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The Unforgiven lion l Johnson primarch of the Dark Angels demigod and gansa to the chapters of The Unforgiven is amongst the greatest of Humanity's Warriors his manner is stoic and taciturn his Marshal skill is exceeded only by his loyalty to the Emperor of mankind and the singular Devotion to duty which El Johnson displays it is from Lion l Johnson that the Dark Angels learned the somber and secretive ways they have practiced now for 10,000 years from him stems the adoption of monastic trappings an archaic ritual yet for all the distrust engendered in certain quarters of the Imperium by their closed mouth ways for all the secrets they hide within the innermost Circles of their chapter the Dark Angels are as faithful and formidable A brotherhood as has ever fought for the Imperium of man they sweep into battle beneath fluttering banners eyes bright within the shadows of their cows blade sharp in their hands rare and ancient Weaponry they unleash upon their foes painstakingly maintained since the imperium's earliest days specialist formations and War Lords lead their Onslaught the bone armored Veterans of the Deathwing the Swift Huntsman of the Raven Wing merciless interrogator chaplain and cold eyed Librarians who can reach into their victim's minds and rip out their innermost thoughts and fears few can stand long against such implacable foes and none are permitted to obstruct their hidden agendas welcome gentle listener I am baldemort to your faithful servant and I wish to introduce you to the forces factions and faces of the Warhammer 40K Universe the Grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war and today we shall be taking a look at the newest law update coming from the Dark Angels t Edition codex for much has changed and yet as the old Axiom goes the more things change the more they stay the same now I do recall my Dark Angels video links in the description this one of course and I did make some quite apocalyptic prognostications as I am want to do but how much of what I thought has actually come to pass for I had presumed that when lion l Johnson returned well that he would be the personification of The Emperor's wrath yet is this the case or has something far more subtle occurred so let us now Del into the new law and find out there will be direct quotes from the official track so you can always be assured that you know as much as I do and are not dazzled with fun but in accurate details I will clearly mark my own thoughts and interpretations to be outside of these and so as usual let us lean on existing wisdom and existing Tales time for a story to quote valhallan Captain Jan sudar stood with his command Squad a top of prefab ficr Rampart the walls stretched across the high cyclopia path from one Rocky Mountain Side to the other lining its fire step to either side of svar or dug into fox holes hastily blasted from Rock and snow before the wall were the captain's forces the 118th valhallan infantry some 442nd covian scourges ragged mobs of local defense militia they were all that had been Salvage during the retreat from ASA svar had done what he could to weld them into a coherent Army so high above sea level the temperature was brutally cold and re breathers were standard issue at least in so far as a supply of them stretched hypoxia and cold blight were constant perils and both had daed sar's ranks over the past few days neither concerned him now however the captain's attention was instead focused down the mountain path down there a heretic horde approached sudakar felt hatred and fear churn in his gut as he watched the foe draw closer the sunlit purity of the Snows and the deep blue vaults of the heavens so near above only served to exaggerate the traitor in congruous foulness mags He barked haing out one gloved hand to his adjutant leig taking the preferred set of bulky magoc the captain studied the approaching enemy in detail Cult of whispering truth he growled recognizing on robes banners and tank hulls the sigil now so reviled from the ruins of esmola to the cud hole reach I see gosb light infantry and nth armored amidst their ranks trus vermin spat suvar Vox officer tym the captain's reply died in his throat as he panned the magnas over the hord's front ranks and saw the Giants advancing there son of the emperor s farar whispered I see heretic aartis and the hooded King leads them his command Squad breathed o the captain stared at a beast in black power armor who had so bedeviled their world it's face was lost in the shadows of its deep cowl but there was no mistaking the barbed and glowing blade in its fist or the fan of bone spines that Rose from its shoulder guards here was the heretical warlord who had turned once loyal Imperial servants into murderous lunatics have plunged Millions into Civil War and unleashed the heretic aares upon those who defied him it was all suvar could do not to turn and run tym signal the gun Crews enemy will pass our range markers in under a minute he ordered fighting to keep the tremor from his voice then spread the word we stand and fight here these dogs shall not pass his subordinates began transmitting his orders sudar meanwhile stealed himself their chances of defeating this enemy were virtually nil still he would bleed these traitors sudakar promised himself by the god Emperor he would do that at least his artillery began to sing their hym of War and the battle began in Earnest barely 30 minutes later Captain svar knew the defeat was inevitable his soldiers had piled heretic corpses all the way up the pass and made a virtual second Rampart of them before their wall yet that wall was breached in three places lengths of it were Ablaze with a supernatural flame that could not be quenched the foxholes had become open Graves the field guns had been brutally silenced by counter battery fire from heretic tanks barely half