Daemonic Weapons l Warhammer 40k Lore

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today we delve into another Grim mystery of the Galaxy we'll Peak into the secret sections of the librarium of the aoia space hidden within the rings of Saturn the topic that interests us is best known precisely to this chapter saturnian adepts and experienced demonologists have been studying possessed artifacts for thousands of years seeking ways to counteract and Destroy them strengthen your souls with prayer and prepare for enlightenment demon weapons are Mighty artifacts of chaos a Blasphemous Union of matter with the immaterium they are the gift of ruinous powers to their favorite servants and followers or the madness and Audacity Of radicals in the service of the Imperium such artifacts are empowered by a demonic entity trapped within among them melee weapons are found more often but the cursed items include ranged weapons as well a demon bound to an enchanted blade or pistol rarely finds itself there of its own valtion for a warp entity it could be a punishment from a patron God or the result of a clash with a powerful demonologist but it happens that a mortal servant of chaos pleads with a demon for assistance in Unholy deeds and the child of the immaterium voluntarily binds itself expecting payment in the future demon weapons Grant enormous power to their wielder destructive in themselves they allow the owner to use demonic senses perceiving the world around Sharp and brighter remaining sentient if its prisoner has not yet lost its sanity over centuries of confinement demon weapons can both advise their master and manipulate them tempting and driving them to Madness such tricks are characteristic of the Demons of the Lord of change possessing a demonic weapon is a source of prestige among the Servants of ruinous Powers a true sign of the God's favor the owner of such an artifact quickly gains influence power and new insane followers who follow him as a messiah but there is a terrible price to pay for power the bound demon cares neither for Mortal weaknesses nor limitations and will rise if the master does not use it for constant Bloodshed or fulfilling what the demon considers its priority goals if the bearer cannot tame the weapon it will kill him as soon as the weapon finds a better Master it has happened that Mighty Warriors of chaos suffered defeat because at a critical moment the possessed artifact betrayed them sensing the weakness of its owner demon weapons are unique by by Nature as each creature of the immaterium is a unique personality however like demons Specialists of the Ordo malus categorize possessed items into types based on properties and power directly dependent on the strength of the entity trapped within the artifact a sword containing a minor demon would seem like a child's toy compared to the same sword containing a greater demon but controlling a weaker blade would be much easier a weapon containing the weakest of warp entities is is already a focus capable of directing the wild energies of the immaterium to split and destroy everything within reach Servants of the oralius in the name of studying the enemy and effectively opposing them have identified several types of desecrated weapons according to the patron Gods sharpened within entities today we will unveil a portion of forbidden knowledge meticulously guarded by the Inquisition the Crimson section in manuscripts Bound in Crim and leather adepts of the Ordo malos keep a list of possessed and twisted weapons within which creatures of corn wrie from anger and hunger the Servants of the skull Lord are enclosed in weapons solely as a punishment except in rare cases when the will of Corn's beasts is broken by demonologists opposing the spawns of the blood God the bloodthirsty creatures hate their captor and quickly lose any semblance of sanity and captivity due to their inability to act actively participate in the slaughter agath the king of blades when a demon is bound within a weapon by its infernal Master it rarely submits willingly to this terrible incarceration the same cannot be said for agath a lifetime of Slaughter and zealous dedication saw this butcher granted demon Hood such was his Devotion to Korn that instead of accepting immortality as a demon Prince he instead chose to take the form of a deadly blade so that he could spill the lifeblood of Korn's greatest enemies their hand Guided by arth's Spirit the sword's wielder becomes nigh Unstoppable to wield arath in battle is to become one with the blade itself for the demon guides its bearers every thrust parry and killing blow with unerring accuracy countless are the Rival chaos Champions and Mortal Heroes that have fallen to its power the axe of Blind Fury also known as the blood feeder inside this Legendary Power axe one of the bloodthirsters great demon of corn who suffered defeat in battle is imprisoned in its eagerness to wash away the shame it eternally Rises against its insl avementoroh44060 of corn imbued with an insatiable thirst for blood and fury is carried by the most bloodthirsty and favored mortal champions of Korn this axe cannot be fully considered demonic as it lacks