The Bratz In Paris Parts 2 & 3 | Bratz Series Compilation

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can you guys believe we're gonna be styling and spying in paris oh my gosh what happens if we're just about to catch the evil criminal and we get poisoned if our bones age 80 years overnight chill angel byron would not have brought us on if we didn't have serious skills no one said the job wouldn't be dangerous i'm too young to be old cool accessories do not include canes and walkers guess me and cameron will just have to take chloe's place and can't walk with all those super fine models it's the least we could do since you guys talked byron into letting us come look guys the eiffel tower we're in paris wow trey sheep hello right guys we're meeting byron in 60. ladies what do you think no offense byron but passionate pink is so not your color oh don't be so sure ladies here is your own personal essential kit you should never leave home without it what is it welcome to the edge of high tech beauty supply spy gadgetry if you'll examine your lipsticks closely you'll see that they're also transmitters you also have monitors awesome global positioning devices and concealers which are excellent for covering up unsightly circles and for leaving invisible messages on hard surfaces go ahead chloe write something on the wall and finally for dire emergencies only the pierced a resistance off the hook wow check them out what did they do girls i'll let you in on the secrets later right now we begin your mission as undercover spies [Music] don't worry my precious wishes we'll get you a nappy wrappy wheel soon you insolent sloths on your feet we have to catch that madman before the brats do and grab all the credit the future of your thing magazine depends on it now get off my suitcases before you soil them the lighting is music the dress is wrong wrong wrong [Music] my top models poisoned my brain i will never complete my collection in time i will become the laughingstock of paris of france of the entire world you must forgive these last few weeks have been very difficult of course oh nicole jean-paul i'd like to introduce you to america's hottest young supermodels chloe yasmin sasha and jade girls meet john paul and nicole a top model herself in fact she's going to be the new million dollar face of jean-paul fashions hey no intro necessary we recognize you from all your magazine covers may we of course ha you girls can you do the catwalk carrie we've been strutting since we were babies magnifique magnifique superb perhaps my life is not yet completely over pierre cancel my will my cats will have to wait wow you have cats cool with the unique style you will have the honor of being my lead model slamming we're in consider yourself fortunate jp never takes on um how do you say beginners [Music] the possible resumption of my life cause fair celebration rocking [Music] we've got to work this party talk to jean-paul's models get some serious leads on suspects i'll check out the makeup artists and stylists see what they know people it's time to go undercover for some styling and spying like who is jean-paul anyway ted you bring to my eyes tears with your cutting board style [Music] nicole hi hello i'm nicola hey i know you're you're famous and i'm cameron and i'm not famous i mean oh did you see that she just dragged him off darlings congratulations i hear you be in jan paul's show you need agent for me i represent all top models slamming no el amina shuffles on free i beg you let them be you call me anytime thanks i got nothing from lily isabella or any of the other models everyone is keeping the poisoning under wraps big zero for me too did you notice that cameron has spent every single second with nicole since we got here but i'm okay with it mental note i am so not okay um sasha sasha come back major gripe fest in session sasha oh sasha sasha roxy how are you girl scorching hey meet my former band mate from crash cruise [Music] ah jade i must confess i tried to finish my collection this afternoon and nothing my inspiration gone the only thing to do is to turn in my tape measure for the apron of a fry cook jean paul don't say that you're the world's hottest designer my mind is made up [Music] oh well i guess with you gone stella style will be the new reigning face of fashion are you mad she dresses like a lamp ha you make me realize there is no other me no single mortal who can take my place i must not allow these mad cycles it's this destroyer of my models to succeed in his his evil plan to deprive the world of my fabulous collections rock on jade you bring me the inspiration i will give design one last try under one condition you must come by my studio so that i may pick your head um brain yes hello no absolute mo no [Music] [Music] huh hey of course i am insane i am telling you for the last time now leave them alone or else this time i do not joke [Music] this party is like so swanky mother of pink oh it's that that woman our chiefs say stolen shipments in there i go first you cover [Music] international fashion police come out with hands up [Music] mother of pink i've been on a six-month waiting list for those classic pink pumps [Music] maxwell found my patrol partner who deserved