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welcome gentle listener I am baldemort your faithful servant and I wish to introduce you to the forces factions and faces of the Warhammer 40K setting the Grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war now if you like what I do then hit me up with a like And subscribe a conversational or observational comment if you have the time and check out our other channel living mythology if you like a good yarn as good stuff we told now today we are to discuss a species of the setting that is an amalgamation of existing tropes yet so much more than the some of these desperate Parts they end being one of the most interesting elements of the setting when one chooses to shine a light upon them with Gorgeous new models and a wealth of character they are a firm favorite of some of the most Discerning in the community of course I can only be speaking of the allies and Defenders of the dimunitive tow the crw now I have to admit that the cruit and the tower entire are not my strongest suit so I shall be quoting extensively from the New Codex than adding my own thoughts at the conclusion ah the cruit what a fabulous set of nasties they are with distinctive culture silhouette and position they're the bulwar and the beats stick of the Glorious tow Fire cast allies to the deadly and fulfiller rol that the smaller tow cannot historically manage but let us truly hear what they are about coming from the very newest tow codex for 10th edition let us hear a bit of a story to quote the pack of young crout talks leapt and swung between the branches great great strength formidable grip and long evolved dexterity so saw them weave between the limbs of the trees in such a way that barely Disturbed the leaves TR orac rolled with the movements of his kouto Breck his joints loose though his hold on the creature's harness was strong a series of long low whistles came from ahead it was coret K the trail shaper to virtually any creature that might have heard them the shaper's sounds would have been unidentifiable as anything by the wind but Dre orak knew what they meant prey moving in an armored column both his and Breck's quills rustled in anticipation Lord vakar had no idea what came for them Dre and his Mount were not alone Kar and the kouto yav toboko and vat and Ur and elb too were bounding and Diving through the Woodland with them the density of the trees made made little difference to the massive crout talkx through all their slabs of muscle thick jaws and Rock crushing claws they moved with Grace and Agility light poured through the canopy above dappling over the crout and couto's Moss colored skin breaking their forms and rendering them barely visible in their silent movements there was another whistle DEET hooted back we are coming the whistle that followed was sharper slowly they are close as the crud heard the trail shaper's warning the pace of the crouts fell and they dropped without sound to the forest floor their movements through the underbrush became more deliberate good thought jet rubbing his mount's head gently dread could see the forest brighten ahead the canopy was standing out they were near the edge of the tree line Breck slowed to a creeping stalk his quills rigid those of dreet were the same and he flicked his tongue in and out of his biged mouth tasting the air the last of the trees peted out to a rolling plane of grass the thin swaying blades towered over Dre's head the aut OFA car vehicles were out of sight hundreds of leaps away the cot could already feel the Tremor of their approach smell the thick scent of polluting smog they emitted and hear the higher pitched rolling and clunking of four separate sets of tracks on each vehicle he could tell that there were six of them cutting a path between the hillocks of the PLS with a turst blast of clicks dreat told the crout to move up to arise to the right of their position he wanted the vantage point the four crew talks moved in unison it would have been easy for them to just bowel straight through the grass but they knew better than to do this it would just reveal their position instead they snaked through following a contour around the base of the hilic and only moving to its peak in the same direction as a wind so their disturbing of the grass was much less obvious at the top DEET stood at full height on Brick's back for a moment to catch a glimpse of the rumbling column of boxlike what vaka vehicles the torox were dark green with orange stripes he did not need to see them to attack their smell and noise were more than enough enough to know their location but there was something Primal instinctive about seeing prey with a naked eye the cruit around him clicked rapidly and whistled their couto scraped the ground and huffed they were eager to attack it was a feeling Dre had shared he whipped his tongue again the air was dry and warm he could smell the sweat and flesh of the soldiers inside the vehicles and hear their hearts beat he salv ated emitting a high- pitched whistle in his desire to kill and feast the crw around him did the same soon a series of wobbling clicks echoed