sudar soldiers still lived while the heretic seething before the wall felt Ness worst barely 50 yards from the Imperial line the hooded King and his heretic aarti Elite Advanced unhurriedly firing as they came it seemed the heretic warlord meant to scale the wall in person when he did sudakar knew it would be over sir you must hear this TM grabbed his arm thrust his Vox headset at him his eyes were feverish bright though sudakar couldn't tell if it was fear or some other emotion that gripped him he lifted Ed the headset to one ear the voice that crackled from it was inhumanly deep and Powerful its words clipped militar forces hold position we DW nigh the emperor protects before sudakar could respond to the transmission a cry went up further down the line soldiers shouted Oaths and pointed to the northern slopes of the pass to his amazement sud saw more than a score of huge black armored figures on rugged combat bikes tearing down the steep slope towards a tor's flank the captain knew in his bones that no un augmented human could possibly accomplish such a feat of riding but these you realized were no mere humans thrown to almighty God Emperor the Space Marines he shouted as the bikers opened fire and the Thunder of Bolt weapons rolled through the path the angels of the emperor are come a glance at the hooded king showed that he too had spotted the newcomers tovar's shock and by their reaction to the shock of the king's subjects also the hulking Warrior was backing away from the on-rushing bikers he shook his head slowly as though in denial thrusters howled sudakar staggered and his snow cap was blown from his head by downdraft as a trio of black aircraft streak low and fast over the wall two strafe the heretic lines howling treaters vanished amid skis as of bloody snow the third craft dropped some manner of bulky proile directly onto the hooded King from what looked to sudar suicidally close range the captain recoiled expecting an explosion instead a Rippling energy field expanded from the point point of impact to engulf the king and more than half his heretic aarti's Elite S vakar blinked in amazement as he saw the hulking traitors Frozen in place as though trapped by the cessation of time itself before svar could catch up to the speed of aent another wave of black hder attack craft screamed in from the south these were anti-grav Speeders several squadrons of them sleeping around the Mountain's flank and descending on the Heretics with cannons blazing plasma blasts and storms of shells tore apart mobs of ctis and traitor soldiery the surviving heretic aartis returned fire and sent several Speeders sprawling down to explode amidst the rocks yet as the bikers cut deeper into the horde from the North and the Speeders and attack craft doubled back for fresh attack runs the herotic casualties mounted and our Advance wavered all platoon fire at will bed suar into the fox headset he still clutched support the Space Marines he led by example blazing away with his lastz pistol as a paralysis of Amazement left him at last as the astrom militarum rained fire upon their foes more angels of the emperor joined the fight as the bikers raced through the heart of The Horde so blinding energy spheres expanded in their wake these eye watering teleport brooms dis ipated to leave behind bands of gigantically armored Warriors in bone white armor some bore huge blades and shields some were armed with colossal Firearms all Unleashed death upon the treat of ranks with such sudden and vengeful Fury that even the loyal Imperial Guardsmen recoiled in fear shrieking messar and soaring lines of fire reduced tanks to Blazing wrecks and traitors to chop meat and blackened Corpses as sfar watched wrestling with sheer sensory overload the Space Marines and black armor and those in bone tore the heart from the traitor horde the heretic aares attempted to countercharge but they were too few and caught badly out of position they took their toll upon the loyal Space Marines but not one heretic lived to capitalize upon their gains when sudar thought he could not be amazed further a trio of huge gunship stre down from the Cobalt Skies their hulls were deep forest green and bore winged blade Insignia they fired as they came pulverizing and scattering The Reeling Heretics then with blistering speed they were directly overhead and dropping into the pass on howling thrusters a storm of smoke and whipped up snow battered the astr militarum soldiers at top their wall sudakar was half blinded ripping the battlements to steady himself he saw through slitted eyes the suggestion of the vessels touching down of their assault ramps dropping and of warriors in dark green armor spilling out bolt weapons blazed amidst the whirling clouds chain blades howled then as swiftly as they had arrived the Loyalists fell back into their vessels accompanied by the bone armor Giants the gunships rose on Columns of Fire Point defense guns still blazing then accelerated away with the leonine Roar of Ramjet through the settling snow svar saw that the remaining bikers and skimmers were sweeping away down the pass without another word over the Vox he let out a rattling breath and checked his Chrono the engagement had lasted less than 5 minutes cultist and traitor Guardsman staggered from hiding places or mailed in confusion before the wall as they did sudar saw the chance that the Space Marines had handed him they had clearly come with their own mission yet the Carnage they had wrought amongst the foe had turned this engagement decisively into loyless favor sudakar knew his duty and that of his soldiers and thanked to God emperor that the adep of sartis had given him the means to see it done all forces ready arms and prepare to advance he roared filled with renewed hope and fury butcher these traitors and drive them before you like the storm we shall not squander the opportunity given us by the