Evil Plan | Bratz Series Compilation

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[Music] kids [Music] check this edge is what it's out about yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] having such a good time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] slamming moves chloe the magazine's fitness spread is gonna rule awesome i aim to please people stop the press yes check it we just scored this year's tween voice award and london milton is flying into m.c are you rubbed raw by repugnant rivals yes irked by annoying adversaries yes beleaguered by belligerent brats yes then do we have the product for you you do yes the amazing hypno zapper our specially patented miracle device for remote control revenge simply attach the transmitter to your enemy's pda and then press the red command button on your hypnos zapper and your target will be instantly hypnotized forced to follow your every wish or your money back watch how easy it is clock like a chicken [Music] mother of pink and that's not all order now and you'll also receive absolutely free our patented transmitter holding case call 1-800-555-4109 cheers yeah and i want you guys to know that i will be all chill when i accept the award no freaking no squeaking promise what do you mean when you accept the award yeah wait up angel yeah pretty princess and cool cat are right i should accept the award chloe you'll do the makeup jade clothes and yes you're right my um our acceptance speech now if you guys no way oh no the brats won the tween voice award and not us birdman's head's like gonna explode yeah and she'll like make us clean it up ew [Music] [Music] the hypno zapper my weapon of mass destruction [Music] now how should i use it to destroy those insufferable brats in their magazines well what do you two want the brats have won the tween voice fears and funky award please don't hurt me fierce and funky award that means they'll be accepting an award in front of millions of viewers perfection i'll hypnotize as many brats as i can and command them to humiliate themselves on stage they'll become an overnight laughingstock and their magazine will go down in flames give me your pda no where's the instruction manual attach the transmitter to the pda just press the red command button and you are in control huh i am the royal berdine and you are under my command yes hop like a rabbit now bark like a dog [Music] here's the thing i should accept the award because my dear chloe column is the magazine's most popular yeah but i'm the one responsible for the funky fashions as in the fierce and funky award please it's my leadership skills that makes me the most qualified to give a speech now i've jotted down a few things i want to say wait why don't we just flip a coin that way we'll know oh look what my idiotic interns have done now [Music] they sat on their press-on nail glue and now they're stuck together but you're the one who quiet you incompetent chloe you and you asked me get trevor dumb jade and i will get to evil dumber here let me hold that for you here let me help you out [Music] ah ah [Music] ah [Music] so [Music] [Applause] victory let's tell this once and for all i should accept the award because i have the best speaking voice hold on got a message i am the great hey what's with your screen and you are in my power entrancing ha i got two of those verminous brats we hear and obey your royal pinknitude clogbratz clog like the wind it works i can make them do anything by tomorrow night the brats will be mortified out of existence um what are you guys doing stop clogging give no sign that you're in my power nothing so about the award no hey if you guys want to accept it go ahead yeah it's cool with me too what wait what's the catch no catch well okay then if you're sure perfection i still don't think this is gonna like work look if bird lips can hypnotize someone so can we we don't even need the lamo hypno zapper we'll make cameron and dylan fall in love with us and then they'll buy us stuff i love you what can i buy you snap out of it oh here they come so ask her out and she said she'd rather get a cavity filled you know playing hard to get what's this guys hey what's the big idea what can i say bro i'm irresistible women fall for me right dylan you [Music] check out the thumping speakers awesome and look laser lights let's go about the stage time to implement phase one of my plan stop chloe and yasmine from appearing in the show tonight do whatever it takes thank you thank you [Applause] i don't think so chloe we better decide who's gonna accept the award cause oh my gosh are you okay i'm cool that was way close hey where's jade and sasha sasha j oh my gosh that could have come crashing down on our heads and not just that we would have been unconscious for the awards oh you just wait you miserable little brats where's jade and sasha maybe sasha and jade are sussing out the dressing rooms or something rockin a catwalk on behalf of bratz magazine i thank you all for the awesome award we love you too i want to thank my mother my father my hamster my teachers my nanny my don't blow your cover chloe yasmin are you all right fine i guess where were you guys um looking for you you