Playable BERMUDA | New Ways (HOI4)

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so we're back in the very cool new waves mod has an amazing front screen when i first loaded it up last time i didn't look too closely but as i was playing i noticed that there are a lot of small countries it adds to the game like bermuda for one it adds a focus tree for newfoundland it adds monaco the vatican your normal stuff like the free city of danzig it makes ethiopia overpowered all good stuff but today we are gonna play as bermuda the first country i pointed it out i know i'm not continuing as austria-hungary i'm just allergic to making second episodes i just can't it's also i did continue it a little bit and it was just a really annoying war with germany that like wasn't going anywhere i guess let's go with bermuda this could just be terrible we have all these bad national spirits like the great depression and we're an island with like probably zero factories no we're an integrated puppet yeah that's not that's not good guys um there has to be an overpowered focus somewhere right there has to be i guess we can just build tanks for the uk with our 261 people yeah wait what's our population oh no how many factories at least they give us one wait they gave us two states too wow yeah our leader sir thomas cubit he he looks like a go-getter he looks like a man who's gonna lead this one single island to victory i'm just really scared though and we're an integrated puppet which makes it that much worse we're not even gonna get any military factories if we build them it's not like we can even build them anyway like it's gonna take us five years to make one civilian factory even if we make it we have 80 percent consumer goods how this is the worst country oh and wow this is new the french kingdoms in a war with the french commune um interesting it'll be cool to see what happens there i guess that's that's really cool i kind of hope the kingdom wins just because i've never really seen them before so i don't really know what that's gonna be like and i guess we can expand the military's control of the island i feel like that's a good idea if we're gonna end up ever doing anything because it looks like through some of these things we can kind of steal stuff but it involves the uk controlling like portugal's islands which i don't know how that's gonna happen but it has to happen somehow or we're locked out of our focus tree oh well bulgaria was cooed by this guy also the french commune is definitely winning so there'll be communism in france today other than that things seem mostly normal oh no china declared war on china oh no wait what why why why is it like this huh wow it only takes one total day to research motorized huh it's been a day and it's not researched well and whatever path bulgaria did cause them to join germany's faction extremely quick that's interesting really wonder what's gonna happen in europe this time around oh and belgium is not having a fun time flanders has rebelled so is there a three-way civil war in belgium a three-way civil war in belgium that's a little too far game um belgium's pretty small this will probably be pretty quick then i would imagine these three guys are encircled okay and we can start asking for some islands let's see if we if the uk will be nice and let us expand our dominion i don't even know if we get cars on any of that stuff so then it would kind of be useless to have it but i guess the population here is pretty much minimal anyway so even if we did get it still can't field one division since the british won't invest into us we can get the pope another one of our fellow one province miners to invest into us and then we get a beautiful two free civilian factories very nice of him how many factories does he even have zero zero sieves he just has a military factory wow they gave us the islands hey do we lose autonomy wait wait no what that wasn't part of the deal there uk you weren't supposed to oh no we're we're dangerously close to becoming annexed oh yeah how am i gonna even occupy the islands because they're not cores and i can't make any guns i feel like this is going very poorly i probably shouldn't have asked for the islands oh wait no they are coarse never mind okay okay oh no i just noticed that every day that passes we're getting closer to being annexed because of this spirit dependence on imports so we need to hurry and do all these focuses my only worry is that by the time we're finished with them we'll already be annexed um wait the free city of danzig declared war on poland oh it's already over that's that's sad oh yes the netherlands paved to our side because yeah i think we're pretty much on team britain confirmed i didn't see any um independence options here so yeah usa gave good yeah this motorized research is just messed up though but like i i think we have to have motorized if we're gonna make tank divisions so maybe i'll just fix it you know because it's obviously a bug we'll just do this and do this wait i don't know why motorized research was broken but it should be okay now wow finally we have two sieves that we can use so now this factory will be done in 39 nice oh yeah this is quite the interesting axis already and this is a complicated three-way civil war in portugal i wouldn't have expected it i definitely wouldn't have expected this too not like they have much zero divisions the kingdom of iraq declared war on saudi arabia so i don't think that's gonna go very well for them saudi arabia starts off quite a little bit more powerful than them so they should win eventually okay and we fixed the autonomy problem before becoming annexed so that's nice i guess now we can fix the pest problem then we get a free research slot when it's finished also then we can finish up with the great depression and that other stuff and france has officially gone anarchist that they were just going normal communists but no definite they're they're anarchists that's pretty clear i feel like this is just going to make them even weaker for when they try to defend against germany no not my netherlands not my beautiful netherlands they caved to the british now they're a war with belgium who's in an alliance with the germany wow if we do this we get a plus 20 i think permanent consumer goods factories but it gives us 500 more autonomy and we only need 542 to stop becoming an integrated puppet if we don't do this we're never going to be able to actually raise our economy so we have to do this huh a three-way uh civil war in syria yeah france didn't hold on to that one so while also the axes are having a hard time finishing up the kingdom of greece well france um yeah france is at war with belgium not quite germany yet but i'm sure they'll join yeah france though won't join the allies because they're in their own faction do we have a military factory oh wait we can't even use it because we're an integrated puppet uh well we have one that's gonna be built soon so maybe we can use that one the very least we can do this focus called american office where we get a hundred autonomy and that autonomy should change us from an integrated puppet to a regular puppet so things are already getting better wait a second anarchist france hasn't capitulated and they lost in europe this is blessed they have cores on pretty much all of africa of course i guess the belgian congo is an easy point for them to invade but france just needs to hold on long enough for germany to declare on poland or something which the uk is already guaranteeing and here it is it has begun oh and at last here we go we can finally use one of our two military factories or actually one of our three yeah one of our three that's still really bad uh we will never become a colony though it's that's never gonna happen wow and the uk got an event to restore ethiopia's independence they're not really in her faction or anything so that's kind of sad but i guess it's a step in the right direction and i guess egypt is independent and neutral which is kind of smart because now the suez is pretty much safe i would say other than that this is kind of you know i feel like it's just an ai only who would have known that flying some small island with less than 40 000 people on it would just be ai only huh can't have like any divisions i guess i can have these divisions but these are just terrible better off not making them oh wow the belgian east indies were restored into the duchy stindies which are now a puppet of australia not what a fortunate turn of events i have a plan though i have a plan as bermuda to maybe bring us greatness to get greatness we first need to gain more autonomy so to do that we will get to these naval dockyards which we have to lose autonomy to get them but then we can start making convoys freedom convoys and then selling the convoys to great britain to get more autonomy now lichtenstein's our allies so we've obviously already won kind of wait do they have divisions oh they have two divisions that's nice two artillery seven infantry so wait that's just they have 20 widths they're still gonna lose but um i appreciate the effort building 20 widths and denmark they're not falling in six hours or a day or two days or anything they've been holding on in copenhagen for a long time it's kind of impressive they have help from one division from norway but other than that it's just them holding and norway might fall before denmark oh oh wait a second then we have our first division guys we've finally done it we have one division we're sending him over the first division from bermuda uh well um you know that division we had yeah i kind of got intercepted by um the the german submarines how why i've never had did that doesn't happen by now well i guess we'll go back to the drawing board except we now don't have enough manpower for like really any more divisions wow guys we did a really overpowered focus it gave us one free artillery division it has one artillery in it nice and we now have the northern bahamas too so slightly more territory for our um extremely weak empire that we can't really grow because of the fact that to get more islands we have to somehow get portugal's islands which i think is kind of impossible wait portugal is justifying against the international zone of tangier which is guaranteed by the uk could just occupy these islands we don't really have a navy but we can just pray that the british navy helps us never expected the ai to be so helpful but they are giving us naval supremacy so yeah we're we're gonna take some more islands that's great oh wait oh we gave it to anarchist france instead of just taking it for ourselves well i guess we're doing something at least wait poland was revived how did this happen wait what also i'm going to you know just land here in france for fun there's not really much to do but but i have 320 with so i'm not even gonna land yep definitely not oh oh no but i distracted the belgian so they didn't even defend these tiles so then the british could land my plan all along and now we're gonna go support this belgium doesn't have that many victory points so we just have to walk in there capitulate them and then anarchist france is back i think yeah um yeah we're getting out of here this is going terribly our manpower is pretty much gone now yeah anyway i think you know that's a good place to leave it off i've had the great um bermuda experience of doing focuses to try to alleviate a terrible situation it's way too terrible for a country that really is just incredibly small i thought it was gonna make bermuda like semi-overpowered but they were taking the more historical approach to it it appears so yeah i guess we had our fun maybe i will continue even though this is mostly just ai only but i have three divisions that i can try to do something with i don't know i guess i will see you guys all next time with maybe something where i actually play as a real country [Music] you
Channel: DShakey
Views: 19,721
Rating: 4.9433126 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi4 mods, hoi4 new ways, dshakey, new ways, hearts of iron 4, grand strategy, strategy gaming, hearts of iron iv, hoi iv, hoi4 modded, hoi iv mods, hearts of iron 4 mods
Id: Q1mP05-_4IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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