angels of death we shall make them proud end quote the prime Ark of the Dark Angels hath returned I have covered these details in the arcs of omen entry the lion yet for a self-contained experience let us hear the synopsis from the creators themselves to quote Millennium 41 closing days the shadowed path it was in the era indomitus as the Galaxy shook to the howl of warp storms and the clamor of crusading armies that the lion knew Consciousness again as he walked the shadow Paths of a strange Supernatural Forest how he came to be there who had spirited him from his hidden place of millennial Repose was a mystery he knew only his wounds had healed and that he felt his loyalty to the emperor Blaze bright as ever by the star did he navigate the paths of the sin the forest beyond the bounds of reality with each Supernatural Beast battled and best Ed each Revelation experienced the lion regained his memories and forged his path soon enough he became the questing Lord of this mistre Forest so akin to an echo of caliban of old as he stroe the winding wavs of the shadowed Forest the lion earned by his deeds the gift of The Emperor's Shield to Bear into battle as he began to cross the veil and set foot once again upon the world of the tormented Imperium so he recovered a Masterwork blade of karth and named it fty while the lion prowled on the hunt he saw the cataclysmic decline that Afflicted his father's realm vengeful he struck down the Abominations of the dark Gods where he found them World by world and whispered by Whisper the legends of the night of the niis began to grow and they were rolent with both fear and hope his powers were stored and greater or at least Stranger Than They had ever been his eyes opened to the reality he had awoken to the lion sought the Fallen yet his quest was not the same as his Jean son's hunt the lion was possessed of an absolute conviction that some of those who had followed Luther into Rebellion but had never embraced worship of the dark Gods might still be truly redeemed this would not be the Absolution of death in confession but a second chance to fight for the lion and the emperor he found judged and forgave one such risen battle brother after another while offering the final mercy of his blade to those Beyond his power to save it is while engaged in this Quest that the lion was located by Commander Dante of the blood angels Who Bore a warning of the terrible Peril for Facing The Unforgiven in thy idolatrous system at the hands of Vash the arane by the time the lion reached the idolatrous system The Unforgiven chapters had committed to battle upon the nightmarish Demon World they found there they were led to War by Azrael the Dark Angels themselves their primary assault had been Furious even Reckless for it was motivated by terrible spiritual shock The Infernal World wor hwood that vastra the aravane had brought into being was unmistakably a mocking Reincarnation of calaban leaving the blood angels to join the fight El Johnson and his risen stepped into the paths of the forest and made for the planet's nightmar surface as battle raged on wormwood lion El Johnson met the demon Primark angron in Mortal Combat the lion goed the red Angel and led him away away from the outnumbered and outflanked Unforgiven this in turn afforded Azrael Dante and the assembled risen the opportunity to coordinate the fight back against abdon and vor's forces though many lives were lost the Dark Angels and their allies F they weigh clear of the Trap before the plant vanished through reality's Veil while the lion after a long and grueling duel successfully banished angron end quote but what changes has the return of their sire wrought throughout the Imperium or at the very least amongst The Unforgiven do not worry I shall indeed be putting my own or in very soon but let us hear what the lion is actually up to and how things have changed to quote for thousands of years it has been the fate of captured Fallen to be taken back to the rock or in the case of those apprehended by successor chapters to the darkest cells within their Fortress monasteries or flagships and they excruciate by the interrogated chaplain such questioning always ended in death whether in slow Agony for those who would not repent or after being granted the Swift release of Final Redemption since lion Johnson turn to lead The Unforgiven however there have been slight and at times enigmatic changes the Fallen are still dragged to the Dark Cells and there subjected to all the torments that the interrogator chaplain can devise yet on rare occasions a tall cowed figure may enter the excruciation chamber and call for a temporary halt even with his face hidden there can be no mistaking the awesome presence of the Primark at his bidding the interrogated chaplain and any aiding in their work withdraw leaving the hooded Giant and the captive Fallen alone it is forbidden by Edict of the Inner Circle for any to know what passes between primarch and Fallen geneon at such times sometimes after long hours the lion emerges with an air of grim sorrow and commands the inter ators to recommence their work on rare occasions however the door to excruciation chamber slides open to reveal an empty room none within the Dark Angels save perhaps the very highest place of their Lords and Masters know anything of the fate of those the lion removes in this fashion Supreme Grandmaster Azrael Ezekiel the Grand Master of librarians and a handful of their peers have been made privy to certain secrets in this regard yet even they are left to Harbor suspicions as to the veracity of what they think they know the rationale by which the lion chooses those he removes from the excruciation cells eludes even Azrael more than once since his return El Johnson has Spirited Away singly unrepentant and visibly corrupt beings who have admitted even bragged of offering their sword to the dark Gods what use