from the plains to the north stop soon we will feed but when the time is ripe it was coreta she would not have the crout and kouto strike too soon several hooted and frustrated acquiescence within minutes Dre tasted new scents and his quill shivered more crw KX pack and their crout were approaching from the prey's other flank prick grunted and clawed at the ground while the crout waited for ketka to release them deth soothed his mount with soft coups even as he bet his own tongue to stop himself from shrieking his blood lust and urging bre into a charge he knew they had to wait until the or vakar were close so that they wouldn't have time to train their guns on the crout but the weight took all his strength finally a loud whistle signaled the attack as one the encircled crout packs howled and screeched brick roared and took off towards odv car his imense fists pounding the ground dread raised his long cleava saliva dripping from his beak blood pumping through his muscles the kouto parted the long grass like a Cleaver splitting rotting meat every step of their rolling movements thumped to the ground tret ducked low behind Brick's head to avoid the whip-like grass blades his joints moving like gyroscopes to ensure his stability as a kouto charged the sound of snapping stalks filled his ear cavities the grass grew shorter as the cruit bore down upon the vehicles toet wield brick to the first in the column slow that one he thought and the rest will be slowed in turn he drew a long Javelin its Point sharpened to a Razor's Edge the crew have achieved such surprise that a vehicle hadn't even had time to fire their guns before dreet was upon them gri thumped along beside the lead vehicle powered ahead and lunged across in front of it dread threw his Javelin through one of the vehicle's viewing slits with a well practiced aim the movement was a quick snap powered by wiry musculature the point penetrated the slits thick grass plunging into the luckless driver behind the vehicle swerved Breck hadn't slowed and now weaved behind the lead torox into the path of the second by now the ORV car had responded to the cruit attack and the Chug of automatic weapons fire was added to the rumble of tracks and the crouts ulating hunting cries de could see the constant movements of his pack all around as they attempted to isolate the aut car vehicles as brick pounded past the second vehicle J leapt off the kouto onto the torox in a split second he identified a hatch and activated a quill grenade multiple needle points projecting millimeters out from its round surface ready to be Unleashed upon the moment of detonation in another second Trad had torn open the hatch with a fierce yank and tossed the quill grenade inside he ran to the rear of the torox and leapt landing on Breck's back as a koutok thundered past the human vehicle his Nimble hands and feet easily finding his harness's hold dreat knew his grenade had detonated when the Torx veered wildly the scent of blood reached him and he drooled hundreds of needles would have shredded those inside the vehicle's now chaotic path took it over a bump in the ground ahead causing it to lean perilously onto its Portside tracks with perfect timing CA dark G and their kouto slammed into its flank Dre saw the kx's immense arms flex and tense as they pushed against the torox whose tracks span helplessly in thin air the kouto pushed hard clawed feet driving into the ground they top pulled the vehicle onto its side with a harsh metallic Crunch and ground shaking thud Jam Breck looped around the overturned torox as it came behind it its rear hatch squealed open and a dazed and blooded Soldier stumbled out helmed and wearing plate armor the same color as the vehicle They Carried a long scoped weapon with cables running into their backpack re picked up speed instinctively charging towards them Dre howled in blood lust and swung his Cleaver into the Soldier's neck metal ripped through flesh tendon and Bone the solders head tumbled away into the grass and their body dropped hot blood fountaining from their stump of neck and caus Andrea to salivate with anticipation more soldiers emerged and they were pounced upon by the other cruit and torn apart bodily Parts flying as blood curdling screams added to the cacophony of battle bones cracked and limbs left their sockets with wet pops other soldiers emerged from the remaining two vehicles firing streams of laser blast and shouting dread screeched as his flesh was seared by near myth next to him a ktox from the other pack took several hits to her face she reared howling in pain before crashing to the ground he saw the soldier who killed her with her back to a vehicle now trying to hit kaboto de's packmate was moving too fast the soldier unable to get a bead all yours Breck Dre urged the cwx surged towards aut OFA car within seconds all that remained of her was a pile of torn Limbs and pulverized meat in a pool of steaming blood around trette the sounds of battle were quietening he heard a thump and squelch as a javelin pierced the back of a fleeing Soldier and smelled the blood exploding from their chest as a weapons