A Big Discovery | Bratz Series Compilation

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Oh [Music] guys we're supposed to go on in 15 minutes and I still can't get into it I mean how lame is Little Red Riding Hood anyway her grandmother's got fur sharp teeth and whiskers duh run you little goof she's a wolf tell me about it Sasha so white is even more embarrassing cook and clean for seven messy guys no paycheck no thanks loser sorry cool cat I think I win Rapunzel first of all how about a name change hmm I always kind of liked the name Rapunzel anyway try playing wimpy Cinderella sometime I mean how hard is it to sneak out to a ball ah these kids are gonna think our fairy tale plays are ridiculous how can I be a convincing actress if I'm not even convinced by my own character I'll get booed out of the theater my stage career will be all over before it's even begun angel we promised principal Graham we would put on this assembly and their kindergarteners we used to love fairy tales when we were their age yeah what happened to us guess we got too smart for him smarter than Snow White that's for sure I'm telling you if we have been in their positions we would have handled things way better you got that right no doubt about it you said it yeah ahem but heightened ahem wasn't me I do not ahem I uh look there's a frog in the drinking fountain gross I've heard they give you warts such imbecility the ahem came from the frog it talks the cheaper of fairy tale law has heard your scornful words and frankly is quite saddened the keeper worries that have too many become cynical and lose their appreciation for fairy tales than their tradition of passing them from generation the generation will die out forever the tales themselves will cease to exist as will the world from which they sprang diggit this reeks of hidden-camera show someone's pranking us see I'll show you his batteries na touching me touching me but made down he's real and squishy sorry froggy the name is Chadwick and I am a handsome prince but I've been cursed and changed into this pathetic creature a fraud Prince cursed um see we don't exactly believe in all that fairytale stuff oh I know believe me I know tending for a moment that you're not some really elaborate robot or something what are we supposed to do you had asked [Music] so it all started one day would just like you for I was boasting our to do so much better than the fairy tale heroines but the keeper overheard me punish me for my pride that keeper zapped me into this common frog the only way I can break my spell and regain my princely farm is listen to this ladies this is important to stop dreaming doing this to us ah the keeper the keeper I told you don't you pay attention get out your notebooks within the space of this sunrise to midnight we must enter each of your fall fairy tales and bring them to a happy conclusion you dig it what does that even mean basically you say you can handle things better than Rapunzel's no white Red Riding Hood and and the other ones Cinderella whatever well now is your chance to prove it and you better if we succeed in time than I will be turned back into a prince and you will be sent back home however if we fail then I'll be this common frog and you fall be stuck here in fairy tale world forevermore so don't mess up you got some midnight Daggett's you the pencil Chloe yeah yeah yeah you come with me angel this is a nightmare it has to be a nightmare quick circle pinch oh okay I don't know which is worse the bruise on my arm or the fact that this is really happening how are we going to find Chloe guys she's dressed as Rapunzel so she's in Rapunzel's story you mean some witch has her locked in a stone tower or something think on the way down I might've seen one in that direction or was it that direction why not scream for help for another 15 minutes I'm sure it'll work this time I don't get it why won't anyone come help me maybe because you're in a witch's Tower so most rational people try to avoid witches towers I'm definitely not sitting around here for years and years waiting for some prince to come ask me to let down Ida [Music] you just now noticed have you just now noticed I'm a lot bigger than you all right all right smartypants just grow your hair out the window so we can get out of here give me a break I've got an easier way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm never gonna get out of here [Music] look we can just tie my hair to this hook and then climb down you are smarter than Rapunzel [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought you could drop my tower did you Goldilocks should've learned not to trespass after your mishap with those bears I've won that camels hump deceiving gasps Rapunzel's attempting to escape [Music] I'm up good work Steve there will be extra rotten