the Primark of the Dark Angels could have for such monsters is a mystery whatever the truth though the lion has not otherwise interfered with the ongoing hunt for the fallen and has given no indication that he is dissatisfied with the methods his genan sons employ or the diligence with which they pursue their Quest Al Johnson has on a handful of occasions redirected the efforts of the Inner Circle mid hunt as each such instance has seen a still greater capture affected than that which was expected however The Unforgiven take this as tacit approval from their genes sire that their Hunt is just and must continue on a bait lion l Johnson the lion is a Primark of the Dark Angels progenitor of all The Unforgiven he was wrought by the emperor's hand he commanded the first Legion through the blood and thunder of the great Crusade and the nightmare chorus heresy that followed only to be laid Low by the one comrade he trusted Beyond any other returned to his followers in the era indomitus by mysterious forces the lion has taken up his mantle of command once again and continues to fight for loyalty Duty and honor lion l Johnson is a warrior both Noble and nightly he is as Stern as he is somber preferring to allow his deeds to speak for him and driven by the conviction that loyalty is its own reward an outsider might be forgiven for observing that the lion is as unforthcoming and clandestine as his genan sons it is closer to the truth to say that they learned such ways from him even by the standards one set among the long lost brotherhood of the primarchs Johnson is an accomplished strategist and tactician both he has ever been an exemplary Crusader against the enemies of the emperor a swift defender of the human race and a stward foe of all Servants of the dark Gods after his mortal wounding by Luther during the destruction of caliban the lion was borne away into the Shadows by the strange and dimunitive Watchers in the dark he was laid at rest within a chamber of The Rock so dark and deep that not even the dark angel Supreme Grand Masters knew of its existence only the arch heretic Luther himself knew that the lion had been so interred and that the primarch slumbered and in his sleep might very slowly be healing locked away in his own dismal cell within the rock kept a secret Through the Ages by series of supreme Grand Masters Luther never gave up his secret true understanding of his own betrayal had driven the Lion's former comrade irretrievably mad though the gifts of chaos could sustain his physical form for Millenia on end they had proven no shield for his mind it was during the darkness of the noctis at Turner the Luther was snatched by agents of the demon Prince marbus by that time he had still never reveal the truth about the Lion's survival to his captors despite claims of repentance yet it was not so long after Luther's emancipation that lion also found himself walking abroad in the Galaxy again of course as no single being possessed or likely possesses all of the parts of the shattered stained glass puzzle none have grasped the strange contiguity of these events or pondered what it might mean to date the lion has no notion of who or what woke him from his Millennial long Slumbers or set him upon the shadowed Paths of the forest however it came about El Johnson's apparent Resurrection saw him return as a changed being from the one he had been before caliban's fall he has aged during his convalescence in so far as such is possible for demigod Primark more than this though any who knew El Johnson in the days before prees few though they are in Millennium 41 would see that he has become a more Fay an unsettling Presence at times particularly when he is lost in brooding contemplation or gripped by great anger the Shadows seem to deepen around the lion in sympathy with his mood and even to stir resly those transfixed by the Lion's stair have reported being gripped by an almost Supernatural fear that manifested itself as a sense of being prey lost within some dark and claustrophobic Forest while unseen and things circled ever closer through the Gloom strangest of the Lion's seemingly supernatural abilities is his Forest walking able to part the veil seemingly at will El Johnson steps through into an echo realm of drifting Mists and ethereal trackless Forest that thrum with the spiritual Resonance of the long ago Wilds of ancient caliban such Transit leaves odd traces in its W Telltale undergrowth sprout s from ferrete metal or even flesh and Bone then Withers slowly into ectoplasmic nothingness over time by walking his Forest paths the lion is able to daverse vast interplanetary distance in a matter of days on occasion he may take others with him upon these dark Paths of ever shifting Shadow though this is a perilous undertaking for any but he such individuals are further sworn to Absolute Secret regarding what they witness during such Supernatural Journeys these Forest walks do not always bring the lion out at the destination he first sought to reach they may lead him to Journey's End only via a cus and Quest Laden route across multiple worlds they may not bring him to his intended objective at all somehow though they usually see the lion emerge into real space where the need for him is greatest and only his his intervention can save off the rising tides of chaos what agency might lie behind such turns of Fortune remains mysterious traveling either by his esoteric Pathways or more conventionally aboard the vo ships of The Unforgiven the lion roams far from The Rock sometimes he quests to slay chaos Champions and their monstrous followers or complete mysterious tasks whose nature and purpose he keeps to himself on other occasions he Steps From the Shadows to lead one or other of his successor chapters to war in person wherever he prows and to whatever end the lion does not always choose to reveal himself even to his own Gene Sons with