mind and its own will and is incapable of rebellion but the hand of its owner in battle is led by Corn's own thirst for blood pushing towards a bloody Slaughter with such force that the god chosen Warrior loses all remnants of self-preservation instinct in their eagerness to spill as much blood as possible in the name of the blood God berserker's glaive it takes the form of a mighty two-handed blade and contains the essence of not just one but an entire host of blood letters incarcerated within the fabric of this great sword their Collective rage drives the bearer into an apoplectic state of blood lust as the blade Hues through its victims the demons within drink deep of the essence of the slain amplifying their wielders blood L to ever Greater Heights until they are little more than a living engine of death and destruction the Lesser demons Fury at being imprisoned is transmitted to the wielder who will be forced to constantly fight to control it however this very Fury will also tremendously augment the bearer's aptitude for Carnage in melee Firestorm blade a mighty great sword sometimes seen in the hands of Corn's most favored bloodthirsters The Firestorm blade is a massive straight sword engulfed in an impossible bright Nimbus of white fire at the whim of its wielder the blade can discharge great gouts of flame at Targets within a considerable distance burning its victims with overwhelming warp fire only one Firestorm blade has ever been seen within the vortex wielded by a powerful mortal Champion by the name of mithos the man and his army descended into the lower Vortex with dreams of conquest and were never heard from again many claimed that his blade and other similar object objects is still out there just waiting for someone powerful or insane enough to claim them Forge whip it is a long-held belief of numerous blood Cults within the screaming Vortex that Korn himself created the original Forge whip from the essence of a flesh Hound he wish to punish for failing to catch its Quarry all those that have witnessed the power of a forge whip can attest to the inner Fury of the weapon and the way it seems to seek out targets of its own accord the weapon takes the form of a long whip with many tendrils Each of which appears to be made out of fire and glows with a white hot inner heat the fiery cords twist and writhe crackling with energy and burning the very air around them great Axe of corn easily the most recognizable symbol of the blood God the great Axe of corn is one of the most destructive cornate demon weapons enormous and frightening to behold each is a horrific Fusion of bone brass and blood its grip is wrapped in the skins of Champions foolish enough to challenge the wielder and its blade is forever slicked with the blood of every head it has taken at the heart of each great Axe of corn trapped with the strongest warp bines imaginable is the essence of a greater demon of corn the rage from their imprisonment knows no bounds and their Fury lends near unlimited power to each swing and to each strike heart Ripper a rarity for a demon weapon of corn a heart Ripper often takes the form of a rabid snarling Reaper Auto Cannon the twin barrels emerging from the jagged Mo of the bloodlet or flesh hound bound to the gun each time the gun fires it howls with rage imprinting Corn's Fury onto every warp enhanced shell unlike other ranged demon weapons the heart Ripper still needs to be reloaded although whether that is to feed the ammunition Hoppers or simply to feed the demon within remains a mystery soulfire Lance taking the form of a twisted spinal column or collection of broken bones stretched unnaturally into a long staff the soulfire Lance is a gateway to the emerium each time the bearer squeezes the Lance the demon within howls unleashing a Vortex of imperian energy that draws its victims into the Lance itself axe of kaka this Fel cornate Relic serves as a prison for the essence of the blood thirster K Akash Kaka in his pride the blood thirster rebelled against his Lord and Master Korn and was doomed to this Fate by the Furious blood God this Infamous blood feeder demon weapon has over time become legendary over the whole region of space adjacent to the cxis sector known as the screaming Vortex as its wielders have all carved themselves bloody Empires before succumbing to the insane Fury of the trapped demon within the weapon today the axe of kaka can be found on the planet messia within the vortex waiting for for the servant of the blood God who will tear it from its current wielder grasp ax morai claimed by the Space Wolves Great Wolf Logan grimner from a mighty lord of the world eaters he defeated during the first war for Armageddon the Great Wolf had the molten bladed axe reforged in the image of the Fenian wolf God morai time has proven grimnar wise for he has used the blade to fa even the mightiest creatures of the warp including the demon prar Magnus the red but has the reforging changed the essence of the incorporeal being living in the axe or has wolf God Fallen under the influence of the bloodthirsty creature Black Blade of angron the Primark angron's personal demonic sword this gigantic Black Blade