Point burst through he also smelled the bowels of another Soldier empty just before the kouto ripped them in half at the waist he saw their organs slop to the ground as the creature held up the Soldier's upper half and took a bite out of their head duret came to the Headless corpse of the soldier he killed stepping from Brick's back onto the flattened grass he picked up their weapon turning it over in his hands he heard a series of tur clicks and looked up there was Katka holding a cruit rifle in the crook of her arm its barel still smoking from recent firing no weapons you know the tow forbid it kitka reminded clicking her beak-like mouth D whistled in frustration hands still clenched around the weapon they say nothing of the flesh he said they do not said ketka D broke the Han's fingers ripping them off and throwing them into his mouth he crunched the bones and felt the blood trickle down his throat he dropped to the ground and drove his beak and Claws into the Soldier's gut around him him he heard the guzzling chewing and tearing as the others fed the Warriors of peek the cruit the cruit are by far the most common alien auxiliaries serving in the far cast armies with many billions of their kind armed for war and assigned to Hunter cardr of nearly every SE although their primitive aggression is viewed with distaste by the tow such inherent savagery makes them particularly effective shock troops the TOA and the crud have long enjoyed a mutually beneficial Alliance dating back to the first sphere expansion a tow exploration Fleet encountered a fierce battle between the brutish Orcs And Another species which they later Learned was the cruit who they saw possessed a tenacious and Hardy Spirit compelled to Aid the crout the tower went on to fight beside them for many years eventually freeing the Aven species enclaves this conflict became known as the war in the place of Union and it ended upon the crout world of peek in its wake the cruit pledged to fight for the greater good in exchange for regular payment the cruit at War compared to the tow crout are warlike and bloodthirsty yet they are neither stupid nor bestial the crout are uncommonly skilled trackers infiltrators and Wilderness Fighters experts in fieldcraft who swiftly Master The Perils and Bounds of each new ecosystem they encounter when fighting for the tow the cot act as Scouts ambushers Skirmish screens and counter offensive close combat reserves their speed survival skills and natural feroc it or all traits the tow lack in comparison and as in the case of hand-to-hand combat have no desire to develop the crout give tow commanders even greater flexibility in both Kon and Mont car strategies the Avan allies are naturally suited to the role of the patient Hunter and can operate in terrain difficult even for Pathfinders or stealth teams for those commanders who favor montar the cruit are superb Terror troops who can storm Enemy Lines from hidden positions and pave the way for the rest of the tow Army when fighting independently crout War packs operate primarily as Guerilla forces they Melt Away into the densest terrain after whittling their enemies down with repeated rifle volleys in this way they can Outlast and outwit most phones this does not mean that a cruit are incapable of delivering Furious attacks however their onslaughts are terrifying to behold they leap into the fight while voicing shrill avern cries blades at each end of their rifles allow them to hack and slash at their foes the most skillful spinning these weapons like blurring quarter staves yet the crud possess natural weapons also in the form of Talons and Beak like Moors lined with sharp fangs they have no quals about using these to rip their enemies to bloody tatters on unnumbered battlefields the cruit have been witnessed rabidly consuming the Flesh of their foes in a Savage Feeding Frenzy sometimes their enemies have yet to die when the cruit riper their flesh break off their limbs or tear into their necks physiology crout are tall wiry and possess a light almost Hollow bone structure this gives the appearance of physical Frailty though this is far from the truth their muscles are composed of dense fiber spindles with a greater power to mass ratio than those possessed by humans due to this they move in a quick bounding gate and have the power to LEAP considerable Heights and distances perhaps the crout's most notable feature are their crowns of elongated flexible quills these are powerful sensory organs which combined with the cruits extremely strong senses of smell and eyesight help make them formidable trackers and pack Hunters their natural affinity for hunting and a life exposed to the elements are contributed to further by the way they generate waste they secrete an oily sweat that serves as insulation and an antibiotic Salve as well as giving the recruit the ability to leave pheromone Trails Mark territories and communicate with each other in Silence the pheromones can even be used to communicate with their subspecies the strands the crw possess a unique morphic biology that allows them to actively absorb the desirable genetic traits from flesh