garbage in your supper tonight [Music] we burned a divine let's get out of here [Music] got scissors genius where am I supposed to get scissors it's the witch she won't be pleased but I'm Chloe I'm not really Rapunzel are you talking about as long as you're in the fairytale world you will have here - all at Japan's oh oh oh you're right she won't be pleased yeah yeah like I said I what do you think you're doing going for a walk you know walk so it games to the rules back in the tower I don't think so tree stump a toadstool what which do you want me to turn you into all right okay yeah okay [Music] this is the worst thing that could ever have happened well Rapunzel throw down your hair I'm coming up [Music] [Music] I'm never gonna find the tower I can't go any further yeah like how about putting your butt somewhere else who said that look oh they've done to you crummy deal huh but I guess I had it coming always sticking my nose in other people's business I broke into the three bears house you know and nobody knows this but I'm the one who TP that old lady who lives in the shoe and the three little kittens that think they lost their mittens uh-huh I swiped em hey you're not Chloe names Goldilocks but how come you're along sorry anyway I couldn't help overhearing you guys talking about a tower right our friend Chloe Rapunzel Oh Rapunzel in the witch's Tower sure don't go too close or she'll turn you into a stump okay maybe it wasn't such a long story after all where is it right over that way nothing personal but oh yeah stem scan points past that big rock over there and through those trees oh thanks meet a lot of interesting people as this dump [Music] I should never have spared your father's life after he stole yes from my garden I thought you were a fair trade but this is the 33rd time you've tried to escape it is what you think I haven't been keeping out there was the time you tried telling about the time you built that glider but then couldn't fit it out the window Wow maybe Rapunzel I mean maybe I'm not totally lame and now this I told you long ago 33 strikes and you must face the punishment for a shellacking that I was gonna turn you into a stump Oh a puzzle I'd never do that to you you're my soul entertainment changing up on me huh haha deal with that I have to go to the bathroom my last move really scared ya oh go on the buckets is right over there [Music] opened with the Stravinsky double check entrapment what are you doing here you are making it burns like alipay knows it burns frog what injure how did you get up here I know he'll go jumpers but no one's that good the one who brought him here was me and now I turn you into a tree cow Stouffer well done Stevie it's the garbage and frog in your supper tonight [Music] please which lady um don't feed him Chadwick he's my friend oh my god is not and don't you worry dear your friend will meet his end what do you mean sweetie the more you struggle the SONA Stevie strength will fail stay right here I need to turn someone into an onion Chadwick quick listen to this story how many times you went over this it's the keeper who's AB not me we don't get that out of you until you out like the villain of your story oh happy endings are way harder than I thought they would be yeah yeah you start judging others assuming and see where you get yourself we're almost there oh no she's about to not live so happily ever after she'll live happily ever after if we have anything to say about it come on me back I'm not an onion oh poor thing you will making me cry so you must be an onion okay you know that's not funny [Music] thank goodness you're here get me down who like them vegetables for my stool worse than a wall knock wedging turned them into instant [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] you won't be turning anybody into anything anymore without my wand indeed the witch that was great you were awesome with that broom don't get you proud of yourselves but you got three more fairy tales to go oh no not again let's go cuz we could have used that broom sorry wait for me [Music] okay so let me get this straight guys what did that frog say we're stuck you're in fairytale land forever unless jade can do better than snow white it outwitting the Wicked Queen and I can outwit Red Riding Hood's wolf and I can make sure Cinderella gets her happy ending what if Jade isn't doing very well as Snow White will have to live here forever come on Angel we've all read the stories the only reason the other villains were tough was because they were up against lame heroines but I'm not lame and I barely got away from Rapunzel's which let's think positive okay who you looking for onion guy the witch did this to me me too it used to be Goldilocks hey did you see three girls come tearing through here oh they stopped and asked for