Ultimate Classic TBC Reputation Guide - All Phase 1 Reputations Covered!

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/rebosreven ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
well boys so we're going to look at all the reputations that are available at the start of classic tbc so there will be a part two of this but obviously that will be later on when the game's released purely because i don't want to cover like never wing a gorilla you know anything that's not in the game to begin with you know i just want to give you the reputations that you need to focus on at the start there's a lot to get through i was trying to think about the best way of doing it i was going to put a presentation together and all of that but i thought to be honest with you the easiest way is i'll tell you what the reputation is how you get reputation with them all the way up to exalted and then we'll have a quick look in game at atlas look to go through you know which ones you might want to focus on so obviously first you will subscribe to this channel no i didn't work i've been practicing my jedi mind tricks well i've been practicing my four skills just in general i've not got that down clearly that didn't work fair enough but obviously like the video uh the one thing i can do is make sure you grab a pen and paper well that that worked at least it's not even a notebook i couldn't find a notebook so i'm gonna write in the bumper puzz pub quiz book just like ruin the the front page or something i don't know what day and age do we live in when you can't actually find a notebook in your house i don't know anyway look in all seriousness some of this you might want to write down you know or one note i know we don't really make notes on paper anymore but you know some of these reputations would be useful especially ones where you get the reputation to be able to then unlock recipes so like in charts and stuff like that they're going to be the important ones you want to focus on obviously as well as some of the nice gear that you're going to get along the way let's get into it okay guys so first we'll start with thralma slash on a hold we'll cover both of these together because they are basically the same but the items do differ so we'll look at the different items that the horde get to the alliance vice versa but firstly how you get to exalted so fred all the way up to friendly you can just kill fellow mobs in hellfire peninsula and it will take you to friendly it won't take you past friendly you're not going to do that obviously but you can so the low-level dungeons ramparts and blood furnace obviously they can take you all the way to honoured and you can do those at 60. so obviously that's a nice way to get to honored there's plenty of quests all over hellfire peninsula that give you thralmar rep or on a hold rep depending on whether your order alliance then when you get higher level when i say high level practically seven e but you could start at 68 if someone's got a key or if you've got a warlock that can hell fire themselves to death next to the door get in open the gate and yes so you don't actually technically need the key but having the key makes it easier but yeah shattered halls will take you all the way to exalted and then also the heroic versions of any of those free dungeons can also take you to exalted so it's actually a pvp daily as well to capture the three towers in hellfire peninsula so as i say it's pvp not saying that everybody's gonna do it but the option's there it rewards reputation and three marks that you can use to purchase stuff which we'll look at in game now you can also get extra marks from killing blows around these pvp objectives so really you want to try and get five if you can preferably when you're doing your shattered halls runs at level 70 and obviously when we get in game you'll see exactly why because you can actually use five of these marks to get on a hold favor or fraumer favor now on a hold favor in hellfire peninsula and hellfire citadel increases on our hold reputation games from killing monsters by 25 obviously experienced by five percent as well so i'm not saying that this wouldn't actually be a bad thing to get if you're actually leveling as well but you know ultimately if you're just going for the reputation to exalted then 25 extra when you're doing your shattered halls runs definitely going to help and obviously it's the same for both factions the rest of the gear that comes from these are pretty lackluster if i'm honest with you but if you've got excessive marks maybe you want to pick up the ring there's a couple of gem options but really what we're interested in is getting the the favors to be able to get reputation faster basically that's really all the ways that you can get reputation with them uh it's it's one of my least favorite reps to actually get to exalted i'm not gonna lie but that's mainly because i absolutely hate shattered halls but if we jump back in game we can have a look at what rewards you're going to get and we're going to look at them separately we'll start with on a whole we'll see what the alliance gets we're not going to look into every every single item just the big items that we're interested in so at friendly which won't take long at all to get you can get the fel stalker belt if you're a level worker and this is actually quite good as we've discussed in the previous gearing guides that you know for a hunter this is actually reasonably decent so not a bad one to get you can get as i say i'm skipping over anything that i don't consider particularly important but the a good one for enchanters at friendly is the bracer and chance to increase your healing done by 30. obviously this is a very good enchant you're going to want to get this asap to all you enchanters the the items that you get here are obviously low level so again i don't really want to talk about them because you know a level 60 ring with spell damage and stuff or a one-handed sword yeah it's not it's not really what you're going to be going for the reputation for as in if you get it while you're leveling then all well and good you know when you hit on it if you're questing then you're going to pick the ring up as you if you're a spell caster and you'll probably pick the sword up if you can use it but let's try and focus on sort of the level 70 stuff the end game stuff so again phil stalker braces and fel stalker breastplate so you get all of this you level workers can get all three pieces of this set literally by honoured