Jade's Nightmare | Bratz Series Compilation

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[Music] wow check out our fan mail most of it's for you cool cat must have been that cover story i did on extreme street fashions get real like who would ever wear those weirdo clothes your fashion sense like so stinks a baby's diaper smells better you are like such a fashion freak get yourself a circus job my readers hate me wait cool cat bunny boo there is something seriously suspicious about these letters [Laughter] i am such a loser maybe i should just quit the magazine no way cool cat we couldn't do brats without you if you left we'd have to shut down forever and everyone at school would have to read your thing magazine and their brains would rot and queen verdeen would rule the world what a nightmare look before you do anything totally crazy come with me to see a psychic what good would that do a lot she'll predict your future and then you'll know you have nothing to worry about come on what do you have to lose well okay hmm a psychic the future is looking very pink what brings you here today i'm freaking out about my future perfection let me take a little pixie wigs inside my crystal ball mother of crystal do you have three friends who work with you at some sort of uh publication yes piranhas you must deliver the magazine immediately or your friends will be my friends will be what doomed and it will all be our fault jade wait come back out of my way you rotten little brat what did you tell my friend the truth now scrub [Music] burdeen oh my gosh i've gotta find jade jade jade can you hear me where are you jay jay went up jade jade oh my gosh wake up cool cat can you hear me wake up oh please wake up wake up wake up wake up this is georgie johnson reporting live from the stylesville mall maniacal magazine mobile bertie maxwell has just launched another assault attacking innocent victims with her specially formulated brain reducing pink spray of doom taking over the world is like so much fun yeah it's like even better than recess i hope you peons like your smoothies pink pink pink pink and it's another stunning victory for bernie maxwell but wait the bratz stylesville's very own fashion superheroes have come to save the day party's over burden oh but i'm just starting to have fun try this it's a free sample cover your faces people don't let her turn us into pink zombies at last this mall is mine [Laughter] today the juice bar tomorrow the world bertine maxwell has once again trounced the brat in a stunning defeat girls do you have anything to say jade wherever you are we need you oh no my worst nightmare has actually come true [Music] oh the power of my tiara is still growing soon i will be unstoppable perfection my diabolical potion is ready a potion so ghastly so evil that no one will ever dare stand in my way again i bet it like makes you all bloaty hello what bratz magazine is still outselling your thing please don't hurt me that settles it we must destroy those belligerent brats and their miserable little magazine once and for all bratz it's time for you to go to that big catwalk in the sky guys we'll never beat bradeen without jade our only hope is to get her back here it's not happening pretty princess cool cat is gone uh oh it's the emergency hotline i'll put it on video phone girls miata here code red ain't complete emergency berlin's attacking styles high we need your help immediately people like it or not it's styling time [Music] [Applause] guys i'm back [Applause] [Music] think pink pink pink pink pink stylus pie is mine i finally captured the last of the elusive youth market all that stands between me and world domination are those three wretched brats who should be flying in any second now to protect their precious school deploy mega missiles [Music] [Applause] you techno target don't you go up from down you and stupid little brats think you can destroy me well think again i don't think the grass mobile can take this hold on people [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] what's that here comes a gigantic pink missile with our name on it stuck [Music] [Music] people are you okay no i'm not okay after all the time i spent blow-drying my hair and look verdina's totally going to pay for this it's queen berdine to you girls what do you say [Music] what do you think of the bats yes it's finally over for you ratty little barratts the reign of pink has begun and your thing magazine will rule once again the girls with a passion for fashion are about as over as the hoop skirt dream on burdeen and now you will be the first to sample the most potent of my life-destroying potions agent rosie mother of pink my potion was supposed to destroy not this figure hey kirsty what are we like doing over there oh my gosh we've been tweevalized [Music] maxwell has captured the branch and is conquering the rest of the free world as i speak jade where are you self exploration and freedom of toys have been outlawed burdened now controls everything even the food supply that's right tavo no more carbs for you or anyone else from now on you eat what i eat and you do what i tell you for i am verdeen maxwell the founder president