SPELL (2020) Ending Explained

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hey what's up everybody welcome to fountain flicks on this city explained we're looking at spell following a well-to-do family that crashes in rural appalachia and awakens in the attic of a traditional hudu practitioner he attempts to break free from her dark magic and save his family from a sinister ritual before the rise of the blood moon i did like this one for the most part but it does falter a bit thanks to feeling a bit repetitive at points and settles into some pretty well-worn cliches i mean the whole evil redneck thing has been done many times where the strengths lie for me is its interesting perspective on race yes the cast is entirely poc which is great and it actually explores the idea of racism even within black people our lead family is very well to do and kind of off in their own entitled world and even look down on their country counterparts that's the big idea behind the story in particular how it relates to our protagonist mark and that's the strongest part of the movie to me his personal journey in being forced to face the past he's been trying to escape in order to really be at peace with who he is as well as where he came from so we'll be focusing in on his arc that develops over the course of the story and how it develops who mark really is at his core along with looking at the who do magic at play and how it works as well as explaining the ending that leaves us knowing things didn't turn out so cut and dry at first we hear the voice of a man yelling for mark a boy screaming sounding like he's being with and see that grown-up mark still bears the physical scars of this abuse but come to understand that it has even deeper repercussions either way looks like he's doing pretty good for himself putting on a slick suit in his monstrous abode his wife is weirdly trapped in a room and after giving her some playful excuses about being unwilling to kick down a 1500 door he caves using a lockpick to get it open with ease 1500 door damn bro but also i bet that lock picking skill will come in handy later what do you bet we see he is a high power lawyer seemingly this guy's star attorney referring to him as his personal gladiator however he's worried he might have lost his bite on their latest case due to the plaintiff being black but he retorts that the lawyers are white lily white in fact it's not that he's going easy on him due to his color but why use fists when you have yet to exhaust words and the guy realizes he's right as usual that's why i love you but he corrects he doesn't do it for love but money he then gets a call about a family member from kentucky learning that his father has died and there's some matters of his estate to resolve he discusses this with his family which seems to be quite a sore spot for mark having not seen his father since he was a child and ran away admitting that he was not a kind man and was stuck in time a bit b thinking that this could help him bring some closure to what are obviously very deep wounds his kids joke if they even have electricity or plumbing out there and even like oh what do they got black people or not but v puts her foot down cancel whatever plans you guys had because they're all going together to pay their final respects it's funny how even from this one interaction they make it clear that the kids are kind of spoiled brats which leads me to think it's mark kind of overcompensating in a way giving them anything that they want and well this is the inevitable result ty is having a social media bullying issue but thinks that his dad won't understand he advises him to not fight that's what they expect from us already it seems much of his behavior is entirely designed about rebuking expectations at every turn they fly themselves to kentucky in his private cessna again dang boy big leagues over here pilot and everything too he appreciates the scenery however the kids aren't really paying any attention when he asks about putting some music on he flips to i put a spell on you appropriately enough reminiscing about how i used to sing it to v they make a landing on a quite suspect looking airstrip in the middle of freaking nowhere pulling into a gas station to fuel up hey i've just got my plane cool if i park here or what yeah sweet thanks tai is impressed wondering how he even found the place but he shrugs it off nah they got apps for everything nowadays although he does take the opportunity to toot his own horn a bit real talk his dad is a bush pilot and he says he could navigate with just the stars alone if he had to he goes in to take a leak surveying the sodas but then is drawn to a quite different display a rack of snakes and jars and other mystical potion kind of things he scoffs you gotta be kidding me he's showing a kind of superiority to the local customs while his son gets to have his own similar kind of encounter when a local kid with a fishing pole wanders out he asked if they have service out here him firing back that he's no gas slave but he shakes his phone that kind of signal and he asks to see it and tai appears hesitant interesting seeing how even tai is concerned about this local not sure if he can trust him the kid looks him over must be expensive huh he stammers he doesn't know his dad bought it for him to illustrate this point further he whips out his wallet and only has hundreds telling the man to keep the change he notices that he has a mojo bag mark vaguely remembering them from back