could cleave anything in two this weapon was destroyed by the powerful psychic defense of the grey Knights during the first war for Armageddon Gore Seeker containing a flesh Hound of corn this Razer fanged axe confers those creatures best known traits upon the one who wields it it was last seen in the hands of the aspiring champion gorath varx who was leading a war band of cornate Berserkers during a raid on the world of Midale veric was confirmed dead in the battle's aftermath but the weapon was nowhere to be found this bloodthirsty monstrous Cleaver made of dark metal whose surface is covered in cracks and stained with bloody streaks in this crudely processed metal is contained a demon of wroth and murder whose bloodlust knows no bounds the owner of this instrument of villainy finds his vision cloaked in a bloody Veil he who wishes to control the bloodthirsty must overcome the desire to kill and destroy the olive section the books of this section abound in swamp shaded rotting and unsettling leather their Pages seem to spontaneously cover themselves with stains and an unpleasant film that sticks the pages together together fading and eternally requiring renewal the strict letters of High Gothic store lists of weapons possessed by the Demons of nurgle a weapon that has embraced a creation of the great corruptor serves its Master even while remaining sheathed becoming a conduit for nurgle's favored diseases and epidemics with grim satisfaction the Lord of Decay watches from his Gardens as his mortal Champions spread his gifts fragrant with puss and suffering across the Galaxy angarak is a chainsword that has absorbed several nurglings considered by many to be infected rather than possessed over its long journey angarak has changed so many owners that their names can hardly be recalled existing only for spreading diseases it's too foolish even to realize its own captivity and humiliation full of enthusiasm and a desire to please the Lord of plagues and garak oozes the pus filling it and Spins the blade of the sword irritatingly fast past this bubbling enthusiasm likly explains its frequent change of owners few can endure having a cheerful yet dimwitted demon by their side for long fathers of blades rumored to be the original plagues words created not long after nurgle came into being the ancient fathers of blades have spent Millennia spreading corruption their cracked and rusted lengths deaden the senses of those nearby and any who mtime their swings find their attacks deflected off its corroding Edge man Reaper a man Reaper is an enormous power scthe that has been dipped in the filth of nurgle himself carrying a Shard of the plague God Within These virulent weapons are much sought after by the Servants of nurgle even if they sometimes claim the life of their Bearer as well pandemic staff a vessel of nurgle's favorite infections their diseases joyously spread across the battlefield with each new attack from this staff it is said that the champion who wields this staff is marked by the kiss of the father of Decay himself plague knife the Hallmark weapon of the death guard traitor Legion which was originally their close combat Blade the plague knife is a broad trench dagger which was a brutal and efficient weapon in hand-to-hand combat when the aares of the death guard were transformed by the corrupting influence of nurgle these blades transformed as well now they have become plague knives corroded weapons Co Ed with rust and numerous diseases the better to spread father nurgle's vile blessings across the Galaxy only those pure in his sight such as his plague Marines are granted such a weapon and any lesser being suffering even the slightest wound is gifted with one of his innumerable Creations such as nurgle's rot or the Weeping pox plague's word a plagues word is a large corroded one-handed sword that drips with venomous pus and the pestilent blessings of Grandfather ner its touch being utterly lethal to Mortal foes P lver this blade Bears the infamous gurgling Doom contagion one struck by the blade typically has only a few agonizing solar seconds left to live before they finally realize the glory of nurgle's generosity and Keel over gurgling Flem only Servants of the plague God May wield this artifact rotger rotger is a huge Hammer of corroded iron its surface is patented with blooms of rust and Decay that to a fevered mind might seem to be foul marks and hateful runes growing from within the metal itself the weapon was said to have been made of metal torn from space hulks which had drifted in the warp for 7,000 years and forged in a furnace fired by corpses before being quenched in the Slime of a plague pit Rodger is surrounded by a nauseous air of Decay metal left in his presence crumbles to rust wood rots and dead flesh begins to turn pale and rotten only the one who can Master the will of the demon within rot Giver is Untouched by its power undiscovered and Untamed in Millennia rot Giver Now lies in a space Hulk once a great warship long ago the space Hulk drifts through the F day great Cloud waiting to be found once again colax fist of Decay is a malign nurgle demon weapon that is worn over its we's Fist and