Uncle Grumpy Hates Milky Way Photography

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that's his nose hair trimmer if it's films with that nose hair trimmer ridiculous innit alright so we're heading to Brady's Beach that's BAM field we just left BAM field we we're now very handsome captain come and pick us up on the taxi boat and we're heading off to the other side of the bay to get to Brady's Beach and who's this gorgeous little chat Biff Biff is our mascot your breath oh oh was like plums go just oh yeah that is the the fastest ferry I've ever taken once we've reached the other side of the sound the ferry mom was kind enough to let us both have a go on this floor tickle which appears to have a snow shovel as a steering mechanism now at this early stage in our photography adventure I'd like to bring to your attention the fact that uncle grumpy doesn't seem to have remembered to bring any water to our camping trip to Brady's Beach and that is gonna cost him royal Brady's Beach is about a two and a half hour drive from Parksville and it's on the west coast of Vancouver Island and for a relatively remote location it's actually got the loveliest wilderness toilet I've ever seen which includes ticket tree hand sanitizer travel brochures and even nicely scented wood chips to pour over your deposit to mask the fragrance well that was a fun journey was finally made it to Brady's beach wasn't that difficult and I am absolutely in love with this place never been before this is totally new to me even though I've been on Vancouver Island for 12 years now but look at these sea stacks this is what I'm after I love sea stacks and my hope my wish for tonight my kind of goal if you will is that the Milky Way pops up over there and passes behind these sea stacks and it a blue sky day not a single cloud a few little patches but really nothing that would get in the way of the Galactic car however uncle grumpy is pretty sour about cuz he's not really into Milky Way photography and he wants clouds he doesn't like blue skies and bright sunshine and I would prefer a few clouds so that I can get a little bit of color for that sunset book I get my Milky Way shot I'll be very very happy quite what he's gonna do I don't know it's always really exciting to get to a spectacular new shooting location especially when it's not that far from home we were both like Gd school kids let loose on a new playground hunting for compositions now I'm sure that you guys watch these vlogs and think oh he's so lucky to live on Vancouver Island and you're right but it took a lot of hard work and effort to make it here to the island and then never take it for granted I've got a quick little hike around the shoreline and there are endless foreground objects that I can put in the frame and create curves and leading lines we've got tide pools for reflections all of that lovely green algae it's absolutely tremendous the only thing is I can't get too attached to any of these beautiful foreground objects that I'm seeing right now because the tide has gone out and I reckon by the time the Sun gets low enough that we get nice light it'll probably come back in so I know that things are gonna change but that's not going to stop me from wandering around of finding compositions that if the conditions are right when the tide comes back I am totally gonna get those shots yeah I've just spotted I know I said I wouldn't try and get too attached to any particular composition because everything could change with the tide but if it doesn't I'm really hoping that this massive tide pool which is full of creatures all kinds of interesting creatures and beautifully reflects this sea stack I'm really hoping that this is still intact tonight either for sunset off or milky way the only downside with the Milky Way at this time of year is it's like I think three o'clock in the morning maybe 3:30 in the morning so I might have to get my sleep in earlier and then wake up and come back out or I might just be so excited that cats sleep and I just stay up all the way through the night but either way it's totally worth it if I can get that shot what do you think I'm really feeling it man's it spiritual experience are you really feeling it it's pretty brilliant innit I can't believe we've never been here after all these years this is British Columbia's only C stack I think I don't know if you can see on the video but there was a bald eagle just on that tree right the top there means looking at us is what he's looking at you we think it's a bald eagle it might be a pterodactyl that's how huge it is what do you think set up camp yes set up camp how do you feel about this absence of clouds it sucks if it's our about it I'm a little bit well we've got Milky Way alright so I get you up at 3:00 a.m. all right yeah what will you say when I wake you up its PSA come on Adam it's time to go film the stars so we we're sharing a tent no no definitely no you have your own tent your own space I have my own space I need my own space because we're artists so what are you hoping the fun enough well soon as we don't have any clouds so probably won't get a sunset I'm hoping that these beautifully clear skies and this new movement we've got gonna give me an epic milky way's shot as the galactic core passes over there see stat hey there's a guy on YouTube that I follow Alan Wallace he is absolutely incredible and correct incredible yeah this is he gonna get he's way more