when he was a kid luck the man tells him protection from folks looking to conjure your ass when asking if he's heading into the hills he makes certain that he doesn't want to take the stuff with him but mark dismisses it as he doesn't believe in any of this so once again we know that mark is from here and must have been part of the hoodoo culture when younger and he was escaping this as well so he no longer believes by design to distance himself as much as possible from the past he inquires about the bathroom the man telling him it's out back joking what with a half moon and everything and guess what he is proven right on further inspection yeah no thanks that is pretty gnarly the anticipation of their location is only further developed when ty tells the kid that he's here for his grandfather's funeral at a place right up that way and he looks instantly a bit uneasy and excuses himself tossing his phone back suggesting that he get a 5g one well you got face tai thought he was some stupid ragnac but hey he knows what's up it turns out angrily he refers to him as a country ass well you know and his mom is upset by his language not the n word but country ass don't be hating on other black people at some point we were all country dang putting things in perspective here at least mom doesn't stand for his entitled suddenly a sheriff pulls up and they're all ah you gotta be kidding me so it's gonna be some white bumpkin guy ah a black man in a plane huh but to their surprise he's black too getting expectations subverted left and right out here in the country mark is ready for him immediately spouting off the regulations that allow him to land here but he doesn't really care just making sure that everything is alright seeing is that they don't get much plane traffic around here yeah i would imagine they're just wanting to get on their way hoping to beat a big storm that's a bruin ty chuckles in the back seat have a nice day y'all and the sheriff does echo exactly what he said the family erupting into awkward chuckles and they're back to the sky still flying into the night v wants to talk about the kids which reinforces what i earlier suspected accusing him of spoiling them too much he retorts if i had my way they'd spend their times in a boardroom not some jungle somewhere but she rightly argues that the jungle comes back to find you no matter what boardroom you're hiding in well certainly sounds like mark's whole thing here that's just getting started the storm gets really intense and he tries to calm everyone down but when struck directly by lightning it's all over they're going down yelling out mayday mayday he then sees his dad in the past instructing him to take a knife hearing a pig squeal cut him like i showed you he says he regains consciousness in what appears to be an attic all by himself looking around confused he sees his foot is clearly wounded and all bandaged up he attempts to put weight on it and painfully collapses wailing he hobbles to the window seeing he is definitely on a farm but he has no idea where a kindly old woman eloise enters well well well look what the cat dragged in and he just wants to know where his family is but she deflects the conversation telling him to get some rest and then they can talk a spell nice little pun there he reiterates that he wants to know how he got here and where his goddamn family is she chides him for taking the lord's name in vain as a guest in her house yelling for earl her husband earl enters complaining of a bad heart and bad innards she tells him that they have a problem he won't get back in bed so he calls for the big boy lewis by pounding his cane on the ground since he can't carry mark although the giant lewis certainly can he plops him over his shoulder and back into bed mark steers the subject back to his family but earl claims that he was the only one found in the play crash asking eloise for some of that root work she pulls out a powder and blows it in his face mark instantly days things going blurry her chirping what's good for the goose is good for the gander she starts singing to herself digging some dirt from near a trunk she pours blood dirt and some other objects into a bowl creating a little doll was called a boogity telling little marquis t he is looking good she later shows it off to earl who gnaws and spits on it in disgust seeing louis hard at work digging what sure appears to be graves right by the trees she blows another dust on mark that shocks him awake and begs her for her help asking for an ambulance but she tells him that there's no hospital within 50 miles he offers her money no object whatever it takes or at least to just let him go down and use the phone she chides him if you've been around as long as me you learn that money can't get you everything including a telephone as they don't have one although she says she has something that she claims will help him get better her latest and greatest boogety she explains to them the beliefs behind its power it's one thing standing for another and this one is for him the more that it resembles him the more you it is so when good things happen to it good things happen to you she calls it a kind of folk magic like a root worker she herself is a root worker or spiritual magician creating mojos potions charms and tricks for example her dust one puts you up and another puts you down as we saw the first knocked him out instantly while the second one had the opposite effect shooting him awake she decides to put the boogity by the