The Bridegroom – Healer, Protector, Provider // Brian Guerin // School of Knowing Him - Session 4

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jesus we love you we say have your way holy spirit come do whatever you want to do at any given moment come in touch us i pray for right out of the gate the manifest presence of god that you'd heal bodies that oppression would lift off of people there'd be liberation breakthrough just crazy just you being you as we as we're diving into knowing you make yourself known in real tangible ways do what only you can do holy spirit anoint the teaching i pray glorify jesus in it take us deeper through that door of knowing you intimately and i just transform us i pray literally encounter us tonight please you are the bread of life let us partake of you dine with us in us with you in jesus name amen so chris gentry what is happening got to minister together this weekend in jacksonville and and uh it was awesome so so yeah let's jump in real quick so i'm gonna wait i'm kind of excited i'm gonna hit something i'm gonna hit something a little it might be a little touchy but i'm gonna do it my the best i can intact and love and i'm just feeling drawn this way and uh it's awesome i don't have to kind of dial back as much because when you're with different leaders you gotta you gotta honor and watch what you watch what you watch but hopefully you guys will hear me and i'll keep it in the word and it'll be good but i can feel the lord you know he's like come up higher kind of toughen up i can feel him with the bride he's like yeah now training wheels got to come off boys you know and girls out of his goodness and love and uh all rooted in knowing him really deeply so it's going to be good okay recap last week we kind of got into three of the main facets leading into the last days of that we're really going to need to know the lord experientially if you guys remember session one we went into knowing him as literally everything like if that is not your ultimate goal in life you guys want to bring the red door back up give it one last look see one last look see see if we can make it stand up again hey come on jesus anyway this door is not the very reason you wake up every day then something's off and it's okay we've all been there different days and had our better days and ups and downs but you know what i mean the overall overview of our life should be going through the door that i may know him philippians 3 paul said i count all things as garbage compared to the infant infinite value of knowing christ jesus my lord that i may become one with him and then from that what that knowing is that peter and paul and john all always come back to interlude which is a very first contact hand contact seeing by no knowing by seeing firsthand relationship a very experiential knowing and then from there we went in into how we can grow we should be growing in our knowing and it's it's a growth we should never grow stagnant like the foolish bride bridesmaids that you know didn't have oil in the last days and so it kind of went from there and and uh you guys keep me on track you know my bangs will fall at times it looks a little sketchy but i won't see them unless they go real low did i ever tell you guys about that dream i had so stacy campbell you know we'll just go for it um years ago this is almost real new to the prophetic first off i was kind of like um okay how does this work like you know but kid you not go to this conference actually this patricia king conference and stacy campbell was one of the uh guest speakers comes down b-lines like a heat-seeking missile right at me she thought if you've ever seen her prophesy i mean hair shaking like whoa what is going on and uh starts prophesying clark kent she's prophesying over me super loud i can't even hear her the music and patricia king's like yeah it's like glory and we're up at the front by the altar i'm like i'm fresh out of bible college like what is happening right now and but apparently she's like you know shaking it clark kent clark kent um you know whatever and this whole thing about superman and so in the natural you know you can you can take on the depiction of kind of like a you know clark kent but actually in the spirit anyway this whole deal and so my friend hears it's like yeah or whatever i'm like what what's she saying it was not spiritual at all but nevertheless they explained the word to me and i go to sit down minutes later it felt like i'm in worship probably a couple thousand huge conference thousand or whatever maybe a thousand and a young boy out of all of the crowd the young boy for whatever reason his parents had him in a superman pajamas if i ever told you guys the whole story he comes and sits right in front of me and i'm like what is happening like i just got some crazy i guess prophetic word what are those i mean i knew enough but it was new and like some little boy sitting in front of a superman pj's like what is happening and then it began it was it was it kept happening then i was at another conference stacy campbell i don't know what it is with her and again tons of people there and this young boy she just in the prophetic i don't know why she gives him some smiley face sticker and he just all of a sudden b-lines all the way around to the back i'm over by the wall and just comes and sticks the sticker on me walks off and i was like what is happening right now like stacey didn't even tell him to do that why is he picking me like what's going on anyway so this main dream though the lord started messing with me about it and i go into this dream i kid you not i'm flying i'm like superman in the dream of flying it was epic one of those dreams you just don't want to come out of and talk about like angels have humor i come out of this dream i was like i was superman that was crazy you know the lord is just teaching me a lot of prophetic parallels is all having eyes to see supernatural seeing and hearing in the spirit and spirit of might and all this so i go to get ready and i walk i walk into the restroom and i see in the mirror i was like what in the world and i kid you not the bangs of my hair should have taken a picture of this one i don't think i did uh was literally pulled down and curled on my forehead just like the old school superman i was like you have got to be kidding me heaven is a trip it's a real sense of humor and um so it just had a lot of meaning in that season or whatever was super funny so anyway that's not what happens when they f that falls it just gets weighty and falls down so you guys keep me in check but um anyway you can imagine that it was definitely a sight so anyway growing and knowing and then leading into the end times the uh the dire need to know him as lord our healer protector and provider of course every other facet knowing him in his fullness but these are three that really seem to be on the forefront in the last days guess what though undergirded by the bridegroom held together by the bridegroom all sewn tight within him as the bridegroom and i'll explain i'll break it down but anyway i'm going to get ahead of myself on that one and i think i'm going to go into the bridegroom in this one but i'm going to really stay there longer into the next session and then try to land it with a lot of the broad stroke that we really need to know though and to hopefully bring a fullness to the class but but also i could feel and pray the lord's like no the holy spirit is pulling me i'll feel this this pull that if you're honest um if we're honest sorry that that's really you know what you're really trying to do in ministry because that's how you stay in the anointing in the current flow of the spirit of what he's on as soon as you get out of that river things dry up and it can be truth but it's not it's letter alone not spirit that brings life and so just so you guys know you always want to i think it's romans 8 um those that are led by the spirit those are the true sons of god so you want to do due diligence in that and stay in the full of the spirits anyway recap those main three vital areas that i talked about the lord our provider healer and protector again you can i mean go on and on and on i had a lot of the names last week and he's so full and inexhaustible you know and they all overlapped to be honest with you um so so you know don't just hear me let's not pigeonhole this thing and corner ourselves in but also i think it's it's good that we needn't not be naive and see a lot of things that are going to be pressing as the days increase and where we really need to know the lord not by vernacular alone or by just what we say and some verses we can spit out real quick but in an experiential way and that's why i've built first-hand contact knowledge we've got to really know him and i also touched on how often by default as humans we think we are deeper than we are we think we know more than we do and we all can relate and and have been there and that's okay but you can see when things wrap up sometimes the lord's assessment doesn't quite line up with ours and i think it's healthy to know that like oh sweet jesus help me not fall in that bunch like help reassess search my heart oh lord now that i can go deep with you so here here i want to start again provider healer protector all undergirded by jesus christ the bride groom i'm going to touch on it but lift and go back into the healer a touchdown provider last week because i want to transition next week more into the bridegroom camp out there but i want to preface this song of solomon 8 chapter 8 if you're taking notes 6 through 7 set me as a seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for love is as strong as death that's a big one jealousy is fierce as the grave its flashes are flashes of fire the very flame of the lord many waters cannot quench love neither can floods drown it if a man offered for love all the wealth of his house he would be utterly despised so right in that chapter alone you see financial provision or the lack thereof coming at love and it's just it fails utterly despise no chance you notice when the when the devil came to jesus and tried to offer him many things whether it's you know like i was touching last week the mark of the beast type situation where provisions you know a lot of it's going to be supernaturally tapped into but you see love trumps that the waters the floods the casualties plagues famines war the the horizontal casualties of life that's what floods they the waters uh they flood and drown out your uh vertical pursuit of him but the love is stronger they can't even drown love death which is persecution these things like that love it's just love is the strongest force i'm getting ahead of myself but when the bridegroom is undergirded under all of this it's really unstoppable so i have here this is why jesus specifically mentions in matthew 25 the parable of the kingdom and the ten bridesmaids directly following matthew 24. some of you have heard me uh allude to this before but uh listen if you start looking at the at the parables specifically the parables just like the matthew 25 it's a parable of the kingdom of god jesus would often talk about the kingdom of god in parables with just about all of them that i can find i'm pretty sure everyone he never ties a parable of the kingdom that i can find into a timeline or into a a specific um season he just randomly you know what can i liken the kingdom unto ah it's like a mustard seed in in this section he'll just go off about the kingdom of heaven the bible even says when he rose again from the dead and visited the apostles for 40 days the bible specifically says he discussed the kingdom he mentioned things of the kingdom to him end of matthew 24 listen and this is going to come on the forefront in this last hour you're going to see preachers the bridal realm being preached taught undergirded in everything intimacy infatuation the bride being prepared for his return and the gospel or good news of the kingdom matthew 24 watch watch where it lands it says it says all the prerequisites for the end times and it says then the kingdom of uh sorry the gospel of the kingdom specifically any version you check not the gospel of salvation alone while yet