Brunt's Guide to Karazhan - TBC Classic

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howdy y'all my name is brent everton miss runner joel moore the mystery on the tribe and today i wanted to talk to you all about karazhan karazhan is the first 10-man raid in the burning crusade and i'm going to take you all through here pull back pull and talk about how it's done first things first you got to get your consumes up get a ready check going make sure people are good to go i've got a major agility elixir major armored sir spicy hot towel book for that hit rating everybody except for one healer is ready first ball is just a single horse you might notice some dual wielding that's because i'm a little bit over geared for this content but it does also demonstrate how hard the stuff in here hits my armor right now dual wielding is 11.8 k with 430 defense right now i've got some dps pieces on just for some more threat output i'm single tank in this place i can charge pull this get a thunder clap get a demo and i can war stump now the dps have to be careful because we're single tanking which means if i'm feared or stunned the aggro may switch to something else let's just pull in here get a challenging shot let's get another thunderclap drop right on everything i'm gonna mark this one with a triangle also gonna do a concussion blow i'm gonna taunt the x i'm using target of target up here to see if i'm holding thread and we got it dps order is scrollax triangle square and the range that i run in this is a guild run so they know what's up i don't need to be in comps for this want to give a shout out to them let me make a guide to this run i was gonna do a care run and then talk over it that's not as exciting if we're going pull by pull then we can talk about reactions and stuff and i can also mouse over things and show you a little bit easier so really here i'm just doing some cleave revenge leave devastating breath sticking pretty well devastator of strike and if you're running with another warrior in the group just make sure you know who's doing with shout i have them on shift three and h depending on which is my primary i'm gonna mark these you can do a shout get some initial threat here 175 threat for a shower put a devastate on school or devastate on x i'm gonna devastate on that triangle and i'm gonna go back to school since that's the primary target hold another horse i'm gonna mark that one square and hold another horse and i'll mark that one to school i'm gonna stun this one i'm just tapping through checking to see if i have it looking at target of target if i don't then i taunt this one's on the healer but i pulled threat and i got it now i'm gonna wash them kind of resets the score that's fine if the dps pulls threat on school and that's the focus target if it's gonna die soon it's fine a huge part of having good threat management is being able to communicate to your dps what they should be focusing on because then you can line up your thread output with their dps output so here i got a devastate heroic on the skull and then i gotta devastate heroic on the x and i'm gonna cleave revenge devastatingly cleave devastate every state he will shout if you need it devastate if you had a shield on you would be shield slamming every time it's up dps order is set don't forget your cookies i'm going to check the team's mana and i'll honestly pull this into a thunderclap into a demo shout cleave devastate and i'm on the skull thunderclap again i am expecting to improve thunderclap gives you a good bit of threat and it also reduces more attack speed than regular thunderclap i do have thunderfury equipped as well and you might be like well why do you thunder clap when you have thunder fury the aoe buff or debuff sorry of thunder fury is the nature resistance debuff so that doesn't help me reduce the attack speed of anything other than my primary target the primary target of thunder fury is consumed in a cyclone which reduces their attack speed which is stronger than regular thunderclap but weaker than improved thunderclap so i'll get a regular thunder clamp into a demo shout out and then i'm going to look for skull it's done by the road which is great devastate this one cabin through under clamps tapping through the school's not on me i'm gonna taunt it i'm stunned i'm gonna cleave and then i'm mixing a war stone because i'm a torn all right we're getting up to the boss here so i want to think about ending this fight with 100 rage so i'm going to ease up on the gas here with my abilities just try to make sure i hold threat with the minimum amount of rage expenditure got a nice amount of rage let's get a kings defender on this and i'll also use an adamantite sharpening stone and i'll also put a greater rune of warning on my chess piece this is pretty nice 25 chance per hit of giving you some damage absorption just gonna soften the damage that you take i still have my food buff let's ready check just gave the reminder to watch threat because i'm taking both you're pulling i'm just going to open with the devastate heroic get some initial threat mark this one i'm going to get ready for the guy to show up there he is i tabbed over marked a mix i got some initial threat on him let's get a demo shout and thunderclap reduce some of that incoming damage people should be stacked up on these so they don't get charged by the horse there is a knock down stun effect and they're hitting me for about 2.2 k 2.9 k there i'm looking at the threat here they're getting close but they're about to combine now i'm gonna work on thread on skull just devastate heroic revenge with the cleave devastate with the cleave there's a blood bust let's get a demo shout out and how about we party let's do a recklessness go back to defensive stance and a haste potion and then we'll devastate check out this threat you crit every time 60k threat passing it and then we're stunned this guy does drop your best bracers as a tank van braces of courage very good item these are actually phase two biss so don't be sleeping on that roll if you're a tank steel hot crossbow is not bad either gives you some hit rating attack power let's go get morose people doing the loot rolls one thing to bear in mind too is whoever is back doing loot mastering they're not going to be present for this pull so that's one of our healers hold this carefully i'll do a ready check this room has group packs patrols that are elite and then some five packs that have an elite that is a mind control so be careful here just watching the room you can do a target marker on some of the patrols to make it easier just to see him moving about get a war stop here do some other incoming damage i'm just having through and seeing what people are targeting go ahead and pull this valley so