I Killed The Landscape Photographer of The Year?

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[Music] well had done is he dead smells like he's dead let's just let's just move on to the next shoe what happened to that sponsorship deal you had with Skillshare that reminds me this video is sponsored by Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community for creators with more than 25,000 classes some of the classes that I find interesting Ian Norman's night escapes course and Photoshop compositing with Pete Collins as well as color grading by John Brummett whether you want to fuel your curiosity your creativity or even your career skill share is the perfect place to learn new skills and hone your craft I've posted a link in the description below so that you can get to month free trial and skill share is super affordable an annual subscription comes in at less than $10 a month and if you've got a premium membership you can get unlimited access so you can join the classes and communities that could really improve your photography and post-processing skills so big thanks to skill share for supporting my channel I can now finally afford a new lens cloth alright let's get back to the story and the fate of uncle grumpy the journey begins with a cheeky little float plane ride to Vancouver where I met up with grump master flash before boarding our flight and the funky stop we caught that a little bit too busy admin and they're sure boots in the club - yeah we were we were gonna have another drink but $20.00 Caesar I just paid $20 for a Caesar what a crowd oh listen to all of that complaining I was actually getting more British the closer we got to Blighty so you were you're gonna come sit next to me then all right [Music] that's just rude just landed in Manchester and that's the last of the song will be saved for three weeks it's freezing I got like eight degrees we left it was 24 welcome back to England okay you know you're in the UK when you have to pay money for one of those trolleys just to carry it back around you know the ones that are free and every other Airport on the planet welcome to England with my complaining over my spirits began to lift once we cross the border to Scotland lovely lovely misty Manas we'll get miss Devon inside there's nothing quite as traz mandus as a misty morning in scotland but my Canadian eyes drain was confused by our rental car what am I expected to do with this now but it's stuck on the key I can't get the key out so it's 5 a.m. on the morning after we arrived in Manchester we just leave in my parents place in Scotland and we're heading over to Auburn to get the ferry to the Isle of Mull let's meet up with Tom and nicked so you've you've got your passenger ticket for the ferry right no I thought you're gonna get it well I got me a ticket and the vehicle a ticket months ago before you decided you were even gonna come on this trip so you mean I don't have a chicken or am i a bloody mother but you said you were going to give me a ticket I never said any such thing when do we have that discussion what are you gonna do oh I know I'll do I do this all the time on BC Ferries oh yeah should I hide in the boot cut in the trunk really get away with them yeah all the time and then when we get on the ferry just get out yeah so I'll get the trunk yeah drive on as soon as you got on the other side just let me have the boobs anyway that's quite 15 quid oh god I'm not paying that okay do you want to get in the booth then you ready to do this yeah let's do this are you absolutely sure about it yeah but you gonna let me out right of course Adam that shouldn't even be a question of course I'm gonna let you out just making sure right okay yeah I'm good I see yeah come away I need to go to the top [Music] with the ancient one in the boot I was really enjoying the drive it's a nice light just love oranges I'm just gonna stop for a quick orange brick Oh God it's been about an hour since Adam got in the back Adam are you all right hungry what you want an orange Wow can we give you an orange yeah I got back on the road to catch that ferry but I noticed a really pretty looking bridge so I thought I'd stop for a quick photo shoot while Adam relaxed in the boot I knew he wouldn't mind well this is a perfect example of the journey being more important than the destination so on our way to the ferry from Oban to the Isle of Mull we just crushed this river and solve this spectacular scene on this river and in my excitement I did go over a fence add some barbed wire and a gashed my leg pretty badly let me show you this so I think that might require at the very least I might have to go and get a tetanus jab so he is the very first shot of the entire trip and it was a lovely unexpected bonus I just loved that rooty tree that frames the shot at the old stone bridge and as you already know I am a big fan of all things bossy and green I figured I had just enough time to visit the nearest hospital to get that long overdue tetanus jab and still make it to the ferry with a little bit of time to spare and just like clockwork I made it to the ferry perfectly on time I was really looking forward to visiting the upper deck cafe so I can enjoy a nice hot coffee and that wonderful view of the bear named Mary on the ferry and the view is fantastic from here you just cannot shake the feeling older forgotten lease another nut about me fast or I'm gonna be driver's license all my batteries are charged but anyway something is eluding me in no time at all the ferry was docking on the Isle of Mull so I cranked up my tunes and enjoyed the beautiful drive to the pub in tobermory where Nick and Tom were patiently waiting with a nice cold beer so good to see ya [Music] well have I done is he dead smells like he's dead um let's just let's just move on to the next shoe [Music] still pissed off with it I'm sorry I did not mean to forget here and leave you in the boom for nine hours what can I do to make it off to you tell you what I was saving this for later but you can have me flake I won't even ask for a bite I'll tell you what you like those pickled eggs dog I'll get you a jar of pickled eggs I do like people don't you dude oh yeah I do yeah so we're back in business all right don't do it again oh I'd never do it again well Chuck dog