the aid of the Watchers in the dark he has proven able to escape even Space Marines notice when he wishes it remaining hooded and cloaked in the shadows while he observes without comment what it is that El CH some watches for or what greater hidden agenda he may pursue his followers do not know certainly he has shown no inclination to organize Grand Crusades in emulation of rut Gillman still the knowledge that at any time their primarch may be present or could step from the darkness to lead them to Glorious victory has proven a potent motivator for many amongst The Unforgiven the Primark roused when he casts secrecy aside and strides to war Lionel Johnson is terrifying and inspirational in equal measure he is a demigod Unleashed a nightly Paragon equally ad drit whether wielding the might of great armies and planet-wide confrontations or his own personal weapons of war in duels with the most terrible of foes in one hand the lion wields the blade faaly its power field crackling as it cuts the air every blow Lionel Johnson strikes with this weapon landons with meteoric force and masterful precision on the defensive he employs it to weave an impenetrable Thicket of Swift paries and cunning deflections that bleed the ferocity from even the most ferocious attacker's Onslaught on his other arm the lion Bears The Shield of the emperor not only is this ball walk of adamantine and ceramite tough enough to stop a tank shell but the shield also incorporates a beautifully crafted conversion fuel generator when a blow of sufficient Force strikes The Shield of the emperor its Fury is captured transformed and channeled back at the attacker in a furious eruption of blinding light and force holstered at his hip the lion carries the armor luminous this potent energy weapon is a pistol such size only a primarch's hand can wield it its power is sufficient to sear a glowing tunnel through an enemy battle tank or reduce a reinforced bulkhead door to Molten ruin for all his Priceless wargear it is the lion's own indomitable will and formidable martial ability that render him truly deadly he reads the battlefield with absolute Clarity in war he is a predator able to discern his fo's weakness at a glance and alert to even the most cunning attempt to out maneuver or outflank him he knows equally every strength of friend and foe alike and is able to appraise the most complex entanglement of armies while seeing clearly the best part of Victory no matter the odds El Johnson maintains two personal sanctums within the dark Angel's colossal Battle Fortress one is a grand and austere chamber of vaulted ceilings and fluttering banners in the upper levels of the rock stoic honor guards of r Ed and hooded Dark Angels stand watch in this echoing space whenever the Primark is in attendance looking on as on a guard while he receives petitions from Imperial commanders and plans Grand strategy on the hollow map deas Graven from a solid block of black marble that sits at its center fittingly for the Primark of The Unforgiven the Lion's other lir within the rock is a secret one its location is known only to the highest ranking members of the Inner Circle even they must complete the enigmatic right of the veil door before this inner sanctum is revealed to them and are typically permitted entry only by El Johnson's explicit invitation the secret sanctum lies deep within the Rock and takes the form of a series of interl Stone Chambers where Shadows creep and a thin Mist crawls across the ground here the Watchers in the dark are seen frequently hastening on enigmatic errands or simply lingering half scen amidst the Gloom the Lion's private chamber is infused with a strange sense of watchfulness that even his Grandmasters find unsettling perhaps strangest of all its sparse furnishings and decorations are inter dispersed with thorned creepers and aoral underbrush sprouting between flagstones and winding across walls and ceilings lending the Lion's chamber the feeling of some Supernatural Forest GR it is within this sanctum beyond the portal of penumbral sorrow and the Chamber of passageways past which historically only Supreme Grand Masters have been permitted that the lion holds his true councils here he meets with Azrael Ezekiel B and others on as close to an equal footing as ever they will be permitted matters of greatest and most secretive import are discussed things are spoken Spen of that may alter the course of the dark Angel's chapter The Unforgiven and even the Imperium of man on more than one occasion even these stored veterans knowing as they do Secrets fit to blast The Souls of lesser men emerg from these audiences pale and visibly Disturbed at times as they have waited for audience with their Primark members of the Inner Circle have also heard the lion speaking with other itors these hushed conversations are unintelligible even to posthuman senses did something in the murmuring voices causes a Freon of unease when they are admitted to their Lord's presence his mysterious conversational partners are nowhere to be seen the truth is that though he talks and strategizes often with the masters of the Inner Circle lion l Johnson keeps his own counsil on certain Secrets this ESC Cape of Luther is one such subject that fugitive's Grim cell lies just beyond the Lion's Suite of Chambers and the primarch stands within it sometimes eyes closed breathing slowly as though listening for Echoes of the one who spent so many centuries claing at its walls what Al Johnson makes of Luther's Escape whether he wishes to seek his former Mentor out and if so whether for final judgment or for forgiveness he has never even told Supreme Grandmaster Azrael certainly the lion gives no outward sign of concern at what Dark Secrets either Luther or the remaining Fallen May reveal it appears that alone amongst all those of the Dark Angels Inner Circle he does not dread censure by Agents Of The Wider