editor-in-chief of your thing magazine and now once again your reigning queen of fashion long live the queen yeah as my first decree i am ordering you all to wear pink and everyone must carry a copy of your thing magazine with them at all times your thing my teenage daughter says that magazine reeks stop it tubbo [Music] perfection please join me later today for my special press conference in which i will be announcing the demise of the brats [Applause] this can't be happening [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well brats how does it feel to know you won't be around for the return of shoulder pads hey if i have to go around looking like a tweevel then taking a swim in boiling oil suddenly doesn't seem so bad tell me about it i'll never be able to look in a mirror again but think what it will do to our complexion you've done some low things burdened but this time you've outdone even yourself flattery is not going to save you i'm so glad jade's been spared this well at least she had the good sense to desert you rodeo clowns she left the magazine because of that hate mail between will set and your phony psychic prediction the perfect plan which is coming to fruition now that i am sending you despicable brats to your untimely deaths [Laughter] excuse me death i think i'm going to have an extreme teen drama queen moment here our lives are like so over [Music] [Music] this is all my fault i never should have left the magazine of my friends how can i ever forgive myself [Music] jade i'm stoked to see you i've been looking everywhere for you what's happening it's like for dina's taking over the whole city where are the brats they're in serious danger verdin's got them held up at the pet food factory you got to rescue them before it's too late come with me cameron i don't think i can do it i can't my lack of superpowers will only hold you back besides you're a fashion superhero correction was a fashion superhero not true you've just got to believe in yourself again their lives and the fate of the world depend on it you're right it's styling time wish me luck cameron jade may the passion for fashion be with you hanging from a raptor above a boiling cauldron of pink oil is so not what i wanted to do tonight what where have you two bozos been it's time to make barratt's dip lower the ropes uh kirsty casey i wouldn't do that if i were you you'll get rope warts don't listen to them lower them lower them royale is waiting for his brats puppy chow now chop chop not so fast losers gee who what no cool cat if it's us you gotta believe it bertine turned us into tweedles mother of pink get her watch out cool cat watch your back you will never defeat me you freak off fashion bring it on verdin jade okay bird butt kiss my feet [Music] wow you wouldn't dare watch me [Music] what you made me do oh my poor little baby hey give that back this instant you hear me mother of pink my power it's gone one last thing bird butt i have a little present for you voila carbs are you trying to make me fat you get the idea now eat up or it's tweevil time for you chop chop mother of pink do you know who i am i am the founder the president editor-in-chief of your thing magazine and the rainy queen of [Applause] [Music] all right yes come on guys we've got a magazine to put out [Music] cool cat we were so worried about you you okay i think so ouch we can explain everything it all started out with the tweevles who we found out wrote those nasty letters and then redeem pretended to be a psychic and then you can explain later angel right now we've got a magazine to put out and so my contribution to this month's issue of brats magazine was a radical departure from my style and fashion scoops my article what your dreams reveal about you became the cover story and you know what our readers loved it dear jade your articles wrong you are my fashion superhero thanks everyone i love you too and may the passion for fashion always be with you [Music] [Music] this will be the most awesome birthday ever thanks for everything guys this place is so gonna rock especially with bunny boo's scorching tunes [Music] yes shall we dance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] guys and let it show [Music] [Applause] [Music] all parties rain well i can think of one where it really rains oh no my paper palm trees are going to wilt in the rain all this work going down the drain not to mention my outfit my hair my mascara what are we gonna do have jungle we'll travel but you know one of my favorite parties of all was our sleepover what's this angel oh those are my costumes just in case i need something last minute but not last year [Music] coolness that'll work rocking a sleepover activity number seven the runway strut cause we're the girls with a passion for fashion [Music] darling pretty princess gone wild rockin people a star is so born jag the prez of jaguar models caught a rock angels video and he signed me on to be america's next supermodel as i was saying i so bloom away at our meeting today wait you met with him today how come you didn't say anything i didn't want to jinx it but we always tell each other everything not always pretty princess remember our trip to