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Jesus who love you thank you so much for your presence your voice we say Holy Spirit have your way I even here here at thundering outside we we say just thunder your voice through the class step in at any point come Holy Spirit Brandes I pray the truth resignate in land within as Holy Spirit come upon us to transform us into the likeness of Jesus and be glorified in Jesus name cold war a few things I won't keep you guys too long but just wanna go over the last few not the last few because again while yet we still went six full sessions and just really expounded on the fullness of godly character and even from the foundational verses early on you can never exhaust the character of God you know what I mean like it's like I will never fully I feel like even in eternity Osby just pulling back the layers of the fullness of who he is but the the main ones we can hit home and I just really feel we need to walk in but also I see a lack and often amongst us in the body of Christ just want to go over and and they they a lot of the main ones I'm hitting I feel like indirectly tie-in to others to kind of culminate and bring them all home anyway so but won't keep you guys too long tonight I don't think it'll go long at all so thank you guys so much for being so just hungry and just willing to go for it in six weeks and two weeks over and just love you guys hard in the encouragement and then we'll take commute communion together then pray for a few of you guys and dreams okay so turn with me in your Bibles some teeth he has no hardly ever do that I love it but it's just not my style um but for real if you're there get comfortable just receive the spirit take notes if you want to if that's not your thing and you'd like to get their archive totally fine but um but just receive but this first one is that I want to touch on is excellence and having a spirit of excellence going through the Bible but also just touching on it won't be here long but think again is it's one that often gets overlooked and it's just beautiful I believe so reflects who God is his nature and you see in Daniel chapter 6 verse 3 love Daniel I mean one of the hardest hitters in all of Scripture I mean that they all are but it says right here Daniel chapter 6 verse 3 listen to this then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials find his regular officials high officials sat traps he was distinguished above them because why an excellent spirit was found in him not because he studied a lot because he was better looking knew how to pull strings and manipulate this know an excellent spirit elevated it distinguished him above everybody else and this is beautiful when you see it really truly reside in and through someone and it's the Spirit of God is God we're gonna talk about it it reflects God when you really start dissecting and looking at what God anything God touches or is behind or manufactures it's done with excellence and I believe it's something we really need to carry more and more it's not obviously achieved overnight but it's again a yielding to the Holy Spirit because that's who he is and it reflects him greatly and so just pray that we would also become that people sorry I have to make sure I'm lined up with you guys and how I can tell just so you guys know is these drawers there's a split right here I can see here that one on the right when I left I kept like oh yeah there I go so forgive me if I um but in this Daniel it distinguished him above all watches because an excellent spirit was in him and the King planned to set him over all of the kingdom again not because of his studious ways is well versed you know whatever it would be you could attribute so many things to what would elevate somebody but the Bible Daniel six three and this is huge for marketplace ministers because you see it in this context it has great impact and effect in the world they even see it let's be honest the Bible says often the wisdom of God you know can seem foolishness in the world and they will the carnal things can't the carnal mind can't understand the things of the Spirit so sometimes spirit is not held at great value in the world but a spirit which is God of excellence in and through you the world recognizes that and often it will elevate on such a level of impact in it it's just beautiful to watch it come on people and we may become more more excellent with a spirit of excellence from the Holy Spirit is who he is again everything we're talking about godly character so it's his nature coming in to us and being made manifest through us but I love this because this whole set of verses here in this passage at least in verse 3 chapter chapter 6 shows that everything that that hit that elevated Daniel above the high officials and even if you read past it the king even planned to set him over the whole kingdom why because he had an excellent spirit Daniel 5 11 12 and at the end if I have time I'm gonna go over just some quick bullet points that you know you know that I just think to may may just be beneficial you know for knows but also just really for it to land in the spirit but you see these certain things about men and women of God throughout scripture regarding their character that God enveloped meaning they carried in an aspect of God in such a full way and how it channeled them in and through destiny in such a phenomenal pattern like I told you guys Moses meekest man on all the earth Jesus wouldn't even break a bruised Reed you know take from me and learn that I'm gentle lowly like that Jesus even they say his character was upon Moses Joshua I'm getting ahead of myself the courage be courageous you see the steady courageousness of be encouraged and did you see in the New Testament the Holy Spirit doesn't give us a spirit of timidity but of boldness and Daniel excellent so all these attributes of God they would channel through and in men and women Daniel stands out above all of them with a spirit of excellence meaning anything he touched and had connection to it was done with excellence and it's a really a rare attribute at times and it really if that's what it does it distinguishes you above all the else above all the others sorry and so much so that the world will even take notice the king plan to make him set him over all of the kingdom Daniel 5 11 and 12 there's a listen to this there's that this is in the dialogue of the passage there's a man in your kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy God's plural and not awesome the gods the Father the Son the Holy Spirit it's like they even had some intuition by experience of the Gods being plural you know Genesis when he created the earth the Spirit brooded over the deep there was already the father the son he died before he was crucified before the foundations of the earth looked at man said let's make man in our image plural but I love this from the earthly lens they say there's a man talking about Daniel in your kingdom in whom is the spirit of the Holy God's plural Father the Son the Holy Spirit in the days of your father light and understanding and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods floral again were found in him and King Nebuchadnezzar your father your father the King made him chief of the magicians enchanters Chaldeans and astrologers why verse 12 because an excellent spirit was within him and in others but you see right out of the gate what led it off in the attributes why he was set over him what elevated distinguish him above all else because an excellent spirit was in him knowledge understanding to interpret dreams explain riddles and solve problems were found also in our family understand whom the king named delta smelt dishes are but anyway excellent spirit so in the Hebrew because because again we're in the Old Testament you guys remember Old Testament pretty much we want to really do word studies and just milk it for all it's in it you know I mean really just go deep and chew chew on the Word of God and meditate sometimes it's healthy to you know dig deep and so the Old Testaments real simple you're gonna go into the Hebrew New Testaments Greek but I just want to point that out cuz a lot of you guys have heard