THE CALL (2020) Ending Explained

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hey how's it going everybody welcome to fount flicks on this inning explained we're looking at the recent netflix original the call where two women are connected by a phone in the same house but 20 years apart and a serial killer puts one woman's past and life on the line to change her own fate right so the call is one of those magical phone that can communicate through time kind of deals and you know changing things in the past affects the present and no we don't ever find out why the phone is magic it's just magic deal with it this is maybe a bit reminiscent of frequency but geez that's already 20 years old at this point and so a new take on that concept is perhaps overdue fortunately the call does a lot of interesting things with this concept it actually did have some nice surprises and twists that i didn't see coming it does well it evolving how things correlate between times in important ways while also spending a lot of time developing our two leads burgeoning friendship between time which naturally takes a much darker turn when we start to learn who young sook really is it does get a bit confusing and hard to follow as more and more time shenanigans are occurring and in particular the very end gives us one more surprising bit twist that changes everything so let's dive into the call breaking down the time hopping story including what we learn about our two main characters and who they really are along with explaining the ending and its final big twist in a quite lovely landscape a young woman ceo yen totes her luggage a small van approaches backing up to give her a ride spotting on the back that the man sung ho is a neighbor strawberry farmer xio yen is returning to her old family home after many years and learned that her mother is in the hospital she has apparently lost her phone he offers to use his but she remembers there is a landline inside he sighs calling their house still the best in the village and it seems nice enough on the outside inside is a different story all but abandoned and run down for years tio yin going around the house to open curtains to let some dang light in the place she finds that old cordless phone and plugs it in dialing her cell number she's greeted by a voice asking to come and get it and they seize the opportunity to ask for some cash in exchange and they simply say they'll call back and hang up she tries to call again and it doesn't go through for some reason she uses her laptop to trace the phone's location and gets another call but it's not who found her phone but a girl young sook saying that her mom is insane and has locked her in the house baffled she asks who she's trying to reach and thinking it must be a wrong number hangs up at the hospital we discover that her mother is ill with a brain tumor that must be removed the doctor's voice fading away into a ringing noise she discusses with her mother and the surgery is exceedingly expensive her mom suggests a friend of hers who works in insurance to take care of the payment and besides it's not like she can make up 100 million won which is about 92 grand usd working at a convenience store it's not made clear why exactly yet but seo yen despises her mother when she asks if she should be buried with or beside her father she sees how could you say something like that thinking that she deserves to be buried next to him frustrated she throws down her apple and puts on her coat leaving in a huff she then pays a visit to her father's grave and later comes home to the phone ringing it's young sook again again saying her mom is trying to kill her begging her to come over now she says that she was dialing someone called soon he's stored it's yo yin thinks that she's just playing a joke and hangs up later passed out on the couch we see that she has burn scars of some kind on her legs she's awoken by a loud clatter and searches the house not finding anything that is until she goes to hammer her nail into the wall and it passes right through appearing hollow on the other side she rips open a larger hole in the wall big enough to see through peering down to a set of stairs leading further below there she finds a plush teddy bear in a chair she cautiously approaches a box finding belongings stuffed inside including a diary and a bunch of pictures of one dude marked august 1999. there's mentions of fire flooding that repels ghosts by burning them and mother sets me on fire she reads a photo falls out of a young girl but she doesn't recognize her she asks seong ho if he does and he does muttering her name is young soup based on the belongings found she asked if she was a shaman no but her mother was he informs her he remembers only vaguely that the mother and daughter lived in the house back in the 90s she tries to ask for more details but his dog appropriately called strawberry takes his attention away seeing the photo of the girl is dated november 26 1999. passing through town she stops at sun he's thor the woman mentioned on the phone by yongsuk and growing frightened quickens her pace staring into the hole in the wall the phone rings begging sunni to come help sounding exasperated going on her mother is setting her on fire followed by thumping and loud screams we then peek back to 1999 young sook being dragged down the hall by her mom the phone seen on the ground she lights a