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chaos Crusades welcome gentle listener I am baldemort your faithful servant and I wish to introduce you to the forces factions and faces of the Warhammer 40K setting the Grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war now if you like what I do then hit me up with a like And subscribe a conversational comment if you have the time I do not retort to too many these days but I do read as many as I can and they do affect the content I create so hit me up and today we shall investigate a topic that is all so juicy and though so often misunderstood for this topic this event is rarer than near any other in the setting and far far less commonplace than many would believe this misunderstanding I like to think comes from the large numbers being a uted to the most important and dramatic of their kind these being the 13 performed by the war Master abdon the despoiler of course I can only be speaking of chaos or black Crusades now many will believe that the only ones that have occurred or could ever have occurred were the previously mentioned 13 black Crusades of the despoiler each one building on the success of the the last each another stepping stone towards a catastrophe that was Unleashed upon the Imperium and the Galaxy entire when kadia finally fell and the tear across reality was birthed the katrix maledictum yet this is far from the truth and it is time that we discuss the manure of this particular occurrence in the setting not just the black Crusades of abdon the the spoiler which I intend to cover in much greater detail very soon but chaos Crusades as a whole as usual I will be interspersing self-written stories to fully show not just tell how these things happen and the true nuances of what they inail elements of this tale may be continuations from previous Works which would be self-contained and easily consumed by anyone who is not familiar with the previous Tales Anish approached to Anish topic but I hope it meets your expectations from me which seem exceptionally High according to the comment section I am honored of course hence I can only strive to do my best and avoid letting you down so gentle listener let us now get into the nitty-gritty of the affair now relax will I tell you of what I know of and how I view chaos Crusades and as usual I shall follow the tried and tested path for elucidation the historian's favorite five who what where when and why so let us begin with who story continued from olik the unreasonable chaos story and abundance titious playlist Horus was weak he did not understand but I do and I think of all those who are willing and able to do this thing so does ulik we have moved over decades slowly building this Unholy congregation but all must be true if this is to be successful all must be Perfection the sons of the eye were destroyed theath the sightless cronous walked into a trap he was dispatched by the despoiler he tried to work with him but there can be only one lord of the black Crusades and it is he the despoiler but this does not mean we cannot launch our own of course it happens often far more so these days with the wars between the Realms being so very very thin all I need do is collect this one last strand this one last floating thread we must have them all of course representation for them all for my H Master thinks to compete and then replace the chosen of the four he wishes to supplant the despoiler so we must have them all he three sips ulik the Lord of dread Whispers Master of the seven excoriations the preator of pain Buck the unreasonable he brings his vast forces the death guard at its core Nur we have the alpha Legion represented by our fairus of course zamet heret stands for the Sorceress 15th the Thousand Sons combined they stand inch corn sens his world eaters in the form of savra duer a difficult Quarry to catch an even more difficult Quarry to persuade to join us corn andam manthus emus the unhinged stalks in for the night Lords The Dread Whisperers old friends are at the core the cudgel TX anax of the iron Warriors the oathkeeper who is now more known for his caging of Secrets if you know my meaning he stand for the once valorous Emperor children slish I of course bring my own holy sons of Truth my forces of word bearers so only one more is required to be gained the Luna wvs the sons of Horus or a subwar band thereof we need them to complete the Symmetry the nine must rise as one see now did consider replacing them with a more offensive option it was a backup plan no more but the name Wolf brothers or blood wolves were being banded about as an option Twisted sons of the Russ I saw the appeal instantly of course but I guided him back to the better first and brightest option when I make certain that the first war Pand we find are indeed the Wolves of Horas I need only find them then we have four faithful four vengeful unbelievers a little old me to bring it all together I who believe in all but just more than any of them all fathom I being purer balanc than they understand I should not even think it not was a met a Kat Among Us I return to my guard my covered mind even in privacy I serve I am the left hand of the master bulck and this venture has been a century in the making over a hundred years just Gathering the forces that will be required and I do not mean just numbers he already has those bu personally leads enough for starties to challenge a sector yet we needed not just the bodies and fleets forces and formations but also the spiritual legitimacy that was required for if ulick is to gain his goal then we must be a collection of Warriors no less luminous than that present at the court of abdon oh the despoiler has the names as what he believes to be the best of brightest of the old God yet volume and vain Glory are not the purest tests of capacity or capability reputations are rarely matched by exploits and achievements I find avadon has circled himself with those he knows those he considers worthies ulick has identified and then sent me out to investigate to negotiate to whisper sweet