me referring to the Greek throughout this class but I'm typically pulling from New Testament verses but Daniel Old Testament we're going Hebrew y'all tear this is excellent excellent the the very word of the Spirit an excellent spirit found on Daniel it means this greatest preeminent distinguished outstanding top-tier love that surpassing so so you hear the balance here I love this last class we spoke on humility but that's not low self-esteem it's you know what I mean it's actually God consciousness it's God focused not even self focused at all so the humility while you are still carrying a spirit of excellence that by defaults elevates you it distinguishes you above all the rest and it's you can see it when it's a spirit it's not a task-oriented feet it's something you carry so anything in the spirits that it's the difference between even the gifts of the Spirit we did a class on that in Corinthians gifts are opened up and used in a moment us so in other words you know versus the spirit of the spirits of the seven spirits of God wisdom counsel might which can overlap into power so it's like it's it's who you become as who you are in the spirit of excellence it just overlaps into everyday life and it's again when we're gonna pray at the end of this and so I'm excited I want more of it all of us should because it just it starts to bleed over and everything we do and it's very noticeable again first and foremost because we want to yield and you become obedient to God and become more like him because then you reflect him more fully and you know we're ambassadors of Christ we want to represent him well but also sheer destiny alone it it puts you in such a position to be elevated it's such a more rapid pace when you align with more of the likeness of God he's excellent anyway a preeminent grade is outstanding top tier and you're not doing it out of this member already told you guys to compare against yourselves is foolishness Paul writes we're not doing it to be like oh I'm gonna be better than like we don't care it's just Jesus make me like you let me please you because he's pleased with excellence and I've seen this blurred quite often honestly even from our early days in different camps and just in learning myself but I've seen this blur and want to kind of hopefully make it real clear sometimes lack of excellence can come in a package called humility or called you know it's self-righteous but it's it's not in reflection in the true reflection of God and who he is and sometimes it can come off as religious and seem like it's trying to be non assuming which humility does but also excellence by default sets you apart and it's also to be walked in like Daniel did and so you know the hearts got to be right of course while we're doing it but you just yield and become like the Lord and he's actually anyway top-tier surpassing even the definition is superb of high quality okay matchless supreme exceptional and so you know and again well I won't go there but just in life that the continual yielding of being excellent and and having excellence in our life is just really key and again we're going to pray but I have here in my notes I believe often this attribute is often overlooked in the body of Christ while yet it greatly reflects God's character and who he is I've already touched on that but just it's in my notes I was getting ahead of myself I have here the Holy Spirit exudes excellence when you truly get around Jesus the Holy Spirit the father they all represent themselves their three-in-one mm-hmm none of them will differ on this matter they're excellent they produce excellence and that's what was on Daniel a spirit it didn't say you know he just he carried himself in a top to your way in an outstanding manner to distinguish himself he chose to know he had a spirit of excellence anyway I have here it's yeah it's who God is I'm already said that but basically if you really want to kind of look at God you can hop around revelation you can look at heaven okay look at his domain again sometimes we forget we're in a fallen world redeemed by it by the the New Covenant in the blood of Jesus but still in the world not of it you know we're in a fallen world but the kingdom that jesus prayed be here on earth as it is in heaven twelve gates all made of a single pearl up some of you know by just the grace of God I've had you know been so gracious Lee allowed by several you know different occasions where I was in in heaven more or less than in some experiences and you will never come back from his domain and have a belief in poverty number one again that's that's a whole nother topic we touched on that spirit of generous are the school of hindrances but but also for sure excellence I mean the city on foundational precious stones gold streets flawless you just immaculate order excellence they even the gates cuz I've got an eye for construction on member all standing before the gates is when we try to pray for this lady from the dead some of you don't know the story to raise a lady from the dead in in Illinois I was preaching up near Chicago lady died went out to her car went to be with the Lord precious beautiful old lady she had just become that day she just fixed her hair got her makeup done I saw her worshipping and worship beautiful mother of the house had a long meeting laying hands the glory you know just powerful meeting did get off to like one she went in her car and just seamlessly just effortlessly went to be with the Lord it just seemed to set up when to pray for it would come back from the dead we were praying for hours I mean the doctors let us in there with the pastor they even brought us coffee he was wild but you know no it sounds a bit morbid but it's what it is she never came back but in that time I didn't tell the pastor I don't think I ever told the pastor this story actually he may have heard it and when I shared it somewhere else but I never told him person I don't think but in it - I'm trying to hear the Lord because I know the Great Commission raised the dead heal the sick cast out Devils so you obey the word but also I know that you know - man you know I mean once is given you know and then then they die and go to heaven and to be with the Lord and the absent from the bodies to be with the Lord and and sometimes people's destinies complete and this lady was of age to where it could have been so baying the word you always that the word lead you and obey it but also I'm trying to hear the Lord in the moment so I'm praying for her life power were praying cold dead body beautiful ladies sitting there I think her eyes were open actually sorry for any of you that this is it is order death but I also after harm we're in there for like good couple hours I'm trying to hit the Lord like what are you doing right here it seemed to set up like she was meant to go to heaven they said that's how they said Smith Wigglesworth went to heaven even just felt led of the Spirit right at the end of draw his son around I think and just show off some memories of town and what they had been doing or something and then just shortly went to be with the Lord just effortlessly I think to someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I want to say it was Smith Wigglesworth - that had a third set of teeth supernaturally crazy if it was him I forget who it was but totally phenomenon from from the Lord full set of 30 that came in in his older age for anyway so the Lord answered me like the next day or so because I was really asking the Lord what's going on here I want to see and just show me Lord you know sometimes you have not because you ask not I get it we don't go to the Lord for four things but also it's biblical to ask he says ask seek knock you have not because you ask Mac so sometimes you know you do just that and he loves that too so just to free you up but that's what I was doing you know I did get dance from the moment but there so later I'm up against my headboard running on the Lord and I find myself in heaven before the gates one of the gates made of a solid pearl a single pearl the Bob and that's another thing jesus has John right - go ahead go ahead and make sure that those adjectives are correct where they know it's a