window and also places a salt berry around to keep the devil away she smiles eerily telling him to have a good rest and leaves mark has seen more than enough red flags already to attempt a daring escape he shakily gets to his feet and finds one window open the rain pouring down outside as he climbs out onto the roof slipping immediately he clutches out the shingles to pull himself up and leaps to the other building he painfully leaps to another building with a kind of lighthouse at the top hearing singing coming from within he peers to a gap and has a perfect bird's eye view of a hudu service led by eloise her asking who wants a visit from an old hoodoo ghost she's got that good root work special for you earl pipes up that they're using animal parts tonight but when the blood moon comes they're going to fix them all up good she asks to her congregation who is ailing amongst them and see just how the boogety works in action one woman cannot speak so eloise asks earl to take a nearby cat's tongue and attaches it to her boogity she puts a hand on her head speak woman you are healed and she shouts i can talk but they're not done yet another julius having lost his eyes in some kind of accident so she takes the cat's eyes and puts them on his boogety not quite that simple though because he doesn't actually have eyes so he still needs some kind of replacement sitting in the goat they jam them into his empty eye sockets asking what does he see he points up right to mark who quickly backs out of sight we see here they aren't exactly straight up evil as they are actually using their hudu to help out others of course it always comes at a price girl doesn't think that he could have gotten out but decide to check anyway and mark hustles his way back across the roof climbing back into bed just before they enter of course now he's soaking all wet and the window is still open so you know a little bit suspicious there he excuses it all as just needing some fresh air she asked if he was out in the rain in the rain yeah right that's crazy i mean there's no way i was doing that she spots that the barrier is broken asking if he saw anything special when looking behind the curtain he plays dumb like what well we were having an old-time revival and thought that he might have caught an eyeful and can't imagine what a city boy like him would have thought about that he's familiar calling it like faith healing but instead of the holy spirit they use the boogety remember what comes good to the boogety comes good to you he sarcastically suggests oh like sticking chicken legs on a doll so that a paralyzed man can walk accusing him of sounding like those folks that don't believe anything unless they can touch it or actually see it faith isn't enough for him he grumbles that she sounds just like his father now understanding another reason that he turned his back on the past hoodoo was obviously important to his father and he had tried to teach him about it but he never truly believed calling it all psychosomatic you believe something so much until it becomes physically true side eyeing her you don't really mean that stuff you say right she says well i guess i do don't have much in the way of obamacare out here he is embarrassed saying that he didn't mean it that way of course you did she fires back you're a city boy you know better than all this don't you in his next flashback to his dad we know for sure that this is where all of his original issues stemmed yelling to him you think you're better than me you're just like me boy you got anger in you too he orders him to get back here to see as he stabs a pig assumingly doing the same kind of boogie transfer ritual that we just saw he's awoken to what is clearly the chime of a cell phone and finds a bowl of soup left out that he hungrily chows down eating the meat down to the bone she comes in noticing that he has worked up quite an appetite he tries to make peace with her apologizing for what he said he just misses his family then really illuminates his big inner conflict he spent the last 25 years trying to build a different life for himself but she suggests you can't change a soul how they think or act overnight and tells him that we gotta keep your strength up going off to get him another helping but this time leaves the door open he goes to dismantle the bell while always scoops out more from the pot laughing to herself she returns with a second helping and he brings up the ping that he heard and just heard again she bluffs it with just a chow bell but he maintains that it sounded like a cell phone people could be looking for me she still doesn't admit it calling it a miracle if so because there's nothing like that in this house she throws some bones out as casting bones can tell your future he's curious about what it said and she reveals that probably around the blood moon when they get all the poison out of him he will see his family again and hey it's only a few days away she asks him to try throwing the bones but he smiles that he can't do it she charms him oh come on you got that old-time slave magic in you can't you hear that it's your ancient better self it's calling you he may live in the city but he's from this land and everything that empowers it the blood in his veins giving his true life he's baffled by your suggestion inquiring why are you telling me this and she replies that he has forgotten who he is yep that's sort of the whole point right she promises that she's on his side and when asking about keeping the