weird ball thing on fire she tries to run but gets caught dropping the flame thing on the stairs seeing in the present smoke still coming out of the hole and clicks on her flashlight noticing the stairs are now charred and smoldering seeing the direct aftermath of what occurred 20 years ago here later she calls asking why she didn't come yesterday ceo yin asks her address and learned that they are indeed in the same house she's in now but again 20 years earlier she brings up seeing her picture from the 29th but young sook is confused as it's only the 18th right now she asks about what she saw in the diary about her mother's oppression and matches what she told her jungsuk thinking that she must be watching her somehow she goes on explaining that even if it is hard to believe they are living in the same house and to prove this she does an internet search for november 18 99 finding a story about a plane crash that occurs later that night sitting down for what looks to be a fairly unappetizing dinner youngsik's mom commands that she eat it while she is entranced by a fried chicken joint commercial looks good she stabs at the offering scoffing you call this food and she throws back oh you want to go back to the mental institution and wind up like your mother clarifying that she's not actually her mom after all it's her aunt and hinting at possible mental illness at play with a girl she angrily starts stuffing her face with food shoveling more and more in her mom grows angry and pulls her hair back [ __ ] up this all happening due to bad feng shui and is hopeful that she'll be better after they leave this house to a surprise on the news there's word of a plane crash occurring just as she said yongsu calls back asking how she knew about it and learned they both are the same age of 28. she flips through the diary seeing many pictures of a singer and pulls up a video playing it over the phone for her youngsook hasn't heard this song and apparently this her favorite singer makes a comeback in 2000 her admitting that it does sound like him staring at her walls adorned with more photos of the singer she regales her with more tales of the future like the wonders of smartphones music and photos and all that crap is now on your phone she smirks in disbelief and asks if she can find out what happens in her life she is about to do a search but stops young soup divulging that her mom always says that she was cursed with bad fortune and born with a brutal atrocious fate that's pretty dramatic xio yin asks oh she doesn't get along with her mom and she reveals that her birth mom is dead see how yen can relate having lost her father in a fire at her home and it was her mom that forgot to turn off the gas seeing her telltale scars and now we understand why she has a grudge against her mother blaming her for her father's demise the past and present soon collide in a surprising way when young xio yin along with her family take a tour of the house back in 99. as mentioned her faux mom wanted to sell it and so it makes sense that it was the kim family that moved in after them upstairs her mom asks about a particular room ah that's just my daughter's she commands her to open the door yang xio yin finding her scary mr kim laughs apologizing that she didn't mean it and young sook asks the girl's name now realizing who it is she calls her in the present holding out the phone hearing her family talking to the realtor ceo yen shooting up in amazement and instantly tears up at hearing her father's voice and perhaps even stranger hears her own child age voice as well she proposes that this turn of events has given her a fun idea perhaps she can somehow bring her dad back to life november 27th in fact today is the date of his death and young puts her plan into action her mom leaves and she gets to the door just in time to sneak outside making it to a bus and following an address yo yen gave her we see her mom actually leave which indicates that perhaps it wasn't her fault after all she snatches a hidden key under a pot the fire on the stove growing in intensity we see her dad as passed out the child taking an opportunity to play with him indeed now done the scars on her leg immediately vanish and in a quite cool visual display the ground starts to burn and she is suddenly enshrouded in darkness stuff flies all around her and things begin to reassimilate in a new way her surroundings now look entirely different including even her with longer hair the house is much brighter and more well tended to now and she runs outside to the front of the house staring in disbelief could it be she rushes to a nearby greenhouse finding her mom looking healthy and watering their mini plants and lo and behold mr kim emerges showing off a frog he found she starts tearing up and gives him a big old hug she calls young sook and thanks her things aren't great for a young sook though sporting fresh cuts on her back meanwhile things are better than ever for ceo yen sitting down to an impressive meal the family reunited and it feels so good the two-time pals start to form a real bond recording over old tapes of young sooks with new music played by her over the phone and sticks the tapes in her closet her later seeing a hand drawing left behind on the wall and joins her hand on it too the two connected in a way across time though soon a rift grows between them as ceo yen becomes more preoccupied with her