single pearl it's not just made of the substance of pearl maybe maybe manufactured crushed and pieced together no single pearl you know I learned I learned a lot from that encounter that they they actually are closed all the time and then prophetically allow people in but then once the Satan's defeated that I believe they they stay open permanently as scripture I believe alludes to because in this moment at this moment is they opened and they were sliding gates arched top which usually you don't see in paintings and pictures and you look up gates of heaven like like just only on the internet but archtop from my custom background background and building custom homes anything archtop tis very costly and expensive me and my father we always people would bring us some big you know monster custom home say we got to cut 50 thousand out of these plans or whatever from the quote and instantly you go right to the front elevation you start looking to all the art stopped windows and doors you say square I'm off I've got 25% right out of the gate you just you square off to make it less costly and then for sure you want to swing something on hinges versus it sliding because now you've got tracks it's way more expensive my point being is you get the heaviness or looking around and there's excellence Bar None I mean top tier times a million of anything God touches arch top sliding top-tier exquisite detail putting it everything and this is the God we serve just will encourage you guys now don't get me wrong don't pick a a heavy thing from any of this you guys know I'll do this often because I just don't want to ever you know an opposing heavy condemnation thing come where you may start remembering like oh I'm blacking excellence in all kind of areas we all have it stood off the ball but may we get better with a spirit of excellence and everything we touch and do in life is it because it pleases God number one but then number two it reflects him it's such a beautiful manner because it's who he is I have your even look at the blueprint God gave Moses for the tabernacle just immense detail down to the the curtains where they are at the Holy of Holies the table of showbread you know the lampstand the curtain the ark these got to be the case you would then you got to start covering everything in gold the tighter you get into the glory I mean much detail and excellence he went like yeah I just fell together you know throw together you know a tent just make sure you close on all sides because when my glory comes it's gonna hit you no no his detail excellence you know and um this is the God we serve and it's just beautiful I think this really should set us apart as a people you know and I'll say I'll say this you know I'm trying to be tactful here but you know you've heard it said to cleanliness as close to godliness I know that's not a verse but it's just a phrase but there is some truth there but I'll say this you can often see even in geographical settings where sin is dominant in excellence is nowhere to be found you can see where you can see the overlap of heaven in and through people in excellence they exude versus hell that is running people's lives and the sloppy lethargic stuffs out of order that's hell basically look at Hell and how it would be its disorder filth there's no excellence there's a lot of strife of going in circles to not come back around to succeed in anything it's just this oppression poverty now again not all of us have been able to choose what setting we've been birthed into but we do know the Bible and God and what he aspires to take us into and you can always see when heavens given full rein and then through I feel the presence on that just feels good when heavens given full rein in and through people excellence reflects excellence exudes order you know there's just it's just there's this different you can see you can see it and may it again I didn't stay on this that long sort of be quick on this one but uh but excellence is beautiful and you know I have here I've seen often where there is in 1/2 and this is why to them I'm coming to you from a lot of experience too and just learning and I'm in this thing with you guys like we're teaching each other you know what I mean but I've seen often where there is deep infatuation for Jesus even a rich anointing and carried and walked in but a major neglect and lack of a spirit of excellence and listen to me ministries slash ministers plateau out often I have here you can only excel to the altitude they sell to the altitude at which you align with excellence excellence the very word excel is in excellence and I have to don't get me wrong this is not the sole ingredient to the recipe of success but without it the recipe will not be complete I just think it's a a very huge attribute of God that is overlooked often not talked about a lot but it carries a lot of weight with heaven in favor with God and man and it's beautiful and again it reflects God in a beautiful way so but ya know I've seen it where it's like Oh everything's clicking on all cylinders the yielding to heaven the presence the pursuit to hunger the anointing the gifts and then excellence is fully neglected and as you can see a big void and the impact the level of impact that heaven intends on that system is hindered because of excellence and I've even been shown it by the spirit in settings right and so it just one courage you guys may we be full and godlike character and reflecting who he is and have excellence again I was trying to be tactful on how I present things but um but yeah I've seen that and in that right there because sometimes we think all know the anointing will be sufficient and the gifts and hearing the voice of God I've seen those peeked out operating very very strong stronger than most but then excellence is neglected and sometimes if we're honest it's I've never seen it neglected on purpose it's never a conscious decision is because people especially in the body of Christ we have good hearts we just want to please Jesus the end of the day we want a bandeau well but sometimes if we're honest it's the way we were raised it's the cultural setting that we're used to sometimes our natural makeup void of the Spirit is bent that way but again that could be another area of life that we need yielded to the Spirit of God who is excellent you guys following me ok anybody that's you know to me but sometimes it you know and sometimes we you know in need we need the spirit to show us and just to help us because it again lack of excellence often is sometimes just sheerly the way we were brought up we don't know any different sometimes the culture the culture or the society and which generation we were born into you know even geographically affects it big-time you know to me and I love that actually a lot of it's just the beauty of creation and just cultural differences which is pretty cool actually so and that's not even talking about excellence or not you just see a big difference depending on even where you go in the United States west east north south especially worldwide in different countries you see a great diversity because of society and culture that influences the area but I say scratch all that still welcome it in be who you need to be Paul says become all things to all people to win them but make sure excellence to is allowed in that spirit that you let the spirit reign in that area of your life because again I've seen all the cylinders clicking off and excellence just the rug pulled out from excellence and then you can see a ceiling there's this shorter then it needs to be where people hit and they can't elevate because there's not an excellent spirit like daniel hat they can't be putting over be trusted to be put over all the kingdom like daniel was there they're not being distinguished above all the else because the excellent spirit is not there and so again we're gonna pray and there'll be a grace i believe a fresh gracious sometimes it's just it wasn't illuminated and we're focusing on other areas it and it's all good but just in every area of life you know i have here some details broke down but i'm gonna skip that but they're just a spirit of excellence will come upon us would reflect the