with on a hold a good one for the dual crafters is recipe transmute sky fire diamond which you will use if you're an alchemist because sky 5 diamond is what's needed to make multiple meta gems but one style of metagem as in there's earth storm diamond and skyfire diamond so this is one of them that the jaw crafters are going to need again elixir of major agility for alchemists really good you want to get hold of this level workers for the cobra hyde leg armor obviously there is better than this but this is going to be like quite an easy sell you know again you get going around them as a hunter for example farming for prime wares you know and if you were skinning and level working you can probably make some reasonable gold with this ignore the fact that it says honored for the flame rock key you know we've already been told by blizzard that it's going to be revered well they've said they're keeping the attunements and everything exactly the same so we're assuming it's going to be revered for the key uh and when you get to revere this is when you start getting the level 70 stuff so the ring is actually really good it act it appeared on the holy priest pre-raid this list that we done last night live on stream so yeah a really solid ring for when you get to 70. hellforge hallbird is actually really good as well you know absolutely i mean every weapon's a hunter weapon right but you know 26 agility 19 hit attack power 92 just yeah really nice overall and these are what you're really wanting to get revered with you know a specific reputation for so these are where you get your head in chance at revered i don't mean on a hold i mean all of them have got like you know a different head enchant but if you are a healer then on a hold slash fraumer is going to be the one that you want to focus on to be able to get your head in chance so 35 healing 12 spell damage and seven mana for five pretty nice the stats enchant for the chest so plus six all stats in charge you're obviously gonna want this never scale ammo pouch yeah obviously goes without saying don't really need to go into detail there and obviously exalted is when it starts opening the big big boys you know this is when you get an epic for your class or like a recipe or pattern that you're going to make good gold from so blade of the arc mage first obviously very very nice good for basically all spell casters that can use a sword honours call nice tank sword i wouldn't say it's amazing but if your exhaust would move on a hold or you know if you're exalted on a hold you might as well use it veterans musket again very nice for anyone who can equip a gun basically hit attack power and agility you're definitely not going to complain at that so formula enchant cloak salty so just reduces your threat by two percent on your cloak fell still shield spike yep it's a shield spike we know what shield spikes do when you block it does damage so this is a few blacksmithers now this is the big legging chant for level workers where they can start making some some big bucks so never cobra leg armor increases your attack power by 50 and crit strike rating by 12. very nice takes a lot of mats obviously like you would expect but you'll make good gold from it and you get a nice tabard so if we quickly fly through thralmar because there's very little differences recipes and everything all remain the same the items change slightly or the names or the type so instead of a sword you're getting a one-handed axe hit attack power stamina and you're getting a ring but it's just changed name everything else remains exactly the same apart from the one-handed tank sword is now a one-handed axe and the gun for the alliance is actually a bow for the horde all round though solid options from on a hold and throw mark you know it's one you're going to want to get too exalted particularly for those recipes so if you're a level worker or a skinny level worker you want to make some gold you know 100 you're going to want to get exalted to get the the leg armor in chant at least okay so moving on we'll go to scenario expedition i think we'll try and just cover the main ones first so scenario expedition is in zangarmash obviously that's for the koiofang reservoir dungeons that's what the reputation's tied to now there's lots of ways to get cenarian expedition rep so you can hand in unidentified plant parts 10 of them for 250 rep per turn in you can only do this up to honored though but you do have a small chance of getting an uncatalogued species inside these bags because you get a bag when you hand it in as well as well as just a rep if you get one of these it's a 500 rep turning and you can turn it in all the way to exalted so if you happen to get one of these before honored don't hand it in because there's other ways to get to honored you might as well save the uncatalogued species they are quite rare but if you was to get lucky and you got you know you got one or two there's no point wasting that when you could use it or honored when you're limited on the ways that you can get reputation then obviously dungeon wires you've got slave pens and underbog which give reputation all the way to honored you've got steam vaults that gives reputation all the way to exalted and then you've got the heroic versions of all three so slave pens underbugs and steam vaults the heroic versions give you reputation all the way to exalted as well one other way you can get rep all the way to exalted is coil fang armaments now they drop in steam vaults they they look like a little spear tridenty type thing the icon don't vendor them because they're only white and if you're not in the know you might end up vendoring them if you're going to do anything and you're not going to hand them in for the rep yourself because you're not bothered every feral druid on the server will buy them so you'll be able to make a good profit on them if you're not bothered about getting too exalted but we can now see if you are bothered about getting exalted and have a look at the items so starting again standards friendly so the everybody's going to get friendly very easily you know it's no hard task but the heavy cleft of boots come from here so these are going to be very sought after tank boots for a feral druid absolutely they're going to want them green smoke flare we're not interested in that so the the low level blues they're not too bad 30 stamina 39 agility level chest with three sockets you know not bad for leveling but not going to be something you use at 70 obviously again