directions to the Seven Dwarves cottage their friend got turned into Snow White and now they want to rescue her how come we're in the middle of these dark and creepy woods shouldn't we've just poofed into the seven dwarfs house yeah yeah yeah there's three stages okay there's something first about a huntsman who's supposed to shoot her with an arrow and take her heart back to the Queen where are you going [Music] [Applause] maybe I'm a messy watch the low this is way better than that Tower Rapunzel was in and you escaped the Huntsman so now all you gotta do is outsmart the Wicked Queen who's jealous of your beauty I can do that I mean there's no way I'm gonna be tricked into eating some poison apple ah yeah yeah there you go this one will be a piece of cake for sure yeah Goldilocks gave us lousy directions The Witches of the news the witch is on the news I mean she's on the loose I thought you put her in the tower yeah about that see well she could be mighty convincing and well she promised she'd treat me nicer you brought her back down Rapunzel I'm so done with checkers mmm-hmm anything in there some moldy crusts of bread I'm starving there's plenty of food down here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Seven Dwarves we prefer little people yeah you know I kind of prefer the walls myself man that is so not hip never mind that who are you and what are you doing up in our career uh I'm Snow White sorta and the Wookiee Queen wants to get rid of me and please can't hide from her in here oh please I won't be much trouble I promise well what do you think guys seems okay as long as we have peace and quiet to practice practice what mining know our real ambition the passion of our lives she's making no we want to be a bore bang I'm Justin and this is my posse Ryan Nick Cody Todd Marky and little ZZ we are the 7d we got our first gig tonight playing for the princess ball she could be a groupie groupie yeah you know that's what girls do screaming baby go crazy over the bed she can carry our stuff uh sorry but I don't think so I mean I'm in a band myself and I would never expect anyone to carry my stuff you in a band a girl you're funny well when you're finished with your delusion you can start picking up around the place excuse me everyone knows that girls do the cooking and cleaning oh they do do they now don't do anything crazy we got a good thing going here with a warm fire great music plenty of food on the floor you listen up mister I don't know what world you're living in but fairytale land maybe you don't think much of girls in fairytale land but where I come from we've got when we're going on then cooking and cleaning well that's really inspirational but what we're looking for is more cooking and cleaning so unless you can get down with that little Missy you can take your way more going on right back out into the deep dark forest now look what you did and that forest is not accommodating kind of pointy remember well what's gonna be sleeping on the forest floor or cleaning this one [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't normally go for that five but Wow you guys are telling genius ads if I take it okay where is your washing machine hey we're practicing here yeah you derailed my creative train of thought hey hey hey now that's a nice lyric write that down do you rail my train oh nice just tell me where the appliances are and I won't bother you you got to be kidding [Music] tomorrow when those filthy Seven Dwarves head for their mine I'll offer her this poison apple she'll never recognize me disguised as an old head [Music] [Applause] why does she have to be so pretty maybe she has a zit Mirror Mirror in my hand who's the fairest in the land oh you're really gonna ask me again tell me tell me Oh wicked Queen though fair ye be snow white's fairer far than they curses that little jerk do you really think it's healthy to carry around all this anger quiet I'm scheme I can't believe I just did that ow just be grateful this isn't sleeping beauty it is the most stock for you to dawn oh yeah sorry yeah I guess you might want to wash them first I haven't gotten around to that since a one day to last winter I'm outta here I thought you were being hunted yeah there's like wicked Queens and wolves out there haven't you heard of Red Riding Hood are you doing it's dangerous out there yeah not a good idea to go out in the forest unaccompanied ah touching me touching me ciao where are you going she's gonna get eaten it is their last weekend she is going down oh yeah the wicked queen is so together now I'm hungry well if you hadn't don't start my parents took me to a French restaurant once and the frog legs tasted just like chicken I ate a whole plateful yeah yeah alright look grapes oh yes she's going to fall for it since when the grapes grow on trees well