lord and you know in every every area and you see it even to the details of like when jesus would move and how he would do and how they would log into scripture 153 fish caught my cold on wajal count why'd you guys count it down to the detail and and when they'd start to log the profits the voice of god i mean it starts to carry over and everything you do but but being being excellent so let's pray sorry I don't mean to be that long on that but yet Jesus we love you we love you God that you are a god of excellence that there's other verses in like um so first Peter throughout the New Testament that speaks of God in his excellence and the excellence of God I didn't write these down on my notes but just that that's who you are and we know there's two kingdoms really running this whole thing kingdom of light kingdom of darkness and in kingdom of darkness there's there's no excellence it's actually the very opposite its disorder it's just everything else that comes under the opposing just like the opposing currents of love it's what love is not and so I pray for excellence come Holy Spirit that that attribute of you that is excellent please open it up and in shine Holy Spirit fill us even now I pray yet for an impartation because it's who you are Holy Spirit fill us with a spirit of excellence let it come upon us now let it start to overlap in every area of our life that we begin to carry a spirit of excellence in the spirit in the things of the Spirit in our relationship with you that we would start to carry an excellent spirit and in life and how we make choices day-to-day and even in our health and choices with you know our wealth and the health would be excellent and the natural we excellence would carry over into our choices every day even our relationships would become have an excellent spirit on our approach to the God ordained and god-given relationships that are meant to be in our destiny then we just start to touch in view life and access it through the spirit of excellence like Daniel had and you elevate however you want to we just want to please you number one and you love excellence that's who you are and then reflect you in that way in Jesus maybe I'll tell you over the years I've been with a lot of different streams ministries and I'll just say ministers and ministries because we get it and it's it's what I do but it really overlaps to everything but I've been around excellence and I've been around lack of and excellence has just got something on it it's god it's beautiful you know it just really reflects who he is I'm telling if you could just just imagine stepping into a living room with God and you come up even upon his coffee table in the order of which he's got whatever he's got there to welcome you in and you hear it with heavenly encounters as well there's an angel often that will escort I'll never forget Jesse Duplantis with the heaven years ago if you hear it but he shares it at John Osteen Church that should be on YouTube Joel Osteen's father was a gunner John Osteen powerful Joel and just to be honest I don't know a lot about but much honor and respect just I just always bless an honor I just don't know a lot about him but you know awesome but I'm not do know enough about his father John Osteen as well gunner powerful will way back Jesse Duplantis was you know years and years ago talks about a heavenly experience we got to take into heaven and just even man or whoever whoever maybe there's so many heavenly experiences you can go because again you're now getting super close to the domain of God you hear house run there there's order you can see in Zechariah his angel comes and his angel another angel comes on the scene if you read in Zechariah and Zechariah always refers to his personal angel as the angel who talked with me meaning it was his personal angel another angel is sent to get a message to Zechariah and and start highlighting when when he says the angel who talked with me you're gonna wear your highlighter out it's over and over who talked with me said this names who talked with me went here danger to talk to him he said this all the sudden you see another angel sent he pops in on the scene and he's got to get a message also to Zechariah but he has to go through his angel because there's a heavenly order there's excellence there's there's precision there's there's focus on detail you know it's just beautiful and people carry it it's like oh yeah they're different they're different and it just distinguishes and anyway so the angel the other one comes in it says he told the angel who talked with me to tell me this so if you see the picture that's super funny it's like let's say this is the angel who talked with Zechariah well the other angel comes into the scene they're all sitting there but because of the order of heaven the excellence in detail of which they know they they operated they come in from the presence of God this angel tells Zechariah's personal angel telling this it be like me coming up to two of you from class and saying you know hey Bobby tell your wife this and your wife sitting right there he's like why don't you just tell her she's right there but the angel knew the order the excellence he had to go through Zechariah is angel who talked with him it's just it's just wild to watch all that I love it so thank you Lord are the next one the next one is a faithfulness love this one thank you lord faithfulness I have here proverbs 28 2014 those proverbs 28 2008 'fl person will be richly blessed but one eager to get rich some versions say one you know or he who hastens to be rich will get into trouble but a faithful person will be richly blessed even if you want to talk into the realm of finances it doesn't matter but it shows a faithful heart and in the steady in faithfulness is far greater in in results but also a fruit then the heart desire of the other watch this the faithful in Hebrew I have both Greek but Hebrew Emunah means steadfastness steady firmness the definition here with with faithfulness is a loyal constant true devoted unswerving committed dependable reliable trustworthy man and proverb says who can find a faithful are you know trustworthy or some who's reliable is to trust me faithfulness it true faithfulness in God can sometimes be very hard to find and you all know what I'm talking about but but again once it's on somebody is in a reverse after verse and I only only have some of them there it's all over the Word of God but but if we can't but I just pray at least for us in this class that Jesus touches an we're gonna pray and I love it I just get excited now it sounds like man for a faithfulness is just it's so beautiful it's up there almost with humility to me I love you talking about that one too but when there's faithfulness on someone number one it's super rare and and it's few and far between but it's so beautiful and so like God it's one of his very names but anyway the Greek is peace DOS and it means the same thing trustworthy reliable loyal same thing but right here Matthew 25:21 in the in the parable you know of the servants in the master and all that with Jesus read letters he says well done my good and faithful servant this is Jesus giving an analogy well done my good and faithful servant you have been faithful with a little now I will make you ruler over much so you see faithfulness attributed to again great leverage and an ability with God revelation 19:11 and I saw this is John I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse he who sat on it the capital H is called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges in wages war I mean literally to a you know one out of the two titles even mentioned when he's on the white horse from revelation 19 Jesus is faithful and true like literally revelatory experience John caught up to heaven he sees a man on a white horse if you keep going it starts to describe fiery eyes and all that but Jesus literally in all of the inherent Word of God one of his main titles he want to be known and logged ads in one of the most profound revelations in all of scripture the book of Revelation sitting on a white horse and his name is faithful and true so godly carriers is who God is is who Jesus is he's faithful