you get a good start a healing weapon are honored you get a good sort of attack power staff are honored nothing no we're not really bothered about these honored items i'll just sort of gloss over them but then you do honor get the heavy cleft of legs and vest so this is to finish off the the set so if you're level working again you're definitely going to want to get honored with these asap because you really want to be honored with them before you go to nagram because you could once you start farming clefthoof leather in nagrand you could potentially be one of the first on the server to sell these if you was you know honored before everyone else because people have skipped zanger marshall not been handing in their unidentified plant parts you know whatever whatever way it goes for alchemists transmute earth diamond comes from here now obviously you're going to want this this is very good especially if you're transmute master and you're not doing primal mites yet urban elixir not neither in or there really just prevents up to 20 damage done by a physical or magic attack for an hour i'm not saying it's useless but you're probably not going to use it on anything adamantite sharpening stones obviously blacksmithing one again going to want to get this as well as getting your adamantite weight stone at the same place so blacksmiths you get your greater rune of warding as well which is very nice so each enchant a piece of chest armor so it has 25 chance per hit of giving you a 400 point of physical damage absorption with a 90 second cooldown it's not amazing but you're gonna probably want to grab it anyway and this is where the other legging chant comes from so level workers you're really lucky with cenarion expedition you know being able to get the feral druid like tank legging chant and their full tank set by honoured pretty cool then it revered so this you start getting some nature resistance um craftables for blacksmithing a really nice healing head and this is actually a really nice healing head for everyone you could literally use this if you're a cloth healer like a priest for example we was talking about this last night you can comfortably use this head all the way up to you get your white mend a very nice tank in neck particularly for druids but useful for everyone 19 defense 18 dodge 27 stamina the dual crafting trinkets are not great uh you know i mean if you're a jaw crafter you're probably going to get it but you're probably not going to go out of your way to get it but you're going to get revered with these anyway you need to get revered with scenario expedition to be able to carry on to your attunements this is where the melee heading chant comes from as well so 34 attack power and 16 hits a pretty good primal water to air transmute as well for alchemists so primal water is arguably easier to farm than primal air and i have a feeling prime was going to be a nightmare to farm anyway in general in classic tbc no matter how many layers we've got so the alchemist transmutes i think could be really useful to basically yeah change one of the cheaper ones into one of the more expensive ones and sell them or use them a enchanting 15 spell hit rating in glove enchant which really makes me laugh formula enchant gloves spell strike to me wouldn't that say 15 spell but it's 15 spell hit one of life's great mysteries and then exalted the mount which a lot of people you'll see riding around on i mean you know i personally won't be wasting gold on mounts well not early on anyway one of the best offhand like pre-raid healing offhand so intellect spirit and plus healing if you can use it i would recommend getting this absolutely ashian's gift again is a very nice ring 23 spell damage and 21 hit 30 stamina that's lacking on intellect but still a very nice caster ring and then the big boy earth warden which every single druid is going to want to get this is why scenario expedition is going to be so i'm going to say so easy to get to exalted with because you're just going to have druid tanks all over the place looking for more steam volts looking for more steam volts looking for more sp heroic ub heroic like trust me it's going to get spammed because every feral tank is going to want to get hold of this then you've got a couple of the epic nature resistance recipes so you've got one for blacksmithing for a chest and one for dual crafting for a ring then you've got enchant cloak stealth for you enchanters permanently enchanted cloak to increase your stealth so then we've got recipe flask of distilled wisdom you're probably looking at this thinking i've seen this before you have seen it before so it is the vanilla recipe but they added they added the ones that dropped from bosses in vanilla basically to make azeroth as desolate as deathwing wanted it major nature protection potion these will be used so again alchemists you're going to want to get this then the big one for level workers getting the big boy druid tank enchant or just just tank we can call it just tanking champ 40 stamina 12 agility really nice you're going to make loads of gold from this all right let's move on to a nice quick one so keep as a time really straightforward you're going to do your karazhana truman as part of that you need to go to bm to be able to go into bm which is blackmorass by the way located in caverns of time if you want to go in there you need to do a prequest which is a little escort at the start escorting a custodian of time or something like that it's called around which is really really boring by the way and then you're going to do old hill spread foothills then you can get into bm but it's a quest chain to get into bm and to complete bm as well so by the time you actually do that chain you're going to get a hell of a lot of rep the best way to get to exalted after that is farm black morass it's like violet hold if you played wrath of the lich king where you just get a wave at a time and then a boss every six waves fairly straightforward lots of lever to be gained as well if you round up all the trash and aoe i'm down but overall for keeps the time spam bm you'll get exalted pretty quick let's check the items out so first of all the glove in charm major spell power obviously 20 spell damage on your gloves is very nice enchanters you're going to want this this is where you get your 12 spell damage and healing ring enchant as well so you don't get anything friendly because getting to friendly is like kind of just given to you that's why there's nothing for friendly it