know you guys have had a rough day you need some de-stress time before the show tonight well actually come on angel i know just the thing to help you chill so before i can say what's shaking bacon she slams the door in my face now some dudes would read this as rejection but i know this is just one of her games that she's crushing on me big time why did you get to do the hypnotizing instead of me because my voice is like so more melodic than yours cameron and dylan you will do everything i say was that a tweevel [Music] they have got to be kidding i am irresistible see hey girls what's shaking stupid boys you suck at being hypnotized yeah not with jade and sasha liberty jade and sasha are hypnotized here you go yasmine it's an organic face lotion guaranteed to provide surprising results oh it feels wonderful oh i am so so sorry you must be allergic i'm sure you feel awful especially after all the nasty things chloe's been saying about you what what things this relaxing aromatherapy rules hmm what's that smell it stinks like a skunk ugh what's in this stuff oh i don't know this has never happened before get it off now ugh poor chloe it must be terrible to smell bad especially when you must already feel bad about the nasty things yasmin's been saying about you what things okay yasmine what exactly do you mean by calling me a conceited self-absorbed spotlight hog i never said that and how dare you say i'm a condescending egghead whose bad poetry isn't fit for a cereal box you've lost it no you've lost it girls girls at least you're both pretty and besides you two are friends you need to work out your differences and what better way than to do it while soaking in a nice foot bath two-faced backstabber spoiled drama queen hey are you guys like ready to go to the tween voice awards show [Music] chloe something is seriously wrong here what's wrong is hanging with losers like you which is why we're now hanging with fashion winners oh come on kirsty and casey we've got an award show to hit oh no you don't not without us my feet i can't move yeah well fast drying cement will do that yeah see you fashion faux pas later oh my gosh why would sasha and jay do this to us i don't know but something's been up with those two ever since we won the award it's over for the bats pretty princess you know i would never say those things about you and i would never talk behind your back either bffs bffs air hug oh this is simply too delicious two brats in a tow gem the other's entirely under my control when sasha and jade accept their reward tonight i'll make them trip over their shoes their tongues their hemlorns i'll embarrass them globally discredit their magazine and ruin their lives i don't know what ferdinand did or how she did it but i have a sick feeling jade and sasha are in serious trouble oh what are we gonna do oh check it out bro bookends did sash and jade do this to you yes how did you know we heard it from the tweeevils bird butt hypnotized sasha and jade hypnotized that explains everything we gotta get to the awards ceremony but we'll never get anywhere in these cement boots okay looks like a job for an electric pry bar and a mach 7 jackhammer what is it with boys and their toys back down demolition boy just fetch my ultra excess exfoliant rub from the bathroom if it can scrape away dry sun damaged skin it can scrape away this muck evening dudes and dandies this is london milton welcoming you to the tween voice awards it's time to get fierce and fun k your royal berginis how do we look you two look absolutely wretched yeah ladies and gentlemen give it up for fashion trendsetters sasha and jade of brass magazine winner of the tween boys fierce and funky award oh my gosh bratz it is now time to implement phase two of my plan i want you to behave exactly like those idiot interns of mine yes burn meister hi this is more fun than short-changing girl scouts [Applause] whoops [Applause] oh please oh please oh please let this work jade and sasha no vlogging just be yourself express yourself express myself in front of millions of people with no prepared speech or no clue or no immediate short-term memory as to how i got up here no problem ladies and gentlemen we are super psyched to be here and thank you tween voice awards for voting brass magazine the fiercest and the funkiest our goal always has been and always will be to bring you fashion like you've never seen it before and introduce you to the tunes of tomorrow and let you in on the hottest scoops but we can't do it alone give it up for our partners in style chloe and yasmin thanks cool cat you rock everyone the girls with a passion for fashion solutions let's give it up for brad's magazine so after i hit the deactivation button you two will be permanently de-hypnotized oh my gosh it didn't work they're permanently hypnotized psych hand it over i don't want that thing within 50 feet of me you get it all right a little lower that's it come on it'll be so worth it the trials and tribulations of bffs became the cover story for our next issue of bratz magazine when good friends go bad cool article khloe you might even call it mesmerizing and congrats on the award i wonder how poor old bird lips has taken all of