door locked she says that it's for his own good yeah i'm not so sure about that i don't think we should trust her for some reason you know he tosses the bones away like what a crock of but then stops himself laying them back out he arranges them together horrifyingly creating a complete human hand from the bones and even worse when seeing a part of a number 30 tattoo he knows that it was actually his boy's hand that's bull dude feeding me my kid's hand and everything that is rude man i thought was a guest in this house after this it's time for another escape attempt this time utilizing his lock-picking skills and sneaks to the house avoiding the old people mark is able to make it deep into the woods and a thunderstorm breaks out he happens to find himself back at the plane wreckage there's no real sign of his family there although there is a concerning blood streak on the cabin wall he leaves disappointed passing by a tree with a boogity attached he promisingly comes to another house but is tackled out of nowhere by lewis so well back to the attic this time he has his most important memory flash with his dad yet degrading him for thinking that he's a house negro boy you gotta believe it or it won't work which has been mark's entire thing in his story you gotta believe and he doesn't so it doesn't work and yeah he wakes up back in the attic staring out to the couple leaving in a horse-drawn carriage overhearing errol whining about his ailments but eloise assures him tonight is the blood moon and you're gonna feel a lot better so yeah obviously they're gonna harvest mark's energy for their own purposes and that was their true intent here the whole time so with yet another opportunity to escape he first addresses his foot wound and after unwrapping the bandages see that it's a massive spike jammed directly in there clearly courtesy of the couple it takes some doing to yank it out shuddering in agony as blood pours freely from the hole with no one else home he checks the other rooms but they're all empty alarmingly he sees those graves outside three of them just as many as his missing family members are now all filled up and he runs outside assuming the worst he digs up the graves with his bare hands unearthing several animals assumedly used for boogity healing purposes but at least it's not his family in the barn he discovers eloise's workshop seeing their bodies of a cop and others inside in addition to covering up their snooping around might as well feast on their life force too right now getting how long aloise has really been doing this finds a picture of her and earl dated all the way back to 1860 meaning they've been keeping alive this whole time thanks to the power of hudu he finds her spell book it's open to an incantation on the blood moon about the transference of life and he realizes that his life force is their target this whole time they've been putting a spell on him hearing his father's words reminding him that he needs to believe he decides to make a boogity of his own for eloise taking her hair from her drawer and a shell necklace and sticks in in a spot under the house for safekeeping again hearing a distinct cell phone chime he finds all of theirs in a box but they're nearly dead and time is running short the carriage seen returning outside ty's phone still has a bit of life left as the couple enter wondering if earl left the door open they're instantly suspicious ordering lewis to get the axe they might have some chopping to do mark hurdley re-wraps his foot and re-inserts the spike having to steady himself on the headboard to get it all the way in yeah seriously the couple enter questioning if he's been walking around and check his foot he says that it's looking better according to the bones bringing up the blood moon is tonight right without any proof eloise tells him to get some rest as he's so close to this all being over now alone he's able to make a call to 9-1-1 and after explaining what's up the sheriff knows who he is saying that his wife and daughter walked his station five days ago and as for his son they haven't found him yet he gets emotional falling to his knees and he tries to detail where he is only knowing the couple's names and he does know where they are he happens to be right by the farm now telling him that he's on his way and to stay by the phone he then yanks the spike out seeing the sheriff arrive out the window eloise knows that he's been up to no good and yanks the tongue out of his boogity making him unable to speak and wraps it in twine trapping him from really moving you see and feel that she rages earl greets the sheriff as mark limbs bounds scuttles to the window he attempts to yell but has no voice same for when the sheriff gives him a call he can't make a sound he goes to the floor and grabs his boogity tongue along with the doll as the sheriff leaves finding his bed empty eloise screams to fresh lewis now seeing the blood moon high in the night sky the sheriff out driving is surprised by mark jumping out into the middle of the road he puts the tongue back in the doll telling him to just drive he asks what's going on but mark isn't sure beyond that he's being held prisoner sheriff is confused knowing them as just a sweet old couple but mark knows they got a whole cult of these out here controlling people all led by eloise a freaky ass appalachian cult the sheriff draws that he admits to being behind the times but isn't what he just said racist uh well yeah doesn't matter too much though because he's