He Called My Photography 'Mediocre'...

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[Music] so i uh bumped into this guy in the forest uh just here in cleethorpes we're just about to go to the beach this beautiful little overlook that i know of that uh you've not seen it before have you met no just pictures i'll show you this beautiful little spot and then we'll stick around for the sunset what do you think to this fog that's just coming really [Music] so we've hit the beach it's only a two minute walk from the car park and it's bright bright sun and fog all at the same time which is absolutely perfect we should get some cool atmospherics when we're up on the hill looking down across all of this glowing fog but also i mean if if it continues up into the hill where we're going to climb up there's lots of cool trees along this coastline and so if we can get some backlit fog blasting into some interesting trees then we might get some lovely light rays so it's quite quite promising but you can't even see the hill well you might be able to see this kind of dark smudge so that's the hill that we're going to be climbing over there and once we're on the top of that i hope and suspect that we'll be above this fog and looking out across the beach and you'll see the whole curve of the beach and then the mountains in the distance that's the hope we'll see i think it'll i think it'll work [Music] adam just said i wonder why it doesn't get like this on the east coast of the island where we live and i think and i'm probably wrong but i think it's because of this cold pacific air that comes in from the west and hits the warm coastline then that temperature differential creates all of this this fog might be totally wrong that's my theory anyway it sounds all right doesn't it what are you uh what you're shooting with today well this is a fuji xt4 with a a 10 to to uh was it 24 millimeter lens oh yeah link in the description below yes this is the new road uh microphone got more affiliate links oh that's the new that's the new road yes uh the microphone what is it called go to right go to yeah is the dead cat better on this one because on my old version it constantly falls off it's brilliant check this out it's like a you have to twist the whole thing oh yeah so it's it's in there permanently you feel that is yeah have a good time to talk on your dead cat have a good poll that's brilliant so i just should just throw my old one away then i guess that's 250 dollars of trash now is it then yes no you can spend another 300 oh brilliant that's ah that's just that's economics at work eh capitalism at its best brilliant [Music] you got up here faster than i did are you getting in better shape than me i don't think so i'm getting worse you surprised me with how fast you got up here actually well i'm just walking hey glumpton's gone his own direction i don't know why he strayed from the path oh here it comes it's weird if you if you're on this trail and you get disconnected from your fellow hikers it's like a a hill of echoes you can't find them they sound like they're below you and then the next thing you hear they're above you it's kind of weird but i reckon we have 25 minutes max and we'll be at the top and then the views should open up and then we'll know if we have any chance of getting that shot or if the fog is just too thick what do you think love i think it's going to be pretty [Music] look at this big old unit this beautiful gnarly cedar tree i thought you're talking about my [Music] it's times like this when i wish i had one of those chest mounted gopro cameras and then i have to keep switching hands because you kind of need your hands to do a proper job of this but look at this how gnarly everything is everything's so twisty and twiney and an interesting finale and i reckon some of that's got to do with the wind you're gonna you're gonna try and make me look fit aren't you i plan on being fitter next time i go up you said that i did so we're about oh we're almost at the top and so we can just kind of catch a glimpse through these trees of the rest of the coast and i'm a bit upset to see that it's completely covered in fog but that could change it's what four hours till sunset yeah so fingers crossed i really hope we get to see at least some of it some of the distant mountains i'll have a massive tantrum if we don't ah there's nothing quite like slogging up a steep and treacherous hill only to discover there's no view from the top well we've made it to the top of the hill and it's just fog [Laughter] but as i said you know there's a chance it might clear up who knows there's a few hours between now and sunset however there is a plan b because on the other side of this little hill there's a view in the opposite direction out towards the mountains which i'm hoping isn't subject to the same coastal fog because it's far off in the opposite direction so we'll we'll have a look at that and that's the plan b and it's only five minutes over there so we can keep coming back and check in on this and see if it clears but that is the exact opposite of what i was hoping for yeah failing that a bit of boudoir have you brought you bought it you brought your leathers i did but just around the corner there was a glimmer of hope overlooking this ancient coastal rainforest so this is the other side of the hill and i reckon most people who hike up here probably don't go that extra little bit of distance to get this absolutely