just goes honored too exalted enigmatic sky fire diamond not the greatest metagem but you're probably going to want to get all the recipes anyway aren't you oh and just fyi if you see me skip anything it's either not important or it's not in the game yet so drums of panic yeah i mean it's just a fear for you level workers the revered items are really nice so time walker leg time warden leggings sorry are yeah very nice tank legs plate 57 stamina free sockets dodge 11 defense 18 really really good the big one here is for the prop paladins well i mean any any cast is going to use it but you'll see a lot of prop paladins wanting to get all of this and they'll use it for quite a while as well so continuing blade 30 stamina 11 intellect spell hit and spell damage and healing now obviously they're using it because it's got the spell damage in here and the spell hits neither in all there really it does help a little bit but it's mainly it's a higher stamina one-handed weapon as well 30 stamina is really good um so the designs there's a couple of jaw crafting designs one for a neck a fire resistance neck and one for a trinket which the trinket is not worth making not for the amount it's going to cost you then the nice one for the healers so binding to the time walker they've got no spirit on obviously but 64 plus healing is massive for a pair of braces you're probably going to want to get hold of these time lapse shard very very much under represented trinket i would say 27 stamina is a good amount to get on a trinket and it gives you resilience so i find this really good for a feral tank because resilience helps you get crit immune so you don't need obviously defense helps you get critiquing but you resilience you can mix in as well and it gives 27 stamina you don't really worry about the use effect you're not going to be worrying about reducing your threat uh and then riff maker so a dagger for the rogues that don't exist sorry rogues i'm only kidding no no i am i'm only kidding so no seriously riff maker for the rogues is very nice chance on hitting closes the enemy in a temporal rift increasing the time between her attacks by 10 for 10 seconds attack power by 22 21 agility obviously is a very nice dagger uh it's a big enchant for your gloves 15 agility enchant here and obviously in china's gonna want to get this and then for alchemist you've got flask supreme power much like when we was looking at the cenarion expedition rep you're probably thinking well i've seen this before yes you have again it's one from vanilla which they've added to the exalted reputations so you don't need to go back and grind dungeons and then moving on to lower city rep so there's lots of ways to get lower city rep i'm not going to sit and bore you obviously there's loads of quests you can do there's arakoa feathers that you can hand in there's you can hand in 30 arakova feathers up to honored obviously you've got the dungeons in organized crips obviously just know obviously when we're talking about how to dungeon grind manitoums gives consortium rep not lower city rep but suffolk halls and organized crips can take you all the way up to honored then you've got shadow labs which can take you to exalted and obviously the heroic versions of organize crips suffocals and shadow labs can take you all the way to exalted so let's jump in and look at the items so just skimming over friendly because it's just a green gem we're not bothered about that so we're honored for you enchanters this is where you get your big plus four stats ring enchant so a lot of people are going to want that there's an arcane resistance cloak again ignore the key it's going to be revered and then it revered there's some fairly decent items but there's only one that i really want to talk about so leggings is exile not bad 33 in 33 spirit 39 spell damage and healing you're going to get better same with the chest you're going to get a lot better mal 49 stamina 33 quit i don't know what quit is i mean crit and 66 attack power and then the lower city prayer book is the only one that i would probably spend a decent amount of time talking about purely because it's 70 healing it's not unique so you can actually use two of these so as soon as you hit revered as any healer you're probably gonna put two of these on for a little while anyway so yeah really solid trinket it's got a use effect that it redu your heels each cost 22 less mana for the next 15 seconds not too bad at all but yeah as far as healing trinkets go plus 70 and being able to use them in both slots is very nice so again you've got an attack power dual crafting recipe for a trinket which is not too bad 68 attack power is not bad at all and you can summon a ball for 30 seconds it's not the greatest you're gonna get better but if you just want the recipe you can get it revered you also get a frost resistance neck as a dual crafter as well and this is now where you get a 17 shrimp and 16 intellect head slot in chant seems a little bit of a strange one but actually it's not too bad for feral druids as in feral dps druids you can get an elixir here for major shadow power so increasing shadow spell damage by up to 55 for an hour for you alchemists you can get a 24 slot quiver with 15 ranged attack speed for you level workers now exalted is quite interesting because as long as we go in at the 2.4.3 itemization like we're all sort of assuming we're going to on the basis we're going into a 2.4.3 client that we already know for sure shape shifter cygnet is one of the only items i'm going to say one of the only items there's a few but there's not many that actually gives expertise so 25 agility 18 stamina 20 expertise very very nice ring you also get a spell damage and healing mace here with 15 crit 24 stamina 16 intellect so decent for any spellcaster that can use a one-handed mace basically so like boom is shadow priests even prop paladins might be using this but it's a little bit slow and it's got less stamina on than the continuum blade from keepers of time revered then you've got a stamina and strength pole line we've hit honestly not going to see many people with any using this you've got an enchant cloak dodge so 12 dodge rating pretty reasonable enchant your enchanters are probably going to want to get this exalted then you've got another one of the old vanilla flask recipes so increasing resistance to all schools of magic by 25 again not really one you're going to see many people use and then a tabard how lovely the shattar is the last of the big ones i