that's totally included but it specifically highlights the gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world then the end will come and what it is it's preparing for his kingdom to come and set up on the earth and reign he so the kingship of the lord and the king and bridegroom those many facets are really going to start coming more on the forefront and uh in his authority and so anyway um but you see in matthew 24 this this uh this the end time prerequisite and he jumps to matthew 25 and it's the only time i can find where jesus says at that time or then some versions say then the kingdom of heaven will be like this so jesus is like listen that the disciples ask him look what will be the sign of the end when you return jesus says oh i'll tell you and he gives them about seven or eight to ten depending on how you separate them lying upon line details not allegorical or parabolic they're very literal and he says look when you see this this this this is the end then he jumps to matthew 25 and he says not only that furthermore at that time then the kingdom of heaven will be like this there will be 10 bridesmaids all in search for the bridegroom and that that's what you're going to see don't get me wrong the story line of heaven has always been very calculated purposeful strategic you know from abraham all the way up to the end but the end you can see it right there jesus specifically ties this this parable to then he goes at that time basically at the end the kingdom of god will be like this there'll be 10 bridesmaids in search of the bridegroom and they're all virgins and pure and so that's why a lot of the shaking is happening it's starting to shake you know what uh what you truly have what you're where your roots really are like i told you guys last week if it's on the sand it's it's gonna fall out it's on the rock good but there's a purity coming too because they're all virgins but even there he takes it a notch higher you can be pure virgin set apart in pursuit of the bridegroom but even then if there's not a deep knowing of extra oil you still won't get through the door not to make this thing too like oh my goodness who you know nobody can attain it of course we i believe we all all will but again we don't want to candy coat the word it's it's in there and it is how it is but it's beautiful because this is the only time where jesus gives the matthew 24 everybody knows this this is the most mascot chapter for the end times out of jesus mouth red letters matthew 24 and he kicks straight to matthew 25 not only jumps into another parable but says but he connects it to matthew 24 he says at that time the kingdom of heaven will be like this and where i'm getting at is this bridegroom dynamic of knowing jesus rooted in deep deep love is the only thing that will in a very victorious way sustain the bride through matthew 24. that's why i say the lord provider healer protector all undergirded and founded on knowing him as the bridegroom listen don't let anybody ever stray you away from this reality the spirit and the bride say come john the baptist who had the spirit of elijah on him who he knows that comes comes again right before the lord's return he's the one that coined the phrase bridegroom that should tell you something meaning oh the spirit of elijah's on this guy who we know is coming right before the lord's return and he's talking about the bridegroom that that's another light bulb dead giveaway key that at that time the bridegroom and the bride in the preparation ephesians 5 27 he longed for bride without spot or wrinkle and he's going to return for her you and i and uh but that's what's beautiful and so i want to touch on that on the left and go back next week but watch this love is the most powerful driving force behind the desire of mankind there ever was or ever will be got a random text somebody's telling me to vote for something in america i bind the devil i'm teasing do you ever get those random texts trying to kill the anointing i'm totally teasing some of those random text messages but listen love is the most powerful driving force behind the desire but i vote for america you know i mean god bless america i'm just saying i didn't read it i don't know what it is uh most powerful driving force behind the desire of mankind that there ever was or ever will be listen god knows this he made us this way god is love the highest priority first command love the lord your god with all your heart then love your neighbor love true authentic knowing intimately that i may be one with him this is the most powerful not servants not kingdom mentality while yet we should be um all of this is great and should apply but listen when somebody's possessed by bridal love with jesus christ they're immovable they're unshakable this is the most powerful driving force there ever was or ever will be that can be attained in mankind you get a you get a a company a bridal company that that's possessed by love and you can't stop them it's not going to happen but if there's an anchor in anything else you can be shook and that's why i say these things we will know him and it'll be easily accessible and available through knowing him as the bridegroom but um but again shepherd friend the door lion lamb of course these are some of the things i'm going to broad stroke his kindness and severity judge you know just on and on and on we're going to go but uh but listen to this love is what drove shadrach meshach and abednego right into the fiery furnace to only find the fire of the eyes of jesus burning even brighter than the opposing fire of their current reality they're like burn us big boys burn us i'm madly in love with this man named jesus christ and not a chance on my or my buddy's watch any of ours that we're bowing to whoever you bring you can play all your instruments put up the idols as big as you want but jesus christ says we about to we're madly in love with this man if we die we die but they go into this fire and they find the fiery one even brighter and the bondage just breaks it love listen to me when and that's how we've got to go through this doorway of knowing him love well just like you're like stephen throw the rocks man i see jesus bam getting hit with stones i don't even notice him i'm madly in love i see jesus standing up you know caught up and uh people possessed by love you can't stop you know how it is let's take the lesser reality of love in the earth you've seen couples or when a man loves a woman and vice versa they get a little bit you know what i mean you're not going to stop them they'll drive so many miles whatever the cost is and that's a beautiful thing because it's a reality and it's a god-given thing but the eternal love who has got himself initiated in and through us towards him unstoppable well yet we want all the other things you guys you guys hear me love is what drives the end time martyrs into eternal bliss of becoming one with jesus love is what supersedes every tactic of the enemy and lesser lover that would desire to take the place of him in our hearts love many waters can't quench it uh strong as death stronger actually you let love arm wrestle death it'll slam it every time which by the way jude is about to beat me just so you guys know that pray for me he's getting really strong we all wrestled the other day and it's getting close i used to be like you know what i mean and i'm like gee i gotta pray in tongues for like a half hour before anyway the arm wrestle of love will slam death in the ground and laugh afterwards you offer money utterly despised this is where the provisional side will touch in the pressures of provision supernatural or not the mark of the beast things like this one world currency order or not um the waters of war and famine and plagues and pestilence coming side by side in the earth the casualties of the earth the floods that run on the horizontal plane trying to flood out love it burns too bright you can't you can't stop it but i have this is why kingdom servants alone won't excel like the bride in the last hour this is where the the bridesmaids split in those with a ton of oil are burning with love and they're slipping through the doorway unto the wedding feast those with less oil they still have their lamps which can also represent their ministry they're still set apart from the world there could be matthew 7 preachers gunning on all cylinders but in the last hour listen if your foundation is on anything other than deep knowing and loving and becoming one with jesus christ you can be shook again i don't want to cause fear by any means i want to cause this to be like an excitement a reassessment jesus take me deep deeply in love with you you know and uh but even like kingdom hard workers which again is good work while the day is at hand listen to me you'll be rewarded according to what you've done i preached the full gospel but i mean the full bible but like you guys hear me sometimes you can you can be so caught up in assignment based things where your love starts to wane in in diminish and and that's where things can can get shaken and so i have here this is why believers that are running on e in the tank of their love lamps won't get through the door on that final hour we can't have e on our tanks you know our love lamps from matthew 25. so back i want to just touch on that on the left now and go back in into the next session but um i've got this excerpt out of a book i want to read it's just it's gold you will hear all three opposing areas being touched in the last hour some from psalm 91 psalm 23 and matthew 24. these are the the uh the context of all three i want to pull from a provider protector healer that are big again not alone at all i mean i don't care if it's jesus's pinky toe the lord of the pinky you know what i'm saying anything that's to do with jesus we want any and every facet of him i'm just highlighting from a scriptural reference some things that are coming on the forefront that i think the lord and his goodness right now is starting to kick the training wheels off and if we don't keep trying i feel like some of us keep trying to get the training wheels and fasten them back on our bikes and i was like no i'm allowing shaking to get those off because you know um you know with what's coming ahead those aren't you're not going to be able to lean on those and i need you knowing me really really knowing me in an experiential way in these areas it's not a fearful thing it's a beautiful thing it's like praise god the most freest victorious overcoming state we can ever be in is to have no crutches and be fully in love with him and fully know him and he's our full reality in all facets of life we don't trust in chariots and horses we trust in the lord he's he's our mainstay you see it come forth uh in the psalms but uh and then matthew 24 so i want to read read a little of the word to you if that's okay you sit back and let the water of the word wash you but watch this matthew 24 you can hear them pop out these areas of us really needing to know the lord i think it says goodness right now in the shaking um you know because if we're honest a lot of the shaking uh even this year is i believe is starting to really show where some of us are at and it's god's goodness again he's a good good father um you know it's his goodness i liken him to this i like in this year as this i could see it when i was preparing and in prayer but to me it's like we are he's allowing us to ride our bike with training wheels on the sidewalk right next to big fluffy grass that hasn't been cut in like a week right next to it he's just slowly taking the training wheels off and we may fall and fall into the grass he's like good didn't even bump your knee no worries let's get back up and and we were like please i want the training wheels i'm used to the training wheels he's like that that's it it worked in last season it was permissible before it's no longer beneficial those won't work with where we're going it's you can see it my word i told you and uh but he's so good and kind the shaking is kind of starting to kick the training wheels off and he's still allowing us to land in grass but with the days coming there's not going to be grass it's going to the the cost is going to