Brian Guerin + Jesus Image Worship | Jesus '18

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just sing it see [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] come on to surrender everything that you have before him just offer that to them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just lock eyes with them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus we pray today set yourself as a seal [Music] father we pray that you and a generation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on the FreeStore with your spirit oh Jesus we love for eye contact [Music] place your hand on our hearts [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah Lord we love you we love you thank you Jesus oh it's that wonderful we're just getting started can we get the Lord praise come on lift your voice [Applause] bodyguard why don't you just go ahead and go back to your seats grab your seats Wow can we let Ana and the team know how much we love them would you do that please how many of you gotten touched so deeply and the last day and a half that you're not sure if you'll ever recover anyone out there wave at me if you've just been completely undone good that's a good thing lord give us more come on say we want more Lord we want more we're hungry for more young man just walked up to us during worship he said I want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit I've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit and Todd and I were standing there we said well we know what to do we know we don't baptized in the Holy Spirit though we know somebody who does his name is Jesus I said his name is Jesus and he's still the great Baptizer in the Holy Spirit because the spirit remains on him and he has eyes of fire you guys are in for a real blessing one of my dearest friends who lives such a beautiful life of devotion to the Lord who has been a blessing to all of us myself Eric Todd and Dave all of us have been so blessed by the ministry in just the life of Bryan Garin the the devotion under the Lord is just so inviting at times convicting and he's just the real deal and I believe what I'm sensing in my spirit is the Lord's gonna pour out new wine today a new wine and I feel that deeply you know the scripture says as you read Psalm 23 if you read it in the Septuagint when David writes my cup runneth over the ancient text actually reads you've intoxicated me with wine from your cup and that that Holy Spirit intoxication it's not it's not an additive it's a necessity being intoxicated by the spirit can literally numb you to the stuff that doesn't matter in life and that's what empowers you to live a life that is in the world but not of it it's like I'm here but I'm not you know on the the floor of the tabernacle there was no ornate flooring it was just the dirt yet when your eyes were lifted all you saw was glory but your feet were in the dirt was a beautiful picture of living a life with our feet on the earth but our hearts and our gaze lifted into glory as we stare at Jesus so I want all of you to to stand and welcome my dear friend Brian Guerin and open your hearts to what the Lord has given him all right check check all right all right can you guys hear me okay thank you Jesus yeah it feels really good in here Hospital say that to start well the worship man and then they put Cory up here what in the world first off want to do the official stuff before we just see where it goes if you guys want to give a hand to Michael and Jessica please they're incredible yeah this event yeah don't know to other people like them so authentic the real deal you know behind doors so refreshing but so infatuated with Jesus and at the end of the day they just want to please him you know it's pretty refreshing to be around and Michael just so you know we talk almost daily dear dear friends and deep man stuff with the Lord what he's saying and but about the other 99% of time he's cutting up he's joking yeah you gotta know that's about it so he's he's super funny we were just I mean literally just now he leans over he's like hey you know I think he's serious you can never read him you know he's like you say hey look I'm gonna go up you know I guess Corey was letting heaven fall man I was like what is happening right now that was amazing but because I'm gonna dismiss the dance team then I'm gonna interpretive dance while you're preaching is that cool yeah he's back here's Bennett oh yeah that would bring some real rich glory but I love him dearly so I'm excited yeah I won't keep you guys long I don't see a clock but I'm usually pretty short winded okay and uh yeah we'll just see what happens is that okay I'm kind of excited and like Michael said yeah really believing the Holy Spirit to blow through here is that okay yeah I don't really know how that's gonna look I usually don't but I just love him when he shows up you know like everything changes that's all we're really after someone I encourage you guys to be just hungry and lean in and pull on him and at any given moment the Holy Spirit can come upon you you know and I don't care you guys know just go for it just be be gone in him and count to him you know the Bible says well Peter yet spoke the Holy Spirit fell upon the people you know I've noticed sometimes he's