the route that i'm going to show y'all it's going to take us through servants quarters which not every raid is going to need to do so if you don't need that you can just skip that part but for now we're going to try to pull tomorrow morose has a very good loot table we can skip that if you do pull this pack you need to kill the retainer first the retainer is the one that deals some mind control crap to your team probably the most likely pull to wipe you in here all of the units in that pole are also elite which means that if the clothes are just going ham and aoing they will die blothies can usually hold some non-elites on them and that's fine but if they're taking elites they will die okay there are a couple elites coming through here make sure this doesn't change so i'm gonna stand here last stand to give my healer some time and then i'm gonna focus my threat on these elites thunder clapping demo shouting i have plenty of thread on the skull let's make sure i have the x i do and that's the first death of the run put on two elites in a group pack the desire to zug is strong you should know this about dps all right i'm gonna pull this valet as soon as he gets that res he's up i'm waiter these don't hit too hard still good to put the demon shot on 1776 hey good year out of curiosity people in the youtube comments what country are you from i'm from the usa these hit very hard i'm gonna respect it and put a shield on they do an ability where they bonk a bottle of wine over your head and you get stunned and whenever you're stunned you can't mitigate as well so they'll hit you really hard there we go i'm stunned look at the damage i'm taking people's gotta spam the tank when that happens and also dps you should be careful did you know that a tank can't really build much threat when they're stunned doing some shouts one fun trick you can do is get a shield spike this one's elite i'll pick it up stop i have a failed steel shield spike 26 to 38 that means that whenever i successfully block an attack it deals 25 to 38 damage i have two shields one of them is for aoe threat one of them is for taking the big stuff the ones for tank and the big stuff has a stamina chant on it 18 stand now dory legacy vendor for a general gear assessment you can take care in priebus it's just a lot less comfortable you can't really cut corners when it comes to itemizing the threat the first care that i ran i tanked this in mostly dreadnought these are immune to taunt so if you pull threat it's yours how classic is tough though he put on a shield that's one of the things you could say warrior has in terms of utility that other dps do not or some dps do not is if they do full threat they can go into defensive stand slap shield on that's gonna up their survivability by a good margin okay we're up at the boss here there are four ads plus the boss usually would just cleave him down i'll give him a raid warning make sure that we're all set i will start this off with the shield looks like everybody's ready okay i'm gonna go in i'm gonna focus my initial thread on rose let's get a shout out a thunder clap with a shield block a demo shout out a shield slam a rose and then i'm going to work on threat on the ads i have school now i'm going to let them get school i'm going to work on x just make sure i have thread on the other ones i'm going to clap it again i'm just tapping through making sure they're attack in front this one's attack and front it's a physical one i can disarm it square's on the dps warrior but i'm gouged so i can't do anything about that dps need to be ready if you get gouged it's going to whoever's second and threat so they need to be prepared pop a defensive now that it's just morose i'm dual wielding he doesn't hit super hard the main danger of morose is the scout effect when he goes and attacks someone else but as you can see the dps warrior here he still has two hander on so you don't really need a huge reaction if you're a plate ware if you're a mage you can ice block warlocks console chatter i'm just doing devastated heroic revenge keeping up demo shot thunderclap he vanishes and he's going to put a garage on somebody he doesn't wipe threat though so he should come back to me yep he's back on me just right after putting that guru he doesn't enrage here he just put me for 4.8 4.8 two point four regular hit gouged so it goes on the warlock second and threat enhance coming back home shamans can put on a shield if they pull threat if they have a macro for it pretty good boots morose drops the abyss belt for tanks but it's an extremely low drop rate and i've never seen it it would be [Music] this crimson girdle of the indomitable very good currently i'm wearing this just for threat and then if i'm on a mitigating fight with the shield i have the girdle of the immovable slave pins heroic all right so we're going to do servants quarters here if we were not doing servants quarters we would pull through this room remember to kill those retainers first they're a little bit taller than the other ones and there are two poles with those be sure to kill the retainers first it's kind of like the time loss controller and set the calls if you don't focus the mc unit then it's going to grab your strongest player and kill the raid if they put if they grab the tank then it's threat all over the place if you grab the healer then you don't get heals etc ready check people love ready checks all right so servants quarters you got these spider packs just going in with the thunderclap and a demo shout out they put a poison clown thing down i'm going to be careful not to stand in that it slows you and does some bad stuff to you thunder claps cleave revenge getting a commanding shout new one comes in tab to that with my gaze i'm looking at target of target some people ask me hey bro how do you play without health bars tab target and target of target [Music] demo shot is nice because if the mage does pull threat then they're hitting him for less movement speed reduced by 75 when you're in that give him a second for mana the physical don't really need a break roof's got lots of energy got that thunder clap on all of them putting a commanding shot again there are bats there's a general rule of world of warcraft bats pretty much always to a sideways effect at least that's what i would expect they screech and stuff [Music] as a warrior if you do get silenced you can no longer shout which makes sense you also can't thunderclap do some poison novas and stuff poison effects on everybody and to get the servants quarter boss to show up you just have to kill a certain number of stuff so just keep an eye out for them you do get rep for these if you're not exalted but the only reason people really do servants quarters is if you have a shadow priest