would say and then we'll get on to the smaller ones we'll cover aldor and scribes as well briefly but the shattar there's quests that you can get shattar rep for you also get a small amount of shattar rep from handing in aldor and scryers hand-ins like reputation items so that's like the arcane tombs some fury signets fell armaments master kil'jaeden you know all of the eldora on scribe rep handings you get a small portion of reputation as well up to honoured but the main way you're going to get this reputation is you get quite a big bulk of it from doing the alcatraz key quest which actually requires you going into mechanic botanica and architraz to finish the entire quest chain and you're obviously going to get reputation on in those dungeons on normal and you get reputation from those dungeons on heroic as well obviously so basically once you've done your architect's key quest and you're handing in your elder and scriber handing stuff it really is just about farming whichever one of those three dungeons you want or all three of them are normal or heroic all the way to exalted mechanar is an extremely good rep farm i know so that could be the one that you go for but you know if you're wanting gear anyway you're probably going to do all three so let's jump in and have a look at what items you can get with the shattar so at friendly which is actually quite a useful metagem so 12 intellect and chance to restore manner on spell cast so your jaw crafters are going to want to get hold of that honored there's an arcane resistance ring we don't need to talk about that too much i've skipped over for all of the factions the head enchant that gives you a resistance of a specific skull but each one of them has got a different skull you also get your major healing incharn on the gloves honoured so this is going to be very good pretty much the best healing enchant you're going to get on your gloves this is quite a big one so or potentially a big one i know we don't know how drums are going to launch obviously but drums are battle so this is where they come from honoured with shatter revered there's a mediocre male belt not really worth talking about just agility and selecting some attack power the trinket's very nice so improved spell grip by 32 and a use effect that increases your spell damage by 130 you'll probably see a lot of warlocks using this early on well and ellie sheaman's fire mages boomkins anyone who really wants big amounts of because it is quite a strong level 70 trinket just from a reputation then we've got another dual crafting trinket telesite l which gives 14 man up for five views 900 mana over 12 seconds pretty useless you're probably not going to use this so spell casters this is where you get your heading chance so you get 22 spell damage and 14 spell hit which is obviously very nice another transmute recipe this time it's transmuting air to fire so for you alchemists another enchant major hearing which is now this time son of weapons this is the big boy healing enchant for the weapon 81 plus healing 27 damage which is very nice again in champions you're gonna want to get this alchemist you can get your alchemist stone here which i reckon we'll probably see quite a few feral druids with alchemy early on because it's not actually that bad of a trinket when i say it's not that bad it's quite nice you know 15 strength and 15 agility is going to give you attack power and crit and 15 stamina if you're tanking you know overall just a reasonable trinket and obviously the equip effect is very nice to get 40 extra mana from pots you healing enchanters or one in your ring enchant so this is where you get your plus 20 healing on each ring and then it exalted a dal's command just a trifactor stat ring which is very nice shrimp agility stamina gavel of pure light which is a nice big healing weapon the only thing better than this pre-raid is actually going to be the blacksmithing crafted weapon and a nice shield for you warriors prop paladins it's yeah defense by 13 increasing block value of your shield by 24 19 stamina big amounts of armor a couple of blue sockets with dodge rate and socket bonus really nice shield i think we're going to see a lot of tanks using this early on and also while you're getting your shield if you happen to be a tanker as an enchanter you can get your two percent threat on your gloves which is very nice and once again at exalted you can get one of the old-school vanilla flask recipes if you're an alchemist so next we're going to talk about elder and scribes now i apologize in advance because i'm not going to go into massive detail with elder and scribes because i have actually done a video specifically for elder and scribes so go and check that out i'll put a link in the description and i'll put a card up the top now obviously finish watching the video and then go back and watch the elder and scribes video because i'll go into a lot more detail for each class but we will just really quickly skim through the items that you get um obviously to get the rep it's had repeatable hand ins so for aldor you hand him fell armaments marks have killed jaden and then the scryers hand in like some fury signets which are little rings fire fire wing signets and arcane tombs but basically general drops off of mobs that you can then hand in for reputation all the way to exalted but let's have a real quick look at the items but i'm really going to focus on the items rather than the recipes so we'll start with aldor so again we're not going to talk about anything that's useless because i've done a video on this already but the cloth chest is quite nice honored for eldor so stamina in spirit three sockets and 29 damage and healing not bad at all to start with the big one that you're going to pick out or scribes for is obviously going to be the enchants so the in-charm for honored for spell casters is just 15 spell damage for healers it's just 29 healing the attack power driven dps it's just 26 attack power and then for you tanks it's 13 dodge rating they do get better exalted and we're obviously going to get to that you get some fire resistance craftable gear for level working for tailoring for blacksmithing so basically more or less everybody can make some form of fire resistance gear are honored so this is probably an important one for you tailors if you go outdoor you can make the 46 healing 15 stamina legend chant that's just the honour so that's the blue version again exalted we're gonna get the better version so at revered you get some