the very essence of pestilence exudes from its fingertips it is said Collex was gifted by the plague father himself and the Mortal that Bears this symbolic weapon is a Herald of contagion and a physical example that none can resit the inescapable grips of Decay the Azure section beneath the blue covers of the books of this division sometimes hide eyes and Feathers but such mutated homes rewrite and Destroy them the inks are always the first to change fading from strict black to Celestial Azure causing the very Gothic letterforms to mutate changing their outlines for these books contain the lists of weapons possessed by the Demons of Zen instruments of demise crude and cruel in their very essence once touched by the entities of the architect of Fates alter their nature now either enhancing the owner's unnatural psychic powers or granting him such Powers previously inaccessible War warping the very soul of the human bedum staff a bedum staff is an ancient demon weapon that takes the form of a Stave which is exclusively employed by thousand suns chaos Sorcerers to use as a fi for their powers the few remaining examples of these fell weapons are steeped in 10 Millennia of wild psychic power enemies struck by the power of these powerful staves have their nervous systems overloaded by warp energies rending conscious thought from their minds leaving them unable to act and vulnerable to further attacks death screamer a death screamer is a demon weapon that channels the psychic power of its barer into howling bolts of Arcane energy that rip their target apart whatever form the a death screamer assumes it transforms the psychic strength of its Bearer into howling discharges of dark energy tearing the target apart both up close and at a distance in the hands of a champion favored by the Weaver of Fates this weapon is of truly terrifying power kazatel once a weapon proudly serving the Astro militarum many thousands of Teran years ago the flamer now known as katchal has been a demon weapon for so long that it barely remembers existence beyond the bizarre flesh and steel of its prison once a flamer of zinch the demon now projects its many colored Flames through the mutated nozzle of the flamer it calls home pandemonium Stave potent demon weapons of immense power power pandemonium staves are wielded only by zin's greatest Champions longer than a man is tall and consisting of a single Rod of roughly he and psychically bonded black granite these staves tend to cast unnatural Shadows drawing in nearby light and glowing softly in a pattern that can make those that stare at it too long feel sick the dull glow quickly changes to a bright white when the wielder channels his own psychic energy down the length of The Stave and the demon can contained within screams out adding its own caged Fury to the power of the attack CS Bane the Lord of change MX was cruy punished by zinch for having the temerity to utter an undiluted truth in his infernal Master's presence now bound within a Sleek blade malx scythes through its victim's mind even as its Keen Edge Cuts their flesh Pyers are especially susceptible to this harrowing mental salt as malakar ACX uses their innate connection to the warp to tear their soul to shreds warp blade a warp blade is a demon weapon that is gifted to the mightiest of chaos Sorcerers and most devious of plotters a War Blade has the power to dissipate and Scatter psychic energy aimed at its Bearer this tends to attract the denisons of the warp who hungrily sniff out the source of the power and can be set angrily upon any bystanders scepter of 10,000 moons the scepter of 10,000 moons is Long Rod of obsidian from which grinning sickle moons Lear in constantly shifting patterns topped with a spray of silver feathers and a blue gem the size of a human eye the scepter of 10,000 moons possesses a destructive Power craved by Sorcerers and deceivers of all kinds it is said to have passed through the hands of dozens of warp dabbling Cults in the Malian sub sector and is whispered to have betrayed each one it has served to their destruction in whose hands it resides at present remains unknown the purple section within this section of the librarium the air is filled with musk and ambergris and an overly engrossed reader risks hearing enticing music and voices books covered in covers of noble purple seem to long to be read and studied the will of the chapter's servants is strong but an inexperienced onlooker risks remaining here forever studying the compelling manuscripts detailing demon weapons housing the entities of sesh's demons the blades having become dwellings for the children of the Dark Prince like the force that spawned them aim not to take life but to kill with compassion inflicting immense pain and equally boundless pleasure both to their wielder and their opponents in this section the most infamous creations of the accursed Smiths are gathered whose Minds were blinded by the pursuit of perfection and their sense of beauty distorted under the influence of lenes the Bliss Giver this artifact resembles a fine blade made of flexible metal or a writhing whip the touch of the Bliss Giver to the Flesh of a living being can