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welcome gentle listener I am baldemort your faithful servant and I wish to introduce you to the forces factions and faces of the Warhammer 40K Universe the Grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war and today we shall be investigating one of the most terrifyingly powerful categories of combatant in the entire setting rarer than Rooster Teeth they are only found in one single bloodline of the aartis the Space Marines and even among that line there are the few for they are the gifted now I have been known to sometimes just leap into the LW but feel that now it is time for me to get back to my roots there are now so many who will chant the law of the batim possibly adding in a Fran of gut humor or explosives to spice things up why not it's all just light entertainment after all yet as gifted as I am in the deployment of rebal vernacular in other Arenas I feel that it does not fit with that which I am attempting to achieve for this channel your relaxation thus today I wish to present the information in the format that I am best known for v a little tail for there is nothing quite like being shown not told the what where or when of the matter no but before we get to the elucidating story please bear with me as we hear this word from the sponsor of this video a game without compare with lusious graphics and hectic action and with 5 million concurrent users it's an event you need to get in on easy to learn a challenge to master this game is a pocket rocket and all in the palm of your hand free to play on your mobile phone or PC it is a gift from the guards just look at it it's gorgeous if you sign up today you get bonuses worth $100 epic Champion lady andessa $500,000 silver and more plus if you grind hard at 25th level you unlock another boost another half a million silver epic skill tombs potions the works and that's not all after downloading via my link use a festive promo code Festival 5 to get another epic Champion Terell 500 silver and endless amounts of other rewards I I'd gotten these when I'd started playing just hit the links in the description or scan the QR techno thingy and you are away it's that simple and it's got everything you need for an amazing experience the Doom Tower the hyra Alara the sand devil live Arena's Champion law mythical Champions and the epic adventure the cursed City with over 100 levels and it does not get stale as features are added regularly so come to the world of Taria and celebrate the fifth anniversary of this ground baking game raid Shadow Legends start your Legend today many thanks for your patience and now on to the main event blood of Steel a pistoler dubel lay on his back looking up at the fire wathed Skies a single tear trailed down his s black and face with loathing he felt it slowly creep down his face on onto his neck he could not move he was paralyzed it was a wonder that he was still alive clinging to the light with a will forged over centuries of struggle despite it all the physical mental and spiritual excruciation he now suffered he could not and would not let go he fought so hard not only for each breath not just for life but also against the rising Tides within him he was almost lost to it he could feel his sanity slipping away in the Maelstrom that were his thoughts he could hear the hum of a bridge subtly in the background he could see the flashes of dark and light he was nearly gone he held on with the very fingertips of his soul using all of his last will to resist it the rage but this left him unprotected from the emotions that CED through him he wept not out of fear not even out of loss certainly not out of weakness but out of sheer frustration he could do nothing in this state if he could let go of his control long enough to strike back he would be lost but it was so hard to watch what he had to experience what he had and to not let go either of life or of his sanity but he would not yield he would never yield he would not give in and make a mockery of hundreds of years of discipline he would not die a beaten howling thing struggling on a broken helic raging impotently as he went into death the light above was thrown into shade as the demon now towered over him a thing at least twice the height of a man its long wide wings curling now around the broken Marine beneath him its touch singed the armor of the Marine as the demon lifted it up so dubiel could see properly it's red face cracked into a Lear as it B duia up to eye level with it the demon had a struggling figure in its grasp its red War plate Gauntlet slamming into the digits of the demon to no avail the demon doar Lor the painbringer slowly brought the struggling Marine up to his Moore like a cat finished playing with its Quarry the demon now pushed brother caramon's head into its jaws and sunk them into his neck the head came off to be spat out by the demon as it now raised the corpse above itself like a delicacy and do Lor drank the blood that profusely shot from The Stomp dubiel thought to Hawkin spit in its eye but he could not his breath now Swift and shallow if he opened his mouth only red funnels would come out he couldn't not do Lor nently discarded the drained brother caraman likee refuges then brought the epistolary closer to him so close dubiel could smell its fitted breath even over the stench of death and blood coming from himself I would take your head peel off the skin and place it before the Lord of skulls yet you are a sorcerer a vile weakling who needs rely on witchcraft a son of War turned to cowardice you are not worthy of his throne the wings changed angle and dubil slid off them onto the ground