big items now vindicators horbork is very nice and i've heard multiple people actually talk to me about this particular item because of the amount of defense it gives the amount of dodge it gives so going for that uncrushable 102.4 avoidance as a warrior or prop paladin this can help to no end then you get a nice agility stamina attack power ring but honestly there's better so there's no need to really talk about this the organized staff is very nice actually so this would be a pretty decent upgrade for most spell casters because of the hit so it's got hit crit and 121 spell damage 46 intellect you know a reasonable staff if you're a spell a dps spell class that goes out or but honestly as we get through this you'll understand more you're probably going to be scribers anyway another jewelcrafting neck this time shadow resistance and again now everyone gets some more fire resistance stuff a nice one for level workers increasing defense rating of an item worn on the chest legs hands or feet by eight but this will obviously be in place of an enchant so probably not gonna see many people using these and then it exalted a pretty useless neck stamina intellect and manipur five a very nice one-handed sword you'll see again like a lot of combat rogues going for this early on so hit by 10 attack power 38 nice and slow as well so now for the dps you get 18 spell damage and 10 crit spell crit for the healers you get 33 healing and 4 mana per 5 for the melee dps you know getting 30 attack power and 10 crit and for the tanks you're now getting 15 dodge and 10 defense there's also some more fire resist recipes which we won't bother talking about so the big one really here exalted for any of the crafters is for the tailors so you're now going to get your spell thread on pants increasing healing by 66 spell damage by 22 and stamina by 20 and the mats other than the fact it needs a primal never which comes from the last boss on a heroic or the last boss in a 70 dungeon but a low low chance of dropping the mats are not too bad i mean 10 primal life is going to be pretty harsh you're going to be farming in zangara marsh constantly but you know it's still a really really really nice leg enchant then moving on to the scryers instead of it being fire resistance gear it's arcane resistance gear so that's the only difference we won't bother covering any of that the in chance you're getting for the melee you're going to get 13 crit for the tanks you're going to get 13 defense for the healers you're going to get five mana for five and for the dps you're going to get 13 spell crit strike and for the tailors much like for the eldor you're now going to get the spell dps version of the embroidery so you're going to get spell damage by 25 and stamina by 15. then it revered so this is where the items change so this is probably where you want to pay close attention as to whether you go out or scribes so you've got level legs hit attack power 28 stamina honestly there's so much better you're not worried about these same goes for the gloves 30 stamina 15 agility and 35 defense very nice decent gloves how long you use them for probably not that long so this is a big one for the spell casters a 32 hit trinket with a nice big spell damage use effect a lot of spell casters are going to go scries purely for this trinket early on because it is very good and then there's a nice healing staff as well it lacks spirit unfortunately but 228 healing and 10 mana per five not too bad at all quite a good one here as well for the alchemists so elixir of major firepower increasing spell damage by up to 55 for one hour which is very nice loads more arcane resist gear for various drafting professions magister's armor kit made by a lever work in use in permanently increases the mana regen of an item worn on the chest legs hands or feet by three mana per five again this would be in place of an enchant so you're not going to see many people using this for the spell casters who went scryers for the trinket you're also now going to get sears signet which is spell crit and spell damage quite a nice ring and for you rogues if you decided to go scribes nice fast 1.5 speed dagger with lots of agility and stamina then for the shoulder enchants 15 crit 20 attack power for the melee 15 defense and 10 dodge rating 6 mana per 5 and 22 healing for the healers and 15 spell crit and 12 spell damage for the casters i'm not going to go into which shoulder enchant is best but i do do that in the scribes versus outdoor video so feel free to check it out then there's some more arcane resist gear and finally the big spell damage legging chant for you tailors then next we're going to go over some of the smaller reputations which will be super super quick so we'll start with sphorogar which are located in zangarmash they're little weird little mushroom people there's lots of ways you can get rep with these you start unfriendly and you need to get to friendly there's lots of like things you can hand in you know you kill the quickest way i'm just going to tell you the way that i would do it i would kill bog lords they give 15 rep a kill you also get bog lord tendrils that you can hand in for reputation as well and you only have to land six in to get 750 rep the rep getting it to exalted is actually very very quick because then the next best thing you can basically do that all the way to honored and then basically going from there to exalted sanguine hibiscus is definitely the fastest way which you get from the coil fang reservoir dungeons now that gives you 750 rep per handing of five so you can see it's not going to take that long to get exalted but let's have a look at what why you would want to get exalted anyway what can you get so this would be quite short because there's not really anything great there's some stamina and spirit pet food there's some food which increases your stamina and spirit as well as some other junk that we don't even need to talk about but the items you get so there's one particular item we are going to talk about so this cloak isn't one of them 30 stamina and a threat drop okay but this shield is particularly good for prop paladins who are boosting running around aoe farming whatever whatever whatever you prop paladins are doing but afflicts the attacker with deadly poison spores each time you block obviously a prop paladin you're blocking a lot i actually use this on my prop paladin and i it's really is really strong really really good fun actually to watch all the dots stacking up you know while