Arguing with Uncle Grumpy and His Nikon D850

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well I've revealed my secret spot to him it doesn't seem too excited about it well no I really like these snowy always porn pinnacles yeah let's go just with that moths and the snow and the ice when you heavy rain I think for some water fall Oh massive I was here about a month ago and it was raging so right where I'm standing was the river just raging down around that corner and you can get a nice shot when the lights got back got no light that day but I was just hoping for a bit of ice if only I had a friend with a long lens who could lend me that long lens really where could you find a friend with such a lens yeah oh and maybe a camera attached to it as well that lens ain't gonna work on this camera oh you wanna borrow mine yeah please oh look at that snow coming down me that's just a win can you even seals let's clean that up you know what we creatives go through is completely covered in snow right what we got here then we use an icon yeah my first DSL I was alone you know there's a special way Oh God you do know you have to be very gentle all right yeah it's solid but I'm gonna be gentle I've seen out you were kiss the moon caressed oh well yeah so I just got a mounted gen RR yeah there we go slide just kind of you know caress the knob very sensual and this this has got a flippy screen right it does it does have a flippy screen flip the screen spring why do you get the slippery screen out a potential gentle alright well there you go look at that hey so turn it on I'm getting there free photography lesson here from Adam Gibbs yeah so well I think it's free but there might be a chair on somebody's put me spectacles on so the button on this side here controls the f-stop right you know about f-stop so yeah something and this controls the shutter speed I have a manual so everything's man cool because masters do it manually let me just give it another way that looks bad now I've got 99 percent battery left on this so we have at least 60 seconds before it dies live you oh wow that's you know very technical just push this button down here and nothing happens there yeah well I'm off right so I just ease off the knob the knob that's see if that's your focus there's no if you want to do auto focus you can just I don't want to do auto focus oh just that I do because I can't see a bloody thing really oh that's juicy so manual focus so you use auto focus then I do because my eyes are so bad don't trust your eyes I have a lot of students that do that and it's it's good because once you've got it locked with auto focus you can then switch it back into manual and then it doesn't keep refocusing right mind you this camera even though it has auto focus you should double check if there's been a few times where I've screwed up so you've left it on on the camera are all on the line no the focus and I'll just trust it but it hasn't been poked well you got that you've got the focused peek in which is good what lens is it 2.8 this lens now for this slow cheap ok so let's get down to fa what's the sharpest aperture on this lens I don't know no tested it f-22 see if there's a there's a misconception here so people think that if they stop down f-22 then everything will be sharp but that's not actually true the f-stop just gives you more depth of field it doesn't it doesn't control the the sharpness of a lens an actual fact most of the time if you stop down too far then you'll make the image unsharp you'll get lots of depth of field but it won't be a sharp per se if you used f/8 or something like that now I don't have a problem with shooting down to f-16 it's a little bit less sharp but do you have a problem with slopping down f-16 have no I do it all the time yeah that that is the best shot that this camera has ever taken I believe yeah yeah look look at it I mean behold before the majesty of this I just put a card in a so maybe I need to get in is that 200 . this was one of the looks like Adam gives his long lens isn't long enough you've let me down with your length you guys so lower the lowest is so what I saw l1 is that the lowest yes but you want you don't want it on that put it on 64 I so 64 y yl l1 is really slow for me yeah that's why well the best image quality well 64 is about the best that's the lowest so 65 is lower than l1 no but the lower isn't as good that doesn't make any sense yeah that's weird kind of nonsense we use the focus peaking it's pretty good let's test it see there's something on a two second timer and I've taken a bunch of images lately and they're not sharp that's pretty sharp yeah it's all right needs a lot you need a lot of time or really don't you so with the focus peaking now if I go like this and punch in at focus manually Oh goodbye oh how do we turn focus peaking off I don't know that looks fairly shy I never used it so I don't know how to do it but I'm gonna stop down to f11 I'm sure one of your viewers will tell us how to do it and then let's take that shot see if that's any sharper I'm technically inept no you're not I don't look any sharp here let's try let's try using a remote well that's assuming that I've focused correctly anyway you know what we should do we should do manual focus versus auto focus see which is sharper does the EXIF data record if it was manual a lot it's not going to do is it I took a whole bunch of shots the other day and I've done this a number of times for this lens and use that to second timer yeah and they're all really yeah well this will be a test so doesn't settle enough Romana we'll see if two second timer is no good compared to a remote release one thing I hate about this nikon is the the this attachment here I heard you like a tenpin thing I hate it oh that's fiddly us yeah it's really cool oh and it needs a battery oh that's bullet never use this it's annoying it's wireless that's why why just get wired one because I like this because you them they're like I do selfies cuz he does selfies all the time or usually in a bathroom so is it focused well it's I believe it's focused but we'll see let's see if this is any sharper oh did you hear that shutter just perfection eyes yeah well well made machine that well-oiled shutter I mean you know they people talking about like that garbage Nikon it looks exactly the same it don't look any different well to the to the untrained eye alright so what if we now try I saw 64 instead of the low one as you said that was better I was supposed to be but the C I would it be it doesn't make any sense it's okay as it got darker or brighter this should get fried so it is a higher ISO then yeah well that's not gonna be better than is it I hope this picture isn't an absolute pilot what I'm thinking is this crop in the middle I don't want all that on the outside you can also zoom with this with your finger half touchscreen why am i pissing around with button it looks exactly the same your focus on there properly now let's try the autofocus okay yeah oh that's right so now we'll switch to autofocus see if it's better than the the focus peaking manually I think you looking at the player back