not too fond of my sermons and so he'll do that he'll come in and just ambush the thing it's a just out of the start feel free you know don't don't worry about it so I had a dream last night and I'll do my best to kind of hinge off of that and then we'll just see where it goes is that okay I had a dream and I went into it and the main thing that I'm looking for that I'm excited about I was awakened out of it at 2:14 in the morning and typically that's always Acts chapter 2 verses 1 through 4 with me and that's why I'm saying that I really think the Holy Spirit's want to move through here in a fresh way and baptize me to view in a fresh and I don't know how that's gonna look I typically don't but you know just let him come it may be at the end it may be whatever but when I'm awakened out of that it's Acts chapter 2 verses 1 through 4 you know it's prophetic people would go off at times and all kind of stuff it gets weird you know what I mean I'll be that session but we watch times and just a lot of interesting stuff it's in the Bible but it's it's usually a little different you have like Ezekiel chapter 8 verse 3 it says the hand of the Spirit of the Lord came down grabbed Ezekiel by the locks of his hair to suspend him into the heavens to see visions it's like what I just send an angel to tell him you know but this is the mean this is the Bible and the God we serve and so it's really fun it's is quite Norah Nia like but it's I enjoy it have come to just try and go with it so in this dream and you guys know dreams so how many of you have dreams in here visions come on Jesus that's so good well I'm gonna believe for many of you too after the session and in this whole conference that it's going to increase you know yeah the Bible says you know the main byproduct if you will when the Holy Spirit comes upon you is dreaming dreams and seeing visions and prophesying it's incredible first and foremost for intimacy with him so you can understand and hear his voice intimately know him the highest prize in life but then be a mouthpiece where he speaks to and through you you know for Humanity and to be used and so I'm here myself echo I want to encourage you guys when the Holy Spirit comes that sometimes it looks a little bit unique you know I'm glad that Michael pointed that out but the fruit of its pretty incredible I loved how Randy talked about that yesterday because while yet it may look like drunkenness you know have you guys ever experienced the drunkenness in the Holy Spirit okay quite a bit so we're good you know while it may look like holy intoxication or whatever it may be after that though we constantly hear the testimonies of men after that dreams just opened up in my life you know visions beginning to see in the spirit open eyed visions and things like this the spirit of wisdom and revelation you know it's really interesting Psalm 16 says you've made made known to me the path of life there's a deep insight there of Revelation and understanding making known a path a directional verse and then very next verse in your presence is the fullness of joy at your right hand as pleasures forevermore and it's interesting you know Jesus is where he's at the right hand of God so G it's all Jesus I love Eric I mean all these guys I can't really say much more than what they already laid out but there's something about Jesus the Bible says he was anointed with the oil of gladness beyond his peers and in him is the fullness of joy pleasures forevermore but out of that he makes known the path of life you guys tracking with me I mean Revelation comes to a lot of times we see like all those nut cases yeah oh they're just hammered it's flesh no it's the spirit and sometimes it's both and I really don't care I just love it Holy Spirit come you know just like you know and but I'm telling you the fruit of it's quite amazing you cannot step into the glory of God and come out the same it's not possible you know I'll never forget always I was preaching in a Pittsburgh something like that and rabbit trailing like I do and I've just used a quick analogy she came to me in the moment seemed right and that was like man just take a squirrel I was talking about the glory of God and how just amazing his presence is transforms everything take two squirrels you know you put one in the glory he's gonna come out have the bushiest fluffiest tail know where all the biggest acorns are you know just owning it win the glory other was gonna come out mount nourished and so forth right then the worship leader kids you not from the session he's like no way i love squirrels he comes running up he lifts the shirt squirrel tattoo on his ribs i'm not gonna like yes only jesus would have known that man fill out word of knowledge on a squirrel tattoo but the glory of god you know and that's just what I'm really after I do want to touch on a couple things from this dream but if we can lean ourselves in you know the Bible says the hungry shall be filled it's really that's all it takes faith expectancy and I want to encourage you just to be hungry like Jesus touched me I don't care what it looks like it may be drunkenness maybe tears and maybe nothing you know I don't know but just let Jesus touch you and you'll never be the same you know it's this holy addiction that continues