this place is weird I'm Jay it might not be a good idea excuse me not now she's about to eat my poison grapes I think you want to check who's the fairest what never mirror in my hand now who's the fairest in the land Oh wicked Queen though fair ye be snow white and this just in now three other girls are fairer far than thee what free Jade Jade hey guys oh you imbeciles she was about to eat my poison grapes [Music] when you are I knew you'd be back wait guys little help what's in it for us yeah well with friends like you who needs enemies you washed our lights with our darks and now our underwears paint jerks oh no you don't Rapunzel is mine what are you doing you fool let go of me [Music] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you'll defeat it the Wicked Queen you girl yeah us girls without huh yeah it's not completely we just need to know where does Little Red Riding Hood's grandma live we have to get there as fast as possible shouldn't be hard she lives right over there yeah we sublet the house tour a few years ago when she retired Oh Wyatt what's Russ Hey Oh sweetie come a little closer to your old grandma won't you you don't fool me for a minute y'all wolf I know you're not my grandma see you locked my grandma in the closet and now you're gonna try and eat me all up only I'm too smart for that back up Wolfie or I'll stab you with this where are my scissors you've become Red Riding Hood this is her basket now not your mother's sewing kit thanks for the appetizer red now all I need is a little girl to wash it down I don't suppose we can start over I can pretend I was fade out while your disguise that would have been the smart thing to do play for a little time look for an opening maybe stall me long enough for a woodsman to come rescue you but you had to blow the whole thing right away I took old lady acting lessons for weeks [Music] it's too late are you guys friends now he doesn't seem so scary I am so scary you just caught me out of character just a minute you made me forget my sense-memory [Applause] I really don't like this about to be even feeling guys trees Oh gracious I seem to have lost my lunch mmm what's that I smell could it be lavender peanut brittle oh I know little girl you might as well find something else to eat oh you're a real rowdy gang I don't know how I'm gonna handle you well I guess I'll pack it in though on the other hand I could always chop the tree down or I could burn it down or and maybe this is the easiest plan of all I could climb up and grab you wolves can't countries maybe not where you come from but this is the deep dark woods and here the wolves are big and bad in very yeah [Music] [Applause] yes you did now the question is in what order do I eat you all my mom told me guys know what I'm thinking well well what oh wow jeez he sure is slow yeah what's taking you so long hurry up you know what your supper to get cold one [Music] [Music] [Music] Legg everybody go what are you messing around for come down here where's the wolf Oh my turn [Music] three down one to go let's hope Jasmine handles her melons better than we did the way things are going I wouldn't bet on it mr. mirror can you tell me the way to Cinderella's house shut up back towards the witch's Tower by the way who is the fairest of them all Chloe sorry guys just asking I'm trapped in a well with the two most vicious women in the world oh why thank you but my dear friend here is no I take it out I just locked Rapunzel look it's Goldilocks and onion guy loves gun what's the problem our friend Yasmin well Cinderella she's trapped in Cinderella's house cursed and who hasn't anyway we need to make sure she makes it through Cinderella's story with a happy ending or we'll never get out of this place I don't want to rub it in but this is the kind of place where people get turned into stumps and onions okay you got a point mmm Cinderella's place those are swanky digs oh yes where are we most likely Cinderella's bedroom there isn't even a bed are you going to sleep all day come down from your room this instant guess you're right so what's the plan baby how you gonna top Cinderella as Cinderella it's your shot trust me I've got it handled zel you out you little fool you left the room in the middle of the floor she hasn't even made a bow room yet all swept the patio Oh emptied out chamber pots chamber pots cross Cinderella looks like the only dancing you will be doing tonight is the chamber pot ChaCha the royal ball count me out that's the last place I'd be caught what did she say you can't mean it it is all you've been talking about it is your big chance to go to the palace meet Prince no thank you I've got something else I'd rather do at home what could possibly excite you more than the ball got to sweep the patio later I'll get to the bottom of this even if it