spectacular view i love the way that the lights just creeping in to the valley there and then on either side of the valley you've got this basically cloud i think it's a bit more than fog it's just color claw-lined cloud just coming in it's quite oh quite fantastic nice you like it since we got here within just a few minutes we've been watching these beautiful splashes of light just play through this valley in a really interesting way so you get these stripes of light and then stripes of darkness where the the clouds are casting shadow so i've just been you know hand held just capturing as many shots as i can in the hopes that i can find an interesting composition but the composition is completely governed by the patterns of the light it you know you can frame something up and within 60 seconds it's completely changed so by the time i find a composition i like and i want to get the tripod it's vanished so these these might be a little bit blurry but i think i might be able to get some decent shots this grand vista made me feel like i was deep in the amazon rainforest or maybe even back in prehistoric times i i fully expected to witness a fight between a triceratops and a t-rex okay well it looks like it might have cleared a little bit back where we started so let's just go back and see if the viewers opened up and oh that is absolutely magnifique let me show you this finally the fog was beginning to lift and show off that beautiful coastline i feel like this viewpoint overlooking plethops it's got to be one of the best viewpoints you could ever get it's just so perfect it's so pristine absolutely gorgeous i mean you've got these pretty big mountains over here and then all these little islands and then this beautiful beach going way out into the ocean there just it's just gorgeous and of course the hope is that all of those mountains and islands that you can see in the distance there the hope is that they catch a bit of that lovely light that lovely side light from the setting sun a nice orange glow and i'm hoping that enough of the fog or the spray stays in the air so that that too catches that lovely orange glow in my mind i'm thinking that i'll go for a really wide panorama so instead of it being a huge wide angle shot where you take in all of this foreground here and then it goes right up into the sky instead of that what i think i would like is just a really long strip that just shows that that coastline the way that it starts really tall and then kind of tapers off into the distance so while waiting for the light let's find out what his royal fossil hood has been up to it's adam's uh hemorrhoid cushion for his for his prolapse i've got a very sensitive bottom so what you've been up to i've seen you in a long time i've just been hanging out in my house nursing my hair and looking after the cats do you do you like sit in front of a mirror and just comb it in silence and just like ruining it it's not quite long enough yet no you're gonna do a man bun i want to grow a beard and then have it all go up to the top what's the name for that what do you call that there's another thing it is now how's your aussie jacket it's not working oh good job because they're not paying us for this one is your battery dead check my back side amanda is a robot amanda is a robot you should have carried up the jackery when she was just plugged into the jacket i'll show you this fun it's really nice this is beautiful yeah let's show that's the camera that's filming me filming you so that's that but then this is what we're looking at over the ocean there look at those lovely spots of light it's really lazy so you know tom did really well with those fan videos they were crushing it i just wondered when you were going to convert yours and what what your plans were because the same advance pretty much i've already converted it you've seen my camper oh i just assumed you'd want to tart it up a little bit i have some febreze i don't want to let out too many plans because i i'm i have all these great plans but never go through with any of them i want to see a wood burning stove with a little chimney i don't think it's going to work it looks so cool though like tom's is all flashy and perfect and nice and everything but it would be nothing compared to yours with just a full-blown wood stove and smoke and you're driving down the road you know you can see the flames feel just brilliant one way i thought of doing it is getting rid of one of the rear windows and then just putting a board up and then having the chimney go out the back window and then when you park you could add a bit on like a 10 foot section because it's because the chimney has to be be a minimum height of four or five feet i think yeah you'd have to have some kind of cage that people can't walk past them but it's really hot yeah and that band is so small it would it'd be too hot you can't turn it down once it's hot you can't turn it down you can but it just put water in you wouldn't be able to like put it out and even jeremy's truck with the the stove in it it gets too hot because propane is quite damp it is very humid you get condensation in there regardless of any heat source just from two bodies especially when wow [Laughter] it's a rocking don't come a knocking i'm a bit envious of your hemorrhoid pillow did you get one sure how much was it 30 40 bucks do you think we're going to get this shot then no because like we've come up here we've done some b-roll and