you're consecrating just lots of aoe damage then at revered you can get a dagger so level 62. you gotta remember these are like the low level items so they're not particularly good but you can get a dagger 16 stamina 12 hit attack power 22 you can get a little wand which isn't that too bad really nine in 12 stamina and 11 spell damage this is where you can get an actual good transmute this is a good transmute earth will be dirt cheap transmuting earth to water really really worthwhile getting this one for you alchemists you can get a 28 slot herb bag for tailors obviously you don't get the bag taylor you get a recipe then you can make the bag and then exalted you get a lovely tiny spool bat which is largely pointless unless you're a collector obviously like i said overall nothing particularly exciting but if you want to get all the reputations exalted which most people probably will over time anyway then that's what you've got yourself into for spirogor so we might as well do magar and kuranai next so in nagrand basically any ogre you kill you'll get 10 rep you can also hand in 10 obsidian war beads from the ogres and that gives you 500 rep per hand in this is probably the way you're going to grind the rep well it's the only way that i know of to grind the rep anyway obviously there are limited quests there's one in hellfire peninsula with a spirit wolf there's limited quests that give you current eye and magar rep and as well obviously which you'll just do along the way but ultimately you're going to be farming a lot of ogres now we'll jump in and have a quick look at what they give so for the magar we'll look at both so it's not a friendly just a level working belt so a male belt nothing too special there you get the 18 slot quiver so this record only requires level 68 you can get another a set of legs the the two probably are the level working drums so drums of restoration which is quite nice 600 health and mana to nearby party members over 15 seconds and drums of speed increasing movement speed of nearby party members by 15 both of those do certainly have their uses and mining bag recipe for level workers so a revered you get tall buck high spoilers which yeah very nice 20 agility hit attack power not actually a bad item at all you get tempest leggings spell damage and with 11 intellect and three sockets quite a nice boomy item but actually quite a nice uh elemental shaming item as well you also get a stamina intellect spirit ring pretty useless another recipe for this never fury set a recipe to transmute fire to earth i can't imagine anybody on the planet that would ever want to use that because fire's always going to be more expensive than earth and then it exalted of course which is probably what most people are getting to exalted for is the tallback mount which looks exactly how you would imagine it's a tall buck from nagrand multiple different colors whatever one you want to get and then you also get a few items that are useless so ceremonial cover a back with stamin and mana upper five earth coolers headdress which actually isn't too bad but you're still not going to use it you're certainly not going to grind to exhaust with magar for that and then a two-handed axe hit attack power again you're not going to grind to exalted with magur for the two-handed axe either main reason you will be going for magar rep will be for drums of speed and resto if you are a level worker and for a mount and then for the current eye i'm not going to cover it all because it was all pretty much exactly the same apart from the two ander is now a mace for current i that's it but like i say overall you're probably going current eye for a mount that's it you know if you're one of these collectors or you want to just ride around on something a little bit different then it is a good looking mount to be fair and that's how you do it just kill ogres right we've only got two left so i want to go in with a consortium first because the violet eyes i'll leave that till last the violet eyes the karazhan raid rep which is is going to be very quick even the consortium is going to be quick to be fair covering dungeons first obviously manner tombs gives consortium rep on normal all the way up to honored and then mana tombs on heroic can give reputation all the way up to exalted if you're over in nagrand getting the oshagun frags from around oshagan funny enough you can use those to get up to friendly which give 250 per hand in but the best place to go really is getting the zaxis insignias and handing those in at neverstorm because they give 250 rep all the way to exalted you can actually hand in obsidian war beads as well but you really you're not going to want to split the rep if you know what i mean you'll probably use the war beads for your magar or current eye rep depending on what you are so best off getting those axis insignias from never storm or just repeatedly run manner tombs heroic every day until you get exalted because you're probably not going to be in a rush to get a consortium rep and here's why so there's not really anything that great i mean at friendly which you're going to get quite quickly just from doing manner tombs and the quests you're going to get the fill level glove recipe or pattern whatever you want to call it for level workers which it's actually a nice pair of gloves on quite a few people's pre-raid business to be fair if you're not going in next gear of course you get the spell pen cloaking charm which is nice for you enchanters a couple of rubbish gems and then are honored you can get spelled spell power dagger but that's going to be replaced just by doing ring of blood you've got a one-handed sword which is very nice but again going to be replaced so we won't worry about these too much you can get an 18 slot ammo pouch which is not too bad at all you get the fell over boots pattern uh on it as well some more rubbish gems which nobody's gonna use now enchant weapon major striking for seven weapon damage is actually not too bad at all so for your enchanters the swift skyfire diamond if for some reason there was no relentless so the agility crypt damage one this could actually be useful the powerful earth storm diamond again these are both for dual crafters obviously 18 stamina and 5 stun resist bag of jewels so it is for jewel crafters but tayloring makes it a 24 slot gem bag at revered you're gonna get storm spire vest which honestly is pretty useless nomads leggings again these would be replaced but they're still not too bad if you happen