Imperium indeed the lion makes no secret of his contempt for what has become of his father's realm in the Millennia since the great Crusade he still serves the emperor and cares for the fate of humanity however what hints he has so far seen of the bloated bureaucratic and deeply superstitious Imperium of Millennium 41 disgusts lion l Johnson he has precious little time for the pompous and self-aggrandizing adepts who wield such power over people's lives and even less for the ecclesiarchy and their Imperial Creed where REO Gilman has shown a willingness to exploit the existing socio administrative and political structures of the Imperium to his own ends the lion appears largely to ignore them his time and respect the primarch reserves for those who toil or fight to preserve the emperor's realm more than one world has a tale of the Knight of the nihilus choosing to address soldiers in preference to braded Governors or guilded priests few indeed are the officials so over blown in arrogance that they find the will or the words to gain say a Primark thus on several occasions the Lion's coming has led to Swift and dramatic regime changes as hereditary or ineffectual leaders have been replaced by those who deal in loyal action rather than ingratiating words the innermost Circle The Lion occupies a unique space within the dark Angel's chapter and indeed The Wider organization of The Unforgiven he alone is privy to all the compartmentalized obfuscated and in some cases Forbidden Knowledge the Dark Angels have ever possessed he stands above even the Supreme Grand Master in seniority all doors and vaults throughout the Rock open to him no mystery remains hidden from his sight the Inner Circle companions even within the Clos rank of the Dark Angels the Inner Circle companions are a mystery to all but themselves and it is whispered the lion wielding their calite great swords these Warriors fight with Sublime skill and focused Fury they act as bodyguards to Heroes of The Unforgiven chapters or at other times pursue their own secret Battlefield quests their presence is far from reassuring even to their fellow Dark Angels for Inner Circle companions arrive unlooked for and speak only via heavily encrypted Vox transmission to one another having sworn vows of Silence outside the bounds of their own fraternity who these battle brothers are how they are chosen for their duties or why what agendas they seek to further these are questions asked throughout The Unforgiven but for which no one seemingly not even the chapter's grand Masters have answers end quote thus we hear that the lion is trying to reclaim as many of his sons as possible hardly the Rabid frothing sword of Wrath that I projected in that earlier video so long ago for the lion has shown that he is not just physically older more mature but that this aging has almost seemed to be reflected in a far more perspective and measured Soul taciturn and secretive the lion may still be but now his soul seems to have matched his outer countenance for he does not move with the Bluster and Sledgehammer tactics of Y he is like an elderly Statesman now stalking his foes to take them in the dark of night in his forests and his powers are there for who can now chain the lion he could walk from any trap move through his Forest realm he can appear anywhere strike anywhere defeat anyone did he not best one of the most powerful combatants in the setting for it is inarguable that his brother now a demon Prince angron is the most lethal being in existence yet using patient skill and courage the lion vested even the red Angel but the lion does not head directly for Terror he does not fly to the arms of his wakened brother rubout why surely he should be at the very center of the Imperium the only other Primark awoken and the need for his abilities has never been more extreme the necrons awaken the bugs plow towards Tera itself yet the lion seems to care not he strikes at chaos is this habit the stiff necked inability to see the real threats is lion El Johnson so mired in the past he can only see the trait of Marines and Chaos as his true enemy or does the lion have 2020 Vision does he strike where the need is highest while he lets rubout do what he always did Empire build he did it even during the heresy building forever building and who awoke the lion why and why now was it his father the Emperor or was it the harsh Taskmaster that sees El Johnson as a weapon or the emperor depending on your point of view and the emperor's shattered mind changing like a wind it seems pain for 10,000 years for that long it would shatter anyone it is an unfathomable surprise that he is lucid even for seconds and the lion has indisputably a full Legion under his command for the Dark Angels have paid lip service to the CICS of startis but never truly followed it the whole point of the document was to shatter the legions to seow Discord and distrust amongst the military commanders yet the Dark Angels as I said some four years ago now are still effectively a legion centralized command a perfect structure of seniority through their initiation ranks within the Inner Circle permitting them seniority even amongst chapter Masters and they still Harbor archotech to put some head and shoulders above their fraternal Brothers the other Space Marines perhaps my feelings in that video so long ago are becoming even semi true perhaps the lion knows that he can only defeat chaos by playing them at their own game for aboot is out in the open Tied by the bureaucracy of the Imperium and constant NeverEnding request ever as much as he would wield his forces himself but the lion is not none can predict the Lord of calaban and that could be his greatest strength he will simply be where he needs to be when he needs to be there with just the right amount forces to get the job done and can this invisible hand behind his subtle ear be anything other than