all that business so this is the problem with vlogging is you you hike you stop and film b-roll you build this storyline and you might not get a shot you know it might be a complete bust but i think sometimes people just like to see where you are i don't think the shot is i mean i like getting shots but i did a vlog the other day i didn't even take one shot for like three days yeah that's that doesn't sound fun how are you liking your fuji i'm a bit i'm a bit tempted but i don't like the extra weight well the new one is um about the size of uh dslr or mirrorless mirrorless have they got a telephoto lens yet so that is a one to two hundred yes it's quite light actually it's not too bad that's f four no five five point six no that's that's rather civilized i thought it would be crazy how much is that oh 2500 rocks so do you like the lenses then i do the lenses are excellent i might have to put my uh the other half of my pants on because i'm getting a bit chilled i'm going to rub your legs for you yeah would you turn the camera off shenanigans with grump master flash just like old times eh so after about an hour of waiting the conditions are getting really tasty again so it's not quite as sunny as we would like we would like a bit more light so it's just a bit more punchy and contrasty but there's this just absolutely magical amount of low-lying cloud that's drifted in again slash fog and it's so gorgeous so i'm framing up a test shot i'm getting ready to get my composition just in case the good light happens so that i'm ready to go and i'm in position but i'm quite hopeful that it's gonna work it's gonna happen what do you think grumpton yes it's gonna happen it's gonna happen it's pretty nice right now your viewfinder on your camera is bigger than this camera that's quite impressive actually that's a good action you got there see this little bit of metal yeah this bit guess how much that was two hundred dollars seven hundred dollars what a rip while pretending to listen to grumpy just complain about his chronic gas i managed to sneak in this little moody shot [Music] i went for a dark and moody process on this image which i think works really well with that ever-changing west coast weather it's absolutely glorious i mean look look at these conditions absolutely fantastic but that bit of cloud just needs to bugger off because if it does if it just disappears all of this will just start glowing gold absolutely just unbelievable [Music] you tell it it might i mean there is a tiny gap underneath this big old cloud so you never know yeah you just see it there this orb it might creep through almost but not quite hey how's it going mate you're getting a you're getting a good shot yeah yeah yeah yeah check it out oh that's that's nice yeah it's good enough yeah you know what else is good what it's chasing all with gavin hardcastle my very first photography book this is your copy thanks man yeah i just i just wondered if you wanted to read like a little little snippet from there you know for the for the audience oh let's have a look here yeah oh no it's got it oh to grampton thanks for being part of the adventure thanks man it's kind of nice and it is and there's a forward by adam gibbs yeah oh here we go yeah i'll read this bit let me just okay you ready yeah gavin will go full force to get the shot i find it odd though that gavin will go to great lengths to make a photo happen but always draws the line at the simple task of digging a hole for a number two he'll climb a mountain swim across an ice-crusted stream endure countless sleepless nights camp in grizzly country with no compromises except when it's time to take a plop it's true i'm not gonna lie i've only once seen gavin forced to do his business in the woods and he was not a happy camper which reminds me you still owe me a men's cloth [Music] there's a link in the description below that's your copy and as you'll see here adam is completely overcome with emotion you think it's going to clear i think it is work it's clear [Music] well it's almost time for the sun to go down over the horizon and we are getting a really gorgeous glow right on the horizon where the sun's going down but unfortunately by the time that the light comes in and hits all of these mountains and these islands it's very very diffused by all this low-lying cloud so it's not giving us the color and the contrast that we were hoping for over there but it's forcing us to make slightly different compositions kind of as we knew it would in that because nothing's going on over there on those big mountains but there is some lovely color texture and layers over here that's what we're focusing on now we're kind of pointing our camera in this direction more towards the set in sun and figuring out a spot that's got some lovely shapes colours and layers so i might do a panorama basically what i am doing is i'm kind of shooting lots of horizontal frames with the idea of hopefully getting a panorama but some of those individual frames work as compositions on their own so that's that's what i'm doing is i'm trying to do a dual purpose shot a shot that will work either as single frames or as a stitched panel but these colors are just oh man that's just kicking off i think this is working this this panorama slash individual shots the light got really quite special about five minutes ago now it's just eased off as the sun has dropped behind this cloud but it's still quite beautiful so i'll show you