there is the biscayne bracer that could drop it's a very low chance but it could drop so if you have a shadow priest friend and they really want it and you want to help them out servants quarters the shadow priest that we have run in here he's done a whole lot for the guild back in aq he would use my vision to look for a good lockout without a whole bunch of the mind control fear mom things so he would look for good trash packs and he can reset if there were too many of them which ended up saving us a lot of time that's the thing with helping people out sometimes people help you out a whole bunch and they don't ask for anything but then later on you can help them out that's a big part of what makes teams so strong [Applause] more bats coming in raider shadow bat she's doing thunderclap if there's one elite targeting a dps warrior it's often time sometimes they're even happy about that because they get more rage sometimes the boss will spawn over there we may need to kill more stuff we'll see just devastating cleveland thunder clapping and demo shouting looks like they don't do a silence this hasn't been happening you see that wing thing which slows you man looks fine sometimes the boss will spawn at the end of that hallway as well see that one going on the healer i taunt it my thunder clap i'll mix in a war stomp some foreign this one that's on the dps warrior that's fine this one's on the magell content looks like this one did a phase out oh it's called a phase hound no wonder the phase hounds phase out like aptly named hound all right four pack thunder clap demo shout cleave the nice thing about cleveland heroic strike is their next attack so you can hit the button at the same time as you hit other stuff and that's a big part of why warrior is the most mechanically intensive tank there is you've got so many things that are off the gcd shield block is off gcd heroic strike cleave is off gcd blood rage is off gc so if you're playing warrior to the maximum you got the highest apm in the raid period there's some other classes that come kind of close with tempo combat sword rogues are pretty fast hunters sometimes if they're melee weaving and they're really good that's a pretty high tempo class fury warriors pretty high tempo and so is cat farrell cleave devastate one thing that i've harped on a whole bunch that is worth mentioning here too is having good hotkeys you notice i'm not clicking stuff the only things i click would be out of combat buffs to myself but if i'm in combat i don't want to have to pull my mouse down down here i need to be moving my camera i need to be ready to click stuff and respond so this is actually the one that you do want for the shadow bracers the philhound one rocad the ravager he's gonna drop a bracer i think we'll see if it's the right one it's hitting me pretty hard i'll just last stand smooth out the start of the pull last stand is a 10 minute cooldown so i would say in karazhan you should use it very liberally shield wall and recklessness are more of your big decisions so do i feel like there's going to be a tough fight coming up pretty soon for last stand since it's 10 minutes you can use that a whole bunch over the course of a two to three hour raid depending on how swift your team is we're doing some rogue devastate getting tons of threat it's not him too hard yeah cuffs of the eagle so most of the time you're not gonna get what you want from here just drop some epic bracer with random stats most of the time it's garbage but every once in a while you get the bispis we're gonna go up this passageway now it's gonna take us up by maiden [Music] caroline is pretty cool with all the different side passageways and stuff very big instance all right let's just mark these patrols star in circle just to get a better visual i'm gonna pull these team's formed up i'm gonna pull it back you can disarm these they summon a little hound so i just tab over and get some initial threat on each of those just doing revenge cleave devastate heroic shots are good all right i can just pull this one i'm gonna need to fight him later anyway all right pull this one you can skip this pack on the right hand side there are demons and undead which means you could banish the demons if you have a warlock or you could i don't think you can enslave them but you can banish the demons and you can shackle the undead if you're in a group that needs cc [Music] all right we got this one now mark them mark this one you can stun these concussion blows good you can also disarm my food buff just wore off let's get that spicy hot towel book 20 hit rating hit rating is one of the toughest stats to come by as a tank in phase one the gear that we get is really good for mitigating and stuff in bc hits really hard but it doesn't have as many hit expertise kind of stats we can skip that right pull just jumping through here there is that patrol wandering around so we need to keep an eye out for that the patrol walks into these rooms here yep there it is so it may pull here we'll pounce them as they come out okay someone pulled this pack as well with the totems so you got to be aware of that this is a bit of a traffic jam situation and really this is a broader lesson with skips a skip isn't a skip if not everyone does the skip it ends up costing you time but you shake it off go in again i wonder if they rinsed we should run through the servants quarters since we cleared there a skip is not a skip if not everyone does the skip one aspect of being a good raider in a good tank is your fortitude and wipe recovery a lot of times when people wipe they want to point fingers and blame well who did that who did that a lot of the time the person who messed up knows they messed up and they don't really need to be roasted some gills like to do that though also remember to stay hydrated got huts on let's pull it damage way less now my attacks you my target they also do a seduce so put a trimmer totem down all right now we're not doing the skip thunderclap demo shout devastate cleave devastate thunderclap does war stomp work it works tapping through i don't have the square i taunt it my tab i have it never stay clean they have to stay clean commanding where is that under clapping out tapping through we got triangle tapping through town square pbs warrior can do a lot of cleaving threat between whirlwind cleveland sweeping strikes so it's not unusual that they'll pull threat on something other than school that's fine he's doing his part all right we'll use this mom for rage also look at people's mana they can man up no food buff we done i guess i could tell you what our raid comp is here so you know the specs and stuff we got a prop warrior we've got an arms warrior we got a combat rogue resto druid enhancement shaman resto shaman