plunge the victim into a coma likee trance filled with visions and Delight while the enemy is absorbed by their own Sensations their body will be seized by the Servants of the Lord of pleasure and the fate of the captive will depend on the whims of the indulged Servants of the Dark Prince lash of torment A Lash of Torment is a demon weapon resembling an animated whip that twists and coils with a mind of its own feeding on a victim's Terror and pain before telepathically sharing it with any beings who are close by this is highly entertaining for Servants of slanesh and utterly horrifying for its victims needle of Desire long and slim double pointed needle inscribed with Blasphemous runes within runes all the way down to a microscopic level one half is embedded in the arm of the chaos Champion bearing it where it absorbs the foul narcotics naturally synthesized by champions of slanesh allowing the bearer to inject those into other beings using the other end of the needle the bearer will often share this gift with friend and Foe and while to another servant of slanesh it is an incredibly intense and pleasurable experience the drugs contained within are utterly fatal to anyone or anything else agonizer found in the vaults of the world of ocus 1 the agonizer is a potent and mighty demon-possessed runesword wielded by the Fallen adeptus sorus miria El sabathiel snaking tubes connect it to a needle in miel's arm where it absorbs the foul narcotics naturally synthesized by the bodies of the champions of slanesh she also wields a demonic Bolter another gift to her from slanesh for her service as his Champion deul the whispering blade fell legends from the area of space known as the screaming vortex speak of two former Renegade pirate captains both having sworn falty to slanesh but rivals in every other thing the endlessly escalating conflict of both reava captains ultimately drove them both to ruin while still Mortals both constantly sought to outdo the other each transforming his Fleet into a pleasure den and torture chamber to craft new Perfections of mass sacrifices and exquisite agonies both Mortals were eventually rewarded with Ascension to demon Hood but this only served to fuel their rivalry which only ended when one of them crafted an Exquisite blade heun from a single turquoise crystal which was hailed as an impossibly precise piece of art unwilling to concede defeat his rival then willingly bound himself to the blade pouring his Essence into it in order to steal Victory despairing but unwilling to destroy his Masterpiece the other demon Prince cast the blade into the screaming Vortex unwilling to again set eye on his defeat thus was born the blade known as de Shaul a prison from which the Victorious contestant Whispers endlessly of unspeakable deprivations to any mortal foolish enough to pick up the blade The Whispers of delight The Whispers of delight were demon bound daggers created by the order of the amethyst serpent on malfi each dagger had a long blade of amethyst that twisted like a tongue of fire a hilt of bladed and spiked finger loops and was etched with the dying words of 36 sacrifices to slanish the prince of pleasure The Whispers of delight were given to the orders assassins who were reputed to be able to persuade their victims to grant them admittance to their most intimate chambers before their throats were cut after the order of the amethyst serpent was broken by the Ordo malus three of The Whispers of delight were recovered however it is believed that more exist and survived the destruction of their makers silver blade of the lair the silver blade of the lair was a single-edged sword of elegant xenos craftsmanship recovered by fulgrim primarch of The Emperor's Children Legion from a great Temple dedicated to the chaos God of Pleasure in the aftermath of the cleansing of the zenos world of len by the forces of the three Legion in the closing days of the great Crusade unbeknownst to fulgrim however it held the essence of of a powerful greater demon of slanesh which would eventually overpower and possess fulgrim during the dropsite massacre on istvan after freeing Itself by taking control of fulgrim's body the demon later gave the silver blade now bereft of its possessing warp entity but still a finely crafted weapon to Captain Lucius sensing great potential for mastering the way of slanesh within the Arrogant aartis the gray section the Inquisition is also aware of weapons that became prisons for demons not sworn to the great four or those whose Allegiance was simply not correctly identified and investigated here among the colorless covers and the attentive gazes of the keepers we read about some of these artifacts a cursed cus an accursed crus is the mark of office of a word bearer's dark Apostle when the chaplain of the word bearers Legion willingly embraced chaos in the days before the start of the Horus heresy they ritually desecrated their once sacred weapons bound Within These talismans of chaos is a demon of chaos undivided who grants the Apostle additional protection and oratory prowess black mace this fell weapon is said to have been blessed or cursed by each of the demon primarchs in turn