he could not use his legs to stop himself he could not use his arms to Halt the rooll when at last he skidded to a stop under the weight of his own armor the demon appeared in his vision again but it then reached down and turned the Marine over dubiel now looked only down into the dirt as the demon came in again and whispered in his ear I leave you here to die slowly honorly with the memory of the slaughter of your brothers in arms and and you can do nothing taste sod and Ashes Little Broken dying wizard as I go to upturn all you believed in so fullly dubil lay there as the demon marched off laughing he saw dirt he tasted ashes and he raged but he did not give in even now he closed his eyes he knew that the demon was right the horrors of the day shot before his Mind's Eye how doar Lor fell on them from above utterly unawares it was huge winged and wielded double blades one axxe one sword by the castus the Demon's massive sword planted so deep within him his legs and thighs fell off while his arm still fled the demon then dropped him and stamped on the remains only retaining the head all else was smashed to a paste brother vratas who ran at the fiend Balter raging as he drew his chainsword do Lor ignored the shots even when one broke a horn from his head the axe of the horror came down smashing into the attempted Parry of vratas but the demon was too fast too powerful the thing ax passed straight through vratas without stopping the chain swword still wording on the floor as the two halves of vratas fell apart brother camuel had launched crack grenades of the demon but in this one instance do Lor took defensive action and battered them away with his wings alas the orbs flew directly back to camuel who was then torn apart in their explosion and on and on all 10 of Duo's Honor Guard dead he had slaughtered every Marine that had come with epistolary dubiel only striking at him when all but one other were dealt with and dubil had done his best he had fought with every ounce of his skill yet every last psychic Sally had been disrupted by the huge brass collar that encompassed the Demon's neck each time dubil had attempted to enhance one of his brothers dor was too fast and he executed that Marine before the benefits could manifest he left only brother caramon doar Lor turned on dubil and came in at him like lightning the librarian sent the power of the warp down his blade Roar energies of unmaking dancing on its Edge he fought against dollar Lor with all of his skill yet his blade never touched the blood thirster and the battle was ended with four simple cuts the Demon's axe came down on duell's leg knocking him off his feet the sword came down in his midrift and severed his spine then two more hacks and dubel was left without arms of any use brother caramon had leaped the beast but was swatted against the wall by a massive backand the demon then walked over and scooped up the Marine and the rest was history dubel broke through these memories he fought against a thirst he fought against the black curse he fought against death itself dubel now went into himself he reached within his mind and body and activated the 12th Gene seed organ the sus an membrane awoke and dubia went into hibernation his mind closed down as much as his body and he went into the darkness of the dreamless sleep of suspended animation upon waking the first thing dubil experienced was the sound the blipping of machines of the mechanicum no it was not that as his mind and body slowly awoke dubil could feel himself struggling through a deep fug as if his mind mind was shattered his thoughts Quicksilver and disjointed he had been drugged he could now hear better closer not as if in a bowl and the light now stung his eyes despite being protected by its unopened Lids he could not feel his body his arms his legs he could not feel the air going in and out of his lungs because it was not do opened his eyes and a pristine shine of light of metal burned into his retinas as Focus came he could see the Billows forcing air into his lungs not fire his throat he could not move anything but his head and only under Supreme effort a man in white robes walked from one door heading towards an office he stopped in mid stride as he casually flicked an eye over his now awoken ward he practically dropped his L slate as he rushed to Dub's side he flicked One sensor after another reading the signs before looking down into the eyes of the epistolary it was sangary priest turel who now spoke in somber but gentle tones dubel was in the apothecarium and he knew what tuel would say before it came out of his mouth brother dubil I had feared you were too far gone to wake I cannot be anything but your brother now I must tell you the truth your body is broken there is so little left we could rebuild you but the result you would be a lumpen thing more machine than man forever in pain and even so it might not even be successful and even if successful it might not be for long dubel stared at him steadily fighting through the pain relieving stems had deadened his senses there was something more there had to be juriel had allowed long enough for the reality to sink in and continued but you have a choice I have consulted with the captain you can either accept the emperor's peace or you can accept the highest honor our kind can know you can be interred speak your choice will thou go to fight on eternally at the emperor's side in the other world or Willl thou stay to serve on and duil spoke only one response I choose the honor grant me the method for vengeance and so in the next hours they did tuel nodded grimly then injected more stems into his system tuel's face would