family and doesn't answer the calls as much leaving jungsuk hurt and lonely their contrasting lives are illustrated further with sio yen working the grill while young sook sits alone eating the exact same crap from before looking for lauren she keeps calling and calling and getting no answer until sometime later when returning home she rushes to her room to answer young sook saying nothing at first then asks what's wrong with her thinking that she wanted her to call back xio yen apologizes as she was out with her parents oh she snickers and both awkwardly laugh brushing it off seemingly though the laughter turns to whimpering and croaking her breathing getting aggressive and she starts growing upset yelling [ __ ] goddammit and [ __ ] [ __ ] hearing a loud clattering nearby then a scream and a gasp sio yen yells for her friend and her mom answers warning to not call her ever again or she'll get hurt down in the basement mom ties her up and throws some dust on her or something yelling to let her go she jingles a bunch of shaman bells and starts whipping her mercilessly young suck groaning as mom goes off on her and has a seizure falling back to the ground mom gets up close speaking in tongues and grabs her chin flashing to someone scrubbing up blood all over the floor as this strange ritual does seem to have given mom some kind of prophetic horrifying psychic visions ceo yen wakes up startled and must not have heard from her friend in a while and does a search for her online turning up nothing in the past mom dressed in black carries a chicken and a bag and comes too soon he's soared where she spots her and runs away but she decides to pay a visit anyway assumedly part of her plan to kill her foe daughter in a ritualistic way gotta have chickens sio yen turns up a story that backs us up the headline stepmom murders step daughter via an exorcism designed to cure mental illness growing concern she waits by the phone until it rings youngsook impressed that she answered so quickly today she asks where her mom is and tells her to listen carefully gravely stating that she thinks she's going to die tonight and that technically already did die in the house mom digs out a hefty knife from a fish tank creaking into her room in the shadows she lifts the knife and starts stabbing at the blankets but there's no blood or anything wait what the heck kind of exorcism is that anyway just stabbing somebody that's weird what was the chicken for you just stab the [ __ ] out of one and then you eat chicken i don't know naturally thanks to the warning young sook steps out and closes the door behind her you really killed me she whispers then yells demanding to know why certain death is your future she claims sending youngsook into hysterics laughing maniacally and grabs a fire extinguisher and lets it rip filling the room in a haze she snatches the knife away again demanding to know why she killed her she starts speaking in tongues again and she brings the knife down on her blood splattering onto the wall she calls ceo yen breathing a sigh of relief when hearing that her and her mother came to an understanding without going into much detail about it she's still worried asking if she's gonna be okay and that's not an issue young sook describing feeling like she's been reborn she finally has freedom and goes to the city and munches down on some of that famous fried chicken from the commercial and continues to a clothing store next door to get some fresh duds seong-ho comes over to the house with some fresh drops for the family in the present xio yin bites down on one leaving a small stain on her sleeve as back in the past he pays a visit as well seeing that yongsuk has a whole new look and drags him inside noticing that she has tons of clothing bags everywhere he asked about her mom's whereabouts but she doesn't answer asking him to pick between two outfits he's unsure admitting that he doesn't know much about these things and she groans really and runs off leaving him confused he goes to the fridge discovering many plastic bags that apparently have quite a stank to them one tumbles out a blood trail emerging from the bag and seeing a finger inside he freaks out and backs away terrified which of course is right when youngseok returns frustrated she asks why did he have to open that and goes for her trusty fire extinguisher she calls ceoyn sobbing and hearing sunho groaning she's going to kill me then hearing bone snapping youngsook annoyed as she just got these clothes and the call dies well that's concerning the stain on her shirt suddenly vanishes and when coming back downstairs sung ho has vanished as well she asks her parents about it and they have no idea who she is talking about she rushes to his farm finding a sign on the ground that must have been there for quite some time and comes across a grow house now long abandoned and falling apart her next stop is the police station the first officer doesn't even know who the guy is but another pipes up asking why she's looking for someone that died ages ago he died she asked befuddled and he retrieves a police notebook on the case he was the victim and young sook was his murderer and it all occurred at the assailant's house in the past the investigation into his whereabouts is just beginning officers showing up the house to take witness statements youngsook lies as she doesn't know who he is or even about the farm and