don't jump in there again so we're here on the Isle of Mull and Nick page was just about to drive us to a spot that he showed his pictures of earlier and it was a really beautiful looking forest and on the way there we we saw this business [Music] bluebells everywhere and these gorgeous I think they're beech trees and the way that the light is just streaming into this forest right now is just just look at this just look at this one tree and that light on those bluebells it's one of those spots that in the right kind of light it's difficult to get a bad shot I would think so even from the road like I'm standing in the middle of the road now and I've already got a shot so just look at this can anybody else hear what sounds like a wasp's nest we didn't even have to leave the road to get the best shots which meant that the bluebells didn't get trampled on well as always with any kind of forest photography is that problem of seeing the wood for the trees but the light kind of reveals to you where you should be shooting I adore these streaks of light that illuminate these bluebells but it's trying to find at that effect while standing a pleasing tree shape that complements that and that's the challenge it's quite difficult and the lights changing very rapidly so I'm just gonna move further in and see if I can find something a bit more obvious but what am i end up doing is using different lens entirely so that I can get more shallow depth-of-field to isolate a tree from the background and those shots are typically very difficult to compose especially with rapidly changing light but I think that's why I might have to do we'll see if I can find something I was able to capture this image while standing on the tarmac shooting directly into the Setting Sun which backlit those bluebells in a very pleasing way you know it's actually quite difficult to process images of bluebells because often the colors that come out of a camera tend to look a bit fake because the bluebells are so rich in color so for this image I actually had to reduce the color saturation well I did manage to find quite an interesting shot here it's one of those windy road shots I don't know if you can see that the curve of that road on this small camera but I do love that type of shot especially when there's loads of bluebells on either side of the the road and quite interesting trees and the lights blasting in now from the side the Sun is over there and that's quite a nice shot but I'm shooting it a 3x2 but I know with this I don't need all of this immediate foreground so I'll probably crop this to a four by two and make it look like a sort of a cheetah panel but I think that's that's going to work I have to admit I'm a bit of a sucker for those curvy road shots or trail shots that show a pathway leading off into the distance add to that the gorgeous splash of color from the bluebells and it makes me just want to walk right into this image I can just imagine a massive print of this image sitting above your fireplace can you yeah you can well get in touch well sort it out well what I ended up doing is circling background to those first couple of trees that caught my eye when I first started looking through this forest and then I've switched to the 55 millimeter which gives me a really nice shallow depth of field when I shoot wide open at 1.8 and I've actually tried to compose a three shot vertical panel so I focused on the back of the tree and then I've moved the camera down so that it's it's taking a lot of frame space is taken up by these bluebells I'll take that shot I move up the trunk of the tree take that shot and then move up the trunk even further and then you can see the canopy and take that shot and I'm hoping that those three shots will stitch together and give me a nice high resolution panel with shallow depth of field which you'll know from my previous videos it's kind of a thing of mine let's see how it turned out and it turned out quite nice actually one thing I love about shooting with wide-open apertures is that I always find the colors to be far more pleasing than shooting it let's say f11 or f-16 now I'm not well educated enough to know why that is but if you are please post a comment down below and enlighten me as to what that's all about [Music] so for the second time that day the journey was bearing more fruit than the actual destination and with landscape photography he often pays to be flexible with your plans if you are heading to a specific shooting location but along the way you see amazing light and fascinating subjects well just shoot that instead I mean look at this juicy golden light that's licking the bluebells and the trees aha I think you know what just happened if thoughts orgasmic I love Scotland but I've hit midges dude they've they weren't really he said that they weren't biting so if this is like not not even as knowing as they get I'm worried for our safety over the next couple this is nothing you can have like 50 on your hand and I don't I don't lift they buy or if they like excrete some kind of or regurgitate some kind of vomit acid thing at least these little burn marks pretty good photography I think beautiful spot the conditions are amazing such a serious subject that you can't take it for granted yeah you can't mess about it's not it's not not fun is it no it's not fun I think if you try and have fun with it you kind of ruin it yeah yeah and it's all about nature and nothing artificial yeah just your beauty you have to take it serious you know absolutely connection with your inner spiritual goddess it's not a feminine side back through all the time so so you're telling me oh I do this all the time on BC Ferries the line I'll go quickly I do the back and that's it you found nevel's you know what this look good man they're a pale imitated a compare the light Fisherman's Friend Fisherman's Friend are inedible like fishermen's friend that's why your breath [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: fototripper
Views: 49,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape, photography, isle of mull, scotland, bluebells, forests, uncle grumpy, thomas heaton, nick page, comedy, funny, bromance, adventure, travel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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