means staying home from the ball [Music] hey genius your reverse psychology backfired they're staying at home to watch you now you'll never sneak past them you gotta get to the ball you have to meet the prince leave the glass slipper blah blah blah blah the slipper fits and Cinderella lifts up her after but who needs the prince Cinderella does it's not like you can just get a job here it doesn't work that way not a lot of choices in the 15th century not even school oh my gosh I really messed up and it all rests on me now I've got to fix this or my poor BFS will be stuck here with my forever Cinderella I have decided you shall accompany us to the ball well okay if you insist what do I wear what you're wearing would be just fine what kind of ridiculous well has no wooden pole thing with rope wrapped around it across the top what now if any of us makes a grab for the edge the comers will fall back in without my wand on my broom I'm just a wiggly old lady with no one to keep me company in that Tower my meal ran away from me you don't hear me crying I don't care if the water is full of villains I'm getting a drink [Applause] [Music] we had six in the group listen to me and I promise Ritchie I'll get you back your Rapunzel as long as you promise to keep her in that tower till she's old and ugly deal hey what about me we'll have a feast fit for a starving tube adapter not one girl but three and then finally I shall truly be the fairest [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yes made it her favorite Godfather turned a pumpkin into a cares and she's on her way to the ball she didn't even need her help [Music] there is broken madam fix it you ought it cannot be fixed in time to make the ball Cinderella lab ground but had to come with you the carriage is only meant to hold three and you exceeded your weight capacity by bringing your stepdaughter Cinderella you have ruined our evening out you are the one that made me come with Sharon Mindy would you like to assume Cinderella's choice for the rest of the week will hide the horses guess we're walking is this in the story succeeding if you want to marry the Prince no I live in the palace and the rich madam what is the problem speak man who they be but the boobs Cinderella you leads away I know a shortcut I have an idea but we've gotta hustle back again Goldilocks can you help us with something you name it us girls have to help each other out I'm no girl oh I guess I mention it okay now I know where I am I think I should have left you at home it came from over there [Music] what's wrong Bertha's the name done to me so DS be single single and sorcerer that's what he turned me into a stump when I wouldn't find a prenup he wanted you to sign a prenuptial agreement he wants to make sure no one gets ahold of his money of course not hey hey watch it it's big a gold digger water-based dovetails back to the [Music] Goldilocks we owe you you're the best thank you thank you thank you very much you too Rumpelstiltskin guys you saved me we did it not so fast smarty pants Charlotte as I see it soon relic only at no home no slippers no prints and no other options uh-oh oops call your fairy godmother oh yeah duh fairy what's that a fairy godmother I said fairy godmother not very caught oh you didn't know no no I need my fairy godmother [Music] much better why look at you out in these dark woods Laurel these friends they're my BFF best friends forever oh how nice what can I do for you dear I need to get to the ball and your shows a dirty yeah yeah that's right what she has in yes oh yeah do you happen to have any glass slippers gosh these are really painful oh no give I could imagine looks like a pump feels like a beaker and that dress is simply reprehensible repre oh pretty do you have a pumpkin oh no not on me at the moment okay then I'll change your be heads into a coach and horse please change the back well if you insist [Music] [Music] there they are fairy godmother do me a favor can you please use the rest of your magic to turn Goldilocks and Rumpelstiltskin back into little girl and a little man well of course dear if that's what you really want thanks Cinderella what is sweetheart gotta go she turned us into a stump and an onion and she doesn't have a wood let's put it down into well [Music] I'm never wearing heels again I wish you guys were still horses real funny bunny boo listen it's your twin you can chill with the horse jokes where's the driver he's taking a nap inside let's take the horses even Goldilocks what a workout really works up the appetite I'm ravenous wait a minute you need me yes I certainly do it's not healthy to skip meals [Music] [Music] Cinderella sorry Cinderella not tonight but I'm a domme two suits feel stepdaughter we were invited you're not on the list your stepmother is madam the Snoozeville plus