it looks like she's about to get away with it starting to close the door but an officer notices the piles of strawberries uh aren't those strawberries right there huh so they pop in on her all oh right he was handing them out yesterday it must have been mom that took them they then asked to speak with her telling them that she went somewhere far and left two days ago as the officer points out this contradicts her story didn't you say that she left yesterday all right yesterday then him scratching it out and correcting the info in his notebook xiaoyen next visits the lady store asking about yongsuk and she describes her as being well behaved and will listen to her talk about her drunk dad and sometimes sneak snacks into her room she pulls up her legs seeing it's all messed up stating if it wasn't for her mom she'd be dead now so maybe the actual ant wasn't so crazy after all as we come to learn that perhaps she had reason to keep young sick locked up if you crazy she calls her pal busy tending to body parts and ceo yen gets right to it asking if she killed her mom and sung ho she sighs saying she has no idea what she's talking about she reads from a paper about a serial killer being sentenced to life in prison life sentence so i rot in jail for the rest of my life she groans and well inadvertently spilled the beans as well she's unwilling to give up her new life however and tries to use the time situation to her advantage once more demanding that ceo yen find whatever evidence the police discovered that damned her she's hesitant but reminds her about saving her dad's life and all that and frightened she hangs up this only enrages yongsuk further calling her a [ __ ] for hanging up on her and keeps insulting her until she hangs up again she flips her lid yelling at the phone and goes nuts punching at the bags of body parts in the sink understanding the sudden dark turn that things have taken co yen rips the phone out of the wall and already she's trying to call again blood pouring out from the sink behind her getting no answer the line keeps ringing at the police station there's some startling news that comes in via facts mentioning young sook's anti-social as well as borderline personality disorder oh that's not good she continues trying the phone over and over until she's drawn away by a knock on the door she gets your extinguisher ready and see it's little ceo yen and mr kim as they were supposed to meet her mother earlier about the house but she never showed up at the realtor's office he asks if she's home and young sook smirks calling out to her to no answer of course shrugging last you must have fallen asleep and invites them to wait inside in the present ceo yin is with her dad her appearing worried he pulls over and smiles asking her to come as in the past they're hanging out in the living room unaware of yongsuk entering walking past them with her favorite extinguisher mr kim is teaching his daughter to drive apparently they then approach a tunnel just as in the past mr kim is whopped with a fire extinguisher and instantly starts to change things due to this glass shatters and her dad's face starts flaking away the windshield explodes her screaming dad no and the car dissolves to nothing all she can do is watch as he's ripped away once more little sio yen backs away in the fog seeing her slashing at her dad on the ground in the tunnel the lights click back on and she's now on the ground all alone well [ __ ] young sook that was pretty rude i gotta say she approaches the little girl telling her it was her fault for not picking up the phone and chides her for the mess that she's made in the present she's also returned to her shorter hair look and runs all the way back home and it too has reverted to its run-down appearance she finds writing scrawled in blood on the ground to pick up the phone and hears it ringing she digs through rubble to find it asking what did you do to my dad she only responds that she warned her not to disconnect the phone asking if she knows about how chickens still run around after their heads are cut off chuckling that her dad was kind of like that [ __ ] you she yells her cackling in response asking how she's gonna do that it's not like she can even come here oh wait she is already here isn't she seeing that she has captured her younger self and strapped her to a chair she offers her one hour to find out how the police arrested her and goes on oh don't you hate your mom as well she loses her [ __ ] yelling and knocking stuff around so with no other choice she begins to search for how she was caught as young sook is busy cleaning up the writing and bloody mess all over the dating place matching up with those brief glimpses seen in her mom's visions of sorts earlier as yeo sin learns there was some kind of greenhouse explosion that killed two people that occurs at 5 pm today in the past a key evidence was found by a junk scavenger and calls to tell her it's the knife you threw away police find fingerprints on it gotta get there before the police this seems in fact to be a setup by yosen to take her out as she goes to the junkyard just before five a spark goes off inside the building starting a fire with the gas tanks causing a huge explosion that goes off when she's right outside but doesn't get her well that was a close one tricky tricky yosen but now she's gonna be even more pissed i'd wager she waits impatiently