this do it again do it again stay tuned for our next issue and thanks for making the girls with a passion for fashion number one where is cool cat with our burgers chill she should be back any sec hold it next time we take the stairs all 20 flights let's like start a fashion trend crystal dog bowls as hats yeah our motto could be show some class wear some glass here let me try it like smooth moved it's girl oh no bardina's gonna us not if she doesn't find out come on let's go to the mall and buy a new one before she gets back don't worry my precious royale we'll be away from that horrible little bratz girl in her mangy feline in a second let me out let me out well don't just stand there you useless bratch do something ah bertine i am not your slave once again i no longer work for you remember oh mother of pink what is that your lungs what are you trying to do kill me make me fat i only eat greens spare me your excuses you are fired hear me fired and not only will you never ever work at this magazine again you will never ever work at any magazine you are fired for life in fact even your children and your grandchildren are fired so what you're saying is you deliberately sabotage this elevator to get back at me for firing you from the best job you ever had you're trying to kill me what you're the one who's always trying to destroy us i've got to find a way to destroy brat's magazine once and for all i must destroy brats must destroy brats must destroy brats i can't wait [Music] at last thank you for ordering from voodoo dolls are us to instill pain in your victims just follow these simple directions [Music] you've been after us since the day we started the magazine in your dreams exactly we must destroy those belligerent brats in their miserable little magazine once and for all bratz it's time for you to go to that big catwalk in the sky [Music] [Music] it's like taking forever that's it i'm calling the restaurant to see what's going on with our order hey remember the time we went camping and we were so hungry we almost ate a fish [Music] oh no i broke a nail and now i'll have to what chloe that fish was gonna be our dinner that fish [Music] no one's picking up the restaurant i'm going down there to find out what the problem is [Music] hey quit it before you break something hey what was that some crybaby who's been like screaming forever somebody inside me i'm stuck in an elevator with one of the brats oh my gosh cool cat is trapped with bradiness i left the message with the super who knows when he'll get it poor cool cat she can be trapped in there forever and what could possibly be worse than being stuck in an elevator with burdeen being stuck on an elevator with casey no being stuck in a car with kirsty you're like so complaining you're like the worst driver ever just park it okay kirsty now what casey why are we still like moving oops i always forget to put it in the park [Applause] oh do you think there's one hit the brakes wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] the other battle [Applause] you think getting stuck with her in a car is bad try getting stuck with her on a mountain with no way down oh my gosh i can't go any further we need to like find a place to rest or we'll die up here and starve and get frostbite and our toes will turn black and be all unsightly and then we'll slowly freeze to death and maybe be buried under an avalanche so deep and even those cute labradors can't sniff us out and then a hundred years from now they'll find my moms and wonder who's that skeleton with a really cute outfit there's like so much that i've ever got to do i'll never find all the hidden ponies in that cereal box game or see what my nose job comes out like let's try and get to the ledge and rest there oh looks like a neato idea oh no i can't but there's an avalanche oh that is so unlikely see no one can stand you casey hey one on one with you is no prize either i'm dancing i'm like a rapper like sorry okay again i'm dancing look out like how is that ugh maybe we should start with something simpler that's nothing remember when i interviewed that celebrity london milton we were held hostage with both of them so like how about an interview for your thing magazine your thing sorry i don't talk to magazines to do articles on how to blow your nose after a nose job that was my idea hey how much do you got for allowance uh 50 a week that's it we get 60. so like how can you afford your mega rich lifestyle uh it's like so not like mega rich the parties i go to are free so are the museums and the libraries you go to libraries yeah i love to read especially mysteries wow so do i like what do your parents do anyway they own a hotel chain and do charity work well our father's a doctor yeah a podiatry and our mother's vice president of women against change yeah there's got to be a way out of here would you tell your obnoxious feline to leave my adorable little royale alone adorable [Music] [Music] hey what do you think you're doing oh i uh thought this was my pda yeah right you are about to erase my contact list trying to sabotage our magazine again how dare you accuse me of such a thing why i've never done a thing to harm any of you or your despicable