the black mace takes the form of a large ornate bludgeon and so fell is the power contained in this Baroque Abomination that any struck by it collapses immediately into molding in bones while the horrendous curse that just brought the poor so low seeks to spread to any living being standing nearby blade of the Hydra long ago this oversized chain Zord was of purely ceremonial use since the demon Prince gel of the nine suered Souls was bound inside it however the blade has been a fish tool of Destruction those with a will strong enough to control its multiple thirsting mindsets can cause the sore tooth blade to Shimmer into not one but several swords that G and Nash with an immortal hunger these extra blades are insubstantial when the wielder wills it and Raaz a sharp when the Flesh of his enemies is near this artifact is only available to the heretic estares of the alpha Legion claws of the black hunt these vicious hooked Talons have spilt the blood of thousands of victims since their Creation in the soul forges worn by the master of the black hunt a icious ritual that precedes the greatest of nightlord's invasions they are so encrusted with Gore they are almost black this congealed fluid is so thick it cannot even be seared Away by The Vicious energy field that runs about each claw this is seen by some as a clear sign of a gory blessing from destructive Gods even when the wielder swipes the air near a foe not quite making contact the victim's armor and flesh still mysteriously part as if slashed open by a Fierce and invisible Beast this artifact is only available to the heretic aares of the night Lords dark blade a dark blade is jet black containing no reflection or marks that Mar the perfect satin darkness of its blade although the hilt pommel and grip are often richly embellished the dark blade is a hungry killer that feasts on The Souls of the slain and urges its Bearer on to further acts of barbarity until it is sated ether Lance The Ether Lance is a demon weapon which acts as a conduit to the warp its Bearer can launch bolts of imperian energy at his foes or Draw them into the Lance eventually consuming them utterly while powering more Blast from the weapon Kyan a Kyan demon weapon resembles a huge Bolter of archaic design so large that a normal man would be unable to lift it it is a two-handed weapon that acts as a psychic Catalyst turning the hate and Malice of its wielder into tangible bolts of potent energy murder sword so deadly are the wounds from this blade that some believe it is actually the anatomy the legendary cursed weapon suspected to have laid low the war Master Horus within the swamps of davin's plague Moon before the start of the Horus heresy the sword is undoubtedly of eldrich Providence for with a sacrificial ritual it can become the bane of a certain foe above all others anguish little is known of the demon weapon known only as anguish some amongst the Arcane Scholars of the Ordo malus doubt that it even exists anguish is reputed to take the form of a long basket hilted sword its Hilt dotted with thorny spines its mirror-like blade etched with images of bird feathers and lidless eyes it has been said to radiate a chill like that of the Void between stars and to have an edge so sharp that it can cleave the curtain of reality opening a wound-like portal into the warp through which the wheel of the blade may pass through to far and strange places articus Scourge The articus Scourge is a demonic weapon originally borne by the infamous chapter Master articus bardan of the now excommunicate torus Relic to Space Marine chapter this weapon appears as a flail tipped with balls of pure energy in the form of screaming demonic faces the flail snaps and nashes at The Souls of those it hits the Black Blade of anir is a warp spawned weapon that was captured by the demon hunting Grey Knight Space Marines and is impervious to all means at the the grey Knight's disposal to destroy it the grey Knights were reluctant to Simply cast the dangerous artifact into the void of interstellar space where they knew that eventually a new Bearer would be drawn to its evil aura or to seal it away in a vault within their Fortress Monastery on Titan as it would only invite corruption to its Guardians a fateful decision was made to place the Black Blade of anwin into the safest prison the grey Knights could conceive the hands of the chapter's own purifiers castellan garan Crow is the current guardian of the malefic weapon and it continuously brings him into both physical and spiritual Peril by tempting him with Chaos's Promises of power or seeking to bind his will with black sorcery such is his indomitable will that he wields the Black Blade as a conventional sword his purity of Soul and Spirit keeping its evil at bay blade of fedron a chapter relic of the excommunicated relictors chapter inside the blade of fedron Lies the seething soul of a demon possessed of a great enmity for all its kin although it is unremarkable when employed against a living thing against a demon the blade will Blaze white with the pure heat of the captive Demon's rage draenen bound to the will of the mighty chaos Lord abadon the despoiler this Arcane