looking absolutely terrified and gets startled when her cell phone alarm goes off chuckling well it must have worked since i'm still alive the landline then rings and when she finally answers it it's the younger her on the other end she gasped that she's scared and pleased for help as jungsuk takes the phone away almost had me there she admits asking how does such a sweet kid grow up to be such a [ __ ] she wonders if she'll be able to hear this over the phone boiling some water she pleased to listen to her but she isn't going on that her mom told her peachwood is good for warding off evil spirits thinking that she's possessed by a lying spirit bringing up the boiling pot up to the girl and starts counting ceo yen tries to apologize but to no avail hearing flash squelching and fresh burn scars appear on her body screaming in pain on the ground to make matters worse young silk reveals in a sing-songy voice guess who's coming right now and plays a message from her mom saying she's on her way to the house she teases telling her that she's got something to say she's dying to know bringing up how her dad died in the fire well it wasn't her mom's fault and we go back to the original moment with the pot seeing mom actually shuts off the flame and as you remember actually saw her leaving after this ceo yen is watching a weird kid's program about gas and being careful when turning it on watch for gas watch for fire the stove sings okay is that a kid show well it's like an acid trip though we don't see what happens we see her later in the hospital with burned legs the implication being that ceo yen was actually responsible for the accident that killed her dad not her mother as she led herself to believe she wasn't even there yongsuk calls her an expert in this field that of being a pathological liar and knows how much she hates her mom suggesting that she should just kill her for her desperate to stop her cnn breaks into the police station and snatches the journal for her case reporting evidence was indeed found by a 76 year old junk collector and young sook is able to get to him first and retrieve the knife before getting caught thusly the ink starts to vanish in the journal while mom is giving the police a statement and that changes more in the book that's it though they're annoyed asking if they're even going to search the house gotta work according to protocols he states leaving the station disappointed an officer runs out wanting to show her something he asked if that was the address mentioning a missing person's report from there and more changes start occurring not just the ink but photos of young sook and the knife fade away seeing that she's burning it in a trash fire and effectively destroying the evidence and getting away with all these murders yo the owl starts to rumble around her things changing once more her eyes darting around the room befuddled several fridges are seen filling the entire room and an assortment of extinguishers in another making it appear youngstook has grown into quite a prolific serial killer we see a woman's silhouette on the other side of a divider on the phone overhearing listen you might get killed youngster in the past answered the door to an officer reading from the journal that they started searching indoors accompanied by the missing child's mother and used a cordless phone joe since searches for the phone in the strange surroundings the clock chimes seeing that they are counting down to the year 2000. the officer continues asking questions about their whereabouts as mom finds one of ceo yen's bows on the ground certain that it belongs to her daughter mom asks if she can check upstairs young said casually telling her and go ahead while c.l yen is doing the same in the present and sees the wall leading to downstairs wide open and descends down to what appears to now be young sook's murder basement coming across a surgical table and chair caked in blood she finds the phone there rushing to grab it while in the past they don't turn anything up mom too asks to use the phone but youngstick says it's broken she grabs it anyway hearing a dial tone sounds fine she says co yen stares at it waiting and answers it's her mom on the line she yells to get out of the house right now or she'll kill you and she's bonked in the back of the head and the phone goes dead the officer asked who it was her confused saying that they called her her mom and told her to run we immediately see why this is when yongsuk surprises the officer with a knife in the back while young sook in the present ask what's wrong didn't you want your mom dead seeing that she has a scar on her neck she believes the two are in fact quite alike the phone ringing again both struggling to get it flinging each other around the room youngstook gets her by the neck choking her she bites her arm to get free and getting back to her feet she tackles her through a wall and finally is able to get the phone youngsook's still in hot pursuit in the past mom 2 runs upstairs also being chased by her both seeking refuge in the same room locking the door young sook starts bashing at it yelling for her to open it and her mom calls back she instructs her to chill and find something to use as a weapon seeing only a fire extinguisher available she starts breaking the door now in the present and then in the past hearing young ceo yen begging for help right outside she cracks the