be the last thing that dubiel would see with his own eyes she then saw only Blackness it was 3 days later that he awoke fully as his mind returned to Consciousness he panicked for a moment as he felt water in his lungs his mouth then he panicked as he was assailed by the senses of two forms one was warm and snug and motionless surrounded in red his eyes would not open his own heartbeat was echoed back at him through the liquids he was now huddled within like a memory of the womb he felt protected then the other sensory feed came into his mind jumped into existence by the Roar of Machinery outside of his womb his tomb and Visions flickered before his Mind's Eye he heard the hum of the ship the blip and bustle of the forge and before him now stood not only brother turel the sanary priest in his finest white robes but standing next to him was brother kastas in his red Robes of Mars the tarine canasta mumbled litanies as he checked over more data screens it was brother turiel who spake first who are you dubel was confused for a moment as he instinctively retorted yet sound that came out I am epistolary juel of the blood Sion of the chapter known as the blood Spears curiel nodded and smiled warmly at him him good this is so now please move your right arm can you do that and for the next hours they went through checks and tests Dub's body was now thing remade it was odd indeed but there was no pain not that this would make any difference to him dubil was a stes he was a Space Marine and he thought to himself about his new form his new existence it was like unto the black carpus and the way he felt in his old war plade when he dawned the power armor he could feel through it sense from it like a second skin and this present sensation was of a similar order but of a different degree he was one with a casing that he was now intered within he could see through its senses could hear through its aspects arrays he could feel and touch and even run this decision took turiel and kastas off guard for never had they seen a brother take to the armor with such speed before or at least in living memory and this is what they told him at Test's end he was now much taller than his brothers much wider and dubil knew it would take ordinance or specialized Armature to pierce his new skin he tested his strength and control and found he could lift a rhino manipulated with ease though his hand was now so wide it could engulf a man though it could crush ceramite as if it were paper it was like his own his Weaponry activated he could reach out and touch others with melter or B to fire by extending his arm and instead of ordering his finger to press down on a trigger he now did so at a whim instead he was one with every part of this great dreadn armor yet one last thing remained and neither chel nor canastas could offer any assistance now he centered in his new form and delved within he looked in into his very Soul tubil calmed himself and reached for that which had always been with him since he received his second heart all those years ago for it was then that his gifts were granted to him by the blood of the Angel himself and he reached into the void and there it was nothing had changed as he opened his mind and reached for the warp he grasped it ever as e easily as he did whilst breathing he felt his Spirit wings and the power of the blood suffuse him he extended his mind and a dart of power sheared from his soul warp changed rage honed into a Razor's Edge as it sailed forward he was still who he was he was still an epistolary a psycher both turiel and canastas finally sat satisfied dubil took himself off to the place he had to go he headed to the bridge the huge blast doors screeched as they opened wider than they had in decades and in marched dubil into the expensive bridge heading towards its Center all watched him as he moved fluidly yet ungainly to stand at the foot of the stairs to the captain captain jofel was Stern as he stood and then walked down the stairs towards the new librarian dreadn and then he saluted dubiel copied the motion as best he could one arm had no hand so it was not perfect of course for his left arm ended in a hand indeed but his right did not there sat a weapon of surpassing power more than a recompense for a fist Captain jofeld then spoke my heart Hearts fill with pride to see you walk amongst us again epistolary this world is lost we prepare to launch cyclonic missiles the dreadn then retorted I say nay Captain jofel did not flinch or miss a beat as his right eyebrow shot up a matter of Honor brother I retorted the dreadn Lord and your B responded you know I should not risk such an acid such a potent and rare Warrior Soul let alone that which holds it a game without compare an ancient artifact that may never be replaced you see my conundrum epistolary dubiel make your case dubiel then began the pity it is not that simple my brother my Captain to deal in numbers and strengths Munitions and assets I see thy concerns thy needs as Commander yet I make one counter we are the blood we are the sons of the Angel and we know what does it matter if we are fully equipped if the Galaxy itself Burns around our keeps what does it matter if we are victorious if we forget who we are what does it matter if we live if we suffer the arch enemy to Lord over us down there is a demon who thinks himself the equal of our Valor down there is a demon who has drunk of the blood and not known in accounting down there is a red lipped demon who spits on our Glory I will go and alone if I have to but I shall go for it is the light of sanguinius himself that shines in my eyes it is his wrath that now moves me it is his honor