blade contains the bound essence of draan a writhing warp entity that can Rend reality apart Legend states that draan was birthed in the warp from the psychic echo of the first human murder now in the form of a mighty Demon's horde and fueled by countless Millennia of homicide and death drain Yan's power is so great that it effortlessly sunders all that it touches hesht the granter of Vengeance Hesh is a dagger with two parallel Blades of Twisted Metal like the teeth of a predatory Beast thrust into the chest of an enemy the demon bound within the blades Gorges on the victim's Essence and soul the victim is slain in the most complete and terrible manner possible and the demon strains hungrily at its bonds seeking more life on which to feed Hesh was forged by the foul enemies of the Imperium that were driven from the cxis sector during the Onan crusade in desperation they turned all their vile Arts to make weapons both great and small to try and turn the tide against the forces of the Imperium they failed and were annihilated but their vile creations of which hes is one endured and were left to tempt and corrupt those who had vanquished their creators midnight the weapon called Midnight has had many other names in the time since its forging beneath strange dying Stars the demon bound within midnight is a thing that has been imprisoned for so long that All That Remains is its hunger Hunger for light for hope for Life Light and warmth are drawn to midnight its true shape is a mystery it is glimpsed only as impressions of Razor edges and Barbs glimpsed in a pole of Darkness nakra Al the hungering the final prison of the demon Prince nakra Al this sword was crafted specifically to hold the demon by Artisans enslaved by a rival's war band the name of which is long lost to history a horrifically powerful weapon the blade seems to move between the worlds of the screaming Vortex seemingly at random appearing occasionally in the hands of a warlord powerful enough to claim it without succumbing to the weapons inhabitant in this nakra Al perhaps has the last laugh for it has managed to reclaim former glories by possessing unworthy wielders sword of St aquatan the sword of St aquatan was recovered by the rela's chapter immediately prior to its debasement and subsequent possession by a demonic en and contains a nightmarish creature of such power it can turn day into night lash of bitterness the Lash of bitterness is a long whip of bones and teeth taken from humans and the predatory creatures of ianos within it is bound the tortured essence of a warp creature whose being is consumed by fear and Insanity the Lash of bitterness was said to have been created by a slave champion of the crowa and to have been wielded in combat against drusus himself it was recovered from the battlefield by Servants of the Holy ordos in the wake of the Saints cleansing of ianos and it is now as sealed in the lightless vaults of the trior palace its twitching coils muttering vess and wishing ill to all life oloa the black axe is a demon bound within an axe on a demon World it has been laid to rest in a cavern marked with diabolical Wards and thousands of sacrifices are laid at its feet this was done by an unknown Warden to appease oka's hunger but now one brave soul seeks to feed the demon by other means Mace of judgment the mace of judgment is a symbol of Imperial might and Purity that was violated by the pilgrims of hate and turned into a mockery of its original purpose the mace has a half and head of dark rought metal topped with winged fist clasping a skull of adamantium charred spills of parchment inscribed with tracks from the book of judgment coil the Maes length secured by Seals of thick wax it was a weapon made to demonstrate the might of Imperial law and punish those who deny its Authority the mace of judgment was possessed by adeptus arbites judge M who was captured by the pilgrims of hater while countering their activities on vacin rather than kill their prisoner the pilgrims of hater took her weapon and bound into it a warp thing of Madness and endless hate they then set judge mea free and returned her Mace of Authority the cultists watched while the demon in her weapon Twisted the judge's own faith and conviction and made her a monster to whom all were guilly and worthy only of death mea the bloody was finally killed by vassals of Inquisitor scan however her black mace that had become the trademark of her atrocities was never recovered the Spear of countless eyes the Spear of countless eyes is a tall Spear of hammered bronze whose dark wooden Hal is carved with lided eyes that open and close to reveal rolling yellow irises and black slit pupils it was created by the warp corrupted Hunter tribes who dwelt on ianos long before the Imperium claimed it the Spear of countless eyes is said to make a hunter able to see with unnatural Clarity and be able to feel all that passes around him as if it were the touch of wind on his skin though the old dark ways have long been burnt from ianos such relics as the Spear of count less eyes endure to as a memory of a dark past that may return once again vemar once born into battle by anokar the icon Bearer