london the tickets are gone [Music] pretty princess why didn't you want to tell us oh cool cat i was afraid to let you guys and the magazine down yes men tickets are no tickets we still love you and the time we play truth or dare okay chloe truth or dare if we were in a burning building and you could only rescue one of us who would it be there's no way i'm gonna answer that buddy boo you still could have told us about your meeting with jaguar models look i didn't want anyone to know if i didn't make the cut of course jag recognized my stark quality the minute i strutted through that door news flash everyone gets rejected sometimes bear me your excuses you are fired hear me fired and not only will you never ever work at this magazine again you will never ever work at any magazine am i making myself quite clear you are fired for life in fact even your children and your grandchildren are fired my life is so over including you sasha remember that dance contest with fianna and it could have been worse you could have lost to dylan [Applause] [Music] do oh my gosh [Applause] hey i'm sorry i didn't say anything okay now can we move on slam it now about the decorations for yaz's birthday party hey super scorching idea here let's combine your birthday party with my going away party going away party didn't i tell you i'm out of here in a week i'm moving to the modeling capital of the world new york city new york city new york city [Music] [Music] you can't just leave i mean what about school no prob jack's getting me a tutor fine what about the magazine is jack getting us a new music editor what's with you guys you could at least try to hide your jealousy and pretend to be psyched we're not jealous yo sasha here excuse me uh supermodels do not fly business class now i'm not gonna demand a private jet but i think jag could at least spring for first class if you're done with your travel arrangements we've got a party to plan hey do i look like i have time to plan stuff i've got a zillion things to do before i go later so did you guys like know that i listen to the radio all day and i'm really smart you know and i even speak french well well if it isn't jade and her little band of fashion faux pas faux pas parlez-vous francais perfectamente and i like work like really really well with others right talk to me i do not like being called a loser you're not a loser you're seeking advice to improve your life so like what's your problem well no one likes me loser loser loser don't you dare hang up on him um why are you telling us all this because when we were like listening into your cover st i mean i like heard through the grapevine that sasha's like leaving and you're looking for a new music editor and i'm available i mean depending on how much you're gonna pay me after all the rotten stuff you guys have done to us like what well like the time sasha lost her voice right before she was going to interview alonse i am not stressing i got it all under control so why would i be stressing i know why i'm uh oh you can't talk oh look sasha knows how to make salt water she's like so talented like why don't you flavor it with some pests from casey's pimple i'm cool or the time you stole our backstage passes to the say the universe concert oh this jacket is like so cute yo put it down it's got bratz cooties bingo our lives are like so not over we're going to live ew not cool and the many many times you've snooped on us or just been totally obnoxious maybe they're right i'm nothing but one big fashion don't jade how's it going totally terrible angel bertine is so mean she hates me and guess who i have to work with the tweevels wow that's really awful but try to hang in there this is your dream remember yeah you're right this is my dream you're such a good friend angel thanks no problem cool cat i'll check in with you later okay oh burden is so meanie weenie and kirsty and casey are so nasty [Music] bye kirsty kirsty's right about one thing we have to get a new music editor like yesterday but who could possibly replace our bunny boo we'll never find anyone with one tenth of sasha's rockin leadership skills we got less than four hours to put together a slamming song and convince that bouncer that we're the real thing for hours we'll never make it music is my thing and i know how to make it happen here's the plan i'll work out the moves jade you're in charge of wardrobe on it chloe and yasmin you write the song awesome rocket or one tenth of her ability to score sold out tickets celebrity interviews limos and even office space hey guys this is it get ready to feast your eyes on the most totally slamming loft and all downtown [Music] [Music] sasha you can't be serious okay so the place needs a little makeover okay a serious makeover this place is so beyond help yo drama mama snap out of it we survived seventh grade we can survive this a little primo and paint relocate a few shells dramatize the area over here set up a computer and girlfriends we're happening let's hit it [Music] this is [Music] is [Music] and who else could possibly have her awesome musical talent man i didn't know you guys could play guitars like that there's a lot of things you don't know about us