me in my time of need oh please you got me kicked out of the fashion police you got me almost cute like it wasn't for a good cause hey chloe the model as we just walked in let's get her take on the poisonings chloe chloe are you okay huh who me i'm fine better than fine fine fine fine come on let's talk to esme i am so not fine [Music] [Music] reality check i am so not ready for this ah my muse magnificent come come fix your eyes on my latest creations [Music] slamming and you said you had designers block ah i did but then you uncoked my mind and allowed my genius to flow like champagne hello no no my top model monique has been poisoned a bone's old she cannot run she cannot walk she cannot even bend over to touch her pinky toes oh no longer can i take this this saboteur keeps trying to ruin me by destroying the new face of jean-paul fashion first simones and then bridget and now my dear monique the show cannot go on never will i design again jean-paul stop come on let's try to figure out when and where monique got poisoned i overheard you arguing with a woman last night around 10. ella mina no no no no no no me and there we fight all the time could she be behind the poisonings let me know is a whiny petty woman with the charm of the gratuala and the temperament of a chihuahua that poisoned someone no never deep down she is a pussycat ah it's beautiful so are you want to cruise the sin tonight 9-1-1 social emergency he's asking me out i'm so not ready for this chill sasha chill um sure sasha this day has been off the hook i think uh reality check this is moving way too fast for me i so cannot handle it wait i got a plan stop the planet i'm getting off pick you up at eight sasha and some guys sitting in a tree k.i.s says scieng people i need a doctor pronto i can't eat i can't sleep my mind's racing and i'm a total wreck putty boo you're not sick you're in love i wish my love life was happening what if it doesn't work out what i should chill no matter what happens we're here for you hey byron got it emergency meeting in ten wait but cruz is on his way over then make up something fast you can't tell about our mission hey i was about to call up to your room look um i can't make it tonight something uh came up i'll call you later yeah right hey cruz things with sasha must be smoking since i haven't seen you since the party at all sasha just blew me off the relationship is over this is an unmitigated disaster yet another model poisoned aged 80 years in eight minutes and not a single clue now jean-paul has cancelled his show what he refuses to finish his line or put another model at risk and without his show well our chance of capturing this toxic saboteur is practically non-existent let me talk to jean-paul in the morning [Music] i simply cannot put you and your friends in danger i refuse we can take care of ourselves trust me thank you for your blind devotion but i have lost the will to complete my collection jean-paul listen you have all the designs you just need to put them together add some signature flourishes even i could do it that is an excellent idea you finished my collection for me cool i've wanted to design clothes ever since i was a baby thanks to you my extraordinary muse my legacy will continue [Music] hey it's me and i'm out cruising you know what to do hi um cruz it's sasha again catch you later well well if it isn't sasha alone again figures you couldn't keep the guy for more than like two days what are you two babbling about like don't you read it's in all the papers alongside goes carousine sasha guy dumped [Laughter] this trip is so not happening for me i know i never thought i'd be so lonely in the city of love and my writer's block is bigger than ever hey snap out of it we're here on an undercover mission for byron and we still aren't even close to cracking the case how can we now the other models won't even talk to us they're too afraid to leave their rooms guys i'm hitting the sack i'm with you me too you guys go ahead if i don't put something down on paper soon i'm going to miss the deadline for the contest [Music] maybe a walk will help [Music] hey what are you doing hey you stop [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give me your hand come on give me your hand [Music] [Music] people i'm calling byron oh yes we were so worried about you i was afraid you'd been kidnapped and stuffed in a trunk and then you'd be all cramped since the car is here stop don't drink that i think it's poisoned poisoned hey someone lost a strand of hair our first clue byron we've got to leave girls i just heard from the lab the water was indeed poisoned the fingerprints on the bottle and the strand of hair belonged to elemina the police are currently at elamina's office arresting her as we speak girls congratulations for a job absolutely positively well done we did it scorching but remember this is hush hush if word got out that such a horrendous poison exists a worldwide panic couldn't chew come on let's teleporting [Music] fashion world is in complete shock over the unexpected arrest of modeling agent elementa for the alleged poisoning of several of her biggest runway stars and now an exclusive interview with the woman who broke this terrifying case magazine mogul