Slumber Party | Bratz Series Full Episode

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[Music] they'll always be there for each other [Music] take a chance and believe [Music] [Music] [Applause] fat wheelies ah thanks cam still on for tonight actually i have to reschedule dylan's in the dumps cause some girls stood him up so i said we'd hang tonight is that cool with you oh yeah very cool if you define cool as totally reeking that is [Music] canceling on me how rude and you and cameron are finally going on a date a study date and no we're not going cameron could apparently care less about my chemistry grade two under the sea so you're worried about chemistry class not the chemistry between you and cam i don't know what you're talking about uh to look at me i mean even if i'd ever considered cameron's boyfriend material i'm so done he clearly can't even keep a simple appointment too tweevly hey angel are your parents still out of town yeah they'll be back on sunday scourging sleep over tonight at your place nothing like a sleepover huh the brats are having a slumber party yeah yeah [Music] um why do we care because we can like spy on them stupid and by the way that dress is like so not our color here try this on instead [Music] yo pretty princess sleepover at angels i'll bring the face masks hang on bunny boo got another call yes here what's up pretty princess this just in slumber party at chloe's hot hey cool cat sleep over your place pass it on awesome finally there's monsters little brats have made their fatal mistake a sleepover i will crush them like the worms they are [Music] we'll find out what they say about us which one of us they hate most science how did i end up with you feeble-minded interns back in my glory days when i was an agent for the international fashion police oh never mind tonight the brats will yap about their stupid magazine it'll be your job to spy on them and find out the plans for the next issue yeah now to be a spy you have to be strong you have to be sneaky you have to be smart yeah mother of pink you're morons you don't have the brains or the brawn to spy on your own well you're clearly gonna need gadgetry [Music] [Music] now pay attention these aren't just ordinary classic pink pumps they're top of the line multifunctional spy gear they have spikes for climbing microphones for eavesdropping hidden bungee cords for jumping rope don't interrupt hidden bungee cords for macrame ah why do i even bother and best of all the boomerang [Music] by this time tomorrow all the bratz's secrets will be mine mine well close enough just don't screw it up don't let the brats see you [Music] rocking styling slamming [Music] okay people listen up according to my research dancing is the 10th most rocking asleep over activity what are you talking about bunny boo well i checked out over 60 slumber party websites and made a schedule for what statistically speaking should be the most groovalicious sleepover ever cool there's chloe's bedroom climb up no you i'm scared of heights i get a nosebleed if i climb to the top of a bunk bed fine we'll play a game rock scissors paper oh i love games one two three go oh rock beat scissors get to climbing [Music] [Music] time rocking to sleep over activity number nine guess the drawing what someone has to draw a picture and everyone has to guess what it is oh oh i've got one [Music] a skeleton um a supermodel right wig electricity are you going for electricity an eagle a peacock i know a dove a teddy eagle a dead peacock dead bird bird [Music] bird rash bird poop [Music] yes yeah our countdown continues rocking asleep over activity number eight pin the bandage on casey's nose ew chloe isn't this better than studying with cameron cameron who [Music] this is like so scary i can't even believe she's making me do this she's so mean don't look down what did you say don't look down [Music] oh cool now that extreme makeover rules like where are my pink pleated socks yeah it's a little cold in here angel could you close the window no prob cool cat [Music] hey did you guys hear something weird angel i think your wild imagination is putting in for overtime what's this angel oh those are my costumes just in case i need something last minute but not last year coolness that'll work rocking the sleepover activity number seven the runway struts cause we're the girls with a passion for fashion darling pretty princess gone wild okay go jade get crazy rockin burlips will like kill us if we don't get their plans for the next issue and be like really then keep going [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] gonna make the [Music] all i need are all my girls in me to make [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've now completed activity number six raiding the fridge back upstairs people what was that a cat burglar you don't have a cat