to be revered and you didn't have anything better 33 agility 66 attack power 49 stamina a consort the consortium blaster doesn't look too bad to begin with when you look at it but again you'd probably use this maybe if you was a rogue or warrior but you probably wouldn't use this as a hunter it's a bit too fast an arcane resist neck with a use effect to absorb 900 to 2 700 arcane damage on all nearby party members this will actually probably get used later on in the game the fell lever leggings to finish off the set for you level workers enchant ring striking so plus two weapon damage lots of theories going around about this actually being really really strong in tbc elemental see foreign charges to open the mightiest of lock doors and chests bracing earth storm diamond so 26 healing and two percent reduced fret so this is the recipe for you dual crafters very nice very nice meta actually so later in the game i just want to touch on this i haven't during any of the other reps but from the consortium you can get the attack power and spell damage big gems for jaw crafters to use on their own gear this might be if they're not in a release which they probably won't be because they are gated behind a reputation so it'd be very easy to implement post you know in a different phase you'll probably want to get going to want to get to revered if you're a dual crafter with the consortium ready then it exalted a useless head great a useless neck i'd say useless 25 agility 20 street six shrimps nice but i would expect better getting exalted with a reputation that's extremely grindy but then a not bad dagger 1.6 speed 19 agility 38 attack power and now once again this gem if it's 2.4.3 this gem will be available and it's pretty much best for every agility user 12 agility three percent increased crit damage now the reason i say if it's in is because in 2.0 it wasn't in this got added later so there is a possibility that it won't be in the gaming classic but still you're going to want to get too exalted if you're a dual crafter ready to be able to pump these out because they will sell like hot cakes last one to go guys and i appreciate this is quite a long video but it's good for you to see everything that you can get and how you can get them so last but not least violet hold now violet hold rep is basically do your karazhan attunement get in karazhan and all the quest lines in karazhan to summon nightbane etc and you're going to get lots of violet eye rep when you go through the stages of violet eye rep obviously you get a ring you know each level friendly honored revered exalted you get a different quality ring as in it starts at blue it turns it starts at rare obviously turns to epic but then gets more powerful as you reach the higher reputation standings there are also a few other things you can get from violet eye so we'll have a quick look we're not going to go in too much into detail on the rings we'll just have a look at the finished version for each of them so what you're going to get exalted and then we'll move on to the rest of the items but basically keep running karazhan until you're exalted and you'll probably run it until until you could have been exalted twice over you're going to do karazhan that much anyway let's have a quick look as you can see you've got four stages of each ring like i said leading up to the best one so the best one for a melee exalted is 28 stamina 25 hit and 56 attack power for a healer it's 24 stamina 23 intellect 17 spirit and 55 healing for a caster dps it's 24 stamina 23 intellect 17 crit and 29 damage and healing for a tank it's 392 armor 37 stamina and 19 defense but let's get into some of the items that you can get so honored you can get a stamina and arcane resistance trinket which you probably look at and you're like wow that's useless but trust me it will actually be useful and if you're a feral tank for example you might even want to use this if you haven't got anything with high stamina on so it's not actually that bad you get some frost resistance recipes so for dual crafters and blacksmiths you can get a seven resistance to all schools on a shoulder item you get a flask of chromatic wonder increasing resistance to all schools by 35. at revered hunters can start using the violet eye arrows and bullets which is 46.5 dps suddenly you get another frost resistance pair of plate legs that blacksmiths can make quite a good one is the level working so shadow prowlers chest guard 12 stamina 32 strength 40 agility three sockets and hit rating by eight really quite decent and then it exalted cloak of the darkness so stamina strength melee crit and a socket not actually the best it may look good because it's epic but there is actually better that tailors can make and then for enchanters finally the big one 20 agility on weapon which is obviously gonna be the best agility enchant on weapons that you can get and that ladies and gentlemen pretty much brings us to the end i know that was quite lengthy and we've just covered every reputation that's going to be in in phase one of tbc i am going to do a what comes next for reputations but i'm not going to do that until the game is released because then we'll be looking at unless i get bored or run out of content which is not going to happen i've got a list of about 250 videos that i'm working through and i wish i was exaggerating so this is the reputation ones anyway how you get it what you get where to get it i hope you found it useful if you did make sure you like subscribe thank you for all your support obviously if you've joined the channel as a supporter or a legendary support a big shout out to you i'll give you a big shout out anyway at the beginning of every live stream until the next one peace out
Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 125,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world, of, warcraft, world of warcraft, burning, crusade, the burning crusade, wow tbc, tbc, items, classic, classic wow, pve, pvp, raid, raiding, bg, arenas, kargoz, metagoblin, druid, scottejaye, dps, healer, bis gear, tbc pre bis, guide, gold farm, farm, gold guide, pve guide, druid pve guide, druid pvp guide, bis, tank, feral druid, tbc feral tank, tbc release, classic tbc news, wow tbc classic release, reputation, cenarion expedition, sha'tar, keepers of time, consortium, sporeggar, kurenei rep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 27sec (2667 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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