the emperor himself for surely the emperor must know must be the one guiding El Johnson unlike rubout whose loyalty will always be split between his father and the realm the people of humanity the lion is quintessentially a most Ardent and loyal son who who will do whatever it takes to answer the call of his Lord the emperor but so much still stands to be resolved where is Luther what of the mastering of the Fallen reported in the dark of space What of Cipher much is yet to be revealed so much yet unknown what will happen when the brother primar eventually meet now there is a further tale to complete this entry so don't pop off just yet I have been baldemort to your faithful servant now subscribe and like and all that stuff if you enjoyed the video and join me every Friday as I take dives into the Warhammer universe or check out our other channels on natural history and mythology links in the video description patreon merch notification button you know the Balo any channel only lasts as long as there are those who support it so do take the seconds to help out your favorite creators whomever they may be and finally it is February and my lists of topics are being created so if there are any subjects you want covered then update me in the comments section I don't react to everything but I do read most of it so have your say tell your faithful servant what stories you wish him to regail you with as always it has been not just a pleasure but an honor to serve you thank you now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun too and now a final story to quote infiltrate brother kariel Rose from his place of concealment amidst the ruins and opened fire at his Sergeant's Fox command his battle brothers did likewise sergeant zath and his infiltrators letting fly with their bolt carbines into the onrushing mass of titanes the ruins of the shrine Plex were drowned in Twilight Gloom its Shadows deepened by the ceiling of Ling clouds the belly low of her head purple tinged rain thick with Spore lashed down in sheets luminescent ground Mist bowed so dense and rad saturated that it confounded even the Space Marines or two senses amidst the obscuring conditions the tyranid Swarm seemed to Karel to meld into a single Rippling organism of kiten and Talons and dead black eyes the sight would have been enough to send un augmented soldiers fleeing in Terror instead kariel placed his shots with grim Precision his Bal shells rocketed through the Merc to blow apart alien heads and dismember monsters that left and scuttled Closer by the second this is Port kalis hostile contact reported Sergeant zatra over the strike for's strategic Vox net en viral conditions adverse our orgos Scopes are confounded but estimate main enemy strength attacking along projected vectors what is the alpha Target came the response from Master Lazarus confirmation is challenging Z chath voxed back even as kariel and his brothers kept firing the tyranid were a confused and undiluted Mass half hidden by rain mist and Shadow their for runners were driving relentlessly forward through the infiltrators F alart scrambling over their own heaped dead weapon beasts amongst the masses returned fire and splattered the dark Angel's positions with acidic projectiles Stone work and camit sizzled beside Karel brother natham lurched back and collapsed the face plate of his Helm AB bubbling horror understood poales support nigh replied Master Lazarus his Stony calm Jarred with rapidly escalating savagery around kariel War specs flickers hinted at hundreds of xenos bearing down on their infiltrator position like an avalanche bringing the promise of death with them ignored them he knew his duty thrusters screaming a squadron of black H storm Speeders tore overhead spitting shells and Rockets into the Swarm as they peeled up and away from the ruins they adicted a cloud of crimson chem flares that Lit the battlefield like a scene from a scriptural damnation Karel could not restrain a grunt of shock at the scale and horror of the revealed swarm the enemy resembled a malevolent tidal wave about to break over his position he knew with detached certainty that he and his battle brothers would be swept away by that flood yet there lumbering forward amidst the Swarm shouldering aside ancient columns and plowing through crumbling walls were Trio of massive beasts with sickled Talons and Club likee Tails CES kariel thought screamer killers and behind them Alpha Target confir V Sergeant zath even as the leading biofor sprang at the infiltrators and were blasted back by Point Blank balire visual authentication of Hive Tyrant poales fall back came Master lazarus's clipped response be Slayer commence strike disengage marked Sergeant zath two mod fire pattern rally points stronghold kariel and his battle brothers were already breaking cover blazing away L now on Full Auto to cover their Retreat tyranid bodies detonated wetly kiteen shrapnel pinged from saria's armor he poured shots into a trio of Blade armored beasts that were trying to overwhelm brother Bello basting the creatures back and allowing the infiltrator to stagger free and join the retreat brother aariel was less fortunate three foot long Talons burst through his throat and chest before he was borne to the ground and vanished beneath the swarm the surviving infiltrators ran through the lashing rain they leapt over Rubble heaps un vaulted low walls fighting to stay ahead of the tide of monsters nashing at their heels zahara's footsteps crunched as he dashed across a courtyard though through the ground Mist he couldn't see if he was treading on broken glass or scattered bone for an instant the traitor's thought came that lazarus's strike would come too late that he and his battle brother's bones would be strown here twoo soon enough he discarded the notion with disgust and kept running the Twilight erupted with furious light and sound as a main