yeah sasha here seeing a few our limo is waiting we just can't do all of sasha's magazine work by ourselves and forget about finding time to throw a going away party and a birthday party i don't want a party angel not with bunny boo moving away pretty princess don't say that bunny boo i'm so glad you're here we so desperately need your help and i so need your help uh which headshot's the most island sasha fine don't help we've got more important things to do than help you pick out a photo we have a magazine to run you know here's my party list and don't skip anyone no one's gonna want to miss saying goodbye to america's next top model [Music] i'm cool so anyway will you like hire us have you totally lost it actually maybe we'll hire you but first you have to prove yourselves run every errand on this list and perhaps we'll consider you for music editor oh how could sasha just desert us like this after all we've been through together you know i always thought we'd be together till we were old and gray but like when we're 30 but i guess not but pretty princess at least we'll always have memories yeah the good times wait a sec are you guys thinking what i'm thinking i am so thinking what you're thinking you're kidding right no way kidding let's start our own fashion magazine wow check out the view forget the view let's scoop the stalin city yes london here we come [Music] something new [Music] [Music] yeah that was great but it's also getting through the challenge of life that makes you a stronger person the hard times it's so unfair all my hopes and dreams destroyed in three hours don't worry cool cat everything will work out you have way too much talent not to make it jade you're a fashion superhero burdeen's the one who's majorly clueless not you you guys really think so totally we've gotten into the craziest situations but we always knew how to get a good laugh out of it the silly times shh did you hear that a thief was so much worse a total psychopath could be picking the lock and breaking in i haven't done everything i want to do with my life i still have articles to write and clothes to buy and boys to kiss i'm too young to die at the monstrous hands of an ice-blooded cold-hearted killer chill it's just a facial mask i knew that it's all natural eggs oatmeal and anchovies pretty princess you are so weird things will never be the same without bunny boo you mean the old bunny boo the one who really cared about her friends not just herself oh well as long as she's happy i guess things won't be the same i'm so gonna miss angel's scorching energy and cool cat's fashion forward style [Music] you can't make sasha's going away party either right party escapes don't worry chloe we're not going to need any decorations sasha's friends are blowing her off for some party escapes but what about your party pretty princess i told you i don't want one angel no way can i celebrate when one of my bffs is leaving for good we're back we got your cds right here hey where are the cds that were on the list that list was like so long so i just brought some from home but get out get out oh my gosh this is going to be the worst party on the planet in all of history and beyond our reputations are so over and we'll have to shut down the mag not just because we can't do it without sasha but because everyone will know we're the total loser shoot through that really reeking party dylan you've got to help us not when there's a rocking party escapes to go to you guys want to come we can't oh what else could go wrong oh hi sasha what no way we can change it to tomorrow night wait don't hang up jag is taking sausage it's a movie premiere so she can't make the party tonight how could she do this to us later uh-huh got it i don't think so at this point i'm used to doing it alone later so forget about her come to skates with me where are the lights where is everyone happy birthday pretty princess oh my gosh sasha what how but what oh bunny boo you didn't blow us off oh bunny boo you did all this for me look i finally thought everything through and you know what fame and fortune can wait right now i'm just not ready to leave my bffs oh bunny boo this is the best birthday present ever hey what are friends for so everyone forgive me for acting like such a freak in the last few days of course okay call me crazy but i just couldn't leave my bffs not now anyway and our readers related making my article model friendships a runway up runaway hit the saga of the girls with a passion for fashion continues [Music] my leopard platforms have just got to be in here somewhere or i'll die angel the nice girls ew what can i say i was young and impressionable oh my gosh cinderella i love this book oh me too it totally changed my life remember the first time we heard the story what's that a cool new book cinderella once upon a time there was a pretty princess named cinderella she lived in the far far away land of fashionista where hip cool creativity reigned supreme cinderella lived with her father sir chachi chachi was a super style and fashion designer and he and cinderella were very close he loved her very much and called her his pretty princess then one day chachi met berdina he thought