they devour which they call the strands being ferociously carnivorous creatures with a voracious appetite the cruit will gladly consume the Flesh of creatures from virtually any species though they avoid that of tyranids or beings corrupted by the warp as a result of this evolutionary Talent there exist in the Galaxy crud who can spit acid have developed chameleonic abilities or have grown oversized muscles longer Limbs and even swimming fins the ability to take on select genetic traits of other species is a powerful boond to the cruit but it is also one that comes at Great risk without careful attention to which strands the absorb crout paxing kindreds can trap themselves in an evolutionary dead end there are numerous examples of cruit subspecies believed to be examples of this including the dimentive crout worm skittering 12 legged vicious crout Hound a massive great narlock subspecies of the crout it is thought that the crud ancestors of each subspecies pursued certain strands so relentlessly and regularly that while gaining numerous physical traits they lost much of their intelligence as well as the ability to a evolve with new strands their bodies and abilities they came to possess were fixed forever more though attitudes towards these creatures varies between cruit kindreds generally the cruit hold them in high regard to varying degrees crw see these beasts as living warnings as to what might happen if they failed to carefully manage the strands they take in as cruit who cannot adapt with new strands are vulnerable some see the subspecies as having performed an act of self-sacrifice first in showing the danger so clearly and secondly because as a result they possess abilities which the cout lack and can make use of to continue surviving and thriving most crout also share close bond with their subspecies with Partnerships more of kinship and collaboration rather than one of dominance and domestication the subspecies are incapable of speaking the trueu language but the whistles hoot and coups of the crout register in their minds nonetheless as a result they're able to interpret complex instructions even if they cannot reply or discuss them just like crout the subspecies can also interpret the oily sweat likee secretions the crout make further jelling relations between the two and making the link between the crout's will and action in battles frictionless C hounds for example are bad tempered Beast whose ke senses Aid them in tracking down prey and whose Beast like Moors can tear through Flack weave armor with ease the cruit often release these creatures in hunting packs to M vulnerable or fleeing foes for All The Hound's ferocity the cruit can always rely on their Swift obedience to command another subspecies commonly found alongside crew troops is the kouto a broad-backed creature with enormously powerful forhims their temperament very is greatly dependent on their age older crouts are lumbering hulking creatures that serve as mobile heavy weapons platforms they mount such guns as the repeater Cannon or crout heavy grenade launcher which is operated by a crout warrior who has climbed onto the crx's large haunches although not aggressive as a rule a crout tox will fight ferociously to defend its Rider whom the Beast sees as a herd sibling in comparison younger crouts are much more agile and hot-tempered though are no less devoted to their Rider and their kin together they form Rampage of packs dextrous formidably strong and possessing a speed that belies their sheer bulk they form a vital component of a cruit kindred's ambushing strength they are no less able to weave through tree branches or clamber over ruined structures than crout and their senses are equally strong when the shape command the Rampages burst from cover and charge some plow headlong into Enemy Lines their Fury scattering the foe while crout Riders hack them down with furious Cleaver blades other packs perform a Haring role rooting out foes in cover as Riders throw Javelin after Javelin at them Rampages excel at disrupting enemy positions and identifying targets for the mass Firepower of the TOA allies Beyond The Deep natural bonds that crude share with their kin beasts they also possess an instinctive affinity for The Taming of non- crude animals and forming strong connections with them these can range from colonies of parasites a cruit May cultivate upon their bodies to act as pets or food all the way to gargantuan beasts over the Millennia the cud have hardness the abilities of countless creatures on unnumbered worlds one that has formed a main stay recruit kindreds and has also been deployed alongside Tower Hunter cardr is a Calandra an amphibian esque quadraped native to the swamps of Chata these creatures which are incredible climbers have lightning fast reactions are capable of moving at high speed and possess chameleonic properties this combined with the calamander solitary nature make them perfect mounts for cruit lone Spears these are trackers and observers who operate far from their employers allies and fellow cruit though many lone Spears prefer the Solitude of such a role there are those