nothings of Cruelty and Carnage into the ears of those he has chosen for his own Endeavor hardly the most lorded not a constellation of bright and Rising stars is this yet it is no collection of ragam muffins and placeholders either no I will not permit anything but the best to be a part of this holy moment this diabolic campaign each has been scrutinized their metal tested their deeds weighed and their character probed I have met with one and all each one now prepared to join with us in common cause each candidate had to be located and for their motivation to be read in full for if even two elements of this congregation have the same goal then the division of the spoils would become tedious and fractious one can most definitely be assured we are many elements in the one place fight waiting for the same conclusion but we must have differing goals rewards and well priorities for booty in my time I have witnessed a half dozen attempted Crusades fall apart mostly due to the egotism of those involved of course but the only real other concern had always been the actual point of cooperation for Warriors to wage a Consolidated War they need few things but they must have them a leader worth following a goal worth achieving and a reward worthy of the risk and I have not been lacking in my own advice and activity on the behalf of this Gathering yes we have legionaries of the old days we have much strength in those Marines who have fallen since a gaggle of War bands from chapters who have seen the light as I like to put it but a collection of Marines is not enough no matter how potent they may be I have acquired the promises of a legion of God engines the titans of the old days I have intreated the services of multiple houses of knights the bravest of the non enhanced Brave we have contracted the support of a true Magus of the dark mechanicum who brings not demonic engines but Wonders that were forbidden to be even investigated Terrors that would even any odds against us entire formations of technological teror are to march with us to Victory we have summoned and constrained many a demon of the dark Gods their anes of neverborn luck behind the veil ready for when I or others will tear it a suer and unleash their hordes on the dosal worshippers of a Dying God we do of course have our fair share of wizards amongst the aartis myself and zamet being most prominent one might suppose yet we have also bullied brutalized and Bar enough Cults and their little witches to fill entire continents with their screaming slathering mobs and their Mystic might will surely help even if it is merely to confuse the list goes on of course I have waited Millennia for this opportunity erck has plotted and schemed for no less time so much effort and control so much patience and pandering so much meeting and greeting threatening and bribing all to gain this one most unlikely of results cohesion a single purpose a single voice a single Army and now now that we are on the very Verge we are old so nearly ready we need only meat to permit the other attendants to take stock of who is involved to p and prance of course and then when ruffled feathers are flattened again to be honed into the one blade the one Edge so I did indeed find one of the last Freer ranging warbands of the lineage of lupal I can just imagine the look on abon's face when he does finally hear when we raise the banners on this the crusade of spite I think it has a ring to it but I'm sure they will all demand more base lexicon be attributed a more Earthly sub be deployed something to Rally the men with yeah it will need to be simple but also visceral to impassion the monsters and despite all of my scrying and foretelling after all of these decades and centuries of planning well I simply cannot wait to find out what will happen next so we get to the who of the matter but it is also pertinent to describe the what of the matter while we are about it so who is usually involved who makes up the Personnel in one of these wretched Affairs a chaos or Black Crusade a dark black or chaos Crusade is a collection of Traitor Space Marines from different organizations orders or Legions usually many incursions are performed by War bands or larger Gatherings of evil aaries yet they are not often called a chaos or Black Crusade this is usually due to them being of the one war band or organization a crusade is made up of many working together in demic common cause it is also true that it is not the only definition of a crusade sometimes a large enough force of cultists and their summoned monstrosities can be deemed to be a crusade or so yet they are not often dubbed thus as they do not really pose the same level of threat not really incursions invasions attacks and onslaughts are the usual terminology applied now some believe that the only chaos Crusades are the famous named black Crusades of abdon but these are very specific events that are combined under a single banner as they are the attacks organized by abdon the despoiler the war master of chaos and most beloved of the dark gods of Chaos nurgles in slanish and corn now a proper Crusade will have a large proportion of chaos Marines at its very core and this is what makes them so superlative so effective for most only concentrate on the power of the aartis the combability of the Space Marines yet this is not truly their greatest strength for the chaos tainted are still aartis they are often Space Marines who fought in the great Crusade have overwhelming experience ability and tactics that are so far beyond the norm that they can make even chaff forces rabels and mobs into weapons of surprisingly ality they can trap and Ambush opponents with ease can outmaneuver outthink and out plan near any but Warriors of their own kind and even amongst the Space Marines who are still loyal to the Imperium of mankind they have a staggering advantage in sheer perspective for the long War has been so very very long and this accumulated expertise is not to be taken lightly for they are used to doing things that would be beyond the wit of any of their contemporaries