and that we would just ingrained in who we are there just be who we are like we don't know anything else we become a people that are faithful Luke 16:10 one who is faithful and very little is also faithful and much almost the same thing you've seen Matthew 25 both totally two different Gospels but listen to this one who is dishonest in little is dishonest and much 1st Corinthians 4:2 so from going fast but taking notes first contains 4 - a lot of you guys hear me quote 1st Corinthians 4:1 a lot where Paul says were to regard ourselves as stewards of the mysteries of God first - continues it says moreover it is required of stewards that they be found faithful there's this steadiness this consistency the steadfastness steady dependable committed dependable reliable trustworthy and trust me nowadays you guys know what I mean this generation man is just so much thrown at people and seems like an opportunity or not we're so just the attention span just as just the intention span alone causes such a like a lack of commitment I see it in this generation and in mine as well but even the generation coming up which to me excites me because I know you know when darkness abounds grace much more this so the company the Lord's raising up are going to be just so solid and faithful and true but so I I have here I'm trying to figure out what knows to go over I don't wanna go or all of them watch us I'll go back I'll work backwards another verse before I just kind of free run on it a little bit proverbs chapter 3 verses 3 through 4 watch this Solomon why this manner all the earth look at the emphasis he puts on it on faithfulness loyalty I read to you guys in the Greek and Hebrew it's loyal loyalty steadiness never let loyalty same thing is faithfulness and kindness leave you mr. Solomon Solomon never left faithfulness loyalty and kindness leave you he joints them together which we touched on that remember kindness as I was saying a lot of these main points I'm hitting on character they they so they so in others they thread together tying a lot of others but we've touched on kindness way back in like I think the first or second session never let loyalty and kindness leave you tie them around your neck as a reminder say we need a reminder a lot of us are like Shakalaka I love the Lord and we're good and we are and we should know y'all know meek that's what I condone more than anything I'm always coming back to the secret place but you see in Scripture that God left for a solomon why is this man on earth he's I don't listen to me tie these two around your neck don't let them as a reminder don't let him leave you remember 1st Corinthians 4 in the first session Paul he writes you know let me you know to remind them of his ways in Christ his ways he's like reminding them he goes on to write write them deep within your heart time around your neck loyalty faithfulness and kindness time around your neck write them deep within your heart then when you do this Solomon saying when you do this kindness and faithfulness take these to bind them around your neck write them deep within your heart he says then when that's accomplished when you do that you'll find favor with both God and demand you sivan favor tied into faithfulness and you'll you are on a good reputation I have here often we sacrifice faithfulness for temporary opportunity and lose the real opportunity that God was intending for us to walk through that was going to catapult us into divine destiny and have permanent implications I'll say that again I know that's a mouthful but I just want it to land sorry for my grilling often and I've done this plenty again this is not to be a condemning heavy thing this is to be like oh yeah help me Lord let me just stay faithful you know as beautiful God loves it and then he sees it yep oh my goodness faithful over the little nobody's faithful over the little one in a million I can man ruler over much and they get catapulted and far too often we want to jump at any given you know our attention span in our self-promoting or a lot or we can maybe climb our door we can maybe jump through and in doing all this we neglect faithfulness at a quality level and by that we we by default abort the true plan of God that could have long time ago catapulted us into above what we can think or ask that the Bible says right so sometimes we short circuit where God's really trying to take us by not walking in a quality level of faithfulness this is man I can feel it faithfulness when it's walked in at a quality level I'll put it up against anything in humility a lot of these others but when theirs when they're studying again faithfulness attributed to I have a down in my notes attributed to and connected to the voice of God don't get me wrong you can stay so on something for the sake of just being faithful and God moved on I'm not meaning that I mean you know God spoke to you and you attached to it like velcro and you can don't come off of it and then all the other decide possible opportunities I can maybe do the issue there doing that and compare maybe I could another possible door ladder went up here I could have climbed that and it's like no go back what did God say Oh said this yep faithful attached like velcro and stay it said of course and you will catapult far quicker and in it in a higher elevation than anybody else that chooses all these these other things you know so again what I was saying was often that we sacrifice faithfulness for temporary opportunity we think they will in a moment catapult us somewhere else we don't realize in the moment the temporary opportunity may look like get elevated to you to some certain level but when when something's accident when something is not accessed by true faithfulness it won't sustain you follow you guys remember that when I told you about honor how it opens doors but also it keeps them open as long as honor sustained will true faithfulness sustains acceleration and elevation okay but when something is accessed not attributed or connected to rooted in faithfulness it won't last because it's you saw it already well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful with the little now I'll make you ruler over much it's like sometimes there's opportunity in ruling something but it won't be over much or for long your faithfulness isn't there I hope you guys hear what I'm saying but sorry often we sacrifice faithfulness for temporary opportunity and lose the real opportunity that God was intending for us to walk through that was going to catapult you into divine destiny and have permanent implications I've seen it I've done it you know so so again we're all in this together and if you're starting to remember instances where you did this no condemnation you're in Christ we're good but I'm meaning moving forward whatever today is August 5th whatever Monday you're Monday like Jesus how okay help me excellence humility honor purity I mean love kindness Pete you know you know we're covered but also faithfulness how it be faithful let me get some times you guys know what I mean sometimes we have to pull back from the busyness the voices the seemingly opportunities or doors or whatever thrown at you and go back to what God told you at first what it is he really calling you to do I fear often that somewhere along the way we busy it ourselves and so many things that God never really fully intended us to walk in and told us to do sometimes we see systems done by others and created even in ministry and so we would create a similar similar portfolio and walk that out and gods like I never never had that in your scroll like why are you doing that love you and you're seeing fruit but my word will never return bored you're gonna see fruit but sometimes in a gown throw myself in there we all need to come back and recalibrate to the voice of God that comes in deep intimacy and the richness of his presence and glory and attach to that like velcro and stay faithful stay faithful in the little stay humble he'll exalt you in due season and that's the way you want it done I'm telling you that's where eternity kisses the bride that's our destiny is truly birthed in and then it's noted as gold in heaven and precious stones it doesn't go