who maintain this distance as a necessary sacrifice through Devotion to the needs of their Kindred equipped with weapons such as the crout long gun or a blast Javelin they can also take advantage of the calamander stealthy capabilities to lie in perfect position to swiftly knock out enemy light vehicles and rapidly Scurry away the Shapers to help avoid the evolutionary dead ends into which the subspecies have fallen the cruit rely on the leadership of their Shapers these are cruit who possess an instinctive understanding of their species strange ability the strands and how best to exploit them the cruit follow their Shapers with Fierce loyalty Shapers are more than genetic guides for their people they fulfill the rool of Mystic shamans military commanders void Navigators and much more some of the aptitudes required for shaping manifest naturally in certain young cruit thus marking them for greatness the crout are adaptable and pragmatic people however able to teach and learn the required skills for various branches of shaping they Place great emphasis on ensuring they are never without these vital leaders and guides shaping as a discipline is a broad tree with many branches that each concern a different specialism valuable to crud Society Trail shaping for example is the Mastery of marking paths for crud in ways others could not detect killing centries making River Crossings and triggering avalanches to remove enemy observation posts or Crow off roots to their forces War shaping meanwhile involves the formulation of battle strategy the coordination of packs and selecting the time and place of attack and withdrawal flesh Shapers are those most notable in the Arts of Flesh shaping selecting the strands their kin should devour though all Shapers are expected to perform the duties associated with any branch most have preferences or talents which result in them spending much of their lives serving in a single capacity and becoming known by their primary Branch as Trail Shapers War Shapers flesh Shapers and so on the cruit have been a mercenary species for as long as they have traversed the Stars trading their fighting skills and natural ferocity for weapons food and other resources thus another important duty of the Shapers is to follow the branch of packed shaping seeking out mercenary employment for their Kindred and setting the terms of each contract many of these arrangements are formed with a tow but by no means all of them crout have little punction as to their employers their strange and colossal void fairing War spheres ply the space Lanes far and wide and they've been seen fighting for human inquisitors and Rogue Traders alongside eldari of various sorts in Allegiance with kin of the leagues of votan and on behalf of even stranger and more shadowy employers that have been known to include agents of chaos there is no telling exactly how cruit might choose those they fight for any might have personal genetic or circumstantial reasons to reject or align themselves with those of another of the Galaxy species ultimately the ideal mercenary role for the cruit is one that comes with ample payment low risk of death and the opportunity to secure new strands for their people the crout are a wly species which combined with Millennia of experience and the shaper instinctive talents makes them superb mercenary contract negotiators but it is not just these factors to give them an edge often a kindred would have consumed examples of a species they are in TS with giving them a unique insight into their fears strengths and desires they are ever wary of wouldbe employers assigning them suicidally dangerous missions in the hopes of never having to pay the cruit for their mercenary Services crout mitigate such risks with careful negoti ation secret plans and a willingness to abandon an employer without remorse it is not unheard of for cruit to switch sides mid battle on The Promise of Greater Rewards or to better ensure their survival The Only Exception made by the cruit to this immoral position is in their dealings with the TOA to whom they remain unfalteringly loyal though they find it all but impossible not to look down upon the crout's Apparently rustic ways or to be repulsed by the aliens bloody gorging on the foe the tower cheat the cruit with great respect furthermore the cruit have never forgotten the aid the how gave them so long ago and it has returned in kind though many cruit will serve as mercenaries at some point for some it becomes a significant portion of their lives or the definition of them such is the case with the fast orer Kim bands close-nit veterans who who have often spent years away from peek the surrounding crude enclaves and The Wider TOA Empire they are known for their independent mindedness wide use of alien weapons and technology and fieldcraft skills superb even for their own kind the peek system though no world holds as great a significance to the cruit as their nest world of peek they have settled every planet in their home system as well as many Beyond its bounds C is a Petrified Forest World saturated with radiation its Wildlife is hideously mutated and it