After 1000 Weeks | 1000 Week Reich (HOI4)

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so welcome to thousand week reich what if germany won world war ii but japan lost world war two very interesting scenario i've played it once before as china now i think i should take a chance at the main country of the mod germany instead of playing as china china actually has a focus tree and it's pretty interesting but for the most part there's not too much we can do over there but as germany i've heard there are some pretty interesting paths and basically the key differentiating point between the timelines is germany won the battle of stalingrad yeah that's kind of what changed things around even though in real life if they won the battle of stalingrad they probably still would have lost the war but it's a good enough point that the domino effect can really take hold and anything can happen i guess but yeah we already have ss in fighting economic stagnation oversized kriegsmarine and overgrown officer core so how big is the craig's marine it's actually pretty big wow yeah it's nice it'd be extremely easy to invade the uk yeah wow i guess most of our navy is just made of submarines but nah still that's a good navy we could easily take out the uk if that was our major concern right now and of course we have the gdp mechanic too where even though we won world war ii the us is still stronger than we are um yeah for now but in the future i'm sure we can ascend past the u.s when i played as china i was able to get up there so i'm sure we can we can do it and i guess we also have the option to actually kind of reform the party a little but it might even need to be reformed slightly yeah you know it's also really expensive to get onto higher economy laws but i guess we will do the third wave of fake news oh yes fake news a great a great tool for any state apparently yeah how's mussolini doing though it doesn't this doesn't really look like a rome whatever he's created here so i guess there's like a neutral egypt so great britain kind of lost that but they still have the suez so it's kind of it's kind of historical anyway and they didn't really take anything from the uk i guess it was just a full-on white piece kay didn't even lose gibraltar i guess spain got morocco though yeah and we need to choose a new economic plan i guess we can go ahead with the people's plan it sounds a little communist to me i know but should be fine it looks good we need that civilian factory construction speed i don't know if we can prevent some sort of ending of the thousand-week ride you know but um we'll do whatever we can oh i just noticed we directly occupy st petersburg pretty pretty nice that's good well we have like a few places we directly occupy like this and this very interesting the rest are just puppets and morocco is revolting from spain it looks like spain has the advantage but we'll see what happens because morocco is fighting in core territory so of course they have that and there's several events of like shady dealings stability issues demonetization attempts it's kind of crazy but also noticed we must have done something to really piss italy off because they're the hostile modifier towards us i don't really know what happened for sure but we obviously did something they didn't like okay greater syria was just declared i don't know if that's because they own more than what's typically in syria or if they plan to i assume it's because they plan to conquer more so we'll see what happens there turkey is a republic so they might ally with the toronto accord if things go wrong oh fanta the official soft drink of germany okay nice yeah sure and we had the first manned space flight too so that's that's great and morocco did win china's invading vietnam too we'll see if they are successful like i was when i played as them or they fail which i bet will probably happen and um himmler wants to do some like research and have some rule over the burgundy land so we're giving him three free military factories there so yes there you go have fun i also love how the second russian republic and the russian republic exist at the same time just kind of separated from each other it'll be interesting to see if they ever decide to settle that issue of who's the legitimate russian republic oh my wait wait a second douglas macarthur inaugurated yeah he's taken the more politician approach instead of general guy but interesting i did not see that one coming i guess though it really does make sense because in our timeline eisenhower was made president but in this timeline eisenhower failed to take europe where douglas macarthur who was leading the war in the pacific still won so it logically does make sense that he would become president instead possibly i i don't know the specifics of it but yeah oh no well um yeah this this is definitely coming but um this now might be a sly problem we never got to this focus which i don't even know if we did it if it would help that much but yeah uh no no no my beautiful puppets government so one has broken apart and that'll be the fate of the rest too i'm sure but oh it's it's sad to watch no no okay ukraine has fallen apart hey but we're still doing fine we're doing great our stability is 69 very nice it's not even below 50. oh yes with our negative 879 political power it's very obvious how things are going right now okay so we can promise an election or we can have poorman or himmler try to you know cue the government which i don't know what's going to happen here i feel like this might more directly lead to the civil war if it isn't already destined to happen which it might be himmler's coup oh yeah there's definitely not going to be a civil war now oh look at that we're we're going straight to finding the lost ark