up to heaven and wood hay and stubble don't don't forget Matthew 7:22 prophesied in your name cast out devils in your name many mighty exploits in your name depart from me workers of iniquity on Jesus's chalkboard he's like that calculates to me as a work of iniquity prophecy healings marty exploits all in your name now it's works of iniquity boys I never told you you weren't faithful from an intimate place of what I told you and so maybe we'll be a people that keep it simple again the complexity of God will take its course and they'll be a grace for it but intimacy back to Jesus what he said his smile and attach to it steady constant unwavering steadfastness faithfulness listen for proverbs 28 2008 falaya just really feel the anointing on this a faithful person will be richly blessed but one eager to get rich one quick to jump at something or an opportunity will get into trouble well done good and faithful servant white horse a man who sat on Jesus Christ and he went by the name faithful and true Luke 16 one who is faithful over very little not really good at doing very little not really good at that certain pet not just faithfulness that's what he wants steady faithful reliable dependable ruler over much stewards by Paul that are required to be found faithful and then it's just on and on but I have here here God and remained faithful don't be swayed by the other voices and attractions that come your way Wow yet you guys know me anybody that really runs has run with us for any length of time I'm real big on staying with the cloud though so I get it again at the cloud moves pillar of fire moves he's got moves from glory to glory but but also I'm not into nor is God into inconsistency given you know in and out and just where there's lack of faithfulness you know that's who it's their name one of the names of Jesus who we serve so maybe we take on the same radiance of faithfulness but just staying steady and true and attaching ourself in that way again to God's voice and we know his voice can change in seasons and guide that the pillar of cloud moves but may we velcro and attach ourselves tie ourselves tie around your neck proverbs 3 says loyalty faithfulness right it deep within your heart then you find favor with God and man I'm telling you can walk in all these attributes we we just mentioned and you take faithfulness out of it it's gonna fall it's like the mains it's one of the main support post to the 10th it's gonna host God you see what I'm saying proverbs 3 said song as I look this is very important tie-tie faithfulness and kindness around your neck right I'm deep within your heart then once you've done that then you're gonna find favor with God meaning take faithfulness out and then the favor of God won't be there or with man hope you guys are following me so faithfulness I have here yeah he already touched on this hear his voice and stick to it attach yourself to the voice of God and in due season he will lift you up look look you don't want the premature elevation don't wanna trust me it's just got it's just got issues that God never intended you for you're walking you want to be elevating when he wants you to anyway but just that would be faithful that's far in greater quality than anything else you know I have here yeah kind of passed up some stuff actually I will I will I've done this plenty sometimes I'll give the little on purpose to people to watch him and it's not a setup thing but you need to know I mean sometimes you got to watch and this is why you see it Matthew 2516 and they're like okay because by no means are you gonna give a bunch to somebody that's not even proved to be faithful yet that would be foolishness so it's like all they prove to true and faithful and a little and give them give them rule over much but there'll be times two or I'll get you know we or I and you know as a minister even if well and even outside of that you know I can take you back to my days of construction on project manager and then then a contractor and over crews and all this and you can watch real fast I'll never forget and now I'll go there but anyway um but yet on purpose the little non in you know seemingly insignificant things and any stuff start slipping through the cracks because it seems like ah you know it is it's just this task or it's just that in it and there's no faithfulness there and it's like it tells me a lot like you're not gonna be faithful over much faithful you know I have here even with ministry everybody wants a microphone and wants to be when the task seems prominent or virtuous or noteworthy you know and you didn't have to be a microphone whatever it whatever you know it you want to put in there but I'm just trying to point out that you know everybody wants to be present when the task seems prominent virtuous noteworthy they you know they me we have done this okay we get it but you'll say things like this in this I will be seen or this will now be in my resume or this will propel me into this or that and but faithfulness true faithfulness will do far beyond what any temporary opportunities can throw at you I have here faithful ones are few and far between and standout amongst the masses trust me they do yes it's a big one when you see faithfulness like oh my goodness beautiful beautiful and super rare you know and you guys know what I mean but but yeah that we just accept just get back to faithfulness you know the eager to in the hasten to that proverbs 28 mentions will just get you into trouble anyway but a faithful person will abound and blessing can be recently blessed the faithfulness it's just quiet sometimes especially this culture and society there's no faithfulness you guys know what I mean oh my goodness it's like you scratch my back I'll scratch yours if what's in it for me there's just a lot of shallow out there and that's not God it's not Kingdom at all and and that's what they'll reap you know and that's why there's a bunch of fake stuff too presented when there's really deep voids in misery and emptiness you know true fulfillment only comes in God and in purity and life and peace in love with Jesus Christ as if there is nothing else out there and this is one of the main ways to access that being faithful there's a faithful people so let's pray in there one more and we'll land it Jesus thank you that you even go by the title of faithful and true and I pray even now that you would just stamp us with faithfulness Tampa's holy spirit do a deep work within our hearts even like Solomon wrote it write it deep within our hearts tied around our necks loyalty faithfulness it would be a faithful people consistent reliable trustworthy steadfast that's who you are Jesus you never change always the same we touched on the first section there's the sameness about you but we'd be faithful loyal that we'd recalibrate back to you your presence your now voice and attached to it so faithful thank you Lord make us a faithful people in Jesus name okay this one I'll be super quick on and then land at home I'm gonna miss you guys but we will obviously have another school this fall and I'll be back all together and then I know uh-oh Abby how are you miss you big time he's amazing but I yeah we'll have another school is fall asleep but a lot of you guys I'll see shortly on glory nights that's gonna be a big blast come on Jesus and sorry my mind's just going going into the Charlotte but anyway the crusade together I see a lot of you guys on the road it's always such a joy okay this third one you know I landed here is integrity beautiful again just an Integris people all over the Word of God but again that we would exude integrity the people of integrity Hebrew Tomei it means upright innocently blameless and again in the past we've done plenty of things non Integris but again I'm talking about now moving forward Jesus help us be in Integris people definitions moral noble honorable with virtue proverbs 11 3 says the integrity of the upright guides them but the unfaithful here it is again the opposite of faithfulness men we just touched on faithful listen to this the unfaithful or destroyed by their duplicity and that means double-dealing our two faceted miss listen to this man here it is again I know we've