get higher if we don't really know him in some of these areas so i hope that that makes sense but matthew 24 watch this starting in verse 3 verses 3 through 14. later jesus sat on the mount of olives love olives got some on this tree right here we were there recently with christ for all nations i didn't like him when i was younger so much i think it was an acquired taste later but super healthy for you anyway his disciples came to him privately and said tell us when will all of this happen what sign will signal your return in the end of the world i guarantee the holy spirit was right there not poured out yet but god just nudging them ask him ask him i need this recorded and documented for all of mankind to see the culmination of all things just ask him they prompted them jesus is like glad you asked jesus told them don't let anyone mislead you for many will come in my name claiming i am the messiah they will deceive many so that's a dead giveaway that the deception in the last days will be at an all-time high and listen to me it's if it's not going there at a rapid pace like i've ever seen that i don't know what is listen people don't know what gender they are i'm not don't get me going there but you guys know what i'm talking about i'm like you got to be kidding me like people are debating over the most stupid sorry for the like a better adjective or whatever but some of the most you know what i mean ignorant obvious things just read the bible and uh but deception it's a real spirit of deception this this warping truth and we really need to be in the holy spirit full of the holy spirit praying in tongues he is the spirit of truth seeing clearly deception will be at an all-time high and you will hear of wars and threats of wars but don't panic yes these things must take place but the end won't follow immediately nation will go to war against nation kingdom against kingdom so see you'll start seeing lord protector in some of these facets you'll see it for sure in psalm 91 but wars you you start to see tension amongst humanity jesus is saying don't panic but watch this there will be so you already see lord our protector when there's wars and rumors of wars and a nation rising up against a nation the reality of the lord our protector kicks in more fully but watch this you read further still in verse 7 there will be famines okay they already are on a large scale third world but listen to me the once again i will shake the heavens and the earth the bible says haggai 2 hebrews 12. the shaking is going to touch the globe and that's why even this one in 2020 again i know driven by a lot of propaganda agenda financial gain governmental you know motives and you know whatever but there's some legitimate legitimacy to it as well nevertheless the shaking still touched the world even though we feel in the u.s sometimes we're a little bit disconnected from some things but as listen matthew 24 as this thing progresses the world will be touched and so famines calls for the lord our provider to kick in as well in in a real real uh way a very real way and pestilences king james version says pestilences plagues diseases and he's like jesus man i thought we're like healing and glory and and prosperity and abundance he is so we're going to go to psalm 23 and 91 in all of them but listen this is also the word of the lord and jesus as the end time gets touched with pressures and it's just got to come this isn't like i pray it not be so there's some of that in the word and there's prophetic things that that don't have to happen you can pray them away now this is straight up guaranteed guidelines for the end that jesus is laying out to the disciples but he was talking through them unto you and i they knew it penned it but it's like he would he would talk through them into humanity leading unto his return there will be famines that's lack of provision that's like a lack of you know that hits lord our provider kicks in pestilences which is plagues and diseases things like this we're getting a little more familiar with that this year uh or at least the hearing of it whatever the lord lord our healer kicks in and earthquakes in many parts of the world listen to me earthquake earthquakes touch all of it the economy the financial destruction which also touches provision and protection it hits the protector and provisional side for sure but all this is only the first of the birth pains with more to come then you will be arrested persecuted and killed this is again lord our protector because persecution is going to increase period you will be hated all over the world because you are my followers and many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other and many false prophets will appear and will deceive many sin will be rampant everywhere and the love of many will grow cold but the one who endures to the end will be saved and the good news about the kingdom the gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world so that all nations will hear it and then the end will come listen the gospel of the kingdom is going to start popping up the mysteries of his kingdom even that's why even once he rose again the last thing he discussed before he truly checked out to return was the kingdom to the the disciples his kingdom all this parable what would i like in the kingdom too but it's return of his kingdom to the earth um anyway but you'll start seeing greater revelation i believe on that the return of his domain the thousand year reign all this in the book of revelation but the gospel of the kingdom is going to start just popping up by the anointing by the spirit that's when you start knowing like okay this is a full out message these preachers don't even know each other in south africa in australia and in the same messages coming up by revelation that's when you start seeing the word of the lord in a beautiful way it's not just a sweet sermon that made sense from from reading the word which those are great too but you'll see a message start being birthed by the spirit through generals and just the body at large but arrested persecuted and killed and uh good news of the kingdom then the end will come now i want to read psalm 91 to you i'll read it out here because i like this version the best but i just want to highlight that to you i'm going to hit the healer mostly tonight and land it but again i'm giving you an end time kind of infrastructure of where you see the lord our healer and protector and provider these things really being touched leading up to the end and i touched on revelation 13 and 14 last week again i believe we're ahead of the curve for sure but i do feel like i just mentioned earlier we're on the sidewalk and he's kind of kicking our training wheels off in his goodness if we don't pay attention now we need not be naive that's why jesus is like listen he gave clear infrastructure and guidelines throughout the word for the end and it even says listen at that time you know the kingdom will be like this that the ten bridesmaids bridegroom kind of narrative deep intimacy and pursuit of it which makes no sense you would think like yeah lord you know mighty in battle let's do gideon tear down a share of polls and all this it's like of all narratives of knowing the lord jesus that kick in at that time when you're you're looking about wars nation will rise up against the nation plagues pestilence arrested persecution he's like then the kingdom of heaven will be like this these insane bridesmaids that are so infatuated with me as the bridegroom in all the lamps they're kind of extra oil and i'm going to welcome them into the wedding feast it just doesn't even it's kind of crazy the storyline is like it'd be the if that was a movie that'd be the craziest movie you ever saw you know what i mean but it's beautiful because it's so true and makes sense that love is the most powerful driving source that's why i quote a song of solomon eight to you guys it's so crystal clear it's the most dominant force ever you welcome persecution when you're madly in love but when you're not and there's other anchors that aren't as stable as love the shaking can can touch you and uh and that's okay too we just want to go deeper and we have plenty of time we're out of the curve but i want to read psalm 91 to you and you're going to start seeing these aspects of of god pop up on the forefront forefront of healer protector provider and again we want the fullness of the lord i can't say that enough i'm going to land it on a lot of bullet points as well i'm just again trying to highlight um kind of not what i feel in this now season where the lord's trying to take us in a beautiful way by the shaking and what's going on in his goodness watch this psalm 91 he and listen i want to say this first this chapter is gold obviously we all know psalm 91. i want to say corey on our academy made it like a like homework to memorize it i'm pretty sure yeah in one of his courses but uh it was beautiful as you read this whole chapter it's like it's stabilized by these three pillars is how i see it you read you start the very first verse and it's like he who dwells you know in the shelter of the most high there's a dwelling in verse one then verse nine dwelling again these two pillars of dwelling and then fourteen it concludes with loving and knowing so there's dwell dwell no intimately or love and really both or abide abide love and this shows you like how to live in psalm 91 the dwelling the knowing him that i may become one with him this deep knowing and loving the bridegroom it's the brine bridegroom thread that keeps him as provider in in uh healer and protector on the forefront and and it's beautiful because honestly listen to me if if we're honest you you can get imbalanced even in your walk with the lord i've seen it i've had it happen in my life plenty we could all relate if we were really honest and that's what we want to grow in our knowing listen i've seen where people the prophetic side of the lord the mystery revelatory side they know him very detailed and accurately very sensitive to that river they'll prophesy you upside up one side down the other but the lord that same lord in river that flows from god in healing they don't know very well to tap into it flow in it or him personally for their own life and or vice versa and flip them or provide her and and we want to know the lord in his fullness and you see it you see him come out in this way through the psalms as david pens and jesus through his life of course and so now we want to realize like okay the lord's like on purpose allowing shaking to kick out some of my crutches because he wants me to really know how to lean on him because i'm gonna need to i can't have these training wheels anymore of of this natural world because he's shaking them and listen those that aren't on the cup under the covenant with jesus christ like you and i good luck because when their training wheels get kicked they have nothing to lean on jesus is not there there is no blood of jesus he's not their lord and that's why true shaking is a bad bad day that's what's the great and terrible day of the lord as it's a bad day uh for those that trust in in uh you know other things than him anyway but watch this first pillar he who dwells it's like this right out of the gate sets his pillar in place and this is how the the fruition of psalm 91 is held together by these three pillars dwell dwell love and know abide abide dwell unknow verse 1 9-14 verses 1 9-14 which is he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will abide in the shadow of the almighty i will say to the lord my refuge my fortress my god and whom i trust for he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence there it is right there lord our healer though and i'm going to hammer that in a second that's where please be super gracious with me and hear me i'm going to do my best in love and tact but the word you kind of hit it square between the eyes for you and i just feel the lord's heart on this in his loving kindness but kind of coming in truth and uh you know just calling us higher that's all but you see in psalm 91 it's another we all know beautiful passage that paints the end time basically it's the old testament matthew 24 really but right