holy paladin shadow priest mage fire destruction warlock ready to check all right made the virtue consecrate holy fire needs to be dispelled does a repentance you need to move the boss in range of the healers i'm going to mark my healers here so i can move the boss into them to wake him up i have a pawn five four three two you're let's get my commanding shot refreshed iron shield potion is the way to go for most fights in case that you're over here you can pop a haze push in holy fire's cast on people that needs to be disappeared immediately holy fire hits really hard i'm the last stand i got down to 3k hp repentance putting them to sleep i'm gonna pull the boss over them wake up all right last name is gonna expire putting up a demo must be challenging ship uh had a bunch of people die i think when repentance hit then the aoe got him i think there's also a chain damage effect let's see what our combat log says what happened to me the holy ground ability which is consecrate is hitting for about 200 to 220 sorry 200 to 300 the melee hits are about 2.4 k and i was blocking some of them there mainly for 1.7 and just holy grain of melee hitting me holy wrath for 3.1 k getting ready to pull again ready to check start with an aoe pack i'll pull it do a commanding shot get some initial threat on everything 167 not bad under flap demo shot to soften them tapping through seeing what i got that one's on the mage that's fine okay keeping an eye out here i can pull this that patrol is there we'll just mark that get a better visual i'm just doing devastating once again reminder if you're pulling these packs kill the retainers first retainers first for these ones you can put down a grounding totem they will freeze the tank and switch to somebody and they're also immune to tom these are a pain in the butt thunderclap demo shout give my team better chances whenever i get frozen if i get frozen another pool like this you cannot skip this one so just pull it back i'll pull it around here so we won't have line of sight issues with these pillars under clamp demo they're hitting me pretty hard but i have pretty strong healers and we have three healers if i only had two healers or if the healers in the room were not quite so strong then i'd probably just roll with the shield you should be able to flex your tank set up depending on the rate that you're in okay this guy's in the way probably just faster if you're pulling good catching that end shackle another clamp emoji opera benton anyone here ever done some theater acting singing maybe at the same time control pull it nope that wasn't the best underclap just gonna tamp through make sure i got as much as i can you want to pull them out of the spotlight it does give them a damaged bonus it gives you a damage buff as well all damage done increased by 20 also these performers do a fire nova when they die so be prepared for that this area is pretty cramped so they don't give you a ton of room to max range i'll just take a few poles with the shield on just to demonstrate the rotation inside having good hotkeys is key to being able to hit all these buttons at once shield slam shield block devastate revenge cleave devastating brook strength devastates shield block shield slam initial threat shield slam tab devastate shield block revenge cleave tap back to school concussion blow their immune stun you're not allowed in here people want to kill this one because it has some recipe or something i've never seen a drop but that's the river stage here just try to position yourself so you get the damage but they don't excuse me is there another one i thought we pulled it i'm not an actor well i'll give it a shot all right let's see what we get as a tank what do i want here romulo and julianne or romulet and julius romelo [Applause] i don't know whatever welcome ladies and gentlemen drinking evening's presentation tonight we plumb the depths of the human soul oh excuse my man this is a performance lonely girl trying desperately with the help of her loyal companions to find her way home now this one is goldilocks in the three bears so for this one there are three different bowls of oatmeal one that's super hot one that's really cold and one that's kind of in the middle you want to put the fire mage on the cold oatmeal so that it will warm up you want to put a frost mage on the hot oatmeal to cool it down and then you can right click the good oatmeal to get a buff [Applause] the square the mage can put it on fire and it's going to cause it to run around in here and secure on that one all right now i need to make sure the square is on me this one is the hardest let's just get it iron shield potion so cleave devastation demo shall refresh disarm the square he's immune or you can try it these are munaton trying to build threat nice fear we've got heaps of threat on this one he does a cleave though be careful whenever these are all down there's going to be the wicked witch of the west damn dealers need to do damn and watch out for the tornado if you get romulo and juliana or whatever and you tank romulo you can disarm him it's actually a game changer for that fight he hits pretty hard he'll kill some tanks i've heard paladins have a problem with him and bears can't disarm either maybe slippers shoulders let me keep it moving beast mob pauldrons these pools have philanthropists they're the only elites in these poles i like to mark them they also drop a ton of gold let's get a thunder plant you would devastate thunderclap health is dipping a little bit low because our healer is loot mastering next time here's the other philanthropist i'll catch up in the threat penis maybe yeah one gold each person from those philanthropists that means i have over 10 gold i'll mark the elite underclamp cleave revenge devastating are these immune to stun yes is this one two philanthropy that's not a philanthropist that's a philanthropist my thunderclap my thread on skull is pretty good i'll just do another revenge and then i'll switch to x now i'm doing cleave devastated leave revenge thunderclap demo shine active every time it's really crazy the amount of incoming damage you reduce by putting those debuffs on a pack improved thunderclap time between their attacks by twenty percent or is it twenty five with talents atlanta score under clamp it demo shouting 300 attack power attack speed reduced by 20 percent jumping it down got some ghost pulls here let me careful there's one over there people tend to butt pull this one oh my god someone did it yeah be prepared to pull that one he's hit pretty hard as well we'll say it's one of the facts where i tend to get killed a lot of is because people are just going down the stairs and stuff and you don't always have the full party ready to go people open that door all