is forbidden to eat anything from there only cruit granted special permission by the Shapers May travel to it in comparison poor lock is a verdant world its population second only to peek in size where peek's Native species have been all but wiped out by the cruit for food leaving much lower genetic diversity strict discipline on the part of poor locks flesh Shapers has maintained the plant's breadth of creatures the third largest crude population lives on the jungle world of charta or covid space Hulk wreckage litters the surface and the population is spit between extreme traditionalists who shun Cha's technological bounties and dwell deep in the world's many swamps and The technos Savvy who have exploited the debris scattered over their planet on the Frozen Forest world of Aqua life for the crout is hard and so they view the crout of the other worlds as soft their planet is heavily polluted rich in harsh fuel chemicals which the cout work tirelessly to tap for their own needs with little care for aqua itself the entirely artificial planetoid of noo Miss was not created by the crude Earth cast scientist have solved few of its Mysteries it has become a bustling spaceboat all the same home to to an everchanging population of Traders mercenaries and travelers drawn from scores of alien species especially those belonging to the TOA Empire crout society crout live in Kindred Gathering somewhere between mercenary companies extended tribal families and nomadic War bands which can range greatly in size each has its own codes traditions and scent variants as well as skin pigmentation besides external attack the greatest threat of a kindred is evolutionary stagnation and so they constantly strive for continued growth and survival success in war and trade are essential for the acquiring of new strands bonds within a kindred are extremely close each crude is known by their scent the sounds of their steps the way their quills rattle when they smell fresh blood as well as their sarks and howls to attack Guan cruit is to raise the ey of its entire Kindred the cruit greatly rever their ancestors known collectively as the root these four Bears husbanded the wisdom knowledge and strands that enabled the cruit of the present to live and continue their their family lines in stark contrast to this grounded ancestor worship and the way in which the cruit care deeply for their own when it comes to survival of the Kindred the crw follow a grimly practical approach along hisory history of wandering and Wilderness Survival on their aboral home world of PEC has engendered in them a pragmatism that to the tow seems extremely cruel in times of War famine or other events that might focus them to move quickly they will eat their old young and infirm who might otherwise slow them down in so doing they preserve their strands for the future those killed in this way are seen to have made a sacrifice for the their Kindred for as is the nature of the crout the needs of the people come first the home world the crout evolved on their nest world's warm and temperate primary continent it is a place of steaming jungles enormous forests towering mountains and abundant Wildlife here there are many places of great cultural significance to the cruit SES of great and somber gravitas the team almost flow from the wider Hall of the natural world around them the enormous carved Jaga Tree on the slopes of Mount kown where Anor proc was laid to rest the Grove of the ancestors in the camon mountains the oath Stone on the plain of Bones where proc pledged his people's allegiance to the tow there are also places that could avoid one being the yug forest in which the trees are twisted and black and terrifying monsters distantly related to the crout dwell The crout's Nest world has an immense hold over them even those born far away from it feel an intense pull to migrate to peek at some point in their lives this has proven to be an evolutionary Boon for the cruit as kindreds answering the instinctive call home bring with them new strands to continually rejuvenate their genetic breath end quote seems brief but a good overview no well let us now look at the very origin of the crout and why not go to the most ancient of all their Legends taken from the liba xenologist the Battle of nothing sea crout mythology the Battle of nothing SE the battle of nothing see was a battle between the gods V the huntress and gor the Destroyer which the crew believe created the universe according to the crout V existed before the dawn of the cosmos and wondered alone in the emptiness of space known as the nothing sea as she flew vog spent her time devising what she called the great plan which would cause a birth of the heavens and bring life to the C however after countless ages of traveling V met another god named gamor to destroyer in the nothing sea after being alone for so long vog was delighted to meet another God and approached gamor with an offer of friendship she suggested to gamor that they should work together to discover other gods but the Destroyer laughed at this idea and attacked her instead thus began the Battle of nothing Sea and the