across a battlefield this is due to the Codex of starties and other documents enforced by rabo Gilman where the regiments of the astrom militarum the Imperial Guard are broken into segments regiments and largely banned from independent or self-contained mixed arms operations with houses of knights and Titans and skari clades are all deployed yet the modern Imperial military strains under dialogue discussion and negotiation between these elements and factions to get anything done the Traer Legions are experts in the deployment and tactics of each of these elements and the combination is in this case especially far greater than the sum of its parts Space Marines of the great Crusade were in charge of the all from the first ship engagements to the largest and most sprawling theaters of warfare with the traitor Legion at the center of the angry swarms coming out of the eye of Terror they are far more dangerous than their numbers alone can seem though these numbers are hardly anything to sniff at for the traitors May well be torn in multiple directions constantly Waring between their own plans of Will and those of their dark benefactors the chaos Gods yet even they would not launch did they not have the forces to get the job done often the chaos Marines are projected as purely iddriven Psychopaths without Rhyme or Reason but this is propaganda of the most Insidious form for this propaganda is directed entirely at the forces of the Imperium and its propagation and dissemination amongst their own Armed Forces causes an underestimation of their foes that often leads to the one logical and woefully predictable result utter and total crushing defeat and the forces of a true chaos Crusade are not just the Marines oh no they enlist the forces that they require to assist them to support and strengthen their overall power for those Marines who endured and survive the Crusade heresy and then scouring are true monsters they are more accustomed to walking in the shadow of the god machines than any now presently alive in the Imperium with the exception of only boute Gillman and Lionel Johnson and it is in this knowledge that they prove most dangerous the dark mechanicum often Trail in the shadow of a chaos Crusade or if they are not front and center in its execution most are more Adept with the melding of demons sold to machine than ever they were the purest of unfettered science that was their reason for choosing the war Master side over the Emperors but even so there are some amongst their number who have delved into every last nook and cranny that was refused their contemporaries within the loyalist mechanicum they research all of those things banned by the emperor himself from sinistrum grade Weaponry which are powered by and augment the potent of psychic art or even with caution the darkest secret of all the application of abominable intelligence the cursed and ever feared artificial ual intelligence but never forget that the entire hordes of hell can be an overwhelming element of this Carnival of Carnage as well diabolists librarian sorceress hedge witches cult leaders and even traitor psychers can be found in abundance within the ranks of a truly motivated chaos Crusade the sheer amount of mine unhinging Weaponry technology spells rides demons and destruction that are Unleashed by a chaos Crusade are alike to nothing most normal soldiery has ever encountered before this is why the chaos Crusades are so unfathomably destructive because one can never tell what one will face when they do assault your worlds your fleets and your cities one last element the most important must of course be who leads these events and that is no easily gained thing to be able to master a collection of some of the most psychotic bloodthirsty and bellicose beings to ever exist to be the Lord and Master of a chaos Crusade is an honor and Glory that the vast majority of traitors will never even catch a whiff of let alone actually acquire for the head of a chaos Crusade must have the magnetism power Prestige Charisma and capability to command respect from every single member of the command staff of the factions gathered and that is next to Impossible the Lord of our Black Crusade must have the capacity to outmaneuver and smash at least multiple of his adherence at the same time otherwise it will be pulled apart in quick succession for the sheer Gall to think oneself able to direct and dominate other traitor starties is a starting statement for many a destructive War for the chaos touched are every bit as happy slaughtering their allies as if they are crushing the innocent it is the ultimate test to put up or shut up but worse should any of the approaches to other factions be too overwhelmingly overbearing they may simply ignore the requests and head off in their own Direction and this can happen at any time whatsoever even one spoken word or phrase can cause Pride to be prickled and for the Crusade to fall apart or fall upon itself and this is a tight rope most are unable to walk for those who are potent enough to crush descent are all too often accustomed to this being their first and only response and if this is done then other factions will simply disappear not wishing to be present to receive the same chastisement should that May step out of line but if the potential Lord of a crusade is not even able to make even a few examples are too engrossed in their own spider webs of plans within plans that they are not able to must forces enough to cow contesters to their presumed rank well such leaders are quickly disposed of by assassination or direct Warfare for the chaos Marines respect few things one of those few as a precondition for all of the others strength they respect only Power hence the tight rope that is walked is very thin indeed and ranged over an incredibly lethal fall for one cannot be too overbearing but one cannot be demure or show even the slightest hint of weakness or in either case they will be destroyed at the very least the chance of a joint venture are resoundingly smashed by such indelicate dealings so we can see that