already got all faithfulness but on the unfaithful it doesn't say these sinful or the crooked or the it doesn't even address those issues really it just says the unfaithful it highlights that lack of character characteristic the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity meaning dualistic ways double-dealing there's no constant like I told you guys find the voice of God pillar of ground velcro faithful steady voices love you bless you but the clouds going this way faithful God told me this oh there's something you know that this light shining that you know seems like this there's a ladder there the velcro steady duplicity means double-dealing and and if we're not careful this the culture and just the prince of the power of the air will get on you and start to want you to double deal in the name of God and start to reach and go and multi this and that that I don't get me wrong I mean sometimes it is the Lord too you know what I mean be very multifaceted in the spirit but I'm not talking about that I'm talking about light choices and character but their duplicity their - fasted miss it's being split it's a dualistic vision the very breakdown of the word die vision means that die to two visions so it goes this way got one going this way vision that's it's not a sometimes you can be in division and have your heart right but it's like one visions going this way I have a vision to go this way so there's die vision there's two visions going you know but uh the integrity of the upright guides them just butter that's all just integrity guiding me the integrity just Integris man it'll keep you in that channel of the Holy Spirit it'll keep you in that the NEEMO current that you guys have heard me talk about that that current of butter that's where jesus walks integrity that's where the holy spirit walks integrity you get on side of integrity he black where'd the glory go where is the voice of the Spirit he's not there he's in integrity but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity and I've seen it man I've seen it where just faithfulness is not not walked in and you can you can miss things because you thought another door whatever anyway proverbs 10 9 whoever walks in integrity walks securely if you ever feel like your walk is a bit shaky lots integrity it'll secure things proverbs 20 verse 7 the godly walk in integrity and watch this blessed are their children who follow them the children don't follow they're not blessed the path of integrity leads to blessing the blessing follows it integrity there is no other path so you know I want to praise this beautiful psalm 41 11 through 12 I this is this is David crying out I know that you are pleased with me for my enemy doesn't triumph over me because of my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever so basically in the same context he's connecting the enemy having no no real you know leg in the fight basically the enemy having no leverage you know he first off he says you're pleased with me so that shows you integrity pleases God he's pleased with Integris living but also he covers my enemy can't Trump triumph over me because of integrity and then he plants the reason why in the middle because of integrity and then goes on to say you uphold me and set me in your presence forever again not talking about the past you know his his his uh his mercies are new every morning so you know it's don't like the condemning side of the enemy I don't like that but so there's mercy you know grace God's loving but also to be set up in remaining this presence forever integrity as needed and you see as a beautiful he says I know you're pleased with me my enemy can't drop over me because of my integrity you even uphold me and set me in your presence forever it's like you can see integrity is the anchor around everything he just highlighted you being pleased with me God my enemy can't touch me and you set me up the greatest of all he saves the best for last of course you set me up in your presence forever integrity does this you know it'll elevate you in a place of glory and quick accesses so the path of integrity is well Jesus walks Psalm 25 21 my integrity and uprightness preserve me your preserved as a protection about it integrity just preserves you keeps you out of the you know the traps for our wait for you I was reminded of but down to little things you know of course there's big ones big decisions I'm that you're always thrown with and the greater responsibility and platform and whatever it is that God gives you that you're always going to be throwing these choices but you want them to be Integris you know and they're always being thrown at me I know you the same I'm just having to be the one talking on the microphone right now but but basically you want to have you want to be Integris and your choice making I mean there's plenty of things you get thrown at me that it would even seem love me or you would want to do this because of that but is it Integris is it upright innocent blameless moral noble honorable with virtue that's how that you are choice making in and steps need to be be in the path of and be taken in in in the under the base foundation of integrity or on that but I'll never forget a funny story though but there's some big ones too and you just always got to come back there and maybe I'm gonna pray again but maybe a people that our integrity bar raises you know what I'm saying and because again Jesus is the standard you know you may look at somebody else said man they have no integrity I'm doing good and we can be guilty of that but Jesus is the standard with us who we want to become like godly character come again and he's very Integris but I'll never forget I was reminded I was going through these notes of a recent time we were I was with my son well is oen Judah and but like even little stuff you know we'll be at the grocery store we always but the baskets back things like that plus I just teach my kids you reap what you sow Galatians 6 was real clear it says don't be a fool God cannot be mocked a man will reap what he shows and so you want to get to the grocery store if you've done this no condemnation I've done it plenty but also we just try not to you know excellence integrity loyalty you just try and get better but you want to be lazy and just so laziness now that now makes the job harder on somebody else because you didn't do your job well now you may not see it right away or even connected to but you're gonna reap what you sow in life and now somebody else is gonna be drop the ball somewhere that's now gonna cause you hardship and an extra step in your day you follow me I mean the Bible is clear we just preach and teach the Bible except I'm like is this not out of getting weird but just doing life and being Integris and going the extra mile trying to you know but you you sow you reap what you sow and that's not just a financial verse by enemies it's just life decisions and so you want to sow life and so Kingdom is so godly character and you you know blessed are the merciful so this shall be shown mercy you know you you show mercy you read mercy you don't show mercy you're not gonna you're gonna run in a situation people show you no mercy you like man what happened you don't connect the two that you haven't been showing MRSA yet so but anyway little stuff like we've got a system now where we all do different things even when we get home with the groceries we will have a certain order and uh I think Judah does the cold you hope put up the cold items and Zoey does the pantry the the non cold items I'll tell you a funny story Judah won't care but he's uh he's just funny this way his he's like me you know we're super spontaneous prophetic but this is always got the strength of like the admin order in the family that's beautiful to have a bit of hybrid but Judith strengths or other places too and we're all just you know it is is just humanity it's beautiful the makeup of everything but um yeah well another one super funny man and he was younger he would tell you super funny but he out of just habit he was fixing cereal one day and and just quickly wasn't thinking he fixes cereal and he in in so later either me or so it goes with the kitchen then