God's blows were so powerful that nothing sea began to tear and the Stars began to be born gamor enjoyed their fight so much that he did not notice this but the wise of walk did and took advantage of his ignorance the goddess began steering the destroyer in different directions and used his Vigor to spread the birth of the heavens in accordance with her great plan even then vul tried to stop the battle 12 times by asking gor to seee sense but each time the Destroyer refused as that battle continued pieces of the stars were broken off and became worlds which caused vog to see that the Galaxy was now beautiful the goddess reveled in the glory of her great plan but gor then finally noticed the changes they had wrought vul's Joy turned to despair as gar sought to destroy everything she had made and the goddess stried to defeat him they had been evenly matched throughout the battle though the Nei could best their opponent where gor was strong V was fast where gor was steadfast V was agile finally vog succumbed to a great rage and plunged her beak into gor's neck the Destroyer God's blood filled her gullet but she was so repulsed by its flavor that she IM mediately spoted out however one drop managed to slip down her throat and vog suddenly felt a great sickness begin to spread throughout her body she also found that she now had the same strength as gwalk which was now outmatched by the goddess and he was defeated afterwards vul banished her foe to the regions of the nothing sea that had yet to be rescued from darkness by the Heaven's birth the sickness in and V began to spread fast and the goddess realized that gor's God blood had fatally poisoned her with her life coming to an end V singled out the world right at the center of the great plan called PE and landed on its surface the goddess then spread her wings across the world's land forming Mountains from her bones and Forest from her feathers before V died from the god blood poison she used her final breath to vomit out a great flock of eagles into the sky which gave rise to the cruit now this tale hearkens back to their earliest days but there are some glaringly obvious hints as to their history to be taken from this Legend the crout have a very impressive ability that marks him as distinctive from most of the races in the Milky Way galaxy and that is a certain level of genetic plasticity one might say for there are elements within their helixes that are not entirely fixed and can merge or absorb the strands of others as we have heard so in this way we can make an educated guess about the meaning of this battle of the nothing sea when we compare and contrast it with what is actually known of the race for many have pointed to the seeming Simplicity of the culture and Technology of the cruit and then been flabbergasted by their deployment of interplanetary spaceships called War spheres a site that has been seen across every region of the Galaxy according to Old Law I believe there are more contained in the Eastern Fringe in the newest versions on PE itself there are signs of an industrial civilization that has long been destroyed and so we add the details together to come up with something of a chronology the crout evolved on peek but then encountered the Orcs clearly shown by the god gamor in the tale and it is here that they must have consumed some of the strands from the Orcs themselves then defeated them probably a crash landing on Peck by Orcs perhaps a rather smaller War than that of the kind seen in the modern era as a Gro adapted and defeated the Orcs And in this way we can see how they would have become technologically advanced enough to create Starships as a creation of these vessels are built into the walks on a genetic level and the crud operate on a similar Paradigm where they intrinsically know how to create some objects of incredibly advanced technology while having absolutely no concept of how they actually work it's not as if the crew have massive universities for the development of tech nothing could be further from the truth yet some say that this is a decision unto itself but we should get to that now the tale of the nothing sea shows that Universe was created of course but also that the green skins in the form of gor came and destroyed much of what V had brought and in this we can guess the nature of the old civilizations there on PEC for many believe that the cruit did indeed develop but that they must have been struck by another much larger and more deadly orc Invasion one that brought their world to its knees and also a cycle that repeats itself again and again as it should for the Orcs are ubiquitous in the galaxy and have been a near Perpetual thorn in the side of the region in which the crout and TOA live the Eastern Fringe hence It is believed by many that the Orcs returned to PE and leveled it yet the crout W out again but they may have had a cultural aversion to Advanced Technology blaming it somehow for the calling of the Orcs or at least marking them as a Target worthy of being assaulted by a green skin War this cycle was repeated when the crout took to the stars in war speres and formed a modest