out of the gate you see my refuge my fortress how's that to be oh because you dwell in the shelter of the most high which causes you to abide in the shadow of the almighty these pillars have to be in place dwelling dwelling knowing abiding abiding loving knowing that they've got to be there and this is where the five bridesmaids with no oil they don't access the fullness of psalm 91 extra oil psalm 91's green light at all times not enough oil psalm 91 may not work and that that's what i'm trying to salvation is not quite i'm not questioning our salvation by any means you understand but i'm talking about accessing the fullness of what uh the new covenant has laid out for us and in psalm 91 projects but he dwells shelter of the most high abide in the shadow of the mighty my refuge my fortress and whom i trust he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence okay so it's got a legitimate deadly pestilence in the earth but he will deliver you from it again i i'm being honest with you i think the the kovitz stuffs training wheels i'm just being honest and i'm well versed enough i travel a lot i hear a lot of legitimate anyway i i have a pretty well-rounded scope on it so just so you guys know i'm not naive but also i you know i think i have a pretty pretty good lens and perspective on it not naive um but also i think a lot can be has been blown out of proportion while there's some legitimacy for sure i know lives that have been lost okay so i'm not trying to but why i'm getting it is the word i just think it's training wheels for what's to come for sure psalm 91 pestilence the words make it clear oh it's there but those who dwell in the shelter of the most high that it's it's not there matthew 24 jesus is like pestilence pestilences king james version famine these things oh they're gonna be there for sure but they don't apply to you it's new covenant and um watch this he will cover you with his pinions and under his wings you will find refuge his faithfulness is a shield and a buckler you hear this protection lingo you you'll start hearing this persecution and protection which sometimes protection is to be martyred and go into becoming one with him and bliss and that's great sometimes his protection is legitimate protection and jesus goes invisible and walks through the crowd because his time is not yet done so sometimes it's shadrach meshach meshach and abednego and persecution come but the fire the lord's not done with you yet he just tries to burn up what the enemy meant to bind you and frees you up for greater elevation and that comes to daniel lion's den so you know it's all in there but watch this uh his faithfulness is a shield and buckler you will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day so see rather get your pestilences which is diseases lord our healer arrows that fly by day lord our protector you see wars rumors of wars nation rising up against nation persecution lord our protector famine provision plagues disease pestilences lord our healer but listen nor the arrows that fly by day so protection nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness lord our healer nor the destruction that wastes at noon day a thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked that's what i'm saying it's a bad day honestly you better believe the days are gonna come back to the book of acts like the ananiasis of fire is sorry but it's it's in there for a reason um the fear of the lord is going to increase there's an angel in the last days in his first proclamation he's flying through the sky with the good news and his first proclamation is fear of the lord and and i feel like the enemies in a very cheap way trying to force fear into the earth when really the true reverential fear of the lord is coming in a mighty wave in awe upon the people of god the fear of the lord is going to come angels straight up decreeing it from the sky fear of the lord is an anointing the spirit of god upon his people and uh but the wicked oh yeah training wheels are coming off period but the thing is you have nothing to crutch onto because you're not a believer that's why we've got to go after the harvest and jesus desires that that all would come to him and come into salvation because you have listen here's the second pillar it's like a reminder he's writing the psalms right out of the gate he's like listen if you dwell in him pestilence is arrows by day no sweat it's they're going to be there but not really in your world nothing to worry about reminder in verse 9 because you have made the lord your dwelling place listen those with tons of oil those abiders there's a bi that abide in the vine uh the most high who is my refuge no evil shall be allowed to befall you evil which is you know resistance persecution attack no plague can come near your tent which is sickness disease pestilence so you see the reality of these things increasing in the earth i want to tell you something real quick i was going to go there last week but but i didn't but something i saw recently i shared it with the academy students student body and and a couple people close to me recently but for whatever it's worth recently i was in prayer no no recently i actually uh had a dream that's what was i went into a dream and uh and this is just we'll see you know the prophetic sometimes you see in part sometimes there's things the lord foreshows and it doesn't mean it has to be you can pray them and shift history and and that's great too but it was just notable enough for me to pay attention because i don't know that things will fully normalize again and that's okay i really don't care what happens if i'm just being honest with you i just care that i'm falling more i'm growing in my knowing falling more in love with jesus whatever timeline we're in staying in the kingdom because that's what cannot be shaken and just spirit and the bride say come come lord jesus now and then like i've got your everything you be glorified great commission preached the gospel i really yeah it doesn't matter to me i'm just being honest with you i'm trying to be considerate it's just kind of my posture and so uh but i've seen some things and i don't know that things will ever i for sure without getting too much off on a tangent of things you know my convictions and things i sense but um i for sure feel like the enemy's trying to force the end times before their time he's always done this trying to force his agenda before its time and uh and the lord's holding it back because for the sake of the harvest in his return but i feel things are speeding up and i don't know that things will fully you know normalizing it anyway all that being said one of the things i just saw recently in a dream was um uh on your iphone i don't know how other phones are but on your iphone you can like lift you like you drag your thumb up and it it somehow allows the windows you've been searching to kind of elevate and then you swipe up and clear out your phone my kids taught me that some time ago i didn't know how to do it anyway in the dream i see the olympics symbol the circles the olympics and i see that the window raised and i see the thumb just swipe it and clear it out in a dream a couple weeks ago something like this and i was like man the olympics i don't know anything about it don't care about it don't follow it don't know anything about it so i had to look them up and lo and behold the olympics were supposed to have gone down this year 2020 summer of 2020 but because of kovid worldwide pandemic i mean they're calling it that but and i know there's some legitimacy to it i'm gonna get into more of that later it got canceled and postponed it was gonna be in tokyo japan and now it's rescheduled supposed to be for this summer of 2021 and apparently if i read it right i think i did never in all of history have the olympics been postponed or canceled meaning no matter what the seasons have been over all these years what has been going on in the earth all the the wars the the things that have gone on nothing has ever stopped the olympics except finally this worldwide pandemic again i feel like it's a training wheel uh trial and error run for for the body if i'm being honest but anyway um that's what caused it and so i was like oh man if the olympics gets canceled again summer of 2021 which about seven eight months out right many people are hoping that everything's gonna normalize then but to me if i'm honest obviously i don't really care about the olympics but it shows me on a worldwide wide scale if in tokyo japan there's still they're having to cancel and even the olympics of 2021 are going to be removed it's showing me again we pray not you know we'll see time will tell i'm just sharing with you guys something prophetic and we'll see how it'll shake out um but if it does that shows me still lingering will either be a covet-like type thing in the world or another one which i don't really decree none of it or you know excited to welcome any of it but also don't care don't want to be naive either and that that's where you see matthew 24 some of these psalm 91s becoming more real as the day days progress and uh and so it's okay you know what i mean it is what it is and so we'll pray hopefully it doesn't cancel and we the olympics they whatever they do is great but if it does it's showing you even that far out there's still going to be something on a worldwide wide scale that's lingering and that's fine too but my point is verse 9 because you have made the lord your dwelling place the most high who is my refuge no evil shall befall you no plague come near your tent so you guys hear what i'm talking about these clear kind of end time guidelines and passages that show some of these things real the lord's not like look there'll be a possibility you know these things will be in the earth but the beauty is those that dwell and know and walk deeply with the lord they don't phase it that's what's going to be so beautiful i think god's goodness on partly how he's going to reap the harvest the jealousy of god when they see the the the the bride head over heels in love with jesus untouched unscathed in these type times people just getting taken out by training wheels getting plucked off left and right we're like man what a glorious day this she cannot you know say just glory full of joy life power healing wholeness deeper revelation in the word completely walking in provision supernaturally healing joy protector arrows are flying by landing in everybody but you because they fly by and listen sorry to say it i don't wish on anybody but i'm just i love the bible and watch this it says a thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it won't come near you so i'm just saying there's going to be shaking but not not with us watch this for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways just had a powerful angelic dream tied in with jacksonville this last weekend angelic realm is going to need to be really real that's why jesus seven stars book of revelation uh seven spirits two gonna be really key anyway on their hands they'll bear you up unless you strike your foot against a stone you'll tread on on the lion and the otter the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot wow i don't see how that anyway because he hold listen here's the last pillar 14. because he holds fast to me in love i will deliver him and i will protect him there's a protector because he knows my name there's the deep knowing i'm going to break down the hebrew because we're in the old testament now on that no and no is deep listen it's not a head knowledge it's not a half lamp full of oil knowing it's deep and so you see those three pillars that sew together psalm 91 to keep 91 a green light over our life dwelling dwelling deep knowing abiding abiding madly in love and that's you and i but watch this psalm 91 14 because he holds fast to me in love listen this bridegroom connection guys we got to get over this whole like yeah but you know i just can't relate like it it's not about that let him woo you and possess your heart in deep presence i was just with a young man saying listen i can't experience the lord i want to but even his culture he was an asian young man a precious man of god but he says