three well I'm one of the three without you stepmom I can't let gin just begin the real Cinderella team [Applause] where are you going we are out of there why didn't you warn us he's looking for you [Music] [Music] Oh Oh my seat get your paws off me [Music] [Applause] where's Chadwick [Music] she knocked them out with a shoe didn't know girls could throw like that really outstanding she sounds like a pistol I'm so over wimpy gals the lady who fits this shoe shall be my bride how come we're still here the story's happy ending is certain the rest of the villains are defeated don't we get to go home now what sort of cruel joke of fate is this what is there for me now if I can't find my true love why don't you go to a house my name's Cinderella she's mad and the smooth wheel stepdaughter Cinderella here come now everything is sorted out that was talent genius and divine dig it [Music] welcome back lady you broke the spell I guess I was kind of having fun me too well I guess you are savvy er than Rapunzel Snow White Red Riding Hood and Cinderella hmm I don't know about that I mean we almost failed I had no idea how rough it was for those girls oh yeah they were tough babies and they were alone we had friends to help us we should really think twice before judging someone else yeah yeah walk a mile in just huge spend some time in your skin on that Chadwick aren't you supposed to turn back into a prince well I have something to ask oh goodness we're going to have to kiss him ah no please do not kiss me it's just this what about your play oh my gosh the play what time is it same time is when you're left no time has been lost if you I thought we missed the assembly but I thought you said those stories were silly no wait they're great I mean we had a blast didn't we so let's make our place just as fun absolutely [Music] thank you you helped break my spell I am a prince again ah Frog Prince yeah yeah what did you think dig it I guess the keeper poofed him back to fairytale land who is the keeper of fairytale lore anyway I'd like to meet this keeper ladies ladies it's show time mr. Grimm we're ready that kids are so excited I can't tell you how much I appreciate you ladies putting on this assembly it's gonna be a great show mr. Grimm don't worry see ya after the show ding guys mr. Grimm sounds just like Chadwick you think he's the keeper couldn't be you guys ready for the fairy tale extravaganza this if I take [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my theories scene you will be the best Christmas Eve present your parents could have I bet they can't wait to get home from their skateboarding trip snowboarding trip grand that to love you oh I love you too it's been great having you visit Yasmine that's Sasha I'm Yasmin oh of course you are Merry Christmas and you too Chloe I'm Jade that's Chloe Terry me I never doubted it for a second [Music] [Music] hello well hello it's your parents yes they're all ready for you to pick them up oh my what's that I can hardly hear you alright colors back as soon as you can and Merry Christmas gran what is it snowed in at the airports when will they get snowed out there hoping tomorrow but they said it might even be the next day tomorrow the next day well the storm is making so much noise well I could hardly hear them we can still have a wonderful Christmas here but here isn't home presents with my mom and dad we always cut out paper snowflakes we bake cookies we put up lights we've always had Christmas at home oh I'm so sorry but you know sometimes doing old things and new ways can be a real adventure an adventure why certainly tell you what we'll do presents and snowflakes and cookies and lights and I promise you it'll be like no Christmas you ever had before [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well what else would you like to do this joyous Christmas Eve has been joyous enough oh you poor dear 'yes you miss being with your parents yeah times like this my grandma used to say you don't always get what you want but sometimes if you make the best of what you've got you can get something even better I have an idea what if I take you to the shopping mall to talk to Santa Claus would that make you feel better if you just bring our moms and dads home for Christmas [Music] what do you mean Santa's not here we are very sorry for the inconvenience on Christmas Eve Santa is always at the North Pole getting ready first flight around the world ha what a car I know he's here I'm gonna find him we got a little score to settle [Music] now William don't you think we should go home no way the big guys mine you hear that you can run but you can't hide these guys made me get a flat fire boss I swear it wasn't my fault of course I'll pay you back every penny I owe you on drink grand gun thanks to you damn folks Oh max it wasn't our