his pretty princess needed a role model so he married her big mistake little did he know that she was only after his money and fashion empire hand it over tubbo and so bernina became the reigning queen of chachi's world she brought her two daughters christina and casino to live with them though she told everyone they were her little sisters to avoid any unfortunate age placement [Music] this design studio is like so icky wicky did you like decorated cinderella then one day terrible tragedy struck [Music] say ah by feeding him too many carbs [Music] after chachi died berdina quickly took over his company she redecorated his office throughout his rocking clothing lines and replace them with bland pink suits verdina was very cruel to cinderella she never let her leave the studio except for school she forced her to wear the same ugly pink outfit every day and made her sleep in the basement with only a pet rat to keep her company but cinderella dreamed of a better day she was a singer-songwriter who wanted to be a rock star she hoped that someday somehow her dream would come true my dream come true [Music] and then one day everything changed for cinderella i don't care if you hate it i am bertina maxwella the founder president chief designer of prissy and pink clothing and the reigning queen of fashion put that pink suit on your magazine cover or i'll pull my advertising and have you hung by your nostrils mother of pink now my shoe is scuffed cinderella get in here yes stepmother i need a new set of pumps and pronto go get them you want me to go to the mall you're like gonna let cinderella so she can like get arrested for public ugliness well what are you waiting for follow her and make sure she gets the right shade of pink chop chop [Music] i'm so happy cinders i haven't been to a mall since my father was alive no worries hey who is that fine babe hey pretty princess are you talking to me are there any other pretty princesses around no it's just that's what my father used to call me thanks nice stranger guy etonian's the name cool hey you've got some styling vocals going where do you rock out let's just say i like to play at small intimate places to a small select audience can i come see you play sometime you want to see me play um i don't think that's possible you see i'm kind of busy with work oh then i'll come after work no you don't get it [Music] are you okay i got a jam but i didn't get your name i'm kirstina hot stuff i'm casino and i'm out of here poor cinderella so what happens next well etonian was crushing for cinderella big time i'm telling you cam salat this girl knows how to rock out i gotta see her again so what are you gonna do about it i've called in the big guy hey lord byron as life is the biggest record producer in the land absolutely positively riveting camps a lot now son what's this about granting a record deal to all you aspiring rock stars out there i am lord byron of charming records and i'm in hot pursuit of the next raging sound all aspiring singer-songwriters in search of their big break are invited to take the stage and rock out tomorrow night at our concert the winner will be awarded a million dollar contract with charming records and a meeting with our top producers make sure you get out all the toe jam and watch out for my bunions we'll see you at the concert hall silence piffling ninnies i'm trying to work here put some elbow grease into the corns you sniveling serpents yes stepmother but there's like this concert and this big record producer is like offering a contract to the hottest new act and anyone can like perform mother of pink this is my choice you two go out and win that record contract as your mother i mean sister and manager i'll be rich and on every cover of every major magazine i'll be a star are they really offering a record deal what's it to you it's not like they'd ever give one to a total failure face like you yeah get to work you two have music to learn and you with the voice of a poorly trained seal don't even think about entering what about my dream and then cinderella was grounded for life that is too sad rotting away in that cold dark damp basement on a diet of stale bread and unbottled water ew nasty chill babies that's not how the story goes so anyway later that day cinderella was eating lunch in his school cafeteria yo cinderella is it okay if we sit here you the girls with a passion for fashion want to sit here i can't believe you're even talking to me you know i don't think i've ever seen you outside of school probably not i don't get out much well i hope you're getting out to enter the music contest i heard you're singing in the locker room once you rain really but my evil stepmother says i sing like a seal you girl you can't let someone else rule your life stick up for your rights find your passion and express it be true to yourself now singing [Music] [Music] cinderella [Music] listen to me your little sniveling snakes i know dancing did i ever tell you about the time i was a top disco dancer for the international halibut dance club hello cinderella um tonight's the concert i thought i'd go check it out uh maybe well there are several things that must be done before the