to pull you in and so in this dream it was very simple but symbolic as many of you know dreams come and the prophetic and I saw a rug for a living room right my backgrounds building custom homes and high-end decor and things like this and so he'll speak to me sometimes in those analogies and I could see the bottom of the rug be there there was a white and a gold substance used to fasten this down into the living room to where everything else would be centralized around and then that's when I was awakened out at 2:14 which I believes gonna be the Holy Spirit blowing through here but and you guys know dreams are symbols and they're prophetic right you got it yeah Acts chapter 10 verse 10 Peter falls into a trance sees a vision and he sees unclean animals like three times coming up and down and it means like the Gentiles can have the Holy Spirit you mean it's like just say that God but he speaks it's just what he does I don't know and but you know the Bible says it's the glory of God to conceal a matter but it's your glorious kings to search it out Deuteronomy 29:29 says the secret things belong to God but those secret things revealed now belong to you and your children forever so it's just meant a great depth of he's kind of mysterious like that where he'll speak but it'll conceal it for your glory if you'll search it out you know I'm convinced there's been there's many words hemmed up in here they're like gifts before you that God spoke but you haven't leaned in to search it out and hasn't unlocked it yet hasn't made it applicable does that make sense when I encourage you steward the voice of God leaned in and began to search things out and you'll see it but the main focal point of this rug was white and gold which typically speaks of purity and the glory of God his presence and I knew I could see it in a dream that once that was stuck with these two main substances that it would centralize everything else you guys many you women would probably know but your living room like the rugs the Mane's everything centralized around it - the furniture everything else but another thing about it it's typically under everything it's hidden it's it's subliminal it's there but it's not as noticeable of everything else which would be our hidden life of the the glory of God his presence and purity and want to touch on that briefly Todd already hammered it purity I could do any better than that but but you know just living living to be a clean people and loving Jesus well and that right there is gonna anchor your whole life it'll be the two stabilizers that just you know everything centralizes around in your life and just want to encourage you that we live pure and love Jesus well and then we'll we'll just go for it but really on time I want to be mindful in all the clock just go for it okay but I'll leave enough room I'll land it fast so anyway living pure we know the Bible says Psalms 24 it says you know who may ascend the hill of the Lord he that has clean hands and a pure heart right and Todd hit on so many things and also I would even springboard off of that and say that it's just and I've seen it is it to be a common theme here lately in Revelations everywhere traveling to speak this purity that God's like emphasizing in a greater way in such a beautiful way though not like condemning and hard and pointless finger but you know the Bible says his loving-kindness leads us to repentance right but that highway of holiness I feel like in this hour like Todd said the spirit of the fear of the Lord's bring it's like that pass getting more narrow does that make sense and the broad path leads to death but that narrow path of purity is calling us into and we got a clean hands and a pure heart and so that gets down to motives you know where we are thoughts what we meditate upon speaking negatively about people allowing our tongue to be used for death I mean so many other things he's starting to refine that and when we won't yield those are parts of our life by default they they hinder our fulfill nacinda in destiny they put a delay on where we're going you guys trucking with me they always will I mean you can see it that exodus 20:4 to me is a beautiful depiction of it it's basically Psalm 24 verse says who can ascend the hill of the Lord he that has clean hands and a pure heart not he who's qualified or he who studied enough at no it's it's straight to purity and so Matthew 5:8 you know he who can see God a pure heart so literally that shows you the reflection that the mirror image of the lack of purity is a direct reflection of the lack of clarity you can see God truly in vice-versa in so Moses in Exodus 24 God says come up here my glories gonna rest on the mountain who can ascend the hill of the Lord he that has clean hands and a pure heart but the Israelites God knew their hearts there were still some impurities idolatry things like this it had to stay down below they could not send the hill of God in a real interesting verse in 17 says Moses ascended waited about six days or so then the glory of the glorious ended but then he ascended into the cloud and the Israelites down below saw the same glory manifest on the Mount of God and Moses - Moses it was a cloud meaning you can step into it it's deep relational you can see with clarity here