fault you kicked the tire and popped it cuz you made me so mad that I had that cat szostak we just gave you some Christmas khaki jumbo double fudge patty with a nice satin face on it you put it on my seat and I said on it and it melted and glued me to the chair by the time I got on stock down my car we were supposed to stick up was God okay okay so next time we won't unwrap it stays fresher that way now who wants still fudge for Christmas Oh Christmas you we got till midnight to make that money back or we'll be hanging by our Christmas tree oh all right here's the new scam I'm gonna pretend to be sick kids will come up with their mummies and the daddies and tell me all the stuff they want for Christmas meanwhile my elves pick the parrots pockets god yes sure max it's show time see told you I'd find him oh-ho-oh and what would you like for Christmas little boy don't hold on me with that bowl full of jelly stuff was it nice when all I got last Christmas is 12 pair of red flannel underwear what kind of lame present was that I emailed you my letter clear back on Halloween I asked for a bike do you think dogs are my idea of fun read my blog I send you the list you check it twice hello are we communicating do we have a problem if I even smell flannel under the tree I'll put rocks in your Christmas cookies are we on the same page now William santa needs to rest he's got a big night tonight remember Reggie how do we do what we get one hour two dollars Oh jackpot this a real soldiers mini raging rocket launcher a rootin tootin remote-control tough tank a genuine mr. bacteria biochemistry set white butterfly' blue in the dark yo yo what I always wanted when I was a kid what are you doing we never got stuff like this for Christmas yeah we never got anything for Christmas we've been on Santa's naughty list since we were four you don't start acting like real crooks you'll end up with the boss's naughty list [Music] um that wallet is that kid's dad I've heard about a thousand bucks [Music] what oh hi boss I didn't know was you how's business yeah well not so good the boss wants whatever we've got listen oh you think we could have a little more time Oh like maybe until New Year's Eve now pause remember what happens when you get that angry I was robbed hey you and the bad beard [Music] could be on a milk-and-cookies break excuse me Oh where is Santa Claus he's not here today we're sorry for the inconvenience on Christmas Eve Santa is always at the North Pole getting ready for his flight around the world no no dad no Santa I give up me too I say we just forget Christmas yeah let's go to bed for a long winters nap and try again next year [Music] [Music] [Music] where do you go [Music] incredible or what yeah the incredible is that's the kind of toy that's so awesome you'd be a free pass Santa for it or your mom and dad I wasn't a Santa but he's not here and I don't have a mom or dad where do you live then summer house other orphan kids nice place but we don't get anything like that for Christmas we're looking for Santa and when we find him we'll tell him that use a curry hmm there you are don't wander off like that you scared us come on now it's time to go home we really have to find Santa now you tell him about those kids [Music] hey it's my fourth I don't have enough let's say good elves I'm telling you I'm not gonna be able to deliver this Christmas he can't deliver the presents no Christmas we gotta talk [Music] where'd he go well did you hear what he said yeah there's not gonna be any Christmas [Music] jasmine oh my dearest I'm so sorry you didn't get to talk to Santa we tried [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Merry Christmas Garry's Christmas isn't happening gran oh I'm so sorry things haven't turned out the way you hoped I remember every Christmas when I was a little girl I wanted to see Santa too I would sit right next to the fireplace waiting for him to climb down the chimney did you see him I wanted to more than anything but I never did I always fell asleep before he got there still I didn't let it spoil my Christmas good night my dears oh I hope you have sweet dreams full of gingerbread and candy canes and Santa climbing down the chimney [Music] nobody's climbing down the chimney tonight you'll see [Music] [Music] someone will climb down the chimney tonight it's just a mechanical reindeer come on taco [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bratz
Views: 628,157
Rating: 4.893414 out of 5
Keywords: bratz, bratzillaz, bratz episodes, bratz dolls, bratz toys, toys, toy, videos for kids, kids videos, cartoons for kids, fairy tale, frog, christmas, princess
Id: HpOgeXVRLm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 19sec (5059 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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