the time thinking that's my pain it happens every week that's the back back door entrance side door which means that if we die at this point we'll go to the side entrance that'll catch us up to the progress we've made all right this one will be a rage safe so i'm just checking my buffs here in the fight with full rage we have nightmare coming up this is the spun welcome to knight bane this is the toughest boss probably in this phase this is where it lands this exploded barrel is your reference here so is the tank i'm gonna be here let's also take this fight seriously mid belt mid mid-ring mid-trinket mid-bracers mid-helm we're good all right this is a fight greater ward of shielding is good how long do i have in this greater roon boarding 12 minutes okay we're good all right let's get a pull talk you all through this fight i've done this with the guild a million times i know what to do all right combat starts in 35. my pain is going to be flying around the visibility in this fight for a tank is pretty bad so listen to their calls about if you need to move a little bit to the right or to the left you can target knight bait ahead of time he's swooping around if the melees stay close to the face they can get cleaved and killed and you can actually hit my bane a little bit before it lands let's see there's the devastating shield block shield slam this distracting ash produces reduces chance of hit needs to be disability okay prioritizing shield block here just have a smooth pull iron shield potion right away commanding shot i want to make this as easy on my healers as i can thunderclap demo shout find sunders commanding shot that's your checklist and now i shield slam and i do my rotation devastate heroic shield block devastate heroic shield slam nightbeam is going to fly into the air 75 percent does that every 25 percent rook strike shield slam rogue strike devastate shield block demo shout refresh resist demo shot refresh thunder clown shield block shield slam revenge devastate heroic shield block shield snap air phase we all stack up with the ranged we wait for the bone storm when the bone storm happens everyone but the tank will run we put an earthbind totem down hunter frost trap totem down and i mark these and i devastate and i tab and i mark that a concussion below that one i mark this one i thunder clap all these shout i taunt this one back and i wore snow and i keep an eye on my health in case i need to help snow i'm pulling this one back they got that one i'm going to save up a little bit of rage and get ready for the boss to land double check my iron shield 30 seconds [Music] getting ready for boss to land i'm in position by the exploded barrel and i can hit him a little bit before he lands there's a shield slam devastate heroic he's going to run at a healer okay we're good i'm trying not to give the the tail to the the melee there we go need to get ready to iron shield again demo shout thunder clamp that's my checklist commanding shout we're good iron shield now we're good shield block is up baroque strike is up revenge is up thunder is at five stacks the boss will sometimes do a bailing roar so just keep an eye here for a caspar breath is fine that's just damage i'm going to refresh thunderclap demo shout air face we stack up [Music] all right mark this one shield slam it mark this one shield block revenge it mark this one thunder clap demo shadow taunt this one back i'll concussion below that one i'm just gonna go ahead and help take a little bit of pressure off the healers now they're dying i'm gonna go back to the barrel keeping an eye on the boss air phase ends in seven seconds my rage is full that's great i'm in a commanding shot for a little bit of threat i got buried i got it i'm just gonna try to reposition it here and we're good i'm gonna last stand make it a little bit easier on the healers and we're in position demo shout us up thunderclap is up shield block is up iron shield is up commanding sound is up we're solid we're doing our part iron shield thunder clamp just expired re-thunder cloud air phase we stack up a commanding shot get a little bit of initial threat on get ready for bone storm i'm gonna blood rage rain of bones whatever first one devastated shield slam it second one mark it devastate it third one mark it concussion blow now i thunder clap i taunt this one mark it i'm gonna war stump stunned all of them except for the front room all right i'm gonna watch my rage okay i have full rage now i'm gonna get ready for the boss they're in a bad spot they need to get away from the spot back up iron shield is good challenging shot is good shield slam shield block heroic strike devastate we could bloodlust it's up nice usually we bloodlust the final ground phase just to make it fast got a little bit of threat pulled there yeah execute phase you do a lot of threat and i'm in full mitigation as well so not too much i can do about that and that's a fight just guard of the connoisseur pretty good hello [Music] all right let's get that dps gear back on endless pit uh there we go nice all right get one of these one bridge for activity more ghosts commanding champ keep it up i'm thinking about the skill of a tank and how it's a combination between the decision making for how you prepare for a pool and then the execution for how you can use your abilities and position yourself because one of the things that could go wrong for say nightbane and this is the pull of a tank which is being greedy with your threat you can itemize for more threat but how much is too much threat relative to how much mitigation you need because if you get too much threat you die if you have more mitigation than you need then you miss out on the opportunity to deal more threat which means the damage can the dps can do more damage it's kind of like a ride the lightning in this case i'm striking somewhere in the middle for these pulls for night vein we were pretty much full mitigation one thing that i could have done to mitigate a little bit more would be to get stamina food instead of hit food but the reason i don't like to do that is because a huge part of having a good night vane is being able to not get parried or dodged too much whenever the air phase ends so hit rating can be more important than stamina if you don't have the boss on you well your stamina doesn't count for anything use it kind of hard i can take both i think put a shield on demo shout out cleave shield block under clap state heroic heroic strike feels more threatened than knee does believe there's more damage but it also gets you threat on two mobs instead of one so you've got a little bit of decision making there you want heroic for more bursts right on that target or do you want to cleave put a little bit more damage to push through the