face to face that's that's where purity will enable the walk with God and destiny I'm convinced there's many things small things he's done it in my own life where it's just nope that won't work anymore must might have been permissible in times past but not beneficial anymore he started to just prune and clean things out you know and there's things where we're getting up to that that promised land so to speak even Joshua chapter of Joshua chapter 3 verse 5 he came up to the border he's like look guys tomorrow we go over into the Promised Land no honey and he speaks of the high place access of destiny right the one thing he said though he says look purify yourselves Joshua chapter 3 verse 5 he says purify yourselves for tomorrow God's gonna do great wonders amongst us and I'm convinced that there's certain things he's asking of us Hebrews 12 says throw aside those weighty things in those things that so easily untangled those sins the so zlien easily entangled upon us it says throw him aside that we may run the race and look upon you know his face and I'm convinced that though that full access of destiny that next phase if you will a transition acceleration in him is being hemmed up right there you know and it's it's so easy you know repentance it's not this big like you know if to come down here beat your chest and oh God some big morbid thing but it's all Jesus help me with your grace your loving-kindness leads me to repentance wash me in your blood and then BAM it's like acceleration hits again promiseland milk honey you guys tracking with me and and you don't need it anyway I'm telling if you can't fit on that narrow path it's just gonna hold you up anyway and it will you know the call upon your life doesn't change but the access of it will come more difficult and so Moses is up in this cloud and it says down below the Israelites look at the exact same glory the exact same glory on the exact same hill of the Lord that a holy man could ascend and it says they looked at it and it wasn't a cloud to them it was fire it's a very mysterious verse that the same glory they're looking that's fire in the depiction there is just the purifying fire of God which is still very loving and good and kind right but I propose like if will let him purge this we can come higher into the cloud in flow out of Revelation and ease in you know his voice and power and and access of things that we haven't seen a lot of times we're like man you know what's going on everybody's has breakthrough but we want to bring these entangled sins into that place and they won't go God's not like upset at you trying to condemn you shame you he's just like it won't come here you know we've got to be purified before we go in so that main pillar to stick the rug the dreamed is one of the touch and we'll pray and then the glory God's presence and intimacy which we know sustains a pure life anyway how many of you know you can't live wholly without him anyway it's impossible it's all by his grace and and that's what it's all about just looking back unto Him and you become like who he is you can only become holy by abiding and he who is holy and so just becoming a people that really set aside that time to be with Jesus and love him well I mean literally at the end of the day I'm more and more convinced that the most valuable thing any mankind can ever do on this side of heaven is love him well period like lovers of Jesus I feel are on the top 10 list of of the enemy hit list you know they've got gifted people and taught touched on it Matthew 7:22 and we love it Paul says earnestly covered the gifts lust for them you know go forward we do it all prophesy heal the sick everything but not never at the secondary you know neglect to the secret place of loving him well you know may may it be what we're known by and branded by just infatuated lovers of Jesus and and so in that some practical things of just the secret place you know keeping it prior to you and believe that people are crossed there like I'll say something as simple as this in the secret place and they're like man I had no idea I was out there prophesying laying hands on the sick seeing the miracles but they just weren't even praying daily and really know the Lord real well you know which is okay it's just it's a realignment with loving him though it's not like you know anybody's doing anything wrong it's just that loving him is the highest priority in life you see Mary at the feet of Jesus and Martha's very busy which is God - we were very busy mitts good to do the kingdom work and Jesus doesn't like reprimand Martha he's not like you idiot you know you foolish you're worthless type no he just says Mary chose the better part right it's still we know it's good to do the kingdom obey if you love me you'll obey my commands but just becoming a people that by default that's like all we care about you know just loving him well and I think sometimes you've got to carve that out and be disciplined about it just practically right you're not gonna just all this and wake up in one morning but like I'm infatuated with Jesus yeah just skip her along through life in it it just worked for you you've got a the Bible says Hebrews Hebrews says he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him and you just being honest