and later corus of the word Bearer traitor legance 39th Host this Bolter somehow found its way to a makeshift Shrine of bone and steel on the Reaver world of iniquity awaiting a worthy Master though the Demonic Beast imprisoned within is only a minor warp entity little more than an astral Spectre the weapon itself is a relic of the traitor Legions proud and belligerent and unwilling to suffer the touch of mere mortals with every unworthy Soul who attempts to claim this weapon the shrine grows a little larger tharis and riol the rapacious Talons were two rival demons who endlessly performed at the court of a great demon Prince of slanesh when their rivalry became the main theme of their performances the great demon prince who had previous ly looked upon them with favor grew angry considering it a slight to himself caught up in their fight the demons were imprisoned in paired claws forever doomed to dance together at their wielder command the Ashen ax is a word bearer's Relic this chainx dates back to the great Crusade and was of used on worlds that rejected compliance when Legions plunged Into Darkness warp demons found this axe attractive to themselves and found in its blade a terrifying link between the material world and the realm of chaos the time allotted to us is coming to an end secret section before we leave the walls of the librarium while fate still favors us and interest has not dimmed let's look into another section accessible to but a few in their inquiries the Ordo malas touched upon weapons inaccessible to Mortals yet rightfully called demonic for they belong to the most dangerous Servants of ruinous Powers such weapons are wielded by Spa of the warp having burst into reality and assuming their favorite form witch stealer sword a witch stealer sword is a demon weapon utilized by the Demons of slanesh particularly his greater demons the keeper of Secrets as this sword bites into flesh it saps the fo's Mind stripping more away with every cut until nothing of their memories personality or sanity remain plaguebringer a sword forged from the very essence of the finest diseases of nurgle and deadly to any living being it touches a fusion of rust and pus blade of Decay the blade of Decay is a sword carried by one of nurgle's most favored greater demons scabia thrax it has the power to rapidly Decay anything it touches organic creatures that are hit with the blade find their flesh rotting away before their eyes and armored vehicles rust away with the sudden passage of centuries when hit silence silence to give it the maab nickname favored by its wheel build ER the demon primarch mortarion of the death guard traitor Legion is a massive two-handed battleye with a blade span as long as most human Warriors are tall this formidable weapon is accounted as one of the most fearsome blades wielded by any primarch since mortarion finding by the emperor during the Great Crusade there have been dark Whispers that the blade is of xenos Tainted origin and some familiar with the legend of the death guard primark's early life believe it to be none other than the weapon of the terrible charal creature that once named himself mortarion's father one way or another with mortarion's fall silence was twisted becoming an even more terrifying weapon worthy of its demonic owner Carnage and Slaughter the axes of the bloodthirsty scar brand each of them carries within it a bloodthirster trapped in metal and emanating with Fury therefore to face the exiled scar brand in battle me means to meet the United Rage of three great Demons of corn whip Bloodshed a whip Twisted from blood red tendons studded with sharp pieces of broken bone each lash of the whip creates a crack tearing the heavens and a blast of energy capable of tearing a man in half it is the favored weapon of avatars of corn the bloodthirsters yet there are Mortals lucky and mad enough to possess it hellblade forged from the essence of a vanquished blood letter A hellblade is the standard weapon wielded by other blood letters like an axe of corn it is not a true demon weapon in the strictest sense for it is not sentient and will not Rebel kth the blood hunger is a demon weapon of corn capable of cutting through not only matter but also time the blood hunger is a sword for which K stages an immense tournament at his whim to find a demon to wield its power Korn hides the sword within one of his flesh hounds and lets his Legion compete against each other as they hunt the hounds the demon who finds the sword becomes the Lord of Slaughter and may wield the sword for a day or an age or however long Korn sees fit when K wearies of his Lord's exploits a new flesh Hound is sent to devour both the wielder and The Sword and the Tournament begins again the secrets kept within the walls of the Ordo malus librarium are horrifying and deadly they corrupt the mind and defile the soul but the people who gather and store these pieces of knowledge believe there is no Force more powerful than knowledge and a man armed with knowledge cannot be defeated
Channel: Imperial Iterator
Views: 19,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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