successful in you should see the gear that he has 24 millimeter Alan Wallace he's amazing he's bloody Welsh Oh watch it man that's Rachel ISM that's not rational I say she lists I'm offended well I'm offended that you're offended well I'm out Rachel you're offended I'm outraged that your offender than your average well then now just for the record I apologize in advance I've got nothing against the Welsh I just couldn't think of anything else to say about Alan Wallace is that good [Applause] have you got another tent no I thought you were bringing two tents no I told you to bring your own tent this is just one a one-man tent for myself well I mean I think we can both fit in there though ah think so I can't just sleep on the sand with the Sun please we're gonna have to because you're not share with me oh I see how it is all right well enjoy your five-star accommodations yeah we'll look I scatman listen mate I've heard uh how about a change of heart well I I think I can squeeze you in my tent oh really yeah I think I think I was you know overreact you know I really think you could we could fit in there quite comfortably yeah are you were a bit hasty well yeah I was yeah yeah yeah yeah nothing to do with the fact that you've run out of water is it well no I mean I noticed you've got quite a bit there but that has nothing to do with the moment Oh without nothing nothing oh yeah I don't know you you heard my feelings with that Alan Wallace comment Oh man I was just not just joking with you you know you're a way better photographer than Alan Wallace I mean you you're star photography is some of the best I've ever seen yeah best you've ever seen yeah maybe I could be there you know landscape photographer of the year one day yes yes I think I think you could especially if you you know shared your water with me yeah well I'll share my water with you no I'll get in the tent but you're not gonna be in my tick come on well I'm pretty sure that Adam won't be quite so sour right now because look at this we've got some clouds and it's about 20 25 minutes away from sunset so space will definitely be at least 35% less sour but yeah I'm really hopeful that I'm gonna get some good light there is all that foreground that I found earlier and I was worried that I might lose it it's all still here so I've got reflections I've got leading lines tidepools it's absolutely stunning so now it's just the game of finding the comp that shows the light in the best way I may actually have to get on the other side of those sea stacks and shoot this way because there'll be some nice side light on the stacks themselves it just depends on what what's going on in the sky and what the clouds are doing well it may not have been the spectacular sunset that we'd hoped for but let's be honest they rarely are now in spite of the mediocre light I did manage to bag this first shot of the day and while it's hardly portfolio worthy I am pleased with the composition and at least now I know that this Beach has some serious potential for top-class landscape photography with the sunset rapidly fading blew our I figured I'd head back to the other side of that sea stack and try and capture a shot of that fascinating tide pool with this shot I could have easily done a sky replacement of pasted in some over-the-top clouds but I figured I'd just show you guys the real deal now even though I am a self-confessed light snob I would always encourage you to go out and find good compositions even if you think there's no chance of good life you might not bag an award-winning shot every time but at least you'll know exactly where to be when the good light comes I reckon I got a couple of quite jewe salacious shots there the light wasn't as good as we'd hoped the clouds were a bit weak and most of the cloud is on the horizon there so you didn't get that beautiful side light didn't last for very long we've got a little bit of it but it's quite happy with a couple of shots I got there and playing with those reflections that you can see in the sand that's always it that's always a bonus when you get a C stack reflected in the sand that's just getting constantly soaked by that tide so I'm quite happy with what we got not absolutely killer but I think better than filler so now I'm just waiting for the Milky Way so it's now our time is it now it's 20 past eight blue hour I would say it is over now so we're gonna go back to the tent and we have a bit of a nap get up at three o'clock in the morning and really try and get that milky way's shot that I talked about earlier so after all of that drama from earlier on turns out that I did actually bring a tent so in the end we both got to enjoy five-star accommodations [Applause] what I'm really gonna go go where you know go to the bathroom well what you want me to do about it I don't let me toilet paper I need some tickets oh do you know oh come on well what's it worth to you I'll give you five bucks five dollars well it's gonna cost you way more than that Oh oh I think it's coming it's poking its head out what do you want well you know that landscape photographer of the Year trophy that you got I've got it yeah but yeah that's nine now come on I want it are you so greedy what are you to do with it I'm gonna stick it on the bonnet of my car and drive around town and load it all obeah all right whatever just give me a bloody toilet paper all right well you got to come and get it enjoy don't get any on you well I did