a real burglar oh i'm sure it was nothing what was that i'm sure it's nothing but just to be safe what am i supposed to do with a banana that was the first thing i grabbed did you hear that a thief was so much worse a total psychopath could be picking the lock and breaking in i haven't done everything i want to do with my life i still have articles to write and clothes to buy and boys to kiss i'm too young to die at the monstrous hands of an ice-blooded cold-hearted killer guys chill it's just a facial mask i knew that it's all natural eggs oatmeal and anchovies ew pretty princess you are so weird [Music] it's so hot in here my face mask is turning into an omelet do you mind that's it dipwad you're such a total spaz from now on i do the climbing tell me you guys heard that sorry angel not again chloe uh we have an agenda ladies let's get to it rocking his sleepover activity number five uh seance oh great ghost of fashion we are your rockin servants we respectfully ask you to please come to us tonight we are searching for some ant stripes will be in but i will be coming out of my grave it worked we channeled the ghost oh great ghost what about bell bottoms will they come back oh yes they will be coming back and so will i coming back from the dead for revenge on you okay very funny who was that not me not me me neither bunny boo then who was it this is like it one way or another we're going in in the slingshot now [Music] [Music] stupid bratz the door was open all along burglar break-ins are not on my top 10 list this is it girls time to defend the casa who's with me all for one and one for all i go with dignity to my death [Music] hey no blood on the carpet i'll be grounded forever and never get married or have babies and mom won't get grandchildren and i'll have to live with all that guilty's eyes what are you two doing sneaking around here we weren't sneaking we were in the neighborhood and thought we'd drop by didn't you hear us knock can we at least stay until casey recovers from her boo-boo okay fine you can stay but this is a summer party and summer parties have rules oh a party yeah yeah okay rocking a sleepover activity number three makeovers go [Music] i think i'll try two colors a little yin yang guys this sleepover rocks thanks for helping me forget all about what's his name back to our countdown time for activity number two people dishing yeah we're like so excellent at gossip i'm not into talking about people we're together 24 7. there's nothing we don't know there's like stuff we don't know like chloe why did cameron stand you up um he didn't he had a friend in need i can respect that you're like so touchy feely more gossip more gossip yeah [Music] we've got stories about bourdin that you wouldn't believe well i don't think we need to hear all that before bird brain eats anything she rinses it like three times in soda water just in case someone's trying to poison her [Music] ew [Applause] okay four times ah yeah and her gray hair grows so fast that like every morning she colors it in with the highlighter ew [Music] yeah and she shaved her feet [Music] and she eats baby birds come on she does not eat baby birds yeah that's how she gets her name get it bird dean ew chill i bet the boys are trying to prank us let's take them down people let's get them cotton balls i'm a conscientious objector to violence the dudes don't have a chance [Music] one two three gotcha you're ours ah take that what do you think girls cameron dylan or eaton we got him yeah cameron eaton took over on dillon cheer up duty so i figured i'd come over and help you study if you just left eaton and dylan then who's that stupid bratz it's like a real burglar and we captured him so we get the reward [Music] [Applause] um what are you doing here someone had to check on you imbeciles together you don't have half the brains of a head of lettuce i knew you nincompoops couldn't be trusted to perform a simple of surveillance [Music] since dylan is covered are you still up for studying together thanks cameron but now i'm hanging with the girls our chemistry is going to have to wait a little while longer then i guess i'll just stick around for the sleepover not on your life sorry cam girls only bye cameron our rock and sleepover became the cover story for our next issue slumber party secrets revealed [Laughter] what's next on the list bunny boo and now the number one rocking a sleepover activity truth or dare stay tuned for our next issue [Music] everybody now [Music]
Channel: Bratz
Views: 744,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz, bratzillaz, bratz episodes, bratz dolls, bratz toys, toys, toy, videos for kids, kids videos, cartoons for kids, motorcycle, slumber party, pajamas, flashlight
Id: 5eoHu8i1-FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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