I set above my own existence then with his words to my ears I say in his name I shall not suffer the unclean to live all looked on entranced Captain joffer nodded at last as he responded and in his name I shall not stand in your way go take what men will follow you on this March of Doom bring our father's righteous flame unto his enemies dubiel turn to begin his March yet there he did see it for many of the Space Marines who stood on the bridge now turned and saluted to the captain jofel they requ requested permission to leave their duties and follow dubel and for his part the captain nodded again to each in turn and they marched down to the bays and then out onto the drop pods they marched the 10 who came with him stepped into a teardrop of ceramite he himself had traveled in more times than he could recall before dubiel with stood a drop pod of equal shape but of different magnitude for it was by far the largest he had ever witnessed and it had to be for jubal's form was now near 4 M High over three wide two in length alone he weighed 12 tons or more near as much as an entire Squad of his Brethren and down they went dubil heard the rumble of the Pod through the muffled comals of his suit he felt its judder as it descended like a caress of the skin instead of a pummeling from the GES he would have felt if he were still a man of Flesh and Blood and then the deceleration burst straight before he struck down explosions rippled across the door frame as turbos then powered down the doors into massive ramps before him before even exiting the metal confines of the drop pod dubiel sensed the enemies in their multitudes his the storm bter roared as he walked down onto the face of the planet the neverborn exploded under his wroth shells piercing their forms and exploding from within red horns and teeth bones and chains rained across the environment as his brothers the other Space Marines added their own barks of Rage the enemy were forced back and like all of their evil stripe they turned tail and ran cowards but dubil then ended his mind he touched the warp and he drew on its power like black sludge across his soul yet he twisted it and formed it and then sent it forth a scream of his own a challenge sent out in a language these filth could understand and it what passed through their minds for miles around his challenge resounded dolor come to me demon we are not done me and thee dolor come demon return to the fry if you dare and dubil did not have long to wait before he was rewarded there above the cathedral marked brother Bonito duil looked up and Bonito was not wrong for there it sat its wings wrapped around itself yet looking down as if any other rather gargoyle but it was of course many times the size of the stone figures it emulated dubil raised his right arm into the air one with the sinistrum grade Weaponry built into it the type of his dread Nord was clearly that of the base chassis of a Furioso but where there should have been two fists in one there was a false hird as sharp as a custodes blade with all of the Power of a dreadnut strength behind it even were it not a focus for his potent it would still be a thing of dread to all of the enemies of the Imperium yet it was a weapon built on Outlaw technology and it was a focus for all of Dub's Mystic might Dub's challenge was answered as the thing unfurled its wings and stood tall its huge arms wide ax and sword Reed in fire dripping blood ready for The Fray it took one step off the building side and then swooped down down diving straight towards its prey juel yet this time it did not have the advantage of surprise now dor sped a dubil openly and he was ready for it dor came down so fast yubia surprised him to good effect he grasped the warp and formed it to his will as a son of the Angel he knew The Godly ways had mastered that which only the Angel could teach he remembered his training and the sanguinary discipline and deployed it now dark red blood hued energies burst from his back and swept into the form of two Wings he beat them twice and launched from the ground to meet doar Lor in midair Court unawares dollar Lor could not alter course fast enough and duel slammed his fist towards the being knowing he would be blocked easily dubel was surprised where before the demon could sweep such an assault aside with ease but this was with but the force of an aartis behind it now Dub's fist smashed into the blade of do Lor and forced it backwards cutting into the brass ring at its neck and severing it the two hars falling away fire and lava blood jetted from his self-inflicted wound in the top of its shoulder and his howl would have perforated any mortal eardrum in its vicinity juel simply turned down his auditory senses he could gain all the satisfaction he needed with his eyes he did not need to hear its screams doar Lor nearly struck the ground only arresting his course by sweeping his wings wide bringing him to a near Stillness and in that moment dubel Twisted in the air ungainly as it may have looked a Lim Square in the heavens and he Unleashed his spear he called upon upon the warp again and formed it into the blood spear many meters long it was made from his hate of the scum and it flew towards the demon as fast as any last Cannon discharge dubiel had aimed well for in the instant that a demon slowed the blood spear tore through its right wing tattering it the power of the spear did not only Ser a fleshy form but also sent waves of Red Energy crashing down the membrane of its wing and into its body burning dollar Lor viciously the demon threw back its head but dubil did not hear its Bellow it landed now and with it pause launched its axe into