the who of the matter is probably the most fundamental for if there is no figure worthy of the following then nothing at all will happen and finding someone the other Veterans of the long War respect or fear greatly enough is a tall order indeed but let us now get on to the next stages when and where previously before the fall of Cadia before the tear across the Galaxy the chaos Crusades came almost exclusively from one place and one place alone the eye of teror that place is ancient and terrible for it is where the center of the anti- deluvian Elder civilization once stood yet when slanish screamed her birth into the void it had its effects on reality also and the Eldar civilization in one day ended here is a place where the warp has been torn into reality and the stuff of the immaterium coexist like two images superimposed on one another the mixture is the F of nightmares demons stalk the lands and the rules of physics and morality have no true Sway and it is here in this hellish waste of stars that the chaos space Space Marines retreated before the fury of the loyless Space Marines when Horus was slain by the emperor the game as I say was up the traitor Legion shattered and fled from Terror hounded by their Brethren scoured from reality the eye of Terror was unassailable and only one imperial Crusade has ever been sent within its bounds but that we have covered already before so we shall not dwell on it here the eye of Terror is a large expanse of space and the Imperium placed many chapters of Space Marines around it like a circle of castles around a feted swamp the Imperium set up stations and War and Bastion worlds to defend against these regular incursions the most famous Crusades were those headed by abdon as we know but every Last Crusade was really from this place headed by abdon or not and it was the cadan gate where the transit from the eye out into real space was easiest traversed so it was always Cadia that was hit first its glittering walls and multitudinous bul walks millions of men hardware and War gear of all forms were abundant some Crusades slipped past it giving a toll of their strength to the massive Imperial Fleet Station there then out into the Galaxy they went but always the Imperium was warned few Crusades slipped out from other regions there were some but not many but that was then and this is now the era indomitus for now there is a scar across reality there is an ever expanding line from which the warp spawned can walk directly into real space at a whim Crusades can now be sent from this massive war front out into the Imperium and that is no small thing before the Imperium ium would always know approximately where such assaults would come from where they were going or the direction of the very least now with a front line some thousands of light of years across it is near impossible for the Imperium to react fast enough to stem the tides Orab boot has his indominous fleets set out on their own Crusade but this time the lines are too wide the front to expand wherever the endomet fleet appear they are usually Victorious but it has ever been the wisest of generals who commit war on the enemy's lands for each strike and each chaos Crusade black or not is a trail of Destruction that can be barely stopped yet even if it is there is Carnage Beyond description so while gilan must compromise the threats of the tyranids the necrons the green skins and the duari the chaos bands do not need to give a wit of care about them so when The endometr Fleets fly past an area believing it cleansed and purged it can be only Cycles before everything they wrought has been upturned and destroyed in the War of Attrition surely chaos is in the ascendance now the only thing that truly makes the chaos incursions even slightly manageable is the great game for chaos could probably smash the Imperium if they could ever work together for any duration even now where they should be on the very footstep to Victory it is the battle between the ever jealous and spiteful gods that holds them in check as the dark ones claim system after system populace after populace it is only their hatred of one another that truly stops them from steamrolling reality entirely for If corn gains tooo much ground then sanesh or even zinch will move against them even to the extent of tipping off or supporting Imperial forces as they Strike Back where nurgle might expand its Holdings in reality it is z or corn who will send forces to keep them in check and on and on it goes to some the Imperium is now just a sand pit where the gods of chaos battle while the diminishing races of the G Galaxy watch on utterly unable to stop the adults now fighting all around them as they attempt to maintain their castles of sand and now all that is left is the how for people can think this is a simple matter despite the nuances and complexities I've tried to show yet a chaos Crusade is not just a rabble learing and cheering as it sets off to carve a path of Destruction Across the Universe no they are not a War Of Orcs a true Crusade must also have the approval of the power of the four the dark Gods some Crusades are patronized by one God Alone a tide of blood is where corn is the patron and its only point is to collect the skulls for his throne the easiest of the Crusades to identify the easiest to predict its path yet most often the hardest to actually stop when the blood God moves there are very few who can forall his onset the campaign of subversion is a crusade beholden to sles this is not the charge of massive Fleet but a campaign of subversion and salacious conversion like ink being dripped into clear and pure water the stain of sles spreads across a region until its tendrils are detected by the Inquisition then the bonfires are raised and the saritas are called to stoke them yet their cost can be long reaching and it is a rare Inquisitor or adepta sororitas assault that truly Roots out every Branch left in the wake of a campaign of subversion seeds are left that will grow until they are Unleashed yet again the advance of the inevitable is a chaos