in on it too driving them right back to the farm and pulls his gun on him you and your bougie wife just wouldn't listen this is quite true the sheriff along with the man at the store offered him help to bring along but he outright refused as he didn't believe in the hoodoo didn't do any favors mr superior guy huh and if he had bought the stuff from the older guy at the store chances are he could have avoided being spelled entirely as he said you know folks trying to conjure your ass so well learned your lesson there hopefully the other followers drag him out of the car and haul him over to the barn louise thanks to sheriff but he complains that her route work is starting to wear a bit then meaning that he's also been benefiting from their life force sucking as well her promising that tonight everyone is going to get a piece of this his whole family is still alive though tai is minus a hand as they're all brought into the barn hello he's blows her powder on him and he's down getting him up on the table the others start to clap and sing she reiterates about mark thinking that he's better than everyone else here mr gotta see and feel it the only thing of truth he has is his heart which he ain't gonna have in 10 seconds she laughs he surprisingly grabs a knife and stabs earl on the chest with his spike the congregation flees we see more from in the basement earlier first he flip-flops eloise's dust before grabbing some for himself so she actually blew the wrong one onto him which was her undoing blowing it in his family's face to wake them from their days he tasked him with putting stuff in front of the door and leaves knowing where he can secure some wheels sheriff is driving and mark tosses his body crashing right into the hood he continues hiding in the trees the sheriff yelling out i tried to warn you telling him to show himself he starts randomly firing until he's out of bullets and mark gets to jump on him taking him out pretty easily he retrieves the boogety from the house and sticks it right into the water supply a furious eloise sends lewis to take out the family punching his way right through the wood to get in he punches mark with an earth-shattering thud to the face knocking him right to the ground he starts choking him out until lewis starts vomiting up water and drowns all thanks to him throwing his boogity into the water good thinking eloise comes in chuckling very clever but she wisely hides her own boogety so that no one can mess with it he blows the dust in her face paralyzing her and reveals that that's why he made his own for her he lifts it in the air and whaps it with a sledgehammer launching her across the barn into a beam causing a lantern to crash and starts a big fire she weakly asks that's it you're just gonna let an old lady burn he reaches his hand out offering that she taught him a lot but well so did his pops and walks away the fire really getting going now the whole idea again being that he now has finally accepted that hudu is a part of his past and it's foolish for him to try to run from it here he learns to embrace it and starts to actually believe in its power thusly he is able to tend with ellie and save his family he lays down a salt barrier at the door and she has stopped from exiting screaming and pounding on the invisible barrier mark does save everyone else's boogeties as ellie is engulfed in flames and he is reunited with his family they drive away in stoic silence disappearing into the night around a corner back in her workshop there is a boogity left behind put you up put you down we hear ellie saying then laughter the doll's eyes shooting open clearly eloise isn't exactly dead after all presumably her life energy has been transferred back into this boogity not sure if we've got like a chucky situation on our hands or what while mark's version of her doll had some power and thanks to his belief in hudu it did work to stop her however her own doll must have much more of her own essence in it than his did as she said the more bits added to it the more tangible the connection is between the doll and their human counterpart so this isn't quite the end for her after all yet at least mark learned a valuable lesson along the way about trying to run from your past and he's faced all that down now hopefully he also won't let his kids be such spoiled brats anymore and also yeah i guess no more basketball for tai i'd imagine that he's missing hand and everything oh well that's what happens when you get entangled with appalachian hoodoo cults seen it a million times that brings us to the conclusion of this ending explain for spell while it is a bit of a retread and mismatch of other genre films out there this still holds its own for its particular look at racism and the difficulties of coming to terms with who we are and how our paths define us and you know pretty good in that sense at least also don't forget before we go you can send your request for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of spell and its ending what do you think happened to eloise in the end there let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 599,559
Rating: 4.9242792 out of 5
Keywords: spell 2020, spell movie, spell ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, meaning, hoodoo, trailer, clip, scene, final scene, twist, voodoo, end scene, rootwork, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: B2oxe6wgI60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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