the air at dubiel tumbling end on end towards him he had but a mere nanc to react his body was not fast enough and he defended himself with his gifts again a shell of dark red energy enveloped juel as he called upon the shield of sanguinius the demonic axe smashed into it and shattered it easily but much of the force of its throw was removed from its flight when the axe did connect the armor plating on the dreadnut shoulder rang and sizzled but it did not collapse it did not break dubell swept up his halet into the axe as it fell and sent it King off into the distance now the demon only had his sword do Lor shook his fist a DW Bell his tattered wing prev preventing him from engaging dubell in the skies and so dubil Dove down towards him guns blazing doar Lor dance sideways to avoid the metal blast but merely used the bter shot as a shower to ease his muscles as a pinged off his demonic hide like a summer's rain but dubil did not fly directly towards a demon just in case it was playing lame duck for the Marine could not tell if he would regenerate that appendage and use it in the nick of time and so he landed before the demon Yubel did not feel that the melter shots were enough to put the demon off his stride so he reached into the warp again and he grasped more power than ever before and he used it the Demon's legs flexed as he seemed ready to charge directly at dubel yet the librarian's power kicked in faster and dollor went down onto his knees in pain as the power of dubil CED through his very veins and turned them into fire hissing came from the eyes and mouth of doar Lor as bursts of Red Mist came from them both it was the blood that dubiel had boiled under his very skin it came out wherever it could yet the demon was not yet done and fainted weakness to go the blood Angel into making a mistake for no demon of corn is ever stopped by me pain do Lor took to his feet just as juel rushed at him a spurk now playing on his lips as he lashed out with his fail blade yet jubel was almost his own size now and definitely an equal in strength nor was he slow in fact dubil despite being in Jed not armor now moved as liely and as swiftly as an unburned near fight in the fighting pens for he invoked the last relevant ability in the sanary discipline he allowed the power of the warp to fill him and it changed his very way of being it was not like permitting the black Rage or red thirst to take over he was in total control yet his form acted as if augmented by both of those curses he Unleashed his rage yet it was the Rage of the Angel it was his wrath thus it was clear dubiel was still in control this rage was pure and as jubil moved faster than anything the demon had ever seen he landed blow after blow on the sword of doar Lor who Moved like the wind in his own defense again and again dubiel pummeled at the demon with his left arm forcing him back and at the very last dubiel fed caution a hesitation for a mere Split Second as if tired by his burst of Fury and in that second the demon howled in Victory and raised his blade high and he revealed his own undoing dubil stepped forward and struck as fast as he was mere seconds ago as the demon looked down on his left arm preparing to block the Power Fist it was then the do Lor's eyes widen like plates as juel plunged his Force halber right into the midst of his chest the edges of the halir tore through the skin of the demon like it was passing through water and embedded in its very bones it was then the dubiel Unleashed his power along its Edge and down into dollar Lor's body which stuttered on the halber like a fish caught on a hook with every second he spasmed dollar Lor burned from the inside out at the last he discorporated now ashes on the Wind as he was thrown from this plane banished back into the void dubel stepped back then looked at his brothers who were keeping back the Lesser demons they killed with efficiency and purpose and none would pass their vigil jubil opened comms to the ship above a message for Captain jofel I now request immediate extraction honor has been satisfied within the hour the blood angels all stood on the bridge and watched the world go from a red hued fire pit to a baron broken thing of dead gray as the cyclonic missiles penetrated the crust and dug down to the core then exploded the planet fell to Pieces Captain jofel turned and addressed the men we have lost another world for the Imperium but we have not lost our souls there will be other battles other worlds and we the son of sanguinius will be there next time we will stop them I have been baldemort your faithful servant I hope you have enjoyed my story about librarian dreadnots of the blood angels now do hit the links in the description to check out rage Shadow Legends and see if it's for you it's quite jolly and quite a laugh now as usual hit like And subscribe give us a comment if you're able and if you feel it was worthy now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun Tulu
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 38,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k lore, warhammer lore, baldermort, Warhammer guide, warhammer for beginners, Blood angels lore, warhammer imperial lore, warhammer 40k blood angels lore, warhammer space marines lore, warhammer audiobook, librarian dreadnought lore, dreadnought lore, blood angels lore, blood angels librarian dreadnoughts, 40k lore dreadnoughts, baldemort, blood angels stories, MOST POWERFUL DREADNOUGHTS IN WARHAMMER 40K? LIBRARIAN DREADNOUGHTS, MOST POWERFUL DREADNOUGHTS IN WARHAMMER
Id: Rt2YeUtwPZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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