show starting with beautifying my daughters my real daughters i mean mean sisters sure but i now it's not what you do is [Music] we're like totally gonna win that recording contract tonight yeah we're gonna be like rock stars gee cinderella maybe you should like enter the contest too you really think so good one christina yeah i can't believe you like that i was serious you're like such a loser i bet they wouldn't even let you end the concert oh yeah they probably even have a sign up like no like losers allowed when is cinderella gonna deal with those nasty stepsisters it was an hour before the big concert let's go you little slime queens i don't want to be late for my big break wait can't i come with you i did everything you asked me to like we would ever dane to be seen in public with you cinderella yeah now make yourself useful and shine my ping pongs again come on girls we have a recording contract to win i should have listened to those girls at school i should have stuck up for myself oh well i guess it's too late now the poor poor thing poor cinderella thought her life was so over don't just stand there let us in what are you guys doing here someone has to teach you to be true to yourself cinderella it's your time to shine you're gonna blow them away at that contest but i don't even have a guitar you do now thanks guys but i still can't go to the concert not dress like this you're right you can't which is why we hit them all we bought you these and these you're hitting that stage in serious style people it's time for one extreme makeover but remember they are magic clothes they will only last until midnight midnight got it [Music] will the real cinderella please step forward [Music] guys i don't know what to say we do get your butt to the ball pronto but how i don't have a car and leave that to me cinderella and her fashion fairy friends arrived at the concert hall [Music] let's go pretty princess this is your night i can't walk the red carpet i'm not famous it's not about being famous it's about working it sell it own it [Applause] is mother of pink check it out of my way useless stagehand pardon me you blithering windbag oh how dare you do you know who i am i am berdina and do you know who i am it's showtime i want to dedicate this song to all the girls who have a dream come on [Music] bad voice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] check out the hottie oh man that girl checked out like an angel [Music] i mean sister of mine [Music] oh no [Music] where's she going she's not finished excuse me desperate to leave here stop that girl oh not you two again [Music] looks like you lost her no worries because this time i'm gonna find her finish the story jasmine finish the story and so etonian went in search of his pretty princess to the land of fashionista the winner of the record contract will be the girl who can rock out with a certain guitar left behind i will personally search the land for this rock and girl inside my heart [Music] inside my heart i've got a dream [Music] everybody i've got a dream everybody [Music] [Applause] now your scaly serpents are going to make this work or else you're getting that contract and i'm getting famous off it got it [Music] i've heard enough later wait where are you going i mean we're just getting warmed up are there any other rockers in the house i've got your shoes for tina in fuchsia peony rose and pink hey other rockers no no no no not at all it's just me and my dog little sisters i believe you need to finish your song don't be able cinderella can't sing yes for dina i can no matter what you think [Music] i order you back to the cellar sorry but from now on i marched to my own beat don't listen to her she's just a shop girl a pee on a wretched little rat mother of pink somebody lose something sing cinderella i've got a dream [Music] and they rode off into the sunset in eutonian's rockin convertible and they lived happily ever after well they did live happily ever after but not together not together amberella most beauticious and rockiness babe ever will you go steady with me no no no look it's not that you aren't this gorgeous guy i've ever met cause you are it's just that i've got so many things i want to do with my life before taking on any major commitments like what well i want to set up pet shelters across the country go to college and get my master's in environmental science you your oppressible incompetence you destroyed my one chance at outrageous fame and fortune ah from now on you're sleeping in the cellar volunteer for an international relief organization record some cds and hang with my new best friends the girls with a passion for fashion so we rediscovered our favorite childhood story and got a great breaths magazine article out of it how to have a fairy rock in life [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bratz
Views: 491,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz, bratzillaz, bratz episodes, bratz dolls, bratz toys, toys, toy, videos for kids, kids videos, cartoons for kids, fashion, magazine, psychic, crystal ball
Id: rPYZFlwRxB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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