Empire the Orcs attacked yet again this time near wiping out the entire race the bag the Orcs smashed every single ship they came across following them back to the cruit worlds and slaughtering every cruit there in the end the crout were fighting their last stand on Peck when the noble tow not only witnessed their battle but then intervened thus the grw remember that their race exists but for the mercy and Brotherhood of the tow and so they fight for the tow with as much feror and Valor as ever the Fanatics of the Imperium do for their Lords and it is the cruit who are some of the most important elements in the auxiliary armies of the tow for the cruit are built for the one place that the tow do not Excel Close Quarters melee it has been many a force of the greater good that would have been trodden underfoot by Orcs Marines or guard that was Victorious due to the courage and aggression of the cruit now we've mentioned them often so let's see what they are all about the war spere a Wars spere is a powerful cruit Starship the last vestage of the ancient power and surprising scientific advancement of the crout civilization prior to its move away from advance technology a war sphere is effectively a flying town comprising a central section connecting the sphere that serves to house the main warp engine and maneuvering thrusters while the war sphere's drives and thrusters are very reliable they also possess poor power output this means that war speres are extremely slow when moving through real space though they are sufficiently powerful to enable plantry Landings an unusual feature for a void ship this large speaking of which the void Shield is generally comparable to any other Race's Battleship and is approximately 9 km in diameter weighing in at approximately 47 megatons and having an approximate crew of over 300,000 crout on the surface of a world the thrusters are often fired once more to bury the warere presumably to enable it to revert to its role as a traditional crout town War speres are fairly rare and so will only be deployed in the case that the cruit are gaining a substantial payment or bonus from their employer whether this be their traditional allies the TOA or another employer who has contracted for their mercenary services to travel at faster than light speeds across Interstellar distances the cout make use of warp drives unlike the TOA who have not mastered the technology the how cruit warp dries function remains a mystery even to the tow since the cruit have no Navigators to make Passage through the imperion safe and reliable instead the cruit appear to have a natural affinity for navigating towards inhabitable planets almost as if they were possessed of a six sense though they are not known to be a psychic species the war spere is a gigantic structure easily the length of a battleship each encompasses a volume greater than many space stations their axial plasma Drive alone is is larger than that of many other warships blazing with the might of several Suns to move the massive bulk of the war speres through space while slow and ponderous extensive and Powerful maneuvering thrusters allow them to change facing more easily than most void ships despite the name War speres are more than warships each is the home for many crude Kindred each long separated from their distant home system and not wishing to see their new one destroyed when they do need to fight though they are dangerous opponents each ship is covered with macro batteries and can launch numerous assault craft loaded with Fierce crout carnivore squads boarding or ramming a war spere is unadvisable due to the sheer numbers of the Furious Defenders as well larger ones often carry many valuables though and are sometimes the target of massed pirate fleets in combat War speres are somewhat unconcerned with maneuvering war speres primarily fight offensively unless trying to break through a blockade to invade a planet and usually flee if in a serious danger of being overwhelmed end quote and so I hope you feel that you now have a much better understanding of the cruit of course there are always details which I have to leave out for brevity not that this is brief of course but you get my meaning now like And subscribe if you enjoyed the video and thank you for your precious time now now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun to
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
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Keywords: Warhammer 40000, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer History, Warhammer Stories, Warhammer Information, Warhammer Trivia, 40k lore, THE CANNIBAL KROOT IN WARHAMMER 40000 LORE, KROOT IN WARHAMMER 40000 LORE, 40k lore stories, new edition lore, new warhammer lore, 10th edition lore, warhammer update, tau Empire, Krootox Lore, Kroot lore, baldermort, Baldemort, Guide to warhammer, warhammer 40K lore, 2024 warhammer lore, Bananas, Cannibal Kroot, Living Mythology
Id: 1zaAudUyg1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 7sec (2887 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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