with you now some practical steps you've got to just carve out that time daily I don't care you know what it looks like how important or busy your day is that there's literally no thing more valuable you can do every day then be with him you guys tracking with me like literally you're not even there's not even a close second place and and so it's like whatever you've got to do to hinge your life around that do it trust me and just don't ever look back and you know it may look like even all these guys are wrong with Daniel Todd I mean honor love them dearly you know what I love about them they love Jesus completely that's the stable consistent thread that runs us all together we just love Jesus you know way different on how we hear God and convey him and everything else but oh and uh but anyway loving him well may you know it'll look different so don't feel like you have to fit into somebody's mold Jesus Mark chapter 1 verse 35 says Jesus got up well before the Sun because he a discipline there he went a rock throw away from the disciples said he would go to a solitude place to be in prayer one time it says he walked away from the disciples to go be in prayer Peter James and John which were closer out of the twelve came with him and he was trying to leave them all and they just wanted to stick with him but even then he says no you guys were here and he went even further so it's it's a secret place you know that these corporate events aren't gonna do for you you follow me it's like when you go home Monday Tuesday Wednesday and we can't see you that's what our rug is it's there but it's a bit under you know underneath and hidden from my background of construction I like in the secret place to the foundation it's the most important thing you ever lay in a full-out construction of whatever facility it is but you never see it you never see it in nor do we the Bible says going to your closet shut the door behind you and love him well you know and it would be a people that would just be so caught up and then what happens is you go from discipline to full-out addiction and then it's like you're in the grocery store and you're like Jesus but you just feel a slight voice of the Holy Spirit come be with me and you just kind of saw Rick and stuff off the shelf and you're Bucky you know Gerrits are getting to go home and Jesus I need you you know I don't care what you want to speak about just come his presence and voice I'm telling you every day you know he says in the Lord's Prayer give us this day our daily bread that's daily a lot of us if we're super on fire we'll go to church on Sunday and Wednesday you know twice a week and and that's awesome - I said do it all but I'm talking about Jesus and you alone Jesus and don't leave until he feeds you I mean literally let his presence consume you and pour take every day daily Brent he says you know and you know in John chapter 6 I love this depiction where he steps down and he says uh God good right there he says you know remember the the manna from the Old Testament and you know it would come daily and that's how I'll be honest with you I [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hahaha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh-huh [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah so let's do this maybe if the keyboard guy can come [Applause] and [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah so let's maybe do this if if you can lay hands on each other and others may be weird for some people but it's okay but I'll just be filled with the Holy Spirit I don't touch you yeah yeah yeah yeah tell yo you can cut that you cut that thank you though maybe in a sec yeah just receive right there more Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit just be filled right now I'll go ahead and read the verse you guys do whatever and yeah just to make it official says when the day of Pentecost cetera had arrived they were all together in one place that looks like what we're doing and suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind and it filled the entire house [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] where they were sitting and divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues yeah so [Applause] yeah just more come Holy Spirit [Applause] yeah just be filled with the holy spirit yeah just receive all over this place there it is more [Applause] more but I thank you for dreams and visions prophecy addictions being broken off where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty depression Lucia now in Jesus name glory fill the house be glorified Jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 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Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 34,237
Rating: 4.9382715 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus18, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Image, Benny Hinn, Bethel Music, Bethel, UPPERROOM, Jessica Koulianos, Upper Room, Bill Johnson, Michael Koulianos, Reinhard Bonnke, kanye west, Brian Guerin, Jesus is king, Eric Gilmour, Todd White
Id: 47drOBDGhq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 18sec (6378 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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