bergine maxwell ms maxwell did you know that john paul's models were being poisoned as founder owner and editor-in-chief of your thing magazine and the reigning queen of fashion nothing happens in this industry that i don't know about of course i knew instantly that elemina was the evil mastermind behind these heinous crimes i've known that despicable woman since our days at the international fashion police where she was insanely jealous of me oh my gosh byron is going to be absolutely positively furious i am absolutely positively furious i made it perfectly clear to keep this case hush-hush our mission is not complete until we find a way to reverse the poison's aging effect and confirm there was no accomplices how did that abominable woman ever find out about this we didn't tell a soul the tweevals are always spying on us remember that time they showed us their stethoscopes maybe our room is bugged [Music] yasmin my transmitter detector confirms your suspicions [Music] [Laughter] you've got a bug burden [Music] you left something in our room hey you broke it bourdain's gonna kill us i mean uh we've like never seen this before in our lives then how did you know the models were attacked or that el amino was behind it okay i i i heard her like tell someone on the phone at john paul's party what were you guys doing at jean paul's you couldn't have been on the guest list which is why i had to like sneak in you've got to be joking i am not barteen made me climb all the way up to the second floor balcony oh and then i heard like maybe a security guard coming so i ran down the hallway and like hid in the bathroom then this free came in and started pouring water from this glass thingy into our soda water what is up with that [Applause] anyway this creepy person was like so mean he pushed me into the toilet so i had to dry myself off before i like went downstairs and whoa rewind someone was tampering with a drink in the bathroom what did he look like he had this really ugly black outfit that was too small for him casey did you see his face he had this like black scarf around his head what time was it uh i don't know like right before they brought out all those free desserts i remember them serving dessert around 10. what did elamina say on the phone i heard elemina and john paul fighting at 10 o'clock alamena can't be in two places at the same time she must be innocent or casey is wrong about the time sasha what's up i want to talk to you about cruz later sit down girl so what says i hear about you not returning his calls you know he's crushing on you if he's crushing on me then what's he doing with alonse i think you should hear him out i don't need to hear him out a picture's worth a thousand words sasha what are you so afraid of this is an outrage why would i poison my mottos who make me so much money absurd any idea who would sabotage john paul no idea ask his business manager yeah hear his number wait a minute you're left-handed is that a crime too the person who attacked me was definitely right-handed i say we reopen the case even if elomina is left-handed she could have sprayed you with her right besides the fingerprints the hair her jealous rages and the evidence is rock solid we've absolutely positively got our woman byron i'm not so sure i'm going to get jean-paul's take on elemina's arrest i'll talk to his business manager to see if i can find any other suspects i just know alameda is innocent i gotta say i'm with byron evidence is too solid we just need to make sure she acted alone i'll talk to some of the models see if they have any ideas on accomplices byron and i are going to search elemina's house for the antidote let's move it people yeah cameron want to come with me to do a little spy work can't i promised to teach nicole how to board oh okay well i hope you have a great day yeah you too and that nicole falls off her platforms i am shocked shocked that elemina would do such an horrible thing what's the sheer agony of living without more can drive a woman to do [Music] what is it shh i wonder hmm you look it's so exquisite unique how would you like to be the new million dollar face of john paul fashions wow are you sure i mean what about nicole or nicole is very beautiful but hey look it is too much like supermodel next door you on the other hand scream express yourself i don't know what to say how about we oh my gosh jay that's amazing news about being the face of john paul thanks by the way i asked him about elemina he thinks she acted alone jean-paul models isabella and lily think so too still byron and i found nothing in alabina's house no poison no antidote did yaz get anything don't know haven't heard from her time out hello jed thank goodness i find you jean-paul is a nervous wreck i mean more so than usual of course he is it's the day of the show whatever he wants you here right now he says only you can help him and use the back entrance the paparazzi is already out front tell them that i'm on my way that was nicole she says jean-paul really needs me i gotta go oh no what if pretty princess is right and alameda is innocent and the sicko is still out there what if you get poisoned and your bones age and you start shrinking angel chill i'll be okay sasha you've got