get off at 3 a.m. and I poked my head out of the tent and had a look and it was just clouds on the horizon I thought huh forget it I'll just go back to sleep and I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't and thank God I couldn't because I looked out again and about three more times and the clouds were lifting and the stars were popping and the Galactic car finally showed up so I'm glad and get back sleep I got out pack down the beach and started doing my shots well uncle grumpy snored in his tent sounded like a bear having a fight with a wolf but it was just him snoring one thing I've been playing with is just night sky filter from breakthrough filters and it's supposed to cut down on the amount of light pollution and clean up your astrophotography images so this is the actual filter and it's part of their magnetic filter system so they gave me this holder that you clip on to the front of your lens thread it into the filter thread and then these magnetic filters just clip in and out and you can pull them in and out really fast so if you've got like an ND or a selection of NDS you've got this night sky filter polarizers they're really quick to pop in and out so I'll show you the shots that I've got I'll show you a comparison of with the filter and without the filter and you see what you think see if you think something like this might be a worthwhile investment but from what I saw on the back of the camera it actually looked pretty good here is a test shot with no filter and only very basic Adobe Camera Raw processing that copied the exact same processing settings over to this shot with the filter and at first glance it appears that the Milky Way has a lot more contrast and clarity but definitely a very blue cast and I use zero colon noise reduction and the same camera settings for both images and first impressions of this filter are very good but it needs further testing but I have placed a link in the description if you want to learn more about this night sky filter from breakthrough so now I'm gonna stick around for the next hour or so wait for the sunrise his grump essence should rise pretty soon from his ancient slumber and join me on the beach and hopefully we can get a more epic sunrise then we've got a sunset last night because there's some gorgeous clouds on the horizon so quite hopeful we're gonna get some good stuff well I just walk on called grumpy up and told him to get his ass on the beat the sunrise it's not too bad it's not absolutely fantastic foot there is that nice pink stripe of light just behind the sea stacks which is exactly where I wanted it and I like how it's reflecting in this gorgeous sand so I don't think it's gonna get any more pyrotechnic than this but with a few processing tweaks I shall be able to turn it into a fairly decent shot out of all of the shots from this little photo trip this composition was my favorite those curvaceously hypnotics and patterns are so typical of the Pacific Northwest and it's got all of the ingredients got decent light but it's got those dramatic sea stacks reflects the arms pearlescent leading lines in the sand all I needed was a unicorn riding out of a rainbow is that too much to ask Plus the Sun Rise over it wasn't amazing but it was alright I got a couple of decent shots I've had two hours of sleep and I do have a face like a petrified sock puppet not unlike Alan Wallace that is photography's nowhere near as good as your Fuhrer there you go no Chuck shudder but so I reckon that the tale of this story is about perseverance I woke up at 3:00 looked out my tent conditions were crap I was cold I was damp I was tired and I really could not be bothered with it but I got up anyway I went out and I got my shot and that's the thing when you're a landscape photographer there's so many times where you just can't be bothered you don't want to hike up that hill or you don't want to pitch that tent if you do do it though if you put in the effort you will get the shot and I'm so glad I did and I'm so glad you stayed in your pit you missed out man I'm not I'm not really into night photography it's not my so much no well I got a sunset I've got some astral and I got a sunrise what more could you ask for oh I could ask for some coffee good idea did you bring any MA so maybe like I could be landscape photographer of the earth so yeah we are certainly up there with her people like me you know all right se6 you oh really yeah all right well enjoy your five-star accommodations Alan Wallace yeah he's brilliant he's Welsh hey man watch what you're saying that's Rachel middle ISM that's not rationalization it sure is Gavin what's a dumper that is gonna cost you royal oh come on man oh yeah no I'll give them to you but you've got to pay the price oh oh oh I think it's coming well that's not giving me an incentive let's go from well what do you want what do you want name well you know that sir let's get photographer of the Year trophy that you got I want it are you so greedy oh really what are gonna do with it I'm gonna put it on the bonnet of my car and wrap it up [Music]
Channel: fototripper
Views: 55,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape, photography, astrophotography, milky way, brady's beach, bamfield, vancouver island, sunrise, sunset, camping, uncle grumpy, adam gibbs, breakthrough filters
Id: Kay0TtNBHhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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