now oh yes guys uh we're gonna find all the mystical weapons in this universe and that's how we're gonna win the war this time guys ah yeah and goring wants a position on the council and since um we're already leader and i don't think he's gonna do anything bad i think if we just don't help him it increases the chance of him being angry at us so we'll let him in hold on he'll probably do more harm outside our council than inside it just just thinking logically oh no i don't like these odds there's only a 15 chance that we [ __ ] them there's an 85 chance that there's the old guard's coup okay guys this is it we're rolling the dice here okay now okay yeah at this point the civil war is inevitable okay here it is greater germany led by goring the emergency where stat led by manstein and then we have us the the whatever uh 26 divisions here okay well we'll do our best to win this this might not be the easiest civil war but we'll we'll see what do we need okay okay all of our divisions are starting off fully supplied so we'll just work on getting artillery into them slowly oh and everybody hates us so we can't trade for tungsten okay here we go we have our infantry armies organized and then we have our armored core which will do most of the work i think an encirclement of the north up here is our easiest and best bet right now so let's see how well this [Music] goes [Music] oh we're out of fuel uh oh wait now we can trade though yeah now we don't have any sieves this isn't good yeah our tanks are all useless now [Music] okay we've taken germania the real showdown's gonna be us versus the vuermark though because um they're pretty strong um oh wait i accidentally switched over to playing a switzerland whoops um yeah uh-huh oh no the grand duchy of luxembourg or the benelux revolutionary movement i don't know what that was about luxembourg at least all of germany's divisions are gone so maybe i can just take everything and move it over there [Music] okay and it looks like people are trying to oust heinrich is the leader oh no okay well there goes him are and now we're led just by the council hey all he wanted to do was to get the lost ark you can't blame them for they can't blame a man for having goals like that but it would be so so cool you know oh no whoa oh wait do they have all these as cores oh no yeah [Music] okay at least that was really easy to deal with but that was kind of a surprise there and i guess it's kind of good because they did take out our kind of friendly puppet state that didn't want to be involved in the war so now we own that stuff again wait what foreigners have intervened wait no oh no oh oh and that's a lot of divisions there uh huh okay at least there's a ceasefire in the south but in the north with goring we're just gonna have to wait oh no i need to garrison all my ports now oh oh wait wait they they canceled the ceasefire oh oh what oh no um i don't know i think the german united front events are a little broken here um that last time was not going so well um after the allies declared war on us i kind of lost some hope there especially after they nuked me twice but yeah now i've actually done this entire trip i just went straight down here i didn't focus on any other focuses at all we got to here so now we can appoint a successor so we'll appoint our good conspiracy theorist ancient artifact searching friend and we'll announce it i guess hopefully it goes well keep it from the public or announce it to the world okay we better announce it to the world because it looks bad usually the thing that looks bad at first we'll help out later we shouldn't keep it a secret hmm it says the german civil war has been avoided but this is you know the da da da i don't know i'm still somewhat suspicious but if that's true it's pretty good yeah our economy is terrible though oh no this is random iraq randomly wants to close in ties with us huh interesting also are all these guys not going to fall apart now this this is kind of great honestly wait the republic of finland demands estonia wait why oh yeah and all these places did end up falling apart anyways but oh very nice a nation of fear fear is our strongest weapon yeah of of course yes fear and magical artifacts and this is an amazing um economy branch it's it's uh sure to work and slave economy ignoring our problems becoming an agrarian society yeah well i just realized we have decisions to crush the rebels at last we can do stuff so i guess we'll crush the moscow red army rebels first before they join the union of soviet socialist republics or something with ukraine too how strong is ukraine 26 division so they're stronger than the moscow red army we'll just deal with them afterwards [Music] so nice and we've pretty much restored our faction save norway which we're planning on invading soon but yep everybody's back over here at least it'll be interesting to see though what happens in the future as we have to fight the toronto accord because we've only really dealt with issues internal to our sphere we haven't even thought about france or britain we're not even close to any sort of invasion of these allied powers but it's getting close to that time in our economy at least in terms of weapons is really bad now we just finally fixed our economy so maybe just maybe we can start trying to turn this around [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: DShakey
Views: 20,573
Rating: 4.95399 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, dshakey, grand strategy, strategy gaming, hoi4 1000 week reich, 1000 week reich, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 mod, hoi4 modded, hoi iv mod, hoi4 germany, hoi4 mod review
Id: WFjdze_RfWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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