their culture was very just works and in and just regimented in a rigorous way even towards the lord and it caused him to not be able to experience the lord i said listen man wait abide reside till he melts you to experience him is to know him and to know him is to be madly in love we talked for a while actually but but whatever callousness has happened over time in our hearts in this this bridal type dimension stay remain do away with food whatever you have to days hours remain dwell it's actually really simple we complicate this thing sometimes and i feel like we just don't pursue till he comes we don't gaze until we behold we don't knock to the door opens and i'm like man and again feeling is not the the goal but it's really hard not to feel or experience him uh when you when you really get into the manifest presence of god but that's okay everybody's at different places um but listen to this uh i will protect him because he has known my name listen this is how jesus assesses everything do they know me do i know them okay i know i love them dearly arrows flying all over the place and they're just hitting trees and ricocheting and you're taking out people around you and you're like man i wish you had known him like i do please with pleading for the harvest watch the hebrew for this word known but because he loved me held fast to me in love and knew me he didn't work for me hardcore like a servant because i'm a king although that applies but jesus said look i no longer call you servants but friends and the friend goes to tear up to the bride of the bridegroom this deep intimate connect listen to the word known here y'all die in hebrew if i said that right cohabitation meaning if this is a house you both cohabit you that this is your habitation you co-habitate together you live together those who dwell you're in the same place like a couple there there's listen when you when there's a cohabitation there's a deep knowing you're not visiting you're not staying at a hotel one weekend you live together this because they've known me there's a cohabitation also it means in hebrew have relations with no with certainty no assuredly no very well so this is known here in psalm 91 that is like the final pillar is uh is a deep deep go through the wedding feast door bridesmaids with plenty of oil knowing it's beautiful all right we'll jump to psalm 23. um let me jump back and forth different versions i like how different ones read but but we'll do this one this is more the provider okay protectors in here as well but this is this is beautiful but again in the midst of resistance opposition um pressured times that's that's where the ends going to uh and and that's okay it is what it is i don't care what it is just let's love and know jesus in it and it's going to be all together lovely while i've said this before but i just want to make sure it lands while the the the church the body of christ is in its finest hour i'm talking about most of moses faces shining like light bulbs glory we're going to be shining light shines the brightest in the darkest hour also matthew 25 it says that jesus came at midnight which is the darkest hour so in matthew 24 if you keep reading it says the times gets so rough that even even uh he shortens it for us for for everybody what do we have to endure though through persecution just so you know i don't look at that as the rapture binding means that's not even in the bible anyway that word uh but um it says it's shortened for the sake of you and i because if so nobody can handle it with the pressures that come and in the darkest hour will shine brightly though i'm talking about water walkers food multiplying crazy axes floating glory book of acts it's going to be wild crazy power the powers of the age to come psalm 23 the lord is my shepherd i have all that i need hear the provision this is this is another one i've memorized psalm 91 in the midst of matthew 24 kind of as a backdrop of knowing okay this is where we're going sweet i really don't care god's good and listen to me blessed are the persecuted uh this is a blessed thing when the disciples are persecuted they rejoice anyway the lord is my shepherd i have all that i need he he makes me lie down in green pastures leaves me beside still waters you hear the provision here uh guides me a long ride past bringing honor to his name even when i walk through the darkest valley like why do we have to throw that in there listen if this stuff wasn't in the bible if matthew 24 wasn't in there oh my goodness like cakewalk but it's the bible it's the word even when i walk through the darkest valley i will not be afraid for you are close beside me your ride and your staff protect and comfort me see you have provision protector in the dark dark valley you prepare a feast provision for me in the presence of my enemies you hear that it's in pressured times of darkest valley in the presence of enemies resistance jesus says they will hate you because of you you follow me you will be persecuted he didn't say you know listen you guys heard me read it then you will be arrested persecuted and killed uh i mean that it's not like possibly you know again everybody's assignment's going to look a little different that's okay i'm just meaning the the overriding theme is within that context uh your rod your staff protect and comfort me you prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies you honor me by anointing my head with oil my cup over flows with blessings surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life lo and behold i will live in the house of the lord forever it sounds just like psalm 91 i will dwell in this house forever on a co-habitation the abiding dwelling residing knowing loving deeply but you see crazy provision cup overflowing he desires that we prosper in all things and be in good health even as our soul prospers prosper in all anyway soul emotional health healing prosper in all things being blessed but a supernatural provision in dark hours you can see it okay so now i want to jump to the lord our healer and i'll see if i can get get far how this article i want to read i kind of will see how far we can get jesus name plenty of toilet paper april james said yeah come on lord you know what i'm saying just supernatural toilet paper provision that's awesome so anyway the lord our healer okay this is where just be gracious and high high mercy with me okay i'm gonna i may touch on some step on some toes but i definitely don't mean to maybe curl them in a little bit but i promise i'll undergird it by the word and i really mean it in love to me too just so you know i'm preaching to me um you know but i can feel the lord trying to call us higher here he's like look training wheels come off you know let's get the floaties off trying to take you to the deep end and he's just good like that but watch this i have here this is under the context of the lord our healer i already prefaced it built it patted it real well psalm 91 pestilence matthew 24 famines pestilence plagues trying to come near your door arrows flying by day but the lord our healer listen he died for a reason this this covenant is no joke that you and i are honored this is the real deal holy field you know what i mean the covenant of jesus christ trumps everything this book has got to be our mainstay he puts it above his name heaven the heavens and the earth where all the pestilence are all of that fades away but this thing never does so at the end of the day you put all your steaks in this yeah but so-and-so died or the you know the statistics are saying this that's fine okay fine they may be real some of them may not be someone may be fudged or miscalculated that's okay as well but this is far above any of that always at all times it never changes god never changes if you're ever going to put all your stakes into something this is the stock you invest in the word of god it's flawless spirit breathed and so um and listen i'm human i hear the things the doubts come the fears try and you know speak and that's okay but we go back here and some of us may not be all all the way fully here in certain areas in knowing the lord and that's okay too it's just his goodness may we that's why i use the wood bending analogy of that steam of his word and presence pressing us and bending us back into him so i hope you guys are checking with me we always want to be going back deeper into this don't let things that contradict this start to be a reality and they may try to be in seasons but still we've got to bend back here so i have here if in this last hour your trust is more in a bottle of germex than the blood and stripes of the lord jesus christ and it is going to be a rough ride for you and hear me i say that in love and i'm just using the cliche you know because i know it's a hot topic right now and i don't mean at all disturb debates we don't need to go there we're all in love and very considerate just you know i get it i love germax too if they got it it smells good but a lot of times i'll forget and whatever but my point is the core heart of us really needing to know the lord and the covenant we're under with the days ahead and now is a beautiful hour to let our training wheels get kicked off so we can fall on the grass you know what i mean it's soft it's safe this is a real early trial and error but um in no condemnation listen i'm considered i get it and i and i just so you know i'm well versed i travel a lot i know different scenarios and i'm very considerate i get some people they're in different scenarios they have the elderly at home that are you know there's more risks and that's okay do what you need to do you know what i mean i'm hitting a higher overall theme point with the covenant and where we we need to try and bend ourselves back to or if we're already there hold on to even tighter and it is what it is but listen i was reminded recently i was in uh dallas me and judah in judah in dallas at a conference over there a couple weeks ago and uh we come into the hotel i've just seen you know again i'm all over the place different cities governmental restrictions authorities and it's okay and i hear the stories of statistics i'm very well versed i hear from you know all facets of life believers non-believers nurses or doctors take versus you know whatever and uh but again all of it's fine and dandy okay that's great but we go back here we'll go back here we brainwash here this is the reality uh while yet we consider and love and everything else but we're in this hotel about to go uh to the elevator and this precious young woman poor thing she's so paranoid and this is what i don't like fear again for the world yeah that's probably your reality might need to be because i'm seeing arrows are supposed to be hitting you and i don't decree don't desire it for you but you don't have the blood of jesus like i do that's why they must be born again we've got to get the harvest evangelism is key and and he desires that all be saved uh but fear at the end of the day is not to be our reality uh listen in the enemy i don't he's over playing his hand on humanity at a large mass scale and especially he's trying to bleed it over into the body of christ where we have the highest power source in the blood and covenant of jesus christ listen this thing is no joke it's no this is not a fun conversation we can talk about over coffee this is for real jesus christ in the flesh bore stripes so so much so that he was irrecognizable the bible says the the new covenant of jesus that hung on a tree became a curse for you and i this is for real man look i love our nation our flag and all this but i'm much more loved jesus christ and what he did for you and i it's this is real this covenant i wanted to become more real i want to know him in his sufferings in his resurrection power but i'm so proud of our flawless king the lamb of god that laid his life down you know what i mean and uh and he desires it for us to not in a condemning way but i'm like i want all that he died for us to be and the bible says by those stripes you and i are and we're healed i'm going to break that down in a second but this is super powerful one drop of the blood of jesus that hit the globe can save all of humanity in an instance