we opened the fridge and I'm looking at like a box of cereal in the fridge I'm like you know I'm like right away jus don't my Judah what he's like what he didn't remember he did that he's put the milk up and he just didn't connect the tube with the cereal in that you know and uh but another funny time he he put we were doing tacos that's what it was we'll do some mean tacos you got I gotta invite you guys over one time for good fit you all I'll do the low carb tortillas they're pretty they're not bad it's just my way of getting around it or sometimes I'll just make the salad part of it the meat and the lettuce and whatever the kids will pound the crispy come out of the oven corn tortillas but anyway we were cooking on that night and he didn't know though he didn't wash it now he knows that it hadn't and told me it but I was needing the ground meat to cook the tacos and uh he had put it in the freezer with the freezer items versus the fridge and so then our two passes I'm getting ready to cook the tacos now I've got a frozen four pounds or whatever of meat and I've got a fall you know versus the fridge so is just funny but we'll have order all and stuff like that but just little details of like you know excellence but also integrity but another funny story I was with the kids and they we went to a like game station type store because we were returning judah's PlayStation 4 if something had broke on it they would they would know better to tell you how the story happened but but we were returning it because they had a policy that you could also get another one or or something by turning in wand if something broke I forget I forget with all the details but I brought it in and the guy tallies it up he's like yep no sweat and the store is kind of busy and but he's helping us he goes yeah okay Bank basically he's gonna give swap it give us a another ps4 but I was getting money back and I'm giving him a broke ps4 and somehow I'm like I think this is how it went I remember thinking no that's sitting right this guy's not doing he must have missed a step it's busy in here and so was the Holy Spirit I want you to operate integrity this is a funny story though but you know and we just want to be that way just that we operate and integrity we're not trying to cut corners or shy situations and and you don't I mean so I'm like I'm like not I start told him I I was like maybe we didn't get it I said look this part broke on this one and and so I'm getting this one and you're giving me money bad like what like I get there's a policy and all but now it just didn't do add up to me I saw I kid you not I went through this like at least three times with this guy because I'm trying to make sure I don't leave the store and him he had the receipt and everything was official how he was presenting it to me I could have just left the store like sweet got over on that guy he heard second but integrity would tell you no no make sure he I felt in my mind he was you know caught up in the in the busy whatever of the store and and miscalculate what he was doing or didn't add up the money so I was like hold on huh and you could tell like yeah yeah told ya he's like I get it like all don't listen one more time in some telling I give you not to the point where Judas like Papa what are you doing like you know to me because even Judah knew like no this is the situation and I was so funny but we laughter I was like praise God I don't know how that happened but favor or just their policies glorious but it's funny I was just reminded of that instance that went too long ago but you know that we would just apply integrity have that spirit about us and the Holy Spirit that we yield more because the Holy Spirit's always gonna choose that route but sometimes by our choices and the strength we give the soul we mute that side of the Holy Spirit in his voice and we don't always choose or act Integris if that makes sense we may be really solid and excellence or really solid and faithfulness or some of these other attributes but sometimes we override the voice of the Spirit and let our soul be dominant in in areas of integrity while we need to let his voice be loud in every area and yield and become more Integris and so just want to pray that we let the Holy Spirit dominate this air of our lay our life and it would be integrity and Integris unity and it's just beautiful it's gone so okay thank you lord for integrity yeah let's love these verses we'd walk in integrity if you'd be pleased with us O God like though David wrote because of our integrity that mind our integrity and uprightness would preserve us that the integrity of us being upright would guide us that we would be godly walking in integrity and so with our children who follow us be blessed because we're blessed because we walk in integrity and Jesus named integrity that the Holy Spirit would pray your voice be super loud in this area and then you help us yield to you glorify you and please you in Jesus name Amen awesome well well sweet I'm gonna real quick just touch on Daniel excellent spirit Moses and make this man like I told you guys the Bible refers to job as blameless and upright as of purity in Integris we touched on these we touched on an excellent spirit Daniel we touched on humility Moses Joshua did indeed get to go over this we do and pointed out courage courageous the Lord turn over over and over again be courageous you see even David said to Solomon be courageous Noah and Enoch they both were attributed to as in quotes walking with God they walked with God which exudes faithfulness loyalty and consistency Enoch walked with God to the point where he was not he got taken there's a steadiness a consistence Oh Noah walked with God in times of disarray at the highest level that the Bible says and the last days will be as though it were in the days of Noah you know a lot of us don't like that in the scripture you know that's where it's going and so much source so much so is the body of Christ gonna shine as darkness increases but anyway Noah and Enoch really exemplify faithfulness loyalty consistency walking with God Abraham father of our faith known for faith trust believing adhering to David man after God's own heart we touched on that in under one of the other subcategories Esther some of the women her name means star representing a light in darkness known for her boldness in yielded nests again that courage the humility and yielded this that it takes that that pliability that we talked about in humility boldness enabling her assignment of being born for such a time as this to come to fruition even the woman from Tekoa you see you see back in back in David's day Joab they don't say her name but they just say go to the woman from Tekoa in the Bible Joab David's commander of the army high rank mrs. joy I have top at the top the commander of David's army goes to her she because she was known for such wisdom it was sent for this woman from Tekoa as she was known for great wisdom in bringing about the initial redemption of David and Absalom so basically they were they needed to go to the woman from Tekoa because she was known for such wisdom which is a characteristic natural beauty of God but it brought about the redemption of David in Abraham Hana faithful loyal trustworthy she kept her vow to God producing one of the most flawless prophets of all time and Samuel not one of his words fell to the ground but she was loyal she could have once she got pregnant waited that whole year he said oh god I don't know I want to relent from my vow he suppresses this is my child she was loyal faithful she kept her word trustworthy Solomon again wisdom John the beloved loved by God anyway you could go on and on but just some quick ones I want to point out known for certain characteristics that they stood out about them sorry that um or attributes of godly character so a few words of knowledge and then a few dreams and we'll take communion together
Channel: Brian Guerin
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Id: Ntlu04e2sSo
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Length: 75min 3sec (4503 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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