content next we're going to get a bunch of these pulls and pull them into this room he's doing mana drain and stuff but then they give the party random with their aura when they die i just do the thunderclap and these are all channeling drain mana you can more stop to interrupt that the boss patrol's up and down this hallway just doing some shouts for initial threat make sure i hold the big one shout it doesn't really do a ton this bull there's a lot of other damages from that drain man up and this guy also does a teleport so i taunt it back i'm gonna pull this one commanding shout get that initial threat make sure i have the big one thunderclap cleave revenge just tap through this one's on the warrior that's fine this one's on the mage i'll talk that and also interrupt you can mix in a whirlwind for fun or not need to be careful of the boss i'll just mark it under clap again cleave revenge devastate oh my god interrupt with that we got two more before the boss we'll wait the sponsor's aggro radius is enormous be careful boom blood bridge and around the corner you get threat with your challenging or commanding shout for every party member you buff so the more people you buff the more threat you get thunder clap foreign one more man these patrols should be good from here boom getting threat we're gonna pull them all the way into the room i don't know what they're doing the question is will it pull the boss it's exciting it did not pull the boss already check the spots does some sparks doesn't really hit that hard let's put another one of these on great to ruin the warning chest piece no i need hailstone let's get another sharpening stone no food buff this fight i forgot ace potion already on emo thunderclap heroic revenge devastate roy he does a hateful life mechanic where he hit someone next to him he was just turning and hitting the warrior but threat looks good he's hitting me for that much dps killed sparks 4.1 k crit 2.8 k hit it's a pretty simple fight put up a demo shout out just for good tanking practices keep up that commanding shot one way you could think about keeping up thunderclap and demo shot on a fight where you don't exactly need it is you insulate yourself against bad luck sometimes the healer has a problem someone takes an extra burst of damage they didn't expect and maybe they can't heal you in that moment if you have thunderclap and emo shot up that reduces your chances of being killed should we do something dangerous last stand recklessness execute i'm sure good stuff all right this is the basically ass pool city people will find ways to pull in this area get this guy oh my god 100 rolls i roll with 61 that's not gonna get 100 hillstones are good so we kill that one we hug left i'm gonna pull this one i'm trying to pull it back these mana worms are immune to magic damage that's part of why you want to build some bring some physical dps character all right i'm gonna take this one generally if you get a whole bunch of stuff that comes in it's best as the tank for you to pick up whatever is the biggest whatever hits the hardest keeping up that thunderclap keeping up that demo and the shield block too these arcane protectors hit pretty hard i'm just going to pull this a skip is not a skip if not everyone can do the skip this library is like failed skip central you can technically make it through by only pulling these left packs and some of the patrols but if only one person if even one person messes up the skip then you have to pull it anyway and the skip gets messed up those times so we pour that way we can do these fights on our terms [Music] all right get more mana worms keep an eye on these markets these are immune to tongue so i just gotta build thread on it i thunderclap the little guys leave revenge shield slam devastate demo shout shield you can concussion blow them too lots of room here we'll just go ahead and pull this guy on our terms i might pull mana worms too we'll wait let's see what good opportunity we can get all right here he comes if you really want to be nice to the melee dps you can turn the boss so they can attack from the back but the most important thing is taking the mob in a place where you're not going to pull the stuff so we can run around here technically pulling one of these more stump oh i got another buddy i tab over devastate that guy she'll block revenge i'll put an x mark on it i'm also going to pop up iron shield potion my health got pretty low there nice earth elemental from the xiaomi that's a good reaction to being in a scuff pool people now we can move up remember to stay hydrated in your run nice protector up here all right these are kind of tricky they will explode when they're low hp the little ones just want to designate stuns i will stun skull shield slam tab state tab devastate shield block under flap shield slam a concussion blow taunting x building thread on triangle nice stuns all right keep an eye out there's a shade here it's invisible we're gonna hug the right there it is she'll bash interrupt all right we're them good don't stand on these things on this if your range dps it causes stuff to evade and heal back to full nice stun again get more threat this one has a bunch of spell shades oh wait on mana [Applause] you can interrupt these just doing damn state cleaves these don't really hit hard for physical they just can't spells you can interrupt them i'm gonna try to line the side a little bit here devastate [Music] great i'll work on this guy under clap we devastate commanding shout refresh and we're off to see eel hoof did you know there's a secret passageway there and you go through the books now you know there's a boss back here pull this one before the boss commanding shout gets some threat under claps revenge clean devastated and this is the pull before the boss so if i can end it with full range that'd be great cool full rage kill amp kill boss the boss takes more damage when the amp is dead back in mc i would just charge in and they'll be like run i wasn't ready that's why i use ready chicks i'll get a food buff five four three two one ah devastate heroic on school on camp over devastator switch into cleveland leave revenge devastate we had a shield shield slam this guy sacrifices somebody i'm gonna break the chains can't shadow bolts on you that's very little damage 2k 3k or something 2.1 k crazy sacrifice you can target the chains like this just right click him we revenge we've devastated the lightning capacitor was in you gain an electrical charge whenever you do a damaging spell crit lightning bolt um [Music] is that good what do you spill think hold on like a triangle thunder clap demo shout one of my healers is not here so i'm gonna go defensive last stand it let's try to interrupt shield bash that one i can also