this is the greatest power source ever that resides in you and i by the way the kingdom of heaven similarly this precious lady controlled paralyzed by fear probably an unbeliever so may need to be but but this is not the lot in life for you and i read psalm 91 look how jesus talked to the disciples look at paul getting bit by a deadly viper shaking it off just like it was another like a piece of grass fell on him you know and again i'm not trying to you know walk in what measure of faith you have but also i'm trying to i can feel the ones that come up higher man get tough in our skin bride listen you know and anyway um so the poor thing i'm like whoa she was so paranoid she she went right to the germax saturated her hands and germax the bottles that are everywhere now and then didn't want to touch the elevator button to open the door to go to her floor so she think it's like a rag gets the germs on and starts wiping the button off because she didn't want to touch the button and i'm like where does it stop like who touched the rag before you i don't know just there was such a fear poor thing and so we for sure couldn't get on the elevator with her because she's paranoid and uh and so i'm seeing this fear that the enemy is trying to to bring into the earth and and again i get it uh it's gonna land where it where it where it lands but it need not land on our watch and i'm trying to call us higher again in consideration and understanding fully totally you know not trying to be naive another one same trip me and jude are in the airport going to the sky club quick we told him see the sign it's like this big and it says no more than two people because of the covered thing on an elevator there's already two men on there and i was me and judy like hey we're gonna hop on this elevator and make it four when it's only supposed to be two people per elevator it's a small sign man you need like binoculars to see this thing like right i never even saw it jude was like yeah i actually saw it but i mean a full-grown man burly dude beard he's penned up back in the corner he says only two only two he's just paired just paralyzed by fear he didn't want us to get on the elevator he's basically yelling through his mask only two on the elevator he's heard him trying to shut the door and backed up against the wall in the corner just paranoid again probably not a believer so if fear is your reality that's okay but not listen this is not what jesus hung on a tree for for you and i and um and again it's a it's a consistent theme you see building in the last days is all and the lord's he's wanting to be that for you and i and that's why he's so good and uh so this big burly man i'm thinking man you want me on that elevator partly because the kingdom within me will destroy the fear if you just let me let me you know be around you enough or talk we didn't have time or um breathe life but also we if you've got any ailments they they fall at the power of god in us like we heal the sick you know um it's precious we were just in jacksonville this weekend myself brett and um chris we're praying for this precious old man pain in his knees for years and uh i think i'll staff at the church and um and i said i said uh if you get healed right now will you know it he was looking at me like are you you know what i mean are you slow or something i've been in pain for years i will for sure know both of his knees so we lay hands on his knees and begin to pray and he just kind i don't know if just the bliss of god came on him but he starts like just kind of like he was tearing up and i'm like i'm waiting for a spot so i'm just being honest i didn't feel no shark lock or anything but that never matters and i'm like are you how are you feeling any pain move your knees and he's moving him real slow he goes i feel such heat there's such heat he was blown away some heat he felt so i'm like where all over your body goes no on my knees and i go do you feel any pain and he you can tell he's he can't believe how he's not feeling pain he didn't know how it was happening he's bending his knees like it's unbelievable and i'm like work with me here but uh but god's goodness and his power jesus came to destroy the works of the devil acts 10 38 he went about doing good healing all that we're oppressed i don't care what it is and uh anyway so so i'm seeing this fear people and i just want to kind of hit it between the eyes a little bit let it land where it does and again just give a good jolt of faith the word in love and understanding and i get it in consideration listen to me i get it if you've got your stories and statistics i've probably heard ten times that and some as i travel i know them but at the end of the day that they still don't usurp this word this thing is the dominant reality and in and through this is where jesus hung on a tree and and we got to bend more and more and lord help us you know anyway i have uh people are crippled by fear which the enemy wants because in submitting to fear you empower his kingdom and works see this is why those pillars are in psalm 91 of dwelling because when you dwell in him fear is nowhere in that place he can't reside when you dwell again in him verse nine no fear when you know and love him who is the healer that the fear does not realize those pillars are in there psalm 91 just didn't happen for the believer it's like those pillars are in there deep knowing fear enables sickness fear is the breeding ground for disease fear not only empowers the kingdom of darkness but gives it free access to work within your life i started just going off on my notes i detest fear i don't like it and the more i've become familiar with it's it's by the byproduct of fear i really don't like it i don't i don't tolerate it at all there's a few things like um motives and truth things but but fear my children will tell you i don't um yet i don't have time for it's not a good thing it's not in the in the kingdom of god there's a perfect love cast out all fear all of it there's not a point zero zero zero zero zero one percent of fear that's good and from god it cast all of it out now not the kind of healthy natural fear of like hey don't jump off that cliff you know what you guys know what i mean i'm talking about the fear from the dark side that tries to paralyze people and if we're not careful through time if we keep giving weight to it we we form habits of submitting to it in some of the smallest areas which that's all the enemy wants he doesn't care he doesn't care just give him a crack in the doorway and then start infiltrating his voice into your dreams and into your conscience and into literally controlling your life and how you do things putting grown burly men with a beard back in an elevator just totally fear having a lady you know get the rag with the jeremix to touch the button then touch the button i'm like where does this stop like you know i mean who gave you the rag who touched the bottle of germax before you know what i mean like me and you were in a gym recently and they made us get the bottles to spray the machines down i'm like yeah but who touched the bottles like you know what i'm saying where does it stop and again i'm mindful of considerate but you know what i mean come on blood of jesus anyway any who so but but listen i wanna encourage you ask the holy spirit to start to detect fear put your senses up in it and when it when it tries to come or maybe there's areas in your life it's still there and has had a root for quite some time that's okay we've all been there no worries there's not a condemning thing at all it's just you want it out it's it's in opposition to all things jesus there is no fear in heaven there is no fear in the holy spirit it will paralyze it it's and usually it will grow it is never satisfied with staying the size it is it's like cancer it'll just want to grow and increase and attach to another area of life and then and uh and actually fear makes you more susceptible to sickness i'm about to read an article uh from john g lake that's so powerful i love it anyway and again just trying to joke faith the word again power it would come back into the covenant that that was um made for you and i and and early start working our way there and while we all love each other and get it and are considerate and you know i was preaching this weekend and part of it was outside and somewhere in their cars and some were all together and i get it that's okay i was loving it having fun saying honk your horns if you hear that you know you love jesus if not so it's okay look we stay in love we don't finger point and judge you know especially pastors i know what they're going through in this hours on the phone with one recently earlier this week uh we'll be at a conference this coming month and what they're juggling is just beyond me and a lot of them are doing it by the spirit and wisdom but you know it's just you want to be considerate and love humanity and meet them where they're at become all things all people to win them you know i get it and uh so i'm not trying to you know create that where we get all like yeah and you know finger finger-pointing and judging that's not what i mean i mean in love let's fall madly in love with jesus and access all of the fullness of what he intended by his blood and covenant which ultimately is his ring upon our finger becoming one with him but in it man all these inexhaustible riches of his promises and uh so faith unlocks and sustains the power of god and faith a big one is right here faith comes by hearing and hearing of the word of god but anyway faith keeps you whole you cannot even keep your salvation without faith you cannot even approach or please god without faith hebrews 11 6 and without faith it is impossible to please god and fear is the direct opponent to faith so the more we submit to it it diminishes our faith which is not pleasing to god we want to please god he doesn't like fear um other than the reverential fear of him but you guys know what i mean it is impossible he's got anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him you want to please and empower god in his kingdom walk in faith submit to faith you want to please and empower the enemy and the kingdom of darkness walk in fear and submit to fear this is real these are two worlds the kingdom of darkness functions and is fueled and empowered by fear nightmares and and anyway uh faith is what pleases god and you can just hear the life and death the difference the they're totally different but um i want to read this to you i think this is beautiful i've quoted it in short but listen and uh we may go a little over i don't think we will listen to this john g lake this article this um this uh instance this this uh event that took place with john g lake back in his day regarding the bubonic plague okay we're not talking about covet again not trying to undermine anything listen to me i know the stories uh we were just in a planet fitness recently and uh this older couple wisconsin yeah me and judo were in there and this older man i did good this time thank the lord i was in love and very considerate praise the lord i didn't do good with the security guard in atlanta airport i was edgy she had messed up my secret place and i i was preaching truth but i wasn't the best in love and jesus helped me so i did better this time um but he i didn't know he ran up on judah first as old man and judah just ignored him just kept working out and then he came to us but but i travel from all over the place it changes everywhere you go i can't keep up but in georgia you can work out without a mask but there's old man in wisconsin you're supposed to have one i don't know if it's still the same but he comes up to me and i thought i took his machine otherwise if a monster probably would have looked through him as well in love but kept working out because he didn't work there i'm thinking who are you i don't know the laws anyway elderly man but i took my ear things out i'm like i thought i took his machine i felt bad he goes hey you need to wear your mask and i was like gave him the old like what's up chief he just put my earpiece in and kept working and i'm thinking he don't work i don't see him playing a fitness shirt you know and