what i was working on and then if the shot actually turns out to be any good i'll show you the finished shot but let me just talk you through this panel and if it doesn't work out you shot mine so basically the pano is it's a sweep of this whole area so i'm going from there all the way into the setting sun you can just see there so i may or may not end up using that much of the pano because that is a long shot that's a very long panorama but the the shots that i'm particularly interested in at this one here where you can see this group of islands and then as it pans out further into the background you've got these lovely layers and colors and then if you go a little bit further i love this bit of cloud that's coming in here just behind this island then of course a bit further and you've got the actual sun setting basically what i'm doing when i'm doing these panels is i look at these vertical lines so i take that shot and then i mentally remember where this line sat in the composition so just in the middle of that little bit of land there so i then move this column to match where it just was sitting take that shot and then i memorized the next one so if you see this comes down over this peak of this mountain so i'd take that shot and then move that over to that column and again memorize where this line is it's halfway through that island take that shot and put this one there and so on and so on until you've got the full full panel and then i basically just go back and start again because i want to catch different moments i want to catch the perfect moment of light and sometimes you can't tell what that is when you're in the moment shooting your panorama and you're kind of immersed in the technical aspect to things so what i like to do is just make sure i don't miss it and just keep on shooting and just do that sweep several times and if you do it enough times you know that you're gonna get that peak moment of perfect light and you can choose it afterwards as you do this more and more often though you get better at predicting which moment is the best and in theory you could just wait till that moment and take that shot but i think i think the best of the the light is gone it's it's pretty much over let me show you this i find it amazing how quickly the colors transform into these much cooler tones but let me show you that panel from 10 minutes earlier [Music] as i mentioned earlier this is a wide panorama so i made sure that some of the individual frames worked as standalone compositions and this one in particular really worked for me because well i'm just a sucker for layers and it's kind of like a watercolor [Music] how's it going there great but i think i might need a a filter like uh i don't want to get your filters for you oh yeah thank you all right yeah here i'll pass it here it's on uh there you go just you know with caviar castle there's a link in the description i'll fill your links down below there isn't there's no link for that it's just just for this what a brilliant day we'd had who knew that clithops offered such a wonderful vista next up skegness well that is definitely it it's peaked the light was quite spectacular i would say wouldn't you adam for about 5-10 minutes it wasn't necessarily exactly where we wanted it but there still might be a shot out of that i think well you've probably already seen it but uh it's definitely worth the hike up here i would have thought oh yeah yeah the hike um it's no bother i mean it was a bit muddy at the bottom but it's not bad so now we're just going to climb back down uncle break city gonna have something to eat hey yeah we've already got our dinner what have you got i've got uh indian food oh yeah i'm gonna make some rice and indian food yes are you gonna make it yes oh well we'll film that then well it's just in a packet like pile in a bag let's go and see what grumpton's having for dinner at this delightful highway pull out right so what you what you've got going on here what's gourmet navratan komar oh yeah vegetable medley in creamy to sauce living the dream man this is luxury hilton stuff well i mean all you need really is a is a yeti cooler and then uh some sort of jack boil to make hot water and you're in business and some uh glenn marins what a night that should do me how big's the one one bottle at night hey you've got a fun pack tonight ahead of you tonight aren't you how was that well you you got your copy of chasing all with gavin hardcastle yeah read a couple of stories from that were you yeah that'll really put me to sleep straight away [Music] it's like reading a bad novel there's a link in the description you used to have like a fairly nice rig at the back and you just had to rip it out why because the lock broke on my van and uh to replace the lock the only way they could get it get to it was from the inside so to pull out all these so i had to pull out all the stuff from the inside it was a huge hassle because i ended up having to get the chop saw out chopping it up because i couldn't undo any of the screws so we couldn't get back there so this is a temporary this is a temporary rig pretty it's pretty ghetto or that it is it looks like i'm living in a you know it's like i'm bubbles or something oh no that was ricky ricky lives in his car then bubbles lives in the shed and then you just get cozy on that bit the bed's comfortable yeah this is all storage yeah the problem with the bed is that it's too high so my head touches the