concussion blow lots of tools staying alive shield tab targeted revenge roll again all right shade of iran can definitely dual wield this fight he does pretty much all spells the arcane missiles and the fireball hit the hardest that's usually what people interrupt having a warlock for this fight makes dealing with the water elementals a lot easier they can banish one and fear one or they can airweave here get everybody check out so good i'm gonna have to refresh those potions in a bit elixirs i wonder if you can charge this guy this is a tank radius i'm gonna try five four three two you can i'm just doing heroic devastating defensive stance flame reef don't move nobody moved interrupted that fireball i'm just in berserker stance now he's casting spells of random people so there's not much point in me trying to be top threat getting ready to interrupt as well nice kicks let's get that commanding shot up getting ready to pummel we'll let him shoot frostbolt back to the cold you want to run out of blizzard if you can't sit in your area you got a pummel there a whirlwind more damage interrupted interrupted that there's the explosion okay let's go back on the boss you can cleave this elemental and now we can execute [Music] that's great now we're moving up to another spike in chess the sorceress shades in these poles deal aoe so you want to kill those first it's mostly spell damage though i will throw a war stomp you can stun all but the sorcerer's straight also get a concussion blow here same thing source of shade first commanding shout out everyone scott manning we're good to go devastating on that one thunderclap cleave you do have a bit of a decision between revenge and devastate revenge when you have the set bonus from tier four means your next ability deals more damage so that's nice and rage is the best for um threat per range of your abilities what is it two rage yeah so if your low rage revenge is an amazing ability if you're high rage you could favor i want to devastate because i want to sunder the target more for the dps just something to think about another source for shade marked at school i'm also going to line a site here leave devastate me if they're done school i'm just going to interrupt this little berserker for fun through make sure i have threat i'll try to interrupt the next one i see what we got oh mountain king how book this one get away over there all right now we got some consortium guys these ones do an ability that lowers your strength and agility by percentage and it stacks they also do a disarm so you're gonna deal a lot less threat whenever they disarm you strengthens only to reduce by 3 per stack and it stacks up to a max of 15 stacks [Music] pulling this guy grab him manny shout initial threat rogue strength devastate did you know you can still devastate it when you're disarmed pretty crazy all it does is requires a one-handed melee weapon which means that if you're disarmed and you're dual wielding you can still devastate because you have a one-handed melee weapon in the left hand it's crazy i guess that means you can devastate if you have a sword board look at this i'm still devastated great we can run across if they're all paying attention so this is a point where you can do a mage happy surprise time there's a spellcaster one that has a powerful plus a spell damage buff which mages can spell steel the mage in your group may ask to do that so if they do you can have people hold dps take a bathroom break or something it's not exactly a speed boost for the run but it does give them an ability to deal a ton of damage and it looks pretty on the courses for them [Music] i would say overall it's probably a net minus for speed i'm just trying to clear fast all right i got full range red is brunt then cow blue jay phobia green cow run all right check people got their signs we know we're doing oh i need to refresh these all right welcome to another spike this fight is pretty tricky it's more of a technical one getting those signs is out the red beam gives you a whole bunch of health and auto threat so you don't really need to worry about beating other people in threat if you have the red beam take him over here by the right hand side and then when you have the red beam you hold it for 10 stacks and then step away for a little bit six seven eight look at my health 37 10 i get off it and then i just count to five my head three four five right now go up another ten stacks here okay i'm gonna get off 20 stacks one two three four and five i'll go back in catch another 10 stacks and by about 30 stacks you should be around where your health was initially 29 30 portal phases ending don't stand in the void zones all right when the portal phase ends we're going to run over by the window finish phase now we run commanding shout refresh all right with 10 seconds left to go the new tank for the red beam needs to run in and look for the red portal you can go in a few different places so that's another breath ability it's pretty hard i'm gonna bandage myself okay he needs to go in and get the red beam and i need to look for the green beam there's a little phase blue beam is there red beam is back to the right the warrior needs to get threatened he needs to go by the red beam and i'm protecting the green beam from touching the boss this will heal up the boss really fast okay so he's got the red beam i'm just managing the green beam primarily all right i can be circumstances because i don't have the boss give a commanding shout for the red beam tank this phase i'm just dpsing away whirlwinds devastates her rooks and berserker stands for chapter wood zone you might get it into execute phase we should run to the door here okay manage phase i think yeah there's more room over here i think i should be out of range of that another breath who did it hit yeah we're good so the idea here is just to be as far away from the nether breath as possible banish phase is ending soon i'm gonna go defensive stance eat an iron shield put a shield on it's not letting me do that for some reason for the face looking for red there's red i'm gonna last stand make it easier on my healers hailstone make it really easy on my healers i've got the boss i've got the red beam we're in business so that nether breath that killed a bunch of people sometimes if there are totems next to the boss you'll cast another breath right away so just be aware of that if you're charming let it sit for a few stacks back get a few more stacks up to 30 and we'll just try to dps and without the red he was out of the green beam that's what was healing the boss okay i'm gonna see if i can intervene over here someone needs to take red spanish 3's ending soon doing another shout also two percent another breath let's see if we can execute it