i wasn't near him so you guys know i was i was not being rude i wasn't trying to be at all and i wasn't near him so it's like you know so we just kept working out he finally goes and tattletails on us to the worker and now i'm like no they gotta hear the gospel man because what's happening now is people by fear they have a conviction and so they're now basically preaching their gospel from fear of a real conviction they have of the the fears driving them it's a real conviction that they could get sick or die and so now they're evangelizing out of this fear by a conviction they have and i'm like i'm okay with that no worries i get it but i'm like man our conviction and faith in what we walk in is greater and and you just now you tip the scale to want to open up into my world then oh no sweat i'll hear yours but now you're gonna you gotta hear mine you know i'm saying that's just kind of where i'm at with it so this precious young girl you could tell she was like she probably didn't care there was another like couple of ladies working out somewhere else without mask but i guess the old man so we thought we were good but the the old man picked on us which is totally fine so the lady comes young lady that worked there jet black hair kind of grunge punkish looking precious man and uh she says sorry the the laws are this that the other and i said oh yeah no worries please please forgive me that's not a problem at all i travel i don't know what i can't keep up with the laws i said but let me ask you this dude are you a believer like in the living god and in the word and i just she was no i don't think i don't think that i i am and you could tell she's full of never heard the gospel wasn't a believer at all and i'm like here we go because i mean y'all shouldn't y'all i'm trying to do just mind my business get a good workout and i got to preach that morning and uh but you're now evangelizing out of your fear and conviction that's real to you which is okay but we've got a greater one and so i started telling i said listen man listen i was addicted to drugs i kind of hit on her level i could feel alcohol for years and i met jesus christ he's alive and real changed my life listen just yesterday i was in milwaukee i was now in a different city and i saw a lady totally here healed the doctor ruined her foot through surgery she was healed miraculously deafness in the ear popped open i'll just start telling her miracles and uh so sorry about that i'm just so used to seeing so many miracles because of jesus christ who's alive you know i'm basically preaching the gospel but no worries i get us the law on the way out to we hit the old couple in it and thank the lord i was in love and consider it and but in that sure enough the old lady his wife i didn't realize it was a couple when she comes up she was so sorry but one of our friends died of covet and i'm like yes sorry to hear that and i hear these realities but i began to tell them same thing yeah um just my reality is though this this and this i've seen so many healings and miracles by the power of the blood of jesus in the living god and you can tell the guy was like okay like whoops wish we wouldn't have approached these guys you know he was trying to mess with the machine it got awkward but i was like let's get awkward you know you you came with me with your conviction and now they have to go home listen to me a lot of people never hear the gospel that there's a true living god alive in and through people and healing the sick and all they hear is news and deaths of kovids and political this sentinel they don't hear like oh my goodness a death deafness in the ears is popping open and people are being healed miraculously by the power of god and so now he's got to go home and deal with that and and either bank it as that man's a lunatic or man you know you know i don't mean to get sidetracked but listen to this john g lake um watch this man this is i love this stuff i want to encourage you to just devour some of the old generals the gunners with fruit um the word um zoe lake is named after john g lake many of you that don't know that we named our daughter zoe lake her middle name after john j like watch this now watch the action of the law of life faith belongs to the law of life faith faith is the very opposite of fear faith has the opposite effect in spirit and soul and body faith causes the spirit of a man to become confident in god it causes the mind of man to become restful and positive a positive mind repels disease consequently the emanation of the spirit destroys disease germs and because we were in contact with the spirit of life is john g lake talking here this guy was a gunner they said he had tapped into the powers of the age to come way ahead of his time kind of the back end of when seymour and these guys were coming in he was impacted by mariah uh woodworth etter he says oh that i would pray like sister etter would pray this guy one time was preaching the glory of god came so heavy in a meeting a dude floated off of the front row documented the glory of god lifted him a miracle of ascension you say where is that in the bible axe head floated with elisha peter walked on water jesus walked on the water jesus ascended into the clouds acts 1 9. anyway john g lake says i and the little dutch fellow with me went out and buried many of the people who had died from the bubonic plague this is not cova this is the bubonic plague pestilence is plagues people will fall on your right side and on your left on 91 won't touch you won't even come to your door psalm 91 says meaning it stops on the street of those washington the blood of jesus it's not even welcome to your door much that's in your house that's the word the word it doesn't even step foot on your lawn by the power of the covenant the blood of jesus but watch this we went into the homes and carried them out dug the graves and put them in sometimes we would put three or four bodies in one grave janji lake and this little dutch fellow who lived by the spirit and power of god in the bubonic plague they would help and grab the dead bodies dig the graves throw three and four bodies sorry there's a little bit morbid for some of you but it's just it's life sometimes we would put three or four in in one grave we never took the disease why because of the knowledge that the law of life in christ jesus protects us romans 8 2 that law was working because of the fact that a man by that action of his will puts himself purposely in contact with god faith takes possession of his heart and the condition of his nature is changed instead of being fearful he's full of faith instead of being absorbent and drawing everything to himself his spirit repels sickness and disease the spirit of christ jesus flows through the whole being and emanates through the hands the heart and from every pore of the body remember jesus even felt virtue leave him listen moses it wasn't prophetic his face literally shone like a light bulb there was light shining out of his skin from the glory of god you tell me if disease was going to sit on his face for a split second no chance the manifest glory of god listen anyway this stuff excites me from every pore of the body during that great plague that i mentioned they sent a government ship with supplies and corpse of doctors one of the doctors sent to me and said what have you been using to protect yourself they asked janji like this our corpse has this preventative and that which we use as protection but we concluded that if a man could stay on the ground as long as you have and keep ministering to the sick and bearing the dead you must have a secret what is it i john g lake answered brother that is the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus i believe that just as long as i keep my soul in contact with the living god so that his spirit is flowing into my soul and body that no germ will ever attach itself to me for the spirit of god will kill it he asked do you think that you had better use our preventatives our preventatives i replied no john is like no i'm good keep your germex again use it if you have you know you guys know what i mean i'm just trying to instill faith and give us a jolt of the word and power you say well but tim listen i know the verses timothy took a little wine for his stomach you know illness we'll take your bepto pepto-bismol listen i'm not opposed to we have tylenol if we get headaches i'm not one of those guys okay but i i am a bible guy the power of the covenant the blood of jesus is super real i'm gonna quote more more verses and uh in in just i would encourage you not to try and find the loopholes to empower fear within your life in the word because jesus is the model and you tell me one instance where anything touched him that was of the kingdom of hell never not a chance not once and he's the he's the ultimate model and that's how we walk on psalm 91 anyway he asked do you think you had better use our preventatives i provide pro replied no but doctor i think that you would like to experiment with me this guy was bold johnsy lake he would get up he dressed up real uh spiffy quite often they said he would look in a mirror and say god lives in that man and that man dwells in god or something like that he would quote to himself that he'd look at himself in the mirror say god lives in that man it was such a reality that god was within him there was another account that happened where they had they were this was in south africa i believe but he was in spokane washington he's buried over there and at these healing rooms spokane was the healthiest city in in the us at that time documented recorded the mayor affirmed it and everything because of his healing rooms crazy miracles well a man comes in sickness and disease because somebody just told him to go he wasn't even a believer didn't believe in healing or anything he told john jay like straight to his face he says listen somebody just told me i had to come here i don't even believe i could be healed i don't believe in any of this had no faith in the account goes that john g like kicked his head back and laughed in his face and says i have enough faith for both of us to be healed in the name of jesus and he was totally healed it wasn't arrogance it was just confidence in god he was a man full of faith and power in the word full of the word you say no doctor but you might want to experiment with me if you will go over to one of these dead people look they're in a full-out plague dead bodies he's helping grab him with his little dutch friend but they're full of the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus the digging holes bearing the dead he says if you will go over to the one of these dead people and take the foam that comes out of their lungs after death then put it under the microscope you will see masses of living germs you will find that they are alive until a reasonable time after a man is dead you can fill my hand with them and i will keep it under the microscope and instead of these germs remaining alive they will die instantly john gillig basically prophesied he told him what was going to happen before it happened they tried it and found it was true they questioned what is that i replied that is the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus when a man's spirit and a man's body are filled with the blessed presence of god it oozes out of the pores of your flesh and kills the germs listen virtue left jesus's body and heal the woman with the issue of blood this is real this isn't some like cliche christian-e stuff this is the power of god the presence of the manifest presence of god kingdom of heaven is within us and anyway suppose on the other hand my soul had been under the law of death and i were in fear and darkness the very opposite would have been the result the result would have been that my body would have absorbed the germs these would have generated disease and i would have died you who are sick and again this is again just encouraging not a condemning thing just jesus help you help me help me just get a new you know jolt of faith and encouragement strength by the holy spirit in the word but john julie says you who are sick put yourself in contact with god's law of life read his