ceiling i've got to lower it a bit and then i'm going to build cabinetry in here have a runway down like toms yeah i need a desk just get the plans off him well i didn't like the back bit i'm not sure about that i mean tom did a really great job don't get me wrong he inspired me to do mine i was going to do it eventually anyway but what's your budget well the bumper is going to cost me quite a bit that's probably give me a couple grand bloody hell just for a bumper so i'm guessing maybe four grand you're gonna do solar panels nah cause we've got the solar panels for the jackery so i'm just gonna use those can you can you rig them up so that they're sucking in light while you're out hiking though yeah i could just put one in the dash of the car yeah that's a good idea actually so grumpton has uh kindly shared a a glass of glenn maranji with me are we dram we drown what do you think i think i must be getting old because i don't mind it he just used to make me gag years ago but i actually don't mind it tom had one in iceland there was bo bowman or something it's quite peaty some of them taste very peaty do you like that well i didn't at first but i kind of like the taste after a while yeah once you first you know how bad this is it's actually called pineapple in in it but i can't taste the pineapple oh like i had a big chunk of pineapple but it didn't taste like pineapple what did it taste like just a moist piece of flesh i do like a bit of moist flesh so the plan is to go back to that same overlook for sunrise which we're gonna miss because you're not allowed to park in the car park oh yeah until 6 a.m i think yeah it's the tow away time it's 11 until 6 a.m so i think you're waking me up at that time probably not no a 200 fine what time is sunrise it's not just 7 30 is it oh well we might actually get up there then if we get up there in time for sunrise that'd be pretty good and see what it looks like with the light from a completely different angle might be crap but might be fantastic then come down and have an old man nap oh you're gonna have old man naps well we should when it come down we should go down that and find a good place what yeah because we can have a fire yeah because that logging road down there says you can camp there but we're settled though so you're gonna let me use your toilet tomorrow what's it worth well especially after eating this oh no it could be more than a plop i think 50 dollars a dump is it's a fair price how much does it cost to dump it's free is that yeah it's free where we go fact that the worst place that we ever did the sani dump was the only one that we ever paid for i think we paid like seven dollars and it was terrible yeah but all the free ones are brilliant the best one is in lake louise it's fantastic so can you actually rinse the tank out or i'm sure you can but i've not done that didn't get crusty bits in there well what we do i can't believe you're eating a karma while we're talking about crusty bits poo but um what we did is we put some borax and some i think it was dawn detergent in there filled it full of water while it didn't have any sewage in it and then just kind of sloshed around went on a road trip let it move around oh didn't get all bubbly yeah i got a little bit bubbly because when it when it came out when we did the flush all you could see was bubbles coming through but that seemed to clean it out nicely i guess we've got to do that a few times a year maybe so so far so good how can we have such big text in that book because i knew that old geezers like you would be reading it i could actually read it without me exactly that was the whole point that that's by design just to fill the frame look like you're getting more for your money [Laughter] how's it going there mate you're getting a good shot that's good check it out oh yeah that's nice yeah it's good that you know what else is good is chasing all with gavin hardcastle i just just wondered if you wouldn't mind reading out you know a little bit from a page pick any page you want well what do you want me to read oh yeah just uh i'm sure you'll find something interesting in there how about the forward yeah it's by adam gibbs some local photographer yeah you probably enjoy that just just a bit of it though the ride is pretty big actually that's how i made it big for you let me just put my glasses on oh there we go okay oh here we go endure countless sleepless nights camp in the grizzly country with no compromises except when it is time to take a plop that's true it's actually true [Laughter] yeah that's your copy that i it's all yours thank you yeah thanks i did a little special inscription for you thanks well that's the best bit obviously because the shots are kind of mediocre at best but thanks man link in the description below the link in the description that looks that looks like a really good shot yeah could you could you pass me um could you pass me a filter yeah which one do you want um polarizer well i'll tell you what um i'll just pass you all of them and then you can just choose whichever one you want there you go except when it's time to take a plop [Music]
Channel: fototripper
Views: 64,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape, photography, tofino, fototripper, vancouver island, telephoto, zoom, panorama, pano, tripod, camera, book, adam gibbs, sunset
Id: Zc96mj8BS8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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