dark Angel's Force who had waited poised and ready in their ambushing positions opened fire on mass the jaws of Master lazarus's Counterattack closed on the ravening tyranid Swarm as it stretched out its alien tendrils to seize the bait of squad dozens of tyranids vanished amidst The Firestorm half seen tanks ground forward the lumens cutting through the falling rain as the Cannons blazed salvos of plasma and missiles flashed from fire support positions amidst the ruins knowing their part in the plan zahariel and his surviving squadmates dropped into their pre-designated spot in the line and added their Fire To The Barrage the infiltrator felt vengeful satisfaction as sways of warrior organisms were reduced to a gory Mist as though they had run headlong into an industrial thresher so sudden cataclysmic was a reversal of Fortunes that the xenos Swarm recoiled like a wounded beast on the verge of flight then came pounding foot fors and monstrous Roars and the three screamer Killers wethered the fusel Ard as they hit the dark Angel's line like living battering rams behind them came the hive Tyrant its Insidious presence visibly steadying the Swarm even as its grotesque bioweapon spat Barb shards into the Space Marine Lines the Lesser tyranids redoubled their Onslaught to push through the Firestorm and hurl themselves into Close Quarters combat in answer as own materializing from the Shadows came the lion failed he glowed like a beacon amidst the Gloom the emperor's shield thrummed with power a band of inoc Circle companions advanced in an honored guard at the primarch side the very sight of him even veiled by driving rain and phosphorus and Mist was enough to make karo's twin Hearts pound he almost forgot to keep firing as he witness the lion charging the brood of carnifexes with fail swinging the primarch caught the bow of a Titanic Talon against the emperor's Shield the screamer killer that had struck him reeled back as a converted Force pulse burst from the shield in an expanding shock wave of rainwater and tattered Mist before the huge alien could rally the lion was inside its guard with fluid swiftness driving FY Point first through the screamer Killer's eye El Johnson gave his blade a Twist and a wrench ripping it free his victim toppled backwards and crashed down with iord jetting from its ruined face another of the screamer Killers plowed into the midst of the Inner Circle companions it sweeping blade limbs caught one Warrior and hurled him through a wall a vomited blast of bioplasma incinerated another yet the battle brothers sacrifices allowed their fellows to encircle the Beast and take their blades to it bellowing the third screamer killer rushed the lion seeking to infold him in a lethal embrace the primarch stepped back defly powering with his blade and blocking with his shield drawing the monster into the crossfire of his Warriors and their armored support the result and barrage annihilated the car effects the lion leaping over the glowing ruin of its carcass to Lunge towards his true prey now for several seconds brother kariel truly did forget to fire his bolt carbine as he watched The Lion and the hive Tyrant Jewel blade and shield met slashing bone sword and coiling lash whip again and again even as the battle raged around the night and his monstrous foe it seemed to karia as though it faded as if lost beneath the shadowed boughs of some ghostly primordial Forest the screams of beasts and the boom of gunfire sounded Hollow in the infiltrator ears his own body felt momentarily distant as though he were stranger watching himself fight from afar only the Lion's Jewel appeared real and clear to him lit by the whirling Mists like some scene from myth with shocking suddenness the pimar hacked off his fo sidearm and the battle Le back into Focus for kariel the hive Tyrant shrieked and coiled its lash whip around Lionel Johnson's neck Karel cried out in horror at the sight of the primarch's blood mingling with the rain that sloo down his ornate chest plate yet the lion seemed not to notice instead he smashed his shield into the hive tyrant's chest shattering kiting pulping organs causing the monster to reel spinning faaly the lion sliced the blade through the Lash whip cutting it in two like a snapped tendon before bringing the blade back and loing the hive tian's head off the Monstrous alien stayed standing for several heartbeats I CAU jetting from the stump of its neck then it crumpled just so much butchered meat in the Rain the effect of its death upon the mold tyranids was electric and immediate the impetus of their Onslaught faltered creatures screeched and howled snapping at their fellows or Rising into the air with panicked flurries of wing beat garel Spirit sword as a lion turned back to his Warriors and raised felty High into them my sons roed the Primark drive back this monstrous swarm for the emperor with that the primarch turned and blooded but unbowed plunged into the wavering tyranid chanting litanies of loyalty and hatred the Dark Angels followed their gansar into the fry and Karel was amongst them Bal carbine blazing as a lion led him and his battle brothers onwards to Victory
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 50,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40K books, Warhammer 40K audiobook, baldermort, Baldemort, Guides to warhammer, Warhammer 40K lore, warhammer lore, warhammer 40k audio drama, Dark Angels Lore, New dark angels lore, new lore, warhammer 40000 lore, The Fallen, Unforgiven lore, Lion El Johnson lore, Dark Angels lore, Space marines lore, 10th edition lore, Dark Angels, Lion El Johnson, Unforgiven, Dork Angels lore, Green space marines, 10th edition lore updates, The Lion, The lion lore, The rock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 25sec (3565 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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