitoes this is quite a miserable experience and this is what your life is as a landscape photographer and if you're a landscape photographer you'll know this you'll know my pants well we waited for the clouds to show but they never put in an appearance the Moz is however was swarming badly so it was time to take shelter in the tent and wait for the Stars to shine and shine there did [Music] this is a four shot vertical panel lit by the moon rising in the east and in this shot my friend Catherine was kind enough to model for this 30-second moonlit exposure finally I got that lovely morning alpenglow shot hours after nice after shooting pretty much around the clock all six of us were in dire need of caffeine and Cayden always comes up with the goods you've gotta be pretty hardcore to carry a French press halfway up a mountain but he did look at the dedication that he puts into making his rocket fuel there's nothing quite like some caffeinated bitumen during a sunrise on a mountain look at that business so I'm quite the happy camper right now even though I've only had 20 minutes of sleep so I do have a face like a bag of smashed crabs but it was totally worth it it's worth putting up with these bloody mosquitoes as well we've got a sunset we got Milky Way and we even got gorgeous sunrise so I'm so glad we came back totally worth it so that's triple peak I'm Gavin Hardcastle from photo chipper calm thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: fototripper
Views: 29,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vancouver island, landscape photography, tutorial, astrophotography, milky way, stars, sunrise, hiking, adventure, gopro, british columbia, fototripper, triple peak
Id: 03mbDEU2C-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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