door open and sees her tied up on the ground and runs to her comforting her that her mom is here youngstook slices her in the back while present youngsook smiles through a hole she's banged in the door while ceoyan screams to her mother asking if she can hear her young sook about to get the mom in the head with the knife she stomps it with her hand blood running down the two struggle in the past seeing new damage done in the present due to their fighting marks on the walls and windows shattering seo yen cries she's sorry for what she said about her just as young sook gets the handle open to let herself in she comes out licking her lips covered in more blood descending upon the young girl doing the same in the present she takes out the knife but mom gets to her first tackling her and both plummeting over the side of the railing the present young sook vanishes her all alone in the even more run-down abode but what happened to her mom she runs to the hospital to her room but it's another woman there so she goes to the graveyard finding an updated one for her dad mark december 11. she hears someone call her name it's her mom alive and well asking why she didn't answer the phone she's called so many times she wonders why she's dressed like this worried that she'll catch cold seeing a scar on her neck and on her hand too when she hands over the scarf what do i do with you she smiles if dad saw you he would say you're still a baby the two leave the graveyard together and it seems that everything worked out all right in the end and at least she did patch up things with her mom but not so fast as the phone rings again the same woman saying hello going back to the conversation ceo yen overheard in the present when things first changed into her being at the serial killer hq and it's actually her younger self that she's calling giving her the heads up that she might be killed informing her seo yen's mother will be arriving soon seeing them in her eyeballs reflection so thanks to this future warning this must change things once again back to the present young sook tells her to keep the phone on her if things don't work out as that's the only way they can change things we see past young sook on the ground blood pooled at her head yet isn't dead after all after falling over the railing we cut back to the graveyard seeing ceon's mother blip away to nothing meaning that what must have actually happened in the new past is that her mom must have died in their throwdown and what we previously saw she wasn't aware of what was coming but obviously things will go down differently this time all thanks to these changes the present leads to another new victim for young sook someone seen struggling under a sheet and it's ceo yen tied up just as your younger self was prior ah dang wow so after all that young sook had one final fail-safe in place she was the woman on the phone in the silhouette or whatever when time changed again it was thanks to this that prior to the final showdown pass youngsook was able to intervene and get to her friend first it's also unfortunate as seo yen was the only other one who knew about the magic foam so with her out of the picture it's most likely that young sook will indeed become the prolific serial killer seen at the end and now there's no one who can stop her from this fate this outcome does also tie back into her in this mutated new timeline dead ants whole shaman thing initially we were under the impression that the ant is the cuckoo one more or less torturing her de facto daughter well it is still true i guess but now we understand the reasoning behind it she must have sent something off with young sook mentally for some time and thanks in particular to those bloody visions was worried of her potentially murderous future if things had progressed without the magic phone's involvement youngsook would have been killed by her ending things way before she grew into a full-fledged serial killer but thanks to the phone and the girl's friendship things got all kinds of messed up resulting in a much more terrifying future for the girl that brings us to the conclusion of the wacky time adventures of the call i did find this one quite entertaining and many of the twists were actually surprising in particular that final mid credits one i was like what the [ __ ] i thought everything was alright not so fast pal it set out to do something specific and executed its concept quite well there's also something about korean movies even if they're not like mind-blowingly amazing they still beat the absolute crap out of most american stuff nowadays just something about their style i don't know i dig it and don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media platforms at foundflix what did you guys think of the call in its ending what's your favorite korean horror flick let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching foundflix see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 997,838
Rating: 4.9622688 out of 5
Keywords: the call 2020, the call ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, the call, the call korea, korean horror, new netflix, netflix horror, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, twist, explanation, meaning, netflix, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: x4uaz3eDFYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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