publication really what about the time you almost made us flunk out of school your assignment is to put on a complete fashion show from start to finish pink must be the theme throughout what how much time do we have to put it together three days that's impossible oh and by the way it counts for 70 of but we can't do this project and still put out the magazine or the time you hypnotized sasha and me hold on got a message [Music] i got two of those verminous brats we hear and obey your royal pinknitude clog bratz cog like the wind it works i can make them do anything by tomorrow night the brats will be mortified out of existence or what about the meanest thing you did of all stealing micah give me back my royale at once what are you talking about don't give me that my girls put them in the cage with that horrible cat of yours i mean you stole my micah give him back jade i didn't steal her i just barred him give me my dog give me my cat i don't have her i don't have him apart it's the other way around it's you brats who are always trying to take me down what are you talking about how conveniently we forget [Music] ten years younger my pumps this is a ridiculous waste of my valuable time hmm perhaps i need to rub harder ow my skin it's red oh mother of pink i'm allergic what was that the flash i forgot to turn it off who is in there i demand you show your face at once you come back you you paparazzo photographing me without my makeup is worse than anything i have ever done to you fashion freaks whatever look for right now we've got to forget we hate each other and work together we've done it once before i love it more than anything in this world even myself i've had my mica ever since she was a tiny kitten she's seen me through everything minis platform boots the corduroy craze she's my best accessory she sleeps on my bed every night and nuzzles my face i'd do anything to see royale's wagging little tail hear the sound of his pointy teeth as they nash casey's nose we've gotta find them what are we waiting for [Music] uh you two are gonna work together since our animals were stolen together i think i can push through that ceiling tile and climb out give me a foot up okay oh you just love it if i got my lovely designer pink suit all filthy wouldn't you no way oh gosh please don't let me suffocate in here and have the last thing i see be the color pink [Music] cool cat can you hear us please answer jade oh my gosh what if they're passed out for the lack of oxygen and by the time jade's finally rescued she has to go to the hospital and she's a really mean nurse who steals all of her flowers and it's over get well can't chloe jay's a survivor and she's had it a lot tougher than this no way what could be tougher than being trapped in an elevator with a raging lunatic with bad taste fighting off a ruthless kidnapper [Music] [Music] almost being turned into dog treats by vicious pit napper sorry but you two are dead meat or more precisely dog meat you're going to take a little trip through my food processor and voila it's off to shelves in the pet food section fish and surviving an entire morning with the tweevils wow this is a lot for one person maybe you guys can help me out sorry n.o.p n.o.p not our [Music] you got a lot problem things [Music] [Music] i've got it hey let's call the guys maybe they can pry the elevator open angel that is so sexist just assuming that guys are better at mechanical things well sometimes they are that's not true watch see i know my way around a bike i can even make the noise [Music] switch it all off all right i give still one should never underestimate girl power especially when it comes to surviving the great outdoors [Music] oh what was that chloe my special honey and oatmeal-based facial mask i mean you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that bears like honey hurry up what are you doing [Music] stay right where you are i'm coming with you hey bring my takeout food bag with you what's in it four burgers with extra cheese ah i knew it carbs you are trying to kill me oh carbs are you trying to make me fat you get the idea now eat up or it's tweevil time for you chop-chop mother of pink do you know who i am i am boutique maxwell the founder the president editor-in-chief of your thing magazine and the rainy queen [Applause] the back fine [Music] [Applause] kirsty casey out of my way hey it sounds like the elevator is working again [Music] what no one's in here [Music] where is angel with our food anyway boy those last 10 flights of stairs are a killer you should have taken the elevator and risk getting stuck with the tweevels again no way it was weeks before any of us got on an elevator again and who could blame us but at least we got a scorching cover story out of the experience surviving life's unexpected ups and downs with style everybody now everybody now [Music]
Channel: Bratz
Views: 315,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz, bratzillaz, bratz episodes, bratz dolls, bratz toys, toys, toy, videos for kids, kids videos, cartoons for kids, skateboard, laptop, award, catwalk
Id: VKG81luxaPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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