word with the view of enlightening your heart so that you will be able to look up with more confidence and believe him pray that the spirit of god will come unto your soul take possession of your body and its power will make you well this is the exercise of the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus and again um hear me you know i get it you know there's been people probably even in this class of getting sick or coveted or um you know so this isn't a condemning thing at all or a judgmental thing it's just like calling us higher see he's saying this is the exercise i mean let's exercise that muscle back into the law of the spirit of the life in christ jesus and and tap into what we what's fully made accessible and so we don't judge and if somebody called something you know i remember i don't know if it was it was probably the academy student i was waiting out in prayer all day recently in the woods and it was chilly the wind was whipping and i felt like a million bucks but i came in to do a live thing with our academy student body my voice sounded all like froggy from uh the little rascals are something you know and but i felt a million bucks was great and i'm healed the world you know tap into the word and then it was gone by the night or something so i get it you know what i mean i'm not naive but i don't i just choose i'm not i'm not a big fan nor but going to become subject to fear we do faith in the word and his power and and uh you know another thing i was reminded recently i was um on the phone with a leader a pastor and a leader in uh you know listening and i can tell that the reality of co-written stuff was um kind of and i'm on the phone with all kind of leaders and pastors and just you know it is what it is friends with many and travel a lot is what it is but but i could hear as a man of god and they're awesome honor and big time and but still i remember hearing in the conversation and uh and they were asking me my take on the whole covid thing and and how it was with it honestly look i'm honestly i don't i don't give a rip and especially just i explained to him how as i travel and preach too lately ever since um traveling opened back up what was it may or forget no before that but non-stop almost every weekend i'm in hundreds of bodies land hands and and you guys aren't on the prayer lines but you got all kind of stuff you're dealing with people with patches and tubes and ski you know skins and sweat and sneezing and snot and i'm like i don't you know sorry for anyway but but we are the kingdom of heaven and you're in the midst of all kind of stuff praying for the sick and hundreds of bodies every weekend and my son we're all up in it and my daughter's well she's not as much because she doesn't catch of course i would never have heard that but judah's getting a little swollen we put him to work and he'll catch him when people hit by the power and fall out and all this so i started look i don't care in the in this leader goes oh you must be immune to it the kovit you know i'm going i just it's okay again i understand consider it we're loving but i don't i don't like some of this lingo i'm thinking i'm thinking immune to it and praise the lord i've not been touched you know that it you know it's been rolling and some have and that's okay too but that's not my point my point is is is not an immune thing we we do the the blood of jesus christ and by his stripes first peter says we were healed we we there's a new covenant realm we can walk in that john g lake's talking about here and that's all i'm trying to make sure we all just keep going there that's all and we're all at different places and that's okay and look if you got the sniffles that's you know be healed we still pray for the sick you know what i mean but i'm trying to point us back to this high realm of new covenant with jesus and build faith in his good so anyway um i want to quote some verses to you i'll land it we may go a little over sorry but listen to this isaiah 53 5 it says by the stripes of jesus christ we are healed okay this is the prophet isaiah old covenant but is very unique you get to the new covenant when peter quotes it and he twists it to were healed past tense read it in different versions isaiah we are healed which is still that's all we need that verse we are that's how we are healed but peter almost takes it up a notch and says we were meaning past tense and to even take it up a higher notice the bible says jesus was crucified before the foundations of the earth so in i just once again want to just give us a an attainable new covenant lens is all and that by the spirit and the word we grow in our knowing and no know him in this in this reality again not trying to say be naive and and and dumb but you know what i mean watch this so in all reality and actually the higher truth when we are talking about knowing the lord jesus as our healer the true biblical narrative would have it as this he not only heals you of his sickness listen that's get the elders lay hands uh get the oil the hands on the sick and we do that we should and that's biblical too it's all good we do it all i love all bible but also now that we're starting fresh let's let's look and believe to walk in healing as we were healed and all of a sudden the pestilence the arrows that fly by day they just are rolling off and we go through the valley of the shadow of darkness the valley of shadow of death and you guys know what i mean but the true biblical narrative would have it as this he not only heals you of your sickness and disease but actually keeps you in healing without the need to ever even have to experience a sickness or disease i believe in both you know heal the sick cast out devils but also i believe he can take us into a reality where the stuff the plague never even comes near your door and that's psalm 91 people falling all around you but you know what i mean janji likes bearing dead bodies from the bubonic plague and it's literally the germs are being put in his hand under the microscope and dying on the spot so that we'd exercise the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus and if we keep yielding to fear and the media and noises and news and statistics and they said this and oh my goodness just so you know if i hear anything that contradicts the word i'll shut it off or change it or move it leave the room i don't have time for it i i don't need that in i don't you know if it contradicts my stability and root in this world i'm not trying to be in denial because i'm in belief of the truth which is the word i just don't need something countering like what for why do i want to hear the voice of the devil you know what i mean it projects projects fear and let seed set in to grow and i'm good i need the bible i need a clean garden with nothing but the fruit of heaven and his voice and uh you guys know what i mean but the new covenant has you walking in the reality of what he has already done thereby keeping you whole and in the place of healing again jesus is the highest model that is attainable he walked it the the perfect model so people want to go to timothy you know his stomach was bothering him so he took some wine back in the day some pepto-bismol or whatever that that's fine but i love even timothy's not our model and then that's okay he still was far surpassed us probably in the things of the spirit being under paul but jesus is the model he has already done there by keeping you whole in the place of healing without the need even to pull you back out of any ailments that would try and come your way and you say well man i struggle with this like then that's great that's no problem at all that i'm with you i get it and we can all relate so that's we're with you like is the body of christ we just love each other we're considerate and understanding we lock arms together and we're not trying to point fingers and judge at all that's never the spirit but it's like hey man there's this track we can start to get on that will take us higher that's an actual real biblical reality in the blood of jesus help me get there lord help me holy spirit help wash me and renew my mind with the word but in the enemy yeah but listen to this these statistics are real they try and bring realities that that have have a um they have may have some legitimate earthly credibility but the spirit realm is always higher which his word is above all of it and so you know it's just which one are you gonna choose and yield to um anyway you you are healing you embody wholeness because of what he has done he desires that you all prosper and be in good health it's crystal clear in the word i think first john and even as your soul prospers so emotional healing and wholeness physical healing um and prosperity in all things but i have here uh you are healing you embody the wholeness because of what he has done you are like the ducks of this world that the water of sickness and disease roll off of our backs meanwhile sticking to others that don't have access to the covenant that we do that's those that fall at your right hand on your left those are the ones we want to say hey be healed in jesus name and matter of fact get born again so it doesn't happen again walk in the covenant of this amazing bridegroom that i know and love so dear you know what i mean um so again i just have if your trust is more in a bottle of turmex you guys know what i'm talking about in this last hour then the blood and power of the stripes of jesus bore while hanging on a tree then this end time era is not going to be your finest hour by any means and the bible is just clear on a lot of what's going to be going on which is not a doom and gloom at all it's just a bible thing and the church is going to be shining brightly listen when people are falling they're all this is going on but you're unscathed and untouched and full of light and glory shining like a light bulb in the earth flowing in crazy power and provision it's going to be our finest hour and uh but we we just want to start letting the training wheels come off now and fall on the grass if you have to i'm not saying to be naive use wisdom you know you know what i mean but sometimes if we're not careful we call it wisdom and it's really fear and it's a lack of real faith in the word and that's we don't want that either because that won't sustain in in the days ahead we've got to toughen up so to speak and then back to the word we've got to get back to as i've heard it called primitive christianity raw faith in the present voice of god and so um i'll land it there hope you guys heard me i really mean it in love and i'm preaching to me too you guys know what i mean and uh and i can't always from other platforms because i want to be honored honorable and considerate and i know everybody's dealing with different things but um love you guys and and i i mean that in love and tact and preaching to me just as i am you guys so so jesus our healer praise god so i'll pray and we'll take communion and pray for healing come on jesus i know somebody was healed of kovid in one of our classes recently and that's good too we love it all it's so good yes so jesus we love you thank you that you are our healer jehovah rapha you are our healer thank you that by your stripes we not only are healed from isaiah but by your stripes we were healed be glorified let this reality of who you are be so real to us and make uh let us know you co-abide co-habitat cohabitation with you in this realm in jesus name amen
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 18,200
Rating: 4.9226189 out of 5
Keywords: Father, Son, Holy Spirt, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Prayer, Fasting, Intimacy, Son of God, Glory, Signs, Wonders, Miracles, Angels, Power, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Teacher, 5 Fold Ministry, Prophecy, Prophetic, Stillness, Meditation, Worship, Spirituality, Spirit, Supernatural, Divine, Encounters, Angelic, Glory Nights, Glory Cruise, Jesus Conference, Jesus' Bride, Bridal Glory, Spirit and the Bride, Brian Guerin
Id: 3Kpotuk4mnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 59sec (6179 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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