Crusade dedicated to Zing a strange and confusing war is this for the worshippers of Zing can strike in utterly unpredictable ways with no seeming rhyme nor reason this is because they wage war in the past present and future seemingly unimportant worlds or Holdings can be assaulted because they were to be Mighty strongholds in the future artifacts and Library are known targets of these events of course as the worshippers of the Lord of Lies like nothing better than to increase their knowledge a chaotic and confusing event that none can truly tell where it begins and when it ends the Triumph of Decay is that Crusade called by the great grandfather the Lord of contagion when world after world for to plagues poxes and poies when it Tire sectors are robbed of Vitality through minor or major infections when the grasses and crops die the skies themselves sicken and bring death the Triumph of Decay is one of the most terrifying and demoralizing of all assaults from chaos just ask yourself would you prefer to die a quick end in battle or would you prefer the slow creeping death of disease the Triumph of Decay is also a strange event where it will come on strong and seem to EB and flow rise and fall like the tides none can tell if a Triumph of Decay is nearing its end or if it is simply in a bance for a time going through a contraction cycle before its true power is then Unleashed on the universe a new and with twice or Thrice the previous power yet these are the Crusades of are mono deity only and far simpler to gather and begin it is the deepest fear of the Denison of the Galaxy when the worst of their kind is formed a true Crusade of chaos undivided a rarity to be certain for this would mean that the gods of chaos agreed to set aside their differences and pours the great game for this particular event and that is a rarity indeed the most dramatic of these events can surely only be the Horus heresy itself and I like to think of that as the very first and definitely the most potent Crusade of chaos undivided and it is horus's chosen son abdon the despoiler who carries forward this tradition for the despoiler has waged 13 such black Crusades yet one must know of the incredible difficulty involved with Gathering forces from all of the desperate worshippers of chaos apart from abdon Von males and Jihad the lacerator are the the most famous chaos Warlords who are set out on a Black Crusade and so we come to the last of our discourses the most important of all for all of reality is ruled by that one statement that one question that one response why why do the Crusades exist at all why do they set out to burn and pillage and Destroy on Industrial scales why and this can be answered in one simple statement it is all inspiring that it is this simple but I honestly believe this to be true why do they do it because the dark gods are not and can never be whole now none can ever be content none can ever laugh or love or enjoy anything whatsoever because the dark gods are nothing but needs they have no real goal other than to Pander to their needs like toddlers with cosmic power they are utterly unaware of their state their purpose or their goal because inexorably despite their claims of playing a great game despite their plans and machinations despite their vast almost omnipotent power they are nothing but collections of emotions attempting to gain more of that which they are made from more planning more scheming more hate more misery more lust like a semi sentient piece of chewing gum sliding down the legs of a table where some child placed it after being chided by an educator the gum waited until the lights were out the children Departed the teacher tided and left the janitor had mopped then locked up it is then that the gum crawled and slurped its way from table to table absorbing all of the other gum left there going from one room to the next collecting pieces of what it now construes of itself separated and sent out across the world the gum increases in size and it even becomes able to speak it becomes able to attack the children as they enter the school the next day smashing them to pulp in an effort to get the fresh gum in their pockets or backpacks and then it goes forth towering over the city expanding as it absorbs more and more of itself but despite its power powered despite its size despite its strength it is always just gum it is nothing it has no dreams it has no creativity it has no future it has no past it is just a collection of saliva and strands left by sentient beings this is what the dark gods are the discarded emotions of the races of the universe they are nothing and they can never be anything so all they can do is collect more of themselves create the circumstances where more of themselves is created by the sentience or which they rely as their sustenance and their creator so when someone extols the dark freedom of worshiping the depraved powers of the chaos Gods pity them for they are kneeling to nothing but Refuge of the Soul they are pandering to that which was discarded they're worshiping children with no restraint or control they are surrendering their will to the equivalent of discarded gum pathetic I have been baldemort your faithful servant thank you for your precious time now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun Tulu
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 22,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k lore, warhammer lore for beginners, CHAOS CRUSADES IN WARHAMMER 40000 LORE, BLACK CRUSADES, Baldermort, Baldemort, Guide to warhammer, CHAOS CRUSADES, Abaddon the Despoiler, Ulik the Unreasonable, Abundance Tertius, warhammer chaos crusades, chaos warbands, chaos wars, black crusade lore, new warhammer lore, history of the imperium of man, warhammer audiobook, warhammer audiodrama, warhammer to sleep to, insomnia, help sleeping, war stories, warhammer stories, burgers
Id: xE6LGbtSnVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 18sec (2538 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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