to speak to cruz sometime so he can say he's dumping me for alonse i don't think so yes get anything out of john paul's business manager no except that john paul's finances are fine he's just hiding his money from elamina until the divorce settlement is final there was one thing the manager said the victims were all in the running to be the new million dollar face of jean-paul oh my gosh jade jake's going to be john paul's new face where's jade now at jean-paul's nicole called and told jay to get over there right away nicole called not john paul hello byron we're headed for john paul's jade may be in serious trouble this is a disaster jean-paul will be here any minute would you like water while you wait jean-paul is coming here yes now and then he likes to go down to the dumps thanks you know brigitte was jean-paul's first choice for z face until that unfortunate incident then it was between simone and monique but they got poisoned too like a curse no you know i think i'm gonna go look for jean-paul upstairs oh something wrong old girl [Music] and since i am the most beautiful i deserve to be the million dollar fest so i get rid of the competition and i have aramina pictured framed whatever so i made sure elemina got your fingerprints on the bottle and i got a few extra pieces of evidence for good measure and then alamina is in jail and i don't have to pay asian commission you are so not gonna get away with this nicole but i already have [Music] oh by the way don't even think of using your cell no reception here au voir is the lighting's the music the air wrong wrong wrong hi grandpa my muse where is my jade we thought she was with you why would you sing that i thought her being here would help calm you down so i called her oh you are an angel tell jay to come straight to see me when she arrives rehearsal time jade's got to be here somewhere let's search this place be careful we don't want to blow our cover guys come in bravo one more time sasha yes help [Laughter] jade are you in there chloe hang tight i'll get you out [Music] [Music] what is the matter joints a little stiff another overzea hill supermotto coming right up chloe are you okay oh cool cat you know i'm happy you're here chloe now maybe cameron will stop talking about you what are you talking about like you don't know well no more chloe this chloe that too bad oh well since you're gone is mine nicole give us the anecdote and let us go and i'll tell jean-paul to give you the contract you'll be even more rich and famous and have everything you've ever wanted you mean this antidote one pill and you're cured tell you what if you can grab this bottle you can have it oh losers now after the show we go to a secret hiding spot in jean-paul's forest and get on my private jet to see these other frogs from 30 000 feet too bad i don't have parachutes for you oh wow what do you mean jade is still not here my muse my news i cannot go on jean-paul i just heard from jade she cannot do the show she has food poisoning from bad american burger no way yes way she also says that if she sure does not go on she will never be able to forgive herself ah she is truly magnificent for jade yes this show will go on come on on stage on stage you two pathetic come on you're nosy friends they're getting suspicious time to go nicole's gone let's move [Music] [Music] not here but they were look maybe they left a message nicole guilty plane in forest dumping us over south of france p.s do not drink the water let's go on hurry up there they are hold on we're coming come ladies let's take a ride [Music] looks like you're running out of options we'll see who's running out of options [Music] have a fun ride you get jaden chloe i've gotten a call wow [Music] [Applause] guys hang on to me cook your shoes [Music] hmm [Music] face it girl it's over i don't think so [Music] you're so right it's over oh there for you it's about time i've got the antidote excellent work girls [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is nicole's antidote working yeah i don't ever want to feel old again i didn't realize i had it so good sasha can i talk to you look cruz just listen that tabloid story was so wrong alonse and i are just friends all we did that night was talk about cutting an album together i would never cheat sasha i'm too crazy about you i'm crazy about you too cruz the show the show [Applause] bravo girls excellent jade with your inspiration and input my new closing line is a huge success none of this would have been possible without you don't sell yourself short you are after all a genius ah right as always girls congratulations for a job absolutely positively well done and i have a little surprise for your 15th anniversary i secured vip reservations at the club thanks byron but we've already booked the hottest place on earth to celebrate being best friends yes [Music] everybody now everybody now [Music] bye
Channel: Bratz
Views: 328,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz, bratzillaz, bratz episodes, bratz dolls, bratz toys, toys, toy, videos for kids, kids videos, cartoons for kids, paris, adventure, spies, mission
Id: HiXJqbzmcH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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