there all right I do have to switch it back on on the lens yeah yeah turn order football so focus is now back on the hell have you done you broke my camera okay really yeah oh it's windy up there now that should be alright I think that's sharper those sharpers in the past sharpest so the focus peaking is off a little you should be a change the sensitivity on it but can we switch focus peaking off and let me just focus by eye right so now we've switched off focus peaking so now I'm gonna try and focus manually hang on I have something of note folks see this little indicator here this says battery indicator yeah how much battery is left there Gavin that looks like a hundred percent 100% so that's gonna last how long weeks I see my hundred percent lasts 40 42 minutes okay let's try this for that so if we punch in now let's mess up the focus because it's still set to auto which works right yep I've switched off off to a focus I put it back to manual so now with my naked eye I spy see this is when an e VF is good because with an e VF you can look in there and it's a lot better than looking at this little screen I see I see I never used the screen I always you see the viewfinder yeah but you can't magnify with an optical viewfinder but with a an EDF you can right okay I believe that that is focused let's shoot that now that is manual focus with no focus assist let's see if it's as good as the autofocus which was good are you ready yeah I think I'm confident this is gonna be the best well at least as good as oh yes that's sharp sharp as so now let's do let's go back to I saw what love because I don't like this I saw sixty-four business loved one yeah that's it not crease the shutter is it this one yep there we go two seconds now yeah it's pretty slow but should be alright hopefully really yeah and we don't need a mirror lock-up because the mirrors already up because we're in wide view right okay let's have a look is it sharp or is it's pretty good yeah but yeah so let's get that in Photoshop and see which is best so here I am back at home with these images that we took and first of all I have to just confess that this is a crap picture what do it did not take a good picture but it was more of a test than anything else we were just testing out a little theory so what we determined was the focus assist with the default settings on that Nikon d80 wasn't much use it was kind of like focus not very assist so if you got that camera if you've got a Nikon Nick on camera that has this focus assist I would tweak it a little bit because out of the box it doesn't seem to be very useful I got a way better result focusing manually by switching off all of that assist and magnifying in on live view and focusing manually and I got perfect focus and I didn't really notice any difference between that and the way that Adam does it which is to use auto focus which if you've got poor eyesight or you've got good eyesight but only with glasses and you forgot your glasses or whatever if you can't trust your eyes to focus on live view manually or through an EVF then the autofocus is a good option that's something that Adam uses a lot and what I would just say is like setting the video there if you do use auto focus just be sure to once you've got that focus switch it off switch auto focus off go back to manual focus so that if you have nailed perfect focus it doesn't keep changing doesn't keep refocusing every time you hold that shutter down and take a shot which is you do if you've got a remote release by anyway I think it's a good practice to get into so that's what we've determined that the focus assist wasn't great now the other thing that I've determined in a completely unscientific way just simply by looking at these RAW files is I believe that the ice or l1 which it turns out is actually ISO 31 on that camera gives you the best image quality and I'll show you why I'll take you into Photoshop here so here's this terrible almost shameful image that I'm embarrassed to show you this image to be quite honest but it was just a fun little exercise so if I punch in here to let's say 50% right and I don't know if you can see this because this is on a screencast software and I'll load this up to YouTube and YouTube will butcher it with their compression algorithm so I don't think you're gonna notice this but I can clearly see this difference so you're looking at the ISO 64 so look at this area here look at the the icicles and the little bits of snow so if I switch that off can you see any difference I'll put it back on off on off when I switch it off which I have now you're looking at the ISO 31 and I can clearly see a little bit of a sharpness boost especially in the shadows so if you can't see that let me see let me test to see if you can see it now when I punch in to 100% and what I'm gonna do is hold down the space key and drag this guy over here let's find a little shadowy area where where was it where was that and there that will do so this area here right see this very very shadowy area look at these needles these little bits of they look like needles in the moss so just bits of bits of moss this is the iso 64 look at what happens when I switch that off to reveal the ISO 31 underneath it especially if you look at these little details here now bear in mind I processed these two files exactly the same way the only thing I've changed on the ISO 31 I actually increased the exposure after the event because of course it's a lower ISO it's going to be a darker image right so I've balanced these out afterwards which you would think would make you know if there's going to be noise in that that darker exposure you'd think that that would bring it out and reveal less image quality but in this case no look at this it's to me I can clearly see that that is sharper and the shadow detail is far better than this which is the ISO 64 X Bowyer so that is that is the conclusion of my very unscientific test on a camera that I have never used before and I don't even own but if you've got that camera or you've got a a Nikon camera that has the same I saw configuration this might be quite useful to you and it I'd always encourage whatever camera system you've got is try and do these tests yourself you know try them on short X X boa just try them on long exposures try them in bright light try them in dim light like this really test your camera and push it to the limits and study those RAW files afterwards to see if you're actually getting the best out of the tools that you've paid for alright so I hope you enjoyed that video I hope you've got some kind of use out of it if you did please like and subscribe hit that little Bell button so that I can annoy you at 3 o'clock in the morning when I post videos and please post a comment alright thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: fototripper
Views: 53,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikon d850, landscape photography, ISO, comedy, humour, humor, British, vancouver island, fototripper, adam gibbs, flippy screen
Id: aaDI0nWwT4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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