keeping my blood rage up getting executes out and pulled threat that's fine i'm killing this guy not bad a little bit sloppy but we got to demonstrate how the fight works so the portals can spawn after the first ones they can spawn pretty much anywhere usually the red one starts here so i take the boss like this over here and then as you saw run over by the windows for the first vanish stage and depending on where the boss ended up in banished stage you might want to run over here back to the starting corner because you can max arrange that nether breath pantaloons are repentance have something you need to repent of try the pantaloons or pennants i'm going to be careful of these you can usually skip this guy but you have to pull this one we'll see people are dead at the moment you know what i'm going to be responsible and i'm going to take a quick stand-up break if you're sitting down for a long period of time stand up for a bit take care of yourself rating is really fun but you only have one body irl so take care of it trying to have good posture stay hydrated and take some stretch breaks don't sit for too long it's bad for your circulation i'll be right back i am in your debt uh ready check stand up move around what are they doing what we're back on it we got a lot of torn in this raid this is four torn this is a torn he's a torn i'm a torn rain cows are torn that's four torn man this paladin is really dead this one does a hint in spirit debuff and they also get that spell damage thing that mages can still steal all right here's the repair spot there is a repair spawned by atom and the horseman i guess i should have mentioned that after that boss you can hang a left pull one pack and then get a repair alright repair you can get some reagents there too ready okay time to put your thinking cap on this is the warchief here the event starts whenever someone takes control of this piece waiting on people to get in the room get in the room all right we're in taking control of it fun tip you can walk in front of these pawns if you move it all the way to the front i can get bloodlust and the way that you win is by killing this king piece on the other side you want to watch out for your health sometimes the aoe is hitting you when it doesn't look like it should destroy them a bloodlust form this cleave has a pretty crazy you range just start cleaving now what elo is this chess game bloodlust i tend to just pride the bloodlust over the cleave find this horse but lust again right foot again right foot less clean left foot less creep bloodless real smooth oh man the horse got him i'll avenge you i cleave oh three of them challenging me that's some damage i'm gonna get crazy parts just kidding there's no parts for this fight cleveland can move up and start fighting the king perhaps i don't know oh cheese we gotta get out of that medieval cheats he's getting low let's leave him the fires hit me though we got him all right to end it you right click control piece here looks like a brain we got it what loot did we get you need something [Applause] hendricks of the high potential these ones hit very hard i'm gonna respect it put a shield on there's a patrol that goes by as well four keep an eye out i'm gonna pull this blood rage and drop down shout get initial threat these are immune to taunt dps need to pay attention shield slam decks i devastated school revenge draw devastate shield block we gotta shout him [Music] all right we can move it up move it up where is that patrol oh there it is oh wait [Music] she'll these hit very hard they also hit fast that one tab devastate broke that one revenge that one i'm back on the scroll shield's name okay we're almost done we did everything except prince including servants quarters which most people skip time so far is one hour 52 it's right around a two-hour run if we get this boss down first try there are things that can go wrong on prince he does hit very hard at face too i want to try to end this trash fight with full range if i can so i'll just hold off spinning rage we got full rage do i have the dps helm on let's put the tank helm on just a little bit armor ring i will try dual wielding the start of this fight but phase two i'll put a shield on get hillstone food buff get ready to check okay everybody's ready do i still have this on yeah 17 minutes nice okay gonna pull i'll show you the spot where i take him i'm shouting turning revenge heroic devastated iron shield potion up most important consume for this fight this boss doesn't feeble ability on everyone except for the main tank at times demo shout resist emotion again got it yep it lowers their health and you can't heal that we need a line of science so they don't die to the shadow nova which is canceling now catch the shadow of pain 1500 every three pretty good we need to watch 65 is when he goes into angry mode that's usually when you want a blood bust what i want to do is make sure thunderclap is up emo shot is up and i'll put a shield on all right oh sixty percent my bad sixty percent he goes into his angry motor dual wielding axis i'm just gonna last stand make it nice and comfortable for the healers he does it pretty hard he's hitting super fast now i still have thunder clap let's have demo shout out refresh the demo it's expired you can also shield baldness if you're not super geared doing a last stand into a shield wall is a really nice way to mitigate phase two all right we're in stage three so he's not hitting hard anymore the axes just go around they're trying to slap somebody make sure my tank checklist is good it's just a special party i devastate threat for days good stuff i am he's a prince of the eredar it looks like a pancake to me well that's karazhan start to finish talking with you all through it pretty much live scuff pulls included hope you all learned from this if you have any tips or tricks or you approach or find a little bit differently than me feel free to share in the comments i'll try to get a guide out for tk and ssc pretty early into phase two assuming we'll get the bosses down but yeah character guide pretty big project hope you all enjoy best of luck with your loot and your biss don't forget to repair before you leave town remember to be kind and respectful to your fellow raiders and from me brunt half a ton mr undertow more than mister on a tram i'll see y'all on